THE ETERNAL CYLINDER Gameplay Walkthrough - Part 1

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okay so if you're tuning into this video you're  likely expecting to find out what the eternal   cylinder is all about and you and i are about to  go on this adventure together but before we do   i want to let you guys know how this game was  described to me prior to playing this it was   described to me as no man's sky spore and lemmings  with a dash of salvador dali all mixed together   which i enjoy all of those things salvador dali's  art is literally mind mind melting for lack of a   better way to say it and all three of the games  mention no man's sky spore and lemmings are all a   very good time i love those games i love them all  they're all great so combining all these into one   one game just sounds like a really great  time with that said let's get started once upon a time in the age of the eternal  cylinder they lived a family of little creatures   called the trevor trebum are not the strongest  nor the fastest and they do not have sharp teeth   they would make easy prey for the terrible force  that came to their planet but trebum are loyal   and resourceful and very very stubborn it is with  such a trebum that our story begins one clever   little creature born into a cruel world who would  be instrumental in bringing prosperity to its kind all right so we are a ball with a trunk and two  feet and two eyes that sounds great great start run something inside him said run ah okay we are  running i think that cylinder's already moving oh god yeah jumpman okay i don't think i can get out of this no i cannot jump out of this the great  crushing thing the great cylinder had   stopped oh perhaps it was safe here for a little  while how quickly it learned to use its legs   and its trunk oh but these things were not so much  learned as they were remembered we are gathering   materials they were a gift from the strange voice  it heard in its mind that too was a kind of memory   uh uh did i just all right choose the material  collected okay so as you guys can see i am   playing this on a ps5 i was given a ps5 key for  this so let's let's see what uh what this does ah just when it was starting  to get used to its legs   the food from the jumping creature  gave it new ones nice right substance   as a catalyst a trebum can transform and  adapt to many challenges we are evolving   shoot anything from your inventory try shooting  water at the flying bugs what does this do oh oh my god we are wide we are big storage body  allows the trevum to store a large amount of   objects collected via the trunk okay so we are big  man now uh i'm shooting you with water here you go i'll shoot you there you go sorry man the  narrator said i gotta shoot you with water okay   the narrator said i'm just doing what i'm  told here you go here you go here let me uh can i take these tree eggs can we eat them what do they do for me  well they have a food and water symbol so   it does look like there is going to be some  survival mechanics in this as well and this is   described as a survival game so maybe we'll  learn more about that a little bit later here you go i have some water that's for  you okay so i see these pillars with the red what that going on here that's the thing that just made me big right   yeah what happens if i eat another one so it  looks like if there's like a like a lightning   bolt symbol it can make you evolve in some way but  that one the second time it didn't do anything so   it looks like you can only do it once at least  with certain things so far uh let's go this way the trebum was drawn to a bright light  okay perhaps to the creature next to it oh sky is cool i like the uh the aesthetic  of the game it looks it's very sci-fi right   growing very cool one's head  they were very much alike okay look at this guy oh   yeah i love the uh the sci-fi feel of  everything it looks cool this guy's huge surrounded by this light the trebum  knew things it had not known before   it knew the older trebum had carried  this light for a long long time and it   knew that now that responsibility  had passed to the next generation   yes this young trebum had to carry the  light to those great towers in the distance it could have stayed here to learn many old  things but the cylinder would not allow it oh okay i guess we gotta go the inner voice  said run the towers would not stop the   cylinder unless they were activated okay  squared or move faster oh we are rolling i feel like a like a a living tumbleweed quickly   the trevor had to step on the symbol or  the cylinder would not be stopped okay okay everything turned blue are we good okay so theoretically these towers now that  they're blue they should stop the cylinder   right god those things out there going  to get crushed run man run looks like one   of them is going to make it oh no that guy  back there didn't make it he didn't make it a voice inside the trebum's memories  assured it that while the tower stood   the trebum would be safe the power of the  eternal cylinder was contained for now okay this relative tranquility gave the  trevor a chance to think about its family   tribune are not meant to live alone so where  were the others the trebum is very attractive   yeah shake that trunk okay um let's see what's up here i see stairs oh okay very good our young friend found an egg  oh with one of his siblings inside ah the egg   had been abandoned but it could still be made to  hatch all that was needed is a source of heat okay   a source of heat these both  look like sources of heat is it gonna hatch oh hey a new family member joins the group vuto ah my brother interesting you can move around azim as well very cool all right well let's go this way i guess is this another egg let's turn the music down a little bit here oh what the that thing is large okay all right so  i'm experiencing a bit of a bug i think   i'm not able to move vogo right now for some  reason i don't know why i can't move with him   so we have vuto that we can use uh  how are we gonna get that egg there   may we do a roll jump thing we roll and  then we jump on over oh okay that was not it i think this side's a little closer  let's try getting there from over here okay yeah we can make this jump we can i  just gotta you know get the straight away   hold on let me uh get this guy so i can  get the big legs this was the legs right nope that was the storage body okay so  now i'm just big without the extra legging oh no i jumped too far guys  we gotta get this egg man breathe man looks like we might  be able to drown if you run out of   stamina when you're swimming that's kind  of scary oh okay okay give me that egg let's get another brother there you go nope that's not where it goes there  you go nope nope nope nope get out of the way dude   listen you're taking up all the heat  get out of here get out of here man is it gonna hatch ah hello who this guy look at this absolute  unit nice okay so we have uh   a couple siblings can i control you as well  yes very good let's take guegoo out here okay um i'm seeing the giant blue light  go to this so let's see what's over here what is this they're making noise oh damatic trunk lets a trebum make a sound  that will startle or frighten predators   circle to use this mutation oh heck yeah oh heck yeah can i do all rolling   i love it i love it uh okay that lit  up oh okay had been built for trevor   okay gave them hope that in this large and  dangerous world some places had been made   for them oh enter elder cave okay let's go in can i control the original one yet oh i can let's  control this one then because he's got the legs   you can do the big bounce so i'm not sure what  that bug was but we weren't able to move with him   okay r1 tap to quickly change the group leader  hold to manually select a specific tribum   don't worry if you lose sight of one of your  family members you do not need to wait for   the other trebum they will always manage  to get to where the group leader is okay   cool that's good to know actually and then  we can manually change very nice very nice neat can i oh what is this okay so that's like some  type of currency or something like it's filling   up a meter i think also what is let me just  eat some of these what is this to do for me   oh it's more water cool so it looks like a little  bit of a a water things we can hydrate ourselves i ate it and the little meter on the  bottom left filled back up so that's cool what is this statue somehow this ancient  statue transferred knowledge to the tremor   organic cube a rare organic growth found near  certain ancient trebum structures most likely   or artificial in origin okay there's a  whole lot of stuff that gives me water   yeah that's what we just made a moment ago  so basically a lot of these things give you   food tuba tuber and large stalin that grows the  tip of a pipe reed and acts as a storage organ   for nutrients that the stink noises produced by  pipe breeze are likely intended to frighten off   potential predators okay so that's what we  ate just a minute ago as well to gain like   the horn capability gives us health okay so these  these are this is pretty cool they all have like   unique things and these ones are that's what  allows us to be the storage guy the big unit   that's what gave us the legs earlier  so we got to figure out how to get   more of those for our brothers our  brothers and sisters need legs too lots of food stuff okay cool there's that square thing memory had been stored  inside it waiting for someone to absorb it   and as soon as this knowledge had entered  their minds the trebum realized that there   was a great library of information hidden  away in the web of their memories but why   was the knowledge of a specific ingredient  placed here in this trebum made of stone cuboid body allows treble to enter special  openings in certain sacred places and unlock   ancient mechanisms all right i  see this stuff back here so let's   get all that also i'm realizing that i am uh no  longer a storage guy let's get the storage guy to   pick this up so we can have that for later there  you go there you go we'll take this for water   hydration is important uh didn't i see  a square opening back here though i did   ah i turned my body into a key garumo the elder  oh look at that guy there you go hey how you doing   inside the cave the trebum found a living elder  it had been waiting in this chamber for a long   long time the elder told them it was happy  to see some friends before the cylinder came   it said you are young so you never knew the time  when how people could shape-shift at will we   trebham are inheritors of a vast tree of abilities  abilities passed on to all future tripper   but this power is being taken away beware the  servants of the cylinder they will seek to hurt   you at every opportunity and they have the power  to rob you of your abilities but if you persevere   one day you will find a way to protect yourselves  from their evil light farewell my brave friends   i fear i am too old and tired to join you may you  find a way to prosper in this type of struggles all right well i see the the stuff back here  so don't know what this is but i feel like it's   important so let's take it it says number four  on it now everybody wave by hey listen if you   guys have been watching the video up to this point  do me a favor and leave a like on it so that way   more people can see it that would be really great  thank you so much for watching to this point i   really appreciate it i hope you're enjoying it  uh make sure you subscribe to the channel as   well i'll be doing lots of uh i do lots of like  gameplay walkthroughs and review games and stuff   like that so if that's what you're into you don't  want to miss it it was not easy to leave the cave   but the elder had urged them to go forward  suddenly they felt the weight of their many tasks   to find their trebum siblings to  restore the powers their people had lost   and it all seemed a little daunting yeah but  even when they are afraid trip them are stubborn   look at this guy governor um it looks like  we can give them whatever this is here you go hey we have another brother   okay cool uh our family is ever growing  guys our family is ever growing very nice   so i just use whatever this stuff is to kind of  i don't know if it was like bribery saying hey   come with us and you'll get more of this  or if it like revitalize them in some way all right i don't know i don't think i'm supposed to go back that way   it looks like a pretty far swim i'm pretty  sure i will drown also looks like the water   is a different color so maybe it's like a  boundary of some kind so let's not go that way i don't think i'll survive anyhow so this game is uh so far it's pretty  relaxing it's just kind of like an exploration   get through like survive and just kind  of carry on through the story explore   the world as you roll the cylinder on let's  uh go this way what is this glowing blue   oh awaking the cylinder exiting the blue energy  dome that radiates from the tower you activated   will awaken the eternal cylinder warning not  all towers have the same radius of protection   some may be weaker i guess that explains that  so i guess when i leave this things happen the land mass is leading us this  way so i guess we just have to go the cylinder resumed its destruction  nothing could stop it forever they needed to roll to safety to  find another tower to protect them   quickly voodoo has died did that  thing just kill him no voodoo oh man can i get a rip voodoo in the comments   ah poor guy i will avenge  you voodoo i will avenge you voodoo deserved better man what the heck i see  a pyramid out there we need to get to this tower rib voodoo poor guy okay that's blue so we made it   this kind of cool animation let's just sit here  uh i don't think it'll crush us we should be good that's pretty daunting hey we're okay we're okay we're here oh okay i'm assuming we have to go to the pyramid  since it's glowing blue so i guess we'll go   points of interest watching the beams of light  that come from the activated towers they'll point   you to objectives or areas of interest exactly  what i thought okay good to know my mind is in   the right place the trebum found themselves almost  as lost as they had been in the beginning but   the voice and their memories comforted them  it was only natural to be confused it said   they had been born into a strange broken world  cut off from the history of their ancestors   everyone was a little lost these days what  mattered was to keep going to keep looking   for answers to keep carrying the light they held  within them the light that stopped the cylinder   right okay let's enter the  shrine it's called trebum shrine what is going on here in this strange eerie temple  the trebum felt something stir in their memories   there was a great power in this place something  from the days when even the elders were young   perhaps it could help them so this is like  a humanoid of sorts but one of its legs is   split into two like where the knee  should be there's a pelvic bone uh the fingers are seemingly  claws as well weird okay um   can i eat this was hold on  let me i need water anyway oh hey more this stuff whatever  that is what does this do for me skin causes the trebum's skin to grow a patch of  grass-like hair which attracts the the bugs okay hey are you oh they're following me okay so  what do i need to do with this information oh okay uh i guess that's it all  right nice what's this do now okay just doing a quick read here all right the trebum were disoriented for a moment   something new had entered their memories and they  needed to make sense of it it seemed to be a map   and on this map a location had been marked  if they understood correctly there was some   manner of serpent a guardian a greater being  of some kind somehow linked to a safe haven   could they find refuge there their ancestors  must have created this map for a reason   can i get that i wonder if i can get that okay it did not allow me to  jump how i wanted to jump oh okay it doesn't really let me  jump higher it just lets me jump   further also this is water i need water i don't  know how long this water's been sitting here   but uh we're not asking those questions  right now we're just filling up our hydration   it's fine it's fine okay let me see oh okay  no i can't actually get that it looks like   oh nope all right uh i think we've gotten  everything there is to get in here so i mean maybe   one of these other guys want the uh the spiky  hair as well yeah get your spiky hair on dude nice all right let's let's move on so i'm enjoying the base premise of this game  so far i understand what they mean by no man's   sky by like the landscape type stuff i understand  what they mean by lemmings by growing your family   and then you have the whole idea of uh spore  where you evolve on the fly which is kind of cool   i i really i'm really enjoying the base  premise so far it's pretty fun what is   that strange beast alert behind the cylinder the  trevor were deeply unsettled by this new mystery   but though some part of them was curious they  were certain it would be best not to find out   agreed agreed yes it looks scary i need to find the thing that allows me to toot  my horn i think i actually see one out there yeah   so that way we i think it scares things away so  it helps us defend ourselves we can't fight so yeah nice okay um how about you too you you want some   no no no you need to there you go oh  okay okay uh don't don't hurt me no go on now get get get yeah okay uh i think we just triggered  it to move so let's go ahead and get   back to vogo here we gotta  get going guys we gotta go uh that is a giant pit i feel like we should go this way yes very good   i'm gonna eat this for some health  real quick one of our guys is hurt come on then all right i think we're gonna  make it we're good we're good we're good   again i feel like a living  tumbleweed this is pretty great nice we made it what is this that our stomach okay yeah stomach meter represents your foods  party and energy level it's divided into two parts   one stomach the orange part and two the  energy pouch the yellow part the stomach   holds all the food you consume and fills up  depending on the nutritional qualities of the   ingredients you eat the trebum can digest  food when resting or standing still which   depletes the stomach and fills the energy  pouch energy pouch is not only necessary   for your trebum to survive it is essential for  replenishing the energy that trevo means to roll   oh god the less energy you have the more slowly  your stamina and endurance will regenerate   however rolling consumes a lot of energy so  if you plan on rolling to distant safe areas   you must be prepared okay so it's gonna be  pretty crucial to the trebums started feeling   weak and tired yeah with all the excitement and  adventure they'd neglected their most basic needs   the sound of an empty stomach reminded them that  survival requires more than escaping from danger   you also have to eat luckily one of the many gifts  of the trebum is the capacity to store food in   their bodies but they still need to digest it to  gain the vital energy that gives them strength   and for such small creatures they do require  rather a lot of food fortunately the savannah   was rich in flora and fauna which would satisfy  their little bellies without necessarily   triggering a mutation speaking of mutations we  just found something new what does this do for us water processor the water processor mutation  is constantly processing ingredients found in   its inventory slots transforming them into water  know that this this does not extract any nutrients   from them be mindful of what you absorb with this  trebum as its body will automatically process any   organic ingredients stored inside it okay that's  kind of cool we're excited by this discovery this   new mutation would allow them to extract water  from ingredients that were otherwise quite dry   that's kind of cool caution them to be careful  more water was useful but this process would not   extract any nutrients they would  have to use it carefully and wisely   so with this you can kind of put this  on uh one of them and just kind of   vacuum things up and just like if you  get like dude i can i can imagine uh   having that oh no it changes the body type all  together so you i don't think you can combine   it with the big body uh imagine if you could just  like store it up with all sorts of stuff and just   not have to worry about hydration for a while  that would be killer it looks like you won't be   able to do that though either way though you can  fill it up with a bunch of stacks of something   and just kind of keep yourself hydrated for a  long while so that's pretty that's pretty big either way i'm just trying to fill up my  stomach now it's taking a little while here what is that thing over there  let's go see what that thing is it's moving a little bit so i think it's alive give me that thanks okay it's it that's creepy it's smiling yeah go on now get oh my god it's a giant  mouth with feet what the hell is that amazing amazing okay let's go to the blue light then shall we  so we're gonna need to make sure that we   are very well prepared in between  uh the rolls of the cylinder here   need to make sure that we're you  know full on energy and all that what is this needs six mushrooms and two of  whatever this is i mean we have some   we need to find the mushrooms i guess i'm not sure where to find those i'm sure  they're around somewhere oh hey an egg these aren't what it's looking for it  needs the the more mushroom shapes food let's see what this is there's another one  of those guys giant mouth with feet weird enter trebum shrine i don't know i'm really enjoying this game i   i just feel like it's kind of a cool game  just to kind of hang out and play you know   it makes me think of a another game i played  growing up um i think it's katamari damasi   i i can't remember how to pronounce it but it was  like you just like played this uh this ball and   you just had to like grow the ball by rolling  around it's just kind of a cool game to kick   back and relax and just play like me and my  friends would just play it when we were like   just didn't want to play like other games just  wanted to kind of have a good time just laugh   you know what i mean like this is the kind of  game that i could see like me and my friends   just hanging out and playing together for  felt a great power flowing through this cave   but they were not afraid the power felt  familiar even friendly these glowing structures   were the work of their ancestors what does  it do okay so this material is called mineral   mineral increase your maximum water storage  capacity current is 5.3 and required six   okay so we can use these minerals to level  up as well uh interesting well uh it looks   like there's a whole bunch of this stuff  in here does this do something different   food storage increase your maximum digested  food storage capacity interesting so it looks   like there's two more over there and then  there's another one here too what is this one   increase the maximum number of trebum who can  join your family okay so there is a max number   i don't know what it is uh at face value we have  two others with us right now and one died earlier   unfortunately rip voodoo man rip voodoo never  forget um let's just get all the minerals here all right we have eight total what does this one  do increase the maximum health of each troubum   and this one does increase the size of the  stamina wheel i'm actually gonna go with this   right now it costs seven so it's gonna take  a lot of what we have but that's pretty big   getting some stamina early on is pretty big uh does this do anything for us i mean it's water so water is always good right uh what do these do   we can't do anything with them uh they're i wonder  if we can like throw them maybe we can use them as   a weapon of sorts we have a full 10 stack we can  throw things right with right trigger so i wonder   if we can use them as some type of defense or  maybe to break things or something i don't know all right we went in there what do we need to  do next i guess we just need to prepare to leave   which our stomach is pretty  full so i think we might just go   i don't want to spend any minerals  freeing that guy no offense sorry just not in the market for another uh  trebum right now i guess especially for   minerals when i can use these minerals  to level up right it said it wanted to   mineral and a bunch of mushrooms which i  don't have either so what is this why is this uh we're gonna go in here for science  wish me luck what is this what's going on   oh oh we are bouncing don't wait  for other trev when entering organs   okay jump pads remove platforms they can move  on their own we'll follow you afterward okay oh these are the pods for the legs guys  the pods for the legs okay uh we need to   oh well space just became  available these are mine now   and hey what are you goofom you want one mineral  okay you can have mineral we have a whole bunch   right here we're gonna we're gonna take goo bomb  with us here you go brother here you go oh nice goo bomb has joined our family  come with us did you do this   did you do this to these guys i mean  good job to be honest because like   here have one you can have this this  is for you you can get the big legs there you go oh nice okay uh i'm gonna go ahead and   drop this because i don't want it to be  processed into water let's give this to kuvon what does this thing do anything doesn't oh what is what is this okay one gives health one gives water that one gives food i mean let's just eat it i guess oh wow that  filled it all the way up that's pretty big   interesting so like little supply  crates of some kind i guess weird okay let's uh let's get out of here interesting little place okay i need you to  i need you to jump i need you to jump better there you go okay you failed this is the  hardest part of the game oh okay come on man you can do this oh nice okay we're out hey guys  uh we found another brother is he coming out he should  have he should make his way out where's goovan i mean it said it'll make his way  out to us oh there he is okay cool   uh goofom has the other thing let's  spit this out let's give you the legs there you go evolve very good alright so there's only one of us left  that doesn't have the big legs but that's okay   i'm sure we'll be able to find more eventually  let's go ahead and fill up our stomach here   full tummy is best tummy all right let's move  this along i don't see anything else to do here so what is that probably not friendly right uh yeah that is terrifying ah okay i'm leaving i guess i'm just gonna go i think tried to throw up on me that's rude let's make our way to this other tower me what the heck is this okay it's sleeping so that's good what was this strange being half flesh half  metal the trebum felt an old distant horror   as if they remembered their own destruction  something about this creature was very   very wrong considering it's half  vehicle half torso yeah um can i okay these rocks are useless does the horn   oh yeah okay it's awake there's also a giant hand  here okay oh god oh god oh god oh god what is this trapped on all sides by deep pools of poisonous  gas the trevor needed to find a way to escape   this monstrosity yeah perhaps there was  a way to use the creature's own weight   to lower the bridge uh okay i guess  we'll lure it over here come on now   i'm over here literally honking  at you yes what what the heck the light just made us lose our legs awkward all right let's just cross the thing here i guess one by one the yellow light cruelly burned away  the trebum's abilities oh no the elder had warned   them about the evil light of the cylinder servants  now they knew what kind of creature to avoid that's not very nice of that guy hey let me uh take all this let's get the  water processing thing going again here   oh we already did we never  lost the water processing thing   okay there it is over there it's  still looking for us a good hydration nice the golden tree eggs hydrate us   and it looks like the game wants us to move  on already so i guess that's what we do   i would like to get a little bit more food  before we go that would be pretty great all right our tummy is pretty full   so let's get going i guess where's the next  tower oh it's way out there this is going   to be a bit of a ride can i take you oh hey  what the heck is that guy a little derby hey go that way um all right cool we have some food let's  just uh let's just go shall we we're going   said i don't have my big legs  anymore i can't jump as high i also can't honk my horn  anymore either i just realized we'll take those thank you   all right this gas is going all the way over here  also this cylinder is kind of catching up to us uh yeah by kind of i mean it's  right on top of us oh my god oh no roman no escaping the cylinder remember to check your water  energy before attempting to run to the next tower   the trebum need to be in good shape to outrun  the eternal cylinder yeah i uh i figured that out   game over okay let's hit the uh let's hit the auto save the cylinder is not kind the  cylinder was not kind to us at all that's kind of cool though it means you need to  be very well prepared before moving on you need   to make sure you have the stamina to actually  get going a full stomach and plenty of food we're gonna try this again guys we're gonna try this again i see where i have to go i see the towers let's go ahead and make sure  that uh we are full stomach   we're going you ready are you with me we go hey i uh i gotta go let's let our stamina build up here this poison gas kinda gets in  the way of everything doesn't it okay we let it build up again  all right this is right about   where we just died a moment ago  so i think we're gonna be okay yeah we're all right we're all right we got this nice all right very good very very good that was  pretty funny we made it though   let's go ahead and fill our stomach back up here gotta fill the energy gauge by  sitting still wait what what the cylinder roared with fury the voice  of their memories spoke with great urgency   the trevor had to be very careful now oh no  the cylinder would lash out of the land but   it would not let them run too far to survive they  would have to stay in the eye of the storm oh wow so we can't go too far ahead now and we got the trunk back i guess this is all right  it's not moving too quickly this is fine this ain't so bad guys almost there oh well rip vogue i guess what's this do for us filter trunks filters toxic fumes in the troubling   state safely explore areas  full of poisonous gas nice okay so that's over the only complaint i have  about that i think it's cool that there's events   but that electricity is quite loud as frightening  and surprising as this enormous creature was   the trebum felt a sense of  relief to see it descend   from the sky interesting this was a  celestial being they'd been told to seek   perhaps it held an answer to their  troubles perhaps we go speak to a man interesting all right so vogue just died uh  that's unfortunate he was our uh our hydration guy   so i guess we'll have to manually hydrate again i  guess but let's talk to the uh colossal creature   their optimism faded it did not seem to  like them at all and now they realized what   terrible danger they were in oh no if this  creature guarded the way to some holy place   then that place must lie below it and being so  large the creature most likely could not see   what was in front of it or beneath it so perhaps  the size of the treble was an advantage after all   perhaps they could reach the platform right  under the serpent's head yeah so we got to   get over there without it seeing us true holla has  an electric attack that strikes you if you remain   in this line of sight for too long move from  cover to cover to avoid it all right interesting i don't think you can see us over  here and we do have the filter thing   okay it's seeing us i'm going in the poison gas i have the filter thing from  earlier so i think we're good   uh the only issue i have now is getting  back up there there's some minerals right   here i don't have the legs to jump though man  i can't get to it our jump status is pathetic good thing we can uh filter all this poison though i was gonna figure out how  to get out of this canyon by the big legs would be easy i can't actually jump up this this game is pretty cool i'm really enjoying  this it's different it's a different approach to   survival it's a different approach to this gaming  in general it's really interesting i like this   this is oh the bounce pads might help yeah  forgot bounce pads are a thing yeah yep overall a highly enjoyable experience so  far i'm really liking this is that snow yes this is snow oh my god we're we're cold oh  my god they thought of everything in this game all right let's take this just so we can  have the horn because we need that and then   we're going to get back out of the cold  because i don't want to die to freezing there we go all right we can filter  the poison we're good there   okay he's turning the other way now's our time oh we're in here we're in here okay ah there you are perfect uh  let's take this egg with us inside wild wild stuff man i thought that like giant thing from the sky  was gonna be friendly alright the egg vanished i   kinda thought it was gonna happen relieved that  having bested the guardian the trebum now found   themselves seeking the help they had been promised  who would answer their questions in this place yeah i am enjoying this game overall my thoughts  on this game are pretty positive it's it's just   a fun experience it's different than most games  that you would go out there and play right now   it doesn't have like any traditional  combat it's just all about surviving   just doing what you can to survive what is this oh luminescent skin bioluminescent skin  allows to trip them to create light in   the darkness okay let's all get in on this then come on you need some too dude all right we're all glowing now we're glowing i wonder if this means that my enemies will see  me better too though hey you're the thing that   drops the legs yes perfect all right we'll play  uh we'll play as gwego here give me the legs i love the little pop oh let's not knock kwegu around all  right all right even with the light   the maze was difficult to traverse was there  some clue in the structures on the walls   was the path of sand on the ground meant to  help them perhaps others had walked in this   place long ago and tried to leave a path  for those who would one day follow them perceptive eyes allows trevon to see light  frequencies that otherwise cannot be perceived   okay here's another one of these guys okay um um not seeing any special light patterns currently oh i gotta press circle that's why oh large arrows on the walls  to exit the maze oh big clue i guess we had to go back this  way to get back up there huh listen if you guys are looking for something a  little bit different to play i feel like this   is a solid game to just kind of get out of the  norm when it comes to playing video games this is   this is pretty great i'm enjoying this quite a  bit i might make more videos on this i might just   kind of keep playing and seeing where it goes if  you guys do enjoy this one make sure you leave a   like on it for me so that way it can get in front  of more eyeballs so more people can see it that   would be immensely helpful and i would appreciate  it a lot uh that said make sure you subscribe to   the channel as well if you haven't yet as well  so you don't miss any of our future uploads   i like to play a lot of different video games  and this is uh one of many that i've played even   recently we started uh playing a lot of different  games on this channel just a few months ago and uh   we're keeping it going trying out new things  i play everything uh you know indie triple a   and everything in between and just have a good  time playing them okay we got the arrows here okay what's this what are these blocks it has  the same symbol as the rocks from earlier   i don't know if they actually do anything we got mineral all right we need to have  the square body to get out it looks like i love that they share like uh they  all have like a community stomach   when one eats they all eat they share the stomach what does this do third eye you can use this mutation to look  for specific ingredients by tagging them in   the compendium this can be useful in tracking  down items required for objectives that is   awesome changes the trebum we're experiencing  growing a third eye was the strangest one yet   to make things even stranger this eye  seemed to look in two directions at once   into the world and into their memories  they could use it to find in the real world   any element that was contained in the web of their  memories it was truly a remarkable mutation all   right you can only choose one thing at once  let's see if there's an organic cube around okay yeah on the bottom it shows  an icon that leads that way okay we can climb this wall i suppose we want to climb up ah there it is and now we are square take the other one just to save it for now now we got to get back to that uh  that square hole that we found earlier there you go it was right about here right is it through here it was not but i'm glad i looked over here  anyway we have seven now seven minerals we already have all the legs  did that thing just die it   just kind of disappeared on us that was weird okay here's this whoa omoah the elder encountering another elder was a happy moment the  trevor asked how they might survive the cylinder   and the elder replied i can feel your fear little  ones ever since this cataclysm began we have been   seeking ways to stop it but the cylinder is  relentless and indestructible it will consume   everything in its path so perhaps what we need to  do is go behind it i have discovered a mutation   that allows us to rise into the sky you must  seek a weeping tree from which grows a special   fruit that floats as it becomes ripe it is  the key to the transformation i have undergone   with it you can use geysers to float  well above the cylinder's height   my only regret is that i have grown too  old and weak to help you with this task   if you find any glimmer of hope on  the other side remember me farewell well all right then interesting interesting  also i saw some minerals back there i think   or maybe it was on the other side of it  down below or something i saw some somewhere   oh there it is behind it there we are okay uh i mean what what is that about weird okay  it looks like we can just get out right here sadness and fear filled the trebums hearts  as they left the elders cave their only path   to salvation was full of uncertainty and  they could not forget the thing they had   seen lurking behind the cylinder casting  a dark shadow over this glimpse of light yeah i remember that too you can only see the top of it but  there's something big back there all right the trebum had never seen this  mysterious tree the elder spoke of they would have   to keep moving forward and hope it lays somewhere  ahead the cylinder would give them no other choice true well anyways i feel like this is a great  spot to leave off guys i appreciate you guys   watching the video so much i hope you enjoyed  what we have going on here with this game i'm   enjoying it quite a bit uh if you don't know the  name of the game is called the eternal cylinder   and it is available on i believe all platforms uh  i remember seeing that i have it on playstation 5   myself i remember seeing it for xbox and it may be  on pc as well um that said the game is brand new   and just dropped just came out so if you're  looking to get it you can get it on your   respective platform and i hope you enjoy as much  as i did i had a great time playing through this   uh that said i'm gonna get out of here thank  you so much for watching the video i know   it's long but i appreciate you sticking with me  if you did make sure you leave a like comment   and of course subscribe to the channel so  you don't miss any of our future content   thank you guys once again i really appreciate  it and i'll see you on the next one
Channel: theJOSHfeed
Views: 26,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eternal cylinder gameplay, the eternal cylinder gameplay, the eternal cylinder gameplay walkthrough, the eternal cylinder gameplay review, the eternal cylinder gameplay impressions, eternal cylinder first hour review, eternal cylinder full gameplay, eternal cylinder full release gameplay, the eternal cylinder full game, the eternal cylinder gameplay walkthrough part 1, the eternal cylinder walkthrough, eternal cylinder walkthrough, the eternal cylinder first hour of gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 14sec (4454 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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