How to make Peach Cobbler like a boss

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hi everybody everybody I'm back and today today Gina young is going to show you all how to make peach cobbler you all have asked for you all have said Gina can you show us how you make your version of peach cobbler well guess what today I'm in this kitchen and I will show you all how I like to make my peach cobbler and I'm so excited to be able to show you all this recipe this recipe is quick it's simple it's a lot of fun and it tastes so good you hear me so here's what you're gonna need in order to make Gina Young's peach cobbler okay everyone excuse me you're gonna need a 13 by 9 baking dish you can use a 12 by 9 as well okay you will need pie crust this right here I absolutely adore this package has two pie crusts that you just unroll it and bake it okay you all that know me I'm not gonna I'm not gonna take my time to make fresh pie crusts when I know honestly that I can go to the store get all ready-made pie crusts that is absolutely delicious all I gotta do is just roll it out cut it and we got pie dough if it's quick and it's fast and it tastes good that's for me so we're gonna use this as well as you're gonna need some sugar you're gonna need hold on let me turn my camera you're gonna need some cairo syrup if you didn't want to use cairo syrup you can use brown sugar and Replace of it i love the flavor of cairo syrup in my peach cobbler you will need vanilla cornstarch and you also will need cinnamon if you're that person that loves nutmeg then feel free to use some nutmeg I'm not really a nutmeg thing you also will need fresh beets if you don't have fresh peaches you want to get these fresh frozen peaches don't get the peaches and the can guys don't go out and get any peaches us in the can these right here are fresh and they've been frozen and they're organic okay I am so excited for this recipe just to show you just how quick and easy you can make this at home just like I can let me grab my cinnamon out and we're gonna get started first thing that I'd like to do go in open up your peaches just like so get them fill into your bowl and you just want to check them okay just make sure they all look nice and beautiful I like to put them in a bowl just to give them a nice look at and I'm using three bags and these bags are ten ounce bags or I'm using four bags I'm sorry about that it's really up to your discretion if you want to call these out ahead of time you don't have to mines are actually still frozen and they'll be just fine so the first thing that we're going to do let me put my pie crust back into the refrigerator until I'm ready to use it okay first thing that I want to do is taste one I have to oh yeah beautiful let's get our heat turned on our pan onto a medium-high heat and I want to use one thing that I didn't mention I need some butter and I'm gonna grab just that okay so I'm using some real butter here and I'm gonna use 3 tablespoons milk 3 tablespoons of butter once the butter starts to get nice and frothy and bubbly that's when we're gonna add our peaches okay everybody now that our butter is nice and bubbly and frothy we're gonna go ahead put these beautiful peaches in the pan just like so oh my word you're gonna hear that beautiful sizzle I don't know if you all can hear that but it sounds beautiful okay so what we're gonna do from here is we're gonna let the peaches start to cook down a little bit to where they're not frozen and once they become more they're not frozen anymore then we'll start adding some ingredients we're gonna use cornstarch we're gonna use cinnamon if you like nutmeg put you just a little bit in we're gonna use the vanilla the cairo white syrup if you don't want to use cairo use brown sugar and white sugar okay so once this once some of the chill comes off and these are defrosted a little bit then we'll get started okay everyone so I'm just kind of stirring everything up and I know some of you are gonna ask me Gina is the butter salted that you're using yes it is it's okay to use unsalted it's okay to use salt it as well either or was just fine it's up to me you all know I'm gonna use salted right because I like the sweet with that little bit of salt absolutely these are beautiful my word okay everyone our peaches are nice and thought out so now here's what you're gonna do next what I'm gonna do in this video is I'm just gonna eyeball all of my ingredients and kind of throw them in but in the description below I'm going to give you measurements so that you know exactly how much to put in all right so that no one is confused sugar going in get you some sugar on there oh yeah now this right here this is where the love happens right absolutely it is my goodness I tell you one thing I haven't even got started yet my mouth it's totally watering I love Cairo syrup anytime I get a chance to use it I use it and I adore it it's absolutely delicious absolutely it is vanilla get you some in there baby oh yeah you want to taste that vanilla put the cinnamon in last well not last but towards the end of the cooking process we're also going to use the cornstarch towards the end of the cooking process as well okay now you just want to go in you want to give it a nice stir and I want to turn this down to a low heat well actually I'm gonna go a little bit above low just a little bit above low okay you want this to kind of cook down with the Queiroz er up in the sugar and get nice and beautiful together there's no way that you can put these ingredients together and they won't marry together and get nice and beautiful you hear me absolutely they will this vanilla smells absolutely amazing okay so we're just gonna let this go a little bit above low no higher don't don't put this any higher guys be patient like I always like to say if you can have patience in that kitchen hey listen here you're gonna have some good food you hear me patience is the key to good cooking now you can see how liquidy it is it's okay don't stress don't worry about it for one second okay just let it be it's okay let these peaches cook down and that beautiful syrup that sugar that vanilla nut butter for round about seven minutes okay everyone while our peaches just kind of simmer in this sauce here we're gonna take out one of our pie crusts I'll show you what you need to do now here's the thing I have a rolling pin out but you don't need a rolling pin for this you can just pull this you can just pull this dough and stretch it out and use it but let me show you what I'm talking about all right let me fix my camera angle just like this there's a lot of people when they make peach cobbler they don't like the crust at the bottom I love the crust at the bottom absolutely I do and I like to kind of put the crust up on the sides as well it makes it nice and it fit amazing I'm a crust lover so if you were that crust lover you put you some crust at the bottom of yours all right so you just open it up just like so don't be afraid a lot of people are afraid of dough's you know like not really but you all you understand what I'm saying a lot of people are like oh my gosh like am I gonna mess it up is they gonna tear and this and that don't worry about it just open it up okay yeah we're gonna roll it just a little just to thin it out a little bit okay and though you're not gonna mess it up you're just thinning it out just a little alright then watch this you pick it out just like this bring your pan into the equation and you're gonna take your crust and you're gonna put it see let look here and if it tears don't worry don't you dare worry ok let's see how quickly it can be sealed you're gonna take it you're gonna pull your dough upward so that you can have crust on the sides as well as the bottom okay it doesn't have to be perfect because when this bakes up it's gonna be beautiful you hear me trust me when I tell you this I would never steer you all wrong you hear me so here's one and then remember in each package we have two dough's spray your pan make sure you spray your pan alright my pan is nonstick so I didn't have to spray it okay just like that don't want to use it don't worry about it okay don't worry about it like I say don't worry in that kitchen all right you can straight look at that you can stretch it alright so I'll do this one without rolling it out right see the hole pulls it back up who's he back up that's simple okay put it in here bring it up on the sides just like you did the other side all right and we have our crust for the bottom of our peach cobbler absolutely we do I'm telling you one thing these peaches are smelling so good right now you couldn't even imagine how my mouth is watering let me know it's you all's mouth is watering already and we haven't even got started see that there's our crust done and set and out the way just pull it up on the sides it's just fine it doesn't have to be perfect beautiful I'm gonna put this in the frigerator until we're ready for it okay beautiful look at our peaches oh yeah they're starting to come up to a nice bubble okay beautiful that's what you're wanting so now what I like to do let's go in with some cinnamon I'm gonna put it kind of close here cuz I have my kitchen window open and if I go from up here that wind will blow my cinnamon beautiful put as much sentiment as you like in yours you hear me absolutely you should oh look at this oh mama look at this mmm you all asked for it you all asked for this recipe and I'm gonna give it to you absolutely I hope you all are having a great day today I hope you all are having a great work week it's been nice weather out there I got my kitchen window open the birds are chirping flowers are starting to spring up and everyone's cutting their grass outside and I'm just loving this weather right now absolutely I am here's what I want to do I feel like I need a little bit more cinnamon because I happen to love cinnamon I'm gonna give this a taste and see if I'm happy with the taste if I'm happy with the taste then we'll go ahead and put some cornstarch in this bad boy and get it to thickening up and once you put that cornstarch slurry in here which calls for cornstarch and a little bit of water and then you're gonna pour it in here and literally like seriously right before your own eyes this is going to thicken up and you have peach cobbler filling oh yeah if you haven't if you haven't preheated your oven by now go ahead and preheat it up I'm gonna heat my oven on 350 degrees and turn it on okay so let me grab a spoon so I can give this a try I cannot resist it you would not believe the smell I think I need to close my kitchen curtain because I've got so much Sun coming through and I want you all to be able to see there we go I want you all to be able to see just how beautiful this is let me know in the comments section that you all can see this well I don't want you to have a glare from the Sun okay I'm gonna taste this and see I want to be able to taste all of those flavors you want to be able to taste the sugar you want to be able to taste the sour peaches you want to be able to taste that cinnamon and the vanilla and if you can't taste each and every ingredient then you might need to put some more of something then give that a taste oh so good wait you hear me that's all I can say is oh wait okay beautiful what I'm gonna do I feel like I want a little bit more vanilla everything else I'm so happy with the flavor a little bit of vanilla do me and we're set okay so now what you do is you grab a little Bowl I'm getting ready to grab a bowl I'm gonna show you how to make the cornstarch slurry so we can thicken this bad boy up and we're gonna be ready to get our other pie crust out and I'm going to show you how I like to cut the pie crust so that we can make a beautiful lap okay so we'll go ahead and take that out and open it up as well [Music] we're just gonna you can take kitchen shears or you can use a knife and we're going to cut these into strips okay now when you make something lattice you kind of want to go in and out you know kind of like underneath you know kind of like this motion on top and under guys okay so what I was saying is when you're do making a lattice for the top of a pie or a cobbler you kind of want to do like if you have two strips you go on top and then you go under and then you go on top like this and then you go under I'm not doing all that I must show you guys something very simple very easy and it's gonna be nice and beautiful you hear me watch this watch this and I'm so excited to be able to show you let's see here so we're gonna take this and we're just gonna cut it let me grab a knife come this way follow me to the crust stretch your crust out just a little just by a little all right let's make some strips all right try to make them the same size but if you don't it's okay and guess what it's still gonna get ate see this we're gonna go in this motion just like this it's about 75 degrees outside today it's so beautiful guys I have no clue I have this jacket on I'm burning up like why do I do stuff like that when I went to the store I originally thought that it was colder outside than what it really was and then so when I get outside I'm like oh my goodness like it's not what I thought the weather was see this here just cut you some mm-hmm get them bad boys cut just like this I've had so many requests for peach cobbler and I'm happy to finally make it for you all alright so there's those I'm just gonna move those aside and we're going to cut this as well all right let me see I have a little thing here that I can set these in just to set them there we're gonna go ahead and thicken up our sauce or our cobbler meanwhile we're going to set these aside okay come over this way meet me over this way okay everyone we have our cornstarch let's go ahead and take three tablespoons we're gonna mix this with some water cold water how much I'm gonna show you just about that much make sure it's cold water and then you just mix it you just mix it just like so until all of the cornstarch is nice and mixed up this is what you call a slurry okay as long as your liquid as long as your liquid is nice and hot this will thicken up okay so let's go ahead and do just so come over this way come on camera follow me there you go boy I tell you one thing this smells so amazing then I'm gonna go ahead can you all see me cut you some corn starch slurry right on in there you see that mm now this right here this is love 101 my curtains are blowing let me close my oh my goodness if you all never had love before this right here is where you're gonna find it you hear me right inside of this pan that's my oven beeping just letting me know that it's preheated up to 350 degrees I feel like when you're making a peach cobbler you have to thicken it now and the reason why I might mention in this is because some people think if you don't use corn starch that it's but me personally I've worked for my cobbler sauce in the middle to have some thickness to it right I don't want for mines to be runny I want mines to be nice and thick not too thick okay but thick enough to where it's not too runny and you can see look at this you can see how our sauce has got nice and thick can you all see that oh yeah that's what I'm looking for so what we're gonna do at this point go ahead and turn your stove off because that's nice it's ready on this beauty this right here is beauty and it smells so good I'm gonna go in one more time and give this a taste and then we're going to assemble our beautiful peach cobbler 101 taste that guys now there's two different ways you can do this you can take this crust and you can pre cook your crust at the bottom if you wanted to I don't have to you don't have to all right you just take this it's nice and thick and we're gonna pour it right on in here you hear me oh yeah pour that right on in there huh I gotta get the rest of this out look how beautiful looking nice and thick sauce you see this whoa this is what your should look like you follow you follow this exact recipe yours will look like this it'll taste like this and you will have people losing their mind do you hear me absolutely I love when someone eats my recipe and they kind of lose half of their mind mm-hmm I live for that I love it and that's why I do what I do on YouTube because I love it all right so then let's go in with and and all of these might not fit they might not quite fit and if they don't it's okay you can just cut a piece and make it fit all right you all know how to do that right see this and I'm kind of pressing this into the sides do you all see that and then we're going to use what you call an egg wash it's just gonna be an egg yolk and I'm just gonna brush it on this beautiful dough here all right beautiful oh yeah this right here mmm this will make you smack somebody you hear me they say what was that for you will say cuz that food is so daggone good that cobbler is amazing mm-hmm they will trust me all right I'm so happy right now I cannot wait so each and every one of you that's watching tries this recipe because I want to hear the reviews I want to hear how you all love this recipe the taste the crust the beautifulness it's amazing so I I have a video for a peach cobbler dump cake that I called it that recipe is out standing check it out if you haven't had a chance to check that video out because it's amazing and it's a lot of fun to make and it's so easy and yet it gives you the same mind frame of peach cobbler it does absolutely every time I make it I think peach cobbler but it's a dump cake all right so then you're gonna go in this way and you're gonna do the same thing all right just like this this right here this can't go wrong it can't go wrong that's beautiful every time you hear me absolutely it is oh yeah oh yeah I'm not going in and out I'm not doing that lattice that way we're gonna do it this way and call it a day I got things to do people to see and things to do and this right here it's gonna taste like I made this dough homemade seriously it's gonna taste like this dough was homemade it's going to blow people's minds what I'll need to do I need to open the other dough well I have it open but what I'll do is I need to roll it out cut slices and then I'm gonna finish continue with the other side and then I'll be back if you don't already have your oven preheated to 350 degrees please do so I'll be right back okay watch this just like this if you don't have a pastry brush just use the back of a spoon but just make sure you get it on there all right nice and beautiful oh yeah now we're cooking you hear me my mouth has been watering since the very beginning of this video and I cannot wait to get this in the oven and get it out of the oven so you all can see and I can have a taste of this and I can let you all know what this tastes like who we got some ice cream on the side you better believe I do you can't eat this you cannot you won't you won't eat this without ice cream ice cream you have to have it me personally I'm really not a fan of the peach cobbler and Cool Whip but you got to have the ice cream right all right so go along the sides if you have crust on the sides or if you were that person that pulled your crust up to the sides like I did make sure you brush it as well absolutely we want every part to be nice and beautiful this is it going in the oven right now 350 degrees all right for I will let you all know exactly how long this took to cook okay because I'm not sure oven temperatures may vary Minds might cook for 35 minutes yours might cook for 45 all depends but you know what golden brown looks right and when your crust is golden brown and those peaches and that sauce in there is nice and bubbly that's when you're gonna take it out put this in the oven and I'll be back okay everybody our peach cobbler has cooked in this oven 350 degrees for 35 minutes now like I said in the beginning of the video oven temperatures may vary cuz yours might cook 45 minutes it all depends on the oven but when you see that that crust is nice and golden brown and that sauce underneath it is nice and bubbly and bubbling up through that lattice oh my goodness boy am I excited here's the thing though we have two left we as much as I want to dig in I'm ready to dig in like right now as much as I'm ready to dig into this bad boy we can't cuz I will burn the daylights out of my mouth so here's what we need to do let's let it rest let it rest for about 5-10 minutes so I can cool down just a little bit so I can taste it for you all then I'll come back I'll give it a taste and let you all know what it tastes like be back okay everybody our peach cobbler has cooked 35 minutes let's dig in let's make this plate Lord we thank you for this beautiful dessert we thank you for feeding us every day we thank you for your love time your mercy and your understanding I thank you Lord for absolutely everything you do all the blessings of my life Jesus I thank you Lord for helping us through hard times I thank you for your mercy and your understanding I pray that you send your angels down to surround us day and night and your Holy Spirit to help us make good decisions give us peace over our mind Lord we thank you for absolutely everything thank you for the roof over our head I thank you for my YouTube family and I pray that you bless over them and that you give them peace over their mind and that you keep them safe in your arms and Jesus Christ's name we pray let's dig in Amy I don't know where to start is so beauty it's so beauty it's so beauty it's so beauty let's see how can I do this I wanna okay let me close my curtain you don't have too much of the glare pick this up so y'all can see my word you hear me look at this I'm going in I'm going in breath I'm going in right there mercy Oh make sure you cut down into that crust cuz I'm going all that goodness yes I do I want all that crust ass up on your side oh I need to get a bigger scratch lower spoon so that I can kind of scoop it out a little bit give me a second guys okay everybody watch this watch this watch this watch this and I love the crust this at the bottom it's amazing texture whoa oh I'm so excited you you all don't know you all don't even know peach cobbler 101 hey listen here you all asked for it well here you go where you go if you all enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up and if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on a notification bell so that you so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome recipes absolutely look at this a little bit more sauce oh yeah you hear me mm-hmm-hmm let me get a little bit more of this crest to crest give me some more that crest whoa I live for that crust guys it's beautiful my word give me some more there right there that's beautiful you see that we can't we cannot do this we cannot do this without got a have you some ice cream gotta have you some ice cream oh yeah where you want it right there put that ice cream right on top and that ice cream is gonna melt this is Edie's ice cream so you know it's gonna be good mmm it's melting already well I can't stand it any longer once you all it takes the first bite I'm gonna make sure you all have look at that crust there's that crust right there I'm gonna make sure you all have crust peaches a little bit of this beautiful ice cream just like that let me know what you all think mmm this right here is Gena Young's peach cobbler very simple to make you don't have to make that crust yourself and is still gonna be delicious you hear me oh good [Music] hmm hmm I gotta put that bowl down for a second because the bowl is so hot look at this you dive in and as always god bless each and every one of you thank you all for watching have a great night this right here this right here make you smack somebody you hear me whoa make yourself
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 698,772
Rating: 4.8719506 out of 5
Keywords: #peachcobbler #Godisgreat
Id: -j-0_xjU72Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 55sec (2275 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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