Minecraft Hardcore, But You Can Craft Totems...

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totems of undying are one of the most useful items in the game but what if you could also craft custom totems which give you brand new powers and brand new effects but first we need to actually get hold of some totems and don't worry you can also craft normal totems as well but to do that i'm going to need gold i'm going to need emeralds baby diamonds it's not cheap to craft a totem and whilst i've got mushrooms i might as well grab these as well since i get the feeling that food is going to be a little bit scarce perfect i've spotted some dandelions now we can make a boat and some bowls and get the best food in the game probably do the wooden pickaxe as well might be useful upgrading it to a stone one will be even better and finally an axe and a shovel now i've got to decide the best way for me to get the emeralds gold and the diamonds a shipwreck would be perfect but i'm not seeing any oceans around here so my best bet is probably to find a village and up ahead i say the perfect place for that a plane's biome and a ravine i need iron at some point so i guess we might as well grab it from here already i've got 17 iron from this one ravine in total i have 30 iron which is more than enough but i see more iron over there i might as well go get it although i do not have to be careful it is getting dark i am in hardcore remember so you know you can't be too careful especially when i don't have my totems so let's craft a couple of pieces of armor so we don't have to worry too much about the mobs a new axe pickaxe and shield will also be very useful and finally boots and a helmet and then enderman okay i am going to need ender pearls at some point to get the enderman totem so let's punk him in a boat there we go we can hopefully get one from him there we go we did perfect all right that's a great start there's definitely a lot more mobs appeared than when i went down that ravine i'm gonna collect some gunpowder as well because that's gonna allow me to get a creeper totem you see you've just got to plan ahead for all these things and whilst we've got creepers might as well take the chance that is 10 gunpowder i'm pretty sure that's enough so the search for a village continues probably a good idea to take out some sheep to get some wool and now that i have three of them i can make a bed and get some sleep let's also now make a flint and steel and start cooking some food since i've completely run out of red mushrooms and i can't find any until i do find more i don't really want to go hungry i'm going to be so close to getting in the water yet so far still no signs of a village so we're probably best nipping into this cave and seeing if we can find diamonds obviously i chose the wrong cave but this one does look a lot better oh it goes into a mine shop all right this is this is very good you know i'm just going to light you on fire that's it skeleton deal with that what do we got in here our first piece of gold we still need more but that's a good start and there's another chest here guarded by quite a few mobs all right don't blow up my my beloved chest over there in fact we could get a um oh go that wasn't really what i planned it's hoping to get amused this but we've got a golden apple very nice i would have liked more bread but i'll take the coal i suppose look at this he's stuck in a cobweb how do you feel about that skeleton now you're completely in fact you're still doing too much you're still doing a pretty good job at taking me out but yeah we're definitely way too high up at the moment to find what we need hey a brand new pickaxe i'll take that we need to go down i said through here it looks like it's a dead end no it doesn't another enderman all right let's get you in a boat good sir all right hopefully this is if we can get him in a boat excuse me i'm trying to do this all right you want to go to the bottom skeleton what did you just do you released a bit okay there's another end in there what is going on the skeleton literally just shot the boat hopefully it doesn't hit the boat this time yeah we got another enderpearl nice you have caused me a lot of trouble can you just get out of here let's also get this guy perfect pretty sure i should be one hit okay well two out of three isn't bad for independence and look at this perfect a ravine where on earth did you just drop from creeper well you could stay there you're not coming oh well he is coming down this guy's a master if i didn't know better i'd think he'd take me out and this is indeed the perfect place to be finding gold we're gonna need four piece in total and we've definitely got four pieces available here let's pick up all that there we go now we just need diamonds and emeralds and i think i see diamonds guys i think i see yes i do well creeper people just jumped in now i'm on fire as well this is not going well so let's carefully mine around this diamond you know we don't want to lose it it's just one now i think i only need one anyway for now so that's okay but there's more around here perfect because actually i'll need more than one because i need to make something else i need two diamonds at the very least let's mine this is it still only one i need like a good vein of diamonds but i can probably sort out the diamonds later i will still need two more pieces of gold so let's go and hunt for those like this guy it might have hit me in the lava that would have been an amazing move but now you're in the lava this is definitely the prime place for finding more diamonds i mean like i said i don't necessarily need more but gold i'd look at that we are having a good good time in this cave and this time it's not just one diamond it's at the very least two hey that's that's better than zero and it's better than one as well and i think for now my main goal should be to get more gold which i could do by searching this k but there's got to be a faster way and that faster way is very very simple just by quickly building another portal because let's be honest there's probably no better place than the nether to be finding gold that is not a bad place to have a fortress right by my portal okay i should probably go to that fortress then before we do that let's go and grab some of this gold that guy's gonna get angry excuse me good sir i'm just trying to steal gold here let's take you out no more messing about grab all of these nuggets from that we've got two more ingots we've got enough now for two totems a little bit more gold here it's probably worth me grabbing a bit of netherrack and then using that to go to the fortress because let's be honest fortresses are a great place to find gold diamonds and all the good stuff i can also use the opportunity to take out blaze as well which will actually let me get the blaze totem later on so yeah i quite like the idea of this here's my first chest see what did i tell you perfect place to be getting gold another chest nothing really that useful if nothing else i found a bit of gold hiding in the walls i might as well quickly grab a load of blaze rods then that's another job checked off the list then i'll head back to the old world to get my emeralds so i managed to use up my axe completely so i'm making a new one and now i've got 17 blaze rods i think i can get out of here look at that we got an 18th one as well let's jump across to here and my portal is down there already we're pretty much done with the nether i might be back for a bastion at some point but we don't need to worry about that now completely forgot that my portal is right at the bottom of the world looks like i'm gonna have to dig my way out now it's back to village hunting it turns out there was a village pretty much right by where my cave was my cave's there the village is there so all we now need to do is find a way to get emeralds also on a completely unrelated note what happens if you mine a beehive with your fist the bees get angry and you lose it okay i'm guessing silt touch is the only way all right we've got some good stuff but well apples and potatoes since when's that you just slammed the door in my face anyway back to business we've at least got some hay that we can steal now i just need an unsuspecting farmer that i can scam i don't see any so i'm gonna make my own you good sir welcome to the all right obviously he doesn't want to be scammed are you serious instead he's that villager that's absolutely miles away that's going to get a job and you're too lazy to like i'd say you're an idiot anyway because you just think you're going to be getting your own wheat let's give all that to him we've got 10 emeralds that's pretty good and now it can be done two emeralds there a diamond in the middle four gold along the bottom and i did something wrong turns out to be able to craft more totems like that you first have to get a regular totem just give me one sec i'm going to sail to a new land track down a pillager outpost successfully take out the captain get back onto the ocean loot a shipwreck on the way which nicely leads me to buried treasure now this poor village is going to go through a raid which really is a team effort between me and the golem that allows me to get a totem to be quite honest i've run out of food vexes are now coming so i don't like the sound of that i'm gonna leave that village to be doomed next if we go to our crafting table throw a totem on it we now have this which if we go like this we will this time be able to craft a totem we got a lot of diamonds from that so we can actually craft more than one totem and now i must decide what kind of totem i want to create so far food has been a big problem for me so maybe if i make a pig totem that could solve all my troubles i have here the raw pork chops we put the totem in the middle and we have a pig totem i am also going to smell a bit more gold because we have quite a bit we could probably make three more totems since i spent so much time getting these blaze rods let's make a blaze totem as well there we go i have no idea what this one does i have no idea what any of them do really with all these extra things we can actually make three more totems i guess all that's left for me to do now is that it died there we go i'm going to jump oh what's that i need to hold the totem okay good idea there we go and oh my goodness my food problems truly are all solved 32 pork chops 32 golden carrots don't mind if i do it is possible to make a b totem if i get eight honeycomb and there's already i've seen two beehives that are pretty much full i just need some iron also guys we did hit 2 million subscribers this weekend i just want to say a massive thank you to every single person that has subscribed to me let's dig down it was the best way for me to find out sometimes you got to do what you got to do from that we can craft some shears and these bees are going to get mad at me for this but i'm just going to do that and oh i i'm so sorry bees they're all going to die this is all because i was too lazy to make a campfire and you know what i'm still too lazy i'm going to do the exact same thing again sorry bees yep you're all going to die if you sting me man you never normally get this many beehives in one area let's go like that all right i think we got it no we didn't it's on the ground there we got to go back to the bees there we go so let's craft a brand new totem surround it in honeycomb and it's not just not the cutest totem you've ever seen so now i've got a blaze totem and a bee totem now i've somehow got to find a way to die well i've got flint and steel so why don't we just slowly but surely burn here we go we're so close and there we go we got loads of honey from this okay i just burnt something oh no we got other stuff as well potions of poison now they would have been very useful in the raid and honey is actually a good source of food so yeah i'll take that what do we get from the blaze totem well i'm i'm gonna drown and find out and using this one gave me loads and loads of pretty cool stuff look at that fire aspect books if i get an anvil i could use that what's got a thought maybe i should try and make an iron totem and i can get loads of iron also very pleased with the fire resistance potions they're going to be useful in the nether here is my master plan we head to that shipwreck grab loads of iron let's get the very treasure map which leads to treasure right about here and gets me more gold and you know we don't need fish anymore i would have liked diamonds but it's not the end of the world and then i craft a brand new totem surrounded in gold ingots which gives me a piglet one and then i'm gonna jump from this height and hope that it kills me there we go and just as i suspected we made a profit in gold and that is how you use the gold that you have to get even more now let's make another totem surround this one in iron which gives us the iron golem totem and now i can throw this to poison myself jump from this very small height and get loads of iron it's also give me protection too and feather falling books i definitely need to craft this anvil and start repairing my armor and upgrading my armor look at that a prop 3 iron chest plate i'm very happy with that now to make any further progress i'm going to have to find more diamonds to make more totems if i dig down on this patch of gravel i've got a good chance of finding some unfortunately it looks like the diamonds were either overwritten by the lava or by this dirt down here mission to find a cave has been successful which means mission to find diamonds has been successful let's grab that it's just did i really just burn the only dime what is going on don't worry look at that there's one diamond like no these and there's two okay let's grab that this time don't let it burn grab this one as well didn't burn either and that ladies and gentlemen is why you always check behind the blocks that gives me two more totems and i think i'm going to save them and head to the nether to get some ender pearls because within the pearls i can then make an enderman totem which will give me even more awesome stuff brought me out to a completely different place we have a room pool down there i ain't going to that okay this isn't something you see every day three endermen just spawned together not in a wart forest well let's get them come on get into the old the old boat come on that's one ender pearl and still only one in the pearl after doing a bit of micro lensing i've come to the conclusion there's a bastion in this direction i'm pickaxe broke so i'm just working off gold pickaxes okay um i'm probably gonna need the um okay no we might do the boat clutch here i don't say i might actually use our totem for real but now we're at warped forest we don't actually need a bastion instead we can just use enderman and that's ender pearl number seven and finally the eighth one let's drop a totem on to there grab our ender pearls and put them round this put a totem in the middle and we have the enderman totem let's see what this does it's a bad idea to jump in lava because everything will probably burn but i could use a lava bucket to take myself out this is basically like 50 ways to die i'm gonna make a tunnel for myself place down the lava there we go we are we are slowly dying okay i've got to be careful here that nothing burns we should in theory we need to hold this so let's do that and when we use it okay i obviously messed up and everything kind of went into the walls we've got three underpills so far i'm guessing the rest of them are somewhere up here i didn't think i'd have to go above the nether to get my ender pearls but uh here we go here they are waiting for me not entirely sure how i'm going to get back down i'm going to hope that eating chorus fruit teleports me down there it did i have actually just got so lucky there because i almost stranded myself on the on the nether roof and look at this there was a ravine here and there is loads and loads of ender pearls that i missed as well this is perfect so now i need to head to that bastion so i can get some obsidian and get out of here also i fancy getting a few more emeralds so why don't we make a villager totem now unless i find more diamonds that's all the totems i can make in another and i'm pretty sure the bastion i was tracking down before is somewhere in this direction onto the subtitles we've got hoglands and everything to my right so maybe it's this way i'm looking at the end yeah there's loads over here we have found it i was so close to death honestly guys i i just should probably just pull out my totem but this guy's giving me a real run around these guys everywhere what am i doing here let's just build on out and regroup let's start by putting the villager totem there crafting a golden helmet and some golden boots using a bucket of lava to get rid of this guy like you should and then seeing what's in the chest well that's more pork chop that's good and a much better shovel deal with these piglet brutes the good old-fashioned way and hopefully eventually find some obsidian looks like this is the place five pieces already and we've got more here so that's eight in total now oh my goodness okay we just we accidentally used the old villager one because this brute was after me it's all to finish him off though yeah i wouldn't mess with me again mate now what do we get from villagers we get bread we don't really need that but look at all the emeralds perfect it's just everywhere glad you guys don't like stealing them oh don't be too angry i'm just having to look in here and see what i can get oops i accidentally hit the pigment and now they are all angry at me that is that is bad that is well this is just going to be painful now there's a sword here with sweeping edge i might as well grab oh don't you get annoyed at me now i'm just trying to deal with these guys made it to these triple chests now hopefully at least one of them has obsidian in a pig step you know we'll take that don't know if this is going to anger anyone but we've got ancient i just want obsidian you know what i'll just trade with these guys don't be so angry fellas i've got free gold i've just found out i already had 11 obsidian anyway keep the gold i'm getting out of here let's light up this portal well that was an interesting experience in another i would definitely love to try and find a few more diamonds now and ravines like these are a pretty good place for that what did i tell you just what i needed okay two diamonds at the very least oh no creepy just dropped i swear did you block my thank goodness i picked them up i'm not entirely sure how i took no damage that i have no idea what just happened all i know is that i'm heading to the surface let's turn all this into blaze powder and create loads of isa vendor realised i never use these resistant three potions which are very very powerful took down the totem and realized i have no gold i'll be right back let's go to this mob spawner that i totally knew was here get four gold knuckles that's not really what i want though let's mine up this gold quickly smelt it take out some fish whilst i wait craft two more totems one of them can be a dolphin totem that looks so cute again and the other totem well that's gonna be a dragon one but to create that we're gonna need some dragon's breath so let's get nine pieces of sand smell all of that if this room portal has anything useful if not really craft some glass bottles and they will later be used in the end we'll take this opportunity to shear a load of sheep and they'll be used as beds to take down the ender dragon i'm kind of curious to see what this dolphin totem does so i might as well build myself up and then very gracefully just slip on off and let's see what we get we got cod we've got a dolphins grace potion i didn't even know that was possible i really hope i come to an ocean because i just want to test that out turns out i've gone past the stronghold it's back this way somewhere which sadly means i can't use these dolphin grace potions in an ocean so instead i'm wait does it just make me go faster anyway i definitely feel faster and then when you swim yeah it makes you go faster even more but it kind of give you like depth strider when you're walking a very very cool potion indeed they should add it to vanilla minecraft if i get that from a dolphin totem then i can't wait to see what an ender dragon totem gives me onto my calculations it's somewhere around here but i guess i'd say this is exactly where we need to go but i'm not even guessing i know it's definitely the correct place you see what did i tell you 100 the right place let's get in here and let's get this to the end portal ian helmet actually that's no different to a gold helmet so might as well not bother with it oh my god i said this direction is dead but no it was quite a far away one but we might go the right way first time let's put all of these in and uh i have are you kidding me i can imagine if i actually died to that guy that would be the saddest moment in history let's just get to the end and now i can begin my plan to get the enderdragon totem but i also need to set up the one cycle so i'm gonna use the stairs since i unfortunately have no obsidian so i've never actually done this before but i'm gonna see what happens anyway so my plan is to go something no not like that instead like that and then mine all of this away yeah i have no idea how this is gonna work put water in there so it's a waterlogged block and the dragon's perched you better take out my water log but well it did do it that doesn't matter what does matter is that i get hold of some of this dragon's breath now with eight of them let's go like this place the totem on top and surround this totem with that and we have the ender dragon totem that looks so cool let's go and break that it's gonna give me one final totem back and i guess we just we just die and see what happens let's see what we got we got dragon heads and dragon eggs i don't need to defeat you dragon i've already got all your produce let's just test something out here if i go like that and right click and place a bed on it oh wait hold on sir i've got a plan just put a stairs there drop that down okay that didn't work i call this the dragon egg one cycle place all of those on top like that i'm telling you if this actually works it's gonna be a world's first let's craft all the beds oh my goodness okay well we used our final totem okay here we go if this worked it's gonna be a miracle i think i'm gonna have to be crouched which means i'm gonna stand on the slab okay here we go i can't i can't do this no because i can't stay yeah there's a reason we don't do dragon egg perches you know what eggs just just get out of here all right we've got no use for you just scatter yourselves it would have been possible if i like crouched and crouched it's just gonna be so much effort though i did completely forget that there is the older the old-fashioned one cycle that i can do let's see if i can still do it something like that and then like that oh look at this i mean it's not as like as effective as the old one but you know if you get it right look at that you could still do a good amount of damage and i just realized this probably could have done with a totem right about then
Channel: SB737
Views: 2,867,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, op items, op, minecraft op items, hardcore challenge, mod, minecraft custom, custom minecraft, totem, totems of undying, totems, custom totems, totems mod, custom totem, But You Can Craft Totems
Id: 75I8xq8LaPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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