The Remedy For Worry | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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let's praise the Lord screen up here their screens here there's bursting praise the name of Jesus the Lord is good in that great music that's great worship it praise the name of Jesus and thank you so much you're blessed us today who's who's gonna win the Super Bowl [Music] they don't know they're very confused it doesn't really matter in here does it we're just happy about what Jesus is doing in our lives turn to two three people and welcome them we welcome all of our campuses all of you online we're so thankful that you're joining us thank you for being apart god bless you're welcome welcome welcome if you have your Bibles you can open them to psalms 121 and we'll go there in just a moment and we'll go to the book of Esther chapter 6 also in just a moment but it's pretty exciting what what God is doing in our in our lives today I tell you the first service the presence of the Lord was really strong in this room and I just think that today is a very special day I know that I know there's a lot going on in our nation and today is a celebration day and a family fun day but look at this place I'm just proud that you know people aren't distracted they they're making the main thing the main thing and that's just powerful and a lot is taking place and I believe God has a word in season today for every one of you as a matter of fact I changed my message yesterday I had what I was going to preach and and I thought I had it and was ready to go and I felt like something shifted in my heart yesterday and I knew that this was a word in season and I want to talk to you today on a subject that is pretty wide-ranging but I think all of us can relate to it I want to talk about the remedy to worry the remedy to worry and I want to go in the scriptures in just a few moments I want to tell you an Old Testament story of how our God is able to bring the remedy to worry in your life how many of you if you were to be off totally honest today would have to say I do worry and I have something that I'm worried about specifically when I say that it comes to your mind instantly let me see your hand you worry about it so this this I believe is a word in season four many of you who are in all of our campuses and those of you online also I want you to be praying this week for our nation I want you to be praying for me I Friday had an invitation come from the White House and I'm going to be Wednesday night at the White House and then Thursday I'll be at the prayer breakfast but Wednesday night we're gonna have dinner myself and two other ministers and two congressmen the vice president myself we'll have dinner together he came out of nowhere came unexpected but not to God and I'm loading myself up with a word cuz he knows if he's got me I'm gonna say something about Jesus sooner or later I've never been in a meeting with him that I don't and we'll see what God's doing I don't know what's going on but I feel I feel like I feel like God is in control and I'm praying and praying for God to help our nation in a mighty mighty way so being much much prayer especially Wednesday night I want to go to the scripture Psalms 121 on the throwing that throw it up on the screen you will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not slumber that's it the remedy to worry I want to begin by telling you the story in the Old Testament I owned the fast tried to read the Bible through I didn't get it done but I've been reading on average about 10 chapters a day sometimes 20 sometimes 40 on my real spiritual days but but it's been a great challenge but boy it's been the most I don't know there's just reading the raw word is the greatest thing for your spirit your soul honestly I cannot underscore how powerful it is to just you know and I hear this little voice in my head I'm sorry I'm kind of rambling but I'm not I know where I'm going on get there quick you're gonna get out in plenty of time I'll go twenty-five minutes from now so just relax just relax but there's something about knowing I'm supposed to be reading twenty chapters a day and I know I'm not going to do it but the fact that it's there and when I sit down and I come home from work or whatever and you just want to go into TV and watch the news or something and a voice a little voice says you can't and read your Bible yet if you have you ever heard that voice it's just so annoying and yet it's good to have that kind of pressure on you right so anyhow y'all so spiritual you don't ever have that voice you only How Great Thou art How Great Thou art pray for me but the book of Esther I read through the book of Esther a few days ago and it just is such a powerful story the book of Esther is centered around King a Harris a Harris he is the one who inherited the throne ultimately from Nebuchadnezzar you remember the Jewish people were taken captive and became slaves the smartest the the most brilliant the rest were slaughtered the city of Jerusalem was left desolated and destroyed and now for many generations the the Babylonians have ruled over the Jewish people they basically were their slaves and this King has arrived who is mean and he's a pagan and he is ungodly there's nothing about him that seeks the Lord he's just he is what he is and he to show you how mean he is when his wife who was the queen would not dance for the princes that the King had brought in and wined and dined them for three days and in the conclusion he wanted his Queen to come out and do a vulgar dance and she refused to do it and the Bible said that he removed her from being Queen we don't know if he killed her or if he banished her but which she's never heard of again he replaced her by having a beauty contest and he has 120 provinces in Babylon and he says find the prettiest girl in every province and send her to a beauty contest in Babylon and the one who's the most beautiful is the one that will be my new queen and as God would have it there is a little orphan girl by the name of Esther who is in one of those provinces and she was beautiful and she she is nominated as one of the potential choices of the king and out of all the beautiful girls at some point it wasn't about hips and lips and all of that at some point and this is so interesting I want you to lean in now the book of Esther is the only book in the Bible God's name is never mentioned not one place no where is God any of his Hebrew names Elohim any of the Old Testament names every other book in the Bible is full of God's names none of them can be read without multiple times of encountering God's name but the book of Esther is the only book where God's name is not seen and yet you see his fingerprints all over this story which is a powerful lesson that there are seasons in our life when God can't easily be seen but even when you can't see him he's working and even when you can't feel him and even when the enemy is plotting and even when the night is dark and even when seems like there's no way out of the situation and you're worried and I promise you in God's silent and God's no word to be found in his names no were in the middle of my scry sis and my situation you will find that he's all over it but sometimes he goes undercover such is the case and so she wins Esther wins the beauty contest and I'm just gonna tell a story today and I will go where we're going I'll get there quickly and she becomes his queen but we all must make it like Esther is some huge huge heroic figure in this story she was terrified she was terrified of this man he was brutal life meant nothing to him and and and and she was so terrified as we'll see later in this story that she was afraid to even go into his presence without being invited she was afraid he would take her life so there was no joy in this marriage there was no relationship of you know romance and all of that it was a brutal he was a brutal evil man and she's forced to marry him then we move into chapter 2 and there's only six chapters in the book but we move into chapter 2 and and amazingly amazingly in chapter 2 Mordecai her uncle is the only relative her parents had been killed and she is she's an orphan but she does have one relative her uncle's name is Mordecai and Mordecai is at the gate and he is there by chance there again God is working in orchestrating and he's a Jew the Bible calls him Mordecai the Jew and the only reason he's there is because he had something to offer the Babylonian some wisdom some knowledge some talent or they wouldn't have kept him alive but he's there and he happens to be at the gate and there's a lot of activity at the gate in the Bible it's where they made decisions and judges ruled and all kinds of things at the gate of the city and he just happens to be there on this particular day and he overhears a conversation of two of the bodyguards of the king and they are talking about an assassination plot that they are part of that they're going to be the ones who are going to take the King's life and he can't believe what he's hearing he goes to Esther his niece and he tells her there is an assassination attempt about to be made on the King and you need to know it and you need to warn and apparently she was afraid to go to him personally she tells somebody we're not told who she tells they spoil the assassination attempt they kill the bodyguards they root out all of the people who were conspiring and of course deal with them in the most brutal terms but this person whoever it was took the credit and never told the king that it was Mordecai the Jew who had saved his life through Esther his Queen and so it's an interesting moment when you understand that there's one other major character that I need to introduce and his name is Haman Haman is King has arises Prime Minister he's second in command he's very powerful listen carefully and he's brutal and he's just as mean as the king many scholars believe he was the one who got the news protected the King white doubt the conspiracy to kill the king but he never told the king he did it like I am the one who saved your life and therefore he built even more credibility with the king and now as he's riding through the city this this Prime Minister he's not the king he's one knotch under the king and he's riding through the city on his chariot the king is very pleased with him and all the people have been taught to bow down but that old Jewish man named Mordecai will not bow and out of all of the people bowing won you know if one person while I'm preaching in this room just stood up and tried to stand up I wouldn't help please don't well we got uh sure's with stun guns don't try don't try but but but I'm just saying you know if you stood up I would notice that this is the funniest story to me that out of all the tens of thousands that were bowing all that Haman could notice was that one Jew and you know why he wasn't being rebellious he had been tall friend since a child that we only bow our knee to the king of glory we don't bow down and and he was it was an act of worship for him and it's so bothered Haman that this powerful man would go back to his palace and he would go in and talk to his wife about it the Bible said he actually made the comment I would like to kill him with my bare hands I can't stand that Jew the Mordecai I can't stand him and I want to kill him with my bare hands alright now we're going somewhere watch this and sure enough he decided one day I'm going to exterminate all the Jews I'm going to kill him and he goes to the king and he gets permission from the king again a brutal man the king and now his prime minister and the Prime Minister comes to the king and he says you know these Jews they really helped us we squeezed all of the wisdom all of their inventions their intellectual property everything we've taken from them we've learned everything we can learn from them they're disposable to us they're multiplying they actually could be a threat and I think we ought to kill them and the King says sounds reasonable to me kill them all what are we gonna have for lunch that's that's literally how these got there that cold and that brutal and the decision is made almost afterthought yeah just exterminate uh known a certain day all of the Jews will absolutely be exterminated and all that Haman is thinking about is I can't wait to kill that one that I can't stand named Mordecai and Mordecai here's the story and when he hears the story he goes to his niece in the palace the Queen and he says you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this you have to go in there and you have to speak up and you have to and she and she she's not here oh she's not yes I will I'll go boldly before the throne she's not at all she's trembling she even brings this point she says I cannot go in for the law has said whosoever shall enter uninvited shall be shall surely die and Mordecai basically has to remind her you aren't and I wanna preach right here a minute you are not a whosoever you are the bride of a king you and you can have what other people can't have you can go where other people can't go you can ask what other people can ask for because you are not a whosoever quit acting like a whosoever quit asking like a whosoever quit asking like you don't have a right to go in boldly and ask you are the bride of the king and what a message to you and i today you are a royal priesthood you are a chosen generation you are a peculiar people and you are to come boldly into the throne of grace say I'm not a whosoever I am a part of God's royal family the King of Kings knows my name she's trying to work up the courage and finally finally finally knowing that she she said fast for me and everybody goes on a three-day fast and after three days see this is a normal person she's filled with worry she's filled with anxiety she's filled with oh my god this is horrible and they're fasting in there praying and after three days or courage worked up enough and she like a mouse is kind of tiptoeing into the presence of the king and when he sees her he holds out the scepter and she comes in and he says what do you want Esther and why have you approached me and she and she didn't have the nerve she didn't have the nerve to say it so she speaks up and she says but III want you to come to a banquet too tonight I want you and I think because Haman was on her man she's in Haman oh I want Haman but you and Haman come you and Haman come to a banquet I think she was just behind herself time she could have cut straight through the chaise she didn't have the courage to do it she was just buying time and she walks out of there and wipes her Braun says oh my god I thought he was gonna kill me right then she has this huge dinner prepared and Haman and the King come these brutal mean wicked men and they're sitting there and she's there and she's she's trying to figure out how she's gonna bring it up and they eat and she winds them and they drink and I'm sure they were full of the King's wine and it was a big night and it was a enjoyable night and knowing Haman like he's presented in the scripture he's like I am so special I was the only one invited there are no other Prince's from the other hundred and twenty senators and provinces none of them have been a look at me look at me I'm sure all over his Instagram were pictures of the you know you know you know and he's like look I won't ever and the word was spreading all outside my goodness look at look at Heyman he he he's the only one that's eating with the king and queen he's a big deal and so that night when he walks out of the palace after that party it was so great and grand and all the people have heard him the moment they see him the paparazzi are outside the news is outside they're all bowing down except for that Jew he's standing there and it messed him up so bad that he goes home and he goes in the bedroom and gets in the bed with his wife and he starts pouting this is in your Bible you ought to read it it's a cool book and and he's in the bed with his wife and he says more to God more to God didn't bow even after I had dinner with the king and the Queen he didn't bow and his wife says you know what didn't you tell me that they that you were invited because at the end of that meal the King turns the Estrin says what do you want why did you do this this was amazing we had a great night what do you want darling and she says I I want another meal tomorrow night that's in your Bible she didn't have the nerve and so he goes home and he says yes they asked me to come tomorrow night just me the king and the Queen and she said you should take advantage after tomorrow night you're gonna be so tight with them you're gonna be best friends like never before just at the end of the meal just raised the issue of Mordecai and say that you want to kill him even before you kill the rest of the Jews and we'll be done and she said honey in order to be ready for that let's go on and start building the gallows for him to be hung from tonight all night by this time tomorrow night it had to be fifty cubits high which is about 75 feet it was a big spectacle and so he says that's a great idea now you need to understand that the Prime Minister's Palace was next to the king's palace and in the backyard is where they would build this gala and so all night long hammers are going Bam Bam Bam Bam and they're building something back there 70 something feet high that's where we move in and IIIi got to take my time care to take my time and just preach them in but because this is so important this is so important so this is the atmosphere now this is the atmosphere for Esther she's panicking she's worried she's going to bed that night terrified that I still haven't spoke up for my people in those babies those women all the Jews my uncle all of all my friends that going to be slaughtered and it's all on me and she's worried worried work it's an atmosphere of terror it's an atmosphere of fear it's an atmosphere of anguish and anxiety and worry and and evil is winning and the night is dark and Esther's not confident she's not bold she's not brave she's trembling in her and in all that is on her she's afraid the gallows she can hear the pounding of the hammers something's about to happen somebody's about to die somebody is gonna start this massacre of the Jews and it's near the weapon is being formed he didn't say the weapon wouldn't be formed in Isaiah 54 he said even while there for a minute I won't let it prosper and they're plotting and and and that night when they go to bed their terror they're terribly worried then you come to Esther chapter 6 and verse 1 this is where I've been working to and that night the king could not sleep so he commanded to bring the book of the records of the Chronicles and they were read before the king that night the king could not sleep everything is bad everything is messed up and getting worse everything is hopeless everything is filled with anxiety and worry they're facing a slaughter she's scared to death and the only thing that's their life was that night the king could not sleep might I throw this in there that unseen God whose name's nowhere in the book I believe with all of my heart he gave the idea to that wife to tell that husband to build the gallows do you know why he can't sleep all he hears behind his palace is Pam Bam Bam Bam Bam hammers hammers hammers he can't sleep and had he slept they all would have died but that night the king can't sleep he's tossing he's turning he has insomnia and he's calls and he says I know what will make me sleepy open the history books The Chronicles are nothing but history books it's like reading the Encyclopedia Britannica I mean who in the world wants to hear and in every part of the King's life everything concerning every detail they had what they called writers and they had people who who did recorders and they didn't have recording devices so they wrote down everything and on the day watch this now on the day when Mordechai overheard the bodyguards some body in the palace who was recording heard that conversation and wrote it as a footnote in the history books buried down on page 13 thousand and 98 is a sub thought down at the bottom this was the day when mordecai the jew heard about bodyguards who were going to kill the king and he told Esther and Esther told somebody and all the plot was spoiled the King had never heard the story now watch y'all got to see this let me preach look up here at me what when you think God isn't working when God solid where his name is nowhere to be found where you don't feel victory and you don't feel faith and God's not saying nothing nothing evan is solid where are you when I need you so bad my family's falling to pieces my children are making terrible to see God I fasted I prayed where are you you're saying nothing I promise you the King can't sleep he who keeps you will not slumber nor sleep what's this and he says I'm so sleepy blurry-eyed he's sitting up there and his royal PJs on the throne eating cookies and milk and his hairs all disheveled and he's just sitting up there he says tell the recorder to bring the book yes now why do you like for me to read and he says he says he says just just just open it anywhere and in the out of all the places the pages could have could have failed I want to preach just a minute there's an invisible fingers that's already sticking in that book saying now when he opens the book it's gone follow to the very day that Mordechai reported about the assassins you worrying about stuff and you don't understand your king has been up walking the for more than you've been walking he's planning more than your enemy's planning he's plotting your victory more than the devil's body your defeat and your demise you serve a God who said no weapon formed against you will prosper and every tongue that rises up he'll take care of them coz the king can't sleep and in that night that reader just happened chance opens it and starts reading about Mordecai the Jew who saved his life and the King says wait a minute what was done to reward that man has he ever come and tried to tell me the story no sir he didn't want any credit no sir has he ever has he ever asked for rewards no sir my goodness he did it with no motive I want a reward that meant what's happened to that man nothing sir nothing was done to reward him nothing oh my goodness now he's got off the throne and he's walking around in his robe and Versace slippers and and he's and he and he he's pacing the floor how can i reward that man how can i reward that man how can i reward him and he finally sits down now the sun's coming up and in walks Haman he's freshly shaved he slept like a he slept like a angel and he feels good if he walks in and he thinks I just had the greatest night of my life and tonight I get to do it all over again I am something special he walks into the presence of the king the king looks at him he's got black bags under his eyes and he says he says now he says I want to ask you something Eamonn he said what what would you suggest that I do let's say there's a man in the kingdom that I really want to honor in Haman with his egotistic self it's thinking oh my god now he's about to do a humble brag I know it could never be I but but Oh King I come on y'all I'm working hard up here y'all sittin out there just you at a movie where's the popcorn [Applause] I preach to myself this style 3ch that's how I talk to myself when I read stuff but he says what would what let's say there was somebody I wanted to bless Haman I mean I really wanted to show honor and show the whole nation this guy is a big deal to me sir I would suggest humbly I think you ought to take your robe off your help and put it on him I think you ought to take your staying the Steve that you ride on yourself and you ought to let him ride on it with that road I think you ought to take some pipsqueaks matter lesser person and let them guide the bridle of that horse on a rope and walk through the streets and his trumpets are blasting tell all the people the man in whom the King honours is before you and instantly the King said pray and I could see Haman oh yes I am bread and suddenly the King says hold it don't play yet the king says they're doing their job I tell them 30 minutes if a hurricane's happen to come out on the keyboard but that don't always mean I want you to play [Applause] you got done I see you good I know what that means all right let me finish I'm almost there this is so important the remedy for worry he says the King says that's brilliant I love it so here's what I want you to do want you to do everything you just said Haman but do it to Mordecai the Jew and he said by the way I think you're important enough that you should be the one who's leading the horse screaming the man who the king wants to honor this is the man on the horse well I don't know who I'm preaching to the stuff you're worrying about you've forgotten who your God is you've forgotten how powerful he is you've forgotten that when he speaks cease open when he speaks Mountains move when he speaks demons tremble and know the enemy's plot against your life will not be successful God is fighting for you sit down I'm almost done so don't you know how humiliating that was the man whom the King honours the man whom the King honors that night after a humiliating day Haman comes to the palace for the final banquet Queen Esther is there they eat the King turns and says why did you do this tell me the real reason what do you want she said sir there is a conspiracy in the land to kill Mordecai the Jew and all of his seed and I don't know if you knew this King but hi Esther I'm achoo King is enraged stands up cuz he didn't sleep all night so he's you know how you are when you didn't sleep good turn to your wife and say I know how you are when you didn't sleep good turn to your husband say you're that way all the time it doesn't matter if you sleep good or not can I finish here's the finish he's so angry he doesn't want to make a quick decision he's smart enough to know if I get rid of this guy's gonna cause me a lot so he gets up and walks out he says who wasn't behind this conspiracy and she says this one right here Haman he's so mad he's just if he spit it killed grass he's so mad he walks out of the room trying to pull himself together and the Queen takes off to her bedroom and he follows her Haman follows her coz he's now now all the tables are turned and he falls on her bed when she goes into her bedroom she's sitting on it he falls on her bed and he starts crying out for mercy and the King just happened at that time to walk in the bedroom and he sees this guy on the bed with his queen and he says that I was I was trying to figure out what to do now I know what to do and the gallows that you prepared for Mordecai guards take him out and hang him right now on those same gallows now let me finish and you can play now you can play so here's what I came to stay in a church this size this 26 hundred year old story is not just a piece of history but it's a reminder that you need to hear that you have a king who has intentional insomnia he said I will he didn't say I can't sleep he said I will not sleep for slumber cuz I'm gonna walk the floor and while you sleep I am up and I'm planning and I'm plotting your comeback I'm planning however the enemy has constructed things that I'm gonna turn for your good I'm gonna use them against the very voices that have tried to destroy you your king is not asleep he's active he has a plan he's for you and crowd this size there's some family that's represented that had a heated argument unkind cruel words were spoken maybe even last night and it looks like the enemy's gone wild in your family there's somebody else here who's scared of a medical situation you dread going back to the doctor the word that C word cancer is tormenting you you don't know what in the world and the problem is real and it's being formed and you feel like you're worried and you're full of anxiety and fear and worry in a crowd this size there's some parents that are agonizing over a teenager that's making crazy decisions and you never saw Dean you get one kid fixed and then another one actor how do you know because I raised five of them you get one thing fixed and here's another and you feel like you're losing your mind and where is God his name's not even in this family apparently [Music] but he sent me to tell you that the one thing that turned the battle for Esther the one thing that turned the battle for Mordecai is that the King had intentional insomnia listen worry doesn't make you weak it makes you human and if it's causing you grief if it's causing you pain if it's causing you anxiety and worry and struggle and anguish God cares about it and the king can't sleep and he said he who keeps you I will not let your foot be removed and he who keeps you will not slumber or sleep how many of you are worrying about something and there's only two reasons why people have insomnia something internal or external is bothering it may be something internal it may be a disease it may be something going on internally or it may be something externally with people relationships job family but it's it's worrying you tormenting you jesus said come unto me all you who are weary and heavy-laden and cast your worry on me for I can Handler and your king is not asleep he's awake the King can't sleep as long as you have a problem you don't believe he loves you you're not of somebody you're the pride of the king stand to your feet all over the stream and I want to have a different altar cone I want every teenager I want every adult I want every mom every day every businessman every person who's facing physical situations medical whatever the situation that is worrying you silly I want you this is a different article you know that if you come here the Lord said tell him to bring too worried to the owner so if you have worried I want you to get out of your seat and get as close to this stage as you can get and the same at every campus right where you are come on get out of your seat and bring that issue bring that problem bring it to the king bring it to in the in face and don't don't don't just bring it but now I want you to say Lord I'm gonna turn this worrying into warring and I'm gonna lift my hands and I'm gonna worship you in the middle of all the stuff the anxiety the feelings of worry and fear I don't have to care and God is on the job he works the midnight god is the king is awake and he hears your cry lift your hands all over this room all the way up and down those aisles if it brings you green if it brings you worry if it brings you inside it talk to him about it cast it on and put it on him today he's the god of miracles worried about introns heard about the robbery learned about the choices learn about that give it to God that's what church is all about give it to God give your brother your system give me a future if your finances God I major a major he's checking the records he's checking the records what did the King do he check are you smell crazy are you still standing in faith [Music] even when now the Spirit of God is in the Swift release yourself to that spirit let it breathe I've been quiet [Applause] you need the praise if not you blame that you're not of sunlight anybody you are a child of the and the thing about worry is sometimes when you're so filled with worry you can't really pray with a lot of confidence like you're like Esther you know you're going in and you believe you kind of go on but but but the report says the situation says that the evidence says this says that says and you're injured and sometimes you need a Mordechai sometimes you need somebody that says God's with you to remind you you're not a you not anybody or somebody you're you God said come Boulder he loves you he's for you so I want somebody to receive the anointing of Mordechai for the person beside you and just put your hand on their shoulder I don't care who you are from the top to the bottom lay your hand on their shoulder and say I just encourage you to let go of that worry today quit worrying about it consoled the throne the King can't sleep the King can't sleep he's there he's moving he's working even when I can't see even when I can't feel very smart [Music] [Music] the phrasing I feel this room looks great when I just singing they're prophesied never stop [Music] working all oh my what [Music] I don't want everybody in this room to sting them with things internally like you need healing you need healing raise your hand if you need a healing it's okay it's okay worry is not weakness worry means you're human raise your hand all right now look for somebody with her hand raised if they need healing only raise your hand if you need healing now touch them and pray for their healing right now they're gonna sing that one more time they pray all the way through this song through that one course for healing ready start praying for healing healing healing healing come on sing it with everything you got everything everything we're cleaning over their physical body promised keycard leave get out of here Bobby oh release release you're incredible nobody's moving so that's it growth and I don't mean to take advantage but I got to tell you yesterday one putting this little sermon together in my study I get a text and and and and and it's and it's one of our members and to make a long story short this person has a sister who is in critical condition 30-something years old maybe younger in critical condition terrible situation right in the middle of this message in my spirit and a lot of times you know I'll do that later and the Lord prompted me and said call him down pray for him call him right now pray for him now called in a prayed with that family member and I said now I know that the doctors have given up and they said they're brain-dead but here's how I look at it as long as they're here when those well pray for a miracle and if not he's still God that's kind of how I do it you call me in I'm gonna pray for a miracle and then you know if God wants to do different he's gone I'll still worship him the same I said well will you agree with me for that yes pastor we agree so help me God I got a text this morning when I woke up she came out of the coma they pulled the I'm not exaggerating I'm saturating one bit they were so troubled because they didn't think she was ready to go but they said she's communicating she's crying - you are singing one more time wave maker sleep pasta between girl Oh throw your hands up over your Larry and receive a lorry spirit promised to live in the dark [Music] sing it just one more time is get it [Music] I'd like to read you that text it's amazing I won't do it this Sunday but maybe next Sunday I'll read it because it's an amazing takes the guys are static he's going crazy not even to have nothing that all I did was just all God needs is anybody anybody you receive it everybody raise your hand say Jesus wash me in your blood cleanse me make me into your image I receive this message I'm not a warrior I'm a warrior no one showing a part like the Red Sea and I'm gonna finish blessing you I'm gonna put the blessing on you but part all the way down because I got to go to the back I want to shake hands and say hello to any and all but here's the blessing are you ready for it Lord may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine on you may the Lord be gracious unto you may he lift up his countenance upon you and may he give you peace and take away all that worried cuz he's with you and the king he can't sleep over here he loves you that much he knows your family in your need and you are blessed and Lord blessed the Kansas City Chiefs today I pray in the name of Jesus I'm just saying I'm just saying [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 151,939
Rating: 4.8423514 out of 5
Keywords: Worry, Jentezen Franklin, Free Chapel, Sermons, Direction, Encouragement, Insecurity
Id: 3pmdGup36bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 43sec (3223 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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