What Great Faith Can Do | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] let's really lift up the mighty praise to the lord right now with you in the name of jesus this is the house of miracles praise god praise god praise god praise god lord stretch forth your hand to heal we make room for healing we make room for miracles we make room for your spirit to breathe on us to give dreams and visions and callings we ask it all in the name of jesus now give the lord a mighty praise everybody lord you deserve the glory you deserve the praise you deserve the shout you've been deserved the hand claps god you're good you're good thank you lord you know no matter what you face there are some sure things that never change that you have to remind yourself of especially when you hit challenging times you have to believe this to your core i was thinking about this early this morning here's what i know about god there are a lot of things i don't understand and i don't know and i don't know why but this is what i know about god and this is what i remind myself always about god number one he is good he's not mean he's not angry he's good number two he really does love me and you he knows everything about you he's good and he loves you number three i reminded myself this morning he is faithful [Applause] oh yes he is he's good he loves me say it he's good somebody ought to write a song about this right here he's good he loves me he's faithful and here's the last thing the lord said to me early this morning he said and don't you ever forget i don't care what it looks like i'm working all things together for the good i'm working all things together for the good now raise your hands and shout with triumph unto the good the faithful the loving god who is working all things together the tragedies the suffering the questions the not knowings he's still good he's still faithful [Music] he still loves me and he's still working it for good i believe it to my core i believe it and that's how you overcome you believe that smile at three people around you welcome to all of you online welcome to all of you at all of our campuses i want to give a special greeting this morning to orange county i know that you're joining us there also what a joy to preach there last sunday and to be with you again we're coming to you live out of gainesville right now god bless you jesus is in the house and we're excited about what god is doing well tonight at six o'clock as you pulled up if you're at our gainesville campus and all of you at our other campuses this is a this is kind of like a i don't know i don't know what you could call i guess you could call it camp meeting sunday or something but we're going to have a praise party tonight outside in the amphitheater at six o'clock i want every teenager every college student every young person i want every mom every dad every grandparent i want us if ever america needed a praying praising crawling out crying out to god church it's in the hour that we're in and i don't think it's by chance that this just so happened to fall that we have sean foyt and his band and movement really called let us worship they he's going to tell you about them i'll let him do that but i want him to i want him to come we're delighted that he came to be with us this morning but at six o'clock his whole band will be out in the amphitheater they're doing these concerts and really it's not a concert it is a worship miracle time of praise and rejoicing where thousands upon thousands of people are getting born again and healed and delivered it's revival it sounds like revival it feels like revival and it is revival and it's come to our city today and it's worth driving from atlanta from coming from spartanburg uh i would say orange county but i'm scared too cause some of you are that hungry for god out there that you'd get in your car and try to make it and be over by the time you got here but would you give a warm welcome to sean floyd he is an amazing evangelist pastor uh i guess he would be i don't know worship leader servant of the most high god we love you sean i believe in you so honored to have you and your team the whole team is going to be with us tonight kind of tell the people just keep playing a moment just kind of tell the people what you uh how this thing got started because it was it was not a bunch of hype and marketing that made this movement it's a movement what happened well uh for the last 20 years i've i've spent a lot of my time in the persecuted church across the world so in in north korea and iraq afghanistan saudi arabia underground church in china and i really didn't give a rip about america to be honest until things started to get crazy and i have four little kids and you know when the pandemic happened and everything shut down i saw some of the same kind of uh persecution oppression and really uh the the kind of the goliath taunting spirit against the church that i witnessed in the persecuted nations in the world and it kind of came to a head when our governor interesting guy in california told us we could no longer sing in church and that's what i was like okay it's on it's on if there ever was a time we need to worship while suicide rates are soaring while fear is going out across america while cities are burning and violence and unrest this is the hour we need to worship and so we took a stand we gathered on the golden gate bridge we didn't know if anyone would show up i felt like it was symbolic and prophetic of the western gate of america an iconic symbol 400 people gathered with me on the bridge we were in the wind i had my guitar it was out of tune and crazy and we just began to prophesy over america we said a new jesus people movement is coming to this nation there is a revival the enemy overplayed his hand in 2020 and god's turning it around so here we are 132 cities since and isn't that amazing 132 cities jeez and they've been in cities like seattle portland south chicago where nobody will go everybody's scared to go but they go in they throw up a stage they put up a sound system and they begin to sing about a man named jesus in a place called calvary and the blood that he shed and thousands last night in nashville over 4 000 showed up thousands and thousands of people are coming from everywhere to worship god i love the fact that you came from missions you have a mission background and particularly the persecuted church i know with the news this week that we're all grieving uh the 13 amazing soldiers that gave their life uh in a horrible disastrous attack on our soldiers thank god that even in between services another suicide bomber attempt was made but a sniper took the man out that was going to blow up the marines in our camp again and would thank god for that um but you you you've been you've been on the ground in afghanistan and you have many connections in that nation have you been talking with pastors since all that's been going on in the chaos in the yeah i mean i i i want to give some good news to you guys this morning how many need some good news you know i i don't think things needed to to happen like this i'm very frustrated like probably so many of you but in the midst of this god's working and we've found out this week um you know there's an underground church in afghanistan it's thriving it's probably the second or third fastest growing church in the world and it's true and and every time the enemy comes in and we saw in the late 80s in iran with the ayatollah we saw it in iraq with isis i was there before isis during isis now after isis we have a presence on the ground every time that strict intense islamic sharia law crazy demonic stuff gets unleashed people run and turn to jesus and it happens everywhere and i have a praise report from afghanistan that there's one church on the outskirts of kabul that has i think it's 200 they had 250 people in their underground network and over the last two weeks they've grown to over 3 000 people the gates of hell will not prevail you know you know what blesses me and challenges me about you and your ministry and what you'll be doing tonight i mean to go into those areas and even the areas that you've been going into you've had y'all you guys have been attacked you've been you've had antifa and different ones just tried to beat you and hurt you and blood by witches thrown on you i'm not making this up satanist showing up surrounding them and they just sing in praise right through it and god moves but you're a father of four children you have a beautiful wife why would you go to places like afghanistan why would you go to dangerous places where you can see isis from a distance and know that that you can't blend in your blue eyes and your long blonde hair cannot blend in in the middle east you know i just remember reading stories as a kid and and in sunday school and all the sunday school teachers out there y'all are heroes so you know you guys are heroes i remember reading stories about you know jehoshaphat and worshipping and and and ambushes were sent against the camp of the enemy and gideon worshipping and and and jericho the walls coming down and i remember just thinking as a kid man i want to see that in my life i don't care about labels and gold records and dev awards or whatever like i want to see the power of god manifest in my generation i want to see the things we sing about i want to see them become reality in my generation and that's what drove me you know that's what still drives me because we can't let these cities like portland and seattle and chicago we can't just throw them out washington dc we're going to be there in two weeks god orchestrated us to have a permit on september 11th for such a time as this we have a permit on the national mall and we get to host a worship prayer and revival service on the national mall we get to do this in our day and i just feel like we got to for the sake of our children for the future of america the worshipers got to rise up yes and i know this because we we talked some he sent a check this week for 250 000 to secure that site and all that it would take the first deposit the deposit just the deposit 250 thousands of the dance floor the the turf coverage was 94 000. because they're too afraid they're afraid we danced too much you called it the dance floor i love that i love that and before he leaves here this ministry is going to bless his ministry and help him how many of you believe if ever on 9 11 we needed a praise party in washington d.c it's in this hour that is prophetic we love you we can't wait till six o'clock tonight he's going to slip out he was in the first service i want you to go you don't have to you want to take care you preach this man can pray i'm going to sit right here and listen to him preach okay well i tried to get you out but somebody said do me that way no you sit down and be still if you have your bibles i'd like for you to open them with me isn't that a joy to have sean and let us worship we are privileged we are honored and i believe god's up to something powerful i really believe that it's not just a one day event or night concert something's going to break through in this region and in this state can we believe for the state of georgia to be hit with revival why not why not somebody say today i don't i don't even want to wait till 6. what about right now glory i'm reading from matthew the seventh chapter and a certain centurion servant verse two who was dear to him some translations say whom he loved was sick and ready to die so when he heard about jesus he sent elders of the jews to him pleading with him to come and heal his servant when they came to jesus he begged him earnestly saying that the one for whom he should do this they said was deserving or he's worthy listen to the reason verse 5 for he loves our nation and he has built us a synagogue these are the elders of israel saying this is why he's worthy is he loves the nation and he's built as churches we would say then jesus went with them and when he was already not far from the house the centurion sent friends to him saying to him lord do not trouble yourself i am not worthy that you should enter into my roof therefore i did not even think myself worthy to come to you but speak the word say the word and my servant will be healed for i also am a man placed under authority having soldiers under me and i say the one come and he comes and one go and he goes and one do this and do that and they do it listen to verse 9 when jesus heard these things he marveled at him it's the only place in all the bible that's found he marveled at him it didn't happen for any of the disciples it didn't happen for any of the miracles it didn't happen for any other occasion in all the holy bible where god marveled at him who was him a centurion a roman soldier he marveled at him and turned around and said to the crowd that followed him i say to you i have not found such great faith not even in israel and those who were sent returned to the house and the servant was well who had been sick this amazing story happened as jesus walked off of preaching perhaps the most famous sermon he would ever preach the sermon on the mount the sermon of beatitudes he had just taught one of the great things of that message to love your enemies to do good to those who oppress you and now he walks off of that sermon platform in the mountains of the northern part of jerusalem and he walks into his hometown of capernaum and the elders of israel come and they say go to this roman soldier's house and pray for his servant pray for him because he loves this country pray for him because he's given enormous resources and build us a synagogue and he's not even one of us he's a gentile he's a roman soldier a part of the people who are oppressing and who are are absolutely over stepping over and on us and we are under their dominion and control and jesus said just talk love your enemies jesus said just talk pray for those who do wrong and now it's kind of like i guess he might have thought well i just preached that i might as well go but it's interesting that the thing that they came and said he's worthy of a miracle because he loves our nation number one we ought to love israel number two and he's built our church he's given of his enormous resources and we wouldn't have our synagogue without this man using the resources that that that he has and a church is our synagogue was just where the law was taught it's just where the morality and the morals of the old testament were taught the ten commandments were taught the five books of the old testament were taught and he liked that he liked that better than the religion of the romans and what i want you to understand is there's three quick things that cause this man to stand out this is what great faith can do that's what i'm preaching on this is what great faith can do this man had three things that caught the attention of jesus and called him to cause him to marvel the word marvel means to be astonished the word marvel means to be amazed and to stand in awe one translation said to take the breath away can you imagine god in the skin a human man veiled in flesh was so moved not by a preacher not by a disciple not by a rabbi not by a scholar of the torah not by someone who who who performed great miracles but a man who was not even i want to call him a non-religious man exercised so much faith in what jesus who he was and what he was able to do that jesus said i'm not impressed with titles and i'm not impressed with religion and i'm not impressed with how many scriptures you can quote and how many praise songs you sing that you really don't mean because you really don't believe that god will do anything that he hasn't that was beyond normal but when he saw a non-religious guy look at him and say don't come to my house they said he's worthy but he said i'm not worthy and the closer i get to you because as jesus started getting close to his house the closer you get to jesus anything in you that's proud in anything in you that's arrogant and anything inside of you that says i'm worthy look at me i'm wonderful god ought to bless me i don't understand why you haven't answered my prayer i did this i gave my dad i did that i did that i did that any the closer you get to jesus the more you see your own sinfulness and the more you see his holiness and the more you understand i'm not worthy you're the worthy lamb that was slain and everything i get i deserve only because of your blood and the cross and the death and the resurrection of jesus christ i don't deserve anything well we've been going to church all these years and god ought to do something for you don't deserve anything all of your righteousness is his filthy rags but when you look at him and you say his blood deserves a miracle his blood deserves my family being saved his on his suffering on the cross absolutely is worthy of a healing in my life worthy is the lamb and when this man a non-religious man said when jesus was getting close to his house noticed what he loved he loved this country he loved the country that he was in i just want to pause and i want to say i still love america i still love the red white and blue i still get tears in my eyes when i see a mother get a flag and know that her son died for their name i still love the national anthem and i stand for it and put my hand on my heart i'm not ashamed to say i love this is the greatest nation in the world there's none like it he loved the nation he was in notice what else he loved he loved the church and he gave to build it of himself boy when you love the church and you love your nation and i know in that text it was talking about the nation of israel but i don't think there's anything wrong especially when you've had a week like we've had that we remind ourselves with all of our bad history and flaws and mess-ups and injustices this is still all you gotta do is go to afghanistan all you gotta do is go to haiti all you gotta do is go somewhere in the world where there's no freedom like russia and you will appreciate the fact that we can raise our hands and we can speak the name of jesus and not worry about our families being imprisoned or worse take a praise break and thank god for our nation i love our nation and i love my church come on do you love your church i'm just going to preach a minute we better get up and get back in church we better get up and announce with our physical presence i love my church and he loved his servant what kind of person marvels jesus astonishes jesus number one a person who has great love for his country for israel for not only that but he loved he he he loved the synagogue he loved the church he loved it it was the center we ought to we ought to make church it still ought to be something we cherish and then he loved his servant i read something interesting this week when i was looking into this a centurion was someone who was over at least a hundred soldiers that were under him a centurion in the roman army was someone who was not allowed to be married when he was elevated to that position it meant that he would give up the right to be married and have a family because he knew eventually he would be sent to foreign soul because the roman empire was ever expanding and he would be required to stay and be stationed at that place for up to 20 years never to come back home from that place that he had been assigned to and so servants and people that he took with him became like family to them often one commentary said they were their family and so when one of his servants whom he loved got sick he loved him and jesus was astonished and marveled at this man because of his great love but secondly his great humility because the elder said he's worthy for you to go in his house and do a miracle but the man said in the text i didn't even feel worthy to come to you and now that you're coming to me i don't feel worthy that you would come under my roof i got a sneaky suspicion he probably was thinking to himself i've got i've got altars and images and statues to gods that i burn incense and make blood sacrifices to just like all the romans did they're all in my home they're all out in my yard and in my garden i i worship all kinds of gods and he's a holy he is god in the flesh he is i i sense this is this is the god of all gods the king of all kings and i'm not worthy that he would come in that's humility humility says lord i'm not worthy but you're worthy and then lastly he had great faith and when jesus approached his house and they told him what the man said he said just tell him to speak the word only and my servant will be healed what he was saying was i know who you are and jesus the bible said did something that the angels couldn't make him do the sun the moon the stars could not make him do nobody in the scriptures made him do nothing that happened in all of creation made him marvel it never says after he'd created something or he did something or he performed some miracle and god marveled on his throne the only time that god almighty marveled is when he saw a non-religious man who recognized who he was behind that veil of flesh listen and the power of his spoken word to do what he said it would do and the bible said that it took the breath away of jesus for a moment it stunned him it astounded him and god or jesus marveled he stepped back and said wow not in all of israel with all these religious people have i ever seen faith like this the only thing that can make god be astonished and and stun god and marvel god is a mere man who recognizes who he is and that the power of what he says he can make it happen and he said go because your servant is healed and they went back and the servant was healed a non-religious man believed and it marveled jesus a mere man could make god almighty marvel and when jesus marvels it ought to make us meditate on why anybody that can marvel god blow god's mind i want to know why i want to know how can a i mean i i fast 21 days god doesn't marvel i pray and read my bible and bring my tithe god doesn't marvel and here's a guy who's not even half nothing he's a non-religious guy but he just believes i love that god says you don't have to impress me with your religious stuff that's all good it's disciplines it's all but it's all about believing in who i am and what i have promised you even when you're suffering i can make it happen even when it doesn't look good i can turn it around even when you have no answers and you have no no hope almost you still believe that makes god marvel when joshua fought five different armies and the sun started going down that same spirit came on him and this brash captain looked up at the sun setting and he knew that i've got the enemy on the run and when the sun goes down they're going to get away and they're going to keep coming back and attacking me and my family and my nation and my people and so he prays a bold prayer in joshua chapter 10. he said in the sight of all of israel he prayed son stand thou steal and moon stand still and the sun stood still about a whole day until the people had avenged themself of their enemy and there was no day like that before and after that the lord hearken unto the voice of a man the son didn't make god marvel a mere man who who made the big ask who had the boldness and the courage to look up at the sun and say to the sun that god created i'm a man set under authority and i've got a name that i can call on the god who hung that sun i want you to make it stand still and god stopped the universal orbit for one man i don't know what's in orbit i don't know what's moving and you think it's unstoppable but when you stand up and you say but lord i don't have to have you come into my house and see a vision of you glory at night you just send the word you give me a promise and i'll take that promise and i'll go against all the orbit of everything coming around and i'll stand and say stand still let the word come and bring to pass what god has promised somebody praise god that only you and i can make god marvel i want you right now just to look over at somebody and pat your chest and say i can make god be astonished i can astonish jesus i can marvel god i can this morning when i believe his word above what i see and what i feel glory listen to what the bible said in hebrews 11 by faith we understand the world's refrained by the word of god so we understand that the things that are made are made of things which do not appear everything that is here is original and they appeared by things that we can't see that's god all things were created in heaven and in earth all things were created for him and by him visible and invisible whether there be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers he is before all things and he is and he and by him all things consist how in the world can you marvel and astonish and stun and take away the breath of a god who just created it all he just he just opened his mouth and said let there be in the spittle from his mouth created galaxies and this planet and he hung this earth on nothing job said he hung the world on nothing you can't hang your hat on nothing but god took nothing made it into something and then hung it on nothing and then he turns around and spins his finger and all of a sudden everything's moving it's just really amazing when you think about it this 8 000 mile wide ball that we call earth rotating at 1 000 miles per hour while soaring around the sun at 67 000 miles per hour and when you're standing or sitting still even if you don't move for 24 hours and you just sit your blessed assurance in that seat the whole time you have moved every 24 hours one and a half million miles a day and the one who controls all things and spoke it and when he created it and he put it all out there he never marveled about that the magnificent earth full of mystery and beauty sea life plant life uh animal life human life the physical body the earth is just his footstool the star tares is able to swallow up 64 million suns greater than the one sun that we have over earth the star epsilon is 3 000 times the size of our sun our closest star to planet earth is 26 trillion miles away the featherest star is 59 trillion miles away we are just a speck planet earth in the big picture of all of god's creation but none of that stuff marvels god none of that stuff astonishes god god is not impressed as a matter of fact this blows my mind when god got ready to take credit for all creation he and any and he wanted to mention i made the stars too this is what he said he used five words he made the stars also no big deal i created all living thing and by the way just as a footnote i made the stars also that's how big and bad i am so nothing nothing in this universe made god marvel but when a man when a woman when a mother when a dad when a teenager when a young person stands up and says i believe what god has spoken to me he's going to bring the past god says oh my goodness i'm astonished they believe it they don't just say it they believe it they don't just sing it they believe it does anybody want to astonish jesus believing his word hallelujah when you stand and you say lord i'm still confident i don't see it i don't feel it i don't understand it i don't have answers but i'm still confident i still trust you i still praise you i still honor you you make jesus christ be astonished and stunned seized parting the the red sea becoming like jell-o i'm sure there was a little snotty-nosed kid in the in the children of israel when they were walking through on dry ground they had to poke it one time and it was it was just it would just tremble and shake like jello standing up on both sides and they're walking across but god did not marvel a donkey opened his mouth and and preached to the prophet balaam and god did not marvel a whale swallowed a man for three days and spit him up afterwards and he came out like a like a raisin with no hair and all shriveled up and and came out preaching no eyebrows you know all those acids had eaten everything away and he's just that he looked like some kind of weirdo but he repent i would have repented if i saw that but god did not marvel an axe head doing the backstroke across the jordan river and god did not marvel a bush burning and lighting up in the wilderness and saying take off your shoes shoes shoes shoes you're standing on holy ground ground ground i would marvel but burning bushes didn't marvel god 26 000 tons of manna every morning at the tent door of the israelites for 40 years didn't marvel god water coming out of rocks didn't marvel god dead men being raised like lazarus didn't marvel god but when someone says lord speak the word only and i don't know how you're gonna provide i don't know how you're gonna deliver i don't know how you're gonna work a miracle but i believe in you and your ability to get it done come on somebody with a shout of praise the devil didn't think you'd come to church and praise god like you're praising him that makes heaven marvel oh jehoshaphat got a bad bad letter from sennacherib evil king he said i've got 600 chariots of iron and i'm going to run all over you he sent it in a letter he took the letter to the temple put it on the altar looked up to heaven and said god we we got mail because you put me here and i know you're good and i know you're faithful and i know you love me and i don't understand this attack and i don't understand this letter i don't understand this x-ray i don't understand this news i don't understand these dark days but i know you're working all things together for the good and so god said well i'll tell you what to do jehoshaphat take the praise singers and tell them to get out on the front line don't send any weapons with them just give them a tambourine and give them a harp and give them a violin give them a guitar and a saxophone and and and and tell them to get out there and do nothing but talk about how good i am and how merciful i am and how i'm a generational god and my mercy endures from one generation to another don't care what the times bring don't care what the culture brings don't care what time what evil brings don't care what antichrist wants to bring bring it on greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world [Applause] and the bible said when they got out there and they started praising god that's why what we're going to do tonight that's why what we're doing in here it's more than the loud annoying person behind you while you're trying to soak it all in no sometimes you don't understand that's a former alcoholic that's a former jail bird that's the one on your right over there look at him he's a former alcoholic that one was a manic depressive that one was lost that one was sick and dyna coveted but here they are in church this morning you don't know why people are so noisy you need to leave them alone maybe the bible said rejoice with them that rejoice uh oh that means if anybody on your rose starts rejoicing you have a biblical mandate to jump in and say i don't even know what we're shouting about but let's go let's go let's go that includes the balcony let's go that includes coming in spartanburg and midtown let's go orange county went in somewhere else stand to your feet one of the most touching stories in the bible to me especially with all that's going on in afghanistan do you understand what that man just said do you understand what he just said do you understand how the persecuted church this is not a game to them that if they are caught worshiping in cabal today they will be reported somebody will tell and their daughters could be kidnapped and given to some man to be raped and used the rest of her life never to hear the name of jesus again one of the most moving verses in the bible to me is when the first martyr was being stoned named stephen as they were hitting him with stones the same demon demons never die the same demon that hates christianity that is manifest with soldiers and with swords in their hands making christians on the beach get down and either deny jesus christ or be beheaded well there's a church in afghanistan right now somewhere in a basement and the calling on jesus and their worship in jesus and when stephen was being stoned the bible said every other place in the new testament you check me out where jesus is found after the crucifixion he's sitting at the right he's in heaven and he's sitting at the right hand of the father only one time does it say different and it's when stephen's being stoned and he looked up and the heavens opened and he saw jesus watch this standing you don't understand what i'm saying when you stand up for jesus you need to hear this when you stand up for jesus he'll stand up for you [Applause] i can't imagine the flag i've taken a lot of flack but i can't imagine the flag you're taken but oh man of god when you stand up for jesus look out god stands up for you we have the ability to marvel and astonish and stun god and make heaven stand up i heard a powerful story this week from a from a great great preacher friend of mine that takes and calls me every once in a while and he said he said that there was a missionary in his in his ministerial group who went to sri lanka which i believe is a part of india i don't i didn't even have time to check this but it's near near india and is it part of india i don't know does anybody know no so it's near its borders with india that's the way he told it and he said this pastor went there they had never had a christian church in this community never worshipping multiple gods statues if you've ever been there you know you know the culture and this guy goes in and he's preaching jesus name and he's baptizing the believers in the holy river that's dedicated to all those gods and they're getting saved and getting baptized and getting saved and getting baptized and this is what he said happened he said the priest in that area got so upset that they took poison and they snuck in in the cover of night and poured poison in his whale the water that the only water they have to drink to clean to cook to wash with he poured they poisoned the whale and someone a sympathizer from from from the community heard about it and came at four in the morning and slid a note up under the door and said don't drink the water it's poison and so that man called his bishop and he said what am i going to do and the bishop said let me pray about it and he prayed about it and called him a few hours later and he said i found in second kings chapter 3 a story of poison water in the bible and god told the prophet to pour salt in the water and then to drink it and he said that's what i want you to do true story i believe this man i know this man he don't he wouldn't he wouldn't make this up he said his friend went home got the phone call and told his wife and his children they got on their knees they prayed they heard from heaven listen to this he said they went outside and they pulled the bucket up and said that there were people that were watching and the priest had basically set up a a little camp across the street having a celebration and he pulls the water out and he says in the name of jesus if i drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt me and he drinks the water and his family drinks the water and nothing happened to him the people were astonished but wait a minute a few months later a massive drought hits that place and every whale in the city including all those priests whales they all dried up there was only one well that preacher called his bishop he said the whole city is lined up at my church every morning wanting water what happened one man heard a word from god and he stood on it and he astonished and marveled heaven and god said i'll stand by that man i i'll stand by that woman i'll stand by that grandmother i'll stand by that mother that son that takes a stand on what god has promised throw your hands up all over this room and with a mighty praise begin to cry out for your family cry out for our city cry out for our nation do i have any veterans do i have any soldiers who would dare love your country oh god send revival among our marines and revival among our soldiers oh god send revival to our cities send it to whole county send it to gainesville send it to this church send it to every church in this community oh god every denomination every move oh god we ask for your power to be poured out we believe we believe in the last days sons and daughters will prophesy we believe our household shall be saved we believe signs and wonders and miracles and there'll be light in the evening time we believe [Music] we believe [Music] here's what i feel i feel like right now every backslider every person addicted every person bound every person suicidal every person depressed every person hating themself every person cutting themselves every person torturing themselves every person feeling like you just wish you could die you almost hope you will get killed you can't stand your life i feel like if you'll get out of your seat if your heart is broken if your life is empty if you will get out of your seat and run to this altar there's a miracle you will astonish jesus you will get the attention of god your faith will cause heaven to stand up don't sit there don't stand there move out by faith move why sit there until you die move move come home come home [Music] [Music] needs to come teenager young person college student come on come on [Music] lift your hands and begin [Music] in worship god can give you a word [Music] say you don't understand everything's going wrong not right you don't understand nothing's changed you don't [Music] [Applause] with the understand i still believe though he slays [Applause] [Music] i want to give a second article i want every person in this room who needs a miracle in your home and your family and your physical body or someone that you love maybe you love somebody and they're sick and they're not able to be here get out of your seat and come on their behalf just like that man did you're sending for help you're sending forward maybe you've got a drug addict maybe you've got an alcoholic in your family maybe somebody's so depressed that you've got them on a suicidal watch get out of your seat and come on their behalf come believing come with hands raised come saying god pat your chest and say lord let my faith in your word not in myself but in your word i don't have faith in my faith i have faith in the worthy lamb of god let him marvel you let it stun you let it cause you to stagger oh god do it do it today now lift those hands we decree miracles we decree signs and wonders we decree angelic visitations we decree prophetic words we decree directions we decree ordered steps we decree open prison doors we decree chains dropping chains breaking lies of deception being peeled off in the name of jesus oh god the clamp of the enemy on the man break it break it break it i believe i believe break it do it suddenly do it suddenly [Music] [Music] marvel jesus [Music] [Music] worship this morning worship this morning no answers a marriage just run out of love worship no answers nowhere else to turn no more doctors to go to worship you can marvel [Music] great jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on oh on come on [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] this morning [Music] [Music] let me pray for you son come here lift your hands to jesus [Applause] [Music] this thing that's trying to take him out in jesus name i believe the blood loose loose lay your hands on him the miracle is in your house the same hour the same hours that the servant was healed [Music] i want heaven to stand up i want jesus to stand up i want heaven to be moved by raised hands and praise that just believes it because he said it [Music] sing at church let it come from your spirit [Music] say it again everybody in this house lift your voice wherever you are just say oh i worship you i worship worships [Music] one more [Music] this is [Music] [Music] this is the stuff that makes heaven horrible [Music] i know it doesn't make sense to the world i know everything is saying you need to shut up and sit down but this is how [Music] speak the word [Music] sometimes you have to remind yourself it may look like [Music] [Music] oh sing in church [Music] this [Music] addiction is you can win in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want myself [Music] now i'm gonna tell you something and i'm careful and i know i try the spirit and i've really been trying it sean [Music] let free chapel pay that two hundred and fifty thousand dollars cause we gonna pay it when you stood up jesus stood up and he knows how to get a word to preacher to write the check it's done in jesus name and he's already speaking to others to write the rest of the check to fill the national mall with praise and glory for the honor of our king let the church say amen come on and shout come on oh i feel like the heavens are open one more time [Music] come on come on [Music] [Music] just that quick he can open a door just that quick he can lay you on somebody's heart just that quick he can wake somebody up in the night he can write the check come on is how [Applause] [Music] [Music] clap your hands and give the lord a mighty praise you believe it everybody in this room say jesus i confess you as my lord you are the word you are the word clothed in flesh in the beginning was the word so you are god and today i receive you as my savior as my deliverer as my healer as my provider i cast it all at your feet and i just worship you give me a new spirit of adoration give me a new joy in praise let something let us lit up i i just see a a light switch and old school lights with flip the switch and turn the praise back on the gratitude back on the worship back on in my walk with you tonight when we assemble at six o'clock let the power of the lord be present to heal settle down over this 150 acres that used to be a bee hive bee farm and milk dairy farm make it tonight the land where milk and honey flows glory and we give you all the praise everybody raise your hand and receive the blessing if you prayed that prayer you're born again you're part of the family you're saved go by the next steps booth back there and say i want to get baptized i want to get in the river and and we've got a baptism in here we've got it outside too and you can be baptized the next baptism service coming up real soon and let the miracle flow begin in your life don't turn back go all the way you you didn't play around with sin when you were in sin go all the way with god give him equal time and effort how many of you believe as we sow a 250 000 seed into this ministry that's touching major cities in america including our own that god will bring a harvest back on our sons and our daughters and our families and our community how many of you want the favor and blessing of god on this region and on our i just hear it statewide revival in georgia let it start with the preachers like me [Music] you ready you ready for the blessing all of you give i need you to give 250 000 this morning you'll see me laughing do you i believe in you that much you'll do it somebody write the whole thing right now obey god [Music] obey god when god asks you for a seed he has a harvest on his mind and the harvest is always greater than the seed so just believe it now here's the blessing are you ready and now may the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace in jesus mighty name we love you all so much you need to get on the phone you need to call at least three people and invite them to come to church with you tonight outside it's going to be a beautiful weather everything's perfect and we'll begin promptly at six o'clock and we don't know where it's going it's totally wherever god leads them to take it we're just going to be in the middle of it praising and exalting our savior it's going to be a power something's going to begin tonight i sense it you don't want to miss it call some people invite them to come we love you so much god bless you an amazing week this week while you're leaving you know we were able because of your generosity to write a check for fifty thousand dollars to a little ministry right down the road right here on mcavour it's not our building it's not our ministry but there it is the family promise of hall county they take in homeless women and children they re converted that church that was up on the hill down there and we just decided to sow a 50 000 seed this week and say lord bless them and help them and keep them we were also able to close on our brand new property and pay cash for it in downtown atlanta and that's a done deal that's a free chapel jesus kingdom building that is is ours for the glory of god right in the heart of midtown atlanta for god be the glory we've had a church down there for two weeks and they're gonna go in full hallelujah and it's gonna be exciting we're gonna see what god's gonna do down there so many other things because of your generosity we are going to be able to write a hundred thousand dollar check to haiti and help those precious people who are in dire need after the hurricane and lord we pray for new orleans and we pray for the gulf coast and we pray o god that you would help us be a blessing where we need to be a blessing we give you all the glory we give you all the praise in jesus mighty name thank you for your generosity we'll if god can get it to us he'll get it through us if he can get it through us he'll get it to us so be a vessel get in and all this good sowing if you're a tither and a giver you're the miracle that's making that happen and may god bless you richly we pray be blessed everybody divine divine conference is coming cece winans whoo the best lisa brevere and and pastor jensen franklin he's going to be preaching all of these this our team it's coming up september women women women you must get registered today september the 17th and 18th go get signed up get registered you say i can't afford it just get signed up and if you can't afford it we'll take care of that too i just believe god will take care of all of it and if you'll get signed up he'll supply the money watch him use your faith write this write the script god bless you we love you be blessed [Music] welcome back free chapel online what a powerful service that was pastor jensen just preached an incredible message and the presence of god is just so powerful in this room and i pray that that same presence touched you wherever you are at home wherever you're watching and if you made the decision today to accept jesus we are celebrating with you welcome to the family you have just made the greatest decision of your life we are so excited um to have you a part of this family if you accepted jesus we want you to text the word yes to 5 10 5 10 and we have a team of people ready to pray for you ready to welcome you and ready just to give you some resources also if if you need prayer today if if you want someone from our team to pray with you text the word pray to 5 10 5 10 we have a team of people ready to be there for you lift you up and pray with you we want to thank you for your continued generosity your giving is making a greater impact than you ever could know we're able to reach those in haiti and all around the world in our local community because of your generosity and your giving and we just we thank you for that and today we have a super special guest we have dr rich who's one of our pastors on staff and he's going to talk to us about next steps today welcome dr rich thank you so much online campus i am so excited to to formally meet you i've talked to many of you in the chat and uh we are just excited that you joined us today not only are you not only are you one of our eight campuses you are the fastest growing campus that we have yes and morgan's right we are developing a passionate group of leaders and team members that are devoted just to making your church experience just as authentic as the face-to-face campus absolutely well dr rich we had some of our online campus members send in some questions this week about next steps so our first question we have uh from crystal uh what is next steps next steps is your opportunity to go from watching and observing to connecting and belonging it's a four-step process that takes you through what we believe uh what makes us distinct it talks about ways that you can grow that you can serve and you can connect and give in the online campus it's a four session uh online experience to help you connect with the church in a real way wow that's so good um someone asked if i complete next steps does that mean i'm a member it means that you understand everything that we are and you understand what you believe how that connects with what we believe if you want to become a member there's an opportunity in next steps to actually take that step and become a member we are even work even working on baptism experiences all over the world to help you connect in that way as well yes okay uh cara asks how long does it take to complete next steps online it's an online uh four phase process and you work at it at your own pace you can finish it in one hour in one sitting or you can take your time and go through each of the four phases yes someone asks can i take next steps if i live outside of the u.s one of the amazing things about the online campus is it has no borders it is worldwide when i've been in the the online chat morgan i have literally spoken to people from all over the world every single sunday we are excited about the that there's an international church as well as here in america yes absolutely and the last question we have what are ways i can get involved after i've completed next steps that's what we're working hard to make happen right now not only can you observe and watch the services every week which are amazing services you're going to be able to connect in small groups in discipleship in uh serving opportunities and outreach there's a way for every person to connect the same way our folks connect right here at our eight campuses incredible well we hope that gave you some information about next steps and we encourage you to sign up for next steps you will not regret it it is one of the best decisions you can make and just a wonderful way to get involved in the life of our church well thank you dr rich for joining us today uh would you mind praying us out for the online campus absolutely lord jesus we just lift up the online campus lord especially those affected by all that's going on in afghanistan lord jesus whether it be people on the ground there whether it be the online church some of whom may be watching right now or maybe it's a family lord that's lost a service member this week that was there lord jesus we just lift them up we lift up every single situation in the online campus right now lord we pray for families we pray for children we pray for families that have a lost member in their family they want to come to know you we lift them up lord may they know that you are as real in this online service as anyplace else lord jesus and we just give them to you lord you've entrusted us with much lord and may they feel our love and our passion towards their church experience i pray in your precious name amen amen we'll see you guys next week [Music] you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 61,807
Rating: 4.8930092 out of 5
Id: bU6k2M77eGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 36sec (4716 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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