The ULTIMATE SPECIES is ALIVE! - Spore Gameplay - Part 1

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hey everybody in blitz welcome to a game called Spore this is a brand new game that just came out last week actually I'm kidding it was about ten years ago when the game came out totally not new at all and a lot of people are suggesting that I give it a try so a lot of people on my discord server said in the game suggestion folder that we actually tested out and play it it's a game that I've never actually played before but I am looking forward to doing it so we didn't want to join up on discord with the other people suggesting games go ahead and do that edie discord GG / YT blitz and we can check it out from there otherwise let's get started we're gonna start out which planet should be good that one's kind of purply that one's kind of cool we have let's do let's do the purpley one I like that purple water in here alright oh we're gonna start out at well see I did unlock the creature stage but I just played just to test up my recording software let's do an herbivore to begin with and no theme what kind of team we don't have a theme okay next up okay and then easy mode yeah cuz I'm a noob and then this planet's name is gonna be the glorious planet blitz dope yeah let's did I spell it right yes let's dope yeah oh yeah there's the there's the Sun the star and then there's the planet where's the planet Earth oh there's me there's me in the asteroid I feel like I'm like spider-man not spider-man Superman it's a piece of kryptonite estrogen found earth and we're gonna if the seed of life for the planets and let us grow gonna break up oh wow look at this planet it looks fantastic go ahead and crash yes that worked was a big one and then there's a little piece a little piece of asteroid somewhere that I get to grow out of right uh-huh there it is can I break it open yet there she is come on crank your bad self open yes there I am look at me throat races impact your future blah blah blah words is junk okay look at this go I'll be like a little potato can I use that little Wiggly things in my mouth oh I can that's how I eat and I eat that thing Noakes it's kind of meet the base life work get the green junk get the green it all the green I'm so gonna go I got bigger hole what is that thing stay away from me nasty little monster oh okay what's happening here no don't eat him other cells meteor bits key to finding new parts dude just got rekt hey a spiky mouth Oh spikey spike okay let's go let's go wiggle our way oh I'm really close wiggle our way over collect it good attack and break alright let's level up a little bit more so we can make a new cell and your Papa thinks I call a mate I don't want to meet yet I want to get bigger Oh stay away from me stay away from me okay now we're gonna mate it's mating time let's do this Oh mating over here no no no no no no no no hey baby hey come here eyes get spit at ya do your mating ritual close your eyes okay we got a new egg it's fertilized we're ready to go uh-huh so I've got Oh that's the paintbrush there so we can we can make different things we can put eyeballs out okay let's tell these we're to make a stock I order to make the eyes in the butt that sounds good this is a filter mouth we need more filtering on the mouth oh I can't make that do I want this thing spikes we could do some spikes just for defense I still can't break down how many ports do I have we have seven remaining down there is there any other eyes that are cheaper do it can we make one eye I'd okay we got it we got to have eyes well I guess we're gonna do that I'm gonna put our stock eyes in the front this thing looks dumb and this is gonna be the turd nugget that's gonna be his name because there won't even frankly it looks kind of like poop so let's do it let's ride we're hatch now yay oh it doesn't look so bad it doesn't look great okay can I destroy little things now oh he's running away from me because I got pokies on me now they eat all this oh look how cool that thing looks I wish I could have that many whoa oh you're the big one back there okay give me this give me this maybe I should have just waited a little bit longer got more DNA points look at that big one back in the background Wow okay this is kind of nice too because those spikes help oh whoa oh we're going in we're going in coach yes yes it's like feeding for this is like on Mo Kio when yet when you find one of those big things like potion things yes I'm scared of them away I'm gonna eat all the Christmas tree myself this other Oh bigger yes come on it's working now you get out of here get out here kokom oh I almost destroyed him hey I want to eat more of it whoa what is that thing hey this is cool why did I never play this game before they come around here we're out of your turn Doggett yeah like there goes and it eats more eat some more it's working we're almost ready to get bigger again those okay so we can't do anything else with that what is this I see something wiggling up here oh this thing's spitting I poked him ah no our Pokemon death okay I do want to eat more of that Christmas tree it doesn't seem that I can I found green things over here oh we're getting close close other sighs I wish I could just eat other whoa butterfly people whoa this thing's look awesome okay I want to eat this thing more no no get away from me does it mind all that you just got rekt whoa what's going on we need to call mate I don't want to calm it yet I want more DNA points oh there's that there's a thingy there's a thingy go little swimmer don't let it die yes what do we get fast turns Celia so that must be home I missed it must be some sort of new fin let's eat all this thing up okay so I don't like ROI I hit the big bubble of it nice whoa whoa stay away remember I don't want to make it what is this I want to eat that I want to eat that I want to eat that I want to go eat that what is it I want to eat it break oh I got something hey wait wait wait wait come back here come back here I thought there was something else in that No okay let's go through here it's me swimming this thing we can do pretty well all right let's wait just a little bit more then we'll call our mate trying to pull what is that I want it it's coming after me it's coming after me go go go swim swim little fish man oh we're gonna know no no oh you baby how I got destroyed hey go away this way go away this way you can't get stuck at the bubbles okay that was it a little bit tense there those things look awesome look at him his name was ducky I think hey there we go be able to eat some net now we get one more level it's going some of this big plant a bump he's come on a little bit more and I get to grow up again okay now it's time to call a mate there will be wooed let's move come on here buddy yes oh those things I got like lasers on there but okay so what do I get to take this time oh it's bigger than that turd nuggets bigger than my turn nugget so there's a spit poison there's this Celia hey that okay we got different eyeballs here and a jaw oh we can be carnivorous now I said well I'm not a huge fan of these spikes being there but I do like them for defense I'm thinking it might be kind of cool to have a more filter melts going on that if we take the eyeballs off and like put one can I make my Cyclopes a cyclops eye okay I gotta do that we're gonna make a cyclops eyed this thing looks kind of cool we got different different things on there cool yeah we got the poison spitter we change the color I like that one I make it red oh it looks like it's got like some sort of weird yeah like that I don't know what it does but I like it alright we're hatching oh yeah that looks cool okay okay this green oh so I do have some super speed mode here you're my turning speed oh there's one of me oh you can't even catch up I'm so fast I'm so he's so much faster than me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we've lost what in the world happens now oh we just bought again that's easy enough you'd think that if he had died your species would go extinct because that's all idea was evolution izing oh I got bigger okay stay away from those monsters eat no no no no no no no no I said stay away from me you dirty monster hey he bit me again okay let's go oh he just destroyed somebody let's go up here and just filter it on these it might be hard to be a planetary in here but we'll do the best we can be in plan of work I mean even that little dude give us oh why can't I have a bunch of parts that sounds awesome to do just kind of stop in one stage and having just a buttload of really cool parts like that guy has and okay that's a planetarium let's see if this guy hey wait wait wait wait wait no not those I don't want to eat those things okay I want to eat this stuff I guess we could have some defense besides those spikes whoa whoa I just sat me yeah what does this is that I don't know what it is ouch ouch I want it I want lasers on my butt get off me get off me yes nope there oh I killed it noise we did it kill them with my snappy pokers now I'm level oh I'm so big what is that that looks like a giant shell what is this thing oh it hatched aha eat some of that eat some of my spikes did your face I did it wow that's cool Haley this dude they got a little bubble awesome there we go that's how to level it up that's how to level up here yeah we're getting hard shows now - hey that's what I'm we can we can mate together think Sheree oh hey buddy I'm wondering if we should we should go carnivorous here I kind of like that idea maybe a poison spitter would be fun too yeah we don't have any new parts what does this stuff mean abilities okay a tech how about that we're still we're still plant planet Aryans plan of wars what does this do I wanted I thought there was a way you could you could zoom things but I guess not whatever turn now get show raid superior we got three of the spikes now let's let's do it I like that guy nobody could touch me oh wow it's actually a lot of damage I am very well predicted whoa I just popped him so oh I ate something off of him I'm gonna try it oh wow nice try to eat me can't eat this can't eat the gingerbread blitz no you can't that's amazing yeah this guy's pretty well protected here okay can I break open the shell I want to know because I think this is the way you're you unlock different parts just by oh yes see that was good okay okay sprint I thought there was a sprint button Hey look at this pillar aha again snapped it snap okay can I can I get break new parts out of him nope oh wow he actually bit me whoa whoa whoa well there's a new part oh no I just got skewered no go away no no no oh wow I just stabbed him three times I want that part I want that yes we got a new part I want to go snap that big guy again this one over here made easy to spear me don't spear me don't spare me what yeah well I just got destroyed I want that nozzle off of him no no no no no I'm gonna take you out I want it I want to evolve again with that little thing it's trying to do that and get one of these things back there we go okay we're gonna make a baby we're gonna make a baby spore thing uh-huh I knew it I knew I got the Jets okay take that but piece off that's too expensive no take one of those off now now I got the jet or jet purple jet propulsion here all right my faster oh dude I'm super fast hey wait did I level up what hey he just evolved a brain congratulations your honor your path to sentience okay I can I can i still oh yes evolve legs and go on landing I don't want you I want to stay in here I want whatever that guy's got I should really miss this guy they're tokens I really want more parts I'm super fast down to I'm gonna get him I'm gonna get this little weird eyed ugly monster oh yeah ha keep stabbing him nice oh I popped it oh yes there it is there's that siphon did I get it did I get the siphon I think I did op de Bourgh proboscis no I like that okay oh I stabbed him hey watch oh no don't poison me and stuff okay I got things all over me yeah I only have five more am i only allowed a certain amount of DNA here that's not fun I want that proboscis though no no okay let's become an omnivore oh happy get off my tail hey hey I was gonna mate with that one you didn't have to eat it man no hey wait oh you bit my butt too let's get let's get a mate okay there we're gonna make before we get eat look at their mating beds it's fantastic okay so I want that proboscis we ran out we're gonna get rid of these maybe two expense 25 minutes okay put that on your nose hey okay yeah I can't use anything else I kind of want some of these flat fidella from the jeweler's fast turns there's the Jets be it okay so that's better than these let's just put those back on and I can do some another spike oh that looks ha we've evolved that does that everything I can do turd nugget let's see it let's change the color of turd nugget yes that's how char dug it we'll look I really want it okay this looks cool I don't know what he does [Music] Hey that did that did too much Hey I think our guys are meant to snap things now we got to stay away from you what what is this oh wow yes oh that is so cool hey I can't eat it because I don't have a mouth but they were something what is this well something else I can eat Wow hey wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa up here good job in Chapter no man this is actually you a pretty pretty powerful little bug I got it suck his brains out on a double attack what oh that is so cool so let's evolve legs and go to land that's really cool which path have you chosen we have chosen herbivore omnivore finish the cell stage and clamber there onto the planet's surface hey we get legs now bonito rhinosaurus better than a Thundercat let's do these maybe that one Hey okay is that one oh yeah backwards and then forwards well move you back a little bit is that how we're gonna walk okay this is weird you work now uh-oh what are those things oh those are just different BOTS that max is put in okay hey buddy oh yes that proboscis is gonna be disgusting we're gonna suck all the juice out everyone [Music] go little man haha yes we have evolved there's an eyeball plant yeah I love it okay let's go let me in let me in coach I'm ready to play beginning of a new day and for you the whole new strange and wondrous world air fills your lungs you stretch into the limbs your new home dryland race you evolve has begun okay now you make nests and stuff okay make your progress yeah yeah yeah I know that thank you who made this guy he is so weird-looking wow that's really cool how he just stomps on things so what do I eat no oh I eat this thing do I eat this there's something dead here hey I can get a mouth Newport yeah we got a mouth oh come on there we go okay so we'd have to mate now if I wanted to get a new mouth I don't though I want to use my proboscis as much as I can something else dead here are you dead my friend you are dead I'm little little life parts out of his face go up how did we eat it yeah this is the way to go hope he's all gone now okay what is this thing I'm neveress that's the way of the future okay you actually have to evolve a different mouth although I don't want to this is the way to go hey guys that's gonna wrap up today's video of sport I hope you've enjoyed this video if you did let me know go ahead and join up oh hello monster oh yes hey I wanna give you Oh what is this what happened what's this the new species care to make them a friend no I want to eat them stance I want to eat them okay yeah yeah thank you hi greatest weakness cricket costume hey make the other creature how I don't know oh sorry I don't know how come back here little friend alrighty guys that is gonna go wrap it up for today's video of Spore if you enjoyed it let me know there's baby turd nugget well happy and excited thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 2,130,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler, spore, spore game, spore gameplay, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, simulator game, gameplay, funny, spore ep 1, let's play, game, spore 2, spore (video game), SporeS01, 2018, Jan2018
Id: 42L4KT7OpX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2018
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