Minecraft, But A Chunk Is Deleted Every Second

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Minecraft hardcore but a chunk disappears every single second this makes the game much harder and a lot more dangerous and today I'm going to attempt to beat Minecraft while the chunks are disappearing if the truck with the end portal gets deleted I've got to find a new stronghold if the blaze spawner chunks get deleted I've got to find a new Fortress I'm not looking forward to this before I could do anything else I need to collect some wood gather resources and keep moving a village of head I need to loot it before all the chunks get deleted I'm prioritizing the blacksmith all it has is bread what a waste of time let's grab these furnaces as well yeah things are getting pretty crazy oh my goodness I just quick SB we can survive okay I was not expecting that I'm just gonna grab some Stone and some more wood and grab all these hay bales before they disappear this house has almost been destroyed but there is still a bed let's grab it before we lose it let me get this Golem before he disappears there we go and we got five iron perfect and now craft loads and loads of bread I should be sorted with food for the video Let's also make an iron pick wouldn't it be cool if I could grab some dams in fact there's some over there I'm pretty sure the trunk you're standing in never gets deleted unless you crouch over the eggs like that and then that trunk could get deleted but a very precariously bridge over I don't think there was any way across otherwise they say never dig down in Minecraft but thankfully I know exactly what's below me so I don't have to worry about falling in lava let's grab these diamonds easiest diamonds I've ever got upgrade our pickaxe to a diamond one and now I've got to get out of here I kind of need iron and fear not because I could just go in third person I can see some to the side of it seems like my trunk is a little bit stranded I can use this bridge still thankfully but the village oh my goodness it's completely gone it's just you two left day I see destroying the ocean chunks causes a few problems if I'm gonna get anywhere now I'm gonna have to gather up a load of blocks let's go get the iron smelting as well now I can craft a bucket fill it with water and I should probably get some sleep it is getting dark and I have no armor a shield is probably a good idea too also I'm trying to hit 2 million subscribers this year so if you like my channel don't forget to subscribe and now I'm gonna mind her until this shovel breaks then craft a brand new diamond one and I can get dirt way faster now I have to say these villagers are still alive most of the trucks around here have gone I'm gonna have to start bridging to new land and we have made it to another chunk this one's got quite a lot of wood to gather up but the land I've left behind me has just been completely destroyed we have to keep moving thankfully I'm getting to an area which has quite a few chunks still left I see Diamond I can't say no I'm going from down to mine on the way down as well let's grab these diamonds it's another four and I see more over there is it worth going for it there's a little cave here maybe it has some iron it just tells you get out of here let's grab this iron here as well I'm gonna try and strip mine to the diamonds before they get deleted I've got to be quick the chunks are getting rapidly deleted I'm gonna have to take a risk here there we go if I now get into the trunk this chunk cannot be deleted this has to be one of the most intense things I've done I've got the diamonds we've got eight in total let's get back to strip mining we're gonna start bridge to those diamonds now about the sun below me okay let's get those without a doubt the goal is to get full diamond armor okay that Junk's just gone that I got the diamonds out I'm not gonna save that in time the trunks are disappearing fast and I'm bringing out of blocks I need to get up here faster hopefully this jump does not disappear whilst I'm swimming up I've made it to the top now let's get some sleep I guess I can still kind of swim along the water here because not all of it disappears that's infinite water sources for you I think the next thing I need is a diamond ax because I still need a lot more blocks at this point it's more of an insurance policy than anything else because I do not want to get stuck between chunks with no blocks left I see a room portal up there I'm going for it these chunks are still here which is good I actually have no idea if I'm gonna make this in hindsight it probably wasn't a good idea to try and climb a mountain to get something like this I'm on the trunk okay let's get the gold although it looks like whatever chest would have been here has already been deleted on the hunt for damage there is some back there but I don't want to go that way oh my God I saw some diamonds in the Chung that and it just disappeared as I saw them race them over there let's get to the trunk before they get deleted and down we go apparently I miss the diamonds I think they were in the next chunk and that chunks late but there is more over there I can try and get to those this is truly terrifying made it to this jump let's grab these diamonds this one had quite a lot look at that there's even emeralds over there more diamonds in this chunk let's get to it I wonder how many times I'm gonna say chunk before this video is over this was a beautiful eight diamonds let's make boots and a helmet and now I don't think I really need any more diamonds so I might as well get out of there but there is diamonds just there you know what we don't have time are you kidding me the chunk just disappeared I'm trying to get closer and it just keeps disappearing I wouldn't say that Village is doing too well I think the next thing I need to do really is find some lava since I've pretty much already done everything in the Overworld look at that Pillager Outpost I'm just gonna wait till that gets deleted there is lava there that's where we're going okay no that junk just disappeared never mind we're not going that we'll go in there instead oh no these guys are about to shoot me okay I've got to just put water and Float my way down these guys are following me down are you kidding me and of course wait at the bottom of here is a villager oh well it's his funeral what are the chances at the bottom of here that was diamonds this is gonna be perfect for collecting obsidian because I'm pretty sure my portal is going to get deleted in the nether so I'll need a backup plan so I can get back I'm pretty sure that should be enough obsidian nine okay I just want one more I decided to get 14 just for insurance purposes now let's get this nether portal made Paul just lit itself because I put wood behind it but I've got a few things I want to do first I'm going to smelt some iron since I've got time this trunk is going to be deleted and I'm not going back here so whether this whole area gets ruined it doesn't really matter to me there's definitely not much of this area left now I'm gonna grab this iron mine up the furnaces and get to the another oh my goodness we are in a Bastion okay this is very very good but I need to get in this Bastion before the chunk disappear let me put this helmet on quickly it looks like we're in housing so I know where the gold blocks are they're in this area here which thankfully hasn't been deleted and loads more obsidian and string perfect let's start mining the gold I've already got four pearls which is pretty handy and some fire resistance I've got loads of pearls all the pearls I needed I've got that's good news Soul Speed 3 might be useful too very happy with what I've got now some I've got to get out of here and find a fortress slowly making my way over there's a lot of chunks missing here oh my goodness don't be disappearing so fast I suppose it is every second but this is a nightmare on this chunk hopefully I can just keep moving and they don't disappear too quick although it looks like we are in the middle of nowhere and it's so hard to see I got very lucky spawning in a Bastion I don't think I'm gonna be quite so lucky finding a fortress I've made it to somewhat Solid Ground I suppose I can kind of Traverse this [Music] oh you are kidding me okay we're only we're gonna be careful just Dig Down lock ourselves in get our health back it's a good opportunity for me to get a few extra blocks as well honestly I have no idea what to do I just got to keep moving as long as I can keep ahead of the chunk deleting I should be all right when I stay in one spot for too long they end up getting surrounded by empty areas are you kidding me I found another Bastion but it's not gonna be any use to me that means I'll have to travel at least another 300 blocks in this direction to get to a fortress I really hope that when I find this Fortress The Blaze spawner doesn't get deleted otherwise it's gonna be a nightmare good thing there's two play spawners at least I get two chances I also hope I get out of the nether soon because deleting the chunks with all the lava flowing is making it very laggy oh my goodness I wow just open up the chunk for August to shoot me brilliant just for context I have now traveled a thousand blocks still no Fortress I can now finally make use of these Soul speed boots I guess the extra speed can only help I've now traveled 1 500 blocks my room portal is all I found and I just burnt the golden lava yeah this is going from bad to worse oh my goodness another stupid Bastion finally okay I need to get there before it deletes the chunks are deleted please again please just do not delete the blaze spawner there's two of them surely one of them's gonna be all right see blades up here still haven't found a spawner I've probably made a mistake coming over here but there is a lot of Blaze thank goodness for fire resistance I'm getting three for three here I need to get back to that part of the Fortress although this part of the Fortress is pretty much gone looks like we're just gonna have to do this one spawn Alice there we go later on number four there's more Blaze over there I need to fell off but that guy dropped the Blaze Rod thankfully Blazers are spawning everywhere oh my goodness that was clutch that was this is this is getting too do I leave with seven I think I've got to be brave and try and get a few more rods but if I need to find another stronghold because the portal breaks and we're gonna need a lot of Eyes of Ender I've got 40 seconds of fire resistance left once that runs out I'm leaving if I've just dropped into four or five blazes this is good oh no wait I'm I'm out of stuff nevermind this is bad let's gaffle up and very carefully take these guys out another Blaze Rod we can get this guy as well that's a tenth place Rod I think I'm happy with what I've got and I'm gonna get out of here I'm gonna craft my 20 eyes vendor yeah that should that should be enough I think I'd say what the other world's got for me of course it's night time let's get to sleep let's throw this eye we're going that way and we just have to keep moving there's an ocean up ahead this could be very useful [Music] I have no idea what just happened but there goes my boat what how did I survive that I will never know apparently I've gone over the stronghold somewhere in this desert namely right here there's the pot are you kidding me time to find a new stronghold I can also do we get an extra wool on the way and some more wood we're on track for a new stronghold are you kidding me what are the chances of a drowned hitting me with a trident stronghold number two has been found and there's the portal room I gotta get to that junk before it gets deleted I'm swimming Along come on SB you got this we're in okay okay just don't panic there we go [Music] get these eyes in we made it to the end right I've got to make it now to the middle Fountain bit oh I'm gonna defeat this Dragon I have no idea I may just have to get lucky with the chunks we have to take out all these towers I think from here that's pretty easy thankfully it's perching can I can I do something here oh I should break more right let's oh no I've got no beds I can't do it I don't think the chunks have been deleted here I can take my time and one cycle the dragon here she comes let's see how we do oh look at that let's look at that beautiful Minecraft beaten when the chunks keep disappearing
Channel: SB737
Views: 2,108,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, hardcore, minecraft hardcore, chunk, deleted, destroyed, chunk disappears, mine a chunk, challenge
Id: 5pHeiQmI8GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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