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all right guys welcome back to the road to ssl in 3v3 today is episode number eight and we're going to be lebron's james today so thank you so much to coulson for this recommendation like i said drop a comment of your recommendation and profile picture and i'll be sure to grab the most liked ones but for this one you can see it's only 18 likes but it was two minutes ago i just couldn't couldn't turn away from this one it's so awesome and what's even funnier is this is actually danny's alt account name so it works out perfectly let's jump right into it and try to make this photo all right so we got lebron james and i already actually see one sticking out either this one or this one i think this one's pretty good contrast so i'm gonna grab this photo here and drop it into photoshop if you're thinking like me i think you know where i'm gonna go with this but if you're not just stay tuned uh it'll get good were you thinking this is what i was gonna do no oh okay no problem maybe maybe i'll make it a little more like orange colored it's like slightly and we're gonna make it make it look a little more real here all right okay we're getting we're getting somewhere this is working oh my god it's perfect one last finishing touch though ah perfect there we go there's a finishing touch all right jump into rocket league all right there we have it lebron's james so in the last episode in episode number seven we we ended up in 1372 champion three division three so i'm expecting in this episode if we win every game we'll probably be in uh grand champion one uh maybe even halfway up grand champion one uh if we do lose though then we'll start to climb much slower because right now we're getting about 30 points a game so if we continue that we could actually make ssl in about like five or six episodes which is kind of crazy but uh hopefully we get more educational content from losing a game which i'm sure will happen so uh let's get into this next game if you are enjoying the series by the way there is a playlist if you haven't missed any of the episodes in the past and if you want to make sure you don't miss out on any future ones be sure to subscribe and let's jump into the games and see how it goes [Music] so i think for today's episode as we're jumping into higher and higher ranks uh every games every video has kind of been a completely different vibe as far as like teammates and opponents go i think i want to focus a little bit on uh boost management and decisions uh regarding like when when to go for boost and stuff when not to um so i'm gonna try and keep an eye on that uh throughout this episode and just uh keep uh keep tabs on you know why i'm making certain decisions i am um since i'm still last right here i'm gonna wait for the shot first and grab this boost my way around should be one of my teammates in net maybe making it clear since it goes to the left i'm gonna sit behind and be the new third can't take the took the boost didn't really mean to or want to but uh it ended up happening because of the touch i made see my teammate wants to make a touch decent he's gonna follow it he's trying i don't want to double commit with him because he is trying for that that follow-up it's the right idea just pretty slow play i gotta watch out for the demos behind as well bit of a fake make sure i pop it up with the first touch my teammates on the the wall right here so might make a shot good try try to get ready first touch middle in case he didn't make one oh okay we're good i'm just gonna go just in case my teammate doesn't turn good teammate could have pushed out definitely should push out now it might be open good shot to the bottom right good save though maybe a little bit careful because i am last here i see this ball spill up pretty nicely for me and the the side and now right here all i'm doing is focusing on pads and midfield don't need to go all the way back still lots of time i can turn in with the boost i just got off the pads popping off the backboard oh good try gotta be careful the demo on the last man here this guy's chasing me which is not the best decision because the ball's not on target if he hadn't it was a decent idea if he uh you know keeps in mind that uh the guy could have shot on target the second he realizes he's not shooting on target though um he should instead go for the ball redirect i took both boosts there because there was actually a player uh on the other team pushing up the same direction ah it's not a great flip actually might be on target close good shot that's on me though i didn't get a good flick um and my other teammate was forward so i need to make sure i flicked a little bit higher a little bit of awkward ball though my teammate made a bad uh bad first touch but hey we'll uh we'll recover this play a little more aggressive this guy's gonna shoot towards target hopefully my team is back he is not back and it's in so yeah my teammate never definitely needs to be behind on the uh the goal line there he's kind of just sitting around in no man's land doing turns he got the back boost but he probably didn't need it and uh he wasn't able to get back so we got a got a bit of work in the last uh second half of this game uh to get back in this i'm trying to get back left here see what happens off my teammates touch okay my teammates lack of a touch i mean put off the backboard it's a good shot that is last man though i gotta be a little careful hop over to i'll play a little bit more ball chasing though my teammates are obviously not uh up to par here both players okay bumblebee didn't go for the uh the touch i went for an air drill bump but after that first pop that's all it takes um so far like my teammates have made some pretty bizarre misses but overall they are kind of rotating pretty well just uh the one thing i would say is that i just need to be more ready for opportunities to uh taste a little harder since uh my teammates don't really want to be the ones to uh to uh pressure so decent touch should be a shot for my teammate see if he can score it nice job right there i'm just trying to keep pushing the corner i see that one guy misses right here uh and that and immediately tells me i can turn around and try to pop the ball over and uh since saraki was the last player um i can just pop that off the backboard and hopefully my teammates are ready and they are for the first time there off the offense we don't have a lot of uh offense we do have quite a few shots but overall our pressure's kind of fizzled out pretty quickly from touches like these where they kind of just go right back to the opponents talked about this a lot in the last few episodes too that you need to make sure you keep uh consistent pressure triple commit no problem triple the chance of success there we go pop it over mania didn't make up a good touch my team can probably follow us up the team is already pushing up for the next touch so i'll be a little bit ready for that good double could be a shot good block though good touch the teammate could try to make a shoot shot here oh try shoot that on the right side left side i mean see if rocky makes a touch he does hop over one all players miss go for the low 50 50. see if siphon wants to make a touch here once again just grabbing a few pads and i don't really need to go for the back corner because there's a chance the shot goes on target my teammates wouldn't be ready but uh we're in overtime so three saves not doing not doing a lot in this game i mean we are at the top of the scoreboard but i feel like you know if we really wanted to we could probably uh be a little more aggressive it's a good try off the corner maybe he's gonna have a clear it's a good block oh that pinch almost went in that was crazy that could be really dangerous good try chalky pops off the sidewall he should probably follow it up he ends up missing which actually is good for the team because um none of our teammates expect that there we go pop up the top corner and there's a good shot so i just waited for the sidewall bounce um off this 50 50. this first pop was to get around that player on the corner and he ends up making a bad touch in the middle and i just go for the top top right quarter shot obviously that's pretty like demanding but i even if you don't want to go for that like high risk high reward shot you could probably let the ball bounce a few more times in mid and uh give yourself a little more opportunity to get more angles because since that last man is you know against a 1v3 or like a maybe even a 1v2 he's got a lot of options he has to cover so you can keep that in mind you got to kind of put yourself in the perspective of the opponent sometimes and what they have to deal with and how you would react if you were in their uh their shoes and sort of play around that and what you don't like to have happen against you when you're in that situation but not not too bad of a game obviously i had to do a little bit more than i than i should have probably at the same time i didn't really play perfectly obviously no one does but uh we got 23 points and we're almost in 1400 already so let's jump to the next game so so far in that first game i didn't really talk about boost management too much i was talking about like grabbing boost in a specific situation but overall like you can see what i'm waiting for possessions or for uh positions on the ball i'm kind of holding on my boost until i want to go for the ball you can see like right here i'm holding on my boost until i really need to and that's why i still have 100 i'm able to just wait for my teammates to fill the positioning oh okay decent touch but rather make it clear here i can probably beat this guy because he's uh challenging uh awkwardly underneath the ball so i just go for immediate pop and the other guy went for the back corner so we get a free goal there razz made a pretty high pop and emo's like in an awkward position like that like i was talking about um and because of the fact that i just held on my boost and waited for my opportunity to strike i could use a lot of boost and still have the confidence to go because my recovery would actually be decent if i still have 60 boost in the tank after that aerial so it's all about uh you know preemptively waiting for your opportunities like right here he's a bit of boost to get into position but then i can go for the shot try to shoot top corner almost get the shot doesn't matter if it's on target or not i mean you'd like to have the goal obviously but um in that situation um pop this out as well uh in that situation still getting pressure is good because it forces a lot of players possibly to double commit triple commit um and you gotta think about like slowly dwindling down your opponent's uh possession or uh resources it's a good bump i'm trying to go for the double here close nice finish so i end up popping this is actually a new thing that people have been doing a lot more is when they hit the ball they actually throw it towards the floor to bounce it back up to themselves i wasn't able to get the shot but uh lawyer ended up copying uh you know popping that goal off that bad backboard read but uh it was it was tough with a hundred boost in that situation it wasn't the best pop i got but that is a good a good strategy if you are getting used to mechanics and stuff going for those touches where you uh those could be good oh good shot um where you go for that that pop off the floor and then it bounces back up to you it's definitely uh definitely gonna catch some people off guard like you saw but good try from crispy and lawyer to cover as many options as possible the bottom right was a perfect shot from boston so this game is a lot about game feel i am last man right here so i'll be a little careful now oh whoops side flips that's okay though my teammates going i'm under the ball so i can pop it towards the okay it's in i was gonna say pop it towards the right side and they'll probably get a clear and there's no one because uh boston was underneath the ball and both razz and emo uh were going for the back corner i like that emo tried to cover it by going across uh but razz probably was the position in the position to go back and get the final defense there uh but he decided to go for boost instead as i said you can grab a few pads like i don't even need to get that back corner bruce i could probably grab a few pads and get back faster say if the lawyer can get touched good double by razz though uh my teammate kind of didn't react on the backboard in time i think if we were to get the save here lawyer needs to grab that boost pad he just got and then use the boost but he ended up turning to the left you see the right there the last second he turns to the left i'm not sure why he would do that because the guy's going towards target you need to make sure you turn into the goal um to get that saved but lawyers actually playing pretty well it's crispy that he's not really contributed too much at least points wise see if lauren can get a 50 50. oh my team's not ready for that okay i thought he's gonna turn in and make a touch crispy's a little bit slow uh that's okay though but i gotta keep that in mind now that i know that crispy's gonna be kind of like playing a little bit slowly right here he could have turned but he just like waited super super long um for that bounce off the sidewall so let's see let's see what happens here oh okay we're good it was scary though that's a good pop i don't think i can get this hopefully okay i just um i thought chris was gonna jump up earlier so i backed off and then okay he double jumped with me and he backed off that's actually smart i mean he definitely uh thought that i was gonna have this ended up popping towards the goal it's okay though we'll get some goals back gotta play a little bit faster once again and uh cover our teammates a little more a little bit of a funny situation i think i definitely should have been chris's ball i just wasn't sure if he's gonna jump because he's been a little bit slow to challenge see if i can finish this a little bit awkward he made one for hopefully chris we can shoot nice play i ended up throwing my teammate lawyer off but i don't think he was gonna have a free ball there because i think this guy would have made a touch maybe not actually he was moving a little bit hot but you know crispy ends up recovering our uh our mistakes from earlier and he's playing a little more aggressive which is good okay i don't need to get the back corner i should leave it for my teammate it's a good decent touch oh my team is pushed up okay that was a little dangerous eel might get a 50 50 here that could be poor see if chris we can go for the corner boost pop it middle maybe the lawyer want it i'll make sure at least beat that one guy it wasn't like the greatest pass because there's no really there's no real scoring opportunities this could be a good chance good try from crispy like the 50 50 from lawyer to last man might might make a bad touch panicking a little bit i make a pop too ready for the pinch in case it happens which it does make sure i get in the way of that touch and then i can follow this up as well before the other guy has a touch that's all the players hopefully my team can get there good try a little bit slow though he definitely should have been there before the bounce teammates are panicking a lot so i just gotta make sure i cover uh good good pops and stuff hey ryze doesn't make the best touch decent pops on the backboard i don't have a good shot opportunity so this should be a shot opportunity never mind i think chris could have waited for the bounce there honestly the last man uh was not in a good position a good clear could be tough i don't have a lot of boost want to use a little bit to get around the ball first i can clear it up again braz is gonna probably make a bad touch or miss and we're now into overtime it's a bit of an awkward game but uh so far we're holding on let's get a pinch here ends up working a little bit oh my goodness that could have been really bad teammate pre-jumped in a weird spot oh my use the wave dash to get a little bit of burst of speed i'm not really gonna expect that okay my teammate bump me this could be really dangerous austin pops it out crispy should be going for this decent you know probably have a touch though both players go crispy should be able to stay with this and get a dribble get him to hold on to the ball here i'm not gonna go for this because he's just gonna stay with it and he's got a good position that most of the time is gonna bounce out for um uh his teammates rather than uh my team okay not a great position he's gonna be on target too oh my goodness that's last man so i know he can just flick that he shouldn't be challenging his last man like that it needs to stall for time that's two overtimes this game is getting a little tight i don't know if i'm doing enough or i'm doing too much or what but so far we've had to you know stretch a little bit to get that final uh goal for the overtimes but i think so far it's just been a lot of uh lack of confidence uh on aerials and stuff or just being too impatient with uh goal opportunities for our team but we end up squeaking out the win so it works out uh lebron's james you've done it again we got 22 points and we're i think this should be a division up at least yeah so we're probably gonna make it just into grand champion one if we win this last game but it's been a bit rough so hopefully we can uh touch up this last match i feel the last game we got another 1400 on my team actually we're all 1400 so they're teamed up uh with a few lower level players this might be a little bit of an easier game i'm trying to bump this guy that's in the way here i got 12 boosts i want to make sure i don't waste it teammates on the wall too he's gonna bump me that's gonna be an open goal they missed oh my goodness that's in okay i just i should have just left because i knew my teammate wasn't gonna trust me to catch that ball i didn't like that he was trying to clear the ball because we're both pretty low boost on the back end and i'm getting bumped by wanathon too thought you were in net my bad it's all good man just use your eyes you might see that i'm not like a 61 boost just waiting for the clear is it popping a pretty far teammate's already jumping out for any position that could be really bad good save though the team probably could have waited for the next touch because he's got a possession off the ceiling a lot of players this ring oh my goodness a lot of players in this ring don't really expect the uh the ceiling touches and stuff so you got to be ready for those in case they happen this could be expired mango's chance good try be a shot towards target hopefully that's in i think my teammate almost tried to touch that ball even though it was going to the back corner so we end up getting a shot there because this guy right here he ends up popping it and one guy's following and then simpson is actually in midfield not ready for the shot good challenge good play spider-man goes moving up as new third man see if he goes for the shot good try and good finish so i was saying good try by the opponents end up making a miss off the backboard ends up working out but yeah regarding the first goal um in my situation i probably should have got off that ball because i knew my teammate wasn't going to react to me being there i was gonna make a soft touchdown and then keep a dribble so i keep the possession um in 3v3 it's a little bit harder um it's a little bit harder to uh gauge what your teammates are going to do especially in solo queue so at this point like at this rank i do recommend like if you are at this rank find people that you play with really well like if you want to solo queue solo queue for a bit and find people that you really jam like jam with and just play with them invite them to party up um and see how you do you know you might make some new friends it doesn't always have to be solo queue i think uh at at some point to rank up really like fast or at least a little more effectively you really do need to find people that you communicate well with uh because it'll help you win games a lot easier like if we solo queue into uh an ssl tournament right now and there's a team of uh a team of players who are in a party party chat together it's gonna be a lot harder to play against them when they're communicating their intentions way before you can even see them so uh that's definitely really helpful to get you know a good lead on on the games a little bit of an awkward touchdown from simsta i think his teammate was doing a squishy save and actually would have had it there there we go hopefully i can grab the mid boost didn't grab it but simpson's going so i'm just trying to get a bump on him since we did commit we gotta be a little bit careful see if expirement can go up the backboard good fake by osiris um i think what ended up happening was one sm was trying to make a challenge in midfield actually kind of made expired mango wait for his challenge because he probably could have jumped off the wall a little bit earlier and got in the way of that but one sm making the the attempt at the challenge actually makes spider-man go wait sort of like what happened with the aerial in the second game uh where oh good good touch uh where i ended up taking off uh faking out crispy when he was uh gonna go for that aerial challenge if i just didn't go knowing that he was gonna go it probably would have been better for us but it's hard to do without communication like i said so let's make a shot towards target see what happens two players are committing to it i want to say i'm trying to go for it even though it's on target i talked with this a lot if you've got a situation where the ball is already going towards target and there's a lot of pressure and there's not like a clear chance that you're just going to get the next touch to secure the goal let's let the opponents make a touch because you're better no way oh my goodness what is that shot that was pretty good uh you're better just to let the opponents make a touch and play the defense because then you can play to the next touch and play ahead of the game you know play a game with chess not checkers it's also a decent touch too oh i've typed oops definitely was ready for it though i knew he was gonna make a touch just not not sure where it was gonna go he's touched my teammate end up leaving though it could have been a pass from 1sm to to mango there not a great touch should be a finish here good save though it's a decent touch as well you could have honestly maybe let the opponents make a touch too because uh their touch might have just passed it out to uh to us as well make a pretty solid shot towards target good save once again see if expired mango keeps the pressure he does i really like the decision to keep the ball popped up to the uh to the backboard instead try to slot this to the right side at least add some pressure to make them clear to the corner and now i want to send heat the ball because of that i'm gonna go behind wait for the clear good block again we're keeping really good pressure here teammates are actually doing a really good job of uh confusing the opponents take a shot towards target again good save once again just causing a lot of pressure they can't get out of their their end because of these touches which is the intention here so i am last man but i know they're not really quite ready for it so once again pop it up off the backboard good save once again there's a good chance that could have went in uh so i went for it and this could be an open goal though because my teammates committed in a weird spot not too bad though we got 20 seconds two goals uh leads so we should be fine i think one sam yeah end up missing and the bump from uh osiris on mango ends up just leaving it open for him it's all good though all we gotta do is hold this 20 seconds we don't really need a goal so we're not trying to force the issue we're going to play uh the situation as we see it i'll be a little careful with this midfield touch i'll wait till the guy forces in the touch i know i have uh control of that okay i know i have control of that uh that play there so i'm just gonna wait for the last second until he challenges um to play it away like this see i waited for simpson to push up and that'll play out the rest of the time just from rolling up the wall there so that'll secure the last win and honestly not a bad game um a few mistakes from me and and our teammates but overall we played pretty well and rotated well together so that'll be a solid last win let's see where we at we end up at we should get grand jamie one here i think uh see if the promotion comes through there it is grand champion one so probably division one yep there we go not too bad we're already in the fourth highest rank of the game so ssl is really really getting close i know this series is a lot slower i mean a lot quicker than the first series that's to be expected if we're winning every game so hopefully in the future games we do get a few tougher uh opponents and uh they'll probably sneak in a win here and there and we'll end up climbing a little bit slower but hopefully you guys enjoyed this episode i know i didn't talk about the boost management too much i tried to i think i did a decent job of explaining what i was trying to talk about but until next time have a great day and we'll catch you guys the next one
Channel: Lethamyr
Views: 240,198
Rating: 4.9741483 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket, League, Lethamyr, Pro, Leth, Grand, Champion, Champ, GC, RLCS, Pros, 1v1, 1s, Doubles, Squishy, Muffinz, Sunlesskhan, Fluump, Mertzy, Linkuru, Johnnyboi, amustycow, Musty, Jon, Sandman, Cizzorz, Squishymuffinz, Scrub, Killa, New, Custom, Maps, Road, To, Rank 1, Rizzo, Sizz, CBell, Supersonic, Legend, Free, Play, Update, Season, Brand, Map, Modded, Modding, Jstn, NRG, SSG, Best, RL, Top, SSL, Spacestation, Gaming, Arsenal, Imagine, Sweating, This, Hard, In, Champ 3, 3v3
Id: vO0tOWQEPjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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