The WORLD EATING Creature Is TERRIFYING in The Eternal Cylinder

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hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to the eternal cylinder this is an interesting game we're almost at the end of it i can smell it i can smell a victory i can smell the end and it smells like brimstone and whatever this thing is brimstone not brimstone brimston it's a name a british name for for a cat brimston actually does sound kind of british anyway let's try to blow this thing up because it looks like it could be fun oh it's coming after me oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that was illegal don't do that ever again oh i'm pumped in through the the like the mathematicians intestines oh there's the wall i don't want to go do i want to go in the wall do i want to go through the wall i kind of want to blow this guy up uh do it doing doing no no no no that's the illegal way ah wasting all my fun stuff oh hello i mean if you want to play this game weird bouncy ball of death i will make death of you i popped it okay i see an organ floating around in there yes i don't even know what this is but i need it who wants it square boy you want it all right this thing i got it we're going to turn into whatever that thing was [Music] come on oh tongue to trunk to grow a tug what yuck that is disgusting i love it i want to lick something i'm going to go lick this thing hey weird thing i'm going to lick you and ready get set and oh it farted it farted i licked the part that was that was gross did it blow up i don't know what i did but i like to fart that's weird so i feel like it might be time just to go just go straight to the cylinder and i know i can use this guy to like search for different upgrades and there's things on top of spike things we're just gonna go because i feel like i've got good upgrades right now i've got plenty of food everything should be nice oh filter trunk that's okay we don't need that the cylinder's rolling again cylinders are bad okay and then we're gonna jump up this other side can i jump probably not we're just i'm gonna i gotta jump a little bit if i jump i mean roll and then we have weird things over here again i don't like you stay away from me there's something giant purple and shiny over there oh it's one of those ufo things over it all right this is good we stopped it there i honestly don't trust the mathematician anymore i did kill him a little while ago but i don't trust him so i'm just gonna try to move on from that as far as i can before it blows up because the game's gonna be like just kidding mathematicians here again or it's nice and quiet and it's telling me to go way over to the blue thing is that where the the travala are oh what is that can i eat it no it's just a it's just a maybe i can we need to eat something here i don't know if i've seen this upgrade is there an upgrade here oh i don't think it's an upgrade i think it's just food it was just food that's okay and this is water but i can drink through my toes by dipping them in the pond too this guy makes me a storage unit i think so i'm gonna send it over here to guado and then we're gonna make bombs and everything also where's gwem we still don't have gwem guam maybe i can revive gwen is that what this thing is no this is just another shrine that could tell me to make things permanent iconic vision permanent all right i don't know why i need that like i've got plenty of that stuff in storage still so i'll just grab the crystals use webweb here to start eating these things and upgrade my water storage to level two i've never upgraded that that's hilarious because mainly i've been putting everything here into stamina oh i can use it yes upgrade to level 10 max level reached so now we'll leave and hopefully go find gwem again because i miss gwen also i got an acid trunk for this guy again no no no no no no no no i told you no did you not did you not understand the part where i said no oh wow that was scary you just broke a rock you're that kind of cool how do you like that i shattered his life now i can absorb his powers again give me that give me that yeah we're gonna turn that into a bomb it's for unknown reasons this is a super rare revolution i don't really care it's a bomb now and i'm going to turn all those into bombs and then now i have to figure out where i'm going again please give me another tower please please give me another tower i need to find the travala oh a froggy boy hey give me that swim needs these we're gonna save one of those for gwim okay we can't swim there's the tower there can i get across the building oh dang i did the dumb thing again i went through the stupid thing is this gonna work can i just go on this back side here okay there is a little path here i never saw that before i don't know why i didn't see that before but i think i'll be okay and i'm already out of stamina that's not okay but at least i can jump really high with my new my new grasshopper legs give me this stuff i need more bombs this is a really nice corridor i'm sure glad somebody built it here for us thank you travala so much easier when you don't have to swim look at us we did it now no no no in the hope i don't like whatever's gonna happen next though do not like yeah especially since this next thing is red i'm guessing it's not gonna turn white we're gonna get to like a boss fight again okay stop please okay the mathematician oh shiny could the creature that the elder had spoken of be nearby prob maybe i don't know if these are when i need them i'm gonna totally do that come on what do you do unstable body it'll eventually explode what the crap does it die if it explodes is it gonna explode [Laughter] that was awesome i like slowly bodies i need more of those the game is like hey remember that creature we talked about just five minutes ago we gotta go find that now and if you don't you can't go anywhere because the cycle is not going to let you through could it be this thing what is that thing i don't even know i think i got jumping legs again get up there up there okay i got my jumping legs on i gotta get to the other side of the mountain with my jumping feet hopefully it's over here um there's a campfire nope where is the creature that feast on the trowala that's what we're supposed to be looking for are you over here hello i know why i need googly eyed monster hello sir do you eat true wallace hello you yes you he just poops you're not the one don't even pretend i know you don't know how to eat a chihuahua i mean anyway i just started blasting things does that work i wish i could only shoot one at a time the game's like nah you got to do two and then they roll so far blow that thing up come on this thing's got a pimple on it i wonder if the towers up there let's try one of these i'm just gonna blow this thing up real quick whatever this thing is i'm going to turn myself into a walking explosion i wish this could be permanent don't hurt my friends i don't know if it does ah it's gonna explode i didn't even blow that thing up interesting okay we gotta be quick here i don't know what these things do or is it just food it's just food nope nope nope you're you're like you're annoying but i'll blow you up anyway oh never mind so the real question is does it have to be a creature or can it be a tree oh that tree didn't blow up i was hoping it would and there's runes on this thing which indicate that i need to do something here like i really feel like the game's like here's these exploding things use exploding things on things to explode them and if you do it might break nope didn't break okay this tree looks like it it's breakable though okay i totally did not see this but there's a playground here this is earth now this is not good i don't like this oh look he was walking on there they're dancing can i go down the slide we need to go down this slide i feel like we're gonna get oh we can't go down this slide i mean we kind of can there's children's voices now there's things oh he's alive it's alive i don't know what to do why is the map oh it's got a hole in his side because i blowed it up oh balls i don't like this what are these statues doing i still haven't figured those out what are you doing the worst fears oh no no no that's the thingy the mathematician was alive okay now he had brought forth this wheeled monster oh oh we gotta blow up the things it does end we're gonna end it we just have to get him to blow up these that's my goal anyway and then something's gonna come out of the ground and then kill it because it eats trems bringing down this towering monstrosity seemed almost impossible how i'm scared but it can only roll problems have a solution they do you feel clever enough i am clever it was no different i have clever juice in my brain at its prey so blindly and so greedily it could be made to absorb almost anything absorb anything i mean i don't mind that is it gonna it's got lights i don't like the lights though here i'm gonna blow up eat this [Music] oh no hey hey did i accidentally win this oh wait wait wait wait oh no grow goo here that kind of worked ah yes and then oh no no no no no no no abort mission i don't like grogu i mean i like rogue i don't want him to get eaten that's interesting interesting ideas here i'm wondering about those totems that he drove over though does that part of it eat more we need more bomby boys [Music] oh that was a close shot come on those are misses oh you got him you got him take those and stuff no why isn't he going down uh how do i get him to go down maybe i need to give him some of this [Music] i just need to spit out one of these over there oh come on eat those too you big ugly dork you just ate the stink juice he just ate the stink juice here eat one of those exploding boys oh oh i did it is it dead i dated it i killed him i killed it dead i need these things i'm so sorry i'm going to make these living creatures into bombs just because they haven't decided that this was not the sort of place where they might find a creature capable of eating a chihuahua or you don't think so no this place was tainted you nothing alive would want to stay here oh great we would have to continue their search for the great beast what did i what what did i just get that part i wanted to eat that thing where is it this one oh i blew up the guy and i wanted to steal this stuff what is that that was like a meteor that just came down oh water it's gonna absorb all this water in my feet there's another thing here is that part of the meteor huh blow them it cracked oh interesting it straight up was a meteor it's a little weird all right onward march i guess to the next stage i mean i could get more mutations but i'm totally fresh not wanting to right now and i want to win this game and i want guemo back we need gumbo back also i don't like that guy i want to blow him up i totally do want to blow him up um yeah yep whoop okay yeah jumping diving ducking and weaving look at me i'm parkouring like a rolling ball i did it i'm in i'm going in and we're going in okay and now do not trust the mathematician since he's alive again we're gonna try to make as much ground here as we can and by that i mean trying not to die oh great okay it's gonna stop it stop it's stopping it stopped it's stopping thank you oh and it killed the thing i wanted to kill but it didn't kill the other one it's too bad ooh looky looky what blitz found i don't know what that thing is but i want it let's put it on square guy this is the grass okay can i put it on the square guy and we'll eat that okay is that the one somebody told me in comments that this is the one that gives like spikes yeah or not there's one that gives spikes and then the spikes are cool what does this one do and there was nothing else interesting in there other than learning how to jump but i did get a turtle shell so that's kind of unique i tell you what i really really like this character oh take one of those or two oh that's gonna hurt that's gonna leave a big mark oh that didn't blow it up or did it it's running away now did you not like that what happens if i'm the attacker now huh did you ever think of that huh oh you're going so fast that do it that did the kill oh wow that was a ton of damage did i skip to steal your parts i want to steal your parts there's something oh is that the acid trunk hey come back here yeah that's the acid trunk i don't need that on multiples we already have it on him so we'll just create it into a bomb so we can get more acid trunks where am i going now where's the next tower at so we get into another race which isn't terrible because it's right here i have a feeling there's going to be some sort of something else that happens here that make it going to not work properly because that is a long way back for that cylinder to show up and i don't even know what's gonna happen here oh there was something blue and shiny on the ground did you see that right up there i'm gonna go for it see that blue shiny thing i don't know what that is maybe that's the thing that needs the dead chihuahua or whatever it is i'm going for it because this tower is not going to live oh that's the that's the gum resurrector oh no why have i done this why have i done this why have i done this you can't swim either ah get up get up get up get up i said huh run hey it's him [Music] that was bad i'm gonna miss gwen so bad i need him i need him in my life quiv i am here gwen oh it only works if the cylinder's been here okay cylinders stop we need gwen back they're gonna stop it stop sort of oh i saw i knew something was going to happen here what is it oh the math magician's back what are you looking at me for i just want gwen let me have gwen then i'll leave you alone i promise he's got a vengeance though because we kind of killed him sort of tried to kill him what's he doing oh whoa no no no no no no no no no no no no no no what is that what is here that's nuking me why is it microwaving me like this it should know by now that i don't like being microwaved i'm gonna totally kill it i am totally gonna kill that thing and i'm gonna steal whatever it's gone now where did it go what the garbage man what the garbage is this all right you wanna dance i've got dancing skills oh catch oh he missed oh oh got him got him blow it up blow it up hiding we gotta run and hide there's another one running and hiding catch oh no no no no no no no there's a car there's a car there's a car get out of the light get out of there no no no that's illegal ah run away hey you're you're done wait what is that what is that it died in the water i need that thing oh we're all dying now that's cool and i know a lot if you've been like hey blitz you really need to get the permanent mutations i'm with you i am totally with you now okay since that cylinder hasn't stopped i know what's gonna happen i'm gonna try to get over here to the mountain and just hide because i can't blow those things up the math magician's gonna come up i was really wanting to get gwen back oh no okay we gotta fight this brute force ways nope nope nope you're gonna die i gotta kill you oh great i mean if i just stay in areas there's no cover here even oh great you're right here how did you get right on top no get off me get off my liver i gotta hide in the shade in the shade in the shade we gotta protect one now why is there no shade why is there no shade this is terrible oh my word you're the worst do you know that your mom doesn't love you anymore i just wish for once that things would i get inside here i want to get inside of here i just fall inside yep oh i'm in i'm in i'm hiding nobody can touch me in here i'm with my friend vogero are they coming they're actually not coming i have to queue them up and then go back over here so the mathematicians just stared at me like he stared at me and then the things have to come they're there oh get back over there swim swim swim you can't drive in water you can drive in water the other things can fly over water though and i hear them behind me i hear them behind me i hear them behind me no no no that's gross i don't like it my friend vogero doesn't like it either get in the hole get in the hole get in the hole yep get in the hole can't touch me in here can't touch me he's touching me he's touching me in here well my poor geyser is just freaked out and afraid did i do it i did it haha i avoided him yeah get out of here you don't even know where i'm existing anymore wish i could kill it and steal its power for myself at least i can avoid the situation now if i can just avoid that machine i'm going back in the hole get back in the hole he doesn't know me existing i can do it now i can do it i got to kill this guy though nope nope we got to get we got to get gwen back we got to get gwen back it's our only hope hey they're getting thrown over here quinn i miss you so bad gwen ah gwen yeah i'm totally gonna use up all my points on him oh i love you so much gwen welcome home yes kwem is being resurrected here's gwen webb can float yay ah what are you doing on my island fine you want to play ball i'll play ball that wasn't enough ball to play get out of here i need more explosives badly i'm not even sure how to get over there because my edge of my world is right here gwen can't float that far and i definitely can't swim that far i think i'm gonna have to go oh wow this is so bad how do i get over there oh those two are fighting that's kind of cool i didn't know they could fight each other but i think i can go across this island and then hightail it over there to the left my stamina is all the way charged up i am ready to go going i'm going boink do you see that jump boy do you see that jump oh parkour hardcore i got this i'm gonna win the game my four-legged friend only has two legs now they got destroyed that's all right we can make make this work i think i've got plenty of time the cylinder isn't orange yet do i have plenty of time the cylinders here it's orange it's orange cylinders orange and it's here i don't like this i got time i got time we can just slow walk this oh my word that's terrifying especially when the big bad guy is going to be in here but the good news is gum is alive and i can eat these two things come on fellas we don't need to worry about that big bad cylinder anymore we just have what is that thing that's the thing that he's tread bumps a triangle i like triangles oh no oh no this is the thing this is the game thing that was before thing give me that i want triangle pieces i forget what this is but it looks like cheese so i'm going to eat it and crystalline skin oh i get to get eaten what is that thing i don't like that thing there's a grasshopper again grasshopper make turds for me i want to eat them thank you make another turd for me i need six of them thank you make another turn for me thank you make another oh died well let me get that back also i'm so excited gwem gets to have jumpy feet he wants jumpy feet for so long now he can float and fly at last oh okay creatures was walking around carelessly in the corrupted planes oh was to steal its core or more precisely really the core if it's stolen whatever poor traffic i didn't go into that thing but the creature though slow and uninterested in the tiny treble yeah had a frightful layer of teeth protecting its pride right could a nimble enough trebuchet cries right out of it i like the way you think narrator i also don't know what's over there but i think we have to get the thing for it all right we're going nibble gum is my nimble list i don't like that sound either the music and the sound effects in this game are fantastic oh hi okay excuse me don't mind me i'm just going over here oh oh these are these are these are floaty boys okay if i get on it i can float up yup yup yup yup yup yup okay you gotta die sorry this came to it i don't oh that actually kind of really hurt the stupid acid one doesn't work very well but i can float oh now get away from me why do you not ah did that hurt it didn't hurt it's running away from that thing maybe i should run away from it too wham i need you i'm gonna float up into its oh stop this annoyance you dummy oh it died now okay graham i need you again remember what we talked about what we talked about last time i need you poop ow he float in there right here what's the old butthole does it have a butthole i don't really know i need to get in front of this thing i forgot gwem can stare at things nicely done gwen all right we're gonna try to float over there i can use super jump and then float oh it's not high enough but this might be if i can jump on its head uh am i too far away i might be able to jump on it on its body i'm on its body come on nimble whim gwam for the mvp grab okay we're going in and oh this is gross we're going in its mouth this is a bad idea i made it in we're go we're in nimble mode gwem oh i don't like this swam eat the thing he ate the thing get out grim he i made it out i went made it out gwen made it out graham is the mvp of the day all right you i don't want to i don't want gwen to eat that though i don't know what it's going to do but we're defeated to crash this dummy up here good old grab woo do it bud do whatever you do do your thing oh what did it do as soon as the trevor mutated it oh poop nuggets shove a bunch of mushrooms in my mouth i feel like every game recently just shoved mushrooms in mouth and things happened peggy was like oh dude i'll shove all the mushrooms in my belly hole and then he does because that's what he does best is eat actually what he does best is store things and in this case that means food and lots of food oh and a whole lot of food a memory awoke within the travel of an ancient ritual okay a song at the top of the trebum tower to forge a bond between trebum and trafala okay i like that idea that was the purpose of these structures and luckily one was nearby oh i don't even need gwen we need the song master you are the mvp just wait for that tower to get down come on stairs it's coming it's coming where to do this we're gonna do this i did it up we go up we go up we go oh it's gonna work it's gonna work at the top of this tower right here in this place and with the proper mutation now was the time for the trevor sing to sing sing little trebum [Music] we did i don't we did it it was long ago your song traveled well let's get rid of the cylinder and then we'll be friends ill together old friends silence may be safer but what is alive without soul i don't know but that deep raspy voice you probably can't sing very well must be because we know what you are trying to accomplish oh great we require your help too okay what is it attacking oh we done made him mad at what something okay oh where did that face come from and then we gotta meet it over there shiny stuff i hear footsteps well my friends that's going to do it for today's video of the eternal cylinder kind of a little cliffhanger we've got going here wondering what is inside of that giant face so thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank all of the channel members and patreon supporters including alan h apollo bunny auto dave ben dickie j teddy epis desby eagle arc maxer whippet good baron fox zarnoff deegan jason m rail splatter sax iffy sphere joe b obi john kenobi fury arrow and doug rules 2.0
Channel: Blitz
Views: 321,806
Rating: 4.9405298 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, eternal cylinder, the eternal cylinder, eternal cylinder gameplay, eternal cylinder ep 1, eternal cylinder blitz, eternal cylinder game, eternal cylinder full game, blitz eternal cylinder, eternal cylinder creatures, the eternal cylinder blitz, blitz the eternal cylinder, the eternal cylinder mathematician, the eternal cylinder blitz playlist, the eternal cylinder blitz ep 1, the eternal cylinder gameplay
Id: PMEGl42L-7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 18sec (1758 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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