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[Music] hi everybody everybody I'm back everybody cheating youngest back and I'm back with yet another amazing recipe I am so excited once again because today at the Young's house Tina young is going to share with you all how I make an amazing peach cobbler this peach cobbler is delicious it's so easy to make it doesn't require a lot of ingredients in you know Nikitina young style it's gonna be so tasty y'all never had my peach cobbler before you've got to make you some here are the lovely ingredients you're going to need of course you're gonna need some peaches and if you can find some fresh peaches that is amazing but if not you can always get frozen I was able to find these bags a fresh frozen peaches okay at Walmart in the freezer section and I'll let you know throughout this video if we're gonna use two packages or three okay and you will also need pie crust so the pie crust that we're going to be using today is gonna be Pillsbury pie crust in two comes in the package we're going to need some sugar to sweeten everything up and today we're gonna use some light brown sugar and some white granulated sugar and you know you're also gonna need a couple of spices so we can spice this bad boy up here's what you're gonna need you will need a stick of cinnamon okay you're gonna need some fresh vanilla we're gonna have some nutmeg today powered cinnamon honey and cornstarch make sure your hands alright panda bleakly let's get started with this really quick and simple yet so tasty recipe okay everyone so let's talk about the peaches really quickly and also if for some reason you can't find the fresh peaches you can't find these frozen ones you can always use the canned peaches that are halved they're delicious okay and you do that if you use the can't beat just go ahead and use that amazing juice that's in that can okay so now here's what we're gonna do let's get these bad boys open just like so they're so beautiful and I'm gonna put them in my pan I just turned the pan onto a low heat and you're going to want to get a baking dish any size will be just fine okay you can use a 12 by 9 if you like mines is a little bit smaller than the 12 by 9 and it's just this aluminum pan here that we'll be using all right so there's two packages I feel like I'm gonna need three so let's go ahead and use three each of these packages let's see our one pound packages so we got three pounds of these lovely peaches and what I'm gonna do and also we're going to use a little bit of sweet cream butter I'm going to use three tablespoons of sweet cream butter and I want to heat that butter with these peaches and start to get them nice and soft before we season them up okay everyone so let's get that three tablespoons of butter in it doesn't have to be the sweet cream butter that I'm using today any kind of butter will do the trick so let's get that in here and I just want to warm through these gorgeous peaches just like so okay everyone so now I want you all to take a peek in at these gorgeous peaches they have started to fall out okay the butter is starting to melt and now it's time to get some flavor in here so what I like to do I'm gonna take this whole cinnamon stick yep and I'm putting it in there just like so it's with a little amazing flavor okay and I like to use the honey just because it gives off a different flavor use as much as you like honestly I never measure when I put the sweet nurse in okay but what I am gonna tell as I'm using one cup of white granulated sugar okay get it in there and then I have some brown sugar but as much as you like to put in yours when I think of peach cobbler I think of nice sweet taste okay great I'm gonna turn this heat down on to a low heat and everything's gonna start to marry together now let's get those spices in there so we're gonna put some cinnamon in there don't be afraid to season it needs seasoning all right oh and my mouth is watering already now when it comes to nutmeg I'm really not a fan of it but I feel like when you make peach cobbler you need just a little bit so let's put just a little tiny bit just enough to taste but not too much to overwhelm the dish and then we're going in with vanilla but you know me I never measure the vanilla I am a true fanatic of vanilla flavoring all right so now let's mix it around just like so we want to cook this for just about 10 minutes when I come back I'll show you what we'll do next okay everyone so our peaches are cooking up and the sugar has melted down to like the syrup let me show you what the syrup looks like this is gonna naturally happen can you all see that look at this that right there is what you're looking for beautiful it's nice and thick but we're gonna thicken it up even more okay now what we're gonna do next I want to take in my ramekin here I have some cold water we're gonna make a cornstarch slurry the cornstarch slurry it's so easy to make all you need is cold water or any cold liquid anytime you're making a slurry and then you want to take your cornstarch I'm going to use two tablespoons of cornstarch all right and put it right here into the cold water and we're going to mix it until you cannot feel the dry cornstarch in longer that right there is going to be our thickener whether you put this in a gravy for Chinese food or if you're making smothered pork chops it's gonna thicken anything that you put this in it's gonna thicken it up as soon as it hits that heat okay everyone so our peaches are hot and bubbly it's starting to boil so now is that perfect time to put your cornstarch slurry in let's get this thickened up all right so now just want to give it a nice stir I did feel like I needed a little bit more cinnamon so I went ahead and put some more in so now here's what you do with your cornstarch slurry I want to stir it once again just to make sure everything is well incorporated and then we're gonna start pouring I couldn't be more excited you can see how I'm stirring as I pour pour it nice and slowly okay because when it gets to that thickness that you desire then you're gonna stop pouring okay and literally it's gonna thicken up right before your own eyes and if for some reason you don't have enough of the cornstarch slurry to make it nice and thick you might need to grab another teaspoon or so of your cornstarch slurry okay everyone our peaches are done they look amazing they smell delicious and they're nice and thick now excuse me it took about let's just say six minutes to get to that thickness that I was looking for and honestly I did have to put a little bit more cornstarch okay so here's the thing it all depends on my peaches were frozen okay and you know when they're frozen they had to fall out so they've created liquid along with the sugar so I was trying to predict how much liquid I would have so what I did once I seen I didn't get that consistency I went ahead and put a little bit more cornstarch in there it did the trick okay so if you use canned peaches it's not going to have that water it will have that syrup so you won't have to worry about that okay come look at the consistency everyone this is what we have gorgeous nice and thick and it smells good so if I can lift this butt and it's heavy I want to pour it right here into my pan and get all of that goodness out of this pan just like so and when I come back I'm going to show you what we're gonna do with that amazing pie crust okay everyone now that we have our beautiful mixture into our baking dish here's what the Pillsbury pie crust looks like okay and it comes rolled up find it in the section where you would look for your butter and biscuits and things like that okay so we're gonna unroll it just like so now some of you might want to do a couple of different ways you can literally take two of these and set it right on top of your mixture set one let me show you set one right here and kind of scrunch the edges set the other one just like so kind of take an egg wash and you know kind of bind the two together and throw that bad boy in the oven but we're not doing that today here's what we're gonna do we're gonna take a knife you can use a butter knife my mouth is watering and we're gonna make somewhat of a lattice okay you all know what a lattice is just like this take our time and cut it if it's not even it's okay because this is so delicious and it's so beautiful no matter how you cut it okay so we're gonna cut both of our pie crusts just like so in this manner and I'm gonna show you cutting the other one as well okay so what I'm gonna do I have a cookie sheet here and it's just lined with aluminum foil I want to take it and set it over here for a very important reason okay just like so and then we'll grab that other one and we need to cut the other one in the same manner okay we'll just set that just like this let's get this one open when I come back I'll show you Genet okay everyone so we're slicing our second pie crust just like so same thing nothing hard I tell you what every recipe that Gina Young shares with you all it's gonna be easy it's gonna be amazing it's gonna taste good okay everyone so we're gonna take our pie crust and we're just gonna lay it just like so and you can cut off the extra part that's you know hanging over or you can just fold it like I'm doing okay just like this all right get it on there don't be afraid this is mistake-free it's so easy it's a lot of fun and like I said this tastes so good you're gonna really wow your family members your loved ones and your friends all right just like so keep laying them in this manner now here comes the lattice part we're gonna go on the separate direction we're not gonna weave it like this you can if you want to you see how it is on my finger that's a real last but here's what we're gonna do just lay it on there it does the trick all right just like this get it on there Oh mommy ah listen here when you make this your family is going to go berserk over this trust me when I tell you it's delicious just like this and it's so gorgeous when it bakes up now this is going in the oven 350 degrees on the middle rack and when this gets hot and bubbly and your crust gets golden brown this bad boy is done when I come back I'm gonna show you all what it looks like we're gonna sing an amazing prayer and you all get that first bite in the oven we go 350 degrees just like so take a look at this beautiful peach cobbler Gina young style make you some okay everybody one thing that I almost forgot to tell you all when I did I used one egg and a little bit of water I beat it up really good and I brushed it onto the pie crust before going into the oven that's how you can achieve this beautiful color listen here everybody if you all enjoy this here video give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on their notification bell so you can be notified every time teenage young uploads one of these awesome recipes tell your family and friends and everybody you know tell the whole world about you the young and what I'm doing in this kitchen on a daily basis we're gonna say a quick prayer and you all are gonna get that first bite heavenly father Lord Jesus we thank you for another beautiful day Lord we thank you for your love time your mercy and your understanding please forgive us for our sins come into our hearts we make you our Lord and Savior send your angels down to surround us day and night and your Holy Spirit to help us make good decisions give us peace over our mind in the name of Jesus we pray that no weapons formed against us shall prosper and we're buying the devil away from us in Jesus name devil you have no authority over this household in the name of Jesus Heavenly Father we thank you for the roof over our head the food that the love the peace and the joy that you bring us every day we thank you for that amen amen once again to my beautiful prayer take a look at this and it smells so good now this cooked for 45 minutes okay all depending on your oven temperature once that crust gets nice golden brown and it gets hot and bubbly it's done let's dive in okay I can't wait I'm so excited let's do this it's hot I don't want to burn the daylights out of my mouth but we have to taste this crust we want the crust we want those peaches mmm look at this right here let me know what you think about this recipe Gina young style make it for your family and friends and all of your loved ones and then you come back let me know what you think about this God blew it kind of blew it give me a second guys it's really hot I'll be right back it's okay everyone I think it's a little cold we put a little bit of ice cream on there to cool it down take a bite I'm going in this right here listen make you want us somebody mmm I'm gonna sit down and enjoy this and as always god bless you all thank you all for watching good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 81,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #HowToMakePeachCobbler #PeachCobbler #Desserts #Christian #GodIsGood #FoodNetwork #QuickDesserts
Id: ceBNOPGpXbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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