The SKY SERPENT Is TERRIFYING in The Eternal Cylinder

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to the eternal cylinder we have a really annoying little treble down there he's he's got the the blabbing the blobby tacky mouth yeah that one anyway we also have this one right here this guy this is vupo he's my best friend in the entire world bupo has an idea you saw that giant would take floating around here yeah we're gonna try to blow him up because that'll be funny ready got him no we don't want to blow no oh that was actually kind of close oh oh oh balls he's after me he oh he's not he's just running away maybe maybe if i blast him with some gas bombs oh yeah okay get the gas bombs rolling oh not quite quick enough all right yeah yeah yeah yeah come back here get gassed you nerd oh no no my dumb critter friend what are you doing in there i need more explosives we have to kill the giant blowy bumpy ball hey maybe i can make that into some sort of explosive i seriously shut up now i would i would make you go somewhere oh okay i'm making more small ones i'll be honest i much prefer using the exploding ones because those are a lot easier to time oh yes that was awesome do it again oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh it was so close yet so far away oh it's so hard to judge distance and got him oh oh it's so much fun and got him against ah yes blow him up blow up no no no no don't look it died it died here you i need you guap guardo oh yes yes i need that i think that's actually the thing that makes it explode is that what i stole from him i think so let's eat that real quick now i have two splody boys and everyone gets free health this is the best day of my life oh nice look at that thing oh it's so weird with that fuzzy face on it it's amazing i want to try to get one of those flyers too that'd be fun there we go flyers coming in players coming in hot come on down here yeah you want to dance oh it didn't work it didn't work i can't spit when i'm i can't spit when i be back in the air let me down don't please don't oh hey there's free shiny things on top of this why did i not think of that before actually one of you guys left that comment saying that there's free shiny things here for me to steal i don't know what it is but i'm supposed to like use it for science purposes in in the in the blender boy and you you want him yes if i put you up here with gwepwep and then we can have lots of science actually i want to know if i should crack it open or something where's the flyboy now oh there's flyboy i really want to try to blow up flyboy and see if i can get wings can i evolve wings how cool would that be hey fly boy hey hey you ugly come here you gotta call him nice things like ugly and then he'll fly down below oh he's going for something yeah i missed oh you know just casually walking on the beach making more explosives like a typical day so i might have just found something really fun and exciting if you look in the top left you can see that i learned how to permanently make explosives and by that i mean i permanently learned how to make my body's explosive i just need another one of those round things and then two of the other things that i don't even know what they are but i'm hoping that this guy here is going to give me all of the secrets of his people and by that i mean he's just going to blow up okay he's got the growlies in his stomach he's not very happy i'm just gonna eat a bunch of bombs right at him a bunch i've got eight is that oh that killed it everyone run away no no no don't don't don't jump in the pile don't die on me we have science things to do okay now we need the big guy it's okay vego we gotta go get this piece we gotta get this one this is the one our heart desires that's what we need and now we need two more of the other things but the eye of sauron's saying nope we gotta go first there i also want to know what this thing does i kind of forgot and yeah can i pop it i'm gonna break it oh i can't that's good news oh this is the shiny one that's the one that makes things shiny who wants to be shiny i feel like you want to be shiny guado he's becoming shiny yes that's awesome i love it oh he's got his fur back okay that's a little weird whatever oh what are these for the seed of the dendrite spiral i'm gonna eat it just to see what it does ready get set um what did it do extend his eyes above his heart they could see much further wow [Laughter] that is weird it's like remote sight you know what on second thought let's just make those into bombs that'll be more exciting i promise and we're gonna make these and uh more sciencey things guado likes making bombs that's his favorite thing to do in the world so we're gonna roll to the next tower because that's what we do we go on a constant exploration to find new things uh and blow up things too i feel like i gotta blow up one of those things eventually because they're gonna eat us and i don't like it when they eat us here quick grab some of these so i can make more bombs on the drive i'm gonna be honest when i say i don't actually know if i can make it to this tower in time i don't like this come on roll little fellow this is gonna be so stinking close we're not gonna make it oh balls the giant green wood tick just got popped oh pecker i'm not gonna make it there no towers no no no no no oh no oh no no no no no but what about that thing oh i don't know what that is i don't like it though and we're gonna get rolled over ah okay i gotta reload the same all right we got full stomachs i gotta make this roll again that's a long way to go and the second attempt makes it just fine we gotta get on the other side though activate those towers look at that iridescent skin it's so cool and now we've made it i kind of want to pop one of the big green wood ticks please don't die big green wood tick please don't die fly over here no don't get blown up just get pushed a little bit you can make it i promise you can make it to me where i'll blow you up don't die oh it died no wait it's not dying is it dead oh it died do i get his fun stuff i want to get his pieces is that his pieces no i'm gonna use that to make explosives though i'm gonna use this little guy to make explosives too because that's always fun just eating things randomly found in the world i like this thing so the real question is what was this thing down here oh yeah yeah i mean creature thank you narrator what is that thing under resemble the servants of the cylinder but somehow it seemed oddly menacing can i blow it up with it pulsating beneath it let's see if it likes abominable thing underneath it something in the trebem's ancient memories made them happy oh did i kill it oh sorry it's dead ah i killed it what is this thing i need it for for research and things no i i need to collect it with you yum i don't know what it does but i need it a heart of a frozen sclaw who wants to eat who who's gonna eat the frozen sclaw you do you don't have anything else going for you greg classic greg all right eat that bad boy let's see what happens kind of excited and what the world oh that's kind of neat he's got like a dingleberry on top of his head i don't know his butt's just pulsing he's twerking it's a little weird a second thought i don't like that it's just uh it's one of those awkward situations where you just have to grin and smile i also thought that was gonna be a boss fight nope just straight up murder man my throwing bombs at his dangling heart thing the good news is his cave had lots of shiny things for me to eat so i've explored another zone it's time to move on i've got lots of explosives made for whatever bothers me next maybe another frozen skully boy of some sort of weird conglomeration i don't really care i also want to throw some bombs at some other dudes like that flying ogre thing oh balls i can't go that way oh it's so close and so close get in there little trip up get in there buddy roll roll oh he made it oh he made it oh he made it oh and everyone survived hot dang that was scary dang that was super scary look at whatever square boy back there just barely made it oh i don't know if i like this no not you again memories cried out the mathematician has been summoned oh what are you doing math magician oh it's breaking that tower bro bro you can't do that that is illegal i've got bombs should you stop that you little jerk face you can't break my vibe like that bro the dude just took the tower down and left what the crap man why did you do that what is this place it looks cool i'm gonna steal his crystals and then make him into bombs because that sounds fun i don't have much time the cylinder is coming after me we gotta go but i mean you can't stop for bomb-making materials you have to stop that's the word i was meeting in my life i just need to make it to that tower bro i just gotta go oh that thing is so fast i don't know if i can make them why does it have to be so stressful i just want my little triple dudes to live everything's exploding behind me yeah oh i gotta get up the hill oh i'm so close i'm gonna make it i'm gonna make it i don't like you i'm gonna i don't like you i don't like you i don't like you you're gonna die anyway but i might as well end your life sooner because i don't like you no no get in there oh i made it [Music] is it just continued their voices they felt a strange sense of being observed what but this was not the cruel gaze of the there's three of us three of us made it it was almost as if someone was trying to help them somebody's helping me is it the outer path for them to fight the voice and their memories encouraged them to go forward i'm trying even though half of us just died that's not optimal i did kill the giant uh crystal shard boy and i might be able to get a new friend who's my new friend nobody there's no friend here the good news is vego had a lot of the cool things that we needed like this thing that's always nice also the the organ we have some bombs so it's not terrible we did just lose half of our tribe though which not cool here i feel like you probably you should eat one of these just so you have a nose thing on does that feel better now hold up there's different things here that we have to go look at not you i don't want to look at you you're kind of ugly but these these pillars they're shrines we found them what is this all about was this a ruin some part of an old team oh no there's only three of us i need a do i need more i need five trebums to complete this or what is this one all about hello i'm gonna interact with you oh great the giant ostrich tribe died i need you hey come back queen yes i miss you so much i missed you so much kimo come back and be my friend oh this is fantastic yes everyone's alive again oh that's fantastic i think hey everyone's here thanks for joining the party my dudes where's that annoying ostrich thing hey hey you're gonna die did you know that you annoying ostrich boy with the weird teeth nope nope nope nope nope pecker he's got a he's got a pecker on his face hey catch there it is there it is throw up diet stuff yes blow up oh no no no trample my friends there it is oh no no this is so hard to hit with this machine i really just want to kill it though hold on again you're a big mean bird face before haha gets wrecked out sorry friends i'm sorry i needed that for science purposes oh he's got organs i need that actually yes antenna vestigial that's a big word i can't word that word let's give it uh i don't know who wants it we'll give it to our this guy yeah you can have it because you already have weird eyes and stuff uh-huh and doink oh what the balls is this what in the world i don't have any understanding of what's going on right now and i don't like it it'll set you over to gwen so i can float like a butterfly oh there's an egg too all right let's see what this shrine does now i think i can make it work way down tribe members get your lazy butts on here it's working it's working i'm calling the sea serpent i'm calling the sea serpent he's gonna save my bacon oh i don't like him i do like him he's my i don't like him oh he's sucking me up what the crap man why did you do this to me oh i'm inside this i'm inside this thing walked into a trap i don't know i'm gonna have to journey over i don't i don't know man can i eat this thing i don't know if i like this this is weird i'm inside the sea serpent space serpent serpent thing what is that why is this so shiny i need it in my life the elder we're going pokemon mode here this strange elder could tell them what was going on but before they could ask oh it actually the elder spoke the celestial trophala have seen your journey and i have been told of your deeds okay there's a good old bond between our people and truffala we once lived in harmony but the invasion of our world has split us apart if you do not know their song the trophy will not recognize you as a friend so i need to make this song i'm here to help you as much as i can the creating palaces you seek lie ahead as your unless you reclaim all the powers of our people which the cylinder has stolen ah there is only one way to do so entering the portal that is weird the greatest of the cylinders servants the mathematician is the gatekeeper the portal is on its head and his master has become intrigued by the crystals that the trophala wear as crowns oh find these crystals [Music] which will allow you to appear as one of them and then we can face this mathematician granting you passage and now it's crazy turn you to the land there is little time the trophala are being hunted and only few are left may you succeed in your quest that's that's crazy so the the mathematician is trying to claim okay so where do i go next oh it's gonna vomit me out i need i need it i need your i need your crystals friend this one give me that one or that one over there i got eaten by sea serpent space space travala okay give me give me the shard give me give me the shark the trebum were beginning to understand that there was more to this journey than mere survival so far they had acted only for themselves but now that the entire truth trusted for the task that would affect many others yes and although that was frightening the knowledge that they were acting for the greater good gave them strength strength i wouldn't classify these guys as strong but i do want this the serpent things because that would be fun and neat science stuff so remember that egg i found earlier we're gonna try to hatch it and i don't know if my group is big enough to make it work but we're going to try oh poop nuggets who's the one that can fly gwen come here gwen there we go i got it i got it we're going to put that puppy in the hole there it is hatch me a nice one i'm going to name him gwen i need more leadership i knew it but thankfully i didn't get more leadership last time i could because if i did that i would have been able to to uh bring back all of those to life so i need to get to the next tower which is right up there and i'm concerned what's gonna happen i would like very much to get the see the space serpent thing but i don't know how okay so we're gonna try one more cylinder one more roll here not gonna like this but we're gonna do it anyway i really don't like this i'm so scared i hate this part it every single time it just it just gets me but i think this one is pretty close so i should be fine no and then we're gonna parkour hardcore oh that's not good that's okay it doesn't really matter too much yes this is working this was an easy one until the math magician jumps over he's like hey bros i just want to eat you and then steal your parts again so we can find the big space serpents which should be coming up hopefully i hope they're up here that i can eat one of their crystals and become one of them is that what's gonna happen i feel like that's what's gonna happen okay is anything gonna happen i hear walking i heard giant footsteps what is that noise oh it's that okay i thought it was something scary for a second i mean scarier not that that thing isn't not that you aren't scary but you're you're kind of scary in my book thankfully i found one more shrine there's something up on that ledge let's interact with this thing to see what he says oh that looks like the fireman he's going to teach us how to have permanent fire pool totally is figuring out how to give us permanent this thing what is that filled or drunk is that the one i thought you were gonna give me permanent fire i don't want it sure mutate filter trunk i did it actually i think it's these we can just track these to see what we need the third eye we have the analytical eyes cool also i see something up on that ledge that i really want to see that's weird what is that i don't know what this is i need it though it says it's a mineral okay can i do anything with it can i spit it against the wall no it doesn't break well i guess we'll give it to our ore processor web web and you'll have fun with it that'll work i'm going to upgrade and get a little more stamina here i'll hold on to the rest of my points too and with that my friends it's another episode of trebum game i don't even know what to call it i mean it's the eternal cylinder but it feels like we're more in the trebuc side of the world now instead of the cylinder side of the world we know what we're doing we're having fun and it's going to wrap it up for today's video hope you enjoyed keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank all of the channel members and patreon supporters including alan h apollo bunny auto dave ben dickie j teddy epis desby eagle arc maxer whippet good baron fox zarnov deegan jason m rail splatter sax iffy sphere joe b obi john kenobi fury arrow and doug rules 2.0
Channel: Blitz
Views: 384,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, eternal cylinder, the eternal cylinder, eternal cylinder gameplay, eternal cylinder ep 1, eternal cylinder blitz, eternal cylinder game, eternal cylinder full game, blitz eternal cylinder, eternal cylinder creatures, eternal cylinder playthrough, eternal cylinder playlist, the eternal cylinder blitz, blitz the eternal cylinder
Id: v1L3F0pwfFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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