I Finally DEFEATED The Mathematician in The Eternal Cylinder

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to the eternal cylinder so do you remember in the last video oh yeah yeah you're so excited i am too we unlocked the uh the what is it called the lens and we battled the lens boss over there and it was really really terrifying because it was fingers and it was so gross and i don't really know what to expect right now but i do know that i probably should get some food because there's actual food things we can eat we're gonna shove all of this delicious food right down our mouth holes and just go yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum i also would like to make explosives yeah guado you're gonna make all the explosives in the entire world my dude i'm gonna use the big guy to uh you know just eat the rest of the things on the map so we can have food as we travel in the next area no idea what to expect at this point this game is just throwing so many weird curveballs oh we could've got the iridescent skin those things are so weird and i'd like to thank a game called warhammer 40 000 lost crusade for sponsoring this video it's a new mobile strategy game set in the warhammer 40 000 universe and it's free to play on the google play and ios app stores so you can take your favorite heroes wherever you go as you can play casually on your phone the game is also officially licensed by games workshop and for the first time ever players can hear the voice of heroes in the warhammer universe there recently was a brand new update to the game where you can rally your chapter players can now join one of the four available space marine chapters in the game each chapter has its own different buff base design and chapter skills and you can play with the raven guard imperial fists white scars or my personal favorite the ultramarines and if you want to play with your friends you can join and create a clan and since the game has global servers you can meet people from all over the world so make sure you click on that link down below in the video description to download warhammer 40 000 lost cruise day today you can also use the code to blitz xlc all in caps to get yourself ten dollars worth of in-game rewards to start your adventure something crazy and wild is about to happen i expect oh yeah oh yeah we're going for it hopefully we can just make it around this pillar here with all the jumping jacks or whatever those weird things are plus i've never found you guys have seen in the top left corner i've been trying to make the uh the explosions permanent but i have never once found the um whatever that middle thing is oh yeah that was the nominal mouth thing okay go go go go go go go we can just make it to the tower it's gonna be super easy we're probably gonna need an elder to tell us what to expect again i'm just gonna keep running this time because i feel like it's gonna be one of those bamboozles where the cylinder is not gonna stop gwen i need glam oh water i love water so much her to just slurp it up and then blow these things up so why not they're going to blow up they're going to blow up they're going to blow up they're going to blow up they're blowing up nice okay let's just see if the cylinder stops in the shrine let's just see if it works oh stop this time oh there's something up there plus i found a hole over here and that music indicates something is happening i'm not sure what it is but i'm going in the hole because holes seem safe just kidding this doesn't seem safe but i should be okay i think oh green thing i need it great thing can i use those for something i'm going to totally eat it should i eat it i'm going to totally eat it please don't change my skin what's it going to do what's going to do yes luminescent skin oh we can see in the darkness that's so cool i've always wanted to be able to be shiny what's up here bad jumping skills that's what's up there i got it all right give me this yes succulents what is that thing is that the oh hold up i'm just going to eat this real quick and then i'm going to take that one because i think i can just grind oh no it's a cylinder i don't want to become a cylinder those are scary but we can rescue two people what's up here what is this oh yeah here we don't need that you go away i want this instead luscious snack device yum so the pillar is telling me that there's something exciting over here i'm gonna go check this out looks like just another shrine wow the game's like we really want you to get so much leadership right now so yeah the shrine is here uh i mean there's more things on the walls and this guy's like hey we want to make your snuffle nose permanent so now i can make hardened skin permanent which is kind of cool except those resources are kind of ridiculous let's track it just see so i do want to get a little more stamina well i mean stamina's can't barely have enough nice upgrade that to level nine that's beautiful i've got zero shards left hopefully nobody dies because the boss fights of this game have been real rough on us triplums but they have an absolute ton of stamina now which is amazing okay we got water over here we can go around this way stamina is all the way charged up let's roll on out i'm going to keep my eye on any of those plants that i see there and if we pass any i'll try grabbing them i don't see me grabbing any of them though because i don't see any of the plants that one was to be found down in the desert cave if i remember right oh my word something is crashing behind us i don't like this why do i never like it oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow okay i should maybe just be able to climb up the other side we're gonna bounce down like a ball oh balls okay keep going and i can just walk up the other side anything i need the walking the guy with the walkie legs gamma let's go come on grogo he's got four legs four hands four feet four units on his bottom that cylinder is getting close because i see red i don't like this again i don't know what oh that's what that was the thing i needed right there i think that was the middle middle one oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh whoa whoa whoa come on come on come on get in there okay we made it just barely but we made it and now the game is going to be like here you want to talk to the mathematician again oh there's more of the great cars over there ah drink some more water and keep walking because i don't trust anything this game has for me especially at these transition points i knew it i knew it i knew the mathematician would show up i just want to keep walking i just want to keep walking walking walking is my favorite running is my he's gonna rip it down again why are you ripping it down you giant the hulk of i don't even know what you would be called oh yeah he just totally tore it apart okay we gotta go to the other eye of sauron up here oh wait that one's still active ha ha joke's on you mathematician you only did a halfway job much like me in middle school or not it just crushed it all right let's roll i need food too by the way sort of my i don't even know what the two bars are one's like stomach and the others energy or something oh there you see that that was a weird scorpion fake triple guy oh man this thing is coming at me quick i don't even see any food here except you your food he doesn't know that he's about to be crushed up out super jump up and then bounce up oh oh oh i got a mountain in front of me that's okay i've got running legs okay oh that's not even food that's not even food somebody else run run fupo oh there's okay i made it i made it just barely again i haven't made it i have not made it gwem died no not gwamu's my favorite how was that what is there why did it explode this is bad oh it died wait there it was the floating above a towering pillar was one of the lenses that the treble had activated would the lens be what the elder had promised him could it really help power a nearby palace i don't know i hope so but gwem's dead could we actually live and survive without gwen but gwen was my favorite he could float and light things on fire i don't even know where i'm going but i don't like that thing it's got an octopus tentacle for a face oh and it drops those okay we got the thing i need to stay away from those eyes because they explode oh we have another shrine i can't revive gwen though until i get a revive shelter what does this thing do i'm gonna go in it i'm gonna go in it oh there's another one over there victory was achingly close three towers waited patiently for the legs where are the lanterns all that trevor needed to do was climb each one what and pray that the wrath of the cylinder would be kept at bay until they were done okay wendell we can't live without gwem no hey stamped it yeah vupo also used to be my favorite but now vubo's not fuco's dead okay we have one on we have activated one of them oh i need to do something ooh uh-huh i had to touch things touch it gently that looks right they seem to be in luck the ancient eyes still work yeah for a little bit until the mathematician shows up yep yes there they were i see them too thank you narrator our little heroes to reach them that's me i'm a little hero it's the nicest thing anyone's ever called me there's no way that we're gonna be able to activate all three okay we're going in we're going in and we're going up tower number two going for the activation [Music] and i like it i like it we got to get the ball right on the ball yes uh only one more lens only one more struggle or water and they would have achieved the task they were entrusted encrusted with encrustables exhausting but the memory of the two brothers of the desert gave them the strength to keep going what is this hey is this a is this uh oh it is nice a thing we don't need to swim we can just use the the thingymabobber can i just activate it and then go also why are there giant floating cubes in the air i'm not sure why but there might be my favorite thing in this game besides poopo and guam but now i'm playing with bupo and he's pretty much boring all of his cool things are gone mopa was my favorite and then gwen became my favorite and now gwem is gone and fupo is just a shell of his former self but maybe if we can defeat the mathematician by turning on this final thing lift up into space and be reunited and then defeat the mathematician by shoving atomic weapons up his i don't know where we'll just stop with that you know what fine bupo needs something exciting with his life just something and it's going to be like fish flippers yeah he's not even cool he's just got webbed feet they can walk in water oh they can also perform a high jump out of the water but not on land there's something here i don't like this there's a wire i'm guessing this one's trapped come on up come on up a little oh here here we go no no not you yes guado guado might be my new favorite because he can make explosives all right let's turn this on guado oh i kind of want to zap this thing with that pop oh no it doesn't i was hoping it did all right let's turn this on oh turn that lens we've done it we've done it i knew it i knew he would be here you dirty mathematician i gotta i gotta fry him i gotta i gotta cut him i gotta cut him up oh no no no no no no that's illegal that is oh what is happening what are you doing why are you coming shoot him oh oh i've got a i've got a spot where i've got to hit him it's like a one of those buttons where i gotta oh come on focus right on his crotch i did it i killed the mathematician the trevor can i absorb his powers having barely survived did not know what to think i don't know one of the most dangerous enemies lay dead we cut off his arm too the eternal cylinder was immobile and quiet in the distance what the floating palace where they had expected to dance and sing for all those left behind was out of reach as it is and there came a call it was very subtle and weak at first but grew stronger and stronger what is that was it the ones trapped in the cylinder crawling to the trevor is it a kitty cat was it the voice on their memories urging them on the portal into the cylinders dreams lay open it does they had not yet reclaimed all the abilities of their ancestors oh i can go in there wondering that strange world once again would take great bravery i'm brave but with all i embraced through they had gained the courage to do what needed to be done it might be reckless it might be dangerous it good thing i didn't blow that up what's gonna happen now okay there's green stuff in here and ribbons [Music] i did for you narrator yeah i [Music] [Music] mathematician talks and then pain leads to suffering and the suffering leads to the dark side i've heard this one before why is it returning [Music] eating too many tacos is suffering let me tell you okay [Music] what is it why is all must assimilate okay it's still talking the cylinder will continue can i just get to the end of this so i don't have to listen to that mathematician anymore [Music] oh there will be peace after the cylinder oh it's this again whoa there's a lot of ribbon up here and a naked guy can i play in the strings it's like spaghetti i love spaghetti it's almost better than a tacos imperfections in its unity keep searching pee on it oh those are bombs okay that's not exactly where to go trophallas are here yay push them away push who the trivalla the trevor you need to keep going i came from this way okay is that this thing oh it is [Music] yes was clear that the voice was getting weaker i'm going in i'm going in i have no idea what's happening we got a loading screen that's what happened way to ruin the immersion game oh it's back hey part four a conspiracy of ghosts what had happened how long had they been in the cylinder's mind where did it go it had felt like a short time to the trebum but when they retired um the world had changed the cylinder is still here parts of the cylinder itself had spilled out its dreams corrupting the land yeah the cylinder laid still but there was no sign of the mathematician i killed him oh maybe i didn't oh balls that's the shocking thing it's just straight up okay they're like oh wow the cylinder kept moving that the mathematician had been struck down meant nothing to it oh we're in that same area as the master it was eternal its servants were only tools okay they would be tossed aside i don't like this there's green slime everywhere oh yeah i'm gonna get nuked too okay i have filter nose on good what are these these glowing orbs oh the cylinder is moving just slowly can i get any new mutations what are these trees nothing what are these things are they something i'm going to try blowing it up when in doubt blow it up okay and it doesn't blow up [Music] oh it did blow up but it has nothing it's just decoration this is so weird i killed the mathematician isn't that good enough for you cylinder can we not be free now oh there's an okay this is that final this is the third one here or this is the second one i turned on the second lens the lens is all broken we're about to get zapped again i've just been trying to where to go make my way towards this pillar i can do it i made it i made it i don't know if that's gonna do anything i hope it does oh oh the ship is back it's there okay is this telling me anything i need to know i want to get as far oh it just shocked one of the almonometrons i'm going to eat this i don't remember what it does oh everyone got free stuff out of it where to turn vupo into a mutant extracts water from ingredients that sucks i didn't want to do that here do this one too yeah oh camouflage all right whatever it did it it stopped okay cool we're stopped oh fupo has turned into an absolute monster poor vubo but this is what i had hoped for oh whatever that thing is i want that i got it i can eat it it turns me does it it doesn't turn me into anything i'm gonna eat it maybe it does turn me into something nope promise you don't want anything to do with me right now we have bombs still even if we've been destroyed from everything else in the world oh boy ufo ufo's here i gotta get in the shrine oh okay then what are these things i think i need them we're gonna give it to vupo whatever had changed the outside world had crept into this place as well it did this is different maybe that is why the air smells so bad hypnotic oh maybe this place had become a two yeah these the these are tomb a tomb does that mean the elder that was inside is now dead come on in here glucose okay i did something oh there's a lot of shiny things here maybe we can resurrect women at some point i have no idea where to go i have no idea what to do can i activate this is it an elevator oh it is nice so we're up what is that oh wow that's one of the other creatures okay what is this what are those i wanna touch it gonna blow it up we got these guys over here i feel like i need these for something here sing me a song of your people they're just licky boys kind of cool what's over here this is like an elevator i have no idea i feel like i need to blow that thing up in the middle i'm gonna try in a second or we'll just get a chest that has that thing in it i need it i don't know what that is i don't remember but i'm going for it we're putting that bad boy in her mouth um oh yeah the regenerative thing okay that's better than the s the other nasty thing this guy had ah and we can bounce on this wait we have to bounce something up okay let's just try to bounce on it and see what happens uh-huh uh-huh oh whoop we got to bring we got to bring the other boys up can i pick him up i can this is funny oh it's going it's going [Laughter] and it's going to roll down the chute and into the oh i just sacrificed that thing yay we sacrificed it and i'm gonna sacrifice you next i'm just kidding i was gonna pee on you come here and then nice give me that one too i feel so bad because they're adorable little critters look at him boink okay we got two in there it's going up and it's going down the rollie thing down into the chamber and tada wait i needed to be on that oh balls i feel like it'll come down and then go back up again do i need to be on that okay not gonna lie bupo is actually pretty cool right now i like poopo and his heart pulsating in the back of his mind yeah we gotta jump on this and talk to the elder or we just hit a checkpoint um push forward keep looking for help and answers the world i don't like it when they do this like give me a cutscene don't just ruin the immersion but i think that's everything in here can i go in there myself like oh that would have been fun too bad what are these things oh more of the lights okay i can resurrect gwem i have ten gwen might be able to be resurrected especially if i start absorbing all of these minerals so i'm gonna leave the shrine oh it just kicked me out that's fine i really don't like these things here die that worked didn't kill it almost did i want that acid trunk again i like that one what is that no no don't you dare slam the ground you little monster there how did you like that my troubles are like flying everywhere okay do you give me something cool to eat no what is this oh we got filter trunks anyway okay there's the wall where is the next thing at right over here we need to make it around i really don't want to go through that ah what is that ball i haven't seen that before does anyone have oh is gwen that had the googly eyes now stole everything fun from me oh i get to make some big fancy bombs that's good because there's something new and pink and shiny up ahead of us oh i just crossed into it i did not want to cross into it all right whatever i'm gonna blow that thing up because it looks like something i might be able to eat and bike oh oh that was too far away oh no no no okay oh it's coming after me that totally didn't do anything that's annoying what is that giant ballsy ball of filth ish stay away stay i'm rolling i'm i'm getting out of here i don't trust that thing oh did it did it is it okay i don't know what it's doing i'm gonna go in here and then i'm safe finally finally safe i don't like this place though i don't like it now that my goal i was gonna kill the mathematician and then like get candy leave on a spaceship and halloween but no not didn't happen at all mathematicians gonna show up again and be like hey why'd you do that to me that hurt it'll be like you want something else that hurts and i'll shoot a bomb at him but he won't care because his fingers are already bleeding or something what is that shiny blue thing is that a resurrection shrine can we get gumo back witnessing the descent of the chihuahua had once fought oh yes but with fear but now yes it was a song i'm coming i'm your bud i'm your pal i'm your man come on oh i want to eat that thing sorry i don't want to eat it okay what's happening um i'm here oh we got to go down here hey whatever that green thing was that it picked up okay the door is opening the chihuahua is he going to protect you why doesn't he push the cylinder back the wrong way okay we're going in i guess we got another puzzle matrix here and this is an elder cave i just so on went back and this is how to get gwen back lots and lots of bubbles what is this place i mean it's another elder cave but there's like trash everywhere what are these things can i suck those up i can what is that does it change me at all or is that just health it's just health the trevor wondered at the strange mechanism their ancestors had created made them think about time and how it changed everything the old world had passed and now the new was struggling to be born okay because that's because we killed it what are you doing up there dude i wish i had glem right about now he was good at floating through these things okay what is this red light for i'm not sure maybe we just need a regular guy here maybe i need to throw something into there maybe there's something shiny and purple over here what are these things that's a water thing shiny purple crazy eyes they're possessed using mutation hidden inside their eyes i want it i want it okay i gotta break this open i bet um nice you know who's gonna eat this eat it fupo and eat crunch that up yep crazy eyes oh i get to see through the eyes of the thing oh okay what am i supposed to stare at there's something shiny there maybe that's a broken statue oh possessed as you move it oh there's a door ah i can possess things we gotta pee through the wall okay is there gonna be oh what was that oh i don't know what that does but i'm doing it i mean if i look at it is that okay they want me to pee through that i think to knock the ball off and then it'll roll towards me i don't know if i've got enough stream i might have hey i did nice what i do at the ball now oh i know what i do with the ball that's what this thing's all about i just gotta get a second one now oh but i can interact with this oh hey it's still moving why doesn't it stop and activate i feel like i need to get it on this top one do i get it together like that no that's what this thing is okay circle is 10 o'clock the open sea is seven o'clock open c uh i forget which one i think it was this if not it's the other way it was nice i like how the game we're like hours and hours in and the game is still giving us different mechanics that we haven't seen before i think that would have worked if we had a square cube too now what i don't have a cube i can't just mutate to that ah here we go a little door over here i wonder if this was open before but now we have cuboid body who gets that does voopo need it yeah you can use it and we're just gonna jam ourself in the hole nice kakana the elder where are you oh right there hello elder tell me the secrets of your people of my people trevor were relieved to find an elder alive but what she had to tell them was sobering it was a female the end draws near my friends the elder said the mathematician may seem dead but the servants of the cylinder are not so easily defeated i can feel your despair but trust me there is light where you see only darkness you have accomplished a great deed for our people you have reclaimed our powers from the cylinder no one has done such a thing now you need only board the floating palace and leave with the secrets of our kind i would restore like to but you cannot do this on your own you will need the help of your oldest friends find the creatures that feast on the fallen trial what and steal from them what they have stolen what with that ingredient you will acquire a great power communication power to communicate with the tribal oh they are the only ones who can lift you into the heavens and carry you to your salvation what about gwen that's interesting we have to find the ones that feast on the dead chihuahua i mean i feel like that's that's not good because that means something can kill the chiro this game is so interesting and i tell you what my friends i believe that is going to do it for today's video try to imagine the creature they were looking for what an enormous monstrous beast it must be to devour the mighty truana even just imagining such a creature was frightening but they had never let fear stop them before and they wouldn't start now well i tell you what my friends that is gonna do it for this episode of eternal cylinder i was not expecting that turn i was expecting just to light it up and go and we might be able to get guemo back over there anyway thank you for watching hope you enjoyed and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank all of the channel members and patreon supporters including alan h apollo bunny out of dave ben dickie j teddy epis despie eagle arc maxer whip it good baron fox zarnov deegan jason m rail splatter sacks iffy sphere joe b obi john kenobi fury arrow and doug rules 2.0
Channel: Blitz
Views: 438,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, eternal cylinder, the eternal cylinder, eternal cylinder gameplay, eternal cylinder ep 1, eternal cylinder blitz, eternal cylinder game, eternal cylinder full game, blitz eternal cylinder, eternal cylinder creatures, the eternal cylinder blitz, blitz the eternal cylinder, the eternal cylinder mathematician, the eternal cylinder blitz playlist, the eternal cylinder blitz ep 1, the eternal cylinder gameplay, eternal cylinder mathematician
Id: 2VLNi6k6QQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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