I Beat Fundy's "RNG" Difficulty in Minecraft HARDCORE (Random Seed)

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first it was impossible then it was nightmare after that it was cursed which was a piece of cake and now it's rng difficulty where everything is random if you get a 20 you'll be rolling in the good stuff but if you only get a one then things are gonna end badly and we're going to beat the game on a random seed with this randomness going on oh and to add a bit more of a challenge we're switching it up to hardcore also 92 percent of people that watch my videos aren't subscribed so please subscribe because it's free and i don't upload too often so i i won't plug up your home page okay you know what there could be potential on the state the seed doesn't matter too much um but we have got a nice little mesa ban so i'm hoping we could just find some easy loot in some some chests because we gotta we're straight in a mine shaft to put it simpler well the mineshaft was a bit rubbish but thankfully mesa biomes are right next to deserts so in fact there's a temple over there i'm hoping yeah temples are useful i'm hoping for a village and then we'll have to worry about food in fact it's two temples one there and one there so i mean i guess i really need golden apples in in the temple because i'm a bit low on food but i'm starting to get loan food okay let's see what we've got sand beautiful more sand and string i guess what's this book yeah well if i was going fishing i didn't get a gap well that's useful a bit of gold somebody else gold's not that important because we're going to be getting a lot of gold today put it that way i might as well grab the tnt because it could possibly come in handy later and this temple is pretty much just giving like one piece of iron more sand and emerald yeah both of these temples have been a bit of a letdown so the quest for a village continues i see i'm sitting over there looks like it's a room portal definitely worth checking out i was about to give up and looking for the chest thankfully i've already discovered it okay let's get rid of that another golden apple that's useful a bit of gold and i'll take the flint's as well i don't know if i should i'll take all the point you know why why only take two which might as well take them off okay that's that's pretty useful it gives me a bit of extra hunger to be able to keep searching so this is where the real randomness comes in there's still no sign of so i think i'm gonna try and pick up some wood um you're gonna see what it's like getting what a very a very worrying experience it's always up okay we've got twit guys we're just we're just looking like that okay we uh we got 16 wood and we got a bunch of gold and we get 42 no no we didn't get 42 but we got like 20 or didn't we so i mean that's that's just what i was hoping for a lava lake there oh everything's just coming together okay i i might just forget the village for now no i do i do want a village wait wait a second i might okay that's a temple still worth checking out though i just realized there's a village right there okay there's the temple just about see there's the lava lake and there's the village okay we've got everything we need it's just all come together just just in one moment just getting that rolling the 20 and everything's gonna come together look at that sharpness and oh this sword is is great his shame is a stone sword really all right we know we're going to try and replicate it with the shovel see if we get ourselves a decent uh okay you know it's okay we don't need an amazing shovel anyway uh we're gonna go make ourselves some flint um it is starting to get dark which is always a bit worrying okay you know i don't care what happens to the flint we'll also make ourselves a shield i do want a decent durability on the shield that's always useful yeah that's good i like that a lot okay let's chug that in there let's get out of this little hole okay now the question is do i want to try and sleep or not okay i didn't want to i wanted a hoe as well you know we can get that in a moment don't want to try and sleep disastrous things could happen when you try to sleep you need a high number otherwise yeah it's a nightmare so being the person that i am we got a bucket there that's handy we're gonna try and sleep let's let's risk it all guys okay when we wake up we're gonna roll the number depend on the number anything could happen 16 there we go okay the sixteen go into daytime if you get a low number it stays night time and a load of mob spawn everywhere so i could have could destroy this village in one house sweep if i wasn't careful as it's always the custom we're going to uh take out this poor villager even though he's done nothing wrong he's made of it he's an angle actually he's not a villager dory we're not taking 90 villagers today sir just just got in golems but yeah that's his problem for being made out of uh being made out of iron okay we've successfully stolen all the hay bales we can now go ahead and uh make ourselves plenty of bread perfect so i think i'm gonna start by getting the wood to get in the pills it's gonna be easier than going to the or trading it with uh bartering with piglin so we're going to go a little bit away we're going to pick a tree and we're going to get some serious mining going okay so there's a chance that when you eat you get the rng thing as well and uh i got a bad one so i've now got myself weakness and slowness brilliant okay but it doesn't matter all right because we uh we're doing this so what we do is we're gonna we're gonna fill that up like that okay and then when we mine the tree let's say we get a bad number bees have spawned but they can't hurt me down there so what we're gonna do is just keep keep breaking these getting ourselves tons of wood look at that we've got nine there another two any bees that spawn can't hurt me okay i'm gonna be honest guys i think i've slightly broken this up hey we just got a 20. um we've got ourselves like yeah like four stacks but uh when i try and break a block now it's it's a bit laggy there's there's probably too many bees and the good thing is though bees obviously they're angry right now but if i give them a minute they're gonna calm down there'll be no trouble at all okay i think it is now safe to come out yeah it's a bit overrun with bees we should have a load of gold lying on the floor though here look at this beautiful stuff okay let's just pick up any gold that's on the uh on the ground there we go what should we get yeah we've got like four yeah we've got plenty of gold we've got plenty of wood we're pretty much set for the game now okay i might have plenty of gold and plenty of wood but have you got plenty of minecraft videos to watch well if you haven't then make sure to subscribe so you can see more of my videos and help me with my quest for 2 million subscribers i shall now pick a villager and begin trading with him as a fletcher so who would like to be a fletcher you sir you can be a fletcher one of you it's you okay you're gonna give me sticks you are perfect so we just uh we go ahead and do this this could couldn't have been easier really could it because we've uh we've got ourselves all the wood that we could possibly dream of and let's just keep training with him perfect 17 emeralds already i think there is a cleric somewhere you are a cleric at you sir okay let's uh trade with you a little bit so that we can uh hopefully get ourselves some ender pearls from you i think i can keep trading gold with this guy so he actually gives me emeralds back as well i've traded him all the way he's gonna give me pearls he give me glass bottles what kind of a joke is this this guy's let me down but nobody has to know what goes on in here okay you sir i'm giving you the chance to become a cleric and uh to trade pearls with me all right don't that's what happened to the last cleric okay yeah trust me you don't want to know all right let's give this guy a chance don't let me down as well you know what will happen to you there we go this is a guy that knows which side is bretty's butt that's for sure okay i'll uh i'll do some trading with this but have you have you restocked good sir you haven't oh my goodness you know what i might just employ another fletcher probably don't mind mate but i'm giving you a new job a new career okay yep this this is old news i'm afraid you're no longer a cartographer that's going to change why you just got an empty mapping i think i already looked at that be a flat tip join the booming business that is becoming a fletcher you won't regret it sir you could have more sticks than you could ever imagine there you go i know you love it let me buy more ender pearls off you okay perfect don't worry i'm just going to keep keep trading the system okay this guy is probably never going to restock now because i stole his job site i'm sorry mate i didn't mean it like that well this guy is restocked but his prices have gone through the roof mate what inflation and all that i mean i'm not really happy with that but i've got no choice but to just pay the prices i'm afraid i mean it wasn't like i worked hard to get this wood or anything was it so i guess i can pay it okay we've got 13 pills that's pretty good you know let's just sell him all the go yeah all the gold more of that okay we've got 16 pearls you know what place you're doing business with you sir even though it's getting dark i don't really fancy trying to sleep again because it's going to go wrong one of these times so instead we're going to make ourselves a nice little uh safe nether fall i need a different block to that you want to use yellow terracotta that that works for me all right let's go and make ourselves another portal and yeah we're just gonna go and we're gonna try the nether without armor which i guess is it's kind of risky we've got a bit of gold armor so i suppose that's that's something but um yeah maybe i'm being risky i don't know but you know what we're not in a bad little spot here okay i'm i'm kind of happy with the area we do need to try and track down a fortress which is it's going to be really hard but we can do it the good thing about the nether is you can mine wood in peace okay there's no there's no randomness in the nether if you mind any wood there okay and hopefully yeah you didn't add it to uh crimson or the uh the warped logs and okay now this is very handy indeed all right i've just got to somehow safely get up there which you know what we can take our time we can go a little bit around the houses we don't have to build a dangerous bridge over there we can you know we're just going to mine our way through i'm sure we'll get there eventually maybe risky here and try and make myself an iron pickaxe please give me a good number three are you kidding me i get three durability of mine pick all that beautiful crafting gone to waste okay by my calculations if i dig right about here there goes another pickaxe as i was saying if i dig right about here yes i'm out of cobble i'm out of iron okay because this stupid rng thing whenever i make a tool it breaks straight away you know what my estimations weren't too bad they were slightly off which is why i didn't dig directly down but uh we're pretty much at the fortress now okay and so the quest to take out the blaze begins of course i'm nice to get set on fire already it's not even a challenge really this bit there's no no rng in it it's just it's just playing minecraft so far getting the blaze rods has been great i've finally got one wow i've taken out about six or seven of these guys and at last they decided to drop me one or 19. look at that regeneration resistance bring it on guys i can take it oh my goodness guys we just got speed strength you guys don't stand a chance yes i've got strength bring it on we've got speed strength regeneration haste this is fantastic there's no blazer you know what i've gotta i'm gonna go and look for another blaze spawner look at this you want a piece of this guys you guys think you're so tough huh okay these guys might actually hurt me if i'm not careful you know what i take it all back all right i'm just gonna stick to blaze okay perfect seven blaze rods all righty i'm getting out of here now oh my goodness look at the speed of my hand have you ever seen somebody move that person i was like the slowest fastest person ever there's a quick traverse across and uh we're pretty much yeah the bottle's right there that was possibly the easiest nether ever okay as long as i don't do anything stupid i should have no problem in getting to the end now which way are we going we're going this way you know the nice things about acacia bombs and deserts even if it's raining it's not raining in these bands also another village over there we don't really have any reason to go there so we're just gonna skip it right by and carry on to the end i have ender number two all right it's still miles away in this direction it's a nice little spider spawn i don't know if there's anything useful here but we might as well break this block there we go perfect a bit of bread you know what that's made my day okay guys things have started to get a little bit airy oh wait that creeper may have just saved my life that's it attack each other okay that creeper may have just done the most amazing thing yeah we've got slowness i don't know how much longer eight more seconds okay we might have chance to eat no we don't come on come on come on okay okay we've got regen that's thank goodness that skeleton was all outgoing for me all right we're back to normal yeah we're back to normal that's right get out of here please be okay all right we got call from you know that's fine okay let's just get to this stronghold before okay okay you know we are back in the same boat we were two seconds ago only this time um things are gonna be a little bit tricky alright we're gonna wait for this guy to shoot and then we're gonna build him like that okay you know i'm just gonna stay in this hole until i've got full health again we must be getting close to the stronghold now okay yeah we are getting closer and closer because i think it's yeah i could just be i can just tell from the way that the eyes are working now we're getting fairly close of course there's two skeletons stood right where i want to be but not we're just gonna risk it all look at this perfect okay look at that didn't even stand the chance and now we'll do the risky thing of digging down but i'm pretty confident we should get safely to the stronghold look at that 19 regen that's what's going on above me they're just shooting each other but let's see how it's dig down okay yes this is the stronghold perfect let's just dig into here all right okay this is not the area you usually dig into when you okay we normally would dig into into this part when you find the stronghold but that's that's all good okay i've heard a sillfish there it is perfect so we're going to have eyes of ender to spare as well let's just go and fill all that in perfect alrighty you know what they can they can go over there i don't need those and now i'm going to try and battle the ender dragon i cannot die because obviously we're in hardcore mode so we're going to be very careful it looks like we might have to dig our way out of here as well there's definitely things that could go wrong with this like if i get the rng like say i need to eat i get the rng thing then the dragon shoots a fireball let me and whilst the rng thing is happening i've got the fire's breath you know things could definitely go wrong even with 30 seconds of slowness i can still shoot arrows through through tiny little gaps oh it's coming for me again this time it won't miss that's another one down actually you know what i'm a bit more zoomed in i find this a bit easier actually kind of lost count of which towers i haven't haven't done at this point i'm just doing them a very very random order okay we got rid of that one did we get all the towers if we did we can get in on this guy it might take me a little bit of time but oh okay oh oh okay okay apparently we didn't get all the towers at all right can we can we safely uh safely get rid of it let's do this are you ready we knocked that out we purl down all towers destroyed the dragon trying to boot me away like that well it didn't work well for you oh look the dragon gets thrown we've got a six man i've got nothing but terrible numbers in this it is driving me crazy now well even if i can't move very fast i can still shoot oh this is bad yeah when the dragon decides to shoot at me that's when uh that's when things go bad you're kidding me we got a one how much poison we get 57 seconds of poison you know what this this could be seriously actually quite bad now um because if the dragon touches me oh no give me something good 15 okay you know what that could try and balance it out but if i so much just get touched now i've got to be on half a heart for this that's that's worrying that is very worrying um i'm just going to keep eating doing my best but i've got i've got 30 seconds of poison to get through that dragon if it flies into me i've had it okay it looks like it's gonna fly into me no no no no please miss me go away go away go away go away no no no no no not like this we're good we're good we're good we're out of poison oh my goodness that was no just give me something good good number no it's seven it's okay seven isn't poison though as if i got a warnick in the penta dragon i've had a one for eight in all game and then i get it in that that crucial moment okay the dragon is coming in all right this time i'm gonna take no risk we're not even going to eat that's also a it would be a terrible idea that's the enderman do the work for me okay right the dragon the dragon's there okay it's invisible for some reason but we can hit it alrighty that's good i'm not even gonna try any bed straps i'm just gonna let the dragon fly away nothing risky okay let's just let's just defeat this before anything else goes wrong okay okay you know what that that all went very pear shaped very quickly there i got an enderman attacking me okay he's right there as well i'm on half a heart okay um we're gonna place water okay we're gonna be safe okay we just need to eat don't give me a one game give me a 20. please 17. we got regen thank goodness for that all right angry enderman get lost almost almost destroyed me there to be quite honest with you because my arm is all nearly broken as well and whilst i had an angry enderman on me i always had the dragon about to charge me which is why i pulled away it was actually an ingenious move that's that's like the top 10 underrated move i couldn't get to the dragon underneath him because there was a fire's breath everywhere it was just it was a nightmarish situation okay this is it he's coming down i don't know i don't see how i can screw this up at this point all right i know i've screwed up a lot of situations i'm not even going to try and use the beds in case i accidentally somehow blow myself up we're just going to use the old-fashioned sword hit him a few times you know this is going too well i'm going to use bread we're going to hit him with bread there we go we we've we've defeated the dragon all right we just have to go through the portal and we've beaten minecraft on the rng difficulty and look at that i'm dead good job well done you one subscribe to fundy okay yeah subscribe to funny subscribe to me too it was a good good little difficulty but we've done it guys that is a very sad message you have no home okay no home bed no chain charge respawn anchor i have no home that's that's basically what i'm saying i have nowhere to live yeah don't rub it in game okay yeah i have nowhere but on that note we are gonna end the video there thank you so much for watching hopefully you did enjoy it leave a like if you did and subscribe if you're new if you got this far in the video i'm sure you'll enjoy other videos on my channel thanks once again fundy for uh for making the difficulty a cool little different one to uh to try out the full uncut footage of this will be down below in the description if you'd like to watch that for whatever reason um but yeah rng difficulty beating on hardcore mode so yeah thanks for watching guys and hopefully i will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: SB737
Views: 741,553
Rating: 4.9360261 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, tags are pointless anyway lol, fundy, rng, cursed, impossible, nightmare, rng difficulty
Id: 6U_xsuP-epQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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