How to Encourage Yourself | Jentezen Franklin

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the following program is sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom connection sometimes your best friends are not there to encourage you but here's a powerful thing David encouraged himself in the Lord his God [Music] I don't have time just to go through and read all the Bible that I want to read but boy if you want something that will bless your life read this week First Samuel chapter 30 I'm gonna skip down to the part of verse 6 now David was greatly distressed for the people spoke of stoning him because of the spoil of all the people because they were the soul of all the people were grieved and everyone was grieving for their sons and their daughters but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God and then he inquired verse 8 says of the Lord saying shall I pursue this enemy shall I overtake them if I pursue them and listen to what God told him he said you shall surely overtake them and without fail you shall recover it all you're gonna recover it all David but something's got to happen before that in verse 5 actually the end of verse 6 he said you got to encourage yourself but what I'm going to do is I'm going to bring a power on your life that enables you to recover it all and then later in the story and I didn't have time to read it but you can find it the Bible said he didn't just recover it all but he recovered it all listen to this and Spall's besides and this was called David's Spall's espyo ILS it's really amazing that he didn't just go into this crisis and losing and get it back but he got back more than what he lost and it was called David's polls the scripture says you know life can throw you some curves and it's not just the things that you see coming but sometimes it's the things that you didn't see they hit you out of nowhere that set you back in such a way that it seems like you can't get over well that's the situation that David was in in First Samuel chapter 30 David had 600 mighty men and I'm telling you they were on a roll we would say they were winning and winning and winning every battle every city for for listen for three months day after day they conquered territory they conquered kingdoms and they were winning and winning and winning and after three months of fighting they were so looking forward to go home and see their families and see their children and see all that they were fighting for you know to hold in their arms their families and to rest in their homes and all of a sudden when they travel back after they traveled many many miles they see smoke they see a pillar of smoke and is coming from the direction of their hometown and they speed on their horses trying to get there as quick as they can and when they get there it is an astonishing dark thing that they see the city their city is burned down to the ground not only that but their homes all of their homes David's home was burned completely to the ground the Amalekites had invaded and while they were out dealing with this and dealing with that and dealing with this they never saw the enemy attacking their homes and their families and they found themselves in a situation where their children had been kidnapped and enslaved by the Amalekites their wives had been taken the Bible said David's wife was gone his children was gone all the mighty men of Israel their families their homes burned to the ground and they begin to question how could we be winning so much out here and losing at home have you ever had that season in your life yet where you have two things going on at the same time in your home like a miracle and a mistake like Abraham and Sarah you know they had Ishmael coming up in their home the mistake and they had Isaac coming up in their home and and and and it's like you you've got all you can't believe that it was doing so good in one area of your life and so bad in another area of your life that was the situation that David found himself in and he found himself in a place where he began to get overwhelmed because he didn't see this problem coming and I think already before this virus hit that many people's plate was so full and they had so much and we were winning and we were well conquering but we really had our plate so full and then here comes one more big thing that we didn't see coming and it's almost it feels like that life is just really people's lives have been burned down and have you ever had life just feel like your people thing in your life burn you or you know you burn down your own life and it just feels like you've lost everything and the scripture said that they begin to weep in verse four they well until they could weep no more and the thing that touched me about this I really want to take a moment lean in now this is where I want to be the thing that touched me about this is they well until they couldn't weep anymore these are mighty men these are warriors these are not weak people these are not people who you know emotionally or unstable these are killers these are warriors but when they saw their homes burned down when they saw their families gone when I think of a home I think of a place of rest I think of a place of retreat I think of a place of I can go and recharge my battery and I believe what the enemy is wanting to do through all of this crisis it's not that they were tired physically as much as something broke it's the it's the straw that broke the camel's back something broke mentally and emotionally they were tired and I believe that's what the enemy's wanting to do it's not that you may be physically as tired because you're probably been getting more rest laying around the house but emotionally you feel like it's Pyland emotionally you feel like it's one thing after another now on top of that the uncertainty of finances and jobs and and what am I gonna do with these children and what are we gonna do about their education and what are we going to do and it just feels like it's is so much that's out of our control and notice what they did they lifted up their voice and they well the people who were with David well the mighty men and David well until they had no more power to weep when you're in distress that's one thing but when all your people all the people on your team are going through the same situation and they all lifted their voice and they well and many you know live and perceive Christianity to be a to be something that is in denial they think Christianity is living in denial but I love the fact that it says they well you know the text shows that you're allowed to show feelings your loud it's not a lack of faith to show feelings I'm disappointed I'm confused why didn't God stop this why didn't God do something there's nothing wrong with that God understands our tears and the text shows that they were allowed to feel those tears you're allowed to feel like I didn't see this coming you're allowed to feel like this hurts you're allowed to feel like you know yeah I worry about I tell you I'm scared of some Christians because when tragedy and bad news comes they they instantly go into it don't bother me I've got well things bother me maybe I'm different things bother me I have to have a minute to process stuff I have a after minute sometimes to cry I have to have a minute sometimes to get alone and figure out how am I going to get through this I think that it's not healthy in Christianity when we act like we don't feel nothing you know you get in and get got trouble in your family and you just act like well I just claim my family's good I'll be saved in the Lord Jesus Christ and you start quoting script sometimes you need to feel what you're going through feel the grief feel the pain feel the sorrow weep sometimes you've got to get it out before you can get over it and boy if you don't know this as a man let me tell you something you and then we get over stuff a lot quicker than women do but women have to get it out in it and you want to have a three-week Ice Age in your house you just act like the problem that you and your wife had didn't happen because women can't just get over it sometimes you've got to get it out before you can get over sometimes you have to get it out before you can process it sometimes you have to do more than quote a Bible verse you need to talk it through sometimes you need more than a cliche everything's gonna be alright and that people think that quoting scriptures don't worry be happy' that's that's not a scripture you know but but you have you ever met these super spiritual Christians that that don't feel anything I I'm not that way I'm not that spiritual I'll be honest I felt depression try to come on me during the middle of this I felt dark days I felt the uncertainty of the future I felt it and I know many of you are feeling and I think of the single mother sitting there at home right now and you know you've had three kids in the house with you for four or five weeks now and you don't know and you're scared to death to go back to work because you're afraid I could lose I could lose my health and I could give this to my children and I don't know how you manage it I don't know how you do it my heart goes out to you today the scripture said that I don't know why I stood up but I feel something I feel my help coming and I'm gonna I'm gonna do what I feel like doing it's my sermon I'll preach it like I want to don't shut down your emotions they had no power to weep and I love the fact that he said they well until boy I felt this somebody's about to have an until moment they wept until they had no more power to weep there has to come a until moment where you process it and you weep over it and you cry over it I don't know why they left me I don't know why that happened I don't know why they laid me off I don't know why God didn't intervene and you weep until you can weep no more but then they started turning the corner when he said something powerful he said I'm gonna weep until they could weep no more means I'm tired of talking about it I don't know why it happened but I'm done with it I'm done with texting about it I'm done with calling about it I'm done with rehashing it I'm done with telling people about it I'm tired of talking about it weeping about you have to have your untilled moment they wept until they could weep no more and the Bible said and David was greatly distressed but David encouraged himself I love that this is where it all stirred and David encouraged himself why because all his people were talking about stoning it David encouraged himself in the Lord his God there has to come a time where you start saying you know if I don't get no help from anybody I'm gonna encourage myself in the Lord the choirs not here to encourage me I can't depend on them I appreciate all the people that come usually in this sanctuary where I'm preaching but there's none of them here today but I've learned a secret that when I don't have anybody I can really count on sometimes your husband is not there for you sometimes your wife is not there to encourage you sometimes your best friends are not there to encourage you but here's a powerful thing David encouraged himself in the Lord his God Oh hallelujah he had an inner Citadel down deep in the inside of him that said if you push me hard enough if you squeeze me hard enough if you put enough pressure on me you know what's gonna come out of me the only thing that's really way down in there is praise and if you squeeze me hard enough praise is gonna come out and he started encouraging himself in the Lord well pastor Jenson how do how do I encourage myself in the Lord I've lost my job how do I encourage myself I don't have the choir I don't have the preacher I don't have anybody I'm sitting here looking at this in my in my pajamas and I'm looking at a screen you are the one I'm preaching to he encouraged himself in the Lord let me give you three quick things do you do to encourage yourself in the Lord number one rehearse your past victories rehearse your past victories David started going back in his mind he didn't have nobody to encourage him didn't have any family they were kidnapped didn't have a house to go to he was homeless all his silver all his money had been stolen he was broke and so I didn't have any encouragement in his in his resources he turned to his friends and his friends had didn't have his back they were ready to throw stones so he said I'm gonna encourage myself not in my circumstances but in the Lord my God and how do you do that number one you rehearse past victories I could see him as he said now you know I remember when I was just tending sheep and I didn't have a house and I didn't have a kingdom and I didn't have all these friends and I didn't have a beautiful wife and children I didn't have anything but that guy came and poured all on me and God anointed me and he started encouraging himself I am anointed I am I have the power of God active in my life and then I could see him you know I remember one day when a lion tried to kill one of my one of my sheep and the Spirit of the Lord came on me and I slew the line and then a bear attacked and I slew the bear I remember and Don don't you see he he's rehearsing past victories I remember when Goliath came out on that field and I remember all I had was a slingshot in five stones but I slew him because God was with me the second thing that the Lord told me to tell you is remember you're under divine protection now this is how you encourage yourself rehearse past victories and remember you're under divine protection angels are all around you angels are guarding you angels are protecting you angels in today's world God has preserved you and your family think of the things that should have happened but you escaped it think of the things that you dodged think of the things that should have hit you with full force but somehow there was an unseen force of angels and remember you're under divine protection and it ought encourage you in the Lord and then lastly remind yourself after you rehearse past victories and after you remember that you're under divine protection lastly I want you to remind yourself who your God is he is able he is a waymaker he is a miracle worker I don't know I didn't know he was more than enough until I didn't have enough I didn't know that he was the door until a door was shut and he became the door to a brand new thing in my life and I want you to remind yourself who your God is he's Jehovah Jireh your provider he's Jehovah Nissi your victory banner he's Jehovah Teske new your righteousness he's Jehovah Shalom your peace he's jehova shamma the God who is there he's Jehovah Rapha the God that heals you he is your God and as you enter into this I want you to hear what happened for the Bible said he prayed David did and he said God should I pursue should I believe that even though I've lost a lot you can restore it my family my house is burned my finances are gone is it over and God said you shall pursue listen for you shall recover it all and that's what I came in here with today is I believe that we're about to recover it all in this nation we're about to recover it all in our businesses and in our families and in our church and Spoils besides in other words we're not just gonna break even and get back what the enemy stole but Oh David when he when he got down to the Amalekites and saw him partying and having a big time you ought to read it they were having a party in the middle of the valley and had his kids tied up and had his had his all of his gold and eaten all of his stuff and enjoying themselves and the Bible said that Dave got angry and he attacked and he went to the enemy's camp and after he took all of his stuff back he turned around and he noticed well my goodness they they have sheep they have cows they have gold they have stuff that they've accumulated and they don't need it anymore because I just wiped them out and so he said I'm gonna take that back I'm not just gonna get back what the enemy is stolen but I'm going to recover it all and I really believe that we're going to see in this nation and in the world and in your life and in your business and in your finances and in your family you shall recover it all and spoils besides thank you for tuning in to Kingdom connection today you know in times of crisis we can either desire to return to normal or turn to Jesus and I think this Kovan 19:00 pandemic is a wake-up call for us to return to Jesus Romans 10 and verse 9 says that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead you will be saved so I want you to do that pray this prayer right there say Lord Jesus say those words I believe in you I believe you died and I believe you rose again for me for my sins to be washed away and for me to have a brand new beginning I receive you as my savior today Jesus you are my lord amen in our closing moments I want to share with you a brand new initiative we're embarking on I am so excited to be partnering with Yale a foundation that runs a warm home for Holocaust survivors this is an effort back by the Prime Minister of Israel and delivers much-needed food to sheltered Holocaust survivors all around the nation of Israel so I'll need to tell you this that that the Prime Minister and his wife have heard what we're doing on this project and even have sent special messages to us to let us know that this is their very heart to see these Holocaust survivors well fed and taken care of this is a vital part of fulfilling Biblical prophecy and you and I can be a part help us today we're doing something significant for this project and sewing a lot of seed in the time of our own need as a ministry because we believe that what we make happen for others God makes happen for our home in our life and our ministry thank you for partnering with us in 1942 the Nazis murdered six million Jews today the last remaining individuals who somehow survived the trauma and the horror of the Holocaust need your support with the outbreak of the Cova 19 pandemic these remarkable elderly Jewish people are once again at extreme risk that's why we've decided to partner with yow an organization backed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Rivlin in association with the Israeli Defense Forces Yale hopes to relieve two types of suffering among these elderly survivors hunger and by delivering meals and non-perishable food to their doors as well as providing desperately needed community when you give back to help these precious people we want to say thank you with your generous gift of $1,000 or more this month we will plant a tree of victory in Israel in your honor as well as inscribe your name on the comfort my people wall of recognition in Israel for your gift of $150 or more we will send you Jenson Franklin's book fear fighters with accompanying teaching CD series plus his newest book acres of diamonds with your gift of $30 or more this month we will send you Jenson Franklin's teaching finding your way in the storm plus the spiritual nurturing devotional God smiles as we offer comfort to God's people and together we have been called for such a time as this call now to give your best gift or visit us online [Music] [Music] [Music] this program has been sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom Connection we hope you've enjoyed this teaching by Jensen Franklin and thank you for your continued support of this ministry your prayers and financial support make these programs possible you
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 22,502
Rating: 4.9030304 out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Free Chapel, Sermons, jensen franklin, jentezen franklin sermons, christianity, franklin jentezen sermons, church online
Id: l-2EjcVotrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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