How to Start a NEW City that's so GREAT Everyone wants to move in! Cities Skylines!

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look at that the new city is so great they are queuing up to get in welcome back everybody to city skylines with me biffer and we are gonna see today how to start a brand new city and how to make money as quickly as possible so you can expand and grow your city [Music] now first of all i'd like to say welcome to all my new viewers and subscribers if you are new please consider subscribing to the channel and if you've enjoyed the video please consider leaving a like it really does help a lot i'd also like to thank all of my viewers for picking this map this is an absolutely amazingly beautiful map the map is called mossy sobo and it's by anupo i will put a link to that in the description below because i reckon if you try and search it for my bad pronunciation you ain't gonna find it so i'll help you out with that i'll also put a link to the mods that i am using uh assets wise i've only got what comes with the map at the moment we'll be adding assets as we go along but i've stripped everything back i'm keeping it clean and fresh as much as possible with just a few mods that we really need and you'll be glad to see as well i've solved the stutter problem by removing some mods so check out my collection and you can see what we are using so i'm really excited to get stuck into this map it is absolutely beautiful if we just zoom out from this bus that we're following look at this look at this so at the front here we have the river that opens up with all these beautiful little islands i am thinking we are going to have so much commercial nightlife all sorts of stuff happening along here on the beaches we've got hidden here and there we've got these little broken down old castles and things we're definitely going to do something with those we've got mountains galore in the background which i'm really excited about so we sort of follow this river up here little wiggly wiggly bits there which is really cool more beaches over here fantastic oh we've got this beautiful look at this absolutely stunningly beautiful waterfall we're gonna build up here i reckon a little hidden little hidden village or something like that and then we can follow this train line or this road is along here we've got a couple other little ponds and all the mountains either side this is a lovely lovely map uh just to show you how i've got this set up this is the starting square by the way down here and it starts with the roundabout fantastic let me show you what i've got going on here so i am using the reaper real blue lut and no other map theme that's all i'm using and these are my settings if you want to copy those there we go i enabled time of day in the settings pause it here and set it to about half past four or five o'clock and it just adds a little something to the shadows of the game which i think make it look fantastic so yes here is our starting square this one here which is really cool so we can build out in this as you can see sort of planning ahead let's just turn it round this way so we enter the city now first of all you want to plan where you're going to build your residential to start off with and where you are going to expand to uh for your industry now even though this sort of little pond area around here would be fantastic to live around as you can see it's got fertile land it's got ore which i know for a fact that is all around there as i do have the mod here for ground resources we can cheat and we can see what we've got before the option is available to us so we're gonna try and make something with that we've got lots of oil over here that'll be for another day now i know the fertile land opens up first and we've got a lot down here which i want to take advantage of because when we start our city the main thing we are trying to do is earn money as quickly as possible and then as we move along into our city it may be that we decide to delete our little starter place here and do something else with it but for now it is all about making money so first of all i want to just brace up this roundabout so any additions we add to this we're not going to mess anything up because coming through here i do want to just plan a little bit with what roads we're going to have so we've got this highway comes off here and i'm assuming we're going to have that highway let's just go into this view sort of curve across there and head over this way we've got our train line which we don't have access to straight away and then over here if we want access to the highway we'll add another intersection here so that is what i'm planning so let's maybe just add a little bit of highway in i'm going to use the anarchy mod so again you can check the description to see which ones i'm using i'm just gonna i want it to go straight from these roads straight through so before the road starts curving i'm just grabbing that and i'm gonna bring that out to there i'm gonna do it on this one as well and then i will delete all the extra little rows that we've got [Music] there we go so any cards coming up here we'll be able to curve onto the roundabout and we'll be able to move fantastically speedily there we go let's turn that around so now we've got uh the rough direction of where our highway is going to go and we can always upgrade this later on that's fine so there we go and just a little thought connect that at the end if people want to use it that's good and we'll have some connecting roads through here as well we could say one there yeah which we'll get to and we're just going to use traffic manager control click with this tool here lane arrows watch that little arrow there ping we've got dedicated turning lanes ping dedicated turning lanes and we're going to say you've got to give way that way and you've got to give way that way give priority to the guys on the road now we're going to build everything with the two-lane gravel road to start with that is our plan and we're doing that to save money on the cost of roads what is that what is this got deer running around our city hello welcome welcome to oh the name of the city you've all been wondering what the name is haven't you i haven't told you yet well i put a community post out and everybody voted on the name of the city and let us name our city the top voted name that we had was from rain rain day or rain dye and it was teaport welcome to the city of teaport ah fantastic right i'm gonna build out to there and then i'm gonna leave a gap so instead of going right next to it like that i'm gonna leave a gap for a path to run up there and we're going to run a few of these out our initial aim is just to get a ton of people out and i should be doing this with the game pause so we're not spending money on all of our roads so we just want to hit our initial target and there we go we'll do that we've got to get some water coming in i could use a water tower i'm pretty sure we're going to be perfectly fine using this this is where we're going to grab our water from and oh look the starting grid already is covered in pipes oh that is just fan flipping tastic i love it i love it that is just great right we need our other road coming over here this is where we're gonna have our industry hopefully we're not going to destroy this beautiful oh look at that this beautiful rundown castle we could imagine that that's the old industry that used to be there there we go excellent so that brings that into there and then for power i'm just gonna run a little road up off of here let's just add now i do have the no need for power lines mod because i just find adding in power lines and then deleting them later when everything connects up just a complete waste of time so i just there we go no need for power well no need for power lines we've got them all removed zippidy doodah let's do that and we'll set up the roundabouts so this is the traffic manager mod i'm sure you all know i'm going to do control shift and click and that is going to set up all the giveaways all the dedicated turning lanes bish and look at that fan flipping tastic good so now we are basically just aiming for our target of 440 and the houses are being built ah that is just great i need a quick sip of tea so who is going to be our first person into the city now we're going to get some people moving in because they're all going to be pleased that there's sewage treatments yeah there's water little hamlet 400 i didn't see anybody driving in what the heck there's people in here but there's no cars the traffic is so good oh no aha look the cars are turning up we have our first car they are working at the coal power plant the middle taylor brown look at that with this sports car on the dirt well he's going so fast where's he gonna live where's he gonna live he's going home welcome to the city taylor no he's not going around that way hey there he goes parking on the grass and this is his house here fan nope where are you going taylor there you're going excellent we're getting people coming in look at this i was really worried there for a second something was broken but we're fine so at the minute we only have access to normal industry and that will change but for now i'm going to put some of those in there we go oh wow look here come all the people it's a possession of cars moving in to teaport fantastic look at that the new city is so great they are queuing up to get in oh look they bought all their matching cars as well this is absolutely brilliant this is where where are you going whoa around the around the newly constructed roundabout that is what we want to see come in come wow goodness me this traffic is getting really bad let's come out of this view what is going on there's so many people are moving in at once this is the one and only time we're gonna get traffic okay let's just see what the traffic percentage is 67 because everybody's moving in okay right we have a great big need for industry and what are we trying to get to now we're trying to get to worthy village do we have yeah we have some other needs we need to take care of even though we are going to be using squares at the moment to a certain degree i'm saving our industry to be upgraded to um farming and all that sort of thing once we get that unlocked but i am going to keep to doing some grids and stuff but you can sort of mix things up make your grids interesting shapes there we go and that will help with your traffic as well so we have a big grid a small grid we're going to add some of those in a little bit of this here and there there we go and that will be fantastic we are making money which is great and we need more people [Music] let's fill all of this in one of these was going to be a park wasn't it no let's not fill that in sorry sorry hey worthy village so we need to go through and start adding some of our services we now have forestry specialization that's not the same as the stuff from the industries i will show you what that is in a second let's just add this into here so that can now connect to there very good people can get in and out a lot easier right they're complaining about trash these are complaining about not enough people to buy things well we're working on that will that fit in there i'm going to have that there and then when this fills up what i'm going to do is i'm going to put a recycling center right opposite so it can empty straight into it and solve the problem but those garbage trucks are going to shoot out which is nice uh we also want to get some healthcare in here as we have that available so let's pop that there fire coverage we're going to need that over here by our industries we'll squeeze that on the ends and then police yeah there's some crime rates go on and let's add a little country thing in there fantastic and school as well oh okay we've got schooling going on there we go let's give that a go and now we've reached tiny town now we have the industry areas parks and plazas fishing yes fantastic oh can you hear the people upgrading can you hear them upgrading now that we've given them all their services the schools and the police and all that sort of thing they're absolutely loving it trash is still a problem has this got all the trash yeah it's collected the local ones now it's going to end up coming over here so that's good right let's continue to fill the needs and now we have access to high school and all that sort of thing as well which is cool uh eligible 209 so we really need to get a high school in here so if we take this just do that let's take this high school here put that to one side we've got room for parking if we'd like to add that in as well excellent and then we have parks and plaza so now we're really upgrading uh the citizens that we have in our city look as you can see they're upgrading these are almost there educate more citizens well we've just popped that in so that'll start going up we want to start making more money we're making money as it is but we want to get some industry areas in so all of this around here is farmland so i'm going to grab there we go and then we've got all here which isn't unlocked until 2600 pop so we're not going to worry about that and as we said before we've also unlocked uh the industry specialization which isn't the same as the uh industry that we've got here but we're going to make use of the farming industry is going to be here and also the farming industry specialization so that's going to turn normal industry buildings into farm related buildings just before that uh just spotting some road problems over here let's just take a look at this let's take our arrow and we're going to do control click there so we've got one for going straight on and off no let's change that there we go straight on and this way and one for going off which is what we want i'm then going to use the junction restrictions and say look don't stop there just keep going there we go look keep going keep going keep going keep going which is good and then this junction here i want everybody else to give way apart from these guys so you're going to get priority you're going to give way you're going to give way you're going to give way so off they go they don't stop they keep on moving i'm going to put keep moving there as well so look at that that all dies down and then we can do the same here so you keep moving when you're coming in uh yeah that's fine you've got to give way and we're going to say priority give way give way we will upgrade these roads but just a little tweak like that could just help things work much better we'll do the same here so control click once i don't want our straight on to be the same as coming off so control left click again there we go and it will change it which is good and then we'll do that you keep going through there keep going through there [Music] and you give way you give way priority for the people coming in excellent and that just frees up all of that keeps it moving traffic at 81 right let me plan out a little road network here i'm thinking i want to line these roads up with these roads over here so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to put the anarchy mod on and i'm just going to draw this straight road straight out here in pause mode this is going to get deleted then i'm going to bring this down here like that and then i'm going to grab my industrial road and we're going to draw off at a right angle if we do it like that first and then across there we go so now we know that line is straight lined up with everything else there we go nothing too complicated trying to make sure that all the junctions are t junctions pretty much apart from this one here but there's plenty of ways in and out of all the different areas i think that'll work fine so we have got our industry area drawn in we want to now make this a farming industry and there we go slight delay but now we have access to these items here which is really good and we have our little farming business down here fantastic so we have the small crop field we have the small fruit field and then i think we have a small animal pasturage we're gonna go one and not enough money ah okay there we go we're making money but i'm spending money so quick that's what's going on there we go so we're gonna change that to what's up pairs why not so there we go that's gonna make our crops then we want somewhere to store those crops so that is going to be this item here when we have 6 000 oh my goodness me okay well let's just keep things going one other thing we can do as well we have access to taxes so we're going to leave residential on 11. effingham is going to go up to 12. there we go look they're all heading out good let's just come back to that in a moment so we will start getting rid of this industry here so what i'm going to do because we can tell with the jobs to get this up to the next level we need 150 workers and produce 500 resources at the moment we only have the capacity of 90 workers and only eight people are working there and that's because we have all of this so slowly i'm going to chip away at this and start taking these away like that and these people will start moving over to willow grove so already 21 out of 90 workers let's take away another chunk 38 out of 90 workers so they're moving over quite quickly so let's just right click remove those 41 out of 90. now we've got enough money to put some storage in here so before we do that we want to process our crops into something that we can sell and make a lot more money so if we just have a look at willow grove so we're making the crops we can process them into flour a bit later on and make money we can sell the crops directly and make money or we can process them into animal products and make more money and that is what we are trying to aim to do so i'm going to put a small animal pasturage right next to it here which way is the road going do you know what that would have been better to go the other way around i'm going to move that over here it's going to cost me 800 and put that there so trucks can come down pick up the items bring them into here and we've got highland cows in this one so as soon as we get some crops they will appear and we'll make animal products that we can then sell let's remove the whole lot go on let's remove it all and we'll get a good idea of what's going on we can also check up here unemployment so 19 unemployment 20 21 22 24 27 it's going up a lot so we really want people to start coming over here this one here i'm going to leave that on balanced so that's going to fill up with some crops that can be brought over to here hopefully very very soon there we go just brought them in and we got highland cows hello cruz excellent so the other thing that we can do is we can make a normal area over the top of this so we have our industry area let's make it this little spot over here so this bit down here this side of the road is going to have some normal industry building so as always we're going to need some cool names from you for willow grove and rosewood heights something farming related but of course also tea related as well now we're going to change this to our farming industry speciality and now if we add our industry buildings back into here ah there we go and we get farming related items popping in fantastic they will look very nice but also this is really going to start making us some money hopefully once these animal products start getting sent out which will hopefully be very soon aha here we go this is the one i'm looking for levels so we can see the levels of our houses by the color of them so commercial level is down here i'm thinking most of these are possibly level two yeah level two we can see our residential level so most of these are two coming into three a couple of these have upgraded yeah this is coming into three so what do these ones say increase the value of the land parks and plazas so it was education to get to two now it's parks and plazas to get to three well we have some options and we have some small parks so this dog park is brilliant it's only small doesn't cost too much we can fit it in here if we just move this over to this side so this is becoming an all-purpose park and look at that and that covers the entire thing there we go so that is now going to help some of these to upgrade putting the game on to level three and we can hear them upgrading already that's what that little thing is look some of these shops are upgrading which is fantastic yeah and these ones are upgraded as well so that is what we want to see and we're going to get even more people moving in which is absolutely fantastic oh auto save quick super tea and we're getting almost 2 000 which is fantastic i'd really like to get to boom town 2600 we get access to transport and that is something that's really going to make a huge difference as well let's just check over here so our industry now has gone right down which is good our normal industry garbage is going well let's have a look over here how willow grove is doing so we're making money which is good at outputting animal products we still have tons of crops so we probably could even have another uh small animal pasture which will help us to make some more money and we almost filled our quote of 115 workers and we need to get this up to 150 if we're going to upgrade this yeah that will do we can always adjust the roads in here the sizes and things but i've left a lot of spaces for parts talking of which we want to encourage walking of course we do so i'm going to grab my new favorite path the nature reserve path and we're going to see if we can encourage some walking in our area now it's going to mean destroying a few houses i'm sorry you all moved in thinking that was it you found the best place to live we've got dirt roads everywhere uh but now we've got uh walking paths as well some of the houses i've been upgrading i like no i've just literally added on my extension why are you doing this but there we go this is why i'm doing it we want to encourage walking and then also what i'm gonna do i'm bringing these pads up to the edge here i want some ways to get up and over the top so i'm gonna go up to across like that and then that can connect to there that can connect to there very cool uh down to that can connect to there that can connect to there and then this can connect all the way over there for now which is good and then we could is there is walking bars along the side here yes there is so all we need is another way for people to get over up and over let's do one in the middle here there we go that should be good i'm thinking maybe another one in the middle but now we've got the space there and there so that's going to encourage people to walk most definitely oh there we go we're outputting now lots of our crops to our animal products i could i would even say that we could output even more animal products and make even more money which would just be absolutely fantastic let's add this one on the back over here so what have we got highland cows let's swap that one for pigs and this one here can be sheep why the heck not three two [Music] we've hit the next level congratulations so now we have access to all of these new items we can start processing into flour we have a bakery workers barracks all sorts of things that we can look at which is absolutely fantastic so let's help speed things along a bit for our industry people we're gonna take this small four-lane road i particularly like this one uh for an industry main road because it's small and we're going to upgrade this road all the way along here so that's just going to speed up the people getting in and out which is good i also maybe just want to slightly change our roundabout here so let's just pause that a minute and brace up our roundabouts just so there's a bit of a slope as they go in and out which is what we want so let's delete those roads excellent and then on here uh we just need to do a little bit of work so let's do control shift click make sure our roundabout is now set up with all these new roads i'm going to change the speed on these roads coming in so the road they're traveling on is going to be 50 so let's make that 50 coming in and out and i'm also going to say on this junction keep going through don't stop at this node and finally our lane connector so they don't go round like that i want them to go straight down here or straight up there we'll say you go through and there we go and then one final thing is parking return off the parking so that's going to help them get in and out a little bit quicker we will eventually do it on this road as well but at the moment we don't need and even though i'm running out of money quite often now i'm building more roads look how much money we are making and i've not taken one loan during the whole of this build not one loan and i think the key to that is using these very very cheap roads they're 20 dollars pounds whatever a cell and the normal rows that you might build on these ones here are 40 so they're literally half the price they're a little bit slower what are these speed 30 i think these are speed 40 but the difference is amazing you are saving so much money it's absolutely brilliant oh we're so close to our next target i've run out of tea as it's also saving oh my goodness me i'm thinking we're gonna put a nice big park uh maybe over here somewhere so let's just get in enough people for our last target there we go we'll do those we'll leave this bit free we're going to need some schools and things oh can we unlock it let's give them another access to and from the highway as well why not while we're at it we can just sort of set this up so i want the turning off one to have their own lane very good yeah boom town then we get access to transportation which is something i am very very excited about now i just realized i've made one mistake during the whole of this video have you spotted what it is have you spotted it if you have write it in the comments now i'll wait for you no cheating when i tell you what it is it is the slight change in the next version of traffic manager aha i accidentally have easy mode enabled i have vehicle despawning enabled aha this button has been switched around from the way that i'm used to it i am gonna put no despawning on which is hard mode bigger traffic jams that is the way i like to play rather than this way which is the vanilla way i'm gonna turn it off there we go no despawning so that buttons off uh hard mode so let me just run this city just for a minute or two and just see whether we still have our amazing traffic like we have at the moment i'm pretty sure we will do as you can see we're despawning turned off which would make it harder our average traffic flow is going up it's now 83 percent so that is absolutely 84 it's getting better that is absolutely brilliant which is i'm really pleased about that and we're making tons of money from our industry so what have you learned from this episode you've learned the correct roads to use to start off your city how to build and make money with your first industry ah some of our commercial is upgrading really big which is absolutely fantastic we've got walking paths we've covered all the needs of our citizens next episode is going to be transportation we now have access to mass transit if you wish to see that don't forget to subscribe check out the next video on the screen as well which i'm sure you will really enjoy and i will see you all very soon thank you very much for watching ah welcome to teaport i'm very very excited where this city is gonna go i'll see you all very soon take care bye-bye you
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 648,408
Rating: 4.9422321 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, cities skylines ep 1, cities skylines episode 1, cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to make money, #teaport
Id: HKpNQl4U12w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 18sec (1878 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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