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what's up gamers today I'm gonna be doing something a bit different so I thought it would be cool to change my rocker League name on Steam to my phone number to see if anyone wants to call me so I just use an app to get a different phone number which by the way is now be activated so it won't work anymore and they also had to spell out the first digit so the phone number when it gets censored in raqqa League if you're wondering why I did that so yeah I just put the phone number as my name hopefully I'm gonna get some calls and this video doesn't really have too much of a plot just whatever happens happen so let's jump right into it let's just get into the game a number one I'm just gonna be starting off and unranked what the heck the video hasn't even started yet oh it's just my mom hello I'm recording a video right now wow I'm true you heard it from my mom make sure to subscribe takes like two seconds thanks mom hopefully it goes pretty well okay nice little pop nice little pop pretty good start it's 50 that teammate has a balance which is good dude he just claimed that that might be straight in oh my god nice shot he has a free shot free pass and it's pre flip it get that go let's go dude we should be fine here we just possess and don't do anything too stupid my people are gonna see her second go oh no so far we haven't gotten calls yet but one of those guys might end up calling me my worst fears that we play against a twitch streamer and then there's like 500 viewers like I'll call me at the same time that really say we got a double hey nice oh we're so bad and we'll have a touch I just got anticipating game maybe you get a triple touch oh okay we pop into the triple time we made him leave the match I'm clipping that boys easy double view instagram.com /a mushy cow you already know we're posting it might as well make a whole montage just from this game view so don't buy Merck Oh No teammate okay I works do me almost messed up bro two games no calls so you never know maybe we're gonna get one like in between games or something I bet a lot of people probably to sing it today probably still wanna call it cuz they think it's like some random like Papa John's they'd be calling oh god its tusk I thought I had an actual player on my team I'm kind of [ __ ] [Music] this probably isn't gonna be good let's go tusk tusk tusk just pop it off dude oh my god he's nice tux you know it's [Applause] go Tesco oh my god he actually got another one on men I didn't even see that I think tusks might be the best bot in rocky link I'm not too sure that no we got flip hopefully flip is like I almost look at his toes good touch dude my teammates honestly caring me so hard I think that's trade in yeah a nice tie teammate flip is just flip then these guys out dude maybe we should do ranks oh that one's actually an insane sadhu that's actually one of the best angles of every story look at that oh my god that's definitely worth the call I feel like like if someone did that I would be like bro like I have to call this dude call me guys come on I'm waiting for that call that's called the Musti I tried the Musti dude I would have gotten into you they cut it off really quick Oh No Viking us off skipping the replay so maybe he's dialing the number in his phone you never know god bro unranked is so boring though I'm still ranked 1 do you want and see what happens man okay we're planning it's a pro rocket League player right here maybe he'll call me after the game I get shot good shot that's good shot luck in the light good shot good shot I feel like rodas got a live Betty I'm a bad Scout Waits [Music] yeah I got worse see some rank 3v3 currently 1900 mm ours is like the highest I've ever been so I don't know it's like those guys are type of guys to call but we'll see you in a second please call me guys someone call me oh my god I'm getting a call I'm getting a call yeah what's up dude who is this were you just playing rocket League oh this is uh this is messy I'm doing a video to see if people will actually call the number well why didn't he call me why did he tell you to call me bro tell him to call me bro I need content for my video yeah yeah tell them to call the numbers I mean I'm in a high level ranked match right now so I'll uh I'll talk you later okay first call was kind of all right I mean he'd someone told his friend to call me but I'm trying to see if Kona can actually call me Oh Cohen does the one he's in the game right now oh my god I thought it was from the last game let's go let's go yeah Kona right there on the underscore for it he's the one who called me his friend okay at least we touched it oh no that's bad that's very bad well how does this dude only have 12 points what the heck okay a new car oh it's goodie is this Kona you are you on my team right now bro over losing bad I'm sorry my AFA though your friend is calling me yeah that's the fork that you want to party up though all right let's do it man let's just party up with Kona see what happens and get into our next game I have no idea where this video is gonna take me hopefully we go on a win streak you guys kind of one more moment let's go good pass Kona's pop it off right now to you ah how's that almost work oh my god I'm getting a new car who's calling me yellow hello who is this wasn't it I'm the 3v3 game with you or what okay so I'm saying like how do you find my Steam profile Oh interesting okay wait I'm getting a new color okay I'm a I'll talk to you later all right these dude I'm getting so many colors yo who's this dude yeah what's up yeah I don't know what is going on man where we just in a lobby together or what oh yeah yeah I'm seeing a video I exchanged my one sec I got slower okay yeah I'm just changing my profile so my phone number dude most of the people have just been in ranked but you actually you know I signed your profile so you like your you watch my videos and stuff yeah the sick man you're gonna be in a video anything like you want to say thanks for thanks homie [ __ ] you lady we instantly we got so many calls now it's crazy once we started that 1 3 3 game I don't know what happened Kona help no it's a view Conan's correct securing alpha yeah you left me a free shot what the heck okay we're gonna take it we're gonna take it dang it dude GG though that was fun alright new game let's see if the opponents decide to call us and made a game they'll be like the best part of the video d decent shot he actually is not going to expect that a free shot for cone after you can take it let's go dude Kona is correct so you've Kona didn't call me right now we won't even be teaming way I'm getting a call I'm getting a call yo who is this yeah man who is this am I am i playing you right now in a game or now yeah here's that back we're gonna be to do the only thing that's up is a scoreboard right here watch what I say when I say bro all right let's see bro let's see no no no bro you have to get a real Musti [ __ ] I'm not gonna let you get one yeah no I'm trying to get 1,900 MMR back not gonna give you three goals oh yeah I'm recording a video right now nice dude YouTube's algorithms doing its work oh that's a good sign [Music] what MMR you got right now like literally I was just saying like it would be so funny if the opponent was in the car and then he just called instantly I'm going the further backwards like oh no I tried ever oh I found kkona kkona called me as well that's how I found him really good energy bling pewter corner you're not even gonna double a great pass great pass okay teammate teammates at bro I might have to just queue to use with you oh oh and okay got a score dick no god I am so trash bro I ran out of boost though to be fair see my team are coming up where are you afro coming up scorn let's go dude Nova I applaud you fired hit the market in my car now let's go no I said it again you had all the angles block though to be fair okay open kill nothing going on let's go with you you teammates sucks dude oh my god easy up the neck okay oh no Kona I trust you bro dang it I thought you spied that I thought you skated I thought you sky did get shot you can't do it bro you can't do it donut turn kona turn turn on conan's dansgame why decoy okay you're about academic good job Conan no kkona kkona kkona kkona do not throw okay we're gonna go to you bro you're going down we're gonna beat you and I'm gonna party up with you I'm gonna fast Nick off your teammate watch oh yeah you know he knows it don't turn the score cone up okay your track oh I miss I miss no no you Mansi Mansi your track I sent your team is gonna pass me on win score get bumped oh I barely miss you bro who the cone is backward Kona's play sila swag dude I wonder on miiverse see you dude good 50 good filthy the team is gonna manage the team is gonna make dang it bouncing to Kona okay oh oh I got the boost bro and your demo watch out my score right now Thank You teammate Kona's mid your demo easy goal what the heck let's go do you guys are trash that was a long ago t-that dude I was a good safe but you guys couldn't handle it do you do that okay so me and zoth ended up partying up for a few more games and I ended up getting one final call oh my god [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: amustycow
Views: 3,987,022
Rating: 4.9450903 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League tutorial, Rocket League, i put my PHONE NUMBER in my ROCKET LEAGUE NAME..., rocket league phone number, phone number rocket league, phone number in name, rocket league funny, rocket league, i put my PHONE NUMBER in my ROCKET LEAGUE NAME, i put my phone number in my name, i put my PHONE NUMBER in my ROCKET LEAGUE NAME. Here's what happened, rocket league phone number name
Id: mQHohYk6uWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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