EVERY RANCH PAL *NEW UPDATE* | Palworld Tutorials

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hello beautiful people it's your girl the alien cat and welcome back to another tutorial of power world so for today's episode uh we have actually received a request from a viewer thank you so so much for um asking us to do this tutorial and we're going to be going over uh the different kinds of ranch Pals and what they are able to produce and especially since uh there was a new update where we have some new things that we can get from some of the pals so let's get right into good so the first pal that I wanted to talk about is the vard this is the only pal um for the time being that is able to produce honey when you assign it to a ranch all you have to do is just assign it to the ranch and over time it will start to produce honey for you you can assign more than one if you want um a lot of Honey to be produced at once but that is the main idea let's see also how long it'll take for her to produce some honey so that I can show you guys I think she's uh going to produce some honey I hope there we go there we go there's the honey she pooped some honey for us so that is the main idea anyway so ever since the new update they added an extra feature to the monitoring stand where you can uh click on V if you are on the PC and you can assign more or less what you want your Palace to do and I have assigned the vard to only work on the farm um obviously it can do other things if you wanted but this way at least you don't have to always worry about throwing Pals into the ranch and same with other things as well there's some Pals that are just for mining but that was just a little thing that I wanted to bring in there the next Pals I wanted to talk about are Pals that can uh give you wool and those are the malpa the kemus and the lamb Bol uh with the same idea with the the the beard is that you assign these Pals into the ranch and they will be able to produce wool for you just like this um now I do believe that since I have a couple of Lies they won't take as long I think that's how it works I don't recall um but that is the basic idea these three will provide you with wool and the next pals are the pals that can produce eggs which are the chicken peas um and they are currently the only ones who are able to produce eggs so the same idea just assign them to the ranch and they will start laying eggs for you over time just like that next we have a few special Pals uh we have the Mao The Mao Chris and also the Vixie so the three of them will be able to provide gold coins for you and what's actually fun about the the the Vixie is that they will also be be able to provide you with spars and also arrows which I think is uh really cool I do recall that there is a way for uh the Evies to be able to Pro provide you with Megos speres I don't recall the process I do believe it has something to do with condensing them I believe to a level four star Evie and then they will produce higher equality uh P spheres that is what I've understood uh somebody correct me if I'm wrong please cuz I'm not 100% sure if what I said is accurate but I think that is how it works and let's see if they gave us some gold here we go we got some gold coins from both the Mao and the Mao Crist I did see it that extra gold coin that was laid I don't know where where it went but I did see I see them both I saw them both lay at the same time or it dig it up I should say so the next pal I wanted to talk about was the pal that could give us milk and that is the mozara same idea as before you put them in the ranch and they will give you milk just like that um that the Manda stole from us uh but the milk actually does have a new look to it now um in case you haven't seen it but yeah uh the mozara is the pal that can give you milk the next pal we have on the list is the woollip and this pal can give you cotton candy I have yet to figure out what content candy can do I don't know if it's a like an ingredient for a recipe or something but hey it's a ranch pal it can give us a cotton candy and it's cute there we go let's see if she'll give us some cotton candy to munch on there we go and that's what it looks like the next pal we have on the list is the CPR and this is the pal that can provide you with red berries here we go let's see she'll give us some berries and there you have it the next pal that we have on the list is the flame Bell and this pal is actually able to produce uh a flame organ let's see if she'll uh produce a flame organ for us there we go and we got ourselves a flame organ nextly we've got the beautiful siix siix I'm not actually too sure how to pronounce this thing uh um this Pal's name uh but this is the pal that can produce high quality cloth let's see she'll make some cloth for us there we go high quality cloth that you can use uh this stuff to make uh basically higher quality armor and stuff like that this next pal on the list is actually part of the new patch and that is the kelpy that is able to produce pal fluids for us now I also added the uh kelpy ignis because when I looked at its stats I saw that it also had the farming attribute to it so I'm curious if this will also produce pal pal fluids or something else even so I thought that it would probably be cool to kind of see um what they produce together oh all right so kelpy ignis can also produce a flame Oregan good to know good to know okay let's see if the kelpy will give us some pal fluids cuz again this is brand new that this is part of the patch yep how fluids very good and lastly I saw that the dud now has a farming thing to it I don't know if this is also new or not but I would figure it would be cool to kind of see what this one can also produce I have a feeling it'll produce pal oil but I am curious cuz I don't know if I just completely missed it that has that farming skill or if it's new so let's see what it will produce for us I still think it'll be pal o oil but we shall see oh my God high quality pal oil there we go oh my God that is awesome and those are currently the ranch Pals I don't know if we'll be having more of them in the future um during new patches I'm assuming yes but for now this is what we got to to work with thank you all so much for tuning on in if you enjoyed this video and found it informative please give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more videos every week if you have any questions about anything or if you would like for me to make a tutorial about something specific feel free to leave a comment about it down below until next time
Channel: The Alien Cat Gaming
Views: 7,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld tips, pal, palworld guide, palworld gameplay, palworld tutorial, palworld how to, palworld how to get honey, palworld how to get honey and milk, palworld how to get honey fast, palworld how to get milk, palworld how to get eggs, palworld ranch guide, palworld ranch farm, palworld ranch pal spheres, palworld ranch pals, palworld how to use ranch, palworld how to get pal fluid, palworld how to get high quality oil
Id: KsN5h4C_F90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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