Is the Fennec good for 1v1s?: Reaching Supersonic Legend | 1’s Until I Lose Ep. 32

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[Music] hey gamer i'm back with a new episode of once until i lose and today i actually decided to use the fennec at first i was like let me use the octane but i decided the fanuc is actually kind of goated for 1v1s uh as you'll see in the video i don't know why but i feel a little bit more consistent in the fennec not quite as fast but more consistent which is more important for 1v1s and i actually lost supersonic legend the night before i started recording this so today we're going to see if we can get it back hopefully get some good games and hopefully get some dubs and if you notice in this video i'm wearing glasses which i never do but that's not just me trying to look more intellectual or me trying to do my best guarantee impression it's because i sit on my screen all day sometimes for like 12 hours plus doing my job which i love doing because you know it's playing video games doing what i love but sitting at a screen all day produces blue light which can seriously damage our eyes especially if you're a gamer like me so whether you're sitting at a screen for a long period of time because of work rocket league tick tock netflix our eyes are being exposed to this blue light which causes headaches trouble sleeping and for me personally causes a lot of eye strain which just makes my eyes really uncomfortable after looking at a screen for a while but gmg performance sent me these optimizer glasses i'm wearing them right now they're looking pretty fresh i can't lie and they're sponsoring this video because they act as a shield from this blue light and if you tune into my twitch lately you've probably seen me wearing them on stream a good bit and ever since i've been wearing them which is about a week now i haven't felt any more discomfort or strain in my eyes plus especially when i play rocket league they help me stay concentrated a lot easier so if you guys are interested in protecting your eyes while you game there's a huge sale going on right now if you click the first link in the description you can get yourself some gmg performance glasses for almost half the price it's 40 off for the next 48 hours so make sure to check it out today and again big thanks to gmg performance for sponsoring today's video and let's get into it alrighty game number one in the fennec dfa city i'm playing against did i ask hopefully it goes well kick off should be a goal here i slide it the word to work kickoffs have saved me in so many games another one that's fine i'm actually gonna let him shoot if he wants to get back trying to get my boots here i'm barely able to and i got the perfect pre-flip i was a little bit lucky on that brief flip i'm not gonna lie but get it in this cause we got a two goal lead doesn't mean we're not gonna keep playing aggro here trying to make that three four five goal lead i have to get 12 he missed which is good wave dash here should give us a goal nice perfect honestly just a mistake by him i feel like i had everything zoned out even if it was on that um he hit it over got the recovery and uh had enough boost to get there get the goal good kick off by him might be able to get back uh not quite almost let's see it's gotta make sure he doesn't allay this a lot of people try to do weird stuff on this middle kickoff perfect we slot it all right barely not normally don't do too many things in the air but i'll try to 50 under here sort of learn watching squishy a lot he did when he goes for an irrigable a lot of the time he just 50s it under instead of trying to like drag it all the way to them 50 and put your car under there swear when they try to like flip it it goes under and hopefully into the goal could kick off by us boxing like a fish that's your back flip make him jump you zero here should be cool nice so far let's see about the best start we could be asking for for uh for once till we lose but then one of you on this game is not over by any means don't want to throw the game here it's trying to get back yeah not the best shot by me can i hit it a little more uh in this fake challenge going now he's gonna fake yeah yeah that's what i would have done we have 78 here he has a hundred let him go i'm gonna go behind him here so i get bump no i could shot i thought we had enough boost to uh bump him from the from behind didn't quite work like i knew he was going to doomsday dish but i thought we could kind of cut it off in time but my calculations were a little bit wrong i'm going to get a touchy good fake only has one touch here or i mean he could do something but he's not boost i don't know why he's doing that all right nice yeah i just kept track of his business in my head and like there's no no way you can actually irritable down so i just went our instincts paid off in that one i'm gonna hit it off the wall here uh that's not good yeah we get back though never mind nevermind i don't actually don't know what i'm doing i'm trying to like double touch it or something from the wall i'm actually kind of throwing the game now but it like didn't bounce how i wanted then i'm like wait let me try something else i'm like okay i shouldn't be trying freestyle here and ones until i lose i actually have 24 boosts it's going that's fine i think i have my boost here and the ball no i can't get the ball he doesn't have on his car i'm not gonna let him get back on his back fine even if he does get back on his car for a sec we get the bump which is good all right rush nice let's see it's falling into my trap a lot of time like i bring it really close to them but i put it on my car where i can still backflip it over there worst case scenario like they they don't go for it but it's still a really tough save because the backflip gets so much height fake it you have to watch out for demo now here should we get boost though uh-huh dang good shot got my boost he uh took advantage of my game plan still got a three goal lead which is good though maybe a four goal lead no no he's gonna jump yeah actually really good touch by him i'm not gonna let him get super good control here though and try to be annoying avoid the demo and get his boost the other boosts and i'll i'll respect the shot here i should have saved it now he's zero you're gonna pass him here we might get a goal but it's fine he's every last ounce of juice to save that now we cut him on the far side here for a hook shot he's gonna go okay it's not let's just play boost here inside we can actually score so we're just gonna continue playing goose it should be gold now nice reason i go for that on the corner generally it's risky to go for the ball and like the opponent's corner like this but i just know he's so low boost that i mean worse outcome is like a 50 50 that's a little bit in his favor but i would have enough boost to get back at that point that'd be fine i don't think that's quite end i went a little too hard that's fine it's like down the wall there the aight we ate bringing it back still going on the wall i'll give you has the mechanics though it's gonna look at him as arsenal would say i'm gonna make one more this would be weird get off the wall i might actually save that yeah fake oh i didn't want to touch that i probably can't go for this it's a little risky made him jump though should be gold like it's kind of like zero boost the thing really worked out for us that's good i've just been obliterating it like trying to slide it here nice good placement on that one he honestly probably could have saved that was that i could i could have hit a much more high much more powerful but it works we get the goal regardless we're fine uh i'm thinking about pinching it i don't think that would work though should be fine here and the musty flick i believe somehow son oh my god oh my god that is so fast i feel like it's faster than 98 i think i hit crossbar look a lot faster than 98 kpa nice musty flick though uh played pretty well that game so let's get into game number two all right boys get the lucky sip of water new map playing against mandy the map is a little a little too bright a little too saturated in my opinion just but that's a little bit it's not like a huge deal i'm gonna just go quick got that off just in case they were going for a shot we're going back what's good for us um that's not my flick i tend to mess up this flicks a lot for some reason and they took the boost so you just have to get pads here going up interesting setup generally isn't a very high percentage set up in 1v1 don't want him to cut it behind me here backflip should be fine 56 in that here hopefully they just shoot it that's good nice oh that's so smart i look i look smarter with these glasses too bro i look like i meant to do that i mean i actually kind of did but i got the soft touch act like i was faking that i faked the thick with the the delayed touch because it's still in my my flip there's good actually gonna be in our favor here i think hopefully they go hopefully they they go for this okay that's fine okay zero boosts i mean there's your abuse air dribble bump not flippery say dang it i'm so bad that i'm good apparently i was originally trying to air dribble bump that's the most high percentage play you can get and they're like zero boosts but uh it was like too far where i couldn't like reach them for the bump but uh fake flip reset hey it works it works i'm gonna act like i meant to do that you know over them actually good look a dunk by then no way i thought i angled that not much boost kind of scared knocking away it should spawn for me hopefully come on come on nice thank you okay here's the air drill bomb one and then actually no no no does it when they go quick i mean there will probably won't work i'm actually going to cut it catch them off guard and get the coolants so most people including myself would go for boost here that's like the generic play get the boost but actually it was like nah i'm gonna go for the ball uh and they left that option where i could go for the ball and get a quick cut they kick off by us we have 12 here i'm just go quick here feeling a little laggy it's fine though uh we should have ball they shouldn't go for this i have one touch they got to be lobusa right oh my bad dang it dang it it's so bad yeah they had a very interesting play like they i don't know unorthodox play by them i should just touch and flick i kind of lost control of it they were pretty much your booster if i my spidey since we're correct got a good boost don't want to get control here so i'm going to kind of send it here they might just shoot i'll be ready for it gotta get a landing in that here good enough free jump and a boost huge huge uh i'll just shoot it make him jump not actually touch me one gotta kind of recover they're gonna try to turn this behind me no that's fine they can't shoot didn't have an angle like they could have shot there but it would have been dumb because they just didn't have an angle for it fake it's a good touch by then let's see we sound like 30 here mandarin's pretty well ah good dunk dang it like i never know whether i should play like to hit out like a quick hit out and avoid the dunk or like 50 of them in that case scenario it's probably 50 to go with them want to go quick here dang it might have to pre-jump this a little bit i guess i had to cover that near post as well good shot by them dang i started off this game so good now it's uh not playing my best it's fine though you can't you can't let it get to you can't let it get to you gotta get a good kick up here you soon enough don't touch it that's fine they want my boots that's fine hopefully you don't go okay that's not good that's good that's good it's good any more boosts i'm gonna just cut this block oh no i may have given him a free goal my game i literally gave him a free goal i thought i had more boost bro it's so bad that's so bad i got enough used to pinch it i was like once i touched it once i don't touch i'm like oh god uh kind of screwed at that point should we get back i think i can shot all right we're fine we're fine it's not a super good kickoff thing i don't know why my frames keep going down try to shoot this here oh god it's gonna be a long episode boys what am i doing okay it's fine i'm gonna play boos played safe i can't really shoot this they could hit it over me but like they can't do much that's good might go just uh get a boost yeah we're fine to find your possession here get challenged by them i never got super good control of it i would say to make him jumpy hit on net pretty good touch by then i think just gotta play smart here they're gonna get the first touch here it's gotta be ready for it gonna get boost now we made it to the touch shouldn't be going for this yeah i should go back here so very interesting okay it's going back kind of slow try the air into the bum now not going to be easy for them nice even if you just get a soft setup like that if you get it just right they still can't really do much here because if my car is in the right spot they just can't really go for that ball it's kind of an op movie if you if you get a setup ray it's pretty hard to avoid to kick off by us uh i don't want to risk going through that up touching backflip dang i thought they were rushing that's fine it's fine and i got bumped into the perfect spot here's a touch and backflip never mind fake shot nice it's cool come on come on give me boosts give me demo nice no way it's not in it so we have a chance we have a chance like i i could see they wanted to go oh god dude oh god that that could have been bad this is our super sonic legend rank up game two i can tell the way they were turning they wanted to rush they just wouldn't end that game i was like no no no come on good enough it's fine dude i miss boos i have to pre-jump they go for air dribble bumpy really thought i would fake that i'll just shoot it hope for the best please tell me i got the power oh we actually slotted it we actually got a good shot oh my god thank goodness dude very very tough opponent that game that was a not an easy game by any means i think that should be ssl here unless they were really low but they were playing they were playing gun it should be ssl for sure nice back at the super sonic legend we'd love to see it let's go ahead and get into game number three all right sorry my music was playing there we're good we're good going into game three i believe back at the ssl range that's good they turn the wrong way nice take the pinch bring it up touch it over i'm nice good to see good to see all right we're fine we're fine you need a good kick off here as always it's very important i hate to see it you hate to see it man still getting still getting used to my new controller sometimes my car like drifts like a little bit too far to the side like right beforehand i'm not exactly trying to so you've got i gotta get a really good pick up thing it's a little bit better from us let's play ball boost and bounce i go for tornado flick here like actually i think so you have the tornado flight cover so it's like nah let's just try to fake oh that's not the setup you wanted by any means am i actually able to try to slide it here bump it's good it's good and can we get his boots we can we can a little little baby touch up that's fine nobody has over 20. did not want to flip there it's fine we got 34. got 40 something it's fine i'll get one touch here i'll zone it just had to play mind games with him let's get his boots and let's turn this way dang i thought you're trying to bump me can you bump him here this guy's good you shouldn't go here cut he got the jump hoping he missed that look at his booster oh he's actually ready for it gotta go quick not own goal it's fine fine not even close to ongoing he needs a little touch here to counter that he's actually gonna turn interesting touching backflip must be classic that's what i call that one i think i mentioned that uh earlier not a lot of people go for those uh touching backflips but for me that's like i don't know that's like the easiest way to score for some reason i don't know i really like doing that not super risky as well because the backflip will get you a good recovery playing your post here he's only covering his far post like i kind of see gave me a little bit of time to uh finesse that on the right side of the net the best kicker okay let's actually try to take it across okay let's take it across let's shoot it i feel like it's not going to cut the shot okay yes i was winding up my big goal let's say let's shoot it instantly oh that was a clanger banger oh my goodness call me oh khalid that's what ocala is known for just getting literally perfect power perfect placement on my shots i've been uh watching some of his replays recently all right getting that 1v1 mindset it's going up he might shoot instantly oh flip we say or maybe missed the reset something could have probably got a better contact i'm gonna fake i still have really good control here if i do this but far enough where you can't score try to get some pads here you left me one got 19 boost hit it get some more pads and more than enough boosts to save this unless you get some really good shot it's good it should be gold for us love to see it love to see it like if i didn't have any boots there that'd be much harder to get behind that and like and then score the up than that all about getting the pads beforehand i'm thankful he didn't get an amazing setup even trying to get back here try not to use much boost on that flip tonight that's cool it keeps like really committing hard oh that's not a limited time hey one or two seconds you never know i might need that in the future it gets like an insane comeback um let's see i don't know what he's going to do flips here might be kind of bad okay it's fine like the better players is the 50 50 that i'm pretty sure i i don't know i was streaming right before this but i don't know if i talked about it on this recording like yeah because i watched yeah it was this recording uh this 5015 your air dribbles is a lot more useful a lot of the time than uh than trying to like force a shot like all he was doing there just hitting it towards me on the backboard but uh it works we're on to game number four i believe yeah game four game four let's do it all right all right game four game four [Music] i think it's game four pretty sure it's like boost here you want to say within this or i don't know i was going to 50 but he's not actually single i think make him jump i know i'll let it roll in i'll let it roll in just to kind of make him feel the pain of getting faked you're kicked off by us uh no no singing by going on the ceiling i was like nah that's what you wanted i kind of actually wanted to not finish it get the demo though here make sure to touch it soft one touch and we're completely rushing this because i feel like he will okay he didn't rush soft touch there good boost take the turn get a soft touch around them and little baby touches just annoying them thing i'm trying to box like a fish box like a fish bumps that's a goal my traps are just too smart wait might get back yeah he got back okay we're fine we're fine very a very interesting sequence there very interesting sequence that's all i'm going to say i might try to bring it up i'm trying not to let him here should be able to save it i just done that pretty easily oh he flipped it's a goal i don't know why i flipped i heard him flip but i don't know where maybe trying to bum me or something i feel like he could have gone back gotten back but he just slipped in a way where i have a free goal he would at least give himself a better chance of getting flipped for the boost or something i'm gonna shoot directly trying to get the power he might actually save it yeah i know he's zero here so we're actually gonna get a little risky and try to go now all we have to do is focus on making panic here and getting this boost and he really doesn't have many options here so i want to let him get on his car fake very surprised thing with this we get the bump and he can't go anywhere okay candy cane i'm gonna just go he doesn't have much boots no i know i'm gonna have more boots to recover than we will let's take it all the way back here act like we're going across but we go like this bang soft touch able to keep the balance try to try a little mustard here he's in such a weird spot right now we just shoot like 50 of these let's get boost if he stays here i wouldn't be super smart i might get one here though wait i'm actually getting okay i actually shouldn't have flipped there you know what we say this is going to try to go under me or something we're ready for it get our boosts very unfortunate we do get the bump though i'll try to get a powder too yeah over flicked it we'd love to see that we'd love to see that we have 31 here should be able to save any shot okay he's giving us a lot more time to get boost here i think it's going low there we go you jump high and then boost low when you see them trying to go for a low 50. it's fine 77 we're gonna have like 90 here almost okay actually goes that's fine that's not fine i thought i was rolling up i have a miscalculation by me it's fine if he goes for that but notice how i don't immediately boost back i take a little bit of time to turn definitely going back to that wake way quicker it's fine that's fine i don't know what he's doing and maybe his controller is messed enough trying to slide it almost i know we're gonna have the boost advantage anyway might be a gold actually i don't know how much boost he has let's keep it going let's get this one pad oh he's actually here interesting let's actually not touch this i don't want him to go in here what why is he here hey yo leave bro hey yo leave okay you got the booster now though we're fine we're fine very uh a very interesting player we're playing against man gotta get boosts take the shot touch double jump he's got to be in pretty weird spot here it's fine if this boost responds i'll get it and i'll get this other one now he's less than 20. and we're fine cut it my big goal nice i think he thought i was gonna go for the left booth so he kind of pre-flipped anticipating that and i was like nah nah nah so yeah he he's like staying in my zone with like literally like 20 or less boosts a lot of the time trying to keep that pressure which is understandable but sometimes you just have to back off like here he's zero i mean if forcing a 50 will be good but now he can't really do much no it might honestly be gold as i'm explaining that i don't know he bumped me really well bump him let's see it it's avoid the bump he's gonna get touched we're gonna get boots i'm gonna let it go up here okay see he's less than 20 here he's flipping it in my area where now i can just hit it and almost score no it's 58 get more boost what is he doing backflip touching backflip that's what i was talking about you touch it they think like okay wait he doesn't see me he must he's going slow here but you touch it backflip it right when they challenge and it works and it works a little too good of a kick off i'm trying to get his boost we pre-flipped that really well let's bump him he doesn't really go anywhere but it's fine i think that we're pre-jumping see a really good shot if it was in it's the triangle of boosting a musty flick all right good shot good shot i was like i want to give him a chance to musty flick you know what i mean but i got a weird shot definitely savable but i mean i don't know in this game gucci going back ourselves maybe nice nice oh we could say try to go in here for the grand finale pancake oh i can't get it trying the pancake gg though and uh i think i'm actually gonna end the video there like i normally end these when i lose but i just don't like having a really long episode i might like end up renaming the series like i don't just ranked 1v1s or supersonic legend 1v1 or something but yeah i hope you guys enjoyed the video don't forget to use creatorcon musty in the item shop and subscribe to the channel and i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: amustycow
Views: 2,188,999
Rating: 4.9570613 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league musty flick, amustycow, rocket league, 1's till i lose, 1s until i lose musty, rocket league 1s until i lose, rocket league 1s till i lose, 1s til i lose musty, ones until i lose, 1s until i lose ep. 32, 1s until i lose 32, 1's until i lose 32, 1's until i lose ep. 32, 1's until i lose episode 32, supersonic legend, SSL 1v1, Is the Fennec good for 1v1s? Reaching Supersonic Legend | 1’s Until I Lose Ep. 32, Rocket League fennec, musty fennec, rocket league rank up
Id: LmzCU-xfwNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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