Minecraft, but every item drop is random

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so welcome back guys to another minecraft video and today we're trying something a bit different today we're trying a data pack by sethbling where every time you break something the item drop that you get is random okay it's it's not gonna be like normal so I'm you know we're gonna break a block of grass we're gonna get rotten flesh amazing it's obviously normally Minecraft the first thing you do is punch a tree but instead we're well we're gonna be getting a banner if we punch a tree and yeah we don't have much use for banners really do we know when so what your trade not worth it oh what what is this I don't know what I did this come from a leaf I can't guess it came from a oh we're getting banished from the leaves as well there you go all sorts it's up in here ladies and gentlemen well I'm if we break dirt then or we get sick oh well this is my day of pack ladies and gentlemen wait we could you unlimited fish from there from breaking dirt look at okay give different types of fish as well cod or salmon or when if we get a tropical fish as well so one thing you may have realized straightaway is how do I get wood or what a flowers drop okay they dropped acacia saplings okay that's the same exactly the same flower well what about what about grass oh that's whoa okay they're the ones that dropped this thing okay I'll make sense right let's say let's see what we get from this tendon what's it gonna give me strength okay I mean it's just weird it's it's a different way to play minecraft isn't it when we get perper slabs or eyelets and see what do we get from these flowers okay we get grease you can see the inventory is starting to get a bit cluttered already not a good thing oh we've got wood okay perfect all right this is perfect now we finally so these calm flowers will give me give me more give me strip would but what would you know I need I need to where I need to do it so there we go let's grab all that perfect okay if we see a flower it's getting broken now what about red flag all that puppies okay they give you birch sap and all right cool cool cool right we're gonna we're gonna take out a mob because they also gonna give us stuff so i'd see what what they've got to offer alright so if I place a crafting table now if I break the crafting table it won't give me the crafting table back by the way that doesn't matter because I'm just focusing on this so we'll make a pickaxe and we I'll just make a pickaxe aha how am I gonna get stone I didn't think about that way we're gonna just have to wood tools for now I'm afraid guys cuz I have no idea how I'm going to get stone again what's this going to give me crafting tables what are they what are they worth nothing okay well that's good to know let's see what cow will give me a cow I'd only can you really give me anything it's not to say I didn't see any can pop a let's see let's see if this guy gives me out come here mate no they're not dropping anything either okay sheep don't be like these cows all right I gave me a fence gate or thanks last brilliant Oh cows don't give me anything all right those are those are useless those are saplings all right it's its quest to locate stone now guys that's that's all I can do the pumpkins give me dark oak wood I suppose that's that's kind of useful in its own way I shouldn't make Mac's awesome but you know everything good actually breaks stone as well like I'm not gonna get stoned but but what do I get okay rotten flesh beautiful you know that's a Brit one fish more fish I'm always after with that stone breaks and we get candy nicely see what I got leather okay Oh what gravel Pistons oh well that makes that's a way better use for for gravel than it was before okay pigs are you gonna drop anything for me come on mate don't be shy doesn't look like he gave me anything okay seems like most animals yeah I don't don't finds it I wonder if I shear a sheep maybe I don't know okay right let's let's Karen search which it's all that's it Oh a jungle biome this could be my ticket to success guys you have no idea yeah this could be yeah this could be this is all sorts of new blocks jungle wood everything and everything like that so let's see what this has to offer and this is going to give me sugar box I tell you what storage I'll take that you know what that's like easy storage isn't it I mean this is this is a very different way to play minecraft has to be said yeah so I can't stick broke things oh no they do more sugar boxes really Wow didn't I expect that but the wood it's also gives me schalke boxes well why they both give me the same thing I'd say what vines are an easier way to get it that's for sure okay they don't stack I I didn't think that through and these leaves apparently give you a hundred percent drop rate of white terracotta oh nice to know okay there's been a forest fire all right don't panic all right I'm on my way we'll just sugar box is everywhere flow in from the sky yeah we're just gonna leave that be I think here's another interesting one cocoa beans you see things I don't know what's coming so like I could probably find out but I just can't ask boring I don't know I was expecting something exciting I mean that's pretty much like all there is dark era of sugar cane I guess that's another thing all that ferns they're nothing for Akane they just stares I mean please just give me some stone I just want to make some tools to be honest I've just spent this entire video breaking flower let's see what peonies give me okay red glaze terracotta all right well thanks thanks for that don't really care about it but more information is always nice what about chickens I'll give me scaffolding okay oh this guy give me a different kind of wall moaning you better drop more when you die I'll give you torches Oh grave sheep you ain't safe or I'm coming for you oh wait no I had a plan but I realize it won't work like that I'm gonna say if I keep placing grey wool and then breaking it but obviously to get gray wool yeah oh wait this is but potentially like 600 IQ now guys oh yeah I thought they might give me some what about like a brown sugar box you break that I bet it just just goes to nothing it's just a nightmare couples we've cracked the code guys are out we're going back to the jungle so while I'm away what these as your blue eggs Oh ender pearls I like the sound and wide only get one in the book I must be like a random chunk kind of a thing yeah not every time but sometimes you get into part of us that's kind of cool well schalke boxes are now my new favorite thing goes to make tools we need lots and lots of boxes are nice to work our way down here thank you very much indeed time to yeah just start placing them and and going like that so if we just go coming up no we can't do it I can use pick block apparently I don't know why so it's gonna be a long drawn-out thing but we're gonna get enough cobblestone to make all the tools we need I've also realized I can get rid of all the junk that I don't want though I want to know what purpose slabs give you you know we've got it we've got to find out these things as well Oh to note okay they give me this he's like oh well just keep going round and round and seeing what you get oh you don't want bridge Murray nope all right well we'll just keep changing that eventually you're just gonna get diamonds guys got pumpkins okay that's gonna give me pumpkins I've actually broke before and they do they just give you a random bit they give you pumpkins okay Karpin but I was gonna say yeah you keep doing it you'll end up with something you end up with nothing okay let's go some occasions always nighttime okay did we ever get Walt no all right we Yemm we need to go underground so very quickly make myself a pickaxe there we go upset all right and what else do I want like I've got food and stuff that's good let's just just mine up all of these there we go look at that speed okay we'll get a few more and few more of these things because they just drop the gun drop like flies it's like well this is like the fastest way to farm cobblestone going to minecraft is going very dark very quickly now what we can also do is put that in my off hand there we go alrighty well we can find out what other mobs drop evil mobs you know what no no not tonight I also know I'm breaking every rule look listen I am what are you gonna give me I know rabbits hide that's just useless yeah oh wait these could be useful there's nothing granite is pointless in Minecraft is easy you had a chance to give it a user instead they're the random drops it does nothing all right hopefully wait yeah we em we live to tell the tale after this all right Cole treat me yellow cats just getting worse and worse isn't it diorite Oh what okay you know that's that's kind of useful let's say let's open a slot in the inventory for you okay diorite is it diary I think it's died right it's not it's not undecided it oh it could be what about you you're odd yeah you know we're gonna we're gonna take a executive decision I'm gonna stay as his director since we're now getting quite close to bedrock I feel like I should be smart in how I dig down so it's not to completely kill myself or at more pointless RAM or worse to give me that I gave me actual food ha I take it back I'm glad okay let's set let's place another leave yeah we just every time we want we all in another space we just place the schalke box and mine there we go perfect alright yeah rabbit raw rabbit that's all I've got to ly so if we mined up loads of iron oh we can get raw rabbit you know I take you back I and you know my my new food sauce okay we found redstone I don't think I can actually break this will give me the loot if I if I don't break it properly we're gonna find out no I need an iron pickaxe but iron well we've not only success in finding iron let's put it that way we've now found our good friend the bedrock so yeah we're probably gonna find anything else I've interested I need my torch back out just I've just completely messed up they're having at em right torch yeah there goes all the light as well gonna have no I've lost my talk no no because when right yeah and let me let me think about this one okay orange banner what are you gonna give me don't let me down just give me fish I'm okay four feet okay yeah I just have to keep going so I'll find some light I suppose because yeah things are pretty dark at the moment with we found diamonds well look at this oh wait we can't mine Hawkes would have an iron pickaxe okay quest to find iron has got more important out we found gold we found diamonds we found redstone probably one of those things gonna give me coal I have no idea which one though took me a while to think it up guys but ingenious idea number two was finally hit my my brain of course I can make charcoal don't know why it's taken me this long to actually think that let's hope this becomes charcoal if it does I'm not gonna be happy at all here we go and charcoal is being produced perfect so now we can put that craft that together we can make more torches there we go there's light again beautiful we can see what we're doing we can go and have a look at the I'll look at little beautiful down there absolutely amazing okay alright stone here as well so we just need to find a way to get iron now I have yeah I have not quite got a clue how I'm gonna do one more diamond my goodness me the more a mine the more refined I was actually Matt Matt my thing was gonna be like alright so all the quest is in this in this thing is to get a diamond okay that's nice come in a quest video although having just said that I've just I've realised now like even though I mined those diamonds we're actually gonna get diamonds because diamonds are gonna be from some vowel why did it have to be like this I'm breaking a furnace has given me pink concrete oh every so although I'm gonna place that could you just give me diamonds band chants a green chalk about what's in this nothing I hate the ones that just do nothing yeah and I've just yeah I've just realized we're not just gonna get diamonds from doing that anyway so the quest continues to to work out how I'm going to find diamonds I mean I in first anyway I still do want to mine those and see what they give about this this is under sight isn't it yeah okay so what amplifier actually break this thing always could be interesting what nether brick walls or something why am I having so much fun with this and breaking these gives you absolutely nothing okay well yes don't really those am inventory I didn't even want them all about the dark oak fence game I could that could have some use and it gave me nothing okay I also useless birch sapling actually place you so you're also useless brown sugar box you'll always be my friend when you give me stone so so thank you very much I also haven't tried placing cobblestone and breaking I don't think about that block of gold hmm oh we're stinking rich guys gold galore worms if we actually place and break a block of gold then wait can we do that oh wait come on now that alright shortcut box it just became worth ten times more again because now uh oh we're going crafting we can craft some tools and we can craft tools that I'll let me break dying Oasis brick fantastic this is absolute turnip you've never just like you've never seen guys so now I'm pretty sure gold tools can like can break what I need them to break so can i miner diamond with that I mined gold of it right my way I don't think I can no well that redstone apparently redstone oh there goes that ingenious plan out the window guys I don't know if the gold block can be broken with gold no okay so you need it you know nine pics the only good thing about this is it's just gonna be like super quick to wear to mind so you know what at least we're gonna get somewhere a bit quicker you know find a cave find the useful things oh yeah a little bit faster all the durability was so terrible that it ran out already okay lapis what's luck it's gonna give me cuz I know I can mine that for a fact I ain't wrapped alas just not well well that carpet maybe Catholics will give me someone useful oh wait wait wait this could give me some good arrows that's something I suppose I'll take that alright um yeah what about one of these give me again just copy yeah okay never mind iron trapdoor I don't think I can actually break this without sad things happening okay so give me first give me a couple of it oh I got bone as well okay so dead coral what do you gonna give me Oh a blast as a smoker like a alright what are you gonna give me Oh a bit of cracked stone break this is this is Lee know it's like bingo or something oh well I better going concrete yeah what's that gonna give me you're a bit of a bit of lapis the lapis block gonna give me more bear string okay well that was a bit of a letdown it went all that way it won't string for it what about you oh that gives you a sign one well that's a bit of an excitement and that's gonna give me a stairs I just want a diamond because let me give me a diamond No well I mean we're finding more and more stuff but it's said it's not going well realize now I need to not break a furnace again because just completely losing his stupid waste and fancies are quite hard to come by so go another furnace can we get most exciting I was thinking was there's a few more a few more things we can test here alright so it's got actually place of clothes I was also I was hungry so I was thinking I should probably make some there some food for myself so I just took doing that so what if we place a purge plan what's that gonna give me anything exciting find out in a moment like that what yeah you know this I've got I've got plenty of leather as it is making it thanks for thanks for nothing what about a dark oak log could be useful let's not dismiss it one this is a dragon head look at that oh I realize need to break it again and that is gonna give me I am yes we got iron ok perfect we can finally mine damage but by getting dragon heads guys believe it or not we can really three of these okay wait so the only way I can get iron ore is by getting dragon heads isn't that stupid alright I forget now how axe they got dark oak logs to be honest with you okay why I've only got two dragons oh no I only poor no we have an extra dragon head for no reason no oh well who cares one of those things isn't it all right sir but one of them can be worn anyway if nothing else alright dragon heads I'm going to be using you to get my iron ore so I know jungle wood gave me give me Shoko boxes which will give me cobblestones and I wasn't breaking for those but what about okay well that one apparently gave me nothing what about planks will they give me anything abuse is an arrow which way is it pointing let's go this way noises let's break in see what it gives me Oh mossy cobblestone and where these mossy cobblestone there's dead bubble rock okay and then there's nothing alright well I also did want to check what AM what breaking a piston gives you anything Oh yellow banner was it yellow banner give you gold oh we got gold okay we already have gold two bills and not quite as excited as it were the thoughts we have like you know loads of well we have the potential to get loads of got well four loads of gold anyway well it's it's the thought that counts let's go make an iron pickaxe let's go and see what diamonds will give me okay diamonds better be something good at least okay he came is that a bone book don't tell me that got bone block a bone so dime do you you know I don't like this challenge anymore the bomb block better give me someone good the bone block gives you nothing diamonds pretty useless to be honest with you about redstone Quan redstone redstone ore it still gave me a slab okay what's this slab gonna give me nothing okay redstone also useless gold is my last hope Bridge oh wait and a stone brick okay bread and stone bricks all right well let's have a better lunch on the bread and let's yeah okay we're gonna leave that touch I see what's gates okay I need a gate gonna give me anything a redstone torch a redstone torch gives you that and that gives you a pressure plate and a pressure plate gives you charcoal well inadvertently gold gives me charcoal well thanks thanks for nothing nothing ever worked out what dark oak planks dude you know so let's test that out that was my last bit of potential I know but I don't need it too much oh they give stead maybe I did use them some point along the way I remember getting these stairs to get magma cream ladies and gentlemen so wonder what acacia stairs give I probably check before but I actually remember let's have a look okay I don't get me a potatoes and snow just what I was hoping for okay it's no time alright it's time to go on a slain spree okay I'm gonna die yeah one guy okay now we flee yeah a dairy we should have been we should have made armor or something but yeah I need more duck d'arco box bag come get him okay I'm welcome back to square one ladies and gentlemen can i still make a sword with this guy bring Dominik dropped me something amazing snowball snowball what am I going to do with these throw him your snowballs mate that's rubbish okay I bet I bet the skeleton is the one I need to take out but I'm gonna suggest to take out a skeleton I have no idea what Evers he's gonna die here mate look either you or me you didn't drop anything scones well it was been the most annoying mob to take out and drop a thing okay creepy ball you're gonna drop something random okay Manny the pickaxe news okay I have a crafting table over here have no fear guys I have all the the necessary equipment to dismantle this Sian concrete else one no abs if I break this black banner I'm the white bonus you never know we might get something useful today oh okay sure what know what I break the case you would we get a slap I'm so brave that slab will find out after the break okay oh dude excuse you beef all that suddenly makes things useful doesn't it okay pop Millicent take out the end of them but pardon me nose it's gonna be a tricky task okay nothing now all right let's um let's try and make ourselves a pickaxe Wow two creepers here waiting no I don't think you dropped anything if it did drop in this Inigo completely blown up all right yeah so I've got raw beef which is a nice thing okay we're trying I want to try and take out a spider but I know that's like certain doom all right we're just gonna have to do okay I'm gonna throw snowball on him go get his attention that's it OPA yeah yeah you're snaky spidery thing let's just risk it let's just let's just go for it only Minecraft pros can pull this off oh I go to this one end stone brick Wow okay after all that I pulled it off and then Oh zombie stabs me in the back Squigs what a squids drop something cool what you dropped manner I think don't slab didn't you what's an N stone slab gonna bring to the table nothing did you drop me instead let's go into a checker this is what my life has become just sitting here fighting stood yeah nothing it okay well that's that's a shame but yeah I mean this and concerned oh my goodness sons like the secret thing of Secrets sons everybody dreams in one oh my goodness I've never seen anything like it all my problems have just been solved by son but but you didn't think I'd ever say that before did you there's a son must be like the loot table for a shipwreck if that makes sense so yeah I forgot like shipwrecks are I run them as well okay I don't I don't want any of these curses of that of things yeah shipwrecks will give different things in usual too so that's worth checking out we've got wheat without TNT oh we can see what these break it will these drops run these these blocked what's TNT gonna give me ladies and gentlemen kind of want to make it blow up but at the same time it gives you nothing brilliant what a waste of time that was I'm gonna go ahead and craft a shovel and I've won do I know so I'm sure I'll see what what snowdrops yeah that could be interesting as well couldn't it I mean I'm really not have ideas for how to would track down Diamond so yeah we'll see if snow is the secret snow gives you sea grass sea grass is that it that's pathetic so brown walls any better I think I just got that from something bad that gives you beef that's like the cow Lulu trouble I just at least something good okay and one day I will find you sweet diamonds okay I'll give you berries that gives you a sapling ah well that's that's good to know I guess it's like what a which would drum which dropping that one probably not and anything else I saw have you seen no not really I think I'm I've tried them all they're all pretty useless and here we have a red mushroom don't do the promising from before a purple circle box not be useful that's going there give you a tester Unni that's gonna give me wheat seeds I love the weed seats not really so red mushrooms another useless thing yeah don't think I actually tried their Brown with you can we go back and find it remembering the brown mushroom could be a life-changer orange carpet all right it's not over yet a stone cutting ding a grindstone not a grindstone it's a stone cutter a stone cutter changes to a conduit and a conduit changes to I think money choose my fist on my pickaxe it could destroy it and you did destroy it in it yeah village oh and if you know what this could be this could be good okay I'm not sure exactly how but I think if they are the chests or they have also some new blocks I haven't broken as well this is all good good stuff guys only me would get this excited on this challenge okay let's see what when we break down the door give me something amazing come on red carpet I'll give you a few red carpet as well ahaha chainmail boots I like it over go near a red another brick yeah the loop Devils not great in here okay Oh red sense and gone okay well yellow bed and Vil's gonna break an anvil I don't know if I'm gonna keep it now I might it might just break what barrel oh that's interested in it and what I'm would break a chest as well the barrel would give me a purple Bana the purple banner will give me and stone stairs the endosome stairs giving permission okay boring chests are you gonna give me gonna give me chained leggings I'm building up my chain okay thank you mind if I do well breaking glass work cause it does work because well I I guess you don't need money don't touch raising like that Sunday give me a red Sun stone which when broken gives you a chest which we've already been there with that ya know Point Break and torch I think we already broke all these things anyway yeah carry on searching the village I don't want to come across as me I just wanna see it ABS if you take out a villager super drops near this is pure like a science mate oh you do dropped all right guys none of you are safe plant pot breaks gives you a cobble stone slab cobble stone slab breaks give you obsidian we've got obsidian we can go to the nether nearly okay all right what about the Bell okay everything in the villagers could get so if you give me a plump yeah yeah okay you're all safe it's alright no more information required sciences has got me far enough okay I think I've already done a stone brick I feel like I have to be honest with you yeah yeah I think we've been done but we'll finish it anyway yeah I remember getting redstone torch and then being just unimpressed with it I think was that the same as what gold gives you and then yeah the pressure plate gives you nothing nobody gives you go get charcoal okay what's something about this let's break it all I give you in mushrooms it gives you stuff what about you chip in oh look at this everything is every second dream up okay this build is probably gonna get attacked at night and yeah to be honest with you we've got a lot of a lot of junk around here so we're gonna just go clear the way well what do you know what nice to find enchantment tables that's cool isn't it okay so what are these I don't know if I can actually break but no I think I do keep back safe or break it okay gives me a bit of creeper face stuff we've done it we found diamonds and we're about to die for something to stab me in the back two of you get out of here this village one horse town thanks they're one big toothpick down right get out of it I found my diamonds I know meet shovels broke me stuff please we saw it's broken I said give me give me those snowballs okay so enchantment tables give you like treasure chest equivalents that's fantastic stuff to realize that's absolutely brilliant in seconds Nika stinking rich ladies and gentlemen isn't even the word my goodness me this is absolutely beautiful turning flowers into diamonds quite literally here look at it okay well things are just gonna get a little bit of course we've been lucky I don't know look at it ah beautiful what we can do now yeah we can go ahead and make ourselves all this iron armor happy stuff happy days there's my diamond pickaxe as well so now I've made a bunch of good armor okay look at that beautiful beautiful stuff yeah I want to try and make a few few little extra things like a block of iron and see what if I break a block of iron you know just need to find out these things give me a flower okay not too useful what was a block of gold we tried that earlier I didn't give me anything new food maybe maybe I did already try cuz I didn't make an advocate haven't given me nothing okay um yes I just want to see what I break this obsidian coz I have now got a diamond pickaxe I don't think I see need a diamond pickaxe but hey nonetheless I've got one and the Danny's going to give me come on up so you should be something amazing all right optically gotta be easy to get and break probably gonna be terrible isn't it I think it was nothing no I think it was actually nothing what I can tell all right well there you go all right um thanks village I also want to see what's here break your yellow stained glass over here I thought that could be an interesting thing to tick check out okay that's gonna give me a dispenser which is gonna give me one of those orange flowers these little pink fellows useless to me Oh God get out of it there as well let's see we can find him this is very very risky and stupid but I'm gonna try and take all these don't take this personally make look what I've got how about say I've got the armor to handle that but quite clearly I didn't and you know what I think I'm gonna end the video of that I got the diamonds that was mine my one quest was to find diamonds and we didn't find the actual thing that gives you diamonds from diamond door but we found what gives you stuff from treasure chest so that's that's good enough for me to be quite honest with you oh so now I'm gonna quit this and never try that challenge again but I'll leave the data back down below in description it was made by sethbling and if you want to try it out yeah leave like if you enjoyed this video subscribe ACLU's to channel and hopefully I'll see you guys next [Music] Oh
Channel: SB737
Views: 2,296,807
Rating: 4.8861961 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, item drops, random items, minecraft but, minecraft but every item drop is random, sb737, sb, sb737 minecraft, minecraft items
Id: QkDdr0YkfSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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