So I made Minecraft ACTUALLY impossible...

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Damn, I was about to share it to this subreddit but you were much faster than me

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Animezing_Legend 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
I made my own difficulty in minecraft now in that difficulty I made my craft so hard to beat that I call them impossible turns out what Z another youtuber actually managed to beat my difficulty without dying once so I had to step up my game and I decided to make a difficulty that is so difficult that it makes minecraft actually impossible oh and also there's a youtube glitch going around that is causing people to unsubscribe so you know please give it a check and see if that's the case it does help me out of time so to start things off I made it so that lava instantly kills you when you get set on fire you always stay burning whenever you're underwater you go out of breath incredibly fast and once you are you instantly die whenever you touch ice or anything cold you this happens you just ya know apply it on ya tools of a random chance to break whenever you feel like creepers instantly explode whenever they come near you and they're always charged and last Enderman automatically get angry at you even when you don't look at them you just have to get claw now you might think that that's already pretty bad but it doesn't end there those things I just showed you are just a little recap of what the previous video was that's just a little recap I've added way way more stuff than that but before I show you what else I did I just want to say there's one day left to get my March and after that this one's gonna be gone forever now a lot of people really wanted this one so I decided to do a free giveaway with three of these hoodies to three random people all you gotta do is just complete these steps and that's it pretty much easy as that whatever you spawn in the world for the first time you obviously you know need to get some tools you don't spawn with any and the first step to get tools is breaking wood now you break with with your hand right and I don't know how strong your hands are but if I punch wood with full force kind of hurts and I tried to simulate that ah it starts damaging you and it just keeps on doing that for the entire time you try and break wood or stone or any hard surface with just your fists so you really want to make some tools now whenever you want and whenever you try and go to a different area if you're not in air and not sneaking and just running around you have a chance to trip which slows you down for a certain amount of time now depending on if you run the chance of tripping are way higher I up them now just to you know showcase what it's like normally it's about every few hundred blocks but this can really be unlucky if you're in the middle of a fight and you suddenly get slowed down like crazy now you can see it says you tripped on a rock or a twig or some mossy you might be thinking hey but I don't see them I'm tripping on nothing I mean you can't see them and you know that's the reason you're tripping on them because they're invisible totally makes sense definitely realistic so you know how there's beehives in Minecraft and normally in Minecraft only three bees can be in one beehive I thought that was a little bit unrealistic so I had to look it up and apparently up to 40,000 bees can be in one single beehive here's what happens when you break it beehive then okay first of all now you're probably wondering why for a split second there you saw a of ravage er well I figured you know minecraft has natural mob spawning um you randomly can spawn a pig or you can see it herd of sheep or cows um Ravager is also kind of an animal so I figured you know what I'll just make them spawn randomly as well so whenever any friendly mob spawns there's a random chance for it to be your avenger' in this case uh you know you have a herd of chickens and one abnormally large chicken they can spawn naturally whenever a normal you know animal spawns which means when you breed chickens or any other friendly animal uh there's a chance you know you know I'm gonna tell you guys a little fact all right cows are better than pigs and I try to move pigs from the game but I couldn't it took me many hours actually I tried really really hard to remove them from the game but somehow I couldn't so I found a counter solution um they still exist you know there's still pigs in the game however that happens now supposedly this happens whenever you even get close to them and if you somehow manage to be able to kill it or deal damage to it ya know um you can't use pigs anymore good luck Cotton's gone there's a huge thunderstorm outside oh my god I can't record with this now whenever you try and sleep in Minecraft normally what happens is once you are able to enter the bed it just skips the entire at night you just sleep until basically done in real life I don't think that's really the case in real life you sleep for a certain amount of time no matter what time it is outside so what I did is I made it so whenever you enter the bed you sleep for exactly between 10 to 12 hours now this means that if you sleep early in the night it's gonna be just fine but whenever the night is almost over and then you decide to sleep obviously when you wake up half of your day is already gone also uh yeah you get incredibly hungry after sleeping you would probably think that hunger isn't that big of a deal you know you just eat up whatever you can and then you're fine but you know if you're not that hungry and you eat an entire steak you know there is something funny um if you decide to sleep right at the end of the night you might want to not do that and here's why whenever you feel well rested and whenever you select you would think you're fine but once again the night is soon gonna be approaching and once it does here's what happens you basically feel well rested after you sleep for another eight hours if within that eight hours night comes um well users have to deal with it you're not sleepy so uh yeah have fun with that oh my god no no no no no no no no no no no some biomes are tremendously warmer than others now minecraft doesn't really do much with that because obviously you have deserts and your snow biomes but there's not really any consequences to it now what I did was that whenever you're in a biome such as you know a savanna or a jungle or a desert or des never you don't want to wear any armor now the reason being is that it's so hot then when you start wearing armor over time you start to boil in your armor that's how hot it is that's how hot the biome is when you stand still you're fine but as soon as you start walking you are you are slowly taking damage up until the point that you die due to overheating even just wearing a helmet is already too much now it does decrease how much damage you take but it's still way too much so if you're in any of these biomes I really recommend not wearing any armor oh also cacti are poisonous speaking about the nether you uh you got these little guys right you know zombie pigman you know they're not really angry normally they're pretty friendly until you hit them um just like Enderman they now get angry when you get close which is deadly because whenever you get close and you hit one of them because he's a graffitied obviously the rest is gonna be angry as well you can do two things you can either make an invisibility potion for the entire time you're here or you can well oh and um as I'm trying to you know make minecraft way more realistic you know how gusts are in the game or ghasts or whatever you pronounce them yeah they're not really realistic so I just removed them just kidding they're invisible now they're not gone they're just invisible so uh you know I also decided to give wither skeletons instead of one stone sword to ayran swords so now they do more damage and look a whole lot more menacing because why not and if that wasn't enough um whenever you get hit by a blaze obviously it's gonna you know put you on fire for the entire time until you can reach water and you know how water doesn't really exist in another so the only way to actually get it is by putting water in a cauldron it's actually a little trick that my car does yeah when you do that I made it so the water in a cauldron slowly evaporates which means uh whenever you do this trick you better be quick oh and if that wasn't enough if you still think he can survive it you also have a very small percent chance to cut yourself whenever you deal damage now I upped it oh my god I'm screwed I am now there are still more things that I've added but most of them are just like small changes such as making skeletons even more lethal and if anyone wants to convince me that this isn't impossible I'll make a plugin for free just try and prove that you can beat it just give it a go I dare you anyway I really hope you guys enjoyed this one and if you did please do consider subscribing as it does help out the channel a ton worst case scenario you can just you know unsubscribe but without further ado I'll catch you guys in the next one and see ya [Music] outro song yeah let's go oh subscribe and stuff oh like the video yeah [Music]
Channel: Fundy
Views: 7,467,871
Rating: 4.944098 out of 5
Keywords: fundage, fundy, itsfundy, fundy minecraft, minecraft fundy, So I made Minecraft ACTUALLY impossible, fundy impossible difficulty, fundy mods, fundy challenge, challenge, minecraft challenge, minecraft but, So I made Minecraft, fundy garfield, fundy difficulty plugin, fundy difficulty challenge, fundy actually, minecraft actually impossible, minecraft, minecraft difficult, minecraft hard, minecraft hardcore, minecraft peaceful, minecraft fun, so I made, so I made minecraft, so I
Id: Z5Y8uwpJrhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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