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so ragley just announced the new car and this car being the lamborghini urakan they released this car pretty much out of nowhere and it's created a lot of hype within the community so today i figured it'd be best to test it out by freestyling with it i'll be doing a freestyle challenge where i need to score three types of shots which are a triple reset a ceiling musty flick double touch and a ceiling to helicopter stall reset all these mechanics are ones that i can do consistently with the octane so let's see what i can do with a lamborghini after that though we'll be testing the car out in freestyle only one i just want to say a big thanks to psionics for giving me a code for the car early on to make this video now the video isn't an advertisement or anything so don't worry about that but make sure to subscribe because it really helps me out a lot we're actually super close to 250k subs now and that's insane to me now without further ado let's actually get into the video oh my goodness this lamborghini just looks insane i dude i i can't believe it it's actually in the game it just happened so randomly which is just crazy to me quick thing you can customize this uh in paint so basically if you have a if you don't have this decal then you can actually customize this with just you know customizing the colors and then you know the accent as well which is going to be kind of like the border i think white looks super cool with that but um yeah so you can customize that but i think i'm going to choose to have a decal just it just looks super nice so i'm gonna decide to have that and of course if you have a decal you can't really customize the paint but i think that's fine that the car looks sick as it is when it comes to wheels there's two options there's either gold and then there's black kind of tunica looking wheels uh but they're slightly different from each other um i prefer gold just fits this kind of uh decal better but the black one looks super sick as well and then there's two antennas one is just the lamborghini logo and then there's the hurricane logo um i'm not really big into antennas but i can see why people would use the lamborghini antenna and there's nothing left but the car engine sound have a listen to this [Music] how sick is that but anyways there's enough rambling i think it's time to hit some shots of the lamborghini and to start off we're gonna hit those three shots that i mentioned so of course a triple flip reset a ceiling shot musty fake double touch and a helicopter flip reset oh boy this is gonna be tough but let's get into it let's hope for the best get one two ah i couldn't get it yeah i oh my god it's gonna be tough no i almost got it dude all right it's coming right up right here come on okay one two three [Music] oh that was close dude that was close honestly i'm feeling a lot better than the lambo than i thought i would i i thought i would struggle a lot more but i'm getting these resets pretty consistently and as i say that i only get one reset very nice i've always struggled to get resets for the with the dominus hitbox but this is feeling weird oh so close bro i was literally probably a centimeter off i was so close to getting that last reset i was clean as well but my back wheels didn't touch the ball i mean i don't really know what to say that the car feels pretty good with solo freestyling so far which i mean it shouldn't come as a surprise because a lot of solo freestyles she used dominus but it's surprising to me because i don't use dominus that was that was a triple reset but i was so bad i don't want to count that like sure we got the triple reset but ah it bounced you guys know the rules if the ball bounces it doesn't count all right that's just kind of the standards we've set here oh oh my god that first try we got a height but we didn't get the accuracy or the speed really but all right we're gonna do a triple triple reset right here coming up ah not quite it not quite it alright triple reset incoming come on surely oh surely one two and three no man i got so close i almost i almost got it man where's the flip where's the flip okay oh okay yeah i count that that's it that didn't bounce it was pretty clean oh my god i think i think i just did the first ever triple reset with the lamborghini i mean i'm happy with that the first of a triple reset with lamborghini that is uh that's a pretty nice trophy to have but then again i did get an advantage so [Music] okay we got the speed didn't get the height but look at the speed that looks pretty decent oh come on go ahead go in no dude that was almost top corner come on oh no that was so fast all right let's go for the ceiling shot musty fake double i think yeah that's gonna be pretty interesting okay i i didn't really get now i didn't get the height i couldn't do that but we got pretty close so the other shot is the um heli stall flip reset so basically i go from the ceiling and then i heli stall and i scroll from there so i'll kind of show you i'm pretty bad with stores though so if i fail that's you know what happens but yeah it's basically like that and then i scored but you know not like that though because it bounced i don't really like bounces but um but yeah that's basically what i'm gonna be doing um it's pretty cool actually i've been trying to practice it recently and um i really like it so maybe i can do it with the the domino's hitbox but we'll see okay oh okay and i um how did i mess that up it was just a double touch it's just an ordinary double touch something i've done for thousands of hours now but nope gonna mess that up not gonna mess up the musty flake which is the harder part no i'm gonna mess up the dough double touch because of course oh smooth smooth and i messed up again why why am i like this why i i get everything perfect but no not a double touch no messed up double touches again okay okay and it bounced god damn it why do i mess up something every time in a shot every single time it's just something that i messed up here i made sure that i was going to get a double touch but then i balanced then obviously you guys know that i don't count the shots that bounce so i mean unless it's like really insane but yeah i'm not going to count that sadly come on you just uh you know do you ever just ah ah see i think i know what the problem is some of you guys haven't subscribed to the channel have you oh i think if you do it right now i'll screw it see simple as that simple as that you guys just had to subscribe i guess something oh dear i i didn't expect that honestly i was just a bit but it went in without bouncing it works i think you guys subscribing worked and if you didn't subscribe i think i think that deserves for you to subscribe to the channel now so for this last shot as i said we have to go from the ceiling and helicopter stool and score from the flippery set that we get same setup so it should be pretty straightforward i um i was pretty close to getting a triple reset one from the ceiling one here and then normal oh that would have been sick that would have been actually quite cool but we're not counting that obviously it bounced it didn't really look that cool so it's fine what oh wait that didn't bounce wait uh and do i count that um what was that it didn't folks i uh wow okay so that shot that i screwed earlier it's it's pretty good but i think i'm gonna score a better shot like pretty much right now let's hope for the best [Music] i mean that's pretty weird i i don't really mind it but it's just a bit weird i think it's it's still a helicopter reset but it's kind of like a total flick at the end i don't know that was weird but honestly i'm thinking i'm pretty happy with it with how things went i i'm i'm impressed by the lamborghini honestly i'm i'm really liking it it feels so good let's find out how things go and uh freeze that one to this car i i mean it's gonna look cool when we're starting when i'm styling on you but you know am i gonna hit a shot yeah we'll see uh yeah let me go for like the traditional that is the traditional for you yeah nowadays okay i see you get that musty no ah i didn't get the musty the musties are hard all right i'm gonna i'm gonna see how it's uh how it handles on everything dominate box is very good bedroom and then the pancake maybe oh my god i'm literally in the okay i was literally in in the bowl that was so weird so how about i try and do hankovitz uh hankovic is wonderful are you cheating no exactly how he did it all right wait that's how he started it i don't even remember he did all right 20 20 seconds shot clock remember no i couldn't do the musty i've been practicing that for quite a bit now it's so tough i'm gonna go just for the hanko shot just for the handkerchief it's so easy oh yeah that is hunger shooting i see you oh nice ah except he hits the back but i don't know oh my dude this is this feels so weird because like even though the shots are not working so far because i mean octane it still just feels so clean for some reason i can imagine if you only play the freaking octane i always say that that from when you play a lot of dominance switching to octane is like really easy but switching from octane to dominance is so hard for me oh yeah no it really is it's uh it's quite an experience that's why i never played with ominous but like this car it kind of hit's different you know yeah what should i go for i'm mk you let me know i want to see disciple tomas t2 double like you read yes i want to see that same you were so close in the pulitzer rasmus invitational number one yeah but the freaking jurassic jeep car though hey it's uh got close there to be better though the jeep is it's just a legendary car right is it it is i mean i wouldn't do anything different i was bad very bad back then all right i'm gonna go some more edibles i need to i need to get used to edibles damn that's really like clean control uh another bones no i hit it way too high uh i was planning on going forever there but couldn't okay first touch is good nice nice oh yes do it i can't get the angle did i suck at double touches i ain't just something about it man oh that was tough all right back flip time [Music] yeah yeah yeah pancake [Music] yeah i think so maybe it was lagged was lag let's go it didn't bounce nice yeah from the background i don't know why like man i like this this whole video is just gonna sound like an advertisement for lamborghini but it isn't i should be getting paid for this honestly yeah yeah oh damn why did you like side flip yeah okay i can get it no okay jesus that was screwed a very bad goal don't you dare clap on me oh double that oh oh man of course it happens to be happens to me every time all right i'm not gonna i'm not gonna let it happen again though trust you're sure about that yeah well i see i think that's good hide on it very good height that's looking so promising no no i wanted to go to the corner but i just got a bad hit ah i should be something nuts here okay show me like some example type stuff type stuff yeah okay okay i know what he's doing sir yes sir show me what you got okay and then yeah it flips completely crazy into the ball gets another reset and then continues dude i i like even though i practice it so often i still can't get the way he does stalls down he's just crazy he like waved just a lot in the ceiling and then that's true yeah he like wave dashes and then stalls into the ball see i want like a coronery that's really what i'm hoping for i'm not i'm not proud to not too proud on the angle yeah wasn't it uh i need to get more height on it but no okay that makes it so makes sense oh dude that looks so sick from my screen oh it's fine i just love the engine at the start when you're just like the exhaust pop like when the car spawns in the exhaust pop yeah it sounds too good man it always reminds me of nipper speed oh good control that could have been like the highest most effect i've ever mustied uh you know i'm gonna go first uh for ground fish fire style do it minimum 150 um [Laughter] bro i just knew i couldn't even land on the ceiling oh no yeah just fly away bro i have to do the double slip reset yeah you got to do it you've been practicing for a long time now i'm good just so different like when you want to flip into the second reset it's so different with the long curve nice good control easy psycho why why did the musty just fail last second it's like i was doing perfect and then just at the end like why now watching this look at this it was going perfect i had myself line up and then just no no you went a bit of sideways yeah ah i promised myself i'm gonna screw this [Music] okay good first touch he's controlling it everyone's looking fine where's the musty flick it's looking good no i where's the bounce uh if i bounce there that could have been it that could have been the hanko shot but even better possibly oh no mk you're such a silly goose how do you how do you not save that dude that bounce is insane what yeah maybe a little bit too insane and this unless okay no come on where's like where's the bounce oh oh you're gonna do it aren't you oh almost yeah hey now i want to do the redirect as well there we go i think i could have followed that if i didn't give up a one what wait wait dude what what is that no bro ah that was weird all right um you know we'll redirect actually no i don't like the redirects anymore you see [Music] it was so nice it was nice that was nice yeah the angle see i learned that from watching you know people are gaffled like so consistently yeah oh that's nice i like that dude that i wish i got that clip though oh that was so weird i don't know what i did the one with a musty to your own backboard like i think that is so hard yeah true um i really want to do it though because if i do it that would be sick one day on twitter i'll see it oh 100 100. [Music] neighborhood
Channel: Pulse OSM
Views: 1,268,218
Rating: 4.9515519 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league freestyling, pulse osm, pulse osm freestyling, pulse osm 1v1, lamborghini rocket league, lamborghini new rocket league, new car rocket league, osm freestyle, pulse freestyling
Id: yltJxPGRmyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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