5 Tips to Plan and Start a Long-term City in Cities: Skylines

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throughout the years of employing City skylines people have asked me how I can play on the same city for so long without getting bored it seems a lot of people are excited when they start a new city but as time goes by they start having their first serious traffic issues or they realize the city is not looking the way they thought it would look they kind of get bored and quit healthy is to create another city without really having created anything interesting or achieving any sort of fulfillment hey guys target here and in this video I've compiled some of the best ideas that I use every time I create a new city the tips that I'm about to share with you our general guidelines that I follow when I create a brand new city that keep me motivated to keep coming back and work on it day after day to its fullest potential my approach involves a lot of pre-planning and envisioning trying to visualize in my head how I want my city to look like and every hour of gameplay is spent working towards trying to rebuild that visualization in game if in mind this is the way I personally enjoyed playing city skylines and is by no means the way it should play to I do think however the information in this video could be useful to make people reflect on how they play the game and maybe find new motivating ways to build efficient and good looking long-term cities but without further ado let's begin step number one pick an appropriate map my first step is to decide what type of city I wanna make and pick an appropriate map for it different Maps have different features which will make or break your city if you don't give it enough thought remember in real life cities it up to the terrain and its features although it's just a video game most of these logic applies to city skylines as well and the map you pick will essentially define the look and purpose of your city if you want to make a big metropolis of high-density apartments and dance world structures or grids to reach the highest population possible flat maps with very little elevations are perfect for this as they let you build freely with very little terraforming if you're going for a more countryside small town look with organic look and curvy roads hilly maps with lots of mountains and hella vation changes can be pretty fun as they force it to adapt your roads to the terrain and create very interesting shapes industrial-sized are usually located on the outskirts of the city and next to the sea with easy connections to Highway and rail so they can export an import car go by ship truck and train turistic sights are usually located in historic sites with monuments or next leisure areas such as beaches almost always with lots of commercial areas where visitors can shop if you don't know what's it you are going to make get inspired with real-life cities and creations the city or town or even village you currently live in as for sure some unique features that can be used as inspiration Google Maps is a great tool to study Road layouts as well another thing to keep in mind is map resources and outside connections resources let you build specialized industry that provide your city with particular materials that can be used by our city businesses or exported for profit for example if you want to build an oil deep in industrial town you need to make sure the map you're picking s oil underground if you want to have some farms the map as to effort our land outside connections are the points in the map people will use to travel in and out of your city every map has one or more highway connections but not every map will have a ship airplane or rail connection nobody will find enjoyable to make a touristic city with lots of wishes having cruise ships as the most focal access point only to find out later that the map depicts does not have a ship connection so study the map before committing to it the new game screen will tell you which natural resources and outside connections a particular map s but if you want more details on these features such as the exact location on the map these can only be found when you start the game and even so information is limited as most of it can only be accessed in the natural resources and transportation tabs of the info views panel which are not available when you start a brand new city to work around this issue something I like to do when picking a map is to create a scout game with the unlimited money and unlock all mods that come with the base game with base mods I can not only have immediate access to the natural resources and transportation tabs and identify the precise locations of these features but also purchase every relevant Ally the map which allow me to zoom in on the terrain and take a closer look at the overall geography of the map if you don't like playing with mods just close the scout game without saving after you gather all the relevant information and dissolve the mods you could also look at for map information online you can get more maps by purchasing additional DLCs or by downloading maps made by other players from the Steam Workshop if you're looking for something very specific you can also make your own maps in a map editor step 2 envision the final product of your city after deciding what kind of city I want to make and after picking up an map I didn't try to visualize how I want my final city to look like I don't try to define where every single Road will go exactly but I try to have a basic idea of what and where the most important areas zones and services will be in other words we do some urban planning if you are playing without any mods remember that you only have 9000 bail so we'll have to decide beforehand what will be the 9 tiles you will be purchasing in the long term if in mind that your city should be confined in this limited space also remember that in order to unlock tiles you need to reach a certain population with a ninth and final tile being locked behind the ninety thousand population milestone so if you're planning to build a small village with only a couple dozen thousand citizens you won't be able to work on a geographically big area unless you enable a few mods to unlock other tiles I will be using the 25,000 art so I'll play an F in this potential area in mind in this map I have some on the left side which we can turn into tourism areas we can take advantage of the ship connection here to play some industry at the edge of the map which is also served by rail the northern area as or available so we can make a specialized ore industry we can complement that your ISM area with generic commercial in the center to provide shopping places for our visitors and also leisure commercial along the docks we could even add an amusement park next to it as this is the busiest part of the city it will also be perfect to have the main office district close to it the central area is going to be the main living area with high density residential and the suburbs will be located throughout the city outskirts with low density residential the mountains and hills to the south will be perfect to create some old towns and villages I also have a lot of fertile land to the right side so perhaps I can create the farming industry around this area since I also have a rail connection there these farms will also serve as work places for our in educated citizens living in the nearby villages our plans can also go here somewhere the airport will require a lot of space so it could be built at the edge of the map to the right side please keep in mind that this is a general idea of what the city will look like I have many times change our mind after starting the city because I'd came up with a better idea or the initial plan didn't turn out as well as I have predicted for example instead of building the airport in my initial location I could sacrifice some leisure and office space to build it in a tourism area for easier access to the hotels and main commercial zones just an adapt is necessary step 3 plan the main highway network traffic management is hands down the true challenge of the game I find a lot of people play their city until the point where they have the first big traffic issue when they realize they cannot solve the issue without demolishing a significant part of the city they stop doing the city because it's simply easier to start a new one and try again but then it happens again and they start yet another city and it happens again and eventually they stop playing the game entirely traffic management deserves its own video sound going to much detail here but I can tell you this the secret to almost perfect traffic is proper planning as I've said before I don't plan the location of every individual Road in this stage but I do plan the structure of the most important and most predominant roads the highways highways are not only the roads people use to get in and out of your city while travelling by car but then also the fastest roads cars controlling meaning people will generally use them to travel from one point of the city to the other as the AI is programmed to prefer faster routes areas that usually have high amounts of traffic are industrial zones and high-density residential and commercial in these areas the more access points uf connecting the city to your highways the better as you are dispersing traffic through several points instead of forcing it to converge into a specific roads or Avenue this map already has is somehow adequate highway network as the main industry areas already have highways next to them for easy access however because we will have a lot of high-density in the middle it could be a good idea to extend the initial highway alongside the Highland with several access points along the way for more coverage and eventually connected with main highway to provide another route to travel from one edge of the map to the other if I do decide to build the airport in the center of the city it could be a good idea to extend the highway there if we have a lot of traffic activity in the commercial interior ISM area we can ultimately add yet another highway going through with several access points in the middle we can even use tunnels for the cyber segments so we don't sacrifice commercial zoning space looking at it this way I'm thinking I can not only minimize the amount of traffic in the central highway but also increase my profits by placing toll booths at the city entrance this way people who just want to cross the map will be encouraged to use the external highway leaving the central accesses for people who want to get into the city itself something else second plan at this point is the main rail network I will lend my or industry to have rail access to facilitate exports so I'll extend the network layer I will also connect the Sultan rail to the main Israel so that I have a single global rail network gets connected to all corners of the region instead of two different and more limited rail systems step 4 starting the city after all the planning then and only then I start building the actual city unless you're using mods let unlocked all the tiles from start your building endeavors will be limited to a very small portion of the land most of the times the tally star turn will not be aligned with the long term objectives you have established for this particular map for example you might have initially decided to build the airport on this tile or even a tourism district which are things that are not only not in the met at this point but I've also not been unlocked that's why I usually start my cities with a start a town a temporary settlement of low-density residential industrial and commercial are very close to each other with the sole purpose of generating as much income and achieving as many early milestones as possible when I have more towers available and a decent sum in the bank I transition the residential commercial and industrial zones to their final locations and destroy the initial ones gradually with minimal consequences to the city's economy it's a lot of work but it's worth it of course if you're using mods that unlock all their towels from start you'll have more freedom when choosing the locations for your zones step number five be patient and don't rush it from here on out is just expanding the city and adapting to new demands for the most time I build my cities at the very slow pace whenever I rush things and try to develop a particular area as fast as possible I feel I end up skipping on certain details that may be aeronauts - not as good as it could have been or lead to something worse such as traffic congestions due to poor a road layout planning on my part these small things make me personally lose interest in the city so I try to work and detail every area to make it unique and special before moving on to the next if I'm not in a mood to play like this I simply avoid playing I see city skylines as a game to chill and relax it's not a competitive game and I'm not here to break records and I know most of you share the same opinion my recommendation would be to think of every area individually work on it detail it plant some trees add cute small parts take the time to terraform that perfect hill take the time to place those bushes perfectly aligned with that road all these little things are personal time investments that when you put them in your city makes it special and unique and eventually motivate you to keep coming back to it alright guys that's pretty much what I do when starting a new city I plan on playing for a long period of time I hope this video has somehow helped you or at least gave you inspiration to try new approaches of playing city skylines thank you so much watching and I hope to see you again in the next video have a good one and as always have fun
Channel: T4rget
Views: 484,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: T4rget Gaming, Target Gaming, city planning, cities skylines, cities: skylines, cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to plan a city, cities skylines how to start your first city, cities skylines tips, cities skylines tips for beginners, cities skylines guide, urban planning, designing a city, cities skylines starting layout, cities skylines starting out, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines planning tips
Id: vSFz2in2t5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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