Where Is God? | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] let's give him the glory give him the breaks bless his name bless his name bless his name bless his name thank you jesus bless the name bless the name of the lord bless the name of the lord take a minute and thank him take a minute and praise him take a minute and tell him how great he is we love you lord we love you lord we love you lord we're your people we love you jesus all glory and honor and praise be unto you today oh god we turn our eyes upon you to praise you today hallelujah let everyone who has breath that's really something let everyone who has breath praise the lord thank him for it be grateful unto him and bless his holy name oh i praise you for breath thank you and give you glory and honor today lord you've been so good to us you've been so faithful to us we declare your greatness oh god all honor and praise be unto you hallelujah i never get tired of praising you oh i give you glory jesus my king hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah boy there's a sweet spirit here today bless the name of jesus are you glad to be in church this morning i want to welcome all of you and all of our campuses can we give them a big warm welcome turn around and tell two or three people you look better than i do just tell them that go ahead it'll make them smile just say you look better than i do my goodness they weren't expecting that so so great y'all look great today beautiful congregation i love you appreciate you so much and uh it feels good to be together with god's people doesn't it in times like these and days like these this is a wonderful wonderful time and i'm so thankful for all that god is doing if you have your bibles i'd love for you to open them with me please to the book of job job is spelled like job so you can find it job and it's right before the book of psalms and while you're turning there this week is going to be an absolutely phenomenal week at free chapel it begins this friday night for all of our women of every age mothers daughters granddaughters we have some of the greatest speakers and people who are going to pour into our women i don't have words to describe this lineup they are the best of the best if you've never heard lisa brevere and if you've never heard cc winings cece has won multiple grammy awards i told him in the first service that uh two times we we were shocked and surprised to look down on the front row of this building here in gainesville and right down here to my left was whitney houston she showed up twice at this church before she passed away and in one of those services particularly the spirit of the lord touched her so powerfully she wept she cried she even went back in the green room and she began to sing uh old hymn uh just just spontaneously out of her heart and there was not a dry eye in that room back there uh where she was but she told me something that day that i'll never forget she said the best singer in the world female singer in the world is cece weinings and she said i have looked up to her and i have listened to her all of my life and if you listen to whitney you can hear some cece in her and uh and and she is going to be bringing her whole band and singing just for you women men you're not invited you cannot come it's for the women because they are so precious and so powerful and if you guys don't survive none of us are going to survive and so we're pouring into you and listen when the church is doing what we're doing get in it what you didn't hear and what you didn't experience could have changed everything there's no priority that ought to be higher than gathering with women because when women gather i'm telling you something powerful will happen in your life and we we're believing especially in times like these so from all of our campuses get signed up go online get registered immediately i want to preach a few minutes today for the next three weeks i'm going to just get to be preaching back to back and i have something today that god dealt with me very very strongly about and i want to go to job the 23rd chapter the book of job the 23rd chapter and verse 8. job says i look and i go forward but he speaking of god he is not there and backward but i cannot perceive him when he works on the left hand i cannot behold him and when he turns and i turn and go right i can't i can't see him then verse 10 but he knows the way that i take and when he has tested me i shall come forth as gold powerful powerful words it's obvious that job is in a time in his life where he's saying god where are you that's what i'm preaching on where's god he's saying god where are you he's saying i'm searching i'm looking i'm going forward backwards left and right and i cannot find perceive or see you at all you seem unconcerned absent and silent when i need you the most he had lost his family his children he had lost his wealth he had lost his health he had lost his friends he had lost everything good in his life and now in chapter 23 he's lost his god he's lost his god i mean that's when you really hit the place about as low as you can go when you can't find you you feel like you're god abandoned the absence of god it's unexplained he's not there god where are you listen to his description he said behold i go forward but he is not there in other words he's saying you know i didn't turn back when i got in hard times i didn't quit i kept going forward i'm hurting i i don't understand i don't know what's going on but i'm not a quitter i didn't abandon my faith i i haven't given up i'm moving forward but he's being honest and he's saying i went forward i'm waiting everybody told me you know hold on god's coming and he said i'm going forward and i don't see him anywhere out there and i haven't quit i haven't given up i'm still moving in the right direction but he said i don't see god he said i i just don't see him i i just keep going through it and then the second point thing he says is i went backward i thought that was an interesting way to describe it he kind of thought well maybe there's something in my past that can explain why i'm here maybe there's something in my almost like job lays down on the psychiatrist's couch and he says take me back to my childhood take me back to my teenage years what happened how did i end up here what series of events what did i do that that made me end up in this place he's going backwards he's he's saying is there anything in my past is there anything back there is there anything in my birth or my uh heredity you know is there anything in my genes or what how in the world he goes back and he can't find any peace and any answers he goes forward he doesn't see much hope he doesn't see any change i'm still trying then he then he really takes a turn he said i went left did you see that he said i turned left in other words i'm going way out in left field he got aggravated now and he's saying you know like some people do i'm going out in left field i'm just it ain't working that ain't working prayer is not working god's not working church is not working anymore for me faith isn't working i'm going in left field i'm going to try eastern i'm i'm preaching it my way it's my sermon i'm preaching i'm going to try eastern religion i'm going to try buddha buddha buddha i'm going to try i'm going to try mohammed i'm going to try this i'm going to try spiritualism i'm going to try nature i'm going to try i'm not going to church i'm going in left field i'm going to try something new i'm gonna try something my friend did yoga and and that's their new religion and they're getting into this and they're getting into that or it may have even been i i'm gonna get way out in left field i'm gonna try i'm going to try witchcraft or i'm going to try spiritual the spiritual world of chanting and burning incense to gods and all kinds of religions but you know what he didn't find anything out there and then he said lastly i turned back right i turned back right he said i went i went on the left hand and he wasn't there went before me behind me and then i turned right on the right hand you know you can't ever go wrong if you go right you keep you know you keep doing the right thing and nothing right is happening you keep saying the right thing and you still aren't getting the breakthrough you keep going to church and and doing everything you're supposed to do and trying to read the bible but it's like it don't really it's not i'm doing the right i went right but right ain't right is wrong nothing's right y'all act like y'all don't know what i'm preaching about but i know what i'm preaching about this is right in the bible but i love what he said at the end of the conclusion of it all his conclusion is i don't know where i am anymore i don't know what's going on anymore he said i don't know where he is but he knows where i am for he knows the path that i take did you hear that verse he knows where i am even when i don't know where he is and i can't perceive him and i he knows my name he knows my the number of hairs on my head he knows my fingerprint he knows everything about the path that i am on and then he ends with a powerful faith confession and when he has tried me i will come forth as gold wow that's powerful that's powerful romans 11 in verse 34 said who has known the mind of god who can understand it there are many things that will happen in this life to you that we will never understand and here's the mark of maturity that when those things happen that you don't understand the mark of maturity is when you do not sour on god because of the reverses of life the mark of maturity is when things go backwards and things go haywire and things have no explanation and god is not there seemingly and you feel abandoned and you get no explanations that is not the time to get bitter that is not the time to get sour but real faith stands up and says i sure was praising you when everything was doing amazing and i have no intentions of not praising you now that i'm going through something that there is no human explanation for that's faith i want to tell you about a man in the new testament and a family that went through what i just described job went through in the old testament it's in the bible in the book of john the 11th chapter this family really loved the lord i mean really they knew him meaning the lord jesus christ they knew him intimately so much so that when he had time off he went to their home he ate at their table you don't get as close i mean you talk about the inside track you talk about his clique you talk about people on the inside of the circle it was martha and her servitude it was mary and her amazing love and devotion and then there was lazarus lazarus and jesus were just good friends it clicked you know how it is with a real friend an old friend you don't even have to work at it you don't care if they call you and you call them it's when you see each other it's just it's just there this is the this is exactly how the bible paints the family because they were all family mary and martha was sisters and lazarus was their brother and they all lived in the same house together that's very common even to this day in the middle east they build stories and families when you get married you know the the family will move in this one family member and they just keep going up with them that's that's how they do it over there and and so they lived together and jesus was there they were close buddies and now lazarus gets sick something is wrong his fever is burning his breathing is erratic he's even losing all of his strength he's dying and they knew he was dying and they sent for jesus a runner goes and finds jesus and says your friend whom you love is sick even unto death and they need you and mary and martha you know your friends the ones that you're really close with want you to hurry up and come heal him and the bible said that jesus affirmed that that he was aware and that he would be there and the servant goes back and all the neighborhood all the community new that family has a real relationship with jesus right there and so we know jesus is going to come and deliver them and we're about to have a praise party in this city and in this community in this neighborhood because when jesus comes lazarus is going to be healed and so they're waiting and they're waiting in one hour and they start asking that that runner you know did when did he say he was coming yes he's coming where is he he's on the way he's coming any minute now a whole day goes by and he's sicker and sicker he's breathing he's got the death rattle in his throat he's sick where is he where is he he promised he would come where is he why is he not here they start asking what did he say did he say he was coming he said he was coming but jesus did not show up for days i want you to understand something sure he's coming you sure he told you i'm sure he told me you know what we smirk because we know the rest of the story we know that he showed up and raised lasers from the dead no big deal to us but that family felt like god had failed them felt like god was not there that god did not care and the bible said listen to this in the new testament that we are living epistles learned and read of all men there are people who will never read their bible but when you get in crisis and your family gets in crisis they won't read that bible but they're reading you they're watching you they're watching what you do when you're in the lowest moments of life they're reading you they're watching you and they're watching to see if you're going to be faithful and you're still going to believe when you're experiencing the absences of god you're not getting a miracle you're not getting out of it overnight you're not seeing anything in before you behind you to encourage you on the side on even doing right isn't working but then john 11 and verse 15 when jesus arrives they kind of are upset with him and he says these words and i am glad for your sake i was not there when he was sick and dying well wow isn't that beautiful thank you jesus i was glad for your sake that i was not there the brother's sick he stayed away deliberately for 48 hours until he dies and when he gets there in the yard he says i'm glad i didn't come and give you the miracle that you were asking for i want to give you a quick three lessons from this story that you don't need to ever forget he's dead and i'm glad for your sake that i wasn't there number one this story teaches us that god is still working when you think your situation is at its last sickening conclusion they thought it was over he's dead he's buried the funeral is over there's nothing good to come of this it's finished it didn't happen god didn't hear us god didn't do what we expected him to do i i i held on i came to the end of my rope i tied a knot on the end of the rope and the knot gave way and i fail and it's finished this story tells me that when you think it's over god is still working i'm preaching to somebody today a lot of somebodies who the enemy has told you it's way too late for any change good to ever come you don't understand your case is different but your case is not different learn something from this god is still working number two god's delays are always deliberate john 11 verse 5 and 6 and when jesus knew mary and martha and lazarus and when he heard therefore that that that he was sick he abode two days in the same place it says clearly number one he loved them it says clearly number two to prove it he stayed away and let them go through pain and sorrow and heartbreak and mental anguish like you could not believe weeping grieving crying break down grief and jesus did not get there and let them not go through that and he loved them why was he late because all they could believe could come good of that was a healing but he knew and saw beyond the healing if lazarus suffering had been averted then the tremendous miracle of the resurrection of lazarus he would have been just another healing that jesus did but i'm standing in a pulpit thousands of years later and i'm preaching and telling the testimony of the of the lord who raised lazarus from the dead and the only reason is because if jesus would have spared that family from mental anguish they would have missed the greater joy of a resurrection that would touch the community that would touch the nation and that would touch the world and outlive their family with that testimony of all things that god was doing that they could not perceive or understand god's delays are always deliberate because he's going to work a greater miracle than what you think you need and you know what if that's what we have to go through to get every one of us in heaven if it absolutely requires us going through tears and suffering and yet not missing the thing that matters which is our soul's name written in the lamb's book of life it's worth any and everything you don't know the mind of god clap your hands and say amen [Applause] but oh this is what touched me i wish you could just turn to somebody and say he's working something greater for you i know you've been a little discouraged i know you've been a little down i know you've turned backwards and forwards and tried to figure it out but he's working something greater the thing i've learned is he's still working and when his delay comes it's deliberate so he can do something greater than what i had in mind whoo you know i think i'll resign from being god today and i'll just rejoice that that his ways are not my ways do know this the further you fall the higher you bounce so go on and laugh and let the whole community look at your family lazarus and all of them and how jesus lets you down but the but the further you fall the higher you bounce back and somebody needs to hear you wait till you bounce back there's no telling how high god will match the lowness of your fall to the highness of the glory that he takes you to everybody take a praise break at every campus and give god glory in the midst of it you know this is what touched me i don't know how i missed this i don't know how i've preached on this story for 30 years how did i miss this part of the story third point jesus wept he gets there think about it he knows that what he's doing is greater it's going to be bigger than what they're even at ask him to do he allows them to go through mental anguish and they're screaming and they're crying and god failed us god wasn't there where was god why didn't he do something how could a good god allow the where are you i'm not making fun of you the reason i preach that's because that's me yeah even preachers struggle even preachers go through times where you question everything oh you you you want a perfect preacher this one ain't one look at him my goodness but you want a preacher who has a perfect savior and who's waiting and that savior's ways are right and that savior's ways are working for the good and that savior is faithful and that savior loves us i got to keep preaching but i just feel like shouting i just feel like shouting i'm not trying to work you up i'm not trying to pump you up i'm just here to tell you today that god knows the path that you take and jesus went he knows that he's going to end up doing good but he weeps because the present plan for their lives this family the present plan for their lives is causing mary and martha heartache and sorrow and even though he knows it's a setup guys you're acting crazy i'm about to bless your sock i'm about to do something that you cannot imagine but he's so caring that he weeps and he hurts when we hurt he knows it's going to all work out according to his eternal plan read ephesians 3 sometime my goodness all things are working toward the manifold wisdom of god that will cause even principalities and powers to marvel the bible says that according to the purpose of god he's preordained everything read it but we don't believe it especially when we get in it but we have that kind of god who knows eventually everything will be all right but if we're hurting now he's hurting too if you're crying and broken-hearted now he's right there with you and those beautiful words jesus wept because his friends were struggling we have not a high priest who cannot be touched with the feeling that's the scriptures in hebrews we have not a high priest who cannot be touched by the feeling of our infirmities in other words when we feel down and we feel touched you you think god be would be aloof and god would be sitting so high that he would say i know how that's going to work out i don't even worry about it but he can be touched you know why because when he hung on the cross he knows how that feels and he said father why have you forsaken me and he's saying he hears some of you and understands how you feel when you say god what in the world is going on where are you how could you forsake us he doesn't get mad he knows and he says i know because i've been there god's moved by the things that cause us distress don't ever say god doesn't care jesus well ii corinthians verses 1 2 corinthians 1 and verse 3 and 4 speaks of the god of all comfort and then it says this in the next part of the verse everybody say he's the god of comfort really when you go through real tragedy and real heartbreak and real trials nothing can give you comfort nothing nothing jack daniels can't give you comfort a bag of weed can't give you comfort because when you come back down it's going to be staring there only worse you're going to feel even worse you're going to have a hangover and you're going come on the god of all who is he who is he the god of all comfort next verse hurry hurry hurry next verse who comforts us he's the god of all comfort but he comforts us in our tribulation watch this so that we will be able to comfort those who are in trouble listen with the same comfort in which we ourselves are comforted by god says sometimes i'll let you go through stuff and i'll let you feel what it feels like and the god of all comfort will comfort you so that you will be get introduced to other people who don't need to say you know somebody's going through something they don't want somebody to walk in tell me how you would feel you're going through the lowest worst crisis of your life and then walk somebody and they and they and they say something like i read in the book one time verses verses i know how you feel i was in the same situation of hopelessness and despair and the god of all comfort he was the only place i could find comfort he came and he comforted me and now i'm going to comfort you with the comfort that he gave me and by the way he sent a holy spirit that he said in john 16 would be called the comforter and he'll abide with you forever it's called the school of comfort and sometimes you have to go through the school of pain to get the degree in this in in comforting one another turn to somebody and say i've been there i understand i know what you're going through let's just say let's just say you need a surgery you need a i mean it's a critical procedure that you need done and it's it's life or death which doctor would you rather have on this side you have a young handsome doctor mcdreamy he he's got beautiful flowing wavy black hair jet blue eyes or tall dark and handsome whatever your thing is that you like he's it muscles he can't hardly put on his doctor's coat because he's just and he walks in and when he walks by the nurses they flip out of their sneakers and just oh my god the other guy the other surgeon the only problem is he's never performed that procedure he he did it on a cadiver on on an old dead body somewhere whatever is that what they're called i don't know but but he he read a textbook about it but here's an old doctor he's 69. he's missing the whole middle section of his hair he's got his glasses on the tip of his nose he's got budges and bifocals and and he walks in hunched back the only difference though is he's performed that surgery 400 times successfully which one do you want what do you think that it's different in the army and in the ministry of the lord people don't need people who haven't been through anything but when you can say i've been there i know how you feel and i don't understand but for some reason god is letting us all go through things so that we can comfort others with the comfort god has comforted us with the apostle paul put it like this y'all came too quick thanks bill just relax a minute i need i need five more minutes it's 11 55 if you're on medication 11 55. so just hold your horses but just stay right there you're good i'll point in a minute the apostle paul said something powerful you know the name of jesus is not so much etched on us as it is plowed into us when you really get it the apostle paul put it this way in galatians 6 17 i bear in my body the marks of the lord jesus christ i bear in my body the marks the word the word there means he branded me it's the same word branded god branded me when he called me do you know what a brand is like to be branded have you ever been on a farm i've seen them do this they get the cow oh betsy they put her in a little narrow pin wooden pin she can't go left right and she can't go forward and then they take an old two by four and they shove it behind her her legs there so she can't back up there's nowhere to go and then they take an old hot iron off the fire and they brand her and as they're when they push that and it's burning hair it's burning hide oh betsy her eyes get big she starts bellowing right she come on i'm working hard up here she she she's she's yelling she's hurting and he's just pushing harder and harder burning the the the the the who she belongs to is being burned into her so that when she's set free and she runs into the green pastures everybody in the world will never have a question again about who that betsy belongs to and i don't know you see troubles will either make you bitter or they'll make you better you'll either go through things and become miserable and angry and upset or you'll become someone who he burns and marks you and so when you finally get through it everybody who's watched you will know i know one thing i know who they belong to lift your hands and worship the lord lift your hands and worship the lord feel the presence of god in this place today we quote it all the time but we seldom understand it romans 8 and we know you know jesus know jesus you got a k-n-o-w jesus no peace n-o peace you got a k-n-o-w piece no hope no hope you got a k-n-o-w hope just be seated a minute let me preach i'm almost done this is too important i can't skip it and we know this is what got me i looked at it again this week all things all things highlighted all things all things he could have said some things he could have said some deaths he could have said some tragedies he could have said some people who die of covet he could have said some he said we know we know we know all things work together for the good to them that are called according to his purpose listen to this translation to the ones who are continually loving god we know absolutely that all things listen are actively conspiring together for the good since he has predetermined all will be conformed to christ's image he's using it to brand us to to mark us to cause us to never be able to get away from the fact that we belong to him and the bible said all things fit together it's like the parts of a puzzle some some months ago charisse got into puzzles and she started laying this big massive puzzle puzzle out on the table and she would put it together piece piece piece it would take her weeks to do these she'd just do it when she had some time and and i got in right at the end when there were just maybe 40 pieces left and i sat down she said do it with me one day and so i sit down and and and and i found a piece and she couldn't find it and i was so proud of myself and and i put it she said that's not the one and and i said buddy it fits she said look and and i said they make mistakes you know it doesn't have to be just it really fits and it like kind of lines up and it's the same color and stuff it's got to be the one we've looked at all these it's not here that's what we do we pick up a piece of the puzzle and we isolate it and we say this doesn't fit this doesn't fit in our family this doesn't fit in my life how could god let this doesn't fit when it does fit we pick up one isolated piece and we say god's not in it god's not in it there was a mistake here all these other pieces they fit but this doesn't fit all things the reason that it doesn't fit is because it's not all together but when you take that one piece that doesn't fit and you build everything else you know what you're going to find if it's the last piece i couldn't find it anywhere else but now that it's there it fits it's not all together yet that's why it doesn't fit when we all get to heaven on streets of gold and our families are there then we'll be able to say it all fit he used it for if that had happened somehow the enemy thought but god used it for our good how many of you enjoy a good country biscuit that's dangerous to talk about as it's 1203 and i'm looking at daniel's line of dens den of lines listen can you imagine somebody so stupid as they go in in the morning they gotta hunger and craving for a country biscuit they'll go in and get a sack of flour and open their mouth and pour the pour the flour in and start choking and coughing out and then they walk over and they get a hunk of butter and take a chunk of that by itself and get it all over their teeth and then they walk over and they get a spoonful of baking soda and take that down too and then get three glasses of buttermilk gum gum gum gum gum you know why it's not good you got to put it in the mixing bowl and when you put it all in the mixing bowl and by the time you mix it up it's when it gets together it's not all together yet you can stand up at every campus i don't want anyone to leave or move hudson taylor was a missionary to china and his wife had a dream in a particular trying time of their life when they were going through something can you imagine they were the first missionaries to go to china today there are millions and millions and millions in the underground church it all goes back to one couple taylor hudson and his wife and his family but in this particular season it was extremely difficult some of their best friends had turned on them and on top of that they had no support the support had dried up just trying to do what god had called their family to do she was so discouraged and she said that the lord gave her a dream or a vision and she said that she saw a path and there was no way off the path it was so narrow and she saw a swinging sword and that sword was swinging and there was no way to walk through that entrance of that path without walking through that swinging sword and she said the lord spoke to her in his voice and said until you're willing to walk through the sword nothing will happen until you're willing to walk through that swinging sword and still believe me nothing will happen and when i read that this week i wrote these words down i know what god's called me and my house to do and lord i wrote this down i am willing to walk through the sword if that's what it takes to get everybody under the sound of my voice to heaven whatever it takes because calvary was the sword that jesus walked through he prayed not my will but thine be done and he walked with that old rugged cross i could not believe it after the first service this morning the young lady may still be here from orange county she goes to our orange county church and she's she's her family's from taiwan and she's been attending our church and been there in the church in orange county this is what she told me this morning right over here tears she could not stop crying she wanted a picture after we she told me and i was teared up too but when but she said pastor she said she said when i gave my heart to jesus she said there are so many idols so many gods that my whole family for generations has worshiped they cut me off and she said i have not spoken to one of my family members in taiwan they will not have any communication because i told them that i was following jesus and she said i've not spoken to them for 10 years and she was just weeping and and and and the song hit me that's someone who saw the swinging sword and said not my will but thine be done whatever it costs me i'm sorry there are no cheap crosses there's no way that you're going to do what god's called you to do and at some point in your life it's going to require you to walk through a swinging sword and i don't have a martyr's complex and i'm not a negative preacher but i'm going to tell you something if he tells you to do it his grace is sufficient for you and his strength will be made perfect in your weakness [Music] hallelujah and when i come through i'll come through as pure gold lift your hands and shout lift your hands and declare he's good lift your hands and say though he slay me yet will i trust whatever the cost got to get my family to heaven [Music] anything but hell lord anything but hell that means whatever it takes cut us loose let's walk through the sword this morning cut us loose nothing's worth your soul [Music] this is not a game [Music] this will cost you something take up your cross deny yourself die to your will on this side of the swinging sword and when you walk through it's not i that live but christ that lives in me every head bowed every eye closed at every campus there are young people listening to me and you i apologize for my generation of preachers that has not preached enough truth to you you cannot go to heaven and live like hell you cannot die in your sin and expect to end up in heaven somewhere you're gonna have to walk through a sword and say lord i know you don't require perfection but i'm not playing god games i want to serve you i want to live for you i want to give my life up so that i can gain my life there's business people there's moms there's dads high school students there's college students they're singles and the holy spirit brought you here today i feel this and today the lord is saying will you walk through the swinging sword it's going to cost you something and let him sever any and everything maybe it's a boyfriend maybe it's a girlfriend maybe it's the wrong group maybe it's something that's unrighteous that's in your life that needs to be cut off [Music] walk through the swinging sword this morning and on the other side you'll find real freedom real life he has to pray for me i need god today i'm going through what you're preaching i need that savior that'll eat with me i need that savior that will take all things and make it good i need to know that i'm connected to his purpose and not far from him pray for me i want to get right with god today pastor pray for me if that's you in this house or any of the campuses i want you to raise your hand high right where you're standing no shame in it it's only victory in it oh there's so many hands every one of you that got lifted your hand get out of your seat please don't try to compromise walk into the swinging sword as you get out of that pew as you get out of that section and you begin to walk down that aisle you're walking into the swinging sword and the lord says i can set you free i can cut you loose i can sever you from your past i can heal you i can help you i can deliver you come on come on lift your hands all over this building come on as they come come come come come he loves you he loves you he loves you come on right there we're watching this in your homes just surrender just throw your hands up and say lord jesus oh god i give you my life oh god i'll lay my life down for you you know he doesn't want you to die he wants you to live he wants you to know oh no peace no jesus he's available call on him come on anyone else anyone else this is your honor call this is your other service [Music] so [Music] lift your hands modern epistles being written god still needs jobs [Music] they won't read a bible but they're reading to you worship him we're not in a big hurry we're going to worship the lord this is what church is all about worship him give me pastors give me pastors wives give me all of their teams give me our elders and our leaders i want a person behind every one of these people i want you to gently lay your hand on them and i want you to begin to pray come on altar teams come on pastors come on leaders of this church i need you there's great ministry happening in this altar [Music] call on the name of the lord right where you are just say jesus save me jesus cleanse me jesus i walk into the sword cut me loose cut me for each set me free lord [Music] take a moment and pray for someone take a moment and lay your hand on somebody's shoulder [Music] [Music] words please [Music] come on sing at church [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] who is my soul [Music] say it is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] are me so much [Music] so much [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] with me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] let me [Applause] [Music] let's declare it today raise your hand [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're good [Music] [Applause] you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] kia b-flat i'm going against everything my natural mind's telling me to do saying hurry up get them out of here they're ready to go they're ready to go and i know you are i understand nobody's forcing you to stay you can leave in everything give thanks [Music] give thanks in everything [Music] give him thanks [Music] for [Music] in the good times praise his name but in those bad times [Music] do the same in everything [Music] give the king of kings all the praise i got to sing this verse when i was a little child i used to sing it in church with all the good things that had come his way it's no wonder you could hear job say the lord give it he taketh away i'll give him praise but when the tables were all turned around [Music] and old job's world came crashing down job's faith in god taught him to say i still give him thanks [Music] see it everybody [Music] give him thanks give [Music] we got so much to be thankful for this morning [Music] i'll praise his name buddy [Music] give the king the kings all the things got through this last verse mom how old was i when i started singing this i hope i can remember when troubles come [Music] and there's no one around satan tries to tell me god's let you down through every dark hour the best thing i've found is just to give god praise what a song what a song here's why for he has never come on he has never never failed me yet why should i start now to worry our friend in everything everything everything i won't ever forget to give god the thanks look your hands sing it everybody [Music] [Music] close your eyes and raise both hands and just say thank you lord i've got so much to be thankful for i'm not gonna be one of those christians that just thanks you when everything's perfect that you can trust me when the sword is swinging you can trust me lord i want your will more than anything and what you have please say well [Music] and done me serve the lord give the king of kings all the prey so sing that one line in the good times [Music] do the same [Music] give the king of kings in everything [Music] give the king of kings [Music] smile everybody and say in everything [Music] i'll give the king of kings all the fans [Applause] is that a great old song how many of you feel the victory here this morning beginning october the first sunday in october every sunday night we're going to have a praise and just the first sunday of the month we're going to have a praise and worship and prayer and holy spirit miracle party i'm never coming in with a sermon prepared i'm coming in with a bottle of oil i don't want you to even worry about it i want you to come in just prayed up we'll grab a guitar we'll grab whatever we want to do and we're just going to flow and we're going to start doing it the first sunday night of every month and we're going to see what god wants to do anybody hungry for more i'm going to bless you i want to thank you for helping us uh pastor james i saw that post they put up i saw him somewhere in this crowd but i saw that post of the crew that he had that are amazing volunteers that handed out thousands and thousands and thousands of pounds of food this church purchase this week we do that how often do we do that every month every month it's it's thousands tens of thousands of pounds of food we buy chicken trucks we buy uh all kinds of food and they line up in the parking lot and and you amazing volunteers have to unload and load and they we don't you know we do it covet so that the trunk just is open and we give them a big thing of food and say the lord bless you we don't we don't we give it in the name of the lord and you buy that you bought that it costs it costs tens of thousands of dollars for that food always always and we're honored to do it we've been doing it through the pandemic now we don't talk a lot about all the stuff that we do but we we just sent a check for a hundred thousand dollars to haiti last week 100 000 and another 50 on the way another 50 on the way and then louisiana the louisiana hurricane we are partnering with two ministries down there we're gonna send a hundred thousand dollars in the next few weeks down there and if more comes in we'll send more and that's just stuff that we do we do that's that's just that's we don't talk about it all the time they didn't know that i was gonna say it today they're they're that sharp down there that they can grab stuff i didn't give them a heads up but the only way we can do that is because you have been so faithful to give and you've helped us and and and we we believe in operating off the top of the barrel instead of always scraping by and if you operate off the top you can be a blessing not just be blessed you can be a blessing say amen so thank you thank you for making that happen and we appreciate you now receive the blessing now all of you who came forward this morning say these words jesus jesus me write my name in the book of life set me free sever with your holy sword everything that's not like you that's hindering me set me free i receive it because you love me i don't earn it i don't have to deserve it you love me you know the path i take and you know my name thank you thank you for forgiving me welcome to the family of god you ready for the blessing y'all pray for me i got to fly to washington dc and preach to about 30 000 people who are going to be worshiping on the national mall they they they gave me the impossible task of preaching in 15 minutes i have 15 minutes so i will need a double portion and you don't don't say amen to that just raise your hand and pray for me may the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace we love you all god bless you all of you who prayed today we would love to get your name so that we can pray for you we've got free material there's a booth back there and a center back there called new beginnings or not new beginnings next steps and next steps will tell you exactly what you need to do next like sign up for water baptism and let me baptize you in water right here on this stage it will change your life forever we love you guys so much have a blessed and wonderful week go with the lord we'll see you next sunday [Music] what a powerful service that was well before we go any further if you made the choice be safe today we want to say congratulations we want to invite you to text the word yes to 510 510 again that's the word yes to 510 510 just so we can personally get connected with you and also if you have any prayer needs or requests please text the word prayer to 510 510 so that we can have our team of people praying and believing with you before we go like we said before service we have dr rich rogers with us today let's drop some love for dr rich in the chat but dr rich we have one simple question for you can you tell us all about online small groups you know i know that thousands upon thousands of you all over the world watch alone to these services but you don't have to go through this experience alone yeah we have online groups we have watch parties we have online watch parties we have small groups that you can be a part of wherever you live in the world just go to freechapel.org forward slash online and then scroll down do you find connect groups or or small groups down there and we can get you signed up and connected this week that's awesome so get connected starting today yes well doctors before we go could you pray us out and into our day absolutely father god we just thank you and we praise you for a powerful service i pray that lives were changed even today even in a moment of decision lord lord may everybody watching know they don't have to watch alone just watch alone and go through this christian experience alone but there are others that they can join with lord and i pray that they would reach out and take that next step in their faith and do their faith in community in your precious name we pray amen we'll see you next week and sign up for divine conference bye everybody [Music] bye you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 25,075
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Id: 4u7bzmN_VWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 51sec (4491 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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