How To Start a City For 2020/2021 - Cities Skylines Tutorial

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hello people and welcome back to the updated updated version of how to start your city for 2020 this is a reupload I decided to delete the old version and decided to produce my own version of how to start you'll see and I not credit Imperial Jedi's version anymore so today we're going to be looking at a nice new start to the city and this is really gonna be kind of a beginner's guide people with experience with city skylines may find this a little bit slow but maybe you'll pick up a couple of tips along the way as well we are playing with all major expansions from after dark and snow for natural disasters green city is basically everything up until compass we're not playing with concerts which is a mini expansion so everything all the content create parks and most of them are now as well but you can kind of see at what I have installed here on the left hand menu if you're interested in terms of mods there are a couple active unlimited oil and or just so I don't have to move any oil or or areas for those that don't know the oil and all industry will deplete over time as you extract the resource this is very annoying because it kind of makes place in large industrial areas specialize in those two types of industry very off port in you have to keep moving them once the resource expires so I'm playing with it on you don't have to it's not important and it won't affect the guide and unlimited soil so we can landscape without limits as it so nicely the scribes but again it's not essential for this guide we are of course playing on Eden Valley because it's the best map in the game it comes with the green cities DLC however this guide will apply to every single map in the game regardless whether that's workshop DLC or base game vanilla so Eden buddy for me unless game okay guys so the game has loaded up and the first thing we are going to do is pause the game on PC this can be done by hitting the little pause icon down here which has playing pause or hitting the spacebar and for console users you can pause your game by clicking your left stick down once and that will pause the flow of time and we are greeted with two little highway roads right here I was ready waiting to be expanded so the reason we pause our game is because as we place words if we hover over them in our beards tab we can see that they have a very small upkeep cost per week now that's per cell so 0.32 dollars or samolians whatever you want to call that currency might not seem a lot but as you place them that will soon rock up but at the minute we are making no money so we have no means of paying for those roads so keep the game on post for the time being and we are going to stop and the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna draw out a little weird place it and then delete it I'm not it's going to unlock the two-lane one-way road which is the one that we want to be using today and then if you are playing with left-hand drive on you can just mirror this you know it won't make a difference I'm just playing the right-hand drive and from this initial point here I'm going to come out by a total of 20 blocks or tiles and you know how you can count them by when we move our road tool back and forth we can see the secondary blue line appear in front of us when you reach that that is a marker of 10 so when it appears you have 5 that'll be 15 20 25 30 and so on so forth so I'm going to come out by block of 20 and leave it there and then using this little dotted blue line that is appearing because we have our road guide line snapping on that is what this line is referring to we're gonna come back and draw it in the opposite direction so to perfectly parallel roads they're gonna flow together with like with each other like that nice and simple so far hopefully then we're gonna come ahead and switch into our medium road and we're gonna zoom in as close as we can here so we're using that the four-lane road right now which is the only medium where we have a mocked so we can see as we kind of hover around the edge of these two roads that we just place we can see two very faint blue lines just in in the either side of this blue circle and we move on to them they do snap-on you know there are varied cut lines snap points like we used a moment ago and I'm gonna bring this up just and I'm gonna line it up in the middle as best as I can leaving about three light blue dashes beneath the circle hopefully that makes sense so you can see between this road that I'm about to place and the roads that we placed there's about three light blue dashes they're very faint yeah but you can't just about see them so about that much distance away and then I'm going to draw this road straight up by about the cost of 360 again I'm making sure that I'm still in line with these road guard lines you can see they're very light blue circles just at the top of the road and I'm gonna place it about in there so essentially this road you're placing it in the middle or this one here you want to line it up as best as you can you'll have something that looks a little bit like that it's really easy and from this point again I'm going to come out by a cost of five forty which is nine tiles it's very easy and then we're gonna come back into our one-way road switch over to our freeform tool which is this little icon down here on the PC and I believe that our consul friends can switch their real tools using their white or triangle button and it on the console and then we're just going to come out here just a little bit and then we're gonna snap on and then we'll see this snap point here we're snapping onto the road guard line it turns darker blue I'm bring him in and then again we're gonna change the direction mitch is on PC using the upgrade tool and then right-clicking and again for console users you guys have your own and change direction tool within the triangle or Y control menu alright so right now you have something that looks like that it's very very basic in a minute but don't worry I promise it is going somewhere then we're going to come in and grab at our intersections menu and we're going to use this small roundabout and we're gonna plant this right on the end of the road that we just placed right here and then we're going to do the two-lane road that snaps with the roundabouts we're gonna get rid of that and then we're gonna get rid of this first section of road that we placed which is a cost four or five now we will lose a little bit of money from placing and dropping roads in and Bobby it's a very small amount and don't worry it won't affect you in the long run so you have something that looks a little bit like that right now we have this gap that we need to bridge between the two and that's what we're gonna do so we're going to come down to our elevation step which is this little icon down here so this refers to how big the incline is between each elevation so on the page opened down keys on the keyboard will raise and lower your road so you can create bridges or tunnels just like that really simple page up to go up and page down to go down and I believe for console users you guys is the d-pad that will raise and elevate your words I'm pretty sure I'm not hundred percent sure on the console controls okay so now we have something that looks a little bit like this we're gonna come back to this red right here and we're gonna draw out just by another 180 just so we're a little closer to the roundabout for what we're about to do now down here in the bottom left there is a step tool called elevation step and what this is referring to is the incline that your page up and down Keys will jump up by so I its tallest it'll do very big jumps the middle slightly smaller jumps and at the lowest point very very small inclines so it's a distance of three nine and six meters respectively kind of you know small medium and large and we want it on the lowest one I believe console players and you guys raise and lower your boobs by paid by a d-pad I think not a percentage on the console controls if I am wrong please let me know in the comments so console play you can find out I am mainly PC and yeah so we're drawing this road out we now have something that looks a little bit like this then we're gonna come out up until the roundabout but we are not going to snap on here we're gonna come back by another single tile and then we're going to raise up by three steps which is a cost of sixteen seventy or eleven tiles and we'll have a nice little smooth bridge that's going to flow right into the middle of our roundabout we're just going to delete this weird here and it will delete this one for right now as well once we are here so right now the roundabout kind of looks like and I don't know kind of like like a ping pong like a ping pong racket I guess a puddle I guess is the word okay so we're gonna have our bridge right here and then there's something that we need to do before we draw this bridge over the roundabout so roundabouts in cities skylines unless used on if you snap onto any of these node points here which are represented by these blue circles then it will stay the same shape however if you draw off in an angle like this direction that isn't on one of these node points it will deform the roundabouts it'll kind of bend it out people playing with move it you can just move it back in but for everybody else without move it it will cause you an issue of misshapen and ugly looking roundabouts it will not be a fun time so there's one thing we could do to prevent that we're going to come and grab any of our regular small wheels and we're going to draw a plus symbol in the middle of the roundabout like that and what that's gonna do is it's gonna lock the roundabouts in shape so no matter what roads we draw out of here it's not going to change the shape of the roundabout hopefully that makes sense anyway just draw a plus symbol in the middle of your roundabout like this from one stop node to the other kind of north to south and east to west yeah okay and then we're gonna come back over to these words that we made here and we can see this point right here this is the the 20 node marker so now this is that they're the ten node marker that we placed out you see his little blue circles we're going to come ahead and grab our one-way roads again I'm going to click on that and then we're going to drag him up so he is parallel with the 20 node marker and he can see would just snapping onto it there there was a lot of die blue lines you want to be a cost of 440 and right up alongside it like that so you're gonna have a reared that comes off in this direction like that then we're gonna repeat the same again from that same snap mode on the other side I'm gonna come up by cost of 4/4 - snapping onto the same point and then we're gonna come in a little bit like that okay so from the bird's eye view your little road network is looking like this for right now what was very strange at the moment I know but don't worry we'll let it welcome together I promise and then we're going to carry this on and up until this point here which is where the bridge starts don't worry we'll come back and change the directions once we've finished up and then we're gonna come on to a roundabout and grab a snap nerd so if you kind of think of halfway between this point and this point you want to be a little bit over halfway in favor of this point here so that would be halfway about there go a little bit further up and about there come off and then stop on to that point there and then we can change our directions okay so the road is flowing into the roundabout everyone's happy and we're going to repeat the same on this side as well so we're gonna come out at the roundabout no a bit down here no a bit further up maybe a little bit further again there we go and then of course change our directions yeah you'll have something that looks a little bit like that right now so we have hopes people into the roundabout and they can also carry on straightforward over a little bridge here no you're gonna complete so you can now delete the plus symbols in the middle of the roundabout and come back and grab your four-lane road I'm gonna drag this bridge from one side straight to the other a cost of 2 480 and that's gonna bring the bridge perfectly in the middle of the roundabout we have a pillow right here pillow in the middle on a pillow right here again our nice little tip to make sure that we get a nice symmetrical slope on this side as we did here we can come to the highest point of the bridge where it starts right here click on it and then drive back down to the bottom and we can see that that was the cost of 1670 if we do the same here click and drag and then come all the way back down with our page up and down keys cost of 1670 that's going to give us a nice smooth perfectly symmetrical bridge that flows over a roundabout so if you're bothered about symmetry that's a nice little tip you can use to kind of just make nice-looking roundabouts and stuff also watch all the types of roads as well and then I'm going to come back by 600 and then I'm gonna switch into some more braids so we're gonna go ahead and go up our to lean one way ready to begin there and this is gonna be really nice we're gonna draw out by 10 and again we know we're at 10 because we can see this second blue line as our marker you're gonna click onto that okay and then again this little circle is also representing 10 so we can see we're going to drag up and out to that our two one-way roads poke out at the bottom of the bridge and once those what that's gonna do is just make sure that the entrance into what will be our industrial area is gonna stay really nice and free and people will be flowing out into the area and people leaving have a nice clear run back over the bridge onto the highway and then we're just kind of draw in some very very simple kind of quitted squares for our industrial area to use just like that just really simple squares snap it onto each of these ten markers very very simple well Joyce go up by another ten as well just to keep expanding and then again we're gonna draw in a one-way road here just like that so you can see on each side of this main road the one-way systems are flowing against one another that's what you want okay so now we're gonna come and build our commercial and residential area so we're gonna come to upgrade Road tool and we're gonna upgrade this little loan wheeled here which is the only weird left on the initial roundabout into a nice big four-lane hopefully that's nice and easy for you guys to follow okay so the distance between there and the roundabout is 420 and then we're gonna come and drag this by distance of two 820 okay cheese all the way yeah so from this point to this point don't promise that one - that one - 820 nice big log main road and this is gonna kind of serve as I want the main veins within the city okay and then from this first map point here so again the distance with their small words between the roundabout and the main road is 280 again we're just doing that drag and drop method again to measure distances between the two we're just gonna come down into some very simple grid patterns but rather than doing the ten here what I want to do is come down by 11 which I will need to snap off my rear guide line tool here so that would be 10 and that 11 okay I don't know out by 10 I'm back up to the main road and then what we're gonna do now is do intervals of 10 so they're Road layouts I'm using here are very very basic grid patterns and it will talk about why that isn't a moment because as a beginner's guide grids are always a sensible option for you and we'll kind of see how that works as the city expands and grows for this video okay so I'm going to give myself a lot of room some initial residential zoning which is gonna be really helpful okay so kind of as your general road layout initially this is what you should be looking at we've got enough reinforced onin and it will come back and expand a little bit further as well once we kind of place in our utility services so first of all I'm simply gonna need electricity so I'm gonna grab them a call power plan and I'm gonna place this right on this one-way Road as people come into the industrial state yeah that's gonna give them power it has not keep cost per week it also has air pollution both noise and ground pollution both of which are sims do not like to live near and it also it's just kind of you know generally a bad thing and it also has a power output which you can see in the bottom right of its little pop-up there and that's gonna be producing a certain amount of power obviously so we have a power in right now so now we're going to introduce some water pumping facilities into these guys I'm gonna place these on a river obviously because we need water to come from somewhere so you know it's as we come into our water tub all the map turns white apart from the water on the map you can see the little ocean over here as well is blue and these areas that are on the river you can see they kind of vary in size the bigger that are ooh sorry well what they are indicating is the flow of the water so the water is currently flowing this way the river is flowing all the way out here and then out into the ocean beyond so the bigger the arrow the heavier the flow if that makes sense so I'm going to place my water pumping station which is gonna suck water off my sims to drink and push their teeth with and make meals and then we're gonna place a drain pipe which is gonna flush all of their raw sewage back into the water however you want to make sure that your water drain pipe right here this has to be downstream from the water pumping station because if it's upstream it's gonna throw raw sewage out into the water and it's going to flow down and back into your water pumping station and then you're going to be forcing your Sims to kind of drink their own raw sewage as they kind of live in your city it's not particularly nice so avoid that if you can well might be can you should avoid that at all cost because it will may your Sims sick okay so next thing we need to do is link them together with water pipes now they will share the same water pipe you don't need one pipe for sewage and one pipe for water doesn't really make sense but it saves us place in two different kinds of pipe and then what I want to do is I'm gonna bring this guy all the way down and we can see as we drag these pipes they have a blue aura around them what that is referring to is the water catchment area so any tiles caught within this blue aura will be classed as watered and will receive water in sewage and any outside of those blue auras well not so yeah you wanna make sure that most of your well all of your squares that you plan to build on I'll zoned up with this blue aura stuff okay so there are two ways you can carry on placing your water pipes you can kind of just draw them to follow the road so as you go around like this and that's what I do but it is very inefficient because you're going to get a lot of overlap however I think there was a comment in the last episode of this and a distance of 440 from one node to the other so you can see we're referring to the cost here so a cost of 440 like this and then if you drag this down and then from this putt line again you're gonna get very little overlap finger master before 60 we'll try it on this side so coming up by 4 60 yeah so 4 60 so we're referring to the distance here to here is 4 4 60 that's going to give you the least amount of overlap between two pipes if you want to be ultra efficient and they're not have to worry about any of that stuff then you can go ahead and do that ok so right now let's go ahead and make sure that our let's go ahead and measure the distance out here for 60 don't know it's there and for what's gonna water up my industrial area nicely I'm gonna come into my electricity and we need to power everything up right now so power is being emitted from the power station and we need to draw some power lines in so right over there see that this guy he's within that blue water so he will carry power once we play the game again I'm gonna need something similar over to my water pumping stations somewhere drunk power line out here and all the way over to these guys to that and then once that don't worry they look very ugly what they are just temporary until we start building ok so it's kind of theme very initial start but don't worry we are gonna be going for a little while longer expanding and then giving you a nice solid start to the town but let's just have a little look so all of our one-way systems are flowing in the right direction and I kind of explain the thought process here so as people come off the highway our Sims and commercial trucks are going to be able to drive through here and hook onto the high street we're going to place our commercial and residential Oh at the industrial traffic if that causes a lot of traffic because it's big heavy trucks and there's quite a lot of them they're going to enter the city and they're gonna head down this road instead and they're gonna bypass all of our industrial residential and come into the industrial sector right here you'll see how it works once we get some flow and I've just realized that we silly it's a place of road that we haven't place just yet we need to place in a road for our residential workers to actually get through em into the industry so so from this point here where we enter the roundabout and the residential Road start I'm gonna come in I'm drawing a little bit of road like that I've also got a bit of cash left over so let's go ahead and sign in some more road tiles again I'm just gonna stick to these nice even and ten by ten grids which is going to give us eight by eight tiles in the middle I'm gonna skip a little intersection right here so I'm not going to connect every single time out to the high street because that produces lots and lots of traffic yeah which is not particularly ideal okay so let's go ahead and Zone in and then we'll talk about the zoning kind of as it happens so you're now going to hit play and your notice that our weekly income will now start raucous in through the floor because of all that stuff we just placed and we need to get some air sims in so using our zoning tab we can see that we have residential commercial and industrial residential commercial a low density and there is also high density versions of those available once you lock them and also office zoning as an alternative to industrial zoning as well there are four ways we can place this either by filling in which will fill all adjacent tiles next to each other so it's kind of like a fill Paint Bucket tool you have a marquee which is a square which allows you to paint out very specific shapes kind of obvious onin you can also if you zone I left clicking and dropping you can also unknown by right-clicking and drop in like that and then lastly there is a couple different size of paintbrushes that you can kind of paint out like that and again right-clicking will also unzoom them for you okay I'm going to use the marquee which is the square one because it gives me much more control and we're going to talk about some strategic little zoning details you can do right now to make your city look better towards the end of its lifecycle so he'll I kind of explain here we have a nice big back-to-back grids here and we're drawing a nice big chunk of residential and a little bit along here as well okay well play the game on three speed which can be done three on the air on the keyboard and you'll notice that we get four by four in here so you can see here nice even four by four thailand's that's actually not what I wanted to happen wait well that is what I want to happen what you'll kind of see what I mean here in a moment let us join some more you don't want to be too fast expanding with your commercial because it can end the story with your residential because you're shorter from something called a death wave which is where a lot of sims move in at the same time and therefore a lot of sims will die at the same time so you want to do it nice and steadily and slowly okay this is exactly what I'm talking about so you can see how we have a four by three tile house generated in here it is three tiles deep by four wide this is fine however the reason we place the roads like this is because the largest house will grow is four by four and you can see that we have perfect four by four tiles right in our zone Ian's like this so this is the reason I place them into the grid line it's going to be much more aesthetically pleasing for you to have four by four tiles four by four houses within these tiles so there is something that we can do to help this we're going to draw in four and then we're going to draw in the four in the opposite corner and leave these two empty until these two have grown I'll show you what I mean so again we'll do it here for in one corner for another we can see that one's ground and that one's grown so now we can fit in the other four now that one's grain I'm gonna do another four here another one there I say this one's grown as well and then we'll do another one here as well another one here another one here if you're if you're happy with lots of kind of misshapen mismatched houses then go ahead and just Zone in the whole thing in one go but if you liked if you would like to meet your seat look a little more detailed and a little more kind of thoughtful and without using kind of any major overhaul mods then this can be a great way of doing it so let me know what you think of that again you see these two have grown in now so I can fill in the next set it takes a little bit longer but it's not really that much longer I'm sure you'll agree and we'll start slowly watching our neighborhood come to life here which is very nice so we now have a little bit of commercial demand which is represented by this little blue bar just starting to sneak out from the bottom of the screen so now that's placing some commercial zoning I'm going to place my commercial zoning along this main road here you know treat this is kind of like an Avenue I live along the street and then I think how kind of you know shops are placed shops and stores are placed within your own town I'm gonna draw this guy up until there so that doesn't give me a nice big block of commercial to start off with meanwhile we still have lots of residential demand so answer let's go ahead and put that in oh there's also one thing that I need to talk to you guys about so right now you can see that we are making a monumental loss if we go into our economy tab and we check out and our expenses we can see that we're spending a whole bunch on water and electricity and if we have a look how much we are actually producing you can see that we require two megawatts and we are producing 40 which is way way too many about it's 20 times as much isn't it so we're going to come into our autonomy economy tab and we're gonna drop these lot of budget markers if you are playing with the day/night cycle then you will also need to drop the night version as well but for this particular tutorial I'm not playing with day/night cycle I'm gonna drop the water budget as well and as we play the game we will notice that these two figures here for electricity and water will begin to fall dramatically and that's gonna say it was a whole bunch of money each week it just means that we're not going to eat into deficit that we have so you know it could be a nice little way just to save a bit of money okay so the commercial starting to come in now very exciting indeed and it's getting some more houses here wait you're Frank I used to grow up again I can also prepare just by putting in four here and four here leaving one little tile on the side for the Rio to carry on expanding in to get some nice little smaller houses along the side here as well yeah it's a nice little suburbia beginning to develop oh and we also now have a little bit of industrial demand which is very nice so with our industrial sector we have this big main road flowing through the side and you'll notice that as I zone I am leaving the tile on the main road empty what that is going to do is just ensure that people don't stop and start on this road right near the entrance because I want it to remain very fluid and quite fast I think and you can see I'm going to be doing kind of same things along here doing some big 4x4 zonings and then we'll slowly just watch the town come together don't worry we're still making our loss right now we're still getting our initial tax payers into the city it says it is a growing process so I assure you we will get there and if this will give you a really nice solid start to go and expand as well just a little plug whilst we are waiting for the ANC to keep developing here and if you like my style of videos kind of a slower camera approach I run a main series called the city skylines build guide and which starts out as a tutorial let's play and moves into the kind of inspirational let's play as the city develops and you guys kind of catch along with what we're doing then we build some really nice stuff in there and it's mostly on Mahdi's just a few kind of detailing mods as such as more beautification but there's no move it there's no road anarchy it's all very much console player friendly and so if you guys want to check that out there will be a playlist linked in the description below if that sounds like a good time okay so I'm just going to carry on zoning up here now I'll just take it nice and slowly together so we know but you want to be carried on this grid plan over here when we hit the money for the words so we'll carry on doing our little four by fours here again these guys have grown in now so we can do it there and here leave enough room for this road to come through so a very symmetrical right now but I don't worry we will throw in some different shapes as we kind of had come to the river here make a little bit river front to kind of break out of a grid pattern but I have four starting out I say hey grid patterns I yeah they are really great they're very add noob friendly okay so you notice where we have four tiles here however I'm just gonna zone a little 3x3 well not three by three it's three deep isn't it it's three by like 20 and but I'm going to leave a tile free in the back because I'm gonna put a little pathway through here and make a little bit of a park lund which will be nice so moving a bit more zoning not just gonna help people get around a little easier and also going to eat this guy and save a bit of room for my path to come through and that's gonna allow people to move back into between the high street you'll be a little while yet before we unlock paths but it will come don't worry now look come on you're now making money we now have a node taxpayers in the city and these guys are complaining so this little icon right here and if we come out of ours only until click on the building it says not enough workers so we need more population so that's Korean zoning cariann zone avoids populations guys I've been planning oh and there's the first milestone wonderful so with this we've become a little hamlet of a population of 440 and we're going to unlock taxes loans garbage healthcare education and campus areas if you are playing without the campus dlc this will just say education and a whole bunch of new buildings that correspond to those things so first thing to do pause the game imma finish off my zone in here let's take a look so we're not taxes what's going to our economy tap and open up taxes they see here we can actually set the tax rate for each of these respective time of zonings now what you want to do here twelve percent for every single one of them we obviously can't set the high density version yet because we haven't bought them but twelve percent will ensure a much higher income but a steady demand if you zoom these all the way up to the top your demand will go through the floor no one will want to pay twenty nine percent tax twelve percent is pretty much the golden marker we're going to come into loans and we're going to have a look at silver sunset Bank who want to give us twenty thousand pounds thank you very much we will take that and we are going to also have a lot of some of the other stuff that we can't placed in as well so we also got some landfill site that's great let's get some landfill in here because our sims are gonna start piling up and living in garbage and that is not at all what we want to happen so landfill is under our industrial tab and the other state produces noise and if sims just don't like living next to landfill you know you wouldn't want to live no sir landfill so neither would your Sims so I'm gonna place this in my digital area of course and I just found a nice little spot for this so they're gonna want to get all over the city so I'm thinking giving them good access to this main road here and alongside the roundabout as well for when we eventually expand over there we want to give them a nice easy access somewhere so I think I'm gonna draw just a very small lane like this and then up to there then I'm gonna grab a landfill site and I'm gonna just pop him in just like that we do also about the recycling center which is a lot more expensive and we will use recycling centers eventually to empty out our landfill sites once they become four but for right now the budget is a little slim and we can't quite take that here okay so wonderful and we also got a big cash influx from hittin that milestone so I want to go ahead and so not some more residential tiles because I knew you know we need to keep plying on through these population milestones so we need those people in I'm just gonna carry on this very simple grid time you know out by 10:00 across by 10 and back up by 10 it looks very boring or as a noobs guide is pretty much flawless and that should do me just about right we are watered up we are fine so we can play the game now and I'm gonna carry on my little four by fours aliens some people might find this tedious you don't need to do it doesn't take that much longer to do we need to make sure we don't disconnect our power but will be bad news bears make sure that they're linked up with the blue auras and why is our our water buildings will lose power and people will become very unhappy indeed okay so I just sit back and watch the town grow for a little bit we also another shameless plug if you like maybe you're stuck for a little bit of inspiration of what to place in you'll see next there will also be a link below to another series of mine called modular builds where we look at kind of tile for title builds of what you can use to make kind of educational stuff public transport stuff go ahead and check out the playlist and you all kind of see what I mean you guys have been really enjoying it and yeah I'm hoping that you guys will also enjoy it as well for new people watching this video here we go okay so these guys have all filled in let's get some more in here so the grain coming out is having all these nice even 4x4 Lots beginning to appear around the town which is wonderful now we did also unlock a school which you may have noticed and we will place that in the moon as well once we expand our High Street a little further down so rather than just carrying on a straight line here I'm gonna now throw in a little bit of a curve so I'm gonna grab my curve real tool and I'm gonna come out by a distance of ten again you know that second blue-eyes a period so when that blue line we know that we are at ten I'm not gonna click and then move up again to that ten marker that's gonna give me a really nice curve in the road it's gonna throw a different shape in there and we could do some nice things with this corner as well okay and then I'm gonna draw him out by say another ten just like that okay let's get our commercial expanding I want to keep the high street going and I'm gonna place my school along here I'll probably place our school kind of around here as well you know rather than just placing your main buildings on there on a regular route we could be nice to make a little more force out of them make them feel important you know to take them out for dinner okay so I got a whole bunch of residential demand right now so I'm gonna expand my industrial state again again keep coming out like lots of 10 it's very neat friendly you know you can come up with your own real designs but this is pretty much solid and now you can see we want to alternate these now so this one want to be flowing that way and this one that way and then that way and then that way now you can see how you kind of alternates with one another and that's just gonna keep this main road flowing really nicely you'll see how it works the Industrial Estate expands let's get some more guys in here again I'm just gonna keep that nice perfect full by Falls there then go in to satisfy this industrial demand pretty sure we'll need some more water here up see won't we yes we will and we can measure that distance to 460 again let me know that we're gonna be a pretty much perfect okay big industrial chunky boys I'll be in to develop very very nice let's keep expanding them that's much more money for us more tax which is always always appreciated don't eat that one that's a fight that's a 4x5 and again I'm just gonna be keepin that main road free of zoning and we'll kind of see how this develops again we have more enormous residential demand that's corresponding together hopefully you guys are kind of playing along with this and I'm doing it with me we'll probably the best way to learn okay so now I got some more to expand when I come in and keep my grid pattern going on okay so I'm just carrying on expanding my love grid pan here and everyone's having a great time again you know we kind of caught up to a little bit of an awkward shape here now so we're gonna do something nice with our weird layout we have a little bit of money left over and we're about to hit the next milestone so I'm going to come out and stop on to this point right here we can see where the word guideline comes out this is just at the corner and here this grid is kind of expanding and come down and just throw in a couple of different shapes and for my town to take place with rather than scary on the grid when I want to throw a lure I'm going and I may want this road to link up with one over here as well so I'm going to draw in some tiling that runs parallel but this route so I get more tiles on the back of these shops right here I'm gonna bring this guy out a little more so now a lot of crossroads here I'm being this guy in and then I'm gonna grab my freeform tool snap onto him just make a nice gentle curve like that so you know what just starting to introduce some new shapes and breaking out of that pattern that's the best way to do it just play with these little tools and do very slight adjustments at a time and you'll just start to develop a couple of new patterns which will always always be nice okay si want more commercial on here now and have a big 4x4 over here oh and we hit the next milestone which gives us a new title to play with districts and politics will cover emergency services and police which is very important and that a couple of policies as well which air the green set your stuff here what we will mention it but it's not majorly important okay so the firehouse as we look into our fire tab we can see that there are buildings that are red and some that are very quite red so your industrial stuff is very susceptible to catching on fire just because of the nature and what it is so I want my firehouse to have good access both into the residential and industrial so I'm gonna place my little firehouse right on the corner here so he asked good access around the rest of the industrial state and he also has a nice clear run down into this place over here okay so next one is the police however reading a police station you know you can't just plop it on a rail like this and that's fine it's not an issue but it can be nice to make it a little more force out of your more important building so what I'm gonna do now is show you guys how you can make a little town center now something a little more fun so from where this big main road bends around we're gonna come ahead and grab this first node point here and just using our regular old tooling modes I'm going to come up by a distance of 160 I'm gonna come out by 160 and then down by 160 so making a very small loop and then with this point here and when I come out by 160 again across by 440 and then down into the road like that so straight away this is already looking a lot more interesting however there are too many traffic lights here so if we come into our info views and check out routes I'll go into junctions we can see we get a lot of traffic lights appearing what we're gonna do is turn off the traffic lights all these junctions that we just placed just by clicking on them I'm probably 1 here as well and then what I'm going to do is just ask all these people that are joining the main road from these smaller roads these guys need to stop and give way to the main road if you're playing with traffic manager you can do this without going into traffic routes so you know you guys all know how to use the mod and what if you are playing without then that is how you do it okay so our police station is going to keep us in safe it costs four hundred and eighty dollars a week to maintain our budget can more than take that at the moment so let's go ahead and place this boy in and I'll place him right at the tip of this new road that we just built in I can see now our money so I'm going back into my loans and with that milestone we also got a new so I'm going to take it and I can now pay this one back I'm gonna pay it and then take it again and that's going to give me a little extra spending cash so we're back up to 70 grand now we've got two different types of school if you're not playing without green cities then you won't have the community school you will just have the regular elementary and they both do the same thing apart from the community school costs a little more unlocks a lot of nicer and I'm just gonna place this thing right on the corner of this road that I just built yeah so already rather than just placing them alongside this road and they just kind of become another building we can see a little bit of a town center developing around here right now let's go ahead and make sure that these guys are watered up we want to make sure that they are going to remain happy and it will also make sure that they are hooking through with power yes they are so you can see how the power jumps from one building to the next like this cup here so we don't need power lines I was gonna get some some more zoning in here just carry on a little commercial high street that's developing let's get some stuff in here maybe around the back as well over there and I'm gonna save some room here for some nice parkland you know I don't want to be filling it all in you're gonna develop some parks off as well so all of my industrial people have come in now fill in the rest of them hopefully guys are finding this start nice and useful this is one of our design I've come up with on my own you know I was playing about that last night I don't want to continue to kind of use imperial Jedi's work but you know if you guys want to use that start to the city it is still totally valid yes sir it's a great start but I want to promote my own stuff now and due to the number of subscribers we're currently out yeah hopefully you guys can enjoy my take on things a little bit more it's also a very long video so I hope you don't mind that at all yeah so we can see we've got these little work or icons appearing around the city and that's because we have enormous residential demand you know people are waiting for jobs so we'll making sure that people can come in and that we're just going to keep making a nice tidy little profit here as a see it develops aha so this icon means they have no power and you may remember where we reduced our power supply so we were making 20 we now require 23 so it's come back into our economy tap open our budget we're gonna raise the electricity budget by a little and we'll see it it pops up and we're not making more and the icons will go away only at the start of the game do you really need to micromanage your budget like that and the next time we will not have power will more than likely just place another power station because the budget will be able to afford that and then yeah you just kind of keep plays and politicians as you need them okay let's take a little neutral run right now nice or high street develop in here hopefully you guys can see how the industrial traffic is totally avoiding our residential and commercial areas they are coming on and over this bridge heading in and out of town that will they're not giving any traffic to our guys over here you can see how this one-way system is a distributing trucks around and we can come in at certain points and enter and exit that's very nice very nice and DS okay again enormous residential demand so I'm really run out again yes we have okay let's put our board you right up to the top hundred percent we're not right to the top yeah we're pretty much very nearly out of power haha so this thing right here this is a good time to talk about this so this guy he is sick and the icon tells us what is wrong with him so he has these little headphones on that means that's noise pollution so if we have a little log our infographics and look at they had phones you can see that these red centers are obviously kind of epicenters for noise and you know people don't like to live near noisy high streets so this guy here he's a little too close so I'm just gonna undoing him and then get rid that's fine I'll probably delete this guy as well we'll make some nice kind of parkland out of this area rather than just leaving it empty when we do adventure so I'm not them I'm going to carry on expanding my grid because we have enormous residential demand and then I will be right back okay so things are just growing nicely first thing is very rainy at the moment but we can see now that we've got some little and muscle gonna drop a little bit of our commercial zoning right in the middle here as well we're outside a little pleased station and hopefully you guys can see the point you know we can tell it's just something even from the bird's eye view this thing right here is a little more important there's a little more rear design going on and when we do unlock the the parks and recreation stuff and in the next milestone thing well we'll do some detail in there as well okay so all these guys have come in satara fees are filling the rest and there we go there is tiny town so we have park areas industry areas and landscaping the parks and plazas are marked at level 2 unique buildings a whole bunch of policies a lot of this will look different depending on what DLC you are playing without and so just bear that in mind let's take a little look so we have a mock high schools now and we can see that we have we also have more demand for elementary students as well that's it interesting let's play some more in okay so let's make a little point for our high school so I think I kind of want it focused around my high street again because you know as the the tile expands this is gonna be a nice little central point so let's do that let's drawing a little road up here and then place our high school probably just behind like this okay not too bad looking at what else do we unlock some up with some more buildings Awesome's a whole bunch of new Park assets this is gonna be really fun high schools libraries basketball courts yeah lots of lot a lot of cool stuff here okay so let's have a little look at our parks and plazas so these are going to be great for detailing your areas on a place in a couple things so there were three assets small park park with trees and the large playground that you can draw paths out of and kind of make your own custom park with it I guess yeah so that is what I'm gonna do right here I'm gonna place one of these small parks in and see all these little people get happy that's cause they like parks and I'm gonna grab a grab a puff and this guy you can see now that we can have all these little kind of snap nodes still ahead and draw this rodent active up just like that I also know who that guy right there we're gonna come into here and I'll connect him probably just down there I'll see how it's gonna be a nice little spot okay and then this guy right there so I'm just cutting my road network here there's power lines these are no longer needed how are we sinking through okay so I'm drawing a couple little paths and just kind of expand the air the natural shape of this Park I set just like that I'm not going to help me fill in some little bits of land maybe get a little more commercial and a molecule as well satisfies someone that commercial demand a nice big 4x4 blocks and you remember we spoke about path before so we're gonna do that now if you are playing with the park life DLC you will have access to something called the nature reserve path with decorations this is one of the best-looking paths in the game it's kind of like you know it's nice and gravelly a little bit of grass some stones and some nice little kind of white string lights here and they look really nice we're kind of decorating your sidewalks they're not essential because people can still walk up and down the sidewalk of course but it is just a nice little touch go some more residents wouldn't hear as well let's carry on with those paths so remember we save these guys here I'm just gonna snap onto everything apart from well nothing but the grid put these guys up all right through the middle and then up to the top just like that so you can see now rather than just leave in that empty space we've got all these nice little patterns from the paths going through and we'll begin to see some people use them as the AI picks them up as a faster route around the town so that's gonna starts a lot really cute and we can also do the same over here let's have a little discussion about detailing and so let's go ahead and place it under the park over here maybe yeah what else can we place it was maybe half a dog park right on the corner followed by a basketball court so again we kind of add into that town center feel there's a little parks around here as well and then I'm gonna grab my nature reserve path again turn off all my snap-in when you're playing with kind of weird angles and it comes sometimes you better turn off all your path snap in it just becomes a little bit easier and I've got a half a little path that comes through here as well I'm using that empty space for something you know that's got a lot of people to move around a little for easier as well and that may be around here I said I was put in kind of a nice little park front across from our police station high school it's having right at the middle he is connecting to the sidewalk there we can see type one right behind the police station one that comes down here maybe a little commercial zoning in here too and that was cup some trees I'm gonna use a nice small tree maybe this eye tree with leaves number two I'm just gonna place in these little tree assets in each square just like this and we'll kind of take a look at how this looks at the moment I'll show you some more decorating tips and tricks as well and with part life players if you come into your Nature Reserve and grab your nature reserve fence you will have access to a nice lovely rural small town looking fence and we're going to place this right in front of our elementary school and we're going to drop it we're going to come back into our trees and the muscular place a couple little trees along side the front of the hut in front of the school just like this and already how much better does this little town center look all we did was place a couple of trees and a couple of paths it just looks so much better he's just got that little small-town vibe to it you know and that took was like what like two three minutes if that yeah you start to see all these lot of people using the paths it makes it look a lot more alive and we can probably get some trees in here as well let's drop some more in just like this you know and they're the same trees that are from the asset as well so they kind of blend in and does much a little yeah that's gonna be a nice little interruption to parties and paths which is going to be sweet we do have more elementary school demands so I'm gonna drop another elementary school in right here house may be a little bit close to thee to the old one that so let's move him over to this side of the town over here and let's do something similar I'm gonna draw out by major are snapping is on draw out by 160 and come down to this guy and let's make a little kind of a little nest for my half my school turn to lie upon like I must have something similar with a nature reserve path when I come in just draw a box with the fence all are snapping is off or make it easier to place and maybe let's use a different kind of tree here let's go for some nice colorful ones maybe a couple of rocks if you would like to learn how to detail we do a lot of this kind of stuff and in my build guys series go ahead and check it out if you want to kind of see this in you know I should a little more maybe a little bit of overgrowth in here as well I already know it's just a much more interesting introduction to what isn't important building within your town I hope you guys can kind of appreciate it obviously the fences come with part life but you can still do something similar if you are playing with the base absolute vanilla game yeah entirely slowly slowly coming to life right now and I will kind of finish off with a way to kind of expand away from this shape so obviously right now we are kind of moving more and more towards the river as we expand and then we're going to need to do something about that so I'm thinking a river front you know it's gonna be nice shops there may be some unique buildings in there as well it's gonna be very very special indeed and they're gonna make sure that all our snapping is on so I want to draw a nice river front main road probably about there something like that it wouldn't parallel with the river a bit up to there this guy can maybe hopefully connect in yeah there we go so he's gonna walk in like that that's gonna be sweet this guy is gonna go over there and then our our residential grid can hook into this as well it's not that one in he can hook in him a little further there you know just like this is that there's a little Sparta to look in right here no to keep playing with your rear pine and just create a few little hookup points and then right along here you know we can maybe have some commercial you know you could specialize the commercial here even so let's have a little other districts and areas and so districts and areas you paint them out in kind of this little paintbrush tool and they act as ways to apply certain policies to areas these can be changing the way the Sims behave changing the way the buildings look and a variety of different options so for example you remember if you're playing with green stairs we unlocked the local organic produce commercial specialization I can apply this to this district that I just painted out and this means that any commercial that I place within this district is going to be specialized as organic and local produce it's gonna look different it's gonna look really nice kind of along the riverfront here and then it's gonna be really really great-looking so we'll get someone dying and of course we're gonna make sure these guys are watered up yes they pretty much are apart from those right there in the forum so we'll wait for that to develop yeah there's nice little green buildings i plopping up alongside the river and then yeah lots more room for residential expansion in around here yeah I say that's gonna be a nice little finish to the sea nothing guys yeah so we will leave it there guys and I hope you enjoyed it this is a really solid start to your city you can kind of just leave there I think I'm playing here on three speed so you've got a really nice simple introduction to the city where your industrial traffic you can see all filtering off or separate from your residential and commercial they are doing their relevant jobs within the industrial area and then they are filtering away back out into the highway our little paths here are getting some use which is always cute again these ones right by the roadside are particularly useful what they are nice for filling in some gaps I've got lots of people using them so you know we're making the town more walkable people can move in and around as they see fit and we've got some nice kind of parks and plazas over here which is looking really sweet did I not delete this elementary school no I did not do that one that one there you know that I've making people happy and cheering people up which is always great and we've looked at how you can make it a little bit of a town centre with some different angled roads and some nice shapes just bring it to life a little more you know it looks a little bit more important you can see it from the bird's eye view it isn't just placed along a main road like this I could you imagine if this main road would just had our police station school and high school it would just look boring about this at least in my opinion it looks a little better and now you know not nice people moving around at using the path so it just looks very nice and very active and yeah it's an idea you guys can use to go ahead and kind of expand your cities and we've also got some nice green commercial developing along the riverfront here and little starts look really nice as you kind of develop the riverfront maybe with a nice riverfront park and some water side keys for example you could come ahead and grab your water structure grab the water side key and then just paint this guy out not to a point where he likes there we go now and then maybe drop in and while the park life city parks along this river front here that look really nice to have it kind of looking out over the river and yeah this serves us I really know start to the city you can kind of just get a nice little overview right now we're making a really nice healthy profit of 2369 we're a little way off the the next milestone of boom town which I'm not sure public transport and stuff and then you can really kind of get going in your city once you hit that milestone yeah hope you guys do enjoy it and you can also once you've kind of expanded this pattern if you wanted to write you know pops off into into the next area then you could do and but you've also got this little point here to expand from so let me come out the the world view some people run out of power a little bit yes we have and let's place another power station let's just drop it in for right here right now since we're about to finish you know you've got em make sure a lot of power goes away okay so this roundabout here now you've got another snap note here and you've got a whole bunch of industry over here there's all and a little bit of forestry and you can do whatever you want with this side as well it really is and you know a template for you to take in whichever direction that you like and if you did enjoy a light-blue is very much appreciated equally as much if you didn't enjoy it please feel free to leave a dislike as well as I mentioned in the video I ruin - all this series called the cities skylines build guide which is my main let's play where we move through all the milestones of a city and make some really beautiful looking stuff it is very console player friendly so check it out if you like links are in the description and also maybe you're stuck with something to build in your city and you're like I don't want to build I'm just kind of repeating the same pattern then our modular build series is perfect for you we are doing kind of tile for title builds of low density neighborhoods downtown plazas lots of different things monorail interchanges school and tram parks which is really nice lots of different things you can place in your say so check out that playlist in the description below as well otherwise guys that is going to be it for the updated version of how to start your city for 2020 let me know if you use it if you'd like to send me a screenshot then you can't do so up my twitter handle which will be linked in the description below the last guys thank you so much for watching sorry the video was so long there's been like over an hour but yeah yeah I hope you enjoyed it I hope it is useful I love you all and as always enjoy the rest of your day
Views: 1,244,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, cities skylines how to start your city, cities skylines tutorial, city builder, city building basics, commercial, dlc, guide, how to, how to start your city, industrial, new player, no mods, power, residential, roads, starting help, tutorial, updated for 2019, water, zones, zoning
Id: wdd9wd6svqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 11sec (4031 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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