Peach Cobbler | Peach Cobbler Recipe

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welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling and today we're making a peach cobbler with me A B now listen you guys are gonna follow me you know that I'm trying to bring take the mystery out of cooking you know I mean you know these dishes that we think that we have to go on pay this money for or get somebody at the job to make them or however we do it listen you only need a few ingredients to make a great tasting of peach cobbler hey with that being said you guys you know what we just go ahead and bring right into this video just so you guys can see just how simple this is to me alright let's go okay let's get started first we're going to open up Arkansas sliced peaches which we have a total of four and these can is 15 ounces of piece it's like fifteen point six ounces so after we get our four cans open and we put them into our pot then we're gonna go ahead and head on a white or white granulated sugar now when you see me out in the sugar that was one cup but what I did was I put in half of the contents you know at first like that and then what I do is I stir it up just so that we don't get any clumps you just want to mix it well and then after that then you want to pour the remaining sugar into into your peaches now after you mix all your white sugar and your peaches and the juice together then you come back you know you want to come back with your brown sugar and then the same thing you know what I just do half and half just to ensure that we don't get any clumps and after that the only start adding our spices and here you can see know it got ground cinnamon you know what start off with like one teaspoon and listen after you make this this is up to you you know you can try to make it too how you like it this right here is the combination I like you know it's like the perfect blend of spices and juice and peaches and the cook time is just awesome and then we come back with the ground nutmeg you know one teaspoon and again listen you just want to mix it up and then of course we're gonna put it on the stove here I'm using an induction top I'm gonna go ahead and put this on like a medium I started out on medium and then adjusted my heat down to about 200 degrees so that's somewhere between low and medium so we're just caught it over low to medium heat and then you want to cook it for about fifteen minutes now I take Pam and this is the pan that we will make the peach cobbler in so I take it and I just spray it you want to spray the edges and then you want to spray you know the base this helps the crust keeps it from our sticking and it serves as another purpose also once we get to crust and we get it ready to align it what we do is we put it in there and it makes it easy to spread it to the edges now here you can see once we start using our pie crust you remember I was telling you how easy it is once you spray it this was like the added advantage it makes it easy to like stretch and spread the pie crust along the edges after that and now you can see why we need to because it's only going to cover about three-quarters of it it depends on how big your Pyrex or you your cobbler pan is so here again just opening it up and spraying it out and you'll see what I'm doing is I'm just like spreading it it would have been easier if I just went to win found my rolling pin and just rolled will get out the end it out a little bit and you can increase your surface and then right here you know you just put it in and again you just want to like make sure it comes up to the edges you know he just it's almost like working with play-doh folks you know I mean taking us back to our Kia days but yeah you have and that's how I should live right there now after cooking your peaches which are you know put your sugars and your spices for 15 minutes you know medium medium low heat you go ahead turn them off you know stir them up and now it's time to go ahead and feel that peach cobbler now here's the part where I know your senses should be telling you telling your brain that you're on your way to creating something amazing you know filling your peach cobbler crust you know with this peach cobbler cream and the smell you know is it like I'm telling you talking about overwhelming that's it so now it's time to go ahead and put our lattice time now here we open up the other box with a low two ready-made pie crust go ahead spread it up and then what we're gonna do is listen for me I cut off just the edge just just so I can get a straight line you know because we getting ready to build our latest time and I know I say lattice top so that's more like a basket weave but as you're gonna see right here I just lay them across they I'm on top hit it with that butter and that butter you know combines them and makes them cook together and I'll slide it out listen nobody can tell you cannot tell that you did not you know do the basket we slabs lattice top but you get the same result the same amazing look when we go from there now here you know what I'm doing I'm just choosing which ones I want to use for which side you know it's just a rectangular shape so of course the longer ones you know they listen they're not gonna be completely long enough to go across the ball so I just take them you know I use them like you see and then whatever I have overlapping I just go ahead and tear off the hands and then I'll just repeat that process all the way down to the right you know and if you guys are looking at on as video and I'm coming down go ahead and go across the other listen once we get across doing it the wrong way again you're not going to have all the your strips are not gonna be long enough unless we made it homemade then you can make your pie crust as wide as possible then when you cut your batter strips or the work out right here you'll just see this and I bring I lay them out as far as they go and then I'll just tear off a little piece and remember I have some extra pieces I just add on to it it might look funny right now but once you put it in the oven and halfway they just do baking you know after being brushed with the butter I promise you there's right here as long as gonna tie yourself into these different strip and then cook together and it's just going to be amazing now after you done what you want to do is you want to heat up at least I'm gonna say go ahead and get yourself three tablespoons of butter get yourself a brush and you want to brush all you your pie crusts pops you know me all your strips there it is again as just showing it to you know melt it and all I do is just again I just brush them I brush the edges everywhere that I can see progress our Brussels this is gonna help you cook brown and this and me hey you know what we gonna go ahead and call that it's the magic and after you're done brushing your pie crust everything is exposed you want to put it in the oven 350 degrees for an hour and 15 minutes and then when you're done that's what you should look like right there hey that right there is gonna put that aroma in your house and have everybody running like a hurry up let me cut it where's my ice cream let's get it in all right everybody what you think about that listen I know it has a awesome you know presentation look like something she would buy like it or bakery huh you know very very easy to make you know I mean not a whole lot of ingredients you got a cinnamon nutmeg you're not use some spray pan pan for my other for my pan you know my Pyrex my glass pyrex right here you know I mean that we use the pie crust now listen you visually I'm going ahead and make this you know from scratch but I'm just doing you guys you know what today's you know just how busy we are today you know I mean you looking for something great you know I mean nobody what not gonna get you the business buy this from the store if you ask me this is better than store-bought just say homemade all on it you know what I mean just super easy to make got a whole lot of taste right now my mouth is watering because the only thing I'm thinking about here you know sorry I'm jumping it is French for another you know I mean his suit and boot from the Duda hey what's that being said you know where I want you guys are leave a comment down below if you didn't know I just want you to let me know did you know how simple it was to just make a green peach cobbler hey with that being said if you're new to my channel let me go ahead and welcome you to my channel you know what thank you for watching this video I might ask you guys and just like this video you know share with your friends and tell everybody come check out smoking and grilling with a bee and with that being said you guys happy holidays and I'm out peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 3,828,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, Peach Cobbler | Peach Cobbler Recipe, peach cobbler recipe, peach cobbler, how to make peach cobbler, dessert, easy peach cobbler, best peach cobbler, homemade, peaches, cobbler, peachcobbler, dessert recipes, pie, cobbler recipe, southern peach cobbler, homemade peach cobbler, peach, peach dessert, Desserts with AB, #smokingrillinfam, cooking, food, recipe, easy peach cobbler recipe, how to make cobbler
Id: TzzhAQLRwT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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