Overcoming Offense | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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good morning everybody as you find a seat worship with these families as we dedicate these beautiful babies McKenzie the guano Jose and Erica McKenzie father we dedicate McKenzie to you we thank you for this beautiful little baby girl we consecrate lift her up to you and ask you to bless her put your favor put your touch owner protection your Angels around her and keep her by your power keep our always near the cross bless this family we thank you for this life now use it for your glory in Jesus name Amen in freestyle hayden Claire Crumley her peers being in Trista Crumley families feel free to lay hands with me if you'd like Hayden Hayden yes sir Lord we thank you for Hayden we lay our hands on her we bless her in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost touch her Lord and keep her by your power we dedicate her to you in this altar today we know there's gifts and there's a plan for her life so user for your glory keeper by your protection and we thank you for thank you for this life bless her and bless this family in Jesus name Amen bless you you're welcome Liam James Cole Haines his parents Chad and Deana mental ven Liam lord I thank you for Liam and we dedicated to you in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit bless and keep him make your face shine on him be gracious unto him lift up your countenance upon him give him peace Lord we just pray your will be done in his life let him always serve you always be near your heart we thank you for keeping by your power bless this home in Jesus name Amen Trenton Daniel read his parents Landon and Tabitha read Lord we thank you for Trenton and we dedicate him to you in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit bless him and keep him make your face shine on be gracious unto him lift up your countenance upon him give him peace making my mighty man Lord for you give him strength give him talents giving gifts and give him leadership and let him lead we thank you for keeping by your power bless this home with your grace in Jesus name Amen Danijela Geraldo reservoir her parents Esteban and Claudia Danny have them Lauren I thank you for Daniela now dedicate her to you in the name of the Father the Son Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit I pray your favor upon this little girl I pray your blessing your protection your keeping power let goodness and mercy follow her all the days of her life keep her by your power and keep her in the house of the Lord forever we thank you for bless this home in Jesus name Amen Rory Palmer Wellborn his parents Ishmael and Chelsea well born Rory Lord we thank you for Rory we dedicate him to you in the name of the Father the Son Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit blessing keeping make your face shone be gracious unto him keeping by your power and do great and mighty things in his life thank you Father in Jesus mighty name I stir up the gift that is within him through the laying on of hands keeping by your power and blessing in Jesus name Amen now are they twins 19 months apart I'll see you in a few months god bless Macie buddy good to see you grace grace would her parents Bob and Karen would grace grace that's her name grace grace that's cute grace grace from the sermon how about that you know preach the sermon called grace Gracie she named the baby but could you not have children or do we have a lot of money yeah she is that's awesome well lord I thank you for grace grace I hold her up before you it's not by mine it's not by power it's by your spirit so bless her and keeper and use our an anointing and father we just pray for your favor like a shield around her we just pray for her little steps to be ordered of the Lord all the days of her life keeper with your grace we thank you for Lord and we praise you for grace grace in Jesus name Amen all right let's stand to our feet give the Lord a great praise let's worship the place ciao [Music] for sing together it's alright is great Sweetland I trust in you sweep we see blessing you sweet sure what you you [Music] [Applause] calling your glory like awakening diese sweet [Applause] because you are the reason we sure sure see [Music] [Applause] yeah whoa No what a beautiful what a beautiful name the what a beautiful name nothing complex [Applause] oh gee city the truth my sins workers lady see see you [Applause] they're to be Oh you [Applause] want to welcome you this morning and why don't you turn in green two or three people tell them how excited you are to see them today and we'd also like to welcome everybody that is joining us online we are so thrilled that you are with us and a part of this service today anybody excited to be in church this morning awesome well if it's your first time with us today we are just very honored that you have joined us and we want to know that you're here so if you would take the card in the seat back in front of you and fill that out then you can take it to the connections lounge and you'll get a free gift or if it's easier you can text hello one two three one three one three one and we will meet you at our connections lounge with your gift and we would love to get to know you and tell you about some exciting things going on in our church now if I've not met you my name is Lance and I'm the children's pastor here at free chapel and and I'm just so excited to be here after the week that we have had we have just had the most amazing week starting on Wednesday night we made history together we had our very first service in our new amphitheater and what a service we had amazing pastor baptized over 50 people in our new baptismal pool and it was just an amazing night we celebrated forward with our neon festival and pastor Brock brought an incredible word we had games and rides and just things for the whole family to be a part of and it was truly a night to remember I know I won't forget it and it was just a wonderful thing to be a part of now last week we also had our summer extreme camp for pre-school all the way to sixth grade and it is an unforgettable week I I can't tell you how awesome it is but let me just say for just a moment that we we want to thank every volunteer who took part in this we had more kids than we've ever had before and we had over 200 volunteers that gave their whole week use vacation time and spent time with your kids and we just thank all of them for the part that they played in impacting the next generation now we prepared a video for you to just show you a glimpse into summer extreme let's take a look Oh responded I Johnny come chocolate my I am [Applause] the mushrooms taught me how to trigger number it stays us out we have an encounter with God come on how many of you would like to be a kid again I mean I tell you what it was the most amazing amazing week and and I just I just know that God began a good work and every child that attended and everybody left their different I know that I know that I did and as we prepare to give this morning I have a verse that I'd like to share with you and real quickly it's Philippians 1:6 and it says and we're confident of this that he who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of the Lord Jesus Christ and this is Izzy Skinner here she's an amazing young lady we we love her she's been here all her life and she's been coming to summer extreme since she was 3 years old and she's in 4th grade now and she told me that this year was different this was her favorite year ever and I'm gonna let her tell you why well hi my name is Izzy and I was in the cybersquad 4th grade and before me and talking I just want to give a round of applause to the summer extreme crew this year has many difference because I ask God into my life and I have before but I haven't had a purpose to I've just done because I've seen my friends through it I'm like okay I'll do it but this year I've matured and I've actually raised my hand when he called because I knew God had a plan for me we're so proud of Izzi and together we agreed today that God who began a good work in you even this morning as you're speaking to thousands of people he will complete it till the day of Christ we love you awesome let's pray this morning before the offering father we thank you for all that you've done we thank you for the gifts and we thank you for the giver blessed today father in the name of Jesus we pray amen [Applause] we won and all his pardon Jesus who is more hello finger inside is fine our heart we won is more Oh yes sir and I'll shine please can we stay in our feet as we sing together [Music] [Music] is more No [Applause] yes [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] we [Music] ah we want Oh [Applause] oh god we sing to you today Oh but the church scene where the Lord is there we say yes the and now it sounds good now [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] there's no what's over your head [Applause] you're not see it in and I gotta [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all of you how great is our God you know you can get healed just that quick sing with me how great is our God all will see how great how great is our God [Applause] you need healing just lift your hands and say how great is haha [Applause] Oh [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] heesu [Music] right [Music] he's greater greater than [Music] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I tell you the Lord is here today do you believe it I want us to welcome our Gwinnett campus there joining us live I want us to welcome our beautiful campus there joining us live great you know what's happening down there is so great and I so appreciate the amazing volunteers at Buford you guys have it made here in Gainesville you just come in and flop down in a cushion seat but in Buford they come in at about 5:30 6 o'clock in the morning they set up their sound system they set up their children's department they're in a high school and they set up this and that and every ministry takes about 3 or 4 hours to get everything ready to go and there they are a house full hundreds they're worshiping let's give God a praise for what is good good morning Spartanburg good morning orange Johnny and good morning all of you joining us live on the so glad you're part of our online search turn around and three or four people's hands all around you smile at them and say it feels good in here today tell them you look good too praise gun you have your Bibles open them with me to second Samuel Chapter ten next Sunday is going to be phenomenal next Sunday is Father's Day and we're going to celebrate our men around this place in a powerful way it's going to be an unforgettable day I'm going to get to preach and I believe it's just going to be awesome what I believe God's going to speak to us and do in this house on Father's Day bring your dad invites your dad and celebrates your dad second Samuel Chapter ten it happened after this that the king of the people of Ammon died and hainan his son reigned in his place then David said I will show kindness to hainan the son of neigh hash as his father showed kindness to me so David sent by the hand of his servants to comfort him concerning the death of his father and David's servants came into the land of the people of Ammon and the princes of the people of Ammon said to hainan their Lord do you really think that David honors your father because he sent comforters to you has David not rather sent his servants to search the city to spy it out and to overthrow it then hainan took David's servants shaved off half their beards cut off their garments in the middle at their buttocks that's a that's a that's another word for rear end no I don't know how else to say it cut their garments off up to there in the back up to the rear end exposing the rear end I hope they had underwear on and sent them away this is a funny story seemingly if you don't understand what's going on I'll stop breeding but there is a real life lesson in this story that I want to try to give you today Mohammed Ali got on an airplane and he was flying on a commercial flight somewhere and the stewardess noticed that he didn't have his seat belt buckled the world-famous boxer who said that he was invincible and the stewardess looked at him and said mr. ollie please fasten your seat belt and he looked back and smiled and said Superman don't need no seat belt to which she looked back at him and said Superman don't need no airplane fasten your seat belt nobody is Superman and no woman is Wonder Woman we're all very vulnerable we all have weaknesses and I want to focus today on something all of us have a weakness in Luke 17 and one is what the lesson is about it is impossible that offenses will not come but woe to him through whom they come jesus said it is impossible that offenses should not come to you it's just impossible for you to live your life you're going to be offended something someone is going to say is going to offend you it's not possible to escape it it's coming it probably already has happened and here's a news flash it's going to happen again and again and again there's no way out of it jesus said it will happen there's no one exempt nobody Superman nobody's Wonder Woman this one's gonna get you there's no way to avoid it somebody's going to shame you somebody's gonna outrage you somebody's gonna insult you somebody's gonna humiliate you you're gonna get offended you're gonna get hurt you're gonna get angry you're gonna get violated didn't you come to church to hear this you're going your prides gonna be insulted it is a biblical fact Jesus himself said it is impossible for you to escape being offended in your lifetime it's going to happen and since it's impossible to escape it you got to learn how to deal with it because not being offended is unachievable it's not doable there are no exemptions from it it's going to happen to you it's interesting that in New Zealand only there only a certain amount of the birds can fly forty-one percent of the birds in New Zealand are flightless the Kiwi the penguin and on and on they cannot fly and here's the reason why there are no predators on the Island of New Zealand they do not have snakes they do not have wolves they do not have a Bobcats they don't have anything that would eat the birds therefore if there are no predators there's no need to fly and when there's no need to fly you lose eventually the ability to find if you go to New Zealand I'm going many times in preached you'll see Birds walking around everywhere and they don't have wings they have little knobs they've lost their wings through the generations because nothing ever nothing ever opposed them nothing ever came against them nothing ever was a predator in their life so it's a predator that creates the ability to fly if you want to scratch around in the barnyard for the rest of your life then just don't have any enemies and just don't have any problems and just don't go through any offence but if you want to soar like an eagle you can but it's going to require some opposition in other words airplanes take off going into the wind if you talk to any pilot any pilot would tell you when they're taking off in an airplane they want to know which direction the wind is blowing so that they can go into the wind because it's the wind that gives the airplane something called the lift without the wind opposing the wings of that plane it won't get lift and it's so important that we understand that 41% of birds in New Zealand cannot fly because they have never had opposition they've never had a predator they've never had a problem and you'll never mount up with wings as Eagles until you go through attack and you go through persecution and you go through being offended opposition enables you to do things you could not do had you not had opposition coming against you it's what gives you lift it'll make you lift your prayer life it'll make you lift you'll run to God you'll mount up with wings as Eagles and fly to God and if you'd have stayed if you don't have the opposition you'll stay right where you are God intends for the winds of contrary opposition to take you higher they'll make you fly to God now what was taking place in this story in the Old Testament and in 2nd samuel 10 is this David was king of Israel and he heard one of his old friends King neigh hash had died and he thought to himself he's been kind to me he was always kind to me was a good man so I want to show some honor and be kind back to him and I know his son is taking the throne so as a gesture like we would do here in America if we heard the you know a president and some other nation had died we out of respect with the President himself would go or he had sent his vice president or he'd send some high official to show condolences and to show and hopefully give some comfort and share and say we care enough to send representatives on behalf of America to grieve with your nation well this is what David was trying to do he was trying to show kindness so he sent two of his mightiest men in his army to go to this foreign country the children of ammon the ammonites their King had died and his son was taking the throne and when they got there someone had gotten into the king the young prince's ear and said do you really think that they're coming to show comfort to us to show respect and honor to us they're not coming for that they're coming to kill they're coming to spy out the land they're measuring the walls they're trying to figure out there they're like there they're here spying this place out there getting Intel that they're going to take back and to end their notice and where our weaknesses are and they're going to invade our city and take our city and so the Bible said after they were falsely accused because they were falsely accused and they were not there for that reason they had no evil intentions they were there to show kindness from their King now this is important these men were sent by the king doing the Kings will when somebody is about to offend them you can be in the perfect will of God and do everything right and you still can't escape being offended they falsely accuse them and the Bible said that this prince ordered that their half of their beard be shaved off I'll explain how of a humiliating thing that was and then that their skirt or their road be cut off all the way in the back up to their buttocks to expose their rear ends how humiliating half their beard cut off I think it's funny whether you do or not and they do me to illustrate and they cut they cut off and they're showing their it's like spank babies I mean these these mighty men for the mighty man it probably would have been better had they beat them up or stabbed them or wounded them or cut them but to go home like this to go home totally humiliated half of your beard is gone and on top of that your rear end is showing and you spank baby go home and they're humiliated and it's a it's a it's you talk about being offended it wasn't a physical thing that was so bad it was the emotional fact that they were had been humiliated and offended I'm not sure they would have got a lot of sympathy from other Bible characters I doubt Shadrach Meshach and Abednego would have been very sympathetic we got thrown into the fiery furnace and all that happened to you is is you got a little trim to your Bearden and you're shown Aliyah underwear that that's not that's not persecution you ought to go through what we went through and maybe Daniel would have said my goodness that's nothing compared to what my enemies did to me they threw me in the lion's den but but you're they're going through it in mentally emotionally the Bible said that they they leave that place humiliated the cutting off of the beard the beard in Middle Eastern thinking still to this day was distinction and honor and maturity like in the Middle East it they were tampering when he shaved half the beard off of these men they were tampering with their rank with our identity with their pride they sent them home like children humiliated who they were a token of their authority had been cutting off and now it cut off and now they're showing their back parts are exposed how humiliating and it all happened doing the King's business doing exactly what they were told to do if you live for God and you seek to do his will you will find yourself wounded doing God's perfect will no one is exempt from it if you get in a church like this you will get wounded and that beautiful Wow singing the choir you will get wounded uh sure you will get wounded Park cars somebody's gonna flip you a bird you will get wounded it's gonna doing the will of God if somebody's gonna roll their eyes somebody's going to talk about you welcome to life I love this story because the Bible said as they were approaching coming back home these mighty men again these were not weak men these were not just little wimpy guys they didn't even go prepared to fight they probably would have fought but they didn't even have their weapons with them they were going on a peace journey a comfort journey and now they're coming home humiliated they're looking at each other and about to come home to their hometown and David here's what happened and he sends a man out and says don't let them come into the town I don't want them in the town circle to be humiliated and the other people and the other mighty men to see them tell them instead to go to Jericho now listen to this Jericho means sweet fragrance I want them to go over there to that sweet place and I want them to stay there and Lodge there until their beard grows back and we'll get some we'll get a seamstress down there and we'll get their rear ends covered up and everything's gonna be fine but I need them just to go to Jericho the sweet place go to Jericho listen to the instructions when you get offended here it is I love the fact that he didn't let him come in and everybody see him in their shame it reminds me of the prodigal sons story when the father heard his prodigal son was coming home covered in in the slop of the Pigpen he ran out with the road with the shoes covered him didn't want all those people to see him in his condition I'm thankful we got that kind of king who doesn't want to humiliate us and wouldn't want people to see our art shame just go to Jericho when somebody offends you listen now just go to Jericho and stay sweet your beard will grow back your beard your respect will come back your honor will come back your authority is coming I know what they did was bad but calm down calm down it'll all come back it'll grow back don't get mad don't get angry don't seek vengeance if you just stay sweet everything's gonna get better it's gonna work for your good just keep the right spirits go to Jericho the sweet place and stay sweet stay at Jericho till your beard comes back I promise you everything's gonna be alright it's so hard to stay sweet when we get offended the natural person just wants to get in a shouting match get in a fight you cut my rear in and exposed it I'm gonna do something even worse to you here I go and we want to go after and retaliate the King said you go to Jericho you stay sweet till your beard grows back I think of Romans 14 right here dearly beloved avenge not yourselves neither give place to wrath for vengeance is mine I will repay says the Lord two things God says are mine in the scriptures the tithe is mine and vengeance is mine and don't you touch either one it belongs to God and God alone and you need to understand that God doesn't take offense lightly that what God was saying and what David said to these men go to Jericho and stay sweet when you get offended if you won't render evil for evil if you won't attack and give them as good as they gave it if you will be quiet and go to the sweet place and just calm down your beards gonna grow back turn to your neighbor and say your beards gonna grow back tell a woman near you your beard is gonna grow back I know they insulted you I know they humiliated you but all it is is words you've been in a hussy over words you've been all upset over everything that you are they may have insulted it but it doesn't change who you are it's growing back already if you'll be quiet and what about getting them back vengeance is mine you stay in the sweet place and you know what happens next the Bible said in second Kings are our second Samuel I think his seventh chapter or the sixth chapter it said that David told Joab to take some mighty men while they were in the sweet place I'm telling you God watches the stuff folks God watches when we get offended and he's any saying we're gonna see if they're gonna Peck around in the barnyard for another ten years and let him go around the wilderness again or we're gonna see if they don't have the right spirit this time and if they'll stay sweet in Jericho and let their beard grow back what I'm gonna do is I'm going to turn around and I the Lord God the king will take out my vengeance it won't be their vengeance it'll be my vengeance see this is this is something we don't understand God is individuals he even said in one place it would be better for you to take cinderblocks with change like the Mafia does people and throw them and throw you into the ocean if you offend one of my little ones meaning one of the least ones in the kingdom anybody who offends them if they stay sweet if they don't take out vengeance if they don't do what what what they naturally want to do but they trust me and say God that person really hurt me and it was unjust but I put them in your hands God said you better know I take that offense so serious vengeance is mine and I won't say this vengeance is a righteous act of God hit nobody's going to get by with nothing as a matter of fact I'm going to show you how holy vengeance is when it's placed in God's hands our job is to say when we're offended and somebody has truly done us wrong Lord I'm going to stay sweet help me to stay sweet please let my beard grow back I've been insulted and hurt but I'm gonna stay right here you got me covered back up you're working on everything I don't worry about my reputation and I don't have to defend myself I'm gonna let you you Lord deal with that person I put I put I put their situation and their injustice in your hands and I trust you you're the god of vengeance now watch this I think it's revelation 20:1 the Bible said that in heaven the martyrs were under the altar and they were crying out those who had been unjustly killed were crying out in heaven avenge us of our blood now if vengeance is wrong that means sin is in heaven because there are there are slain Christians in heaven whose blood comes up before the throne saying avenge us and God says I will avenge I will avenge so the point is this if you will stay sweet and you will go to Jericho and you'll stay calm and you won't cuss people out and you won't get throw fits and you won't go into rage but you'll stay sweet let your beard grow back God then just like David sent Joab and the army and the Bible said they wipe them out folks God's vengeance is greater than your vengeance and God when he when he repays your enemies he will do it in such a degree that you'll find yourself then this is true I can think of situations like this where I had I don't always pass this test but every once in a while I do and when I do go to Jericho and just decided I won't do it I'll shut up the Vengeance of God on a person can be so great that you'll find yourself saying Lord that's enough please please please your judgment is so your vengeance is much more than what I would have put on that person that's why in the Bible I Jesus on the cross said Father forgive them this is the highest level they know not what they do that's why Stephen when he was stoned and said lay it not to there when he was being stoned lay it not to their charge because I'm saying to you today God always repays he is a god of vengeance and all he's asking you to do is stay sweet and give the Vengeance part to him and quit talking about it quit being angry about it quit letting it obsess your life and let it go woe unto them that offend Exodus 25 and 13 said that the Philistines listen to this the Philistines worked by revenge through old hatred if you'll put that up Exodus 20:5 13 they they work by revenge that ain't it they work by revenge through old hatred that's a powerful statement through old hatred they weren't by revenge with old age do you know how many families is old hatred because they don't even know why they don't like each other why their side of the family don't speak to that side of the family it's old hatred and the feliss things we're always working by revenge out of old hatred for the Israelites and I'm saying to you that if we don't watch it our families can become like the Hatfields and the McCoys that generation after generation after generation there's this fighting stuff going on and at some point we need to go to Jericho we need to shut up about it and let God deal with it and move on and I want to close with this I talked about unforgiveness for just a moment when you when you get in a place of offense and unforgiveness it's like a tumor it's like a tumor of unforgiveness you can act like you you don't have it but everywhere you go everybody else sees it you look like The Hunchback of Notre Dame but you're acting your Bible praise the Lord and when you get the tumor of unforgiveness here's the reason why people say they can't forgive I can't forgive and get rid of this and you know it's big and it's it's it's uncomfortable and is sore power and sometimes when people touch that part of your life you overreact because it's so sensitive and your children touched it and it wasn't what they did it's that's been there and it's gotten infected and every every time somebody does something you're fighting with your husband but it's not about that argument it's about that they touch that you're fighting with your children but they touch that and the reason that people say they can't get rid of the tumor of unforgiveness and offense they say number one I can't forgive them because what they did to me is too big well it looks like that's why you'd want to get rid of it the bigger it is the bigger the thing you carry in your soul this is what you've got going on if you can see yourself spiritually and the bigger the offense the more you need to get rid of it well time will heal it I'll just ignore it and it'll go away you'll care that the rest of your life it ain't gonna go away you're not just gonna wake up and it's gonna fall off in the shower it's gonna be there well I'll forgive when they ask me and say that they're sorry and tell me they're sorry then I'll forgive well notice that they're at Six Flags and you're going around like this and you're waiting on them to come ask you before you get rid of this that's in you last one I'll forgive and I would forgive but I know what will happen they'll just do it again well that's a huge incentive to forgive if they're going to do it again that just means you gonna have enough over here so why don't you gone and get rid of this one and if they do it again you'll get it again but get rid of that one you sure don't want four or five or six of these and somebody else you got them in your knees and everywhere else you need to go to Jericho I conclude with this 1993 Delta Force United States Army in East Africa a place called Somalia is the biggest gunfight since Vietnam they were going in to nab a drug lord and suddenly the Black Hawk helicopter that they were going in on was shot with a ground-to-air missile our soldiers were killed many of them in their bodies were dragged through the streets the opposing army screaming and celebrating they sent in a team to recover those bodies in the men that might have survived and they became under tremendous fire hundreds and hundreds outnumbered thousands outnumbered and gunfire coming ak-47s from every direction if you've seen the movie Black Hawk Down this is a story I'm talking about in the book they tell about being pinned into a building and gunfire coming from every direction and the soldier in charge the captain turns to a lieutenant and he says get in the truck we've got to get out of here get in the truck and drive and the response of the lieutenant is but captain I'm shot and the answer of the captain is a classic he said everybody's shot shut up get in the truck and drive we're all wounded we're all offended we've all been shot we've all had somebody do something to us shut up meaning don't whine don't complain quit feeling sorry for yourself enough victimization get over it we're all bleeding we all got bullet holes we all have been wounded Paul didn't get ahead he lost his head shut up get in the car and drive he said none of these things move me I'm more than a conqueror and I don't give up Joe lost everything and everybody and he said I still praise the God who gives everything and when he's given I'll praise Him and when he's taken away I'll praise him so you just need to get in the truck and shut up whining and drive gone move forward you're gonna be wounded you're gonna be wounded the number-one goal the enemy is to get you mad at God you're not the only one bleeding you're not the only one that's been hit you're not the only one that's got bullet holes in you you're not the only one that your own family has attacked you and wounded you but you can't lay down in self-pity and die get in the truck and drive x14 exhort those to continue in the faith that we must through much tribulation enter the kingdom of God he's saying you're gonna get there but not without much tribulation offenses are going to come it's impossible for you not to take gunfire don't get comfortable with your religion to where you think you are exempt from what I'm preaching John 16 jesus said in this world you will have tribulation we're all shot shut up and drive we don't quit we don't draw back proverbs 24 and 10 says if you faint in the day of adversity your strength is small I love that verse if you quit when the gun fires coming when everything's being hit all around you that's when everything in us says I give up I quit I'm done I'm not I'm gone this is the end phooey on this but the Bible said that if you faint in the day of adversity your strength is small not your not the person who offended you your strength Paul Harvey talked about a man suing his own mom and dad because he was so ugly his ground of suing them was if you couldn't do better than this you shouldn't have had any kids always somebody else's fault I can't stand those kind of people always at some point if you quit your strength is small turn to your neighbor and say shut up get in the truck and drive Stace we go to Jericho if you don't know where to go I'll tell you where to drive that truck to go to Jericho stay sweet stay kind people rip you off people steal from you people do you're wrong don't get bitter don't get angry don't get hate-filled go to Jericho watch God if you'll stay sweet watch God watch him defend you watch him bring revenge vengeance like you cannot imagine when you do the right thing the struggle is real but so is the blessing want you to give God a great praise right now in your tribulation gunfire going off stand up on your feet lift up your hands at every campus lift them high right you stay calm lift your voice don't get quiet raise your voices there god I'm not rooting here I'm not dying here here I'm not giving up our eyes that even the opposition is giving me lift it's going to raise me up it's going to cause me to go to a higher place I'm gonna mount up with wings as Eagles I couldn't get there without the opposition it's the it's the opposition that brings the revelation I'm writing a book right now and almost finished riesen tower it's gonna be it's a big gonna be a big deal I think I hope publisher think so so we'll see but it's so funny that the very stuff that I'm riding on seems like that's what we're going through and I know that I know that I know this this kind of message is what we need that the enemy wants you mad at God mad at people mad at others and then ultimately to get you defeated enough to quit but I'm not gonna quit and when I get to heaven God will wipe every tear from my butt in this life see there's another revelation we shout over that part he'll wipe the tears but in this life you gonna cry over some things but God one day I'll say you remember that watch this his hand will wipe every tear from our eyes Wow now here's my altar call today at every campus if you are carrying an offense if somebody has done you wrong and you could justifiably lay out a case remember the message I preached a few weeks ago about the ledger sheet you just you you I mean you have time date you got it all down everything my daughter Connor is sitting down here on the front row let me close with this but it's great to have Connor with us she's usually out in California she's going to school out there and stuff and I called my daughter's called Connor and Carissa the other day a few weeks ago and something was going on and somebody they were in a conflict some very thing like I'm preaching just was just wrong she's wrong what was going on but it was just wrong and so I started preaching my little sermon to him about Jesus said seventh on the phone Jesus said you got to forgive seventy times seven I said that's God's mathematical deal it's not about keeping count it's about it's not about what is it it's not about it's not about it's not about keeping scores about losing count seventy times seventy and I kept I kept hammering that home but that when I when I first called him that both um at the same time by the time it was done they were scum the presence of God came on the phone call they turn sit on the phone you're right you're right you're right I hate it when my children use sermons against me because here's what they did they were in New York City when this happened and they went and and they got some tiny little tattoos and guess what it said seventy times seven they got the numbers right there right there on their little arm and they text it back to me I said tell your mother and they blamed it on me that's it and so now me and Cherise have decided that we're going to join the 70 times 7 Club and I guess we're going to get one somewhere net and you gonna leave the church over that go right ahead whatever I got you I got you I'll look at you your Irian as you're leaving and also 70 times 7 Church of 5 people I tell you they get on my nerves that means something to me I want to be reminded every time I'm done wrong seventy times seven seventy times seven seventy times seven praise God I run the spirit of religion out of here I'm not interested in your stupid staff that's your conviction keep it I would I would never I've never had a tattoo uh you've heard Dale saying you don't put bumper stickers on a Ferrari come on now but but I've never had one I've never had one but the Lords I believe impressed me on that one that's my personal conviction you were about you and he said you need to be reminded of this the rest of your life that your calm is seventy times seven to forgive over and over and over and over again and if you're here today and you would say pastor Jenson I need to get free from an offense somebody's done me wrong maybe you've done somebody wrong I'm sure you have this is the altar call today if you know this message is for you get out of your seat come stand down here right now come on come on at every campus don't hesitate don't wait don't play holy games don't act like you got it all together you know what you are you know what you have it if you could see yourself this is what you look like to God come on come on come on no more games no time to play games no time to we come to church we put on our religious mass we go through the same old services God's wanting to do something that can remove the tumor of offense and unforgiveness but we sit in our pride and disobey today's your day come on friend at every campus get out of that seat today is your day come on down come on down this is awesome clap your hands Church this is God it this is God at work this is what it's all about this is big stuff if we can't get this right Jesus said by this shall all men know that you're my disciples that you have loved not that you what you wear you don't wear not how your rules by this shall all men know that you are my disciples that you have love one for another that you love your enemies that you do good to them seventy times seven hallelujah raise your hands all over this room let's pray this prayer together if you don't know Jesus Christ as your Savior right where you are at any of our campuses pray this prayer out loud Heavenly Father I come to you in the name of Jesus thank you that on the cross you forgave me of every offense you took in your body my tumor of sin a bitterness of offense and unforgiveness and today I receive your forgiveness and I ask you now to remove every tumor of offense and unforgiveness take it out of me I'm going to Jericho I choose to go to that sweet place give me a sweet spirit give me a right spirit give me a holy spirit help me to be kind help me to be gentle help me to be chaste in my words help me to be careful what I say set a watch over my lips I release that person into your hands I trust you to deal justly and I release you Oh God I release you to do what you do vengeance is yours it's not mine I'd give it up therefore I have no reason to be angry with that person I put it in your hands and I'll let your anger and your vengeance deal with it the way you see fit you're a good god you're a just God and you know how to deal justly so I put it in your hands come on do it I put it in your hands look at me just one moment you to do something I want you to reach in this may seem silly but it's not and I want you to take that tumor of that situation and I want you to put it in God's hands and then I want you to throw your hands up and say I'm free I'm free in Jesus name now go to praising in just a minute go to thinking in just a minute this see this healing receive His mercy and give his healing forgiveness forgiveness I'll be free from Jesus Marty Jesus Martin you he's a smarty named now say this starting right now reach up and touch your face I feel a little stabby my beard is growing back God's going to rebuild my name got any any defamation I've gone through any injustice that's come to my family name God's gonna restore it it's gonna be it's gonna be better than before Sam will stay sweet he's sewing up my garment everything's covered everything's covered and in Jesus name I am free do you receive that today do you receive that today if you do a miracle happen you're free say it one more time I'm free and now may the Lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace thank you so much for worshiping with us we'll see you Wednesday night we'll see you next Sunday Father's Day I get to preach I hope you'll bring everybody you can you're going to hear part two of this message and I'll save the best for last don't miss next Sunday Father's Day very very powerful day if you're visiting I'd love to meet and greet you I'm going to stay down here in the front write it down here on the main floor down here and if you're visiting I don't have anywhere to go or anything to do come down and say hello we'd love to say hi thank you for being with us God bless you go in the name of the Lord we hope that you feel encouraged after hearing today's message and listen we want to hear from you we want to pray with you and see God move in your life so you can do one of two things you can either submit your prayer requests using using the Online Campus webpage or you can do so via social media whether you follow us on Instagram or Facebook you can submit your prayer requests and we want to pray with you and see God move in your life but if you're asking yourself what's next after today's message if you haven't done so already sign up for s OD online you can go to free chapel dot o RG /s o d online and you can sign up today and don't miss out on this opportunity to grow in your faith with Christ it's a four phase discipleship program that I promise will change your life so again that's free chapel dot o-r-g /s OD online but we love you so much we're thrilled that you join us here today at free chapel and we'll see you next Sunday morning you you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 450,506
Rating: 4.8039703 out of 5
Keywords: Free Chapel, Church, Jentezen Franklin, Sunday, Chrisitan, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Worship, Music, Live, Sermon, Message, Inspiration, Education, Love, God, Overcoming Offense, Jentezen Franklin sermons, jentezen franklin live, free chapel live, free chapel online, opposition, offense, Forgiveness, emotions, peace
Id: 2oJd1FbM4ME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 47sec (2567 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2017
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