Bronze with SPIKES vs a Grand Champion

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what's going on gamer as many of you know I'm a Grand Champion rocket league player and today we're gonna be trying to beat a bronze player while he has spikes in I don't basically spikes are a rumble powerup where the ball sticks to your car for 4 to 5 seconds so for that 4 to 5 seconds wherever he moves his car the ball will go with it this was actually kind of tough to make fair because the rumble powerup takes 10 seconds to load up after the kickoff so if we did kickoffs like normal I would easily beat a bronze because I would have 10 seconds before the spikes even load up for him so it wouldn't really be too fun for you guys to watch me beat a bronze without even giving him a chance to use his spikes so the only way to make this fair was for me to stay back and once he touches the ball off kick off then it's fair game by the way if you want a chance to be in a future video like this you can follow me on Twitter and every now and then I'll ask her some players of certain ranks and the first people to respond to get to be in the video just before we get into the games here I want to give a shout out to the sponsor of today's video elite duels basically elite bills is kind of like a fantasy football website but they're excited to bring the fun and excitement from fantasy sports to professional eSports so you pick your favorite players and cheer them on and you can play for free or for real money all you have to do is pick five players one from each tier to fill out your fantasy team once the matches begin the rosters will lock and you can earn fantasy points with our LCS League play starting this weekend I entered the contest with this lineup also elite dholes is running a promotion right now where when you use the code duels you'll receive a $5 deposit bonus even if they only deposit $1 if you're still questioning you know should I sign up for this or not they're doing a huge giveaway where if you click the link in the description create yourself an account and also like and comment anything on this video you have a chance to win a white octane white hex tied and 100 keys and crates and the winner will be announced on October 18th on the elite Bill's Instagram page so this really seems like a lot of fun you can win money from choosing your favorite rocket League players so make sure to check out the link down below yo guys I forgot to mention this but it's a best-of-five by the way oh what a shot so tough to save dude if he knows he like used power slide or just turn around a lot like that he can get some really easy goals I feel like sitting in net like this is probably the worst thing I could do so I'm probably like go somewhere over here and so as he goes towards my net and kind of shadow it out try to save it so try to do that here oh god he's going in the air no I thought we saved it I thought we saved it we got the ball off the spikes see but he act he actually got to go a little bit of luck but I think it's gone for maybe a little bump it's like a grand champion err dribble if he knows how to area because the ball is like stuck to his collar you can save it I'm not finished manhole okay oh god he's getting creative boys okay we got it we got it he ran out of spikes now it should be free goal there we go well I mean it's not like actually a free coal but I mean it's just a grand champ laying a bronze at that point so he tried to get really creative there by going on the ceiling or going on the wall but he forgot about there's a timer on the spikes like you know five or like six maybe seven seconds where you run out of the actual spikey juice going this side here so you can save it no we went under he faked that he faked the high shot see you thought he I thought he was going high but he does he completely switched it up I think that was actually on purpose - it's really smart let's do it let's do it oh my god no it's so hard it's like what can I do better cuz he all he has to do is just turn maybe I could like kind of rush him a little bit like I might go for the ball somewhere like around here oh [ __ ] alright I'm gonna take advantage of him not using spikes eh look at the angle oh we can't be here that's an open-air miss for Musti oh yeah something's wheel so he can't do anything let me go okay oh my god oh dear that's an open atmosphere Bucky bronze versus bronze we just have to play keep-away at this point oh no no no yeah oh we asked fight suit no oh I thought he missed nice shot I had like 15 seconds to try to score go and I couldn't score goal against a bronze yes we saved it I actually read where he was going that was so hard let's go dude I actually earned that goal I earned that I literally just guessed that he wouldn't fake me and he would keep turning the other way so if he just faked there I probably would've gotten scored on I try to keep my momentum as high as possible I think that's what I need to do I need to keep my car moving as fast as possible yes we saved it yeah and that exactly for that reason so when he does like his little turn or whatever it's easier for me to transition and keep my momentum up and try to save it that is the key but he can't yeah he can counter me keeping my momentum high but it's like going slow jeez dude this is not fun oh my goodness yeah and you know it's not a power slide to you dang it what can I do to try to save these shots ears the backboard won't really help me the ceiling the goal roof on the ceiling will really help I feel like it should it's just luck if I save it or not yes yes okay waiting waiting is a shot I have to score now I have to score yes yeah that's dude it's scored against a bronze let's go it's like a mental battle almost like if I think he's gonna fake it or not okay no no no yes yes yes yes yes okay go with Google all right two goes down he was a little bit too fancy there 28 seconds left can we do it yes yes I save dad I saved it when we have 10 seconds oh no gotta get a goal we gotta get a goal where is he okay we should get this goal wait Oh afk that's straight in but zero seconds man we lose game 1 this is actually a lot harder than that all right game 2 the good thing is I have like more experience doing this now I kind of like know what he can do you know the stuff he tries to go for and like some of the sense of shots I can use but bad thing is now he has more experience where he knows that he knows what he can do he knows how I like to defend he's going on the ceiling okay he's not going on Cena dang it he faked the fake it's all mine games back because I thought he was gonna turn back to the right here and he started doing that see and then he goes back to the left and makes it so hard it's just mind games yes we got it that's literally just a grand champion err dribble right there I'm I hope he keeps seeing that honestly that's a lot easy for me to say then when he switch this up like the turns he goes for wish me luck voice oh I thought he hit it against the post and then one going alright I was like going on this side the side I'm not oh my god this is not fun he's just bullying me at this point what is this what is this he's being pretty smart about it there's only been a few times where like he's done something that's been easy for me to say all the other times he's made it so difficult for me yeah okay he jumps in the air that's it that's dumb to do that's tough to do now I have my free tag if I go in the air and eligible should be a goal here except to get one touch really against the bronze there we go my only help stree winning this game is just hoping he does like some more mental errors where he like jumps out of the way or loses his spikes early or something yes yes yes we saved it we saved it we were shadowing so well there let's go three two three let's see if I can get a goal up for the first time here we're going on this side again come on kiddo if it's so hard like it may look easy for you guys it may look hard I don't know but like he's just playing as in my brain man I feel like he's switching it up so like I have to switch up my defense to so like sometimes instead of waiting all the way I just have to go I'll try that this time like I'm just gonna go like right when he starts I'm going well you didn't quite work you jump out of the way though well I thought he missed he ran out of spikes at the last second okay said that shot he didn't work too well I'll try like I'll try faking the rush this time let's see if that works so I act like I go for it in shadow no way dude nice side I've come to the conclusion that there's no consistent way to stop these shots and match his movements and he's gonna turn and go all the way across and I save it and I save it don't save it no please don't get back yeah bronze can't touch that but now it's in the air that's that's bad for him he's gonna be have trouble with that and we get the doomsie dish let's go this has got to be one of the biggest challenges the admin it's so hard to say but when I score it's so rewarding like when I get that save at least dang it I thought he was gonna go across like he did last time it's literally a matter of me just guessing if he goes left or right or what all right I'm gonna try rushing really quick I'll try to catch him off-guard no hole okay rushing really doesn't work rushing doesn't work yeah cuz both times I tried rushing he just drove it around too quickly because he can actually see what I'm doing fake the rush yeah what oh my god I I feel like that's kind of accidental but it all played me so hard I'm giving it all I got like I wish there was a way to make it easier for myself but there's really not an easy way go quick there we go though sometimes going click can actually work we didn't mess we didn't mix we're good the timer's about to run out he has to go he has to go yes ago I don't know if we're gonna be able to get to come back here or not it's gonna be very tough but we have managed to score a few goals but we haven't ever gotten up on him I had decent positioning that time but he just turned around me a little bit too quickly I couldn't oh my god I'm just hoping he like makes some mistakes or something if you think the turn again look at that think any this goes the other way that's perfect rush actually worked that time tomorrow no we don't get the angle that we have to score when he doesn't have spikes so I just have to keep it away from him so I'm tired of those kickoff situations are we got the pre flip but he's gonna have spikes again no no it's just like the kickoff situations we get the same we get the second save we have to score we have to score all right should we go oh my god I made that way too hard for myself man actually felt like a real game there for a second alright I'm gonna take the rush this time oh god no no no don't sigh lonely man all right I almost just ended up in his montage it's one more little touch to be good there we go I really have to hope he just keeps trying to be overly fancy like that and I end up getting the save and score alright I'll pick the brush again I act like I'm going you salad on me but he just flipped in and went straight in there alright it's fine okay now I just need to get a goal against the bronze how long does it take to firm to reget his spikes it's one more jump no okay we still got the gold we got the gold we're fine all right I might I'll wait just a second and then and then off straight Russia my way for him to do his first little turn and then we rush there we go that works it works and he should run a spike juice here should hit it back that's good for me that's good for me no no no no keep away keep away you jump you jump should be free cool let's go dude all right second time now where we've had it tied up we needed to get a win here there's like this time I'll wait a second and then I'll fake that I'm rushing and then I'll start shadowing here it's pretty much thinking what I did last time try throw ma so wait a second take the rush and then make him turn that'll be honest with you all right so I might have overcomplicated that one a little bit let's see if we can skip this a on this side I'm just focusing on getting a seat no I had I had to shout out pretty good he discerned too quickly though all right this time I'm gonna try to not let him get us close to net oh my god he's just playing with me dude we miss you miss pom pom I'll get the open net all right we're good we're good five to six now I might have to resort to going on on the roof of the go here to save it so I don't want to do that now though like if he beats me or something that's like my that's my best bet yes we got the same yes yes yes yes yes open nets my fever's is open net we get it we get it six to six we are tied again at 14 seconds left with a ten-second timer at the bottom I think I'll have just enough time it took another attack set up please do not score on me man if I just block this one the time yes two seconds to set up an attack if I just bring it to the ground I might have to rush I'm just gonna try to bring it to the ground I'm rushing no no no no no oh my god no I went all in there man I don't regret it though I feel like I would get scored on anyways I was hoping I could just bump him or the ball where the ball would just hit the ground or something but it didn't quite work there but we did end up losing the best-of-five series but I still hope you guys enjoyed the video and if you did don't forget to drop a like subscribe to the channel if you're new here and comment any other rank versus rank show matches I should do [Music]
Channel: amustycow
Views: 2,123,522
Rating: 4.8982801 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, amustycow, Rocket League, musty flick, rocket league showmatch, rocket league gameplay, Bronze with SPIKES vs a Grand Champion (Rocket League Showmatch), Bronze with SPIKES vs a Grand Champion, grand champion vs bronze, grand champion vs bronze with spikes, bronze with spikes vs grand champ, Bronze with SPIKES vs a Grand Champ, rank vs rank, bronze with spikes vs a grand champ, bronze vs grand champ, bronze vs a grand champ, grand champ vs a bronze
Id: gjH_bAUU2PA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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