I Forced EVOLUTION And This Happened in Doodle God

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome to an old game called doodle god yeah i know a lot of people are like wow doodle god this is nostalgia this is my childhood and i've actually never played this game came out like 2010 or something crazy and it looks incredible the entire game is about combining elements like fire and earth to create i believe it's lava right yes volcano a mountain with hiccups it's kind of like what i have hiccups except i don't make lava and look at that we have now lava coming out of the volcano and we also created the lava and we can use that we can combine lava with probably water and what will that make steam and stone that's kind of cool now we do have a mission over here to create ash and get a reward we get two coiny boys i don't even know what those are for but we can get them we could also make seeds i think that's gonna be a while maybe like earth with water what happens if we combine earth and water together oh i just made a swamp look at that there's the swamp so let's try to make some other biomes maybe like stone plus wind maybe stone and air does that make sand it does and that should create like a desert area yeah look at that that's amazing what happens if i combine fire with the sand oh could this make glass it does nice i don't know what to do with glass but we now have a shard of glass right here i'd like to turn the swamp into fire too oh that doesn't work swamping lava no how about water in fire what is that alcohol what why would water in i guess fire water that that makes sense look at that we've got it still okay that's amazing can i make air and air oh that doesn't work air and steam nope how about air and glass nope steam and glass still nope air and sand sandstorm aaron stone oh that makes something i already did that i already did that game why did why did you think that'd be a good idea to do again but glass and water makes ice i'm not sure why glass and water would make ice either but now we have like a snowy area up here in the alcohol ville can i make polar bears i want to make polar bears and i'm feeling things like alcohol and air does alcohol do anything we need to we need to test this for science purposes earth nope and glass nope and sand nope and stone ha oh but alcohol and fire creates energy interesting what do we do with energy i feel like everything is energy and now i have a full-on tree here wow and alcohol and water makes vodka wow okay i'm kind of out of ideas of what to do with the alcohol now but i've gone through everything like don't worry we don't even have plants yet but somehow we've made vodka so what about if we try air in like earth does that make like a dust storm it does oh what do i do with dust i don't know but it literally is creating a dust storm it's kind of cool and then if i combine dust and fire i get ash so i feel like that was one of the quests that i had it was look at me oh wow the volcano is erupting all right there we go we got the mission completed now i just need to figure out seeds oh no i just made a storm out of air and water was it oh no oh wow it's made up like a big old tornado that's not quite the seeds i wanted but i'll take it so that was fun and all but what should i do with fire i feel like like lava plus water could do something let's try water here if i go to w i can get water and lava that might make stone oh it makes demons don't i think we've done that what happens if i add something else like snow or steam oh hey fire and stone made metal okay cool so metal is a good idea because metal i might be able to do something else like make a little forge i need people and i need seeds i need life here let's try to figure out how to create like seeds so i can make life it has to be earth right i wonder if i slap it with energy nope metal and energy gives me something though i don't even know what this does electricity oh that's nice i'm just gonna slap everything with electricity and energy and see what happens i just did this like oh plasma hot dang plasma sounds exciting too energy plus storm air and energy that already created something energy and ash no energy dust energy and snow energy and steam those were boring why would anyone think that was a good idea energy and swamp could give me seeds oh no we just created life accidentally oh no i don't even know what that means but i like it i creator of life i'm so good at this game i think that's kind of the fun thing ooh can i just like slap life on the metal like putting life into right here into the ash and then i'm gonna a ghost i made ghosts before even people have the souls to turn into ghosts whoops oh wow like you can straight up haunt things and there's nothing even alive to haunt come on just make something alive hey i did seeds now if i put seeds in water do i get plants there's just straight up seeds there i need seeds in water seeds and water seeds in water where do the seeds go seeds plus water that doesn't work seeds in the swamp seeds and vodka isn't vodka made out of seeds but if i plant the seeds in the earth me i make a tree and then i get a little forest that's exciting oh congratulations i completed that do i get another quest now and negative i don't but there's a button here and now you're probably wondering what happens if we start the tree on fire do i get charcoal oh ash ash and coal i knew it i knew that would work and if i hit coal with energy oh no coal with electricity coal with life we can make a golem no we can't really do anything with coal except give it a ghost yeah that didn't work either oh and i put trees i created a tree end that's awesome life and trees together make a treant oh they're living here that's so cool i'm just trying all sorts of weird things like it what happens if i light a tree on gunfire oh he's gonna get mad a ash and a ghost i mean that makes sense about trenton electricity oh that's not fun tree and seeds nope what about swamp seeds but swamp life creates bacteria oh no i just made energy seeds that turned into coffee uh that's good i don't know what to do with coffee now except water it down to make coffee vodka nope that doesn't work maybe i can do something with the metal like if i can bind metal plus coal no metal and fire come on something in here i thought i could like go up a tier so i'm trying to play with the bacteria here to find anything that it goes with i want to create more life so i put it on fire no it doesn't work either plasma plasma bacteria can i create like athlete's foot here nope i can't create athlete's foot but adding bacteria to bacteria to the swamp i made worms and sulfur and there they're growing that's the sulfur deposit i guess what happens if i make a bacteria with a bacteria oh they don't make baby bacterias oh and plankton is water in bacteria that's good because that's like the building blocks of all life forms look at them growing they didn't really grow neat so if i add plankton to the water then oh it doesn't work so maybe i'm overthinking this a little bit i should try turning everything alive all the way at the top air and then alcohol living alcohol that'd be terrifying bacteria we're just gonna bring everything to life and see if we can create anything new life and energy life and fire are living fired a ghost alive why is nothing working a living ice living lava living life living metal come on something's gotta work oh living stone i created an egg can i hatch the egg look we have eggs on top of the mountain i need to hatch these eggs maybe i let's let's finish turning everything alive first oh i made water alive that turned into weeds and that's all for life so i did get weeds and what was the other one eggs i got an egg let's try to hatch the egg what should we put the egg with to hatch it maybe air oh that does something i made birds i made a kitty cat look at the birds in the sky that's so cool oh it's over here now okay i need to turn more eggs eggs alcohol eggs ash bacteria eggs bird eggs oh earthen eggs i made a dinosaur life finds a way thank you jeff goldblum look at that dinosaur in there that's neat we need to turn more eggs on what happens if i hit a dinosaur for the meteor does that work too soon is that too soon oh eggs and sand make a turtle that's fantastic oh eggs in the swamp make a lizard too that's amazing and that's all i can do with that so what was the other thing i made there's the new tree here birds dinosaur lizards and turtle okay we're gonna try hitting the birds with everything maybe a bird plus a worm oh i have a feeling birds aren't really gonna do anything oh a thunderbird wow it's a nice car and this must be like a phoenix then yeah the phoenix okay cool because that was firing bird oh two birds make an egg yeah that makes sense thanksgiving you're so smart but which came first the bird or the egg that's the real question and the dinosaurs and air make a dragon i'm making all sorts of mythical beasts here but i can't make regular things a dinosaur and a dinosaur make a dinosaur egg yep oh and a dinosaur and fireman can try i already did that one didn't i so nothing else came out of the dinosaur tree let's go to the lizards oh water lizard water lizard's a bird how does that even work i have a feeling a lot of these aren't supposed to match at all like lizard and dinosaur doesn't work oh lizard in earth works a beast a beast what does a beast do i don't know what a beast does but we're going to try to mutate it into something else like it's hiding down in the cave it's still a scary creepy dinosaur look at my planet i'm the best evolutor ever is that a word evolutor oh and the lizard and fire make ash but a burden fire didn't make ash i don't understand that but two lizards make an egg and a lizard and that's obvious i wonder if you can evolve people in this game and if two people make an egg two turtles definitely make a turtleneck turtle and fire make ash no but a lizard did which doesn't make any sense feel like the turtle is the most boring of anything that i've created so far like literally nothing works with it besides making turtle licks yep all right trying to tie the beast now a beast and a beast make oh they don't make beast eggs doesn't make any sense everything else maybe i don't even know what i'm talking about anymore beast and earth nope beast and egg come on something's gotta work here a beast ghost that would have been funny ice lava life whoa whoa oh i made humans i accidentally just evolved humans oh they're gonna have so many bad things happen to them i feel sorry just kidding i don't feel sorry look at the poor little guy he's just sitting out there on that rock all by himself with nothing to look forward to in life and i know you're probably wondering what happens if we give a beast to a human oh no oh a domesticated animal okay i thought that was gonna go the other way but at least i have cows for our human to like and have food from oh and i made a water beast the whale i can't talk whale i'm a whale talk like a whale don't i alright now we get to play with the humans somehow i created humans i feel bad for them let's give them all of the elements and see what happens a human with air that makes them cold a human with alcohol that makes an alcoholic i knew that i wonder if human and vodka makes an alcoholic oh this is a dude just hanging out in the desert we have two people now one has fire and cows the other one is alcohol nice well done human men and we can combine the alcoholic with things a human and alcoholic doesn't do anything oh a human in a dinosaur creates blood oh because the the dinosaur the dinosaur eats the human and now we just have a pile of bones laying next to this still this game is weird i like it and a human and domesticated animal do i get cheese now oh meat milk and wool you get cow wool this dude's smart i check it out he's like yay i get meat on his stick i'm not burning it yet but i still get meat on a stick i feel like if i get meat and fire together it's going to create steak but it didn't weird meat and lava nope a human and a dragon makes ash that's kind of funny i like that because he even gets obliterated a human plus an egg oh i was hoping for baby humans i think that's how humans are made right i made a wizard his name is gandalf and human and fire makes a corpse wow that's a little bit a little bit gross i don't like that i don't like making corpses now it's even gonna get worse because i'm gonna turn the human into a ghost oh it didn't do anything okay here's something that everyone's been waiting for what happens if we evolve a human and a human together and close your eyes oh yeah there's the d monetization ducks a human in life do we get baby humans human lizards human and meat why don't oh human in metal i made tools and then they just conveniently place the tools in the middle of the water where our humans can't reach smart very smart game you're a genius a human and a stone makes a hut he's got a house now this dude's moving up in the world except it's way over here where he can't reach either unless he goes on this weird walkabout next to the corpse in the giant pile of of kool-aid with bones in it but a drunk can get there so he's got that going for him the human and vodka does make the alcoholic i figured that was going to work that way let's see what happens if we put the human in the rest of these things a human and a whale human in a wizard a human and wool and a worm huh nothing what happens if we make a wizard with a wizard nothing and a wizard with a corpse ooh i made a human again he's a necromancer that's kind of exciting and now the game's like some of these elements may react i don't even know what they are but we must try them for science purposes air plankton air weeds air worm oh a butterfly that's what the game wanted me to make as a butterfly i guess that happened anyway guys that'll do it for today's video of doodle god i hope you enjoyed our adventure today kind of an exciting game a lot of weird things can come out of it i think so if you want me to play more and let me know down below in the comments and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagen dickie james apollo bunny auto dave eagle arc whippet good seraphin x des bogger maxer zarnoff legacy jason mcfarlane deegan paul longstone and ralph and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a youtube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,354,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, bilts, doodle god, doodle god universe, doodle god all combinations, doodle god gameplay, blitz doodle god, doodle god evolution, doodle god game, doodle god elements, doodle god blitz, doodle god artifacts, doodle god steam, doodle god electricity, doodle god fire, doodle god elements list, doodle god elements combination
Id: _MJ9BbrjbUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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