Someone made the most INSANE 1v1 BOT in Rocket League

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this is camille camille could probably be considered an average rocket league player she can half flip she has a decent flick she can even aerial all mechanics that are not impressive by themselves if it wasn't for the fact that camille is also a bot a few weeks back i released a video in which a custom 3v3 bot named bumblebee was challenged by real rocket league players and it went so well i decided to test another one of these custom rocket league ais this time in a 1v1 once again this spot is a product of the rl bot community a group of dedicated programmers that have been refining custom rocket league ai for years and regularly run bot versus bot competitions to see who is the best from those tournaments has risen camille the reigning 1v1 bot world champion camille's creator is impossible who you can find in the robot discord or on his own youtube channel where he makes logic tutorials for coding games links to both the autobot discord and impossible's channel can be found in the description below in this video we will be putting camille against every rank until she loses to see just how good rocket league custom ai has become and then as a bonus if you stick around till the end you can watch me play a little bot related prank on one of my discord members alright let's get started now first of all i will be skipping over bronze it's pretty much a pointless test for this custom ai as you can see here in the screenshot that was submitted to me by a newer player bronzes usually struggle to beat the best bot psyonix has to offer the so-called all-star bot and i already know camille is definitely better than one of those so instead we're going to start with a silver player named seal kane who first proved himself by easily beating the all-star bot 7-1 those of you who watched the first video should recognize seal king as he is my eight-year-old son that played on the silver team against bumblebee here's some commentary from him and me as he takes on camille in a 1v1 battle to see if this custom ai is better than a silver alright so this is the bot it's a meal i'm gonna eat you you're gonna eat camille just squirt on you cool and he has a white one um it's actually a she this is a girl bot gonna eat her okay beautiful car no backus mods but it's my account so you can't really take credit for this car yes i can i mean you built it okay maybe i can't do crazy cold clothes all right i stay back here if you want okay this is the the silver defense method all silvers here do it [Music] that's the method okay we'll do that again i know what's the plan here um you just you were really close to being retreat okay and then that was a loud noise for a soft hit i know okay oh there we go that was nice what a pass from camille thank you can i say great fast how dare you turn chat off i need to talk to my bot about how bad she is you want to be toxic to the bot yeah okay nice good same now now i feel like my starting match that um i get alone off camera now i feel like i'm the bot you feel like it's rolls reversed after you beat the all-star bot now you're the boss gonna be opposite and i'm on orange like for a bot maybe i am now i have a little bit of an identity crisis here all right so there's half the game left you've got a couple goals right and she's cheated and how does she cheat exactly she uses ball directing ball direct oh she's got an aimbot that's that's your spirit okay okay a little more touch one more touch 30 seconds i'm totally not gonna win okay see if you're in here i'm super confident i don't care about just how beautiful my car is yeah well you had a good looking car if there was a contest for that you got the best looking cut oh okay i won um i still won you still won yeah by what method what is it's not goals obviously um what makes you the winner of this match because i was the most toxic the o is a toxic competition that is true camille was silent through the whole game joining me for this match is kg nickel he is currently almost gold 2 in the 1v1 playlist and as you can see here he also had no trouble with the all-star bot winning 12-4 well now it's time to see what happens when he takes his turn against camille is camille better than a gold alright here we go i lost the cake well this is the best 1v1 bot in the world kg i don't know what you expect yeah it's not yeah you give it an inch and it's going to take those kickoff goals no mercy i think one of the things with 1v1 is because kickoffs are so important just having a bot that does a really good kickoff is going to yeah it's going to punish you like that's the that's the major complaint in 1v1 says it is like kickoff wins are so powerful especially when it pulls apart like one of the things that the developer himself said is decision making is going to be the limitation of a bot like this right so if i can pull over the good faith yeah i don't know i don't know if fakes will work that's the other thing just a good chip over the top that'll that'll work that'll do it all right it's tied now it didn't lose another kickoff it doesn't have enough boost does have enough boost it does it does oh i didn't see the ball over there okay it's true what are you doing camille what's what's it doing he's dribbling it it's going for an air dribble i don't i don't no okay fortunately you backflipped twice you know what's gonna happen now kg people who watch this are gonna see that back flip i'm gonna say i'm bronze all right now we're past the halfway mark um it's not looking good uh yeah i don't know if we're gonna need to change straps i mean i i kind of i'm on your side but also i'm totally okay with moving on to let a platinum try the bot i mean your straps are not working kg they're not no i don't know whether to go for it or not to go for it or maybe be better at defense i mean it was a fast shot it was 95. i think the one thing that would make camille better to me as a bot if you're going to be the best 1v1 bot in the world i mean i think you should have the attitude of a 1v1 made like i think camille should be toxic like toxic chat definitely i would like to see sometimes in chat yeah like what to say what if they would say or like when you miss gives you the nice shot like the sarcasm i think that would be if that was turned up i think that would make camille the perfect 1v1 bot gg um yeah i'm just gonna recommend don't go to the comment section definitely not next up is a streamer named what can i break now break is a plot 1 1v1 player that you may recognize from a few of my previous videos is camille good enough to beat a plot let's find out time to get embarrassed by a bot let's go we get speed flip what no oh no i hate to see it oh no oh no nope okay okay we're fine yeah i'm fine oh no we're not no we're not oh we're fine we're fine there we go there we go yeah okay hey [Music] that's one for the plaits that'd boys be the only one i did i mean if we keep it interesting i'm i'm okay with an ot game okay let me uh so should i throw for content yeah i'm throwing for consoles now okay yeah i'm i'm i'm throwing on purpose i'm trying to keep it interesting i'm not getting beat on kickoffs by a bot i don't know [Music] yes this is the stop right there did you see that how do you program a bot to do that yeah it doesn't need to drive forward backwards ariel's all the way oh my god it went x games mode [ __ ] okay now i'm a little nervous now i'm not gonna lie all right uh it's learning it's getting warmed up yeah yeah i don't like see playing correctly so predictable see see kamel wasn't ready for that hit i guess i'm flat dude i take those i mean goals like that is how you got to this ring [Music] he's got jokes that's cute oh no oh no oh no oh no no oh dave could save that was actually a really good touch though on there on the bots part that was a really good meal [Music] and with that break brings camille's run to an end at platinum and i would probably give this bot a rank of mid to high gold in 1v1 now to finish up the video as promised in the intro i have a little bot related prank that i pulled on a patreon subscriber of mine named mock now mock is a pretty good ones player that always takes great pleasure in both trash talking and beating me on stream as a little payback i thought it'd be fun to use an undercover ssl to make it seem like he was getting beaten by a ball now the biggest hurdle to pull this off was the fact that bots use ai profile pictures and have zero ping due to being hosted on my computer to cover for the fact that my fake bot would have ping i posted photoshop scoreboards in a special discord channel i used to update my patreons about my latest videos there i claimed to have a special fake ping that i was using to trick players with that deception in place i employed the services of an ssl name too fast and this is what happened it can flip like that this is water speed it can speedplay what the [ __ ] that is a quick thought i wanna i i wanna congratulate whoever made this they made a really good ball oh my god it's very great of an aggressive ass spot and it can't hit the net hey so you no this thing can do kickoffs yeah exactly doozies i haven't seen him do that before [Music] oh my god i'm impressed i'm just impressed it managed to doomzy it's just he's he's mechanical he's more mechanical than everybody oh my god that was a who made like i congratulations to him boy he's better than me cold this bot is the world champion 1v1 right now so like they do their bot tournaments yeah this guy is this is crap i honestly thought i'd beat it but it's giving me a run i mean i'm going to blame the ping pong yeah yeah that wouldn't be anyone on the board would it i can't i refuse to believe the support like this plays too good for a ball you've got like some ssl to play on it haven't you this is just a whole big like pump video you're the one that wanted to play against the body if you go i thought it was gonna be bad not [ __ ] this what is this i hate the sport so much already i swear this is this this this can't be a bought this is someone on the account i refuse to believe it are you playing are you putting an ssl against this thing it could be today could run the ssl now he could so at this point in the game i did message too fast and told him to send this in chat but this didn't actually end the confusion mock told me later that he thought i might be able to send messages through the robot gui and thus he was still as confused as ever even after this message there's someone playing on this there's someone playing on this i've swear to god people you got on this account unless you just type that i got um you're making me up you're making me nervous nah you got someone on this account i swear [Music] if he doubles it it's i use i just actually too far yeah it's too fast oh my god i knew you guys ssl on this account you got the sounds control me i [Applause] oh yeah this is this this this is good i i enjoyed this thoroughly that was this way it's safe give me this ball i want to i want to improve my one more abilities on this oh i can't believe you've done this to me there we go what's like the second i saw the ping fluctuating i was like there's something going on and then when you started um dueling on your ceiling shots i was like no way a book could do that he weep and he waved he was questionable for a lot of it but then he kept coming back to like this bot's crazy i thought like i genuinely thought someone should do the world like an ssl level ball oh i'm never gonna lift this down all right guys i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did well make sure you hit that subscribe button or click one of the videos here to check out my other content my name is rocket sledge thanks for watching
Channel: Rocket Sledge
Views: 456,981
Rating: 4.9533315 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league bots mod, rocket league bakkesmod epic games, rocket league challenges, #sledge, rocket league grand champion, rocket league platinum gameplay, rocket league gold to platinum, rocket league bronze gameplay, rocket league bots, rocket league best, ai, linkuru, rlbot, rocket league funny, rlbot tournament, rocket league free to play, rocket league montage, rocket league moments, rocket league 1v1 gameplay, rocket league prank, rocket league ssl gameplay
Id: GXxd8l8c4RM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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