I Got Another Minecraft Speedrun WORLD RECORD

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what's the best way to get a minecraft world record well i'll tell you you just speed run a category that no one's ever done before this is half percent we have to get half of all the advancements that are available in minecraft and no one's ever done it on a random seed using glitches so that is what i intend to do and already i've got seven advancements out of the 80 available let's grab these dandelions and thanks this dark oak forest we can easily get mushrooms and some brown mushrooms right here and with that i can craft suspicious stew it would be nice to get some more iron but since we're in a swamp we might as well get diamonds oh my goodness have i just dug down into a mine shop i've dug down to lava which probably means that the diamonds that would have been down here are gonna be overwritten by lava but instead i can grab iron while i can oh my okay well we we got some diamonds i was gonna say it's worth getting out this game but hey that's good good stuff so another achievement to get diamonds i think i want to get the cover me with diamonds one as well so to do that we just have to make some diamond boots there we go i also forgot i need to do a glitch so that this goes in the glitch category i could do an x-ray glitch but i mean i can't remember i do but i think you do with a composter but if i jump in larva and then i go ahead and save and quit then as i rejoin the world as you can see i have a invulnerability and that is technically clashed as a glitch so uh this is now in the glitch category guys we're basically guaranteed the world record let's go ahead and create a chest plate might as well get the the full thing i'm also going to make myself some shears i think a shield will be useful as well and i'm not quite ready for the nether so we're going back to the surface i'm not sure if this gets me an achievement no i think it needs to be a skeleton error and thankfully for me it is dark so there are skeletons in the area if i block his arrow not today thank you good sir and i've got some arrows if i go like that we get take aim as well and up here we have a ruined portal and there's a village over there i reckon i take these gold leggings just because they're going to be useful and of course the gold blocks as well and if i go like this there we go a bit of tactical vision thankfully nobody's in this bed because i need to do sweet dreams i'll be honest guys i'm pretty much just making all this up as i go along if i was actually taking this seriously i look at all the enchantments in advance look at this more diamonds i mean i don't know do i need anything else in here i guess i can take the iron now i believe i can breed a couple of animals together and that should get me another advancement there we go the parrots and the bats and there's more wheat to steal over here if we place a composter break this table we now have a farmer that will trade us wheat which gets me my 18th achievement i can't think of anything that i need to buy so i'll just buy an iron axe and i'll take out this guy to get some free iron let's share this pumpkin and then pick it up i can use that later to spawn an iron golem now it would be very handy to find a pillager outpost but to be honest that's probably going to be very unlikely let's also grab a bed from this village and steal more of their wheat and at some point i'm gonna be brewing so our brewing stand will be useful more iron from this guy and this blacksmith i guess the bread is kind of useful i was on the hunt for horses llamas or a donkey so we'll tame this guy there we go best friends forever and now that have 19 advancements i think it's best that i head to the nether i think grabbing more iron will be useful i really want to get that iron golem and i think with this bit of iron we have got more than enough this is also my ticket to the nether whilst i'm here i'm also going to get myself a diamond pickaxe i think it's just going to be useful thankfully this bit is pretty easy so i can light that i'm also going to get a bit of obsidian a it is an achievement and b it might be useful for like enchantment tables and stuff like that there we go ice bucket challenge that is achievement number 20. and lapis i definitely need lapis when i head to the stronghold i can use that for enchanting also i know they're called advancements i don't know why i still call them achievements so already we get one very easy achievement of going to the nether and i think yeah over there there is a fortress you can't really see it too well unless you look at the corner of the screen but i think it would have been easy to make a snow golem for this achievement i think it worked but there we go we got hired help what's going to craft the helmet so that nothing goes wrong let's head to that fortress only before that let's just give you that so you've got the shiny achievement and by shiny achievement i mean shiny advancement that's it getting boys oh look at that they're all having a massive fight now i don't think i started this but i'm just going to walk away this is also really good because there's a basalt delta over there and a wart voice over there so i'm going to quickly go into this basalt delta i feel like maybe going up that platform is easiest i'm doing the micro lens i should have probably done it when i first got to nether it's probably going to be a bit broken now although i'm kind of confident there's a bastion in that direction if we can land this we can get return to sunder and i believe going this far yet we went to a basalt deltas now we've also going to a wart forest or diamonds perfect and a saddle i can actually get another achievement with that i think i've grabbed the nether water now but i can't brew until i get water and here is my first blaze it would be amazing together with the skull but i i don't think it'll be likely let's just focus on taking out these blaze for the sake of inventory space i'm now just going to live off bread since i can also craft a load more i think i don't have enough blaze rods i can probably get out of it try one more time nope we just still didn't get away with the school oh look at that i'm nearly gonna die we'll just save and quit and when i rejoin i've got a bit of a invulnerability there we go i love glitched mode i wouldn't normally do that but it's literally a requirement for me to get the world record now then i'm pretty sure that there's gonna be a bastion in this direction but it won't be in this basalt delta look at that look at that micro lensing it's amazing now this is the treasure bastion i think it's best that i avoid that part of it so my first plan is to anger a few piglets and then if i give them gold i'll get the o shine thing although i don't know what what's going on i don't know i'm wearing more gold than i realized there we go get angry guys and then take the gold get distracted good stuff and then we'll put the armor back on although mining their precious gold will actually make them angry that's just the case of doing some simple bastion routing i don't use the fastest method that's out there that's just because i haven't learnt the new one so whilst it is a bit outdated i can still do it super fast i think it's time i got rid of a load of this junk and then we can grab all of this good stuff i think with this glowstone and the crying obsidian we can get ourselves a respawn anchor and then if we use four glowstone on that there we go another advancement i get another advancement by stealing their loot and on top of that i can actually use this crossbow to shoot it there we go that's another one like i'm about to start a war with this guy yeah look i'll just just okay well that was a one time hopefully they don't all get too mad at me that i just took out one of their own and that gives a total of 32 advancements we need 40 all together i've also just realized that i only have nine obsidian in my inventory so i'm going to try and get some more two pieces of gold come on guys don't let me down and with that they they let me down which means we're going into that place thankfully i do have fire resistance so it shouldn't be too bad i wonder if i jumped like this and then pause right here save and quit now when i rejoin there we go i mean if i had land on summit i wouldn't have taken four damage let's just get mine all this they're gonna get very angry but we're just gonna have to take it there's one guy okay we've got to make sure we don't die but if we get close to death i mean we can actually just join the lava and be safe and we've got diamond boots with cursor binding i mean to us i've already got diamond boots and only crown i'm sitting which is quite annoying all right guys you'll be glad to know i have brought you way way more gold i got loads of obsidian from that so i might as well just get out of it might as well grab a warp fun guy just in case i come across a strider t striders but they're like all the way over there i was about to craft a fishing rod but uh i don't have enough sticks although i have just had an ingenious idea we can grab whatever is in this chest with more obsidian that's good golden apple i don't really need that we can then complete this portal make our way back to the old world and i believe get subspace bubble okay we didn't get that because apparently we didn't travel far enough and we're miles below he said you know everything about this plan went wrong so i'm just going to forget that i ever attempted it and go to the walt forest since we have ender pearls we might as well use them so let's chop down this tree use the sticks to make a fishing rod turn into a wart fungus on a stick now let's grab some fire resistance and ride a strider here we go little fella let's just put a saddle on you let's jump on top right click haha this boat has legs and that gives me 33 advancements and it's going to make it a lot easier for me to find a soul sun valley look at this i'm just gliding through the basalt delta although this part is slightly painful there we go we're all right let's try to can't fit through down here so i'm going solo hello little fella we might be on world record pace but we can say hi to you i'm also less worried now because i see a soul sand valley up ahead although i do have to be careful because if i fall in lava i will probably die but that's not going to stop me speed bridging with hay bales of all things i guess i can make that jump yeah no problem this is probably my favorite achievement hot tourist destinations since i only need six more achievements i'm probably not going to bother with subspace bubble because to get it i'd still have to travel quite a long way let's get back to the overworld and head to the end thankfully we weren't that far underground i've found the surface now let's craft a load of ire vendors and which way are we going it looks like this way we are about 8 000 blocks from spawn so it could be a long way it could be quite close in fact whilst i've got this bit of spare time i could do the brewery achievement which means getting more cobblestone for a furnace melting some sand and then brewing a random potion and once i take that out there we go that's pretty much all the achievements i need i can get all of the rest in the end and the stronghold so let's just go ahead and find it i found a village on the way back so it's probably worth grabbing a few beds i just realized i can craft quite a lot of wool which is going to come in handy but i also need some wood to go with that also if you're wondering we currently have 35 out of the 40 advancements we need so far we'll get one for going to the stronghold one for going to the end one for defeating the ender dragon one for getting dragon's breath and one for going through the end gateway so in the end i don't really need to bother about doing enchanting sad to say this but i think according to my calculations it's going to be somewhere on yeah somewhere on a mountain if i'm not mistaken it's somewhere around here i don't really want to use any more eye as a vendor because if one more breaks then i'm going to be in trouble looks like attempt number one was unsuccessful i'm just gonna have to risk it and throw another one okay so i guess that was just a little bit too much to the side pretty sure that right here is a perfect spot well that's a relief i thought it was time to get a little rustic now i don't have to worry about much else other than finding the portal room how cool is this we've got time to to stop and admire it anything anything to me excuse me i'm spider i'm trying to admire a pretty impressive thing here you know i'm taking this music disc just for the principal and i found the portrait you see good things happen when you take your time on the music discs see this is a no if one of those eyes are broken i would have been in trouble because i did lose some blaze powder before but we are going to be all right we can go to the end let's do that we've got an advancement i didn't actually realize this but going to the end counts as two advancements but the end of dragon doesn't mind i just need to get some obsidian and i can go ahead and place that there perfect also whilst we're here if we drink this awkward potion which does nothing we can do that there we go we got dragon's breath let's craft a load more beds that looks pretty good to me don't really have enough blocks to build up as high as i'm supposed to hey if i want to i can get rid of a few of the towers to increase the perch chance okay i see if the dragon does that though it just yeah we're all right we have to build up one block which is why i'm saving a few blocks okay it's perching let's make all break time ladies and gentlemen let's try and not uh not screw this up alrighty number one i was i'd tell you what these are going all right these are this is perfect i guarantee you easy peasy lemon squeezy now we're not out of the woods just yet because i have realized that i need to make myself some pressure plates so let's do that let's right click the egg the egg has just landed there that is the worst place you could have landed egg i'm pretty sure i haven't done all the advancements but once we mine that grab it that is time if we do slash seed that gives the seed which is something you just have to do we did it in one hour 28 minutes and 46 seconds which would have probably fourth on the glitchless leaderboard but for glitched it's the world record i think you've actually prepared and got a better scene i could probably go for the glitch this one if you'd like to see that leave a like and a comment saying so and thanks so much for watching
Channel: SB737
Views: 1,671,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, speedrun, world record, minecraft speedrun, minecraft world record
Id: vwsft8ZItKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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