How To Stay Cool In A Hot Situation | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] my name is Bill Mason and I play keyboards here at for each other I came to free chapel in September of 2000 so I've been here a while passes message to love like you've never been hurt it reminded me of my father before I got saved and I was playing in the clubs you know every week and my father was a pastor and I was a very rebellious kid I was the only child it wasn't so much the scene as it was the lifestyle you know when you don't treat people right or when you're in illicit relationships the club's just kind of amplified that because you find more people like that who were in that detrimental lifestyle that it just kind of helps you do what you've been doing my father would will come to the clubs and then you know I would come and talk to him and he would just love on me and he always loved me like he had never been hurt six months before my father passed away I was able to work in my father's ministry it just was miraculous how God just brought us together and I had no idea you know my father was going to pass away that that soon but I'm always so grateful because you know as pastor always monitors us to fight for our family you don't know the importance as a as a parent or as a husband that what that means you know to be able to do that only God I think it can help you to love that way to look past what a person has done to you and love them as God loves us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] I was lost this yes ah two not once Oh ah in my bar let's put our hands together and thank God children of the Most High God today Lord we bless you we praise you we thank you we honor you let's just give him a great praise right now he's worthy of the praise Oh we bless you Holy Spirit we're thankful for your presence here Jesus bless your name I am a child of God aren't you thankful that you're a child of God today smile at someone and tell them you're in the right place at the right time for the right blessing you may be seated thank you so much for being here today and all of you at every campus let's give everybody a warm welcome over Buford and Gwinnett and Spartanburg and Orange County they're with us right now and also soon to be Midtown Atlanta in just a few weeks we're pretty excited about a new launch it's going to be taking place there what a beautiful day it is today to worship the Lord because this is the day the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it can I get a big Amen if you have your Bibles I would like for you to open them with me to the Old Testament I want to go to the book of Deuteronomy and bill thank you for that amazing testimony and I love this man right here he's awesome he's awesome I've never heard that myself until I heard the video in the first service but it's a pretty pretty powerful love of a preacher to go to the club to hear his son play and love on it that's love and that's awesome and love never fails can you say Amen I want to thank all of you for helping us the book is doing absolutely amazing and has hit this week number one on Amazon and even even hit it even hit number 18 at all books of all books out there secular and Christian so it's reaching a lot of people for the glory of God and I'm so thankful for that I want you to look with me in Deuteronomy chapter 16 Deuteronomy chapter 16 and when you find 16 going over to 19 because that's where I am Deuteronomy chapter 19 I did lose an hour's sleep last night so that's that's the issue Deuteronomy chapter 19 you should separate these cities to yourself in the midst of the land which the Lord will give you as a possession and verse 4 says and and this is the case of the manslayer who flees there that he may live whoever kills his neighbor unintentionally not having hated him in time past verse 6 lest the Avenger of blood while his anger some translations the King James says his heart while his anger or his heart is hot pursue the manslayer and overtake him because the way is long and kill him though he was not deserving of death since he had not hated the victim in time past you may be thinking what in the world is that talking about let me explain it real fast this is God giving instruction to the children of Israel to build sanctuary cities or cities of refuge were people who were in trouble who had accidentally are sometimes intentionally murdered someone could run too and they would be given at least a fair trial they were called cities of refuge they started out with three in Israel and what is astonishing is they ended up because God said you need more because there were so many fights and they even give the illustration and do in this chapter that I didn't read of why a City of Refuge was so important they give the illustration in that same chapter if a man is out chopping wood with his axe and the axe he had fought flies flies off and hit someone accidentally in the head under the Old Testament law it was an eye for an eye if you killed someone you had the right or their family their kin their blood blood Avenger as butcher calls it had the right to take your life and even if it was an accident unless you could get to a City of Refuge and if you could get to a City of Refuge there would be a jewelry who would hear your case and if it was decided by these judges that you had accidentally killed somebody in that family then you could stay in the City of Refuge with your family until the high priest died and when the high priest you came in under died you could go back to your home and live in peace and nobody as the Bible calls them the Blood Avengers could not could not pay you back for accidentally killing their relative that's what was taking place in this story what caught my heart was or caught my attention was lest the Avenger of blood pursue the Slayer listen to these words while his heart is hot or his anger is hot that that he's recognizing here that people who who are upset don't don't really ration good they don't really think things through good be careful when you have a hot heart when you're angry when somebody does something and and you your anger and your resentment is so strong that's a dangerous thing just like what happened in Genesis 4 in the first family that ever inhabited this earth Adam and Eve had two sons Cain and Abel and his hot got his heart got hot or angry toward his brother his own brother Abel I mean there's just there's just the parents and and the two boys here and one of them gets in a heated moment his heart gets hot and angry and he slays his brother Abel in the first family that ever existed it's family attacking family so God saw that this was an issue and they end up and it's pretty to me is pretty profound that they would end up with 42 cities of refuge apparently there were a lot of fights breaking out a lot of issues that people were having a lot of arguments that people were having and if they didn't have enough cities of refuge with three they then added six and then God said add some more add some more and they ended up with 42 cities of refuge in jurisdictions and geographical locations where you could run - because arguments were always breaking out I think that this whole scenario of Cain slaying Abel shows us that it's possible when you're when your heart is hurting and someone has done something to you that has hurt you or hurt one of your family members that you can get what the Bible calls a hot heart or an angry heart and if you don't deal properly the Bible didn't say that it's wrong to be angry the Bible said be angry that's part of the emotion we're made in the image of God and in anger is an emotion that God has so it's not it's impossible to not get angry he said be angry but sin not be angry but sin not you can get an angry a heart or a hot heart about something and injustice that happens to you but you we must learn to control our spirits proverbs 14 and 17 said he who is soon angered or quickly angered deals foolishly the new living says short-tempered people do foolish things the team says the hot-headed do things they soon regret the amplified said he who foams up quickly deals foolishly and Potts and plans his revenge he who foams up easily just this week I received an emergency phone call from Pastor Shane over Buford from one of from from an incident that happened his his mother's sister's husband is a 62 63 year old man an elderly gentleman with physical handicaps and as recently had surgery and so on and he pulls into a target or some some one of these places like that and and he's going into the handicap thing the handicap spot and a person wanted that spot and rolls down the window and begins to scream in rage and anger and this is an this is an man's ten years younger than this senior citizen and they get out of the car and this man walks up and he hits him for taking the parking space and puts him into a coma and he's been in intensive care and it's been a nightmare for this family but it's a very thing of what I'm talking about a hot heart listen to what he said he who foams up quickly will soon do something foolish and plan and plot his revenge proverbs 22 said an angry man stirs up fights and devises plots now keep that in mind and I want to change gears just a little bit lean in and listen to what I'm about to tell you there was a man by the name of Antonio Stradivarius he was born in the 1700s and he perfected the craft of making violins these violins that he made are considered to this day the greatest violins the most they can make the most beautiful music of any violin up until this time he's credited with making nine hundred I think approximately nine hundred handmade violins nine hundred and sixty according to what period in his life that he made these violins determines the value of these 960 and they some of them have been lost or in different ways so they only think that there's around 500 that are still in existence the first period of Antonio's Stradivarius life was called the loan period and it was the time the in between the 1700 to 1725 and if you have a violin that was made in the long period of his life that's when he was first starting out the cheapest one would be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars recently one of them that was said to have been played by a general to Napoleon around the campfires as he was conquering the world it recently sold for 3.6 million dollars but there is another period of his life called the golden period it's later in his life that if you have a violin that was made during that time you are really you're really in a good place and you don't know it maybe you picked it up in a garage sale and you don't even know you have a Stradivarius but if so recently in 2011 one of those violins that was named the lady blunt violin after a famous violinist in Europe sold at London's auction for fifteen point three million dollars but even more astonishing than that in 2014 those B's auctioneer company had a Stradivarius violin that starting bid began at forty five million dollars so bear that in mind that's a pretty valuable treasure this is a story that I heard a minister share that I'm about to share with you about a minister friend of his that sold a Stradivarius that a woman in his church owned she was a elderly lady she was wealthy but not extremely rich she lived just a kind of a normal life but she was wealthy because she owned one thing a Stradivarius violin and she decided to downsize she was a senior citizen decided to downsize due to her age and she was selling her house and she kept calling her kids I think they said she had two sons and a daughter and they were grown now and live in the same town and she kept calling them saying will you please help me move will you please help me move and she had some health challenges and so on please and they would ignore her and they never had time for it and they would never help her and she even changed the date several times when they said they would and they didn't show up and they rarely contacted her rarely checked in with her finally she got her friend to help her pack everything moved everything herself out into a smaller home in the country and she had a big yard sale with all of the stuff that she could get rid of and everything that didn't sale because she was in the country she had a big bonfire and she lit the bonfire in her backyard and then she took the cell phone and she handed it to her best friend that had helped her and she was an elderly person and she said I want you to film this true story so the bonfire is behind her and she's standing there with the Stradivarius violin and they weren't sure how much this one was worth but it was certainly worth hundreds of thousands probably millions and while her friend is filming her own the cell phone she says this is for my sons and daughters are my sons and my daughter that would not help me and didn't seem to care much about me she went on to say the only thing you seemed to really care about is the Stradivarius violin that I owned you never call and ask about your mother but you often inquire about the violin enjoy your inheritance and she took the Stradivarius violin and threw it into the bonfire and then had the camera go closer as it burst in the flames the strings are popping and can you imagine how those children felt is there watching millions go up in smoke Wow can you imagine now there's a couple of morals to the story number one always be sweet and helpful to your mother number one always let's learn something today you came to church to learn something didn't turn to somebody say always treat your mama right the second moral of this story is be careful what you throw into the flames of anger and resentment I don't care how hot your heart gets I mean I know she was mad at least kids but she could have sold it and gave a tremendous gift to free chapel and we could have done we could have done someone else with it for the Lord that I'm dreaming to do but she think about what I'm saying this is a true story she in her anger and resentment burned one of the treasures of the earth the definition of anger is strong feelings of belligerence aroused by real or supposed Rohm anger means indignation rage fury deep feelings aroused by by injustice violent impulse to retaliate another term would be temporary insanity in this case resentment is anger that sticks around even after the heart has cool down resentment is bitterness ill-will ill feeling irritation a grudge animosity rancor we would call it bad blood a chip on your shoulder these are the emotions that Jesus taught we must resist we must not allow to take root in our lives when I think of the Bible it's a story of people who burned the greatest treasure when Cain took that took that weapon and slew his brother in the field in a fit of anger and hostility and they had some kind of offense we don't know what was we know that it was he was jealous because his brother offered an acceptable sacrifice and God didn't accept his and he slew his brother and when he did he burned the Stradivarius what he threw into the fire in the peak of his anger was tremendous there was a blessing that was in that family but he threw it in the fire and brought a curse and he was marked with a mark on his physical body as a sign this guy has has gone from being under the blessing of a family to the curse of a family because he threw the greatest treasure his own flesh and blood into the fire Haman was filled in the book of Esther with indignation toward Mordecai everybody bowed down when he rode through except Mordecai and Mordecai said I only bow to Jehovah God and when he would not bow this rage this hot anger got ahold of the heart of Haman this evil man and he built a gallery a hanging place where you would hang somebody by the neck that was the Bible said it was 75 feet tall that's higher than its ceiling 75 feet tall and he built it not knowing that Mordecai was the uncle of the wife of the King and when King heard what he was trying to do to his own kin he said you're not going to do that and he hung Haman in the 75-foot Gallow that he meant to hang Mordecai the Jew not only did he hang him but he hang ten of his sons were hung what did that man do in a fit of anger all he had to do everybody was bound it was just one that wasn't valid why are you getting crazy why are you letting anger get ahold of you Haman calm down what are you doing he was throwing the greatest treasure his children his family his position everything into the fire over anger and bitterness and resentment he burned the that the violin you'll pay too much if you let unforgiveness and hatred I wonder how many of you right now what I'm saying to you is our families are our greatest treasure our families are more valuable than a Stradivarius violin and how many times over arguments and over silly things sometimes and sometimes serious things but still you don't throw them into the fire you don't that's what that's the thing that Cherise and I had to deal with when we went through things with our children was they hurt us they did things that offended us and we had to make a choice are we gonna throw them into the fire and just cut them off and be done with them or are we going to say this is still a treasure and God they need our love they need our forgiveness they need us to be the parents that you want us to be Nebuchadnezzar build an image and he said everybody bow down when the music plays and the Bible said three of his closest counselors the Bible said he leaned on them they were ten times brighter Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they were his inside counselors they were making him famous and rich and he would ask them the hard questions and they had answers but when he saw them bowing down to his command he brought them before him and he said you either bow or you will burn I'm about to throw you three Stradivarius violins into the furnace and they said Oh King we respect you but we don't bow to anybody but our God and he said and then they said something powerful they said our God can deliver us but if not he's still God and we'd rather burn than bow in that powerful and the Bible said he said in a fit of anger he needs them they have been a tremendous asset to his kingdom but in a fit of anger he's having a falling out his tempers out of control his pride and his he goes out of control and he's trying to throw these three treasures to the kingdom into the fire of anger and resentment and the Bible said he said heat the furnace up seven times hotter and the guards got consumed when they opened the door but those three Hebrew boys walked right into the fire but they didn't burn as a matter of fact there wasn't even a singe of smoke the smell of smoke on them they're in there they're in a hot place but they are they're cool in a hot place they kept their cool in the furnace I tell you when you are growing and maturing is when you can get in a furnace or a hot place but you're the one that can keep your cool and the Bible said they kept their cool even though they were in the furnace and they started walking around and the King looked in and he said how many we put in there and they said we put three he said I see four the fourth looks like the son of God please come out of there I'm sorry I made a mistake they're cool in the furnace turn to somebody say be cool in the furnace anybody can blow up anybody can cuss them out anybody can get in a fight anybody can give them as good as they say anybody can go after Vinge's but wise people are cool in the furnace you know how many people are in prison awful one unguarded moment you know how many people have messed their life up because in a moment's time something happened when we understand that we've got to control our spirit not burn and destroy our greatest treasures I believe that as parents sometimes we have to decide that we're gonna love our children no matter what that if they just sit you know at some point they're no longer in your house they're at the age of accountability that's 17 18 18 and there they could go out legally and do what they want to do at that point if they're gonna live that life we can just throw them in the furnace and say I'm done with them and that's that's the tendency well they're not living right and they're not I didn't raise them that way don't throw your greatest treasure in the fire stay in their life I don't care what they're doing I don't care how they're living you stay in their life presence is everything well I'm afraid if if I stay if I stay in their life they'll think I'm okay with what they're doing they're gonna do it anyhow so why not stay in there and love them our homes are our Stratovarius our families are our Stratovarius our marriages are our greatest treasure don't throw that husband in the fire don't throw that wife in the fire don't just I've done I'm done I'm through with it fight for your family you see control your spirit and to control your spirit is to control your words I don't want to burn the Stratovarius is in my life my greatest treasures and I can't be responsible for what somebody else does but I can be responsible for my reaction and what I do just lesser man making sense so in in in my book love like you've never been hurt I'm gonna ask Mac and his precious wife to come up they die dire family their precious people Mac and Stacy die would you give him a warm welcome I want to tell you about this couple of the fuss they're they're tremendous people thank you in Chapter three of this book I've known you guys for a long time Cherise and I love you max a successful businessman Stacy how long have y'all been married 28 years 28 years that's pretty amazing it's awesome some of the greatest volunteers in the church by the way worked in kid PAC work and this ministry helped us when we were just a small church growing it he when when we do summer extreme he'll pull a camper up out here and live here for about a week although he's got a very blessed business he that that's his time of sacrifice and honor to the Lord he works with our children amazing people you know I asked you guys today if of course when we got with you about your story we put it in chapter 3 of the book because I wanted to talk about what nobody in the church wants to talk about what do you do when a child that you've raised in church decides to go a different way of what you raised them and the way that you taught them and you know what the Bible says and you're not you're not gonna change on what the Bible says I know you guys I know where you stand on the Word of God and how you honor and love it but your son came to you and and he told you that he was that he was gay and this is the this is the thing that nobody wants to talk about in the church and yet there are tens of thousands of families in churches if not hundreds of thousands who are dealing with this and and it's it's a is something that we're supposed to be quiet about we're not supposed to talk about and the Holy Spirit said to me and Charisse with this book talk about these real raw issues I did and told our story some of it in the end of in the first chapter but in the third chapter we tell your story with your son so your son came to you Mac and you raised him here in this church and he gave you the big announcement do you remember that day and what how did it affect you mm-hmm day I'll never forget no Saturday 12 o'clock he calls me and Stacy in the living room and he says I got something to tell you minor aceing a thousand things but when he says he's gay that wasn't even in my nowhere on my radar did I see that coming and your reaction is just you don't know what to say you don't know how to react I don't I don't know what to do there's anger when did this happen where was it where was I when this took place is this something that just happened and apparently he had been facing these issues for a very long time and it just finally got so much he just he could he couldn't hold his load anymore he wanted to to come out and I guess see where he stood it was a and ocean and you mentioned the anger that you felt at first kind of kind of you know how did that manifest that it did it turn into arguments was it a was it a tense time it was very tense it was uh because I couldn't understand it I didn't know where the anger where done where does it come from and first I was angry at him but in reality I was angry myself because I missed something along the way and we argued and just like everybody I wanted to say you're not and and this is not you and you know somewhere along the line we had to come to the conclusion that this is something I had to face and this was him and it's a you have to turn anger into something else because anger didn't work and because the the the Bible said that the that the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God you could have thrown him into the fire but you got together Stacey and y'all talked and you decided you were gonna love like you've never been hurt you that's your son what what what it sometimes the problems are so severe in a family that it's a day that changes everything but it doesn't have to change our love for our child I like what Billy Graham said Billy Graham said it's God's job to judge it's the Holy Spirit's job to convict of sin and it's my job to love it's my job to love loving is not lowering your standard loving is not compromising on the truth of God's word sin is sin but that doesn't mean I can't love that doesn't mean I'm gonna cut you off throw you into the fire and say you're on your own how did you deal with that Stacey well at first I was angry but I was really sad because we were so close and how did I not know this how did I not know what was going on in your life was I blind but just for him to tell me that and to come out and say those words I just felt like I just got a fight and we're gonna be a family we're gonna make it through it that is so good and so Mac you mentioned some of the practical things that you had to that you had to decide if you were gonna have a relationship and see it's one thing folks to love people when you have the same theology the same mindset the same but how do you love people that are not like you that don't believe like you are not living like you know they ought to be living that's when they need your love even more that's when they need your love even more and what did that mean for you a few things I had to do I never followed my son on any social media I never looked him up I didn't we didn't I didn't go there and we we had to find common ground things that we we found more in common and as time went on I believe it was a realization on both of us that you know we couldn't always disagree we couldn't always talk about anything our politics are different our belief sir are we don't stand on the same on everything and I found that if I brought that up even though I didn't really know what to say that it caused huge fights but when I began to understand that there's places that we do jive with and we are together on and I you know I didn't always know what to say but I loved you always always filled the gap and and how did you stay in his life I mean we talk we travel I go I go visiting and I was telling somebody earlier that when I go in to visit him I don't treat him any different if we go out to eat and he introduces me to the waiter that he knows because that's what he does if he if he hugs her sneaking kisses on the cheek could kiss him on the cheek I mean you know just like I would anybody else because you know there again I got my hands on somebody I got my chance to pray I show them that you know it's not about what they do you know that their actions didn't change me and sometimes that's all you know that's all we can do it's so powerful so far Stacy what would you say what would you say to families that are out there maybe it's not the same exact situation but maybe it's a child that's that's living with a lover they know they ought to be married they hope they know what the Bible says about that lifestyle but they're living with somebody or maybe a certain maybe it's somebody who's going through it an addiction alcoholism drug addiction with one of their children and it's just bringing heartache and pain to the family and there's always that thing of maybe maybe maybe we just need to just cut it off and say we're done they need you more now than they needed you before so always love them give them everything you got your heart is big so use it love your children love your family member it might not even be your child it might be someone you know someone told me in the last service that they they reach out to someone that they know that's not even in their life but they know that they send them encouragement Sevareid a so I just say love like you've never loved and love the Bible said always wins love never fails would you say that with me love never fails so what do i do pastor what I do with my parents that what I do with the dad that left me what do I do that doesn't mean as we say in the book that doesn't mean that everybody has total access back into your life that has hurt you but it does mean that you at some point must forgive you can't just throw them into the fire and say I'm done with them you've got to get real and honest and from your heart for guilt and let God do a work in and through and and those of you who have challenges similar to what we're talking about this is God's Word to you love them oh no man nothing but to love them love them just like Jesus loves you just like Jesus keeps loving you and he didn't wait till you got every sin out of your life but he kept loving you and let's let God deal with the rest because you can you're arguing and an anger is not going to change the human heart only the Holy Spirit can do that and he'll use the weapon of love through you do you receive that today thank you so much you guys are amazing we love you I don't I want you at every campus I want you at every campus to stand to your feet and please no one moving no one moving this is a sensitive moment I want to say to those who are hearing that maybe the Malcolm that we love you that we care about you that we that we love you if you're in a lifestyle if you're here today and you're not married and you're living with somebody we love you God loves you and it's time to let God's love do a work in your life the argument the fight is time to say Lord love through me and I don't know how it's all going to turn out and sometimes it's an ongoing thing come on say man sometimes there's no quick fix what's the answer just to throw them in the fire I give up no keep loving and it might take a week a month a year a lifetime but love will not fail keep loving keep your own heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life every head bowed every eye closed if you're in this room today and you would say pastor Jensen if you're at any of our campuses you would say there's a hole in my heart there's a broken place in my life I need the love of God I need the forgiveness of God I've thought about throwing somebody into the fire spiritually speaking I'm dealing with unforgiveness I'm dealing with resentment I'm dealing with anger I'm dealing with her why don't we just give it to Jesus this morning why don't we create an atmosphere where you don't have to play Church but if trouble is in your home God cares and it things change when you seek God and his help so right now while while you're standing there if you'd say pastor I know this message is for me in some situation in my life the enemy has done his best to bring a wedge between me and somebody that I love and I've heard that voice you know say in so many words just throw them into the fire and let the greatest treasure that God's given you one of them just be burned up and over but God is saying restart your heart today bow your heads in prayer please all over this room pastor pray from me I want to get this thing right with God today I want to get right with God and I want to get it right with God I can't help what their reaction will be but I can get my heart right with God my attitude right with God so that when I hear their name I'm not angry anymore pray for me if that's you I want you to raise your hand as high as you can get it all over this room raise it high and unashamed that's beautiful and every campus raise it high and unashamed all the way up in the balcony wherever you are at every campus God sees that hand well I'm gonna challenge you on the greatest challenges you've ever had you don't have to do it but I'm going to tell you that God will do something if you will do it if you mean business and you raise your hand get out of your seat and come stand at the front of the building I'm gonna pray a prayer of release over you and I believe God's gonna do something powerful with every step you take toward the front you're saying I surrender you're saying I don't want to retaliate I don't want revenge I want to put it in God's hands I'm tired of carrying it I'm tired of I'm tired of this hot heart this angry heart I just want to give it to God maybe you're not maybe you're here today and you don't even know you're right with God this is your chance step out humble yourself walk down that aisle step forward now not another service not another day maybe it maybe you need to say Lord cleanse me forgive me maybe you're the one that's hurt someone just come and save God I know I've messed up help me help me restore situations that only you can restore help me God he will hear your cry today he will let's lift our hands up toward heaven come on guys come on out let's get a song ready just lift your hands high all over this room and invite the Holy Spirit in the situation while I've been preaching you've seen faces you've thought of people the Holy Spirit has brought up stratovarius in your life that that you've almost said I think I'll just burn it and leave it alone but right now why don't you just say God I'm open I open up my heart restart my heart Lord I'm willing help me give me ice not them that needs the prayer I need the prayer so lift your hands right here in the front and just begin to call on the Lord and just say God - Here I am Here I am and here's this situation and I surrender it to you [Music] [Music] lift your hands all over this room and worship Jesus worship Jesus ask him to touch your heart today concerning that's person that situation asking me maybe a brother it may be a sister it may be a father it may be a mother may be grandparents it may be a child a grandchild right now just say Lord here take all this unforgiveness take all of this anger take all of this this low-grade bitterness Lord take it out of my heart and make me and mold me into who you want me to be all the love like Jesus I want to forgive like Jesus I want to reach like Jesus did I want to love like Jesus did count me and my family help us God it's complicated but your God it is it's not a simple solution but your God I don't know the answer but your God - you like Jehoshaphat we know not what to do but our eyes are a bunny let's do it all over this room that every campus lift your hands high singing them Lord we thank you for your promise you're faithful in our families your don't throw that marriage in the fire don't throw the husband as joy restore the forgiveness is a choice leaded working you now just like God forgives you just like he does it over now everybody say these words all over at every campus say these words say Lord Jesus I surrender completely to your forgiveness I believe I've heard from you today let the anger go I command it to leave me I receive peace I receive forgiveness and now I release forgiveness in Jesus name I seek you Lord and I thank you that you're changing me and through me I'm going to love like I've never been hurt Lord may I be able to experience your love in my life in my family in my relationships greater than I've ever known it before now let's lift up our hands and let's give God the glory and give him the praise I want us to do something I want us to pray in conclusion the Lord's Prayer and I speak this over every one of you today what you did when you walk down that aisle you don't even know it but chains were broken and you are now in a position where God has restarted your heart towards somebody that the enemy wanted to forever separate you from and again they may not belong inside the inner circle of your life because some things that have been done it would be wrong almost for them too but you can hear their name and not be angry because God's forgiveness has come in a dynamic measure do you receive that this morning do you receive that let's pray the Lord's Prayer together are you ready pray it with fervency this is how we're going to be dismissed today pray this prayer ready let's go our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us stop say it again forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us stop say it one more time forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen do you receive it give the Lord the biggest praise you can now let me tell you something real quick we're going to Israel in November and if ever you thought about going this is the greatest year it's the 70th anniversary of the nation of Israel and we're taking a trip Charice and I will be with you every day and boy if you've ever had interest this is the trip to go on amazing things are happening and there is a information meeting immediately following this service we have a representative from the Israeli tour group that we're using or the Israel tour group that we're using that will answer all of your questions you can find out more about it you can get more information on it it'll all be available that's going to be in the connections lounge I think is that writers at downstairs it's downstairs in the choir room and if you don't know where that is ask anybody but it's downstairs in the choir room and it'll be a quick meeting but boy you'll get you'll if you have desire to go to Israel you need to go get in that because the trip is almost full and you need to get in on it pretty quick if you're going to do it they also have payment plans any way you want to do it amazing opportunity check it out thank you so much god bless you all have a great week everybody help it pray for us as we go out and continue to reach people with this message of hope and love god bless you and god bless your family [Music] before we leave here today I do want to encourage you if you haven't yet gotten your copy of Pastor Jensen's brand-new book love like you've never been hurt I encourage you to go ahead and get your copy wherever books are sold and don't just get one for yourself get one for someone else that needs an encouraging word in their life but we love you so much let us know how we can pray for you whether you're on Facebook live doesn't matter what outlet you are joining us on today let us know how we can pray for you and we want to see God continue to move in your life we love you so much and we will see you next Sunday morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 195,885
Rating: 4.8163404 out of 5
Keywords: Free Chapel, Jentezen Franklin, Love Like You've never been hurt, message, sermon, christian, jesus, free chapel live, jentezen franklin sermons, free chapel online, 2018, love, anger, how to stay cool in a hot situation, Emotions, forgiveness, fear, family, relationships
Id: h5RdSMok3QE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 51sec (3531 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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