How You can take an Empty Plot & Grow it into an Amazing City in Cities Skylines!

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hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer and today we are going to be working on this area through here i would like you to tell me in the comments straight away how many people you think we're gonna fit in here this is all going to be high density housing all of this all of this all of this that is hopefully going to give us enough people to keep our industry areas going because we're desperate for some more population so at the minute we're 37 000 and a little bit so what do you think our population is going to be at the end of the episode let me know now i've just been sort of looking at our monorail here and this road comes down here and our industry is sort of dying off this sort of generic industry i think we're gonna do a little something something we're gonna we're gonna get rid of this and change this around a bit so let's delete yeah we're gonna upgrade that and then we're gonna have this road come out of here and then i want that to connect up to this one so if we go like that there we go so we end up with our monorail in a nice loop going around there and that's going to give us access to all the people that live in here off of this area as well so how are we going to plan this out i'm definitely thinking grids but with interest for this area because this is our industrial area and like this here i would call this grid squids with interest that seems like a new thing doesn't it so you've got grids nice straight roads but you've got some interest in there as well and we do have this massive big park that's in there and the roads that we're going to use are the roads the um houses that we're going to use don't forget if you're playing biffer bingo the list of words for this episode are going to be in the pinned comment below thank you for those that played last time it was a good bit of fun there we go so this here cyprus heights we're gonna need a new name for that uh maybe wait and see what we've built in here before you decide on some names for it because you might get a bit of inspiration yeah that will do for now so cyprus heights we're going to go to themes enable themes and the one we're going to use so i've got this set up to only show me high density and to show me what's included and the international one this is the sort of look i was going for uh i don't know why we've got these art deco apartments in there we don't want those so let's not include those and not include those i want all of these these sort of high-rise international looking buildings got some tenements in there but yeah this international look i quite like that and then we get up to level five is that further up yeah here we go get these sort of larger buildings here so i think that'll fit in with all of this should this be the start of our above ground metro why don't we do that why don't we have an above ground metro that just runs along here through the middle there up here and up to the ends and we might even have it sort of pop over and finish around here somewhere or over there or something like that why not what have we got here we've got a normal retro station elevated metro station we could just pop that let's have it coming off of that one like that and then let's left click with that to give dedicated turning lanes and then we'll stick giveaway hmm why is that giveaway like that let's do dedicated turning lanes there and that should be give way and go straight through that way that should be giveaway like that yeah there we go those two junctions are a little bit close together but shouldn't be too much of a problem i don't think it's going to get that busy let's grab the two-lane road with grass now how are we going to have cycling through here as well i think we want to try and keep the cycling going if we can there we go and then yeah because then what we can do is we can curve that around and bring that alongside a road through the middle let's decide what road we're going to use through the middle yeah i think we'll go with this four-lane road with protected bike lanes that we've used before um so i'd like this let's turn the road guidelines back on i'd like this to come out of the middle here or more or less the middle um there i think that looks okay yep that's good so we have that coming out of here and then i want it coming out of the more or less the middle up here as well i think we'll go via that and then let's draw some of these in and see what sort of shapes we end up with yeah there we go i think that will give us good coverage across all of this section here let's just quickly look at the junction so control left click dedicated turning lanes uh giveaway coming through out of this way and they can just go straight on uh when we come down here um normally on a four-way junction like this i'd like three lanes for each of these again we'll see how this goes control left click so we're getting dedicated left lane straight on and right and what i'm gonna do is make these give way we may end up with a customized time traffic light there but at the moment and the same goes for this junction at the moment i think we'll be okay so we'll do that and then we'll do that and that and then follow that all the way up to here we'll do that and control left click dedicated turning lanes excellent so that's good coming off of there and then the interior sections here again i want bike lanes what i'm thinking of [Music] [Music] [Music] okay i'm pretty pleased with the way that this area has turned out let's just pop some of these in as we're looking around here so plenty of walking paths uh plenty of cycling parts i think we've done this one already yep that's fine and yeah so that is really going to keep the traffic down low there we go let's pop that in there which is what we want for an area like this because it is going to get pretty high density you know lots of people in here so yeah anything we can do to help keep the traffic down is great now something i've remembered which i've forgotten is we're going to put the metro through here as well won't we darn it so now i need to try and find a way to put that through here is that so i've just shifted this up this way so we can have that curve along here and i'm thinking it to just sort of run through this section here alongside of the road i mean how high can this go i mean it can go pretty ridiculously high oh my goodness me that is as high as it can go is that is that what we want we want that running over the top like this um no i don't think that's what we want but let's let's just get rid of these let's get rid of these how about a little bit lower but high enough to get over the monorail what i don't want it looking is just looking ridiculous you know what i'm actually quite surprised at how low we can go with this and it still gets over there there we go so that height there and is that high enough for a monorail to get underneath that is the question and here comes one right now oh my goodness me oh it just needs to go up a spec okay but that's fine so if we that's okay and that doesn't actually look too out of place does it so we can now run that around this area as well there we go and were we gonna run that over here we could put another little stop over here not quite sure whether that's or we could run that over this way and add it to this little hub that could be quite good actually because we've got trams and all sorts running through here so if we could just put that at the back here that gives access for these people here all the way down through here and we are going to have shops and things in there as well i would assume we've got some shops down there yeah let's do that there we go asymmetric road ah can't click that one there we go we definitely do give way there there we go i think that fits in really nicely all the way through there from one end to the other now i'm thinking about whether i want a stop in the middle somewhere but actually because we've got the monorail we've got all the walking we've got all the cycling i think just having that as access from one side to the other um just works fine so let's add in our new line from there to there and back again there we go we'll just double check how many axis one here how many metros it's gonna stick on there two vehicles perfectly fine 150 people yeah we might end up dropping that down a bit we'll see how busy things get and then we want access from here around to here as well don't we so let's just grab our walking paths again 80 traffic flow that is what i like to see like that just they can get across there that's fine excellent so that's worked out really really well and there's a few places here we could do with putting some crossings in so i'm going to use the node controller and places like this i'm going to click here and it's automatically going to add a crossing in with some crossing lights there we go excellent which is going to help our pedestrians get across so i'm going to search for any other places like that i don't think there's going to be too many maybe one here let's grab the node controller fishbash bosh in the middle let's just move this one over a bit slightly line up a bit better yeah that'll do jumpy jump so that one was there let's follow along here no that's all okay let's go around this way that could do with the crossing if it ever goes anywhere actually yeah let's put a crossing there i'll tell you what this area here is probably going to end up being a park but just for now let's just connect that up there we go yeah this area here is going to be a park but at the moment it's just going to have that so that'll be fine that's all okay this one here is okay i think that is probably okay oh there it goes through the middle there so now i just need to add in all of my whoops all of my services which i will just do off-camera because it's basically just placing a load of these buildings in here make sure we've got enough coverage oh auto save sip of tea so let me do that and i'll be back with you now for our schools um yeah we are going to need some we are going to need some large school areas what i'm going to do is i want to use this little area down here if we get time we'll try and sort of make a bit of a park out of it i'm going to put my public library in there which gives a radius of people more likely to increase their education level um we haven't got a university campus yet but we do need some university people can i fit that in there oh that's like just a bit too big and i think that one is even bigger but i like the look of this one this oldie fashiony one so can we find a little spot for that i'm sure we could if we tried hard enough the schools and things i'm just sort of plopping those down but i'm really gonna have to keep an eye on how many people are in each of those because we're gonna run out of space with those really really quick so yeah we'll just go with that for the moment and then finally we do need a few little parks and things which would be good around here just to encourage growth and then we're gonna let all the people in okay so other than a little bit of detailing i'm pretty sure we are all ready to get some houses and stuff in here so i'm gonna do my usual i'm gonna pause and we're gonna put all of this in and we're gonna sort of spread our commercial around the place so people don't have to walk too far so i think we're gonna have some there uh some that i'd like it off the main road as well so any delivery trucks that are gonna come in can come off the main road and we'll have some maybe a little bit over there as well and then we'll have a little bit this side uh yeah maybe just a couple of more over there and we'll see how that goes and then the rest of this is all going to be high density in that new area that we uh in that new international vibe that we're going for so let me just fill all of this in right we're ready to see what we're gonna get in here so let's go oh i absolutely love that nighttime shot i think that looks fantastic so the growth is slowing down a bit now we've got some houses in here that have built up which is great so that's looking good so a few more building this area is filling up here as well it always seems to be a bit random where it picks which is fine i don't mind that at all and we've got this area filling up a little bit as well and this area over here which is great so yeah that is starting to look pretty pretty fantastic and we've got more needs of commercial so i get this question quite a lot in my comments people will say why is my city stop growing and the best advice i can give is follow your needs follow your demands so there's obviously more demand for commercial than we've got drawn out in this area so i'm going to take out some of the houses pop into more high-density commercial and sort of balance and take care of those needs as we go along maybe another one in there and as they fill up then you'll notice that you'll get more demands for other things as well so we'll leave all that going now what i would like to do we've got man so much public transportation in here which is great thinking ahead because like we said this is going to end up increasing our population a lot and this little area here is going to hold so many people and if we just take a sort of an overview let's move this up a bit so there we go so all of this area here has got access to our main through road and access to the highway via this roundabout they come out here they can come out here here and over here so it spreads it all out and each of these little sections has got multiple accesses in and out of their area of course that's on top of all the walking and all the rest of it as well so yeah that is good we have this down here which we mustn't forget about this monorail why are the monomers all backed up look they've all stopped what is going on this one in here won't go out because of that one in there oh we don't need that many that many monorails on this line uh let us vehicles eight i bet there's hardly any people in them 22 15 now okay we'll drop that down to half that number four there we go and that should oops i've got night time on that should sort out that problem there let's put that back to about five five ish that'll do let's have a look nope still not gonna like it i'll tell you what we're gonna do then we're gonna delete this one here yoink there we go made him a little bit shorter and then the rest gonna keep moving i've obviously set up the giveaway signs not quite right there uh but we have buses of course this is a bus terminal as well so what i'd like to do is just run some buses um through some of these little side streets so let me just do that i'm probably gonna have one bus for this area down here there we go so that's bus number 10 uh we'll just change the color of that how many vehicles is bus number 10 gonna end up giving us eight yeah i'm putting that right down to like three i think will be absolutely plenty and then i'm gonna do another bus route for this section and maybe this section yeah these two sections here there we go that's bus number eleven let's just change that slightly there we go and we'll drop that down to yeah i think four vehicles be absolutely plenty on that for now and we'll keep an eye on that and see how that goes and why are these guys still stuck going in and out oh my goodness me you people right okay let us take a quick look at the giveaway signs and things we've got on here let's block that turn those off why is it you can't go in let's turn that one off [Laughter] what is your problem okay you're gone [Music] and you're gone okay i want to get this end of you so i get the whole thing and i'm gonna get rid of this one as well all the people disappeared and then we'll see what happens after that yeah i think that's what it is look they're coming in and there's not enough space between this junction and there for them to get out again or carry on i'll keep an eye on that and we'll see how that goes oh look this is growing up nicely these little yellow buildings down here some sort of commercial building i'm liking that a lot and something i do just want to quickly check is my bus stops yeah we've got a bus stop here so it's right by the university which is good and we should have if we go into our schools so our high schools yeah our high schools elementary schools all of those have all got bus stops right outside them as well which will definitely help and this is building up nicely look at this so i'm just going to leave this for a few more minutes and we'll just see how this fills up so you can see now oh there's still more need for commercial yeah so i'm going to keep balancing these needs and then i'll be back with you has reached level five fantastic so better storage the large or mine and the shipyard oh my goodness me that is something that we wanted to fit in let's just take a quick look and see whether yeah yeah come on now easy now there we go that will do how big is the large all mine uh this one here this one here look at this oh this thing is absolutely humongous oh my goodness me yeah we're definitely gonna do something with that in here somewhere and look at that congratulations colossal city fantastic so we've now reached the last milestone which has taken us forever to get up to here we have helicopter trips and extra square and we have nuclear power plants and some other cool stuff as well fantastic so what did you say the population was gonna get to yeah i didn't even think we're gonna hit the next milestone but we have and i think this area is looking pretty pretty swish now we are gonna have to do a little bit of work on some detailing and we are going to have to do some work on the traffic in here as well but for a start i just think this is looking really really nice and the sun's going to come up yeah we're getting a bit of traffic coming down here you might be able to see when it comes up to this crossroads let's just have a look at the traffic view yeah this little bit here because they're trying to get out and i think they're struggling but that is the only bit of traffic out of the whole lot that is not bad actually so do you know what we might just do here let's just stop the uh stop the sun from moving in the sky oh oh oops there we go all that power i've got about half plus five i'll plus four now do yeah i want these guys and girls to get out here so what we might just do is is have a look at asymmetrical road a symmetrical road with a bike this one here a three and a two and we're gonna upgrade that and then we'll do control left click with this one so now we've got dedicated left right and straight on which i think will help and then this one here let's just go back to our asymmetrical road i know there is a small asymmetrical with a bike free lane is that the one i want oh i'll be honest with you i think this is okay if you look on here um it's got bike on there as well as cars and it is asymmetrical which means this is getting out a bit quicker which means that's getting out a little bit quicker so hopefully that will help that there if it doesn't we may need to put some time traffic lights in what i do want to do is stop the node switching in the middle there which actually there isn't a node in the middle there so that's fine oh look and already this isn't as bad actually it's backing up up here and now it's backing up up there okay yep time traffic lights it is so let's get this one here control left click for quick setup there we go and let's just keep an eye on this for a few moments let's put the camera this way and see if this traffic here will get going there we go look at that it's literally taken two or three minutes and it's not backing up on this road anymore and it's not backing up past that junction there which is great so i'm hoping that that is oh now of course a problem down here um let's just have a quick look at what we've got going on here oh all to say quit sympathy i don't think we've got enough lanes there either but i might have to leave that because i'm probably going to have to get an asymmetrical monorail road that i don't even have at the moment um actually don't tell a lie it's okay i'll tell you what we might just need to do that is just stop stopping lane switching so i'm saying you go there control s you go there so pick your lane when you're coming in and then don't back up behind everybody they've got dedicated turning lanes so do you know what i think that will actually be perfectly fine so what do you reckon to this area what points did you get in uh bifur biffer's biffism bingo if you're still doing it and yeah let me know what you think of this area i'm really liking it and i'm glad we've hit the next milestone 47 000 and we're still growing that is looking fantastic well if you want to see more don't forget to hit subscribe maybe watch the next video on the screen as well thank you all for your continued support and i will see you very soon for the next one take care everybody have a great day bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 144,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to make money, cities skylines metro, cities skylines monorail
Id: mmGsEc38olo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 48sec (1608 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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