5 Rocket League Bots vs 1 Secret Player: Who is the Fake Bot?

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if you've ever seen rocket League BOTS play you know they have very very unique play style the AI in rocket League are pretty bad overall so if you're around above silver generally you'd be able to beat any rocket League but the thing is though the bots aren't just bad they're programmed to do very weird specific things like always saying in car camp not driving up the walls and not area lling just slowly missing the ball and stuff and the bots also have their basic car presets which tend to be really ugly so it's safe to say it's pretty easy to differentiate an actual player from a rocket League bot but today we're gonna be putting that to the test so I went to my discord server and the first person to respond would be featured in this video so things didn't quite work out for the first attempt but the second person was down his name is Chaz he's diamond 3 and I gave him a challenge he had 24 hours to research how he could look like a rocket League bot by changing his name his profile picture his car preset and most importantly his playstyle me and summers con put him in a private match with 5 bots so from the outside it looks like 6 BOTS here's how the game works it doesn't matter which team wins all Chad's has to do is blend in there are three different rounds and sunless and I put up a $100 prize pool for each round round 1 with rookie BOTS round 2 with pro BOTS and round 3 with the all-star bus after spectating each round sunless and I have to guess who the fake bot was if sunless guesses correctly he would win $100 if I guess correctly I would win $100 and if we both guess incorrectly the fake bot would get the $100 a big reason why today's video as possible is because of our sponsor over a play v so play big is a competitive gaming platform where you could pay to play your favorite video games and of course this includes rocket League so it's completely free for you to download and what you do is launch it up play big when you start playing rocket League watch a quick video and start playing as you normally would it doesn't matter what skill level you are because there's a variety of different contests and quests you can try out and once you complete one of those quests you can get coins which can be exchanged for real money to your PayPal or you can choose to redeem those coins for tons of different gift cards expensive gaming gear and if you want a minecraft blue baby sheep plush then you go get yourself a minecraft blue baby cute plush I'm not gonna judge I think that with play pick to give away three $20 steam gift cards for those who are quick to download play big using the first link in the description they've already awarded over one dollars to other players so if you want cash for playing rocket League like you normally do make sure to check out the link below the video all right so here was the first round and by the way we took all the necessary precautions not to accidentally figure out who it is before joining the match we turned our monitors off so we couldn't see his name and the joining screen we both unbinding our scoreboard buttons so we wouldn't be able to see which player didn't have zero ping and after a goal was scored we looked away because the bots have their own custom banner which players can't have all right let's see it first I'm gonna go to spectate none and then it's got like a big view like out of everything this is actually gonna be hard yeah this is really our first they were like look at the cars maybe mess up the cars yeah I think I already have a guess hey I think I audio I'm not gonna tell you I got someone in particular here he's yeah this guy's gonna pass I know I think I know how it is oh my Navi had the sky down there's so much on the line here yeah poncho has the poncho had okay I think I know I'm already like eliminating all there are too wait a second can you do a good job but they did what is swabby doing right now I think it could be this guy I have a suspicion here an aspiration oh and these are rookie BOTS so I don't even know how rookie BOTS players rookie bots are used to all-star about really bad you know I'm pretty good so I played at the all-star power I thought he'd be doing something wrong like if someone area was like obviously we're gonna figure it out you know what I mean cuz he's got some area but he definitely did his research hmm like I immediately thought it was the octane but now I'm not so sure so let's go Kate look away look away okay see how the guts are kick-ass ah yeah they just drove into it they didn't even flip the both of them and replicated so fury I'm eliminating fury and maverick on my part let's look at the kickoff here it's really important oh they all okay dude Oh swabby was late so obviously I'm gonna be keeping my eye on him I'm not gonna tell you who I'm looking at but I think I have a pretty I have a suspicion here okay let's see I mean this is my number one oh my god okay I know who it is wait what let's go dude I know who it is I'll add this in why I know but I know for a fact here it is you respect getting a real human yes I know for a fact hopefully someone scores again I'll spectate someone else and see if that's actually you guys okay okay oh what'd it say if who saved that that might be a real player I don't know if you saved the Box do crazy things though yeah you never know okay don't think it's that one that one moves that all three horns players okay the wave those three orange players moves it makes me I'm okay yeah leave at five seconds all right okay I think this is still my guess I could I could probably be wrong but anyone's looking at my screen I'm pretty sure that was extremely difficult but I did notice there were two mercs which may be there I mean that could probably happen but I think usually when I see a bond game they're all different but I could be wrong and he scored two goals but I think it's fury theory I saw that the three bots on orange move in a certain way towards the end where they all literally did the exact same thing yeah I think that I think those are all bot so it's definitely on the blue team but before that I saw suavi move his wheel to the left before the kickoff ah what bot moves their wheels before the kickoff so I think it's slobby he was tusks what we both I guess they're I'm sure I did not suspect tusks I don't know why I didn't think BOTS move their wheels they do oh my god he was getting ready his little code was stirring he was getting ready to go we were both on the right track for round one but we didn't guess tusks so he gets some $100 we were learning what to look for though so let's see if we can do better in round two same thing but robots this time for round two you should be good okay hey offer them go okay I think we can eliminate all those four I personally dude Caspar I don't even know or I dunno I miss a someone to tell you cuz they literally did the exact same things shoot I wish I would have liked mom better so I love how he's got to play a little better yeah that was weird Gerling in here you got that roll on action going a rotating far post I'm not gonna live never heard of Gerwin yeah I think that's a buddy oh my god okay I'm I'm spectating Viper right now there's no way applied to save that that good okay Jerri scores I'm spectating Viper for now okay yeah they move their wheels beforehand so diapers literally sitting here do any of the bots just sit there I think they do they literally stop [ __ ] do just hold booster do they go Casper in the road hi this is hard I think I have another suspicion though okay girly hits it fast did go in this power slide he didn't even go down this is it this guy's doing so well see they're like rotations okay I think I know who do I think I might know who it is seared heroic okay I think he's being too bad for this Lobby he's like not one of them isn't touching the ball or I don't know yeah I think I found him yeah me too I think we saw the same thing we might we might be so what happens if we both gets we get 50 each I I just kind of this dude is sitting in it right now like a good this dude but that's true I have seen boss literally just sit in that diversity okay I I actually I know who yeah I'm pretty certain I know who it is just like I feel like I'm pretty certain as well we should just like leave and put him against mom the first kickoff I think all four of those players did the literally the exact same thing and I don't think you wouldn't know do enough research to know exactly what to do because they do different things every time apparently first of all I am right away eliminated before people that went for the kickoff the bots that I chose they rotated like far posts perfectly one time like around the play which is a habit like a player should do there was this one time where they bumped their team in like three times in a row and it turned to bump their teammate and the dead giveaway was this bot drove like really high on the wall like around halfway up that's saw and the bot I take this go away okay well I also think it's goin but I think it's goin because there were two of the same car again I didn't even think of that it's like when you do a math problem and there are two ways to get in the same solution yeah the hotshot they were both hotshots the big giveaway was when he missed the ball so I noticed the bots drive perfectly straight every time they drive perfectly straight and they lock onto the ball and he he was locked on and then turned to the left to miss it that's exactly what I was singing to you and I'm not like one part where I think we saw at the same time like like five or six hits in a row like they were at least touching the ball but he would go up to the ball and Miss Gerwin who we both got so after round two we both guessed correctly split the $100 and we felt pretty good at this point coming into the final round first kickoff okay they didn't all do the same thing so our members just gesturing Padrino wait okay yeah I thought he didn't have a decal yeah yeah but he does he does I personally don't think he'll the human will actually stop because I've seen a few bots already stuff we don't think the humans will stop and I don't think he'll know to actually stop I am feels kind of fast as I kick off I don't know her amp yeah employ was kind of fast for that guy yeah these guys are a lot better I can only tell probably just yeah hours of screw that when I'm sure he scored the first one yeah I don't think he would go out of his way and score a goal you know alright I got my eyes locked on two cars right now bearing it down yeah whichever one doesn't stop that's when I'm gonna be gun for is I don't think he'll know to stuff I don't know okay yeah my best guess is the one I'm on right now I think mine is the other one I'm not on right now I think just so the viewers now I this is my number one goes right now it could be on the same one we never know mm okay no it's three cars what do you mean I have three potential cars oh yeah wait em sentence yeah and gesture and Jessa they're all in the thing yeah there goes my theory though that actually ruins everything because that means there's two BOTS of the same car but I still think the odds are one of those is him but now that completely what if it's something else completely in my theory I just went out the world oh my god did you see that Harley okay guys okay my guess is out the window now I I think I know who it is it's I think it's actually I'm not gonna say what is this one doing alright I think I have my gos I think it might be on what is okay whoa whoa what is this man are you watching him yeah what the heck dude there's no wave I see that but like why would the ego out of his way and do that it's a little too weird yeah it's almost so weird that a bottom would do that it's like with some reverse psychology something you not I mean like yeah okay I don't think it's this one that I'm on right now I don't think it's this one one minute a couple okay I've eliminated this guy and this one this is actually I think this is like the hardest one yet why are they bringing it back I keep thinking it's Marley but from that one kickoff I'm not sure if it's an or not this is really tough like I this is this time I'm meeting everything okay I've made that one I limit it down I let it down already all right kick ass I'm flirting okay I think I know who it is okay Cintas for ya I have mine I have my main suspect huh so the spot curved on the kick ass that I'm looking at really do they curve around the kick up oh oh that's a pretty good luck though see I like I like to look at the locks like where they lock on to a point yeah this one curves I can't believe that what is shot what is he okay I definitely yeah I think that I'll serve box like are actually way better that was a good catch by Gerwin good flip as well he could be pulling reverse psychology on us and just being Gerwin again like he's got her wounds got perfect locks on the boost though by Radley I lately leave oh my god I thought it was growing at the end but then I was watching him at the end they're getting boost and it was like perfectly straight lines to the boost like perfect I was thinking at first it was Marley but then he started doing like really good shots and stuff and I don't think he would I go out of his way to do good shots but that one time we both saw em going for boost in a row did you see that yeah that was that was whack there were three gizmos on the field I first I only saw the two on the blue team it was in pants entus and i was like okay it's it's either in percentage but then I realized what was the third one that had it there's a third one which team that had I forget who was I don't think he would pull that off and and do the Guerlain again personally so I'm choosing him yeah I think it's him I think it's am pleased began jester what he fried up I didn't even remember a jester in the lobby dude jester was the other was the other gizmo yeah he was Wow my god but he was late to the first kickoff that was that was way harder than I thought he did a good job that was like doing his research to know how to identify for sure he did a really good job Ron 3 was the hardest round for us and we both didn't gas jesters so shads one two hundred dollars and looks like he bought himself a new gaming chair and he said he researched for a long time so I'm glad it paid off for him but if you guys enjoyed today's video don't forget to drop a like so drive if you're new to the channel and enjoy this content and comment any other cool video ideas and I'll see you in the next video peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: amustycow
Views: 4,439,342
Rating: 4.9263468 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, Rocket League, 5 Rocket League Bots vs 1 Secret Player: Who is the Fake Bot?, 5 Rocket League Bots vs 1 Secret Player, 5 bots vs 1 secret player, rocket league bots, rocket league bot, who is the fake bot, 5 rocket league bots, undercover bot rocket league, fake bot rocket league, rocket league fake bot, fake bot, who is the fake bot?, sunlesskhan, amustycow, best rocket league bot, rocket league AI
Id: lnyunBqwBOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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