I did a musty flick with every car in Rocket League: Which car is best?

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/totyboii 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey gamer today we're going to find out which car is the best car in rocket league but we're not going to do it by seeing which one can score the most goals or anything we're going to try and score a musty flick with every single one of the legacy and common rocket league cars to see which one is the best for musty flicks so i'm going to use all the cars in alphabetical order but for the memes the very last car i'm going to be using is the battle box so that's a total of 24 cars i need to hit a musty flick with and the main reason i'm doing this is because as someone who does this mechanic quite often i've only really used the octane so maybe there's some other cars out there that are really underrated for musty flicks and i just don't know it yet so with each car i'm gonna queue into a casual 1v1 and whenever i get the chance to attack i'm only going to try musty flicks i'm going to count every single attempt i go for to see how many attempts it takes me for each car and to spice things up a little bit if i don't hit a musty flick in my first game playing with the new car i have to drink a full glass of milk and if you don't know if you drink plain milk regularly and enjoy it i despise you but at the end of the video we're going to find out which car is the best for mustang flicks by going through all the stats and seeing which car took the least attempts to score a musty flick but before we get into it i want to give a huge shout out to frag pro shooter for sponsoring today's video basically frag pro shooter is a free mobile game it's one of the best shooter games out there and there are almost 50 million players playing worldwide and when i first downloaded it it kind of reminded me of overwatch and clash royale but in one game basically you have over 80 characters all with different strengths and you choose five of them to build your team and once you have your team built you can control one character but you can switch between them whenever you want and frag pro shooter is different from other mobile games because the objective is not only to kill the enemy because to win you have to access the enemy's tower and destroy it as quickly as you can they also have 2v2 which is my favorite mode where you play with a friend where you choose a deck of six and you each control three of the characters but don't worry if you're like me and don't have any friends there's around a million people playing in frag every day so you'll easily be able to find a random 2v2 partner so make sure to download frag pro shooter today it's honestly one of the few mobile games i've actually had fun playing in my free time and they've hooked me up with free rewards for you if you click the first link in the description even if you already have frag installed so make sure to click the first link below and again big thanks to frag pro shooter for sponsoring the video and let's get back into it [Music] dang it dude ah it's so bad yes yes and we get the goal let me get that sign oh now he knows i'm the real master [Music] oh no okay i hate this car i think this is the worst car in the game hey yo i got one of the people that asked to trade okay here's a shot we're gonna distract him with an offer he's gonna go afk we get the musty flick and we ditch him okay he's gonna go fk i told him to add me here's our chance here's our chance i can't get it dude you went afk and i missed the flick okay i need to keep distracting him okay i i know i know how to get him to go okay can you list all your items to trade he's actually listing everything all right okay that counts a little scuff does it count it doesn't count okay i can do better i can do better yes bro no we got time this we gotta time this what's your best goal explosion he goes afk and we score yes okay here's your chance here's a chance let's go [Music] i can't get it bro i made him go afk five times that game the backfire can't get musty flicks bro we're filling it up almost all the way i don't i don't wanna spill okay unfortunately it took me more than one game to hit a musty flick with this car so i had to drink a glass of milk oh my god i don't know how to trade you guys got to tell me whether i have a good deal or not i'm saying trigon how much do i give him for that should i give him alpha boost all right what's the best item he has here shattered i'm a trading noob all right let's do it all right i'm gonna finesse this man [Music] did i get scammed what happened yes no it didn't go in yes it bounced yes finally though only took 10 years if you didn't know this is the first car i ever had a musty flicking actually though my controller is a little messed up and like the one mechanic that's hard to do is mussy flicks dang it [ __ ] yes no too high with the breakout does it count i i would say that counts we really close the goal but we actually got we actually got the touch over them that counts that definitely counts dominance all right this should be pretty easy decent it's so i feel like dominance is easier than breakout backwards musty no it's good one more touching account dang it what bro this dude's so toxic man i'm just gonna sweat on him just to make him feel bad how does it feel bro yeah i guarantee you there's enough speed flip should be cool [Music] let's go another sweat went on and then we fish we finish it off with a musty click oh my god my boy steve let's go he deserved it he deserved that bro [Music] i'm not gonna lie i don't think i've ever used esper once breezy flick yes was that our first try i think that was our first try with the esprit dude [Music] kind of goated though with the lion max actually looks really good oh that was actually a decent one oh no enough height not enough here we go as long as he doesn't rush i think we can do it so this game i failed to get a musty flick again and you know that means another glass of milk second glass okay i i feel it in my stomach there's a count chat must be flicking air dribble okay i'll play the rest of this game and see if i can get better all right well that counts oh that definitely counts i despise the grog look at this thing dude that's disgusting yes no we saved it yes gotta be kidding me double oh my god that is so good i did that in the freaking grug bro i don't know what to think about this man this looks so ugly dude [Music] oh that was good dude it works that counts man that counts i use this car back on xbox it's one of the first cars to have an octane hitbox what the heck he sang back which is great for us all huh let me turn my monitor on all right yes we got it we got it i don't think i've ever used this car it looks kind of sick though musty flick ceiling shot that's not good that's not good [Music] so close bro [Music] does it count i got the nice shot apparently it doesn't count it's that time in the video again okay third [Music] oh my god i need to start out way further back to score that okay that has to count that counts [Music] love to see you love to see a nice merc on a sunny afternoon on a thursday all right first attempt with a merc [Music] no power no power [Music] yes i guess our second or third attempt octane okay easy peasy right i i i would have gotten in yeah i'm so used to it though [Music] that challenge was cringe i just i i literally cringed because i went for that dude i guarantee you i know my musty flicks on the octane i guarantee you i'd have gotten that [Music] cosmos my guy let's go back go back you don't be as cosmos you don't have booze you don't have any booze stuff we need to get some booze cosmos use your brain i still can't do it that was an open net i can't do unless you flick an octave what is going on this time i got close to getting some musty flicks but unfortunately i couldn't get any of this game so another glass of milk i'm like looking at my lips and it makes me want to throw up yes clean yellow mustard just like i envisioned o.g kranovy car all right walton you better stay back yo first try [Music] proteus oh he looks decent nice nice ride bro yeah uh yeah we uh yeah yes all right we got it we got it [Music] oh no i think this was my first car to kill me and then the ripper huh oh my yo that was cool but it it count though yeah okay it counts it counts [Music] roadhog oh yeah baby okay you need this little touch out oh so close so close dude check out the safe check out i actually did it how in the world do i do that i i am built different double dinghy [Music] dang it dang it that's the fifth glass of milk no musty flick equals more milk unfortunate [Music] oh my god i cannot believe i did this how what did he even do though i literally saved a musty flick without looking [Music] bump that counts oh this is like one of the hardest cars in the game to musty flick with breezy flick i i won't count that though that's so weak it got stuck it literally got stuck to the ground that that has to count it's one of the first cars i ever use playing rocket league we would have gone and we would have gotten a ah no juice yes let's go let's go one of my friends told me this is the best car in the game to go for musty flicks i've not think i've ever used this car holy crap yo oh my god this is literally the best car in the game for musty flicks like whoever told me that way back in the day was correct is i think it's octane head box pretty sure it's always the guys in the four night car it's always the guys as a fortnight card that i go for everything i'm not even captain every time you eat all right always the fortnite guys bro nice man good great challenge great challenge can't move my car i can't i can't move my car get off me get off me dude he's so aggro far down you gotta be kidding me he's not even covering his goal that's six glasses of milk we have to drink just because the fortnite guy is trolling me oh no yes that counts i've never used this car yes that was so scuffed [Music] yes first try again first try again [Music] zippy yes no i could say i could say okay x devil gets like a little baby musty flakes [Music] [ __ ] out here oh my god what a save [Music] come on seven glasses of milk oh my god all right seventh glass right here [Music] oh my stomach hurts all right yes he stopped playing literally to ask her for a sign but we take it we got it in the zippy we got it in the zippy battle bus only one more oh yeah no god the video would have been over yes yes we got it with the battle bus we clutched up we clutched up so that's how everything went with the 24 cars today so the cars i hit a musty flick first try with were the paladin vulcan x devil and even though we got it on the second try with the triton that car felt super clean for musty flicks so those are the four best cars to hit a musty flick with but i hope you guys enjoyed the video make sure to subscribe to the channel if you're new it really helps me out also another thing that helps me out is using creator code musty in the rock league item shop so make sure to do that every time you buy rocket league items and i'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: amustycow
Views: 6,466,162
Rating: 4.910924 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League tutorial, Rocket League, I did a musty flick with every car in Rocket League: Which car is best?, musty flick, musty flick tutorial, best rocket league car, best car rocket league, rocket league best car, I did a musty flick with every car in Rocket League, musty flick with every car, musty flick with every rocket league car, all rocket league cars, best cars in rocket league
Id: rX6wOaB2cZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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