We created a new 2v2 strategy that works against Rocket League pros...

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like they're actual pros and we're doing this we made a rocket League professional players for fourth imagine the stupid strategy what's up gamer as a lot of you know I've created and participated in some videos testing out weird rocket League strategies the whole idea of trying to invent new rocket League strategies as opposed to just trying to find new mechanics has always been a really cool thing just to try out like there's some rocket League strategies that sound really dumb when you say it out loud and like they're not supposed to work especially against grand chance so no one really tries anything new out but today I came up with two of these new to v2 strategies and we're gonna be testing them out to see if they can actually work me and osm are gonna be playing five games testing out each strategy to see if they can even work at all and to see if one is better than the other strategy one goes like this after the kickoff both of us have to play goalie hopefully when the opponent shoots it one of us saves it if we don't that really sucks but assuming one of us got to save the person you saved it is allowed to follow the ball and start a quick little attack by themselves it's unlikely but if one of us can to v1 and score them that's great but if the opponent regains control we have to retreat back to net and repeat so pretty much the whole time we're sitting in net saving shots but right when the clock it's two minutes we play completely normal the goal of this strategy is to catch the opponent's off guard to that two-minute mark and try to get some easy goal because us pushing out of net and being aggressive is the last thing they would expect are you playing in some in a grand champs you know you don't literally have a sitting go like you can go out like that maybe to get it save and then go right back to net I'll just wait for touch I got it back to net I go shining he's trying to do me but I'm saying that we're good nice I'm playing goalie obviously so I kind of do I'll go wait a little bit all right yeah exactly my time to shine go for the Jays or pinch nice shot oh no an aside I'm back now go on nice I can't really do anything outside back let's first it oh Jesus the things you want to say know what to say yeah I'll follow it's ready there then if I go try to get that in Chile listen nope no one is safe dude okay Oh honest way he's understanding what this is about it's a spear let's start being aggressive nice nice Putin you got this Oh 50 there's no way that's you Phillip reset hey Phillip would be so proud of you man he really would Oh actually got that angle mate what the hey what I mean do you feel like we kind of caught them off guard a little bit like at least a little bit yeah it's gonna soak you in I'll go back right oh oh no that's gonna be angle again I'm matching a story that oh you only think you're causing it oh yeah oh shut up target is fishing up in the walnut do it Jim he's up these guys are actually IUD sent to you yeah I'm saying he's gonna miss his poison in using the way to spot oh nice dude I didn't even really see what happen wow what a play I mean hey the tactic worked a bit they were definitely confused because you'd even see in the child they were definitely confused like what we were doing then two minutes we just completely changed it up they're already panicky they're glad to give us so much to say yeah I don't know what to do yeah when they have like a lot of space like a lot of times they just don't know what to do it did exactly they're so confused Oh both of they're out there honest are you oh my god how did that work we just have to do this for the rest of the game yeah I mean and we should be all right you can't score yeah they can't do anything they're like they're playing against themselves you might have another but if it's an on threat non-threat yeah good yeah yeah nice oh you on do you one don't want to go on god osm someone behind you though is about to be two minutes but since we are winning we challenge each other oh are they gonna all right I'll block into the best I got it nice no okay so we're tied now yeah look at the good chat so they really know what's going on do you want to this turn on the switch and just go now yeah sure let's go see how he's saying how wait look that Costolo guard like you purposely backed up he's going for the fake cuz he wanted them more dangerous shot I actually when he's so confused oh they vote each other there you go scoring nice double yes we got it he didn't know what to do before but now they really don't know what to do it's like what are they doing okay nice there we go we literally didn't wake in there yeah bet no clue what to do with all the space then hit no space then it didn't know what to do I might as well just go that's like I'm yeah it's been no reason away oblivion they didn't work though they're gonna into a pastel confuse madness no no this way this means name I get started nice shot honestly display honesty this place yeah yeah I'll be first honest you can't really do much oh oh wait how does this work then look through them I got in the way a block that's nice all right oh here we come we already we already weakened though we didn't even go aggressive yet okay this guy this has to be a new defensive that for a bit he is a 100% right yeah there China I think over a demo what are they just dumped man oh you're insane it's open oh let's go what the heck how is this working over at x-man I'm chilling here and you can do this man you can get that probably in Nice look they just don't know what to do yeah it's literally an open end I got trying to bug me this is so dumb dude is he saying am I gonna go I'm just chilling man I'll be back board that gun yeah let's play for a few tide I'll let him hit it in to me no works actually doesn't yell Nangal here it's so chilly y'all is it fifty this is literally pretty much a replica with the play that happened in the other game where the guy who distinct because he thought I wouldn't go that's not you [Music] all right okay okay think about this we're playing against grand champs we're winning six to zero with this dumb strategy no exaggeration this is literally a better result than playing a normal game these guys are really really good dude like nine eighteen nineteen hundred MMR oh wow cheesy I know I told you man he's good oh oh god oh man oh he's there Oh what to me that's just a I thought I'll be on backward here oh oh god no he's gonna do a right behind you yeah oh no no all right let's just let us go back lit Oh their score oh that was actually open see like they don't defend it cuz I think we're not even like sesame here yeah they keep thinking we're just gonna rotate back yeah please go in know the fake oh no no I want to say all this cuz insane is that finding something that's actually nice yeah strategy one worked out well out of the five games we had three wins and two losses more wins and losses is great and the strategy really did seem to surprise the opponents quite a bit and definitely contributed to a lot of the goals but we did lose two of our games the games we lost were against hi grand champs who simply figured out good ways to score against the two goalies in the first half and had just enough mechanical skill to save her shots at the end even if they were mentally thrown off a bit from the strategy I definitely would recommend trying this strategy out and seeing how it works for you but me and osm were looking for something that would hold up against hi grand champs and even the players at the very top strategy to goes like this one dedicated goalkeeper in one dedicated attacker we agreed osm would be the attacker and I would be the goalie based on our play styles but he's still allowed to go back as needed and I'm still allowed to push up and clear the ball or to pass to him when I first started playing rock league like this is how I thought it was supposed to be played okay yeah it's cuz like I were isolated like was my brother we'd have like abuse it's an anti be the attackers oh it's open I think okö he goes well he I hate those oh no oh no Davis my bad do you oh you must be so fortunate you actually almost got a solid set up of that okay again away for one time I hit the a block again good block dude all right are you okay let's open up again oh [ __ ] these he's like jamming like expecting me to guess so nice dude no way world naughty that's all you I just touch the ball you do all the hearts save it it's kind of like easier to be support for you I guess yeah I feel like that's one of my strengths just getting really good saves I guess my strength is just bull chasing I'm just giving him even like solid effort you can get that one behind you yeah I just keep doing where I'm at I feel like that's easy it's like that's putting both of our strengths do you to score that nope yeah aid saves you got five shots three goals like that's how it should look like for the strategy same people see you think it'll still working in the same people probably it's a bit like okay that's all you Oh what attached want to be Oh open up in it again nice I threw the praying throughout the whole play two hundred pain easy to do I'll just pass I'll just pasta yeah not in your class we good that works no way no it was hey I have to go because he's a funny demo kind of open you can re exactly he's actually gonna get back this slide well maybe you can go maybe not oh no that might even actually make it yes I'll open up it gotta go kind of like that yeah you should school please cook I can I kept like the depth reception I was like are you just dribbling into the wall but you actually have plenty of time oh it's really so confused alright you lost connection I mean I'll be honest when I guess oh god he's gonna work against these guys wouldn't you try you're the attacker I'm the defender shine a light some of the best players in the world here but the shine you I don't think it's gonna work dude no we get mad we go oh my god if somehow scoring I feel like that's literally one of your phones just getting like these random goals like they're actual pros and we're doing this that's not you open up in and we go let's go yeah I'm not going anything you miss I can't get that oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah how does it say I'm a backward yeah yes all right I was waiting and I should save it oh no no good yeah nice if anybody pretty tough spot I'm just putting it closer to the Hat that's all you in all yours good one more time yeah baking for you course that's a pinch we got the power we got they don't know what to do it like they're expecting someone - BJ oh it's so beat we're good Oh God he could still love it it's looking over and leaving I'll wait for double e miss yeah it's say yeah I dive a lot of time made a little bit did you just yeah it's in store let's go oh my god they left okay we we later rocket League professional players for for the night from the stupid strategy I shouldn't believe that happen knock off a kickoff but I am full-time goalie watch demo you jumped out the perfect time oh so close oh one more oh my god sighs oh no wait you got it I know you give this a little touch this a little touch nice I get a little safe and then you're already up as an attacker for the counter-attack soft shoes he always actually got that nice there okay I would I don't know I was tough passing out for you that's way too far back sorry it's gonna burn up oh I see me say no business oh that's a nice shot so much yeah lucky my first like decent that's all right oh that's fine oh it's not easy oh there we go take me out man what why please go in oh no no clothes see that is insane Wow baby good I'm saving everything oh my god on the ceiling yeah but uh yeah good thing too good thing is though I say these you do he's in a pretty poor spot nice I might be straight and let's see minima jump there I was waiting good thing though is that I do goods hate again miles that's I'll put this all right go left go out your chair before you actually sportings booked a limo he saves as that oh yeah perfect for me yeah a little bit time oh no ouch dude it's like you're - you're too good at hitting highlights oh that was so scary dude I did not think you get that catch no oh so close so close to be passed to me in the corner and it off the sidewalk yeah nice nice see one more mark no ha so first I can't go it's go fine I'll say that I'll say that oh okay I'm back I'm back with one base he went underneath we're good okay we are so fine right now it's it's crazy oh let's go nice ah dude let's go five games five wins eleven shots eleven saves that Larry that is up so perfectly I really like this recipe so strategy 2 1 is 5 games which is actually insane especially against pro players because it sounds kind of dumb but it worked and for us and work better than strategy 1 and arguably worked better than us playing normally so if you guys want to try it out feel free to and let me know how it goes and these videos are always really fun to make so comment below a strategy that sounds dumb but might work and maybe I'll see it and try it out in the future video if you guys enjoyed don't forget to like the video and watch the ads all the way through and subscribe here if you're new to the channel and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: amustycow
Views: 3,873,911
Rating: 4.9129758 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League, rocket league new strategy, We created a new strategy for 2v2 that works against Rocket League pros..., We created a new strategy for 2v2 that works against Rocket League pros, musty flick rocket league, rocket league grand champion, grand champ, rocket league pro, pro rocket league player, rocket league strategy, rocket league strategy 2v2, rocket league strategy 1v1, strategy rocket league, strategy
Id: XvX1y83qOkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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