Pokemon Crystal but I'm Team Rocket

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I'll explain what the challenges today but it's probably the coolest challenge I've ever done in Pokemon it's pokemon crystal but you are what you beat whenever I win a Pokemon battle my team is replaced with the trainer's team that I beat basically I need to win with whatever I happen to get and I cannot catch any wild Pokemon we might get softlocked I don't know so let's start the challenge off you'll understand it once you see it so here we go pokemon crystal new game a and T good stuff cyndaquil absolutely will take cyndaquil I think that's a great Pokemon - yes it is that sign created this for me I will be naming our starter at sign thank you at sign for making this possible I appreciate it so much are we going all the way to red yes we are so we are fighting one it's the the rivals name is the one so question mark question mark question mark sent out Totodile okay but here check this out this is what happens when you win a battle at sign use tackle we win the battle we gain 70 exp we level up that's fine and now question mark question mark question mark was defeated are you happy you won and got 300 for winning and discarded Pokemon ant stole question mark question mark question marks Pokemon we just threw my old team away and now I have his Pokemon so now if we look at my party I have the Totodile that is what this challenge is I'm literally Team Rocket do I keep the exp games no I don't keep as you can see my Totodile is level 5 with 0 exp and the bar I don't keep any exp in between if I get a new team I suspected a romhack but what the heck it's cool isn't it the rival is 1 all right we got rid of the 1 I'm just small and now I love how in in the lab there were like all of that thief he stole the Pokemon but it was me the whole time but yeah if I were to win against this Ratatat it wouldn't discard my team it's only with trainer battles I can still train up the team on wild Pokemon so we're never really stuck will your team change if you whiteout no if I lose a battle my team does not change all right all right the first battle I just lost so I'm trying to find more Pokemon wait you look weak come on let's battle what happens if you get a team full of meta pods I don't think there's any wild trainers with a team full of Metapod you know isn't there a metapod trainer somewhere I don't know I hope not all right youngster Joey was defeated ACK I lost again doggone it I discarded my Pokemon and I stole youngster Joey's Pokemon let's go is this the is this the one is this the top percentage rat attack is that what this is and let's do another battle I don't know if we can even win this there's a guy with six Magikarp so I'm gonna try and not fight him huh all right we're fighting against a Pidgey now a level-two Pidgey with a level four Ratatat we have tackling taalib tackle away yo this is a really good rat at that look at how much damage is Ratatat doing this is top percent damage now we do have to fight like look at how much I do and look at how much it does nothing it's basically nothing all right Rattata one leveled up all right cool very nice just got a pokemon stole my keys I'm liberating those Pokemon yeah I'm libero god no I fought a bug trainer no no oh this is gonna suck I have to win a battle with the level 3 Caterpie but we did steal this party now we have to level 3 caterpie's all right hopefully we can win this if not we might have to do like a battle or two to grind and level or so cuz yeah Caterpie please be level 2 please be level 2 if that's cool level 2 okay you're getting a worse team now yeah now I'm just getting a team of level 2 caterpie's oh okay we have a level 5 Caterpie so good yeah it's so nice love having a level 5 Caterpie yeet stole bug catcher Waits pokemon look at our team oh my lord is it good okay so what we need to do is let's start by going into the gym right I would like to go into the gym with an Onix but we need to defeat these trainers first so I'm gonna try and defeat the first trainer in the gym with my team if we can that's great the first one is a spiro spero is level 9 [Music] so um looks like we lost this one what did I expect honestly what did I expect and yeah you see I white out I have the same team so we're gonna go into sprout Tower to maybe get to maybe we can beat a Bellsprout maybe a level 3 Bellsprout I can do that yeah because we have poison sting all right oh god we have to do [Music] we have to defeat two more bells routes oh my god okay all right so having only vine whip on a Bellsprout is gonna suck what am I gonna do against the rest of the belt sprouts in this tower we have three Bellsprout now what we're going to do is we're gonna go into this cave and trade up my bail sprouts like one or two levels all right oh yeah we will be able to fight some geodude's and level up a few times cause if we get to level 7 we get growth and once we get growth we won't lose Oh Bell strugglers growth at level six okay cool we should be able to win the next battle now an idiot for a new jet five challenge we're doing a gen five I think after this challenge you're doing pokemon black or white - except I leveled down instead of love a lot so my Pokemon get weaker every battle from level 100 no I start at the normal level it is crazy yes anyways we're gonna gross all right so we're plus 6 on the gross now I accidentally use seven please do a lot Oh beautiful okay yeah we'll win this battle alright level eight on the boat wow my Bellsprout getting so strong it's level eight already Wow huh and we're back to three level threes okay too bad it's gone thank God for dark cave yeah thank God for dark cave all right level six that gives us growth awesome let's get out of here this is the core concept of this challenge you know we have the exact same team or maybe even I have a slightly worse team and yet I still won using strategy that's what's so good about this challenge okay so I'm not going to fight this guy yet it's because we're gonna save him for the the gym the other guy is a hoot hoot hoot hoot please yes good so we should be able to take out this hoot-hoot and then we can go into the gym and defeat the first gym trainer okay and it should only have a level nine spiro spero is really good though [Music] yeah so we're gonna start with growls because I think it only knows Peck oh my god that does a lot let's tackle them death now cuz Peck isn't doing much anymore bandit Apple isn't either but we Kenneth we have items it will yet be a one health and we have one the first trader in the first Jim all right we stole Aves on to the next all right bird keeper runs until Pidgey now we do need to fight two piggies I think we'll do one layer and then pecks probably worth it so if you like we're gonna be doing more than two packs which makes it worth it oh my god Spiros good did you see how much damage I did Lear is just laser beams the laser Ives you lower your defenses to if you were hit with a freaking laser all right so we defeated that trainer we have to level seven pidgeys we're gonna go defeat the the Bellsprout man in the top of the tower all right we stole sage leaves Pokemon we got that team now flash will be good for accuracy lowering and grinding battles yes flash is actually going to be pretty useful I remember it weird funk mom could learn flash yeah all of these pokemon can learn flash I'm gonna teach you dude flash I'm gonna be honest I don't think we need the Onix check this out I'm gonna try it once without the Onix this is only a level seven Pidgey whoo it only knows tackle I'm gonna growth six times yeah now vine whip it won't one-hit ko but it'll do a lot yeah it does a lot good my plus six I am at plus six yes and we took it out all right so we're going to flash and we're gonna flash it as much as we can please don't ko in one hit oh my god all right we flashed them accuracy is lowered we're gonna flash him again he met this hope we hit another flash another one another one let's go flash go to clutch baby emits is another this Bellsprout it's so good [Music] whoo yeah he can't hit me he can't worries that minus six will find what he can't hit me I've won I should probably use growth once in all honesty he can't hit he's never gonna hit me again he's never gonna hit me again we're good oh yeah dang it haha let's go okay alright who do it level ten all right it's a minus six now we can just tackle away if it hits me it's gonna do one damage but most of the time it's gonna miss I think we just won this gym battle unless it gets like a crit and it might need to Chris so that's gonna hit me three damage that's nothing man tackle first Jim is down just like that let's go so now we have a level 9 Pidgeotto and a level 7 piggy I'm gonna try and avoid as many trainers as I can because I feel like this team is pretty solid don't want to fight any bad trainers what happens to health items they disappear forever I believe we chuck him away no no found some good Pokemon in the grass at least they're good my good ok he said he found some good Pokemon so my team is going to I'm gonna get a really good team here right really good team a really good team we got a Whoopie boy he's not wrong he's not wrong we have one Whoopie boy the best Pokemon he ain't lyin he ain't lyin never fight another trainer that's the goal that is the goal youngster gordon-gordon gimme gimme it come on Gordon Thank You Gordon look at them he's so happy he's so Whoopie dude it please tell me I don't battle I'm here good [Music] well at least he'll have rock-types a rupee boy is going away like a Russell was defeated and stole hiker Russell's Pokemon alright such cool idea for a run it is pretty cool patters yeah hiker Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony okay haha this is gonna be a long one Oh his nose rock throw is that too gonna do one still yikes I think we just white it out well we waited up Team Rocket's blasting off again all right let's talk to Kurt who are you you want me to make some balls spy team rocket a little bit team rocket brought down Raddatz at the aren't I Team Rocket what is why you fightin me come on I'm on your side Team Rocket is in fighting after Giovanni left the lack of a costume is confusing the grunts I guess you know I'm just in the undercover rocket alright last rocky grunt let's give it a try alright Rocket grunt we're fighting against a single coughing what level fourteen a single coughing we're gonna have to supersonic get to start obviously hey we hit the supersonic up good this is gonna be a tough one to win I think it basically has to get hit in confusion all right I'm gonna send it maybe Rattata maybe the grout tailwhip it like I don't know smog yikes geez that does add four points we've we got to get stupid lucky on this one all right we may blast off here [Music] we've dealt literally one damage to this coughing [Music] please if this coughing hit the selfie confusion like eight times in a row we're good [Music] that's a stuck dad to start [Music] I think it has to miss its tackle next turn I've hit it supersonic might as well try no reason not to try tackle okay it does 10 damage good please hit the supersonic noe it is supersonic pack run little low on potions just still just a little low copy he's confused hit yourself yes I can win this it needs to hit itself two more times come on come on No all right hey yourself no confused her yourself hey yourself ears up yes one more one more hit and confusion and we win the last potion I used a lot in this battle used a lot hurt yourself hit yourself please yes we won haha we defeated the rocket grunt we stole the rocket grunts Pokemon nice now what do we do with this coughing we do have to fight this trainer I think we're going to fight the trainer in the gym spin around okay spinner wrap should be easy to beat right spinarak went down one more spinarak I'm assuming ladybug oh this team is hot garbage and we had to fight them all right let's see if we can do it one Pokemon of Paris Paris is pretty good oh yeah we have poison sting too nice okay yes scale yes good got it we're not blasting off we're all good all right he's gonna hit me twice he's gonna be only three times he's gonna hit me one more time and then it could stop let's go dan I'm good easy win stole bug catcher Bunny's Pokemon so let's see what our team is now because we got a B drill what's its moveset look like yo a fury attack god that's terrible okay we're gonna try and fight this fire breather just to see what it just to see how it goes if we can get the fire-breathers pokemon then we will be able to win the gym I think level 9 ball picks will work that actually does a lot yes five hits five hits oh don't amber nah we would have won come on Oh what why did that you're so little [Music] I mean we got the Vulpix now just gonna see just just out of curiosity can we beat Bugsy Louisville 16 Scyther this quick attack KO me Oh quick attack okay we're blasting up again I have a clever idea check this out we have $900 I'm gonna spend all of my money right so we have 56 pokey dollars grinding against wild Pokemon sucks right but if I lose the battle I don't lose my Pokemon so I'll defeat Cal Kuna I'll defeat Metapod and then I'll deliberately lose to the site sir until I just win so we're gonna grind on Bugsy leveling up and because I spent all my money we don't lose any money quick attack we're getting taken out all right there's another way don't all right this actually could potentially work amber they uses fury cutter that doesn't do a lot [Music] if we get a burn we wit we could win hit another fury cutter heck burn we need to hit one more time potion again I think this may be an attempt that works because it didn't use fury cutter so now it's gonna try and quick attack how much damage that do 15 damage we've won we just won [Music] there we go there is the second badge all right now we have Bugsy's team for the rival battle which is significantly better let's fight our rival one tell me something is it true the Team Rocket is returned whatever yeah I mean yes it is true it's me I have returned I am back okay so gastly it's gonna be the hardest one to defeat obviously so I guess we'll just try poison sting it and misses hypnosis that's awesome it likes me that's fine I should probably harden a little bit so when it licks me it does less gastly has to run out of peepee if you harden enough all right you just got to get hard he's using spite poison sting was reduced by one calf can I use poison sting but no PP is left I think he's running out of PP all the noses spite same oh it you struggle let's go it's starting to struggle at long last a string shot it's gonna do nothing it's gonna struggle it's gonna hit me and calcula is gonna level up quick bite man easy fight alright this is fine well despite their I think I'm gonna Lear once I think we Lear and then we just quick attack that's probably all we got to do leader now what do you guys think fury cutter it does more damage it expected it doubles the damage instead of base power okay let us double leer excellent it misses fury cutter and one more turn and we win I think water gun huh that should be it [Applause] there's the rival battle down hell yeah all right we defeated them with the hood Bugsy steam I work with that you know I take the week and I make them work do we just try the gym I'm gonna get this and I think we get a Jigglypuff from her and I think Jigglypuff can learn flash [Music] Jigglypuff fainted we won the battle against the reject buffs we're going to teach flash to every single one of my Jigglypuff's every single one first attempt at Whitney with three level fifteen Jigglypuff's yeah we're gonna start with flashes it's gonna double slap that's fine we hit our sing awesome how do you flash something at the sleep we're opening its eyes even though it's a sleeping Bastion lighten to it and then closing a thigh back down it works now we will defense girls six times that's cruel adds life [Music] just fine we can heal three hits sing hit the sing it's just it can do anything I'm just setting up on it defense curl excellent and two more all right so that is all the defense girls we need now we have 2x attacks we're gonna use that hit the double slap doesn't do too much we'll put it back to sleep now we pound away oh it woke up oh he tried to double slap crit don't always close metronome don't be like a one-hit ko move or something hilarious goodness we have enough peepee honestly I don't know I do not know excellent the setup though yeah so our plus six defense we're gonna start by singing it and then we'll flash it over and over again so sing it missed its rollout and we hit the same that was just a 10% miss on the rollout hit the stop that's gonna do a good amount oh that's some damage there's the third flash if I was on the receiving end of this I would be yelling there's a sixth flash okay now we can just pound uh hit a stomp oh no I flashed spooky oh I'll take it fast asleep and now we'll just punch it a bunch I was thing not missed yet I'm just that good it's all skill okay it's all skill a crit oh how nice no think it's fast asleep oops looks like I won first try it was easy Whitney it's easy why you're mean you shouldn't be so serious thanks to your Pokemon nerd do we beat when you with Jigglypuff's yeah I needed I use to level 15 Jigglypuff's to be Whitney well that's three badges let's keep going okay we are able to get through this now it's gonna be a tricky battle guys we're gonna have to fight this the sudowoodo the wiggly boy the Weebly boy attacked Oh No the boy do be wiggling all right we got rid of the wiggly boy perfect how easy was that I'm gonna try Morty the gym leaders than absent you'll have to leave oh so I think we will have to fight our rival first I really don't think we give me two rival with just a tangle of but I'm gonna give it a go and we got to get out all right we're blasting off again so which one of these has the Jolteon I'm not sure far right is Jolteon okay see Jolteon please cool Jolteon all right and it is level 17 that's not a very high level it's actually the lower level unexpected time right well that was really easy that was way easier than I thought he scarred the Pokemon we stole kimono girl me Keys Pokemon let's go so now that we have a Jolteon we might be able to do it Thunder shock if I had a good physical move to hit him with that would be nice but I don't want to teach him dig [Music] it's annoying honestly I was gonna reset we didn't we were gonna lose that battle so what we're gonna do is we're gonna defeat Vaporeon with our Jolteon we're gonna defeat flareon with our Vaporeon we're gonna defeat Espeon with the Flareon we're gonna leave Umbreon for the gym let's go flareon nice all right so we got the SB on now all right confusion 1/8 kale if a what a KO is we're in a really good fight [Music] very nice okay so do an okay amount not an incredible amount but it's still a three at Keio all right dropping I use rage how very smart of you crock enough using rage instead of bite huh is so dumb the worst it's gonna do with sonic boom or supersonic but like we're gonna kill it with three hits misses super Sonics get the sonic boom totally fine it misses super sonic let's actually go excellent never user agent sucks yeah rages terrible okay and then Zubat easy win and now we have a really solid team super effective one was defeated there we go whoo this is why I hate battling wimps there's no challenge in it what alright wimp give me your Pokemon thank you so much now we can fight the gym I'm gonna save I'm just gonna give this battle a try just to see how it goes I'm just gonna give it a try this team might do well against the gym leader if it doesn't we're gonna try Umbreon like I think all of Morty Pokemon are just stronger than mine so I don't think this is gonna work and if we lose [Music] we blast it off again normal is normal immune to ghosts in this Jen yes it is so we can only get hit by Dream Eater if we have a normal type oh that is kind of useful do we have an awakening you buy awakenings I'm gonna buy six awakenings this should be the 3do oh man yep good and as long as it has a non normal type move we will win here because we can always pack the Duat if to do all nodes pursuit that would be awesome and those pecs okay this wins this team will work okay cool so we upgraded from a level 17 Umbreon to a level 15 16 and 17 doduo excellent let's take this boy out alright like the worst thing that he can do is curse honestly what I should do is just constantly switch I think because then I won't take any damage if I just constantly switch I'll never take damage and they'll always curse this is gonna be weird but just switching all the time it's gonna make it so they they're going to curse over and over and I won't take any damage from the curse [Music] I mean whatever like it's gonna curse to take itself out so I can switch now he sees right through my strategy okay yeah but just just this is this will still work okay this is still fine it's going to curse and then realize that yeah okay it curse now we'll switch again to the strong to do all and now it's gonna mean luck or hypnosis but now that I've done that it's going to curse me again [Music] and it's gonna take itself out or not you know that's fine too now it's gonna either put me to sleep or curse or it's it's probably gonna try and put me to sleep so we're gonna switch and hypnosis is gonna do nothing and now that I've switched it's going to curse so I'm going to switch back how do win a battle without attacking and it takes itself out your Morty's about use Gengar will it change yes we're going to switch to the sleeping to duo to get rid of the curse but also we know it's going to use Dream Eater this turn because I am asleep so I'm just gonna switch now to my other 2 Duo it'll either curser Dream Eater most likely Dream Eater Dream Eater okay now probably Peck is gonna try and hypnosis this one doesn't have curse we will Peck it's gonna mean look mean look does suck but that's okay I would have preferred to have the strong one in on this turn it misses another hypnosis that's excellent [Music] it's hypnosis that's fine so I did by a reasonable amount of awakenings for this battle because I was gonna try and Dream Eater and it's gonna do nothing and then we'll Peck its gonna miss its enosis it misses another hypnosis [Music] and it misses another hypnosis but a use Haunter will you switch yeah we're gonna switch to level 16 and apparently this one doesn't know curse gotta be creative in the twin yes you do to get a level 25 Gengar with a 15 to do oh there we go there's Morty fan tastic that's Jim number 4 done we stole leader Morty's Pokemon give me some direction I'll tell you guys a story I'll tell you something interesting the coolest thing you did in high school all right in the high school in our like friend group but I think in general I had a reputation I was ridiculously lucky I guess is a good way to put it not like when the lottery I here's an example I was really good at just if someone happened to throw something I could just throw my hand out and catch it like a hundred percent of the time that I tried if someone threw something near me it would land into my hand even if they weren't aiming for me I would just be like snatch something like blind and it this is that that happened a few times if they would like throwing around candy in the room I remember hearing like here a catch and I remember just throwing out my hand randomly catching it and then taking it and the person that they were giving it to they were like you know what keep it just keep it the worst time that happened was there was people throwing an apple back and forth across the room just for the fun of it they were throwing at each other whenever they weren't looking so they didn't like notice it and they would have to catch it really short notice like they wouldn't make it known and I remember like writing down and I saw in the corner of my eye that they were about to about to throw it so I threw my hand up caught it took a bite and chucked it back so when the other person caught it they caught it with a bite in it and they're like what the hell so I remember hearing them catch the Apple they're like you know this is rotten right and I remember feeling the Apple in my mouth and it was just mush and I was like and I just spat him to the floor it was the horse it was it was disgusting it's not the best ability to have all the time it's a cursed gift okay my worst highschool final school was never really an issue for me I'll give you an example of what my average math class was like I remember going into my math 12 class I think it was seven people in math 12 it was a really small school so for the first day I brought in I brought in a Gameboy Advance SP with Pokemon emerald on it I remembered taking it out when the teacher was talking I started playing it while he was like teaching the lesson he's like tanner ki put that away I was like okay and then the next day I did the same thing I bring the Gameboy Advance SP like I would be obvious about it too it's like I am I am playing this right now okay and then he would be like you put that away and then after like a week or two of doing that instead of asking me to put it away he would just instead focused his questions on me so he would go and I'd be like all right tanner what's this I pay enough attention that I'd understand what's going on at a certain point what happened was he stopped asking me to stop playing Pokemon he just let me play pokemon for the whole semester so I would just bring on whatever I want play on it there was one day where he kind of snaps but at me we're on good terms like he he didn't really dislike me he wrote something on the board one day and there was a mistake in it and I was like yeah that you that that number should be not that number and then you're like okay whatever and he fixed it and then the next line that he wrote for the problem that he was solving there was another mistake in it I'd point that's problem and I go back to playing the game cuz it just didn't sound right and he did that like three or four times in the row and it got to the point where he's like you know what why don't you teach the class this was like all right and so we swap places and I taught the lesson for the rest of the day he's like what not even kidding that actually happened he just got so frustrated he was like I hate you I hate you that's what he said in class but I mean we were like the reason why that happened is because we know what we know each other like outside of the school as well like he was a family friend it wasn't it wasn't bad what happens if you get stuck on an island but don't have a surfing Pokemon I'm not going to all right let's try the gym I think there are required battles yeah all right let's try the gym now all right hitmonlee hitmonlee should be pretty easy because we do have surf yikes that'll do a lot it's level 27 did I save I don't know if I saved didn't remember if I saved I did okay I'm not even gonna try that yeah we need a better team oh you know what should we take Chucky yep all right we're stealing Chucky oh it feels good stealin is yucky him on lis level 27 versus a level 15 Chucky where the draw is gonna jump kick its gonna do nothing nothing what could go wrong flash maybe I don't think can Chucky learn flash if Chucky could learn flash that would help a lot yes it can oh if Chucky can learn flash we win it can okay I'm not even gonna blast up Oh perfect yeah I think we're good enough that we can flash now because it won't ko me good so now there's a one in three chance I believe that he misses and loses half of his health hey there it is okay finally freakin [Music] jump kick deals one damage it only uses losses of 1/2 HP this gen oh my god well we'll take them out eventually so like I'm gonna withdraw all the way and then we're just gonna wrap it to death my level 15 Chuckie is gonna do it the Hat at level of 15 Chuckie with a hat is gonna take others hitmonlee flash is absolutely a godsend yeah nice Chuckie hat and now we wrap I forgot Chuckie is who twelve levels under Hitmonlee yeah it's a little bit low keep going your crash ah-ha-ha-ha-ha you're just gonna relax and take out the hitmonlee why does it take so little damage from jump kick because I have six withdraws up and wrap he misses the jump kick and I wrap there we go 50 level 50 he's shuck he took up the 27 hitmonlee you wouldn't believe it unless you saw it yourself two levels were shucky good job Chuckie yeap we got Yoshi smoking oh God so apparently it's a gauntlet then let's fight the next one all right second battle was easy now that I have a pokemon that's a little bit higher level it works great I think this is the last trainer before Chuck can I just strengthen ko it in one hit no no first time in this dream anxiety King welcome to the stream what what the heck they straight this busted dude this isn't gonna 1 hit ko though this one won't yeah I didn't think so you should be using karate-chop nanana we don't need to stole blackbelt long spoke month all right I'm gonna give Chuck just one try just out of curiosity just to see if I can we're probably not gonna win it's Chuck time [Music] his primates already stronger than mine my lord if it only ever Lear's then we win right [Music] that actually does quite a bit that'll probably one-hit ko me make sense probably strength again it's gonna leer me it misses does that mean he'll try to leer again if so this is pretty helpful [Music] it mrs. fury swipes wolf it mrs. fury swipes again it can't hit me let's go fight leer it misses its dynamic punch it hit the dynamic punch that's a one okay oh damn alright primate I believe in you buddy come on come on come on get a crit just take them out in one hit please crit wouldn't have even done it hypnosis really dude not cool the only miss the dynamic punch looks cool right abuse strength okay hypnosis myths mind-reader [Music] great great [Music] haha what why did that miss I don't know but we won first try we stole jon's mom on the gold I don't know how hypnosis missed that doesn't make any sense he used mind-reader and it missed anyways here is Jasmine let's go let's see we're gonna start with primate that's good because we have to fight the electric-types to start and then we'll switch in the water-type to kill it [Music] right job super-effective one EK o excellent teach strength for the steel types nah it's rubbing in a thunder wave me hits okay and then one more supersonic we have a 1/4 chance to hit I believe so [Music] we hit ourself confusion but that's fine we're complete we're fine go through break through break free nice oh you can hold a paralyzed deal before battle I could I don't need to it's a one third hit myself I mean we out speed we're fine okay now Polly your ads can take on the steelix and surf should just crush it it won't do a ton but it'll do a bit about okay never mind it did a lot we just love all right that is gym six awesome this is probably one of my favorite challenges so far so I'm super happy how well it's going I will call it a day today be sure to you know follow subscribe all that stuff you know Twitter discord YouTube twitch tick-tock I think that's all of them yeah
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,186,242
Rating: 4.9401927 out of 5
Keywords: Nuzlocke Randomizer, Randomizer, Randomizer Nuzlocke, pokemon, pokemon crystal, pokemon gsc, pokemon gold, pokemon silver, pokemon randomizer, Speedrun, Speedrunning, Speedrun fails, pokemon speedrun, pokemon gen 2, pokemon crystal randomizer, pokemon only, you are what you beat, team rocket challenge, team rocket
Id: AzewBCkVWRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 33sec (2673 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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