How we scored the fastest goal in Rocket League...

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what's going on gamer today we're gonna be trying to score the fastest shot in rocket League history because I've always wondered what is the max like how fast can the ball actually go so to test this out me and my friends futa and Virg are gonna be chilling in a private match and we have around one hour to figure out different ways to the ball as hard as we possibly can and this video is gonna have three different stages Stage one is just like a normal game so we don't get any rumble items or extra mutaters or anything like that but in stage 2 we're allowed to start using rumble items so can strategically plan out when and what items we should use to help us generate even more power and finally in stage 3 we get to use rumble items along with mutators which should allow the ball to go faster if we use the right combination of mutating before we get any further I just want to give a big thanks to you guys because we just hit 400 thousand subs and we've really been popping off a ton recently in terms of daily growth so big thanks for all the recent support and helping me try to achieve my goal of hitting 1 million subs by the end of the year so to continue that just make sure to subscribe if you're watching this video because most of you currently watching are not sub and it will really help out in beating sunless Khan on the race 2 million subscribers but a new threat has emerged school she just joined the race to a million and he's growing fast but if you guys help out and we keep growing it's still possible that we overtake both of them so just help me out guys please help me please help come on help me out ok so how do we do this like I think we have to get it as close to the net as possible so that it yeah well it does it take time like getting to peak speed though know it like if we're pinching it it'll instantly go to peak speed like and it'll only lose speed know what I mean oh you saw that right so have them Yohe nice with it hey guys this is gonna take so long guys I think it'll just be best to start us off with a two-man pinch but we need it in the middle for that so we can start at Eagle spots okay now start on on the boost pad when the clock hits 150 boost into it okay that's you can and flip into like this get powered on it yeah yeah oh it's really oh yeah I slowed down guys so now that was really hard one way that's a good start for the very first shot of the day yeah that's not good what what is the fastest shot you guys have seen in a game you know I don't know I don't really pay attention because I always skip the replay because I'm a high level of GC so I insist what are like three people make it harder or something um we could try it we won't do is I'll come from I'll come from the middle because I think every boost like this is the same distance apart right so if I go one has to be a two this way one two I should be the same distance right okay so are we starting behind it on it one in front of it like on it we're like as a central on the fattest possum right so ad for four minutes like right when I'm gonna start basing hopefully we don't mess this up [Laughter] wait wait we were slightly off-center though that's why must ii was late oh yes I can let's try again how about 55 yeah 555 start basing couldn't I go like this and just like pinch it against you like if you're already there Oh without work and then like screwed again like why I'm in the ceiling or something hey we can we can be touching it right now as long as we're both touching it because we'll hold it in place can we do like a really fast passing play maybe I think I just be better off with one pass so I'm gonna hit it really fast okay I like like closer to the goal yeah ready it's everything yeah how about we each try like a ceiling pinch you see him like yeah I don't think you actually have to like bring it to the ceiling with you I think you just set it on the ground and [ __ ] okay can you oh that'd be a lot easier that's alright good oh my god that's so slow though I don't know how to do it right you gotta you have to do it from like more above the balls you guys you're literally like pinching it into the ground that's like what do you guys think about a smokey oh hold up okay you wanna see my want a star like right here I think so yeah full boost down into the ball oh yeah I think we can you know I think I have a 15 back if we put the ball on the goal line and we have the person do this Oh who's straight down into the ball and getting smacked it in the funny thing is they're like if you do it wrong it could end up like any other goal you might want to go up onto the ceiling like out onto the ceiling and then back into kind of line it up I feel like it would give you more time I'll just I'll to try something yeah oh my god good luck to this Buddha Oh a little more in less finicky ding while you're coming down up yeah yeah yeah so you got like end like this yeah yeah but it's gonna be so hard to do Oh what but I don't know I laugh but that was that was it so for stage 1 our record was 158 kph which isn't horrible but it will probably be possible to do better if we had a bit more time but now let's move on to stage 2 where we get to use Rumble items let's do this so just to compare because you know we did the pinch with like no punch like before let's do the same exact thing with punch like with two people and then and see how much faster it actually is very much oh I have it I have it up we have me and Fritz as fit as he's on the bench for this one spoon up whenever you're ready screw that yes but it whatever you're ready slowly come here career career say yes say yes master and then we'll both just back up straight oh that is so sleek and smart dude ok back out all right now I'm ready tell me when we're turning the power up on and then tell me when we're going tarp on it 3:22 and then we're going at 3:25 ok let's see oh we didn't get it perfect guys yeah yeah we didn't get it perfect how you get up with you on this video you go closer closer to where I am like a barely tip to your right you gonna measure how far it is to his side and measure like how much further close which would I need to be take out your ruler and put it out your monitor before it says closer to sweeta so you say they verts you're gonna need so like like the nose of your car yeah great day perfect 10:30 10:30 10:35 on the power up Oh oh no it's good that was perfect that's perfect we forget all three of us and on it somehow same exact thing but one of us has a punch from from the center okay I have the the iron fist thing I have punch I have the boxing gloves oh I got it finally yes okay okay so very good thing you're gonna have to get up sir yeah I think if you get it like slightly very slightly after us it would actually be there I'm gonna try to no I'm gonna try but if you do it before it could like ruin everything no pressure no pressure look pretty good we're pretty good let's back it up back it up so there's activated on 50 go on 53 yes yeah let's go let's go Oh exactly wait is it it's not like a cap but you can't go that's it that's such a coincidence if it's like this is like number you were closer on the pinch one but I had the punch that definitely speed it up after y'all pitched yeah let's try it one more time how about like three plungers and we Nimitz oh hey I can't believe they made the plunger from rocket League into a real thing I have the iron fist so I'll bang it up field to you guys and then you plunger than that yes wait I'll go on the ground and you stay on the backboard yeah that's what I'm singing I goes backwards speed I just sit there and spam it just sit there and spam I'm gonna go at to 2020 all right oh wait we do it we did liked the veloute the very long I can literally so oh my god now let's scope the song if we didn't get it well I didn't even get to press it like no no we should have had one person facing the net and like as it was coming boosting to the net and then punished one person has plunder we'll start here and like they'll start boosting forward and then I'll hit it and an ill plunder it and the person and the other person I think the person in the air should be like in front of the net floating them I'll be I'll be the one who moves with the plunger I'll be banging it forward and I'll have you start driving first so that you can I'm just spamming it right yeah we'll have you start at 15 okay and I'll hit it at 17 we're not like 16 I think I should have waited a little bit longer to hit it oh that's close let's try triple punch do that yeah okay well all like set up on the goal line over there hold boost like we'll all just be spamming my video so I get to be in the middle all right dude whatever just in the few teeth of swallow at 20:20 base in advance take ready I would to side side side of the way how did we beat it with that oh you guys wants to pinch there like right at the air so it's not capped yeah no cat literally how about we try the same thing again but we don't charge or anything we just like sit there and do it at the exact same time see if it is faster or slower and then like all behind this white liner it's a three pointer at three points my name is Jerry got a basketball game tomorrow okay we're staying right here and then at 30 like right when I had started you click the button yeah that's how I do yo all right so two 16 kph was a record with just rumble items maybe we could have gotten a little bit higher and you guys can obviously try this yourself with a different combination and see if you can do a little better but I'm confident in saying it's probably not possible to get over 250 kph with a just Rumble items okay so for safety with mutaters it took us a very long time to choose the best mutators but we started off with a gigantic puck with these mutaters and here was our first attempt with one fist into boxing gloves 33:35 what the hell is that obviously they didn't work out too well but we figured out these mutaters would be a bit better with this superlight puck with normal bounciness so the puck hopefully wouldn't lose too much speed by sticking to the ground or bouncing back out and also we decided to put 10 times based on okay I got on face so I have iron fist as well let's try to iron fists in one funder okay Oh a pinch of pinch of pink yeah yeah yeah put your tail on the orange line like our design cars don't have to he's got the furry car car DLC at 40 we turn our power up at 43 we go got it I think should be two fists no with you 21 day everyone's saying fist punch and to funders so like literally let's just try stuff like no messing around yeah right down to business rigea you like high yet I'll set it up wait wait till it gets like down way yeah we got to get it to like stop first nice to bring it closer you think wait wait wait wait wait wait okay there might be good wait Musti Musti must I feel like we should both go on opposite corners I'll tell you the opposite corners so it pulls it into the middle okay like right here okay now we're spamming right yeah I'm gonna do it a tire on like 603 it don't matter where spamming though it don't matter yeah I'm going oh my god that was way harder than I thought fine wait I think that I think that's the record like that's the actual record oh my god do we actually got five farted hey I scored it let's go yeah it's for the record scoring record setting goal okay so with the mutaters we use in using two plungers and one iron fist seem to be the fastest shot we could do and I even tried this the next day with three plungers and some other stuff and we could not get over 540 kph for whatever reason we think they might have put a cap on it where I can't display over 540 and we check some other videos and couldn't find anything higher than 540 kph so that does seem to be the fastest shot you can score in rocket League but if you guys find a way to get it faster just comment below how you did it and to recap with the normal settings we personally got 168 kph and with Rumble items we managed to get 216 kph and obviously 540 kph with Rumble items and mutators and I feel like for the first two at least you could probably beat those if you try hard enough with a few friends so let me know if he did manage to be any of our records but with that being said if you did enjoy the video don't forget to subscribe and leave a like and I'll see you guys in the next video peace ok so today we're gonna be damning 100 celebrities on Instagram to see if anyone's down to play sand rock Utley even if someone reads the DM they may not want to play broccoli but the good news is if you're watching this video right now on youtube calm that means I did end up getting a response and a chance to play with one of the people I message so this video wasn't just a waste of time
Channel: amustycow
Views: 6,870,763
Rating: 4.9330521 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League, Trying to score the fastest goal in Rocket league..., fastest goal rocket league, fastest shot rocket league, rocket league fastest goal, rocket league fastest shot, rocket league fastest shot ever, rocket league fastest goal ever, fastest pinch rocket league, How we scored the fastest goal in Rocket League..., how we scored the fastest goal in rocket league
Id: HXyL1sOsFtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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