DO THIS NOW! MAX RANCH DROPS EASY - How to get INCREASED Ranch Item Loot - Palworld

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so Ranch powers in power world are super important for players looking to create Foods cakes I mean you name it if a power has that farming work suitability trait that stat this guide should help you in making those Ranch poers more efficient for you also I'll give you a few tips and tricks into just how things around a ranch should be set up how's it going guys my name is dpj before we go any further I'm giv a couple of copies away of any game of your choice to be a chance of winning one simply drop a like on the video leave a comment down below and make sure you are subed winners are pick from the comment section and announced at the end of the week so good luck everybody so Ranch powers are powers with that farming work suitability stat and these Powers over time when assigned to that ranch will drop you a certain item every so often the ranch is vital for players looking to create certain types of foods even cakes for instance as a Honey comes from bardy at the ranch milk drops from the m at the ranch eggs drops from the chck at the ranch these are vital items in creating those cakes guys but it's more than just cakes that can be made at ranches there also a mass variety of foods which are not only good for you but also amazing for your pals and they keep them in tough shape in regards to them doing that efficient base work but yes I know many people be watching this in hopes for tips and tricks in regards to making cakes so I'm going to bring you some so what can you do to make this more efficient in regards to your powers dropping more of said ingredients or said items there's a misconception that there's nothing you can do but actually guys there's a couple of things you can do here in regards to making them produce more for you firstly guys passives a common misconception is that work speed does nothing for poers in regards to the range now although this is kind of right it actually does affect what they do and how fast they do it a farming power like chck if it has means of increased work speed in regards to passives although it won't actually drop or Farm more eggs for you what actually happens is and what we see happen here is the animation the chiap does when it sorts that egg will actually speed up by whatever work rate buff you have applied to said pal what this means is if a pal has a certain passive on them let's say it has Artisan on them this passive offers a 50% increase work speed buff now the effect we see it has on a ranch farming Powers is within their animation the animation of them dropping laying or digging up that certain animation you'll see for about 3 or 4 seconds sometimes a little longer work speed when applied to said ranch pal will speed up this animation this over a long period of time will affect production rate indeed the result being more items dropping for you so what passive should you look to get or even breed into said ranch PS well AR is the best for sure offering a plus 50% increase to that work speed work slave will give you a plus 30% increase to work speed but drops attack power which isn't really important here there's also serus which increases work speed by plus 20% now there are other passives too that are non legendary which can also increase work speed conceited will give you another 10% increase on work speed these passes you can get or you can breed into Ranch poers these would definitely increase your production output not massively but it will go up now there are other passives you can take into mind in regards to poers at the ranch their classes working so we before victim to the usual worn out signs workaholic is a great passive as it reduces that sand depletion diet lover reduce hunger by 15% Swift increases movement speed by 15% these will all line up nicely in regards to that production guys I mean poers will move away from the ranch they will go to eat they'll go to take a break go in the hot tub go to sleep other things you could do in regards to making it more efficient for yourself is building things closer together so have your Ranch near the beds near the food boxs need or Springs have a more in like a tight congestion this definitely means less moving about and over time will obviously bring the outcome of more production of said or Ranch items but yeah passive actually can have an effect un production rates but there are also other means of increasing that work speed for instance the stature of power if you have those power s spare you can always upgrade the work speed of your Ranch Pals this will work obviously as again it will do the same thing as the passives do in regards to increasing the animation the pals do and use while they lay find dig up said items at the ranch you have a way which drastically increases production rate and this actually affects how much they find at a time which again you could also pair this with passives in regards to work speed this is to do with the condensation machine now this machine obviously though consist of you having to sacrifice the same said power to level up and increase your main power to get a power to a max level in regards to the condensation machine it takes a further 116 of that same set power so if you want to max out production rate in regardless to that chicke you'll need a another 116 of said Chiapas you'll need to use the condensation machine and Infuse them all into your Chickapee stage one is four stage two is 16 stage three is 32 and stage four is 64 this will then indeed max out that ranch pal or any pal for that matter but because this video is about Ranch PS we discuss Ranch PS Now obviously if you do not know once you get to that stage four in that condens ation machine and you sacrifice 116 of said power you actually level up the work suitability stat what this means is guys Powers which have that ranch that farming stat that work suitability stat this will go up to a level two but what does this mean well let me explain leveling up a ranch power to this point will give you a drastic increase in regards to the items they drop F dig up at said ranch but you actually don't have to level it up all four stages to see that increase for instance a masarina at a base level of one this means a power that hasn't been leveled up whatsoever when you put it within that ranch over a set period of time let's say a minute it will produce one milk every period of time now if you level this up with a condensation machine to a stage one sacrificing four of the muzzies it will produce between one and two milk within that same period of time when you level it up using 16 more muzzies to a stage two in that condensation machine it will find up to three per time a level three in that condensation machine this is sacrificing 32 more muzes it will find up to four milk per time and at a level four sacrificing a further 64 muzes will find up to five milk per time but keep in mind again it requires a total guys to reach that level four a total of 116 of the same said pal you're looking to level up using the condensation machine but the ultimate end goal here is guys you'll have Ranch Powers which drop up to five or six times it's normal rates so this may be something you may need to think about later on I already have but again you don't have to Max them out to see a change in regards to production rates with that rench but yeah guys some basic B info and ranch poers and how to make them produce those goods faster and well I hope this info does indeed help you out this is how you level up Ranch powers and make them produce more of those vital materials we do seek guys if you enjoyed the video leave like really helps out if you like what you see and want to see more be sure to subscribe and hopefully guys I will see you on that next one
Channel: DPJ
Views: 16,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld guide, palworld best pals, palworld resources, palworld tips, palworld gameplay, palworld ranch, palworld base guide, palworld ore, best pal, best pals, palworld pals, palworld legendary, palworld tips and tricks, palworld best pal, palworld tips for beginners, palworld advanced tips, palworld farm, ranch palworld, palworld walkthrough, palworld ranch drops, legendary pals, legend pals, palworld breeding, breeding guide, palworld all pals, palworld gold
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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