I hired a pro Rocket League coach & did the OPPOSITE of what he said...

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what is up gamer today we're gonna be hiring a pro coach to help me get better at rocket League but if you used your eyes and look at the title of the video then you may know we're not gonna make it very easy for him to coach us in fact I'm gonna go undercover to become the worst possible player to ever order a rocket League coaching session and here is my plan first I had to create an alter aliens and I decided to go with X X underscore gamer guy 707 underscore X X I chose this name to help us certain my dominance so the coach would know that I'm a legit gamer next it was time to buy the coaching session so I went to gamers ready calm and picks er classy as my rocket League coach and he also does YouTube if you want to check out his channel it'll be linked below so I purchased the coaching session made a new email account bought miraculin again and made a new discord profile all under the name X X underscore gamer guys 707 underscore xx this way it wouldn't be possible for him to link any of the accounts to me then of course using my new email account I like this video for the YouTube algorithm and subscribe to my own channel because I need all the help I can get to beat sunless 2 million subs so yeah don't forget to subscribe if you do enjoy this video seriously it helps me out a lot so I jumped into a game of rocky Liga made as many mistakes as I possibly could and send that replay over to my rock alica and this is probably the worst Rock Lee gameplay you will ever watch next for me to truly go undercover I had to become a different person gamer guys 707 is the type of guy who thinks he knows more than his coach even though he's only a bronze and he's not afraid to express his thoughts to sir classy he sounds like this because using a voice changer I'm gonna favour guiding a new voice to help see my actual identity but for the video I recorded my normal audio so you won't have to hear the voice changer the whole time finally gamer guy 707 does not listen to anything he will literally do the opposite of whatever you tell him to do at the end of the video I'm gonna reveal that it's actually me and I'm gonna get his reaction of it but basically I just pay 40 bucks to get sir classy a nightmare coaching session but before we get into the session I want to give a huge shout out to today's sponsor over at audible so most of the time when I play rocket League I just listen to music to help me play better but as soon as audible reached out I've started listening to a lot more audiobooks so it actually kind of feels like I'm getting something done whenever I play rocket because I personally don't like reading actual books so this is the audiobook I'm listening to right now because I'm trying to get into realist investing and it's good because I'm learning the information in the audio book without actually having to read it plus I can multitask by playing rocket League or making videos while I listen and audible doesn't just have a few books to choose from they have thousands of different titles ranging from fiction to comedy to history to even guided meditation if you're into that sort of thing so if you're interested in listening to audiobooks on any device just go to audible.com slash Musti or text Musti - 500 500 - Sawyer 30-day free trial but with that being said let's let the Knightmare coaching session begin alright so how does it how does this all work I'm not sure because you just got the game right yeah yeah I'm only bronze - so yeah so that's gonna be interesting and I was gonna do it like verge or something or musty or someone but they were all out of stock so you know I chose you I'm glad to be like your fifth take that may be nice cool all right I'm not ready let's do it all right let's do it so you sent me a replay from from what playlist I just find some TV - there we go all right we're in all right I feel like I should be higher ranked I don't know if you like my teammates kind of hold me back a little bit but obviously I'm I might be doing some saffron our first instinct is definitely to blame our teammates but most likely something we're doing wrong ourselves I mean most of the time it's the teammates I feel like you're if you're losing consistently then it's probably you yeah I mean oh are my teammates you can see that drawing and everything you think you'd actually choose a different color for me thank blue for sure yeah I just really don't like pink the first thing I notice is that your camera settings they're a little bit a little bit high like if you're a little bit more zoomed in you can definitely shoot a little bit more accurate I feel really good with this so I think I'm just gonna stick with these you know I kind of know what I'm doing but I don't have like the mechanics down yet first mistake you're going for your teammates kickoff I thought all four are supposed to go for the ball is that not correct no no no once you start getting into like silver you never want to go for that kickoff nobody ever goes for that all right so it's a little bit like pixelated I mean I have pretty good internet my a minor that's really good so it's definitely I mean here's another mistake alright driving backwards we should do in this situation it's just turn right around and get back to net because you can't you can't see where you're going but if I back up though I can see the whole field so I think it's better to who's a grand champ here mister I mean I feel like I you know I could be grand Sam I'm definitely a lot better at the game than you at the same time like I know like a lot about the game you're going for the kickoff again so do you use quick chat uh what does quick chat I know a lot about right around here you can swap on ball cam just so you could have a good view of where the opponents are because if they get a little little quick shot right then you might be ready for it okay I feel like I probably did say that I would like to turn around in time staying a little bit far away from the play here but that's fine what I like to do this is like my strategy like a lot of time I have to say really far back is kind of via goalie at higher level plays definitely keep this distance between you and your teammate a lot closer yeah a little unlucky hit they're gonna get back to net would definitely recommend turning around you can also go a lot faster and you can boost back to net and definitely recommend turning on ball game a little more often how do you even turn on ball cam why don't you just click a button on the controller yeah I think it's the triangle button or the Y button oh I know all the buttons but I'm so new to the game I just forget sometimes you know well you definitely want to stay humble when playing this game mm-hmm we really don't have eyes on the ball here like this entire time so it's one on ball cam I feel like I'm getting close without it you know you know what I think we should just hop over this replay we're gonna hop into a little private game we're gonna check out some basic drills that you can do in free play so what type of rocket Lecompton do you watch it's like the mainstream guys you know someone was kind mercy must-see bus he's really good conduct rater but then I think you're almost as good as him that's cool should I go go over some things that would be good for you to practice okay yeah for starters if you want to hit the ball as hard as you possibly can boost's and you want to go supersonic and you know you're going supersonic when you get the low trail from underneath your wheels that's got it so have you ever scored like an aerial goal I don't think so so let's have a little look at those make sure you get full boost by getting one of these big canisters okay I've got one myself Oh now the key to areola is just boosting into there so all you want to do is tilt your car up and I'm boost okay so did you've let it go oh wait you're tilting it the wrong way all you want to do is pull back okay on your uh on your joystick alright so if we have a look at a little look at how the joystick works right go and then jump again you do a double jump so if you've got if you try to jump and then jump again in the air okay double tap jump okay if you want to dodge right do a flip hold forward when doing the second the second jump okay so you can dodge in any direction you just got to hold the direction so now show me a side flip side flip okay that was a front flip is that a back flip side flip is to the right or to the left okay I was a single mother single jump now hold it to the right the joystick in do it do another flip Oh exactly you guys yeah there you go alright that's the right side flip do a left side flip alright okay that was a right one again oh my bad okay that was right again sorry I haven't been Bob Hamman third time's the charm yeah do a front flip front flip huh oh my god okay I need to get a okay Jill sorry like that okay front flip that we do that's way back flip back flip but you drove backwards anyway you'll get it okay yes I'll get it it's not a do it now watch some tutorials yeah now do a back flip without flipping by holding it back oh there you go alright all you want to do is jump and hold back or something on the joystick okay like that okay I do okay before you jump I've it down alright do a front flip now okay those back foot does a yeah okay all right so that's the diagonal one right so now we're gonna go over a jump real quick if you tap jump you do a little jump but if you hold it down you actually do a lot higher yeah do a little tiny one little tap okay hold it down okay that was a little tap thanks for jumping so if nobody scores a goal or if the game is tied it goes into overtime did you know that yeah you're gonna score a goal okay okay okay I thought you told me okay never mind you're telling me to score a goal so far it's been pretty helpful though I feel like I'm pretty good you feel like you're pretty good huh and we're gonna do some aerials jump and then tilt your car back so that the rear of your car is facing the ground that's all the way okay no okay now if you do this in your boost oh you should go in there I've seen pros do that oh wait oh man this would be a hilarious video right you don't make fun of me that I'm like really kinda like nervous okay so give idea old boost even more there you go my god yeah I've know that's my first time touching the ceiling dude face the wall like I'm doing and drive nigh on the freaking see oh that's really cool I've seen what you're saying squishy muffins didn't he do that once the pro player yeah whoa are you a pro I'm close I'm a content creator for grand champ which is the highest that's highest ranked it would be cooler if you're like a pro tho yeah be cooler froze a pro yeah it sucks to be me huh yeah does mmm anyway just get on with the freaking session name boost into the ball you missed there we go alright go score that goal knew it thank you Miss oh my god so I'm gonna I'm gonna stay in net here you just reverse and try to score goal okay so shoot add the orange goal yeah okay could I record this what do you mean be in a video I mean I'd prefer if you didn't I'm trying to get the basics down yet I mean maybe I should get a little bit closer I don't think I have the long shots down yet okay so another thing you can try to do is just going with the ball alright just pushing it you want to make sure you don't go too fast right you want to like feather the boost don't hit it too fast and just just slowly drive behind it alright and push it along got it I've got a pretty big hit they're a little bit slower all right just slowly push it you're boosting here buddy just slowly add no boost there you go now you're pushing the ball now you're doing a little dribble so what higher level people do is they carry the whole are you doing that and if I carry the ball then I can go for a flick you have mud on or no no no no I'm I'm a grand champ my god it was quite amusing early oh yeah yeah okay now I get why you're laughing at me you're in bronze and you're you're like talking back to my advice like yeah well you miss that but how about how about you staying net yeah right and I'll just like take some shots on net and you try to save them okay oh good I'm not going about this okay mm-hmm I feel like I'm pretty good at goalie you know like obviously not like saving the super insane shots but I feel like I'm pretty good all right well you should start feeling like you're pretty bad because a lot of people are a lot better and if you want to get out of bronze you got if you got to know that your bed to get get I'm not like that bad like I'm bronze to not bronze one I wrecked up but I see really helped me get bronze my guy that's the worst rank you just got the game almost cleared it wasn't wasn't actually on net but you just want to get the clear right wall if it's if it's not on net what's the point of touching it to get it away from your net make sense say that there are nice I was good still going in breath I feel like I'm already pretty good at safes like do you think maybe we could like try air dribbling and stuff that's kind of like what's important I that's what's important all right your montage is gonna be full of freakin terrible seats all you got to do is roll the ball and then jump underneath the ball and then boost like we talked about earlier and then irritable okay go for it close enough so air dribbling is a little bit out of your league but that's fine so if you want to take some shots on the net go horde bank all right mister net try to practice getting those on target because you had good power there but not quite on target dang it same spot as last time dang it it's like the net just doesn't want me to score like I feel like I'm like not that bad but like this like right now I'm playing really bad that one's super easy right yeah thank you even freakin score there dude that's like unsavable yeah those unsaleable right so you want to play to be two against bots yeah I actually beat a rookie about the other day we'll join red team how about that yeah all right so since you're in the middle away I'm on the I'm on the other team so you can you can try square that go on oh I'm actually really good I was actually insane okay so who goes here wait hold up but hold up amenity you should sound a lot like must be messy messy cow must he can't oh dang that's cool but you're not most serious no no yeah ok it's me bro did you know dude I couldn't quite tell don't like just click it just freakin claims freakin you freaking scammer man yeah wait did the voice changer stop working or something ok that's freaking hilarious yeah what a freakin video idea what I was trying to do is just I I hired a rocket coach but did the exact opposite of what he told me to do and pretend like you're freaking crap yeah basically I just wanna be like the nightmare session you know like the session I would never want to do yeah man dude I freaking started recording I'm not gonna like yeah did you actually know it's me that like I've had this odd no well I didn't know yeah that's basically it so that's about it for the video sir class these reactions were honestly so hilarious man and he finally figured it out at the end so yeah don't forget to subscribe to him and as I mentioned earlier make sure to check out audible using the link in the description for a 30-day free trial but yeah that being said I really hope you guys enjoy this video because one of my favorite wants to make and I'll see you guys in the next one peace [Music] I'm gonna give you like a once I review if that's okay
Channel: amustycow
Views: 4,954,393
Rating: 4.9465666 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League tutorial, Rocket League, I hired a pro Rocket League coach & did the OPPOSITE of what he said..., I hired a pro Rocket League coach, pro rocket league coach, sir classy, best coach, rocket league coach, rocket league coaching, rocket league trolling, rocket league pro coach, coach rocket league, coaching rocket league, rocket league funny, worst rocket league player
Id: 71WHzAbv61U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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