How To Start Your First Industry to Make Money in Cities Skylines!

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hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer today we're going to work on expanding our industry particularly with either forest or farming i think it's going to be farming that's what we found out was available at near our new little city build here if you're new to my channel don't forget to subscribe and leave a like if you enjoyed this video as well so i'm really excited to continue growing our city don't forget about the name for the city i'm going to take the top three voted comments over this video and the last one which hasn't released yet in my timeline um and then yeah we're gonna just name our city something cool so here we are coming up on what we built last time looking really sharp i'm liking this build let's just stop following this go nuts for donuts truck and take a look what we have oh yeah look at that right on the coast looking very sharp okay so we've got some things that we need to work on and some new things that we've unlocked as well which is going to continue to help us in building our city let us switch to daytime and daytime it is so let's just pause for a moment and take a look at some of the needs that we have now i used to use the automatic rebuild it mod but i don't use that now because when we see some buildings like this that have fallen into disrepair and become abandoned we can get the extra information uh why these were abandoned so not enough workers now that doesn't necessarily mean that there's not enough workers in the city um although in this case i believe that's possibly it because as you can see here we have a high demand for residential quite often it will be that they can't get here easily and at the moment we do have a walking path that runs all the way down here it goes over the top all the way along here and over the top there these can all walk down these roads oh we didn't quite finish this walking path over here let's add that in a bit um and that may help ever slightly probably not too much but if we have some mass transit that we can put in that would be fantastic outside what i'm gonna do i'm gonna just bring that into there we've got it connected there got it connected there that will do what mass transit options do we have available before we dive into the farming we of course have buses and we have some lovely bus lanes as well uh bus depot so that's 40 000 which is like half our money 960 a week 30 000 720 a week as money is hard to come by scientists are glued to their telescope okay that's uh money's hard to come by we're gonna go with the basic bus depot um what i need to do is remember to use this to turn that off first there we go and pop that in will that fit in over here somewhere without making it look too horky bulky i am going to pop it right on the end there hong kong buses are on the way i'll take the bus to work please well that is exactly the idea so i'm going to create a brand new line uh here is that like create a line now that is weird but it's not showing up what the heck is going on darn it game no there we go it's because i'm using this mod up here to hide certain things it got a little bit confused so i'm going to sort of go every other sort of block along here it shouldn't be too busy uh i may just pop one here as well and then it's going to come all the way over here and i'm just thinking to keep it on the main road would actually be a good idea so we're going to go every other block like this then it's going to swing round come back stop the other side of the road i might move some of these stops and in fact i'm going to go this way first so let's go there we can go up here past the school yep that will do back onto the main road again a couple of blocks this little bit here is sort of off the main road so we're going to go up there [Music] [Music] i have to say i'm absolutely loving the way the game looks with this lut with these relight settings everything just looks so much crisper and more lifelike it just looks amazing i'm loving it if you want to know how to do this there's a link in the description now that's got all my mods and assets that i'm using for this series it would have been in the last one as well but i haven't made it yet but i have now um so go and check it out and it shows you how to set all the game up to make it look like uh what i'm using here as well so what i want to do so this bus is going to carry on for a while let's come out of this view there we go what i would like to do is just take a quick look at what bus roads we've got so these guys up here oh look they've re-grown ah so it's not as bad as it was before it's now just yeah these ones still quite bad but yeah we'll see what happens with those what i want to do is see what bus roads we've got just to maybe help this a little bit but if only if we've got so two-lane one-way only if it's a small road i'll tell you what i'm gonna do is do it this way if we have a look over here in this one so this one here so that's the two-lane one way which i don't want i want two way with the bus three-lane one-way why can't i have any two i bet there's some two-lane ones in here all right when they get unlocked we may do a little bit of a change with the road but as it stands at the moment i think we'll be fine okay so we'll let that carry on that will also possibly help we've got not enough educated workers i don't know what i'm going to check that out so let's see what we've got elementary school coverage is fine high school coverage is fine university is that unlocked now oh no it's not unlocked yet so it is just that not enough people are going through the school system just yet oh that's fine so let's head down here last episode we found out let's have a look at our resources that this here is a nice big farming area i mean it sort of went all along the front here but we've got houses on that but if we can put some sort of farm thing on here that would just be fantastic so i'm just wondering i think what we're gonna do do we have the industry road before i'd sort of use the two-lane gravel road and stuff like that but i think we're gonna start with the industry road not quite sure how we're gonna hook this up yet um and we are gonna start from over here and see if we can match this up to this railway line i think i was going to straighten that out but i think that's okay like that so that's going to be our main road i mean this is our main road down here isn't it actually i'm going to just change that we're going to have that hook into there and what i'm going to do is i'm going to delete that use our picker picker mod i'm going to grab that road let's get that one so that would go to there but i'm just going to bring it back to here so it doesn't quite connect up and then i think i am going to straighten this road a bit there we go that's fine and then we'll just re-zone these little bits here that have disappeared there we go that's fine bit of housing then it stretches out to this road that's going to run along this way and then we need to see what we can do here i think what we're going to do is continue this down a tiny bit further there we go and then we're going to build off of here so let's go straight i mean anywhere we'll do here let's pop in our industry zone whole of this can possibly be farming so i'm just putting in some rough road details here just to see what we can end up with and what i would like to do is to start off the farming industry let us grab make sure we get the right one that's forestry almost got the wrong one our farm main building and i'm thinking that was going to go on the main road actually going to put it here there we go so that's gonna unlock this and all these items so we can start growing our farm now we have rose wood fields hmm i think we're gonna change that green tea fields farm fantastic there we go so let's see what we can do in here of course the first thing we need is water there we go that is everybody covered and then let's put down some of these buildings here i really like the ones that look like warehouses oh look at that it's perfect and i think this is the one oh i meant to read that what did you say tell me my favorite fruit is strawberry what's yours hashtag strawberry season um greenhouse sorry i like the greenhouse ones uh maybe we'll do like three and what i'm gonna do is change this one here to apples oranges yeah let's have oranges why not i think that looks okay yeah something in between there very good nice okay and then what we're going to do is we're going to put it this up a little bit so i'm going to grab this part here the bus is coming up here now which is nice let's run a path down there so what we might do actually is now we think about it it's adjust our bus route so when it's coming up here if we grab this one and get that to stop outside there and then stop up there and then on the way down there yeah that should be okay that'll be good and then we want to be able to store the crops that we're making from in here so if we grab our small grain silos as they're coming down here they can pop those in there we'll sort of spread those out a little bit i'm gonna move that one that's gonna come down to there there we go a couple of silos that should do excellent and what other options do we have that is about it isn't it small animal pasture so they will take the crops of course and turn them into meat for us um so maybe we'll pop in one of those as well let's have the animals over here there we go something like that i'm gonna run a couple of parts down here just to add a little bit of interest let's stop this one from jumping on the nodes oh there it is it's up here it's open already there we go we'll put that there excellent just some sort of dark dirt path running through with the stones i'm liking that what are we going to get let's have pigs in that one and let's have highland cows in that one there's something a little bit different nice okay that's good so we'll leave that running and then they're going to produce yieldy animal products which means to help with that we can add some little storage in there now i wouldn't have an open air warehouse yard for animal products i've got a small warehouse we can sort of imagine that that is perhaps at refrigerated or something like that where can that go that can just sort of go on the outside here couldn't it let's pop that there that will do nicely so we're gonna have that set to let's say balance for now and then animal products and then we'll just sort of see how that goes excellent electricity let's make sure we're doing okay yeah we just need to hook these people up so what i'm going to do i think it's just literally run that across there because at some point we're going to have something along here yep that's fine there we go excellent so hopefully we'll make some money what have we got job-wise yeah so we've got the possibility of 160 workers to get to the next level we need to get 150 so that's okay and also produce the resources that we are gonna produce and we're making our own we're not importing any so that is nice there we go and there's our pigs and crews enjoying our products that is what we want to see fantastic so that's gonna get us going with our farm um how is everybody everybody's looking happy oh look at that these are all looking okay yeah that's fine how is the traffic going oh they're not looking okay they're unhappy they're still unhappy well why don't we expand a bit then that is something that we need to do so we could carry on down here or we could head up over here i'm thinking maybe up over here would be good we've got around the coast let's take this one purchase no we've only got 2 000 monies can i take a loan i really don't want to but i can let's take the biggest loan there is because why the heck mark we're going to buy this one over here and then take a look at it right so this is the new little area that we've just purchased there isn't actually a road off the highway here we've got the train line coming through and then it scoots along down here there's this little road but it's deceiving it's not connected up it's all overgrown and then it sort of goes to the edge here and we don't own this little bit so i can't get in there but i'm just thinking we do actually have this area here if we could somehow hook this up to what we've got going on we might be able to just expand a little bit more so maybe let's do that first then we'll head over there so we've got this road that runs down here which i am going to connect up to there at some point but for now we'll stick with this we're sticking with our basic road let's just turn this all into two-way road as far as we can go and then i'm thinking about building up over the top here a little bridge so let's see what we can do and it might just mean deleting some of this road we should see let's start here [Music] there we go i think that's okay a little switch back over the top then it joins up with this road down here little bridge over the top there as well what a great city oh fantastic thank you very much that is very kind of you to say so we're going to pop that there and then over here that just connects straight up so that's okay so this is becoming more of a main road sort of down at the front here so at some point we are going to have to upgrade that but not quite at the moment so let's just put something in down here that we can build around [Music] well i'm just getting rid of some of these broken down old buildings that nobody wants to work to nobody knows to go to work at nevermind we're fine okay so we've got this little shape going around here nothing too complicated let's just get some water pipes over here as well for our fine folks i don't think we're gonna have a water pipe going up and over a bridge no let's not do that so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna start it here and then we're gonna see how else we could connect it in a way that would make sense so we're gonna connect under the highway there don't mention it don't tell anybody it'll be perfectly fine i'm sure okay there we go let's give them something nice over here uh let's just take a look how about a nice dog park could we fit that in maybe over there that will cover that whole area with nice lovely park goodies which is good we want to give them a school i'm just thinking to make this area a little bit different yeah let's put over here a district because we haven't been doing any districts yet really have we and this district with these houses is actually going to come all the way down to here we do have this tree buffer between what is going to be houses and that industry area so i'm happy with that that'll be an industrial park let me redo that there we go that makes much more sense this is going to be let's change this oh gray estates yes there we go fantastic i wanted to put in here maybe something a little bit different if we've got it unlocked residential specialization self-sufficient buildings why not i think that'll make it interesting so let's pop some of these in here then so we're going to need a community school where they're going to want to come and live can we sort of squeeze that in there yes we can they're also going to need a elementary school let's put that one over here yep that'll be good oh man the money is going down so quick so quick oh they're all upgraded now because they're happy with the school uh we could have a nice police station although there's one all the way over there no let's not bother fire coverage isn't the best if we stick one up here it's gonna help with these guys as well so i'm going to pop in one of those very small fire stations and then we definitely want a medical clinic which we have enough money for let's have a sip of tea i think about how much money we're losing at the moment so i tell you what you know they're gonna have to just wait for that so let's fill this in we're gonna have houses in the middle here we don't need many walk-in parts here because they can actually walk around and get everywhere because these roads are nicely crisscrossing and all that sort of stuff which is great um i don't want houses there we'll have houses here and not there not along the back these could be houses that could be houses and then we're gonna put some let's go back to our districts let's go to here and we want this to be organic and local produce for our commercial and i'm just thinking we're going to put a block there a block there and a block there but i'm also going to just take some away so we don't lose these trees along here as well i'm trying to sort of keep as many of the natural trees as we can i'm gonna take that out take those out maybe we'll keep those couple of trees there that should be okay for now make sure they're hooked up with electricity they will be when they move in so let's see what we get building up over here that looks nice now i do want to carry on the road down here oh while i think of it buses yeah the buses are coming down here to turn around so this is going to be a great opportunity to add in i've got to be honest here one bus stop would probably be absolutely fine i want to put it over sort of near the school but where's that going to send you all the way around the houses and back again so how about one stop over there and then one stop here on the way out i think that'll be good that's not too far from this school you can walk there you can walk up there around there yeah that'd be fine i mean we're sort of getting almost to the point where this bus stop is gonna match up and come over the top but we'll see let's just pause that for a second i just want to change this bit here this road here is actually going to continue down here because we've got to fill this in let's just turn off road guidelines i want this road to sort of go down the middle like this how far is that going to go yeah it's going to come all the way down actually do not we're going to do we're going to do this we're going to keep it on this side can i get this under here nope so we have to redraw that bridge that's fine so let's go like this and then we're going to just sort of curve this round go like that have sort of a loop at the end and let's use the move it mod and just see if we can yeah that's not too bad something like that's fine can we connect this up over the top or is that just too low it might just be too low it gets over that road okay look yeah you know what we're gonna do i'm going to connect it out i'm going to use the anarchy mods because i know that that's perfectly fine and what i'm going to do actually is lift this one here ctrl h same height as that this one here control h the same height as that and that one there control h and then it just drops down at the end yep that's good and then what we can do is if we get this down here we can connect that on that side and that on that side there we go and people can walk and get down to this area as well this is looking nicer does that electric pylon need to be there at the moment yes but i bet if i do this let's come there to there to there i can then delete this one which is what i want to do because we are going to build in here there we go excellent so let's have a look at that that nice loop in the middle people are moving in oh i didn't connect that road up again and i unpause the game whoops that would have confused everybody i'm so sorry i'm so sorry well let's see what we can do let's just pause the game let's delete that and connect this up to this road here whoa let's do this aha there we go much better is that okay going over the top yeah that's still fine still all lined up correctly excellent and all i'm going to do on the end here is do giveaway like that there we go that's going to loop round so you probably don't need it but i'll do a giveaway sign on there excellent how close are these oh do you know what we don't need to put any roads off of that that is literally as much as we need to do so we're gonna have oh my black wallet i've been looking for that we're gonna fill these in like this this is gonna be some shops in there and then all on the outside will be residential when we need some let's maybe just pop a little bit in down here for now that'll do right let's look at that bus again so when this bus goes back up again we can grab that one i'm going to put one stop let's put it there i think that's near enough that these people here will walk that's good let's see what have we got on here i mean it hasn't been running for long is there anywhere that's particularly overloaded with people no the five buses are keeping up with it the nine buses i didn't put that many foot up at five oh i've added more stops haven't i let's make it six go on and we'll change the color to a nice fuchsia very nice and we are still making money we are still growing we're over 2 000. what's our next target 2 600 working water pipes who's complaining about no water that would possibly be the new area that i've just built let's just pop these in there we go water for you i'm so terribly sorry plenty of electricity plenty of water hopefully now everybody is happy let's have a look the shop's all moving in coin laundry what else have we got down there skytrust i like these with the the green on the top and look at how many people are walking that is exactly what we want to see we want to see people walking over the highway that is brilliant keep it going keep it going right let's run over here and check how our farming industry is doing what a lovely color bus over here hopefully this is still making us money let's just check this out so it's a long way away for people to travel to work so we've got 82 out of 160 workers let's just check what our unemployment is unemployment three percent actually we need to grow a lot before we're going to get a load of people here not making a huge amount of money we're importing a ton of stuff oh sorry no we're not we're making a ton of stuff uh that is okay that is okay let's check these over here animal products yeah they've got all the stuff they need i want this to be empty so that'll be used as a buffer so they'll deliver there first of all i'm using the enhanced traffic what's the mod called something like that enhanced transfer mods so they will deliver to here first and as you can see these will use its own trucks for heading out into the world hashtag i need more parks well that's good because that's going to make us money if we keep getting those things sent out let's just have a look here yeah i don't know why it says minus 276. we shall see but they're all going to head out i think the money will kick in once it gets out the city okay so doing well let's continue to expand so we've got more need for residential so all of this down to here is going to be residential so let's fill that in all of this is going to be residential but i'm actually going to pause the game because i'm going to do the same again i'm going to try and save some of these trees i'm not making the building so big along the back and let's just take that one out that's fine that can come out that can come out that can be smaller yeah we'll take out those it'll also help us get some slightly different sized buildings but we want this buffer we really want this buffer by the highway there we go that's okay and then we'll pop these in here this is all going to be shops so let's fill that in let's fill that in let's fill that in there we go let's fill those in excellent yep that should be good oh i like this look we've got a nice little car park that's popped up in here which is fantastic goes with all these other buildings really nicely what i'd like to do is just sort of cover this bit here in yeah in this let's just go a bit bigger i'm sort of sort of making out it's like a shopping center area so if we cover this all like this doesn't mess anything up does it no that's okay makes it look a little bit more like a shopping complex doesn't it yeah very good very good right so i'm just thinking about some more trees along this side because we've got this really sort of smoggy industry area over here which is on fire okay where's the fire engines hello here they come stop behind a tractor isn't that always the way when you got to get somewhere in a rush you're stuck behind the tractor well when we've unlocked them these roads here are definitely going to become bigger roads well done you put it out he's burned down hopefully he'll come back yeah we're definitely going to plant some more trees along here so when as before i didn't want to use the move it mod to cheat and place trees in the last episode the landscaping is actually open now so um i'm not too worried about doing this i'm gonna copy those and i think we're just literally gonna fill this bit here all the way along here really get it chock-a-block with trees to protect these people from all of that industry that's over there i mean they can see it you know it's not totally out of sight but i think definitely with trees that is gonna be a little bit better and then it's not until down here where the residential starts that you start getting away from the industry behind you and i think that'll be fine i think that'll be fine let's fill this last bit in did we put in uh residential we did okay that's fine so just waiting for the growth could we add some shops in in a couple of spots this little section here could do with some shop so let's just pop a few in here nothing too big as before want to keep the trees what about along the front here no i think that's all okay yeah we'll leave that as it is so let's move from this side of the city over to our new square that we unlocked over here and i'm just thinking about a simple little junction for coming off of here that doesn't take up too much space [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we've got the junction set up there it's not looking perfect either side you know symmetrical that's what i'm looking for and that's deliberate i don't mind the roads being a bit wiggly wobbly and bendy like that what i am gonna do if i can come out of that screen and press the right button is i'm going to change this at the top um if we have the option yeah in here too i'm still getting used to the way these roads look a bit different from what uh i had before with the old next two roads two lane highways one lane going in each direction two lane highway i think that's going to be the one yeah so then we get two lanes going that way that one's going off that one's coming up we'll do that as well then i'm gonna do this and control left click for dedicated turning lanes on everything and that one as well and then where this goes into here now our highway that goes through here is two lanes all the way through so what i'm going to do i think i'm just going to slightly upgrade just after this junction to a three lane which is going to be that one if we can squeeze that in yeah there we go just so they all get a lane to come on it's almost like you've got this extra lane and then you've all got to merge in together and i've stopped it from being a bridge whoops let's change that to that there we go the water can run underneath fantastic let's just double check that that's right there we go that's okay then they can merge there and then if we do the same over here where they come on a little bit there let's pop that back to normal excellent yep that's fine so we've got this little extra run-off lane and then we'll do our lane connectors you go there and that's good then at the top here we do have traffic lights which at the moment are just bog standard traffic lights which is fine which is good now before we get too deep into all of that we're running out of electricity over here oh we were we were running out of electricity like two minutes ago i looked at this yeah look we are running out of electricity getting brown outs so at the moment i mean what have we got 41 000 we could pop in another one of these for 19 000. we can pop some of these in what's the difference seven megawatts these give us naught to eight so six twelve thousand would give us like 16 19 000 is going to give us 40. i think we just might as well go for another one of these somewhere up here i'll tell you what i'm going to do is i'm going to run a little road up behind this bus stepper i've slightly changed this little angle here as well it's looking a little bit more realistic can i connect to there without messing anything up i can i'm going to go like that along the back there let's just maybe line this up a little bit better people living without electricity and had out houses long time ago but people are complaining please don't complain i'm literally popping it in right now and that's going to go there that's fine just sort of tucked away a little bit that's good i'm don't mind that and hopefully that will be plenty of electricity now we shouldn't have any more complaints yeah look at that so i could even drop the budget back down to something like that and save a wee bit of money yeah that's fine i'm gonna go too far because we are expanding excellent excellent accent i've just been looking at all the comments because video number one has just gone out and the the names suggestions the name suggestions for this city have been coming in and some of them are fantastic so i'm pretty sure by next episode i would have been able to pick some out stick them on the community tab and get them voted up so we can see what we've got how are we doing here 110 workers out of 160 so we want to get to 150 don't we for the next level so we are getting there that's good let's double check our mass transit see how that's going so we've got six vehicles we've got random amounts of people there i reckon we could drop this down for oh it should have paused that before i did it probably made some buses disappear i know they're okay yeah let's drop that down a bit and then as things go on we can always we can always change it and add more can't we good okay that's the problems over there sorted let's swing back round to our new area over here and wait for daytime hey would you look at that population 2 600 fantastic sightseeing bus tours and trolley buses i'd like to get some trolley buses in and then a whole a whole slew of is that a real word new policies and some new rows just have a quick look through this so these are the standard ones you'd get unlocked i want to sort of keep in mind any new ones from vanilla plus that we might get unlocked yeah lots more asymmetric roads which are going to be fantastic as we get bigger four-lane road with is that tram i think that's tram or is that trolley bus might be tram and some more one euros and some cool stuff down here as well oh yeah some nice coastal fishing things they are definitely going to enjoy those in our city all the intelligence agency and these i love these these are fantastic buildings as well nice a nice little chunk of new things what's next 3800 cool so i was just going to follow this road down here and see where it takes us can you hook on there thank you very much so if we come down here and then we are going to just meander along here roughly following the outline of the coast to my right and then we've got this sort of area that goes up here what i wanted to do was possibly connect it up to this and have that as a connection coming around the other side there so what we're going to do we're going to back this one up and we're going to sort of come around the top there and bring it down to here and then at some point that's going to join up so let's have a quick look what is that road there we got that one unlocked yet i think we might do so if i let's have a look we've got a little walking path and a road connected up to this but people can't walk down this one so in my mind that seems a little bit pointless what is this one let's go to here and then i want to keep that let's move that over there oh there's lots of detailing going on here let's just grab all of this and move it over yeah whatever we lose after that that's fine and we're going to connect that up to there there we go excellent excellent and we could even move this path there we go on to there so that sort of goes to this extra little small highway and eventually when we get this square we can hook that up with a tunnel underneath around here and then maybe turn this into a slightly faster road until we get to the built-up area that might be a good idea excellent so this area over here is slightly taking shape i just feel like i need to adjust this a bit so this area here is definitely going to have its own little district so i'm going to put that in there and check out what i'm going to do is any other names that don't get chosen for things like the city name and stuff like that i'm going to keep a little list and then we can use them for districts as well so keep on suggesting the names i love them that's mill heights and this one i want to change el grey estate i want to change that to earl grey end don't mind that looking for an apartment yeah i know we need to get more people moving in uh we're also going to get a little district going down here for these people so then we can start working on policies and things like that but i want to name everything i want to name everything as we go along there we go let's do that we'll just whiz down this road there we go so we've got mill square over there let's just finish that one there and then we're gonna have another district down here too so let's just join all of these in and it might just help us with changing some of the styles not having great big there we go not having great big um high rises everywhere we'll look at that in a future episode for sure so i just wanted to stop by here and see how our new farm is doing it's only small at the moment but hopefully it's making us some money yes it is which is fantastic it won't be long and that will be up to the next level [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] just decided to do a few names at the end here green teal fee green tea fields farm green tea park green tea square earl grey and earl grey industries and then chai heights which we'll get to in the next episode unfortunately we seem to have caught fire fire oh my goodness me we'll have to get that one sorted out well thank you very much for watching thank you for your support don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss out on the next episode and i will see you in a few days time have a great day take care bye you
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 319,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, cities skylines top mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, urban planning, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines what mods, cities skylines mods, cities skylines how to start your city, how to, cities skylines how to start industries
Id: 1nX6ZAXkDcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 19sec (2539 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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