Can You Beat the FIRST VERSION of Minecraft? (Hardcore)

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today I'm going to be the first version of Minecraft in hardcore no not that version okay well I'm going to beat Minecraft on the first official version that wasn't a beta this is version 1.0 and all the usual strategies are going out the window this was very nostalgic and a nice change but I must say Minecraft has improved a lot over the years and if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe here we have it version 1.0 let's create a world set it to hardcore and see what we get and this is it I don't know much about this version but one thing I do know is you begin by punching a tree I suppose one of the first things I need to do is probably find some iron mission to find a cave has been successful in a mission to find iron perfect the inventory is very annoying you can't do the drag thing you've got to like manually click into place cabinet using numbers to move things you've got to do that as well it's so slow put the iron in there apparently the pickaxe does not work okay we'll just put wood in instead I've just realized this version the ax isn't going to be the best item we're actually gonna need to use a sword since when do we use a sword in Minecraft to craft a bucket and at some point I want to make fun and steel but first I need a bit of food I have yet to come across a single edible animal I found loads of sheep but you can't eat sheep thank goodness chickens and the good thing about chickens is we need feathers as well I'm gonna do something I didn't really want to do craft a boat sadly this isn't the good boats that we have in Minecraft this is the very slow is it stuck there we go we're off this is the very slow very rubbish boats that we're used to have good news I found the cows like let's break this but oh wait it doesn't so regardless it always gives you I sort of gives you about the planks at least now this this looks like a much better cave I feel like before I go to the nether before I do any Enderman hunting getting full line armor is going to be crucial finally found that gravel I was looking for and we got some Flint perfect would also like to say thank you to Mr Beast for giving the idea for this I thought it was a pretty cool idea to roll back the versions I'm gonna have a great time on this set on this version because everything's kind of different like I kind of know everything in the newer versions but the older versions it's uh it's all a lot different I can now make a chest plate some leggings a helmet and some boots and finally a bunch of iron tools I also ended up getting a load of spare iron look at that we got 26. it is currently dark outside so I'm gonna have a little scat around see if I can spot any early Enderman and take out a bunch of cows while I'm at it and I'm collecting plenty of feathers because we're gonna need a lot of arrows to fight the dragon I found lava that is one very brave cow but before I go to another I want to try and find some diamonds I'm telling you now this is a cave that's gonna have lots and lots of diamonds in let's blow that guy blow oh look at this it's beautiful there's I mean there's a lot of mobs excuse me guys I'm just trying to get through as I said there's a lot of mobs but he's a big he's a big cake all right we're very very low to uh to Diamond area anyway I'm not mistaken fall damage in water like water doesn't completely cancel fall damage and this if it's only one block deep so that's why we're gonna gracefully go down look at this an abandoned mine shaft how cool is this with the chest oh they have chests in these I didn't know what they had they did a little Minecart with chest in this version they just have normal chests a bit of bread that could come in under I do also need strings so these cobwebs are going to be useful we've found golden iron that's pretty nice it's also very known that to Sprint you have to double tap W you can't just hold the sprint button which would be so much easier this looks like a very promising cave we've got gold here I think we're going to be low down enough as well now then this this is a very cool game we don't get caves like this nowadays and there's diamonds in it okay perfect please please be two diamonds I wanted oh look at this it's beautiful two diamonds how many is it gonna beat I'll get his lava they get out of it lava if I put water here so next to that diamond down there there's gonna be more lava but I should be safe I got that three diamonds beautiful I'm going to use these to make a nice diamond sword my iron sword see you later you're pretty much broken anyway I should make a new Iron pick as well there we go I'm also going to make a bow and now I'm going to make a portal unfortunately I can't make one like I normally do because I don't think it works instead I've got to do it the old way which I'm not entirely sure how it's done is it something like that I think so so this is like this is probably the easier way to make your own nether portal as long as you put everything in the right place you can't go wrong let's light it it works the only reason I know that is because Illumina tried to make one in a speedrun and they tried the old method didn't work so he had to do that method and this is the nether this is where we spawn doesn't the Netherrack look terrible all the textures are the old ones the new ones are definitely a lot better now I've got used them to be honest I might be stuck down here I might be better going somewhere else I've successfully found a way out perfect now comes the fun part of trying to find a fortune how weird is that that there's like yellow lava there of course we've got a gas can I actually do Return to Sender I'd say oh you bet we can at one last I found a fortress I've had to travel a long way to get here but now the search is over one good thing I know about this version is that there is no wither skeletons which I do not like with the skeleton one bit and I don't think the way fortress's generator has changed I don't know maybe that's what on Earth is this yeah so this is the room that connects to the outside nothing ever changes with that we just need to find the blaze Bonnet there it is over there I didn't want it to be outside since I have no shield no way of getting fire resistance battling the blaze is gonna be very tricky this one might be a little bit better just to make a little safety room here I can actually I guess try and kill them before they Fireball me but I don't get that right and look at him what to do floating away they don't normally do that do they they're very active I must also cook more food all right I'll jump I'll do wait why do they float to the side how am I supposed to oh there's two over there I don't like this one bit there we go they're a lot more active maybe I need to put a roof on this thing I'm telling you now this might be one of my best ever ideas they cannot Escape now those guys can't get in I've got two blaze rods this should be a piece of cake in fact I'm so confident that I'm even gonna get me Flint now I've realized on this version The Blaze is so aggressive that if you just wait for him to come down here you can take them out anyway I've got everything I need I've got loads of food now I'm ready to make my way back home I have to really hope that this trail of cobblestone that I've made actually works tell you what though so far so good look at it it goes along there oh okay this is getting a bit of hairy now I've got a gas that is intent on destroying me that was very awkward works like a charm look how dark and spooky is this is this Bedrock fog or something I seem to remember it being in the older versions like it could be dark down below I wonder if I can find any more diamonds down here that's to be said to say that this was the first official release of Minecraft it was a very cool game like how exciting like every time you explore a world it's different there's all these crazy things going on like I know they've improved it a lot since it's released but it's really cool like I've never actually played this version before when I think about it I played the old Minecraft Xbox version but on Java Edition I didn't start playing until probably like 1.7 1.8 so this is kind of a new experience for me as well is there anybody in the comments who actually played this version when it first came out that would be pretty interesting pretty cool what did you think about it because man it's come a long way as Minecraft but it started off pretty amazing as well now my next Quest is to find a desert I feel like I'm not gonna find one around here and probably best sailing the Seven Seas good news there's a desert up ahead I'm hoping it's a big one it looks like a big one I guess the good thing about this version is there's basically no biomes in the game there's about five different biomes all the fun center ones I don't think they're in and look at that is that four Enderman over there turns out it's only three but that's still pretty good so my plan for Batman is just to use like the speedrunning Strat so kind of look at him I'm just getting to this little area I don't think they can attack you from here and just finish them off and there we go my first ender pearl they've got both of these fellas oh we only got one out of three though that's a bit of a shame two more of the fellas here and that's another Pearl the Knight is coming to an end but I can make two Eyes of Ender and I can now spend the daytime searching for the stronghold right it's in this direction the main difference with this version and its strongholds is in the current version since I think 1.9 the stronghold has to be 1 400 blocks away from spawn on this it can be way close to spawn I don't know if it I think it could be anyway it could looks a bit underspawn you just don't know where it's going to be how cool is World Generation on this version Look at that look at that that Hill that's it looks pretty awesome it would be amazing If I Didn't Have To Cross this ocean but I feel like I'm gonna have to yep it's somewhere all the way over there some tricks never change you can still use this third person thing to see underwater we've come to more desert I'm hoping that the stronghold is somewhere in this desert yes it is okay it's back this way I've gone past it that's really good news let's see what we're dealing with okay I actually went way past it I think with this eye I should know exactly where it is I guess it's it's somewhere around there then let me throw this one as well yeah you see I want to get this exactly right because the Eyes of Ender I actually lead straight to the portal room so it seems like right about here if I dig down here I should end up in the portal room I can hear silverfish that's a good sign okay this is it I don't want to dig straight down there because I might end up in lava it looks like we're pretty safe let's go with this spawner perfect it's a one eye make that a 2i we need 10 more pearls to be honest it's probably worth me searching this strong I'll see if I can find any chest I found one oh we found a pearl in it as well perfect let's see what we've got here another one oh this is great you guys ever heard of the floating torch well there it is right there we put a block bullet and there it goes the Floyd So In Touch I just threw one by mistake I meant to wait are you I do some stupid stuff sometimes let's put this in here before any more mishaps happen it's now dark the moon's only just coming up so I don't miss too much of the night the desert's over here let's try and get all nine pearls already it would have been eight but instead we need nine I'm hoping this is a big enough desert to try and find some Enderman there is a village over here I have no idea what good stuff you get if it looks like it's a blacksmith actually I think I didn't know they had those in this version what have you got for me villager are you kidding me I guess in this version they have blacksmiths but no loot in the blacksmith that's a bit of a letdown but they've got me an Enderman and that's all I'm bothered about in fact a lot of Enderman let's try and attract those over here wait things could get a bit hairy if I'm not careful oh oh get out of here I've got Enderman coming there we go we got another Pearl that's good news let's get rid of this guy trying to get to it if you hit the end of his feet he won't teleport away so I've got to like look really low he's still teleports away I think a skeleton might have shot him he didn't get a thing there I I should probably try and not take damage because my armor is nearly broken as it is pills did I get there I got one at least that's good I don't know if it's just me but Enderman seems so much more common on this version I don't know if it's because there's less mobs to worry about like less mobs to spawning because I've got all the husks and stuff like that to worry about all on what it is but it's great the night is over we got two pearls which is pretty good we still need seven hopefully we get it tomorrow night I'm gonna work now on getting a load of wool as I will be using beds on the Ender Dragon and I also want to replenish my armor you know what's great about any Minecraft version guys dogs and I've got 12 Bones we can we can get a few there's one there's two come on mate Clean Sweep you've got four bones except oh no come back he's not gonna accept his he's only got one bone this could be sad Oh wait we're on the last boat we got it we got three dogs feel sorry for this guy I'm sorry the other guy say all the bones but hey have a pork chop oh you can't even do that I'm sorry now I need to go to the actual important stuff of getting some sheep perfect and they seem to give so much water I feel like they give more wool can they give four pieces of wool currently we've got 18. how many did you drop me there that was three 126 right now yeah they can drop up to four pieces of what I think it's two to four that's amazing there is a village over there I don't know what Youth Villages actually have in this version other than the fact they can steal their crops for food do they trade now if you cut you can't trade with them they're just they're just random guys that live in the world and and have crops for you I've scouted out the desert it looks pretty good to me I'm gonna set up base in one of these guys houses hope you guys don't mind but I'm I'm moving in I'll put a bed down here thankfully these guys aren't going to steal my bed and safely sit down army dogs where's the other one come on Jeremy what do you need me to do break the doll for you there you go you're in yeah this is this is Jeremy this is Gerald this is James this villager is trying to steal my dogs he's pushing them yeah I don't think I don't see you can you tell I've run out of things to do this is this is just turning into a let's play and I tell you what this is one pretty good house it's now getting dark so I think I can sleep but I don't actually want to know how do I get out of bed wait can I get out of bed no no no no somebody get me out of it are you kidding me well I've set my spawn but I'm gonna wait an entire night for it to be for entire day for it to be night again I had some time on my hands and I thought I'd do something productive guys so I burned down the village I don't know why I thought as well get out it okay I was about to say I don't know why I thought this was a good idea and you know what I should probably leave I'm now going to steal this wood because I need it notice out this part of the village is completely safe I wasn't gonna light these on fire don't worry guys I would never let anything happen to you I'm talking to the dogs not you I honestly couldn't care less what happened to you you know what you're going down a hole now a long last is night time I can stop terrorizing the village file number three and there's a fourth one one great thing about this version villagers and mobs can live together in peace look at this this guy doesn't care at all I think I just need yeah just need three more now all right we just need one more Pearl now and there we have it we've got the final one and there's two Enderman on me I didn't realize about another one so let's now make our way to the stronghold here it is right where this creeper blew everything up the blocks are still there so man I'm gonna make the hole even bigger come on creeper that's it and down we go can I'll make my eyes put them in and there's no sound are you kidding me that's like the best bit is the sound and I went in I didn't even actually mean to go in all right let's try and purl over I don't know what this end is going to be like here he comes you can kind of punch it oh okay I did not do that MLG very well either I should probably be a little bit more careful going forward let's get rid of these towers I think if I shoot him yeah that makes him fly away so that's how you get rid of him also here's a trick I know if you've got Andy and angry Enderman on you just put him in water and they stop caring throughout this is way easier than the ender dragon fight normally it's because then they're in a ring they're usually a lot higher up if they're far away as well from the middle I don't think you generally have to bother with them too much get rid of that one perfect there is that one all the way over there I don't think my arrow will reach I shall now craft myself some beds oh the dragons come in quick craft the ball all right I missed my crafting table thank goodness look at that the dragon flew into me did no damage it didn't do any knockback didn't do anything so I highly are you angry at me going I highly doubt I'm gonna need all these beds but basically the concept is not to do that instead to do something like this and I do like no damage I'm gonna try and get rid of this Tower as well here we go he's coming in hot oh that was a good hit look at all that damage let's get him oh big big hit this is pretty much exactly the same as how it is still in like 1.7 or 1.8 so this is the only reason I kind of know how to do it on this but it is very weird battling it when it doesn't make any sounds will this be enough oh he's coming in coming in to be honest you can't it went a bit of course but I can hit with me sword this is it let's go and there we have it don't die now what at this crucial stage but you can't even hear it dying but there we have it the Ender Dragon has been defeated on the first ever version of Minecraft the portal thing has appeared there let's go and get into it oh hello guys I'm back from the adventure thanks so much for watching subscribe if you enjoyed you may enjoy the video on screen where I beat Minecraft without touching the ground
Channel: SB737
Views: 1,660,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, alpha, minecraft alpha, minecraft first version, hardcore, minecraft hardcore
Id: pTubq3FTTmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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