Minecraft, But It Progressively Gets Harder

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minecraft but every day the difficulty gets harder life in peaceful mode is pretty good you don't get hungry no monster spawn and you regen very fast but as the difficulty goes up things get harder and harder so for this challenge after every single day i will move up to the next difficulty and once i finish hard mode well i move on to impossible and then nightmare and then finally cursed i found myself from sleep in this and i've set myself three extra challenges i must get full diamond armor spawn two iron golems and get a pet dog can i do all of this and defeat the end of dragon well today that's what we're going to find out also i'm trying to hit 2 million subscribers this year so if you could possibly get your grandma to subscribe that would be great and here we are in the world it's quite nice being on peaceful for a change however i need to act fast because very soon things are going to get much much harder one of the most important things i definitely need to do sooner rather than later is to try and find a village well i suppose i could just use dandelions as food instead that could actually be quite useful i found some sort of cave and yes there is some iron here i think my biggest thing is i 100 need to find the end portal before i get to cursed difficulty so far only one iron has been found it's not going very well nor is it going very well for this big all these ones over here but we're definitely gonna need more food let's grab this eye in here there's only one again what is going on now this is much more like it i'm doing pretty well in the iron department i can make full iron tools before i go deeper into the caves i'm going to grab a load more wood and i just realized i can use these to get some mushrooms the reason i'm so focused on this type of food is because when we get to the nightmare mode you're not allowed to eat meat i feel like 23 should be enough let's get another pig and i found what i'm looking for a brown mushroom i had no idea that an axe absolutely destroys mushrooms did you guys know that this is actually an op strat you want food just look at that speed give me all the mushrooms you know what this might be my new speed running just find these and do that oh there goes me accident and it is now night time which means when the sun rises again we'll be moving up a difficulty to easy i know my iron has finished melting as well i feel like a shield and a boat are pretty essential and probably a new axe and this is now all finished smelting one of the quests i have to do is find full diamond armor so that's what i'm going to begin searching for now and this looks like a pretty good spot for it diamond hunting isn't going that well so instead it's time to do some strip mining right now on the f3 menu you'll see it says day zero once that changes to day one the difficulty will then get harder and we'll move on to easy mode and in the meantime we've got a bit of a cave here it's actually a really really good cave aha we've found some diamonds it better not just be one it looks like it's only one but be very careful about this lava underneath it as well yeah it's only one but you know what it's a step in the right direction we are now on the next day which means the difficulty is now set to easy you know i was really enjoying just minding my own business now i've got to deal with mobs finally more diamonds or should i say more diamond hopefully we get something good at this mob spawner i'm going to be a little bit careful it's a skeleton one let's break that get rid of you there's nothing useful isn't it beautiful opens into a lovely cave with diamonds and this time there's actually a decent amount i can at least make a chest plate now oh beautiful let's mine up all of these is it three it looks like it's gonna be oh five six i'm gonna craft a pickaxe first and some boots and then more times this has been a massive return to form in this cave and there's a lot here as well now we'll make some leggings and i just need four more diamonds and i've got all the diamonds i need oh beautiful more come on be all the diamonds we need yes it is we thought we've got to have some spare as well perfect let's craft that helmet get rid of junk that we don't need and make our way back up to the surface whilst i've got it i'm also going to grab 10 obsidian just to be safe unfortunately this is the part that takes forever and it's very very boring might as well have some iron smelting whilst i'm at it and that is 10 obsidian let's pick up the water grab my furnaces grab a load more iron for later i think digging out is going to be my best option and it's currently night time so once the sun comes up that will be when we get to the next difficulty and since sleeping would advance the time quicker it would mean that i'd have less time to prepare for the harder difficulties which is why i'm going to avoid sleeping at all costs looks like we've got a room portal up ahead the gold is going to be very useful indeed excuse me sir i'm trying to collect this loot the chest was hidden under here although other than the flint and steel it's not very useful i found something else i need pumpkins i need two of them and the next day is upon us which means we're now on normal difficulty but thankfully there is a savannah biome over in the distance although now i've thought about it i've changed my mind about finding a village i realized it made more sense for me to just sheer sheep to get wool since i won't really have the space in my inventory to have loads of beds although is that yeah we have got a village there'll be some useful stuff there like probably the hay bales they're going to be quite useful i suppose the extra aim will be useful as well as well as hay bales just in case i need extra food because i can't eat meat later in the room right next door is also a room portal i think we're going to use this to go to the nether here's my working portal right next to the ruined portal that's like that i'm going to check on my iron i do need all this to smelt i want to remember let's carve the pumpkin and i can do a quick bit of farming and use this bow meal to grow them and now i must just sit and watch them i found some pumpkins in the distance finally i was losing the will to live waiting for those other ones to grow this was all because for some reason i decided to make it a challenge to also spawn two iron golems in the room although they will be very useful for going against the blaze when you find an enderman you always take out an enderman and don't get an independent from it are you kidding me there's three of them here and from all that effort i got two ender pearls it's so much easier to trade with piglens let's just go for this guy without messing about that's another pearl at least that's kind of good it is also the next day so the difficulty has been upgraded to hard and i just fell down hole i'm starting to get a little bit worried i have one hour to get to the stronghold i don't want to be looking for the stronghold on cursed difficulty right off the bat we have got a pretty good nether i reckon i can find a fortress fairly quickly thank goodness i have found a bastion i need the fire resistance potions from the piglets that's my main thing and i really want to get in and out of here before impossible difficulty starts sorry diamond but you're getting thrown away this has quite a bit of obsidian which is going to be handy i'm going to grab all this gold down here and start trading with them finally i've got the most important thing fire resistance i've finished i've got all my pearls i've got all my trays i've got fire resistance and i have a matter of seconds before impossible difficulty begins and there we have it impossible is now upon us i think if i get set on fire it just never goes out in this yeah the only way for it to go out i don't know why i just did this the only way to go out is to get in water or drink a fire resistance that's the only thing that's going to save me but it's still never going to stop burning so i've actually got a ticker timing now i've got nine minutes to either put out this fire or to find a fortress and get out of the nether oh and all endermen are angry at you as well i forgot about that one get out of here in hindsight that means this is a very bad biome to be in thankfully find a fortress shouldn't take me too long because i can just pearl around although skeletons are very powerful now i actually probably won't avoid this is just horrible what have i put myself into first thing i want to do is make a cauldron and put out this fire because it's kind of driving me crazy there we go that's much better it doesn't mean i can't do that again but i'm just going to wing it okay if we get hit by a skeleton we're done for i found another bastion which means we're in a totally useless place that is the last news i wanted to hear let's just go down there i forgot an impossible things have a random chance to break and my boots broke which means i saw sun valley is hands down the worst place i just want to find a fortress this is horrible let's just pull over there i don't i think we'll be all right up here thankfully pigmen are angry at you is that what i think it is thank goodness we have found a fortress i've got to get a move on and get those blade rods i don't have to worry too much by my estimations i have about 10 minutes till nightmare mode begins here we go i've got my golems ready though so that is going to be a useful thing there's the spawner up there let's hurry i think the best strat is to drink fire resistance first and then just fight these guys i can what are you doing all the way over there but once i get set on fire there's no going back i also do want to set a bit of a roof and then i'm safe in here are you kidding me i got punched and my chest plate broke now this is very annoying i've decided it's time to summon the golem let's put you right there these guys don't stand a chance let's put the other one up there we go all right fellas do your worst kind of want to watch this oh my goodness do they just one tap them they do not stand a chance i want to test them out if i get set on fire with fire resistance does it go on forever no apparently it doesn't it's gone okay that's pretty good to know bad news these guys want the pigment they're not interested in the blaze never mind they've woken up i've got two minutes ten to get out of the nether because i am now on fire i think it's gonna be a smart idea to pre-build my porting but i might just have to leave now with seven rods it's getting risky you know what i'm just gonna go for it seven rods should be more than enough and it is night time i need water there's ice down if a mob finds me i'm gonna be in big big trouble let's just jump in this water in fact we can go back and get more i don't know why i didn't think of this sooner there we go we've got extra blaze rods now we've definitely got enough i don't know how much time is left of the night but i'm just boxing myself in and now nightmare is here which makes things even worse especially since the pigment came through the portal and he is trying to attack me i hope he he's right there let's just get out of here also any large fall will break my leg and kill me so i've got to be careful with that pigs also disappear and say they used to be a pig look at this guy over here see you later i also can't eat meat hence the reason i've got dandelion suspicious chew also one of my quest was to get a pet wolf so let's try there we go we got ourselves one we've completed all the quests now we just need to get to the stronghold and beat the dragon i also need to find the portal room before i get to curse mode otherwise it's going to become way too difficult whoops i forgot that i i bounced you up thankfully i had a water bucket but i got to be careful i'm in a really bad biome for this across big things like this i've kind of placed blocks to safely get across apparently i'm boiling in my arm does that mean i have to take it off what on earth is this game well thankfully we are an ocean hopefully it's an ocean exposed portal room it's over that way it is now night time more than ever i need this to be in the ocean it's not looking good it is not looking good in any way shape or form which way is it wait no it is above the ocean somewhere maybe just maybe i've got lucky and it's in the mushroom biome oh my goodness i think it might be you see the thing about mushroom biomes is that mobs cannot spawn in them and that includes the stronghold so if i'm exploring the stronghold in this biome i'm gonna be completely safe i think it's pointing over here yeah it's right here that we need to dig down this is the chunk for anyway but because you drowned so fast underwater i'm gonna dig down in this spot and then dig along and get to the correct part of the chunk this spot here is pretty good okay very very good and now i've got about five minutes to find the portal room before cursed mode begins is there any mobs i don't see any i hear a skeleton through here i don't like the sound what's on it where did all you go i didn't forgot about silverfish being ridiculously crazy in this and i hear the portal room i think we're there we are there okay okay okay all right let's let's just let's not panic i've run out of blocks come on ask me what's going on here just pile up in the corner i'm going to attempt to get over here and break the spawner like that perfect let's block up this and then with this lava we can get rid of the rest of the silverfish there we go job done let's put all of the eyes into the portal frame there we go right now i'm taking my time preparing all my items the difficulty has now become cursed i know looks i've got blindness i've got everything ready it's just me versus the ender dragon let's go for it where we are okay we've got an exposed one right off the bat we've not got blindness down here so straight away endermen are going to be angry at me so i kind of need to just get a move on here i've not got any armor i kind of want to just keep away from them if i can here we go now they're all after me they're very very angry indeed let's just carry on over here i'm going to be one cycling the dragon that is the plan but it's not quite as simple as it normally is although if i just go over here i can start building up i've turned on hitboxes so i can properly see the dragon as well i'm very worried but i think he might be perching which is going to be really really annoying for me because i know he's not perching before i do anything else i want to get to why about 110 one two three there we go we are there now if i go above 220 i will float away so i'm just at this height so i've got a little bit to jump up if he fireballs me like that see we just jump place it and we're completely safe now another good thing about going so high is all the endermen have despawned so when i end the pearl to the middle there'll be no enderman near enough to attack me and because i'm doing east west strats he will perch opposite me when he eventually does perks but it could be a while i think this is it i think he's about to perch yep there we go he's let's do this okay i took a lot of fall damage already which side is he on he's on this side so let's just play some blocks there put this like that okay here we go one cycle baby i'm on the wrong side it doesn't matter i can do this i messed it up big time but i've done it there we go the ender dragon on curse mode normally the port will disappear but if you stand here it will teleport you in just like so it teleports me before it can disappear and there we go we beat minecraft as the difficulty progressively gets harder
Channel: SB737
Views: 2,317,947
Rating: 4.942522 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, progressively, harder, gets harder, progressively harder, harder difficulty, hardcore, cursed, impossible, nightmare
Id: l0yEF0FsRNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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