Charlie's Thanksgiving 2020 Preparation video

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hey what's happening everybody is charlie i want to welcome you all to my 2020 thanksgiving preparation video this video consists of various clips of me cooking different foods um this year i could i made over 21 items that's right i made 21 items and it was extremely difficult because i had to do it in such a short period of time so you're going to see me um actually make the dishes literally in almost full detail um it's more detailed in my 2018 thanksgiving preparation video this video is very long because there was a lot of work put into it so i really recorded every step of the way as i prepared all these 21 items so what i've heard to do let's get started and i hope you all enjoy the video all right i'm about to get started with making my pie crust here firecrust is one of the first things i like to do when it comes to uh me making my thanksgiving dinner so i can hurry up get it over with and put them in the freezer i'll go ahead and add my flour in there add my little sugar in there yeah about 1 4 teaspoon of salt now let's post this for a little bit all right i got about 12 tablespoons of shortening that i'm adding in here i'm kind of doubling the recipe right now so i'm going to add 12 tablespoons of unsalted butter now i'm gonna blend this for a cup it's going to take a couple of minutes so all right now in this measuring cup i have a 2 3 cup of cold flavored water i put a little vanilla and a little bit of butter extract in there but i made sure that i subtracted uh that from the 2 3 cup i just took some of the water from out the 2 3 cup about 2 teaspoons of that out of there and i just added 1 teaspoon of vanilla and 1 teaspoon of butter into that and that it was too y'all get it right all right so i'm gonna go ahead and pour that in there give it a little flavor you know what i'm saying it's always good to experiment in the kitchen but you just gotta know what you're doing let me just give this a quick stir there we go we got it into a doughnut as you can see it's nice and soft ready to go now since this dough is at a um at a good consistency don't necessarily have to put it in the refrigerator sometimes when i make my doors i don't always put it in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes sometimes i just you know i just take it and roll it out now i'm gonna go ahead and lightly flour the surface of my table now here i have my dough here i cut it in half now i'm gonna go ahead and take one of those halves and just place it on the table and pat it down right and i'm gonna just roll this out now i'm gonna just carefully roll the dough onto the rolling pin i'll put it on my pie pan unroll it like that and voila i'm gonna just add my pie crust into the baking pan and i'm gonna just spawn the crush right here [Music] and now i'm crimping the pie crust this is one of my favorite things i like to do nice beautiful now this is my pie pan right here this will be my little pie might be making for thanksgiving i'm just probably gonna make just a sweet potato and a pecan pie and that's it it's the second half of the pie crust here got a little bit more so i'll probably be able to make a third pie crust with this now i'm trimming off the excess pie crust here and i'm crimping the pie crust got to do multiple pies at once it's one of my favorite things i like to do right here all right y'all i have to make two pie crusts here just got finished for making this one right here [Music] all right just got finished rolling out this uh pie crust here just gonna roll the dough onto the pie crust there we go perfect just push this pie dough into the pie pan now i'm crimping the pie crust this is actually one of my favorite things to do actually i didn't say crimping the pie crust is like my favorite thing already like five times and there we go complete i'm rolling my dough out for my sweet potato pie squares looks good as you can see i cut my um pie dough into a square i just rolled it up onto my rolling pin gotta add some flour onto the dough as i'm rolling it up so that way it won't stick now i'm gonna unroll the pie crust into the baking pan and bam it's a little bit larger than my pan but that's all right you can make it fit in there i actually did that on purpose so that way it wouldn't be too sharp going into the pan and this is it for pie d we got our four pie shells ready to go as you can see i already froze two of them the two in the back right there i just made those two and those are gonna be going right into the freezer well day one is in the books died already actually i had to um record my next recipe um for you from my youtube channel so uh my work on youtube is actually coinciding with the preparations for my thanksgiving dinner so um and guess what i'm still not done because i still have to uh wash the dishes and clean my kitchen before the night is over with so just when i thought it was over it's actually not i got actually got a lot more work to do so yeah it's not that much though it's not that much but that's why it's always important to uh prepare early prepare make sure you prepare things early like around this time maybe about a week maybe two weeks in advance you can prepare stuff like um like pie crust like i'm like i did today with the pie crust you could have petals freeze anything that you could prepare rinse and freeze so that way you come today when it comes time for you to cook the food or whatever everything will be prepared and organized and ready to go instead of you having to have to make this make that to put this together you know what i'm saying so yeah start early i'm actually starting 10 days ahead of time because come thanksgiving i don't want me doing nothing i i won't be doing no cooking no bacon no nothing come thanksgiving day of course that's my goat for 20 20. all right at this time i'm boiling my water for my sweet potatoes this is one part here and this is the other part over here i'm boiling about uh 12 to 15 sweet potatoes here all right let's check on these sweet potatoes oh yeah they're ready to go now i drained all the water out i'm just going to let these cool so that way i can peel them later and i'm going ahead and i'm just going to uh peel the uh sweet potatoes of course i bought them but you could bake them i could bake them and boil them all right let's see my little sweet potato pie data here this is for my first one of course look at my different flavorings yellow cinnamon nutmeg all spice and some flour for steamability about one y'all remember this scrape down the sides of your bowl [Music] sweet potato pie batter into the frozen pie shell i might have some left over i'm just about to see right now here you got a little bit left over you could say that if you got another sweet potato pie to make you just combine that with the next one i'm gonna just bake this one let's place this into a preheated 350 degree oven let me just make this normally take about an hour for it to be done all right first sweet potato pie is done all right now i'm about to get started with my cornbread as you can see i'm making quite a bit here i have uh my dry ingredients and my wet ingredients back in my buttermilk mixture and my eggs back there getting long because i those were cold earlier so i'm putting them in some warm water so i could get them uh to room temperature so now i'm gonna go ahead and add my bacon uh my baking soda in here i already had i already had the baking powder the flour and the cornmeal in there and i'm also gonna sprinkle a little salt in there there we go just a little bit not too much all right now that's better look what i forgot the sugar yum add sugar in here because uh it also helps uh with the cornbread rising and everything you know what i'm saying so the sugar definitely helps with the texture that's like the same thing like with a cake or whatever before you make the kicking you only add a little sugar in there it's not gonna really rise you know that's why sugar plays a big role in a lot of things and that's why i add sugar to it not for sweetness but i just add added for for the cornbread to come out fluffy you know what i'm saying so if you don't have no sugar in it it's just going to be flat and dry and possibly dense all right i added my little butter milk in there just go ahead and add my butter and two large eggs mix that together add this into the dry cleanse this in my cast iron skillet just making a small dressing for myself not too much now i'm pouring my cornbread batter into two separate square glass pans had a lot of cornbread batter to make so i just did a little small demonstration on how to put the cornbread batter together now imma go ahead and shake my bacon pans to make the batter more even and now it's ready to be baked place these in a preheated 400 degree oven place them side by side [Music] my cast iron skillet i'm just going to place that in there and i'm just going to bake these until they're done i just uh use my use my regular judgment to determine when they're finished and this is the corn bread when it's finished just took it out of the oven here's the other one here's the other one looks pretty good i'm gonna let these cool off and crumble on i'm going to go ahead and get started with chopping up my seasonings now all my seasonings that i have to chop um i know this is one of the first things i like to do when i prepare my thanksgiving dinners i like to make sure that i have all my seasonings chop and ready to go so i'm chopping up this onion now i'm gonna go ahead and take my onion just place it in this large bowl here it's a lot of seasoning but i have a lot of dishes to make so this is my green onion that i chopped right here chopped about eight bunches of that right here i have my celery cleaned and ready to go just chop this up i'm gonna take my little celery and place it in this bowl here now i'm pretty much um cutting out the insides of my bell peppers i'm gonna be making some stuff they all peppers uh this year egg here now we're chopping the green bell pepper now i'm gonna take the chopped green bell pepper and place it into this bowl here now i'm chopping up the red bell pepper now i'm gonna take the chopped red bell pepper and place it into this container here using whatever i have now i'm cutting my um my garlic slices for my roast now i'm chopping up my garlic until it is minced now this is actually a whole pot of garlic i might chop up another pot now i'm going to take my chopped garlic and place it into this container here i'm chopping some fresh real parsley i'm just going to chop this up until this of course crumbs and as you see here i'm removing the fat and i'm cutting my chicken pieces up these are leg quarters i'm cutting up here gotta uh make a stock and a dressing with this all right i already seasoned my chicken now i'm gonna go ahead and season my uh my turkey my turkey um wing parts so i just add a little bit of tony's some chef paul's watching magic got some little garlic powder a little onion powder you only need a small amount you don't need too much because we y'all making a stop so all the flavors and everything will come together goodness huge all right now we're uh frying our chicken pieces and we're also frying our turkeys on parts so that we can just eat to make our turkey and chicken stock all right y'all in my crock pot this is my little baby right here i actually call it my stock pot because that's what i use to make my socks i'm going to add a couple cups of water the less water you add the more powerful the stock will be a little bit of seasoning a little bit of tony's the onion some garlic and i have some um seasonings left over but when i get my last recipe i got some chopped onion let me just dump that in there that's my chopped celery bell pepper we got a little piece of green onion i'm gonna add that in that garlic got some fresh parsley got a little time going in there just a little bit and i got some leftover beans to use give this a little quick stir it's going to be a nice flavorful stock it's always good to try something different sometimes you know oh wait i got some stems some celery stems i'm adding that to them just add all that in there i might need to add a little bit more water we don't see just go ahead and add my chicken and turkey pieces in here go ahead and add a little bit more water gotta fill it up all the way to the top and i'm gonna go ahead and cover this i'm gonna let this go cook for about eight hours all right i let my um turkey and my chicken sit in a slow cooker overnight this is it this is our wonderful chicken stock here chicken and turkey stock i meant to see looks good i'm gonna go ahead and turn this off and then once it cool off i'll take it and take the meat off the bone and then i'm gonna be using this to add into my stuffings and stuff all right here we have um our gizzards and we have them in some water the thing is is that we don't want a lot of water in here because once it gets cooked down uh they'll basically get smaller so you don't need to add a whole lot of water to it i already cleaned them and inspected them and everything now this is one thing i look for when i inspect my gizzards as you can see right here there's this yellowish greenish like skin you want to just take your fingers and gently pull that skin off now i'm gonna go ahead and add a little seasoning i'm gonna add some salt in there this time because last time i didn't add myself just added a little thomas a little garlic powder i got a little dried parsley i'm gonna add some bay leaves in here i'm actually using the last of my little baby use so that way they won't go to waste you know try to stir this i don't know why i did this like this i should have just added the water then and then stirred it but i wasn't thinking all right that looks perfect i'm gonna go ahead and cover this and place this in my slow cooker i'm gonna let this slow cook for about i'll say place this in my slow cooker i'm gonna let this slow cook for about i would say eight hours all right y'all here we have um some more pie crust i have to make two more pies so i made a double batch of this now roll the pie crust and everything out and i'm gonna just place it onto the pie pan just make sure the pie crust fits in there trim off the excess too and i'm gonna go ahead and crimp it you know just won't give you a demonstration on what i'm doing you know get these pie crusts out the way just finished completing the pies one thing i got to do now is put them in the freezer and from there i can add my filling once the filling is made we can make it it's been about eight hours [Music] and i guess our gizzards are done it made a nice little chicken stock there looks wonderful now what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna put this in a strainer and let this cool off and then from there we can make we could uh because we're using the stock to uh put in some stuffing so and we're gonna use the gizzards to make some dirty rice and some stuffing now i'm taking these little um big pieces of ham what i'm doing here is i'm just going to cut it into cubes didn't have cubed ham at the grocery store the kind that i wanted so i bought this okay now what i'm doing here is that um i'm actually sorting through the uh the turkey wings and the chicken you can see it's off the bottom of course [Music] we just want to feel the meat to see whether or not they have any bones in it good sometimes i might put it on here and take a pork and just press down on the meat to ensure that there's no bones in it and once that's done i just take the meat and place it into over here now i know that looks like it looks a little messy but all right at this time i am peeling the shrimp now i'm peeling about four pounds of shrimp here i'm gonna be using this for the uh for seafood stuffing all right y'all here we go got a couple of updates for y'all um wednesday which was actually a pie crust day i had uh made a cup of pie crust and that was basically it so thursday i decided that i was going to take a day off to wrestle myself to you know i was just going to take a day off well that ended up being a big mistake because friday somebody called with some artists i spent majority of my friday and my saturday going back and forth to the store to get some things and i got a lot more um as you saw previously um i was doing like this the shrimp and and the bell peppers and stuff like that so i'm doing to the i'm doing some bell peppers i spent majority of my saturday preparing everything um i didn't really get to do everything i wanted to do which which was fine i mean i got started around one o'clock after going back and forth to the store then i didn't get finished it's almost one the next morning because once i got finished with everything i had to clean my kitchen and everything so and here i am a couple hours later but this was seven what 7 24 yeah so i'm gonna hit what five hours well at least i got five hours instead of three you know yeah so hopefully today i'll get some work done i gotta do some cakes gotta make two cakes this is the first time making cakes especially for thanksgiving i gotta bake all the pies that's gonna be pretty easy because like i said i did everything else so just assemble it put it in the oven bam there you go um that's basically i might even start cooking some things like the dirty rice and the belgian we're definitely gonna do the bell peppers and stuff today anyways let's get started with this day and get this over with now we're starting on our pound cakes this morning i'm making a key lime pound cake and before you get started uh this is one of the key things when it comes to making a cake or just about anything you want to make sure that you prepare all of your ingredients prepared and ready to go including your stand mixer that's a hamilton beach stand mixer by the way just in case if you were wondering all right so in my stand mixer bowl i have some butter a little bit of oil for moistness and some sugar now one of the key things for a good texture of a cake you want to make sure that you cream the butter and the fat really well now i'm adding the eggs in there one at a time because my eggs at room temperature now i'm alternating the ingredients now i just added my flour mixture and i'm going to add the liquid mixture in there add a little bit at a time and for now i'm gonna mix that together i'm doing this about three times until my batter is incorporated now i'm gonna go ahead and add my prepared cake batter into my tube pan all right that looks good now i'm gonna go ahead and tap the bottom of my pan and i'm also shake it too to make the bottom more even and after that it's ready to be baked i'm gonna go ahead and place this in a preheated 325 degree oven on the bottom i might actually put my lemon one on the top right i'm gonna bake this for like one hour and ten minutes key lime pound cake is done all right i've already gotten started without with my lemon pound cake right now i'm just alternating the ingredients i didn't already cream the butter and the sugar and added my eggs and all that other good stuff i'm gonna go ahead and mix this until it's incorporated and i'm gonna do this three times and after that our lemon cake batter is now ready i'm gonna add the kick batter into baking pan i'm using the nordic ware anniversary bundt pan this time around and make sure that's nice and smooth now again i'm gonna go ahead and tap the bottom of my pan and shake it to make sure the batter more even after that it's ready to be baked all right now i'm gonna go ahead and place this into a preheated 325 degree oven now normally for my pound cakes i normally bake them for about an hour and 10 minutes now at some point during the preparation or if you're cooking or baking something it's always good to stop whatever you're doing sometimes and take a few minutes out of your time and wash up some of the dishes um the reason being is because if you continue on and you cook and bake something and you have a pile of dishes left over you know what i'm saying it can be quite overwhelming you know i'm saying so that way it's always good to wash your dishes as you go so that way when you finish you'll basically be finished washing your dishes too and i'm saying i do mine in sections if i um there's a certain amount of dishes out dirty i've washed a certain amount or depending on what it is that i'm doing all right here i am mixing my uh homemade sweet potato pie batter actually gotta make what four sweet potato pies so this is one this is the other now i'm gonna go ahead and add my pie filling and of course i've added all of my ingredients my eggs my flavorings and my spices and all that you're always going to have some pie filling left over which is normal and of course i always freeze my pie crust and then from there i just add the filling in there and bake them as you can see here i have added some aluminum foil onto the pie crust the reason being is because i'm um i'm going to be baking four pies in my oven at the same time and these pies are going to be closer to the oven wall so to protect the crust from over browning on the edge because it's so close to the oven wall we just added aluminum foil on there to protect it from burning all right now i'm going to go ahead and carefully place these in a preheated 350 degree oven well they don't be too close to the other wall oh well so much for that that didn't work time to find another way charlie let's do it for about an hour all right here we have my batter for my sweet potato pie and pecan pie um about to add my evaporated milk into my sweet potato pie mixture i'm gonna also add a little bit of uh evaporated milk into my pecan pie batter vanilla it's about one tablespoon of that and two teaspoons of butter just give this a quick stir i'm gonna add my flavoring and my spices up some vanilla cinnamon nutmeg all spice bam you could always adjust things that's a thing when you make a thing you could always adjust things to make it taste [Music] fold that in there that was two cups i added in there of course we're ready to fill our pie shells all right now i'm gonna go ahead and pour my pecan pie batter into the frozen pie shell and after that i'm gonna let the pecans rise to the top for a few minutes spread that around with my spatula all right our pies are done right y'all working on that sweet potato pie squares thank goodness this is the last pie that i'm making here fifth one and our batter is ready now my add my prepared sweet potato pie batter into my baking pan fry crust it's frozen and everything at the bottom it's just about enough right there and i'm gonna just spread that around and i'm gonna shake my pan to make the batter more even and it's ready to be baked into a preheated 350 degree oven i might bake this for about an hour and 10 minutes all right i'll see potato pie squares are done so we're gonna go ahead and move it out of the oven here nice towel pan the shrimp stock got a little crab ball a little bit of tony saturday's in here and over here we have the rice now i'm just um i'm just doing a small amount right now to determine how much more i need for the other dishes that i have to make our shrimp stock has been simmering for about an hour now so should be nice and flavorful now i'm going to add the shrimp stock into a strainer with a medium sized bowl underneath it now i did the same thing when i made my chicken stock or whatever and there we go homemade shrimp stock all right we're now starting on our elbow macaroni for our baked macaroni and cheese i'm just gonna let this cook until it's done about seven to eight minutes probably less than that now i'm gonna go ahead and add my elbow macaroni into this strainer this gets really hot y'all so you got to pay attention to that let me just rinse this off with cold water sometimes i do it sometimes i don't depends now we're peeling our potatoes potato salad oh i got this bowl underneath here now i'm gonna cut the potatoes into medium-sized quarter pieces just as you see here there we go now we're peeling the uh sweet potatoes so we can take our candied [Music] i'm gonna just cut them into medium size maybe something like this might make them a little smaller than that so much for wanting to change that huh all right we're done chopping our potatoes and our sweet potatoes now i've added this into a vinegar and water solution now we're going to go ahead and start breaking up our corn bread for our cornbread dressing now what i'm doing is uh i'm stuffing my roast with garlic like a lot of garlic in my roost roast is actually one of my favorite holiday um garlic is gonna give it a nice wonderful flavor i stuffed my roast maybe like with 20 or more possibly more cloves of garlic go ahead and sprinkle my little seasoning got a little salt not too much magic yeah now we're going to go ahead and add our roast into this pan [Music] and i'm going to just let this sear for a couple of minutes on each side until it's nice golden brown look at that beautiful yes yes yes all right in my crock pot i'm gonna add some beef stock let me just go ahead and add a little bit of chopped yellow onion just a little bit because i don't want the green onion a little hint of celery bell pepper a little garlic can't go wrong with that right i got a little dry thyme going in there and bay leaves trying to get rid of them because i have so many go ahead and give this a quick stir like that now i'm going to go ahead and add my beef roast just add it gently right in there perfect now i'm gonna go ahead and uh cover this and i'm gonna let this slow cook for about eight to ten hours i'll just let mine slow cook overnight i put it on around nine ten o'clock and all right y'all here is what i've done so far this is all of the stuff that i have prepared just about everything but let's get started in the back right here here we have our bell pepper halves this is about 30 of them and uh the bell peppers are really really small and not big at all so that's why i have so many we're gonna be making some stuffed bell peppers with this now for our meat and our seafood and our seasonings here we have our chopped yellow onion our chopped celery our chopped green bell pepper our chopped red bell pepper chopped garlic and underneath there is the chopped scallions that's the green onion ends chopped parsley chopped green onions that's the uh the green portion of the green onions and for our meat here we have our ham this was really big chunks and i just took it and cut it in the diced ham and here we have our chicken gizzards and over here we have our uh turkey and chicken mixture looks like a puree but that's what it is and here we have our four pounds of shrimp which we clean peeled and de-veined and of course we took the heads and made a wonderful shrimp stock which we're gonna get to in a second and we have this blue crab puree i couldn't um couldn't find the lump crab meat so i have to use this all right so right here here we have my homemade shrimp and chicken and turkey stock now my uh let y'all know this see how it is it's nice it's like a gelatin if you make chicken a turkey stock and once you let it cool off in your refrigerator and it becomes like gelatin that means you've done it right and uh that's what it appears to be now i've also taken um some of the uh the fat from the chicken in the turkey and i'm gonna use this to uh make my uh i'm gonna add this to my dirty rice all right here we have our uh cornbread crumbs right here that's our rice because we're gonna be making two rice dishes um shrimp fried rice and dirty rice and we also have the elbow macaronis for the macaroni and cheese all right and here we have our chopped uh potatoes we have the sweet potatoes underneath there we got that in the vinegar and water solution here we have our key lime pound cake and the lemon pound cake which i made earlier now once uh maybe tomorrow i'll flip them over and put the icing on top and lastly the desserts here we have our pecan pie here's a sweet potato pie here is the sweet potato pie squares look at that gotta cut that up soon here's another sweet potato pie and here is another sweet potato pie had quite a few requests for sweet potato pie this year thanksgiving so that's what it's gonna be and there we have it well y'all that is it for today i'm so grateful that i was able to get everything finished i think that's one thing i forgot i have to uh do the uh the bread yeah i have to uh do the bread tomorrow for the seafood dressing because i have seafood dressing that's gonna be made for corn bread and another seafood dressing that's gonna be made with bread instead of cornbread yeah yeah i'm pretty tired right now i've been at it since early this morning and this was 11 24 so got to get right back up and you know what the good thing is is that i prepared everything so with that being said the only thing i do is just basically assemble everything and cook it and that's it i don't have to really prepare anything else because i've done all the preparation whoo kitchen sold out today we'll go ahead and catch up on some sleepover i can get a couple of hours in you know anyways um see y'all tomorrow for the uh the cooking of the food and everything so yeah so stay tuned now for that hope y'all enjoyed so far good morning everybody today is tuesday november 21st wait wait let me check it man oh not 21st today is november 24th i wish it was the 21st though but it's not anyways uh got a couple hours of sleep last night now the question is can charlie make it through today the reason why i say that is because you know i've prepared a lot of stuff and i've been up for long i was you know preparing everything and you know now it's time to chop chop chop time to get everything cooked and ready to go because tomorrow is supposed to be just this uh hopefully i can be finished you know yeah so that's the big question is whether or not if charlie can make it through today yeah well it smells wonderfully the roast is it's cooking and it's got got the whole apartment smelling wonderful yeah so uh yeah so gotta wish myself the best of luck today yeah anyways let's get the cooking [Music] all right y'all this is our roast nice and tender it is done oh yeah look how beautiful that looks y'all look at that and i tell y'all i got the whole place smelling wonderful now once this cool off i'm gonna take this uh i'm gonna take this little fat here and i'm gonna make a uh a roux with that and make a nice little gravy with that i'm going ahead and uh chopping up some pieces of bread here take the bread and put it in this pain here because i gotta bake it making a seafood dressing with this put this in the oven oh and by the way the bread that i'm using this is the real new orleans um pullbar bread right here i don't know they bring got a certain kind of texture to it that i really like it has like a chewy texture that i really like it's really good here's what i'm doing so far i'm working on the ground beef buddy stuffed they all kept them pretty good and over here i'm working on another little thing of ground beef this is going to be for my for the dirty rice and i just turned on my um my peas i added a little salt on the powder garlic powder so i had a little onion with some salted butter it's not from scratch though i'm using the using the can i like the luster uh green peas i absolutely love them man and i also love how the fact that you that they uh they offer 50 less sodium i can't wait till they come out with the new salt editor i'm gonna really be in love but i really like how the companies are taking these directions of making these processes healthy about reducing the sodium content and stuff [Music] and over here find some uh chicken livers this is also for the dirty rice add the little cone accessories a little onion powder garlic powder got that going yes yes it's the first time it's rare that i um i use all four burners on my stove but y'all gonna come completely shoulder came to cook and that's what i'm gonna do trying to get this done ended up saying yeah waiting for some piece to start simmering got a lot to do here all right now i'm frying up some italian sausage for my cornbread dressing i'm gonna take the pan juices from that and i'm gonna add that into the dirty rice and a little bit of that into the dressing as well and my green peas over here that's uh done and ready to go and here i have my chicken livers ready to go that's done over here we have our ground beef i shrinked it of course i got it in a uh got a boat underneath that this is the ground piece of stuff bell pepper and this is uh the pan juices that we have left over now this is the turkey um this is the juices that i have from the turkey and the um chicken so i'm gonna add that into my dirty rice and this right here we're gonna add some of this in the dairy rice too and we're gonna add some of this back into the dressing for the stuffed bell peppers i'll just let this cool off for a little bit all right now what we're doing is we're pureeing the meat and this is it ladies and gentlemen this is all about me and this is all of our pan juices as y'all can see i like to use my um i like to reuse my little uh containers that my stuff came in definitely works out pretty well all right now here we have some onion celery green onion bell pepper and some garlic sauteing we're sauteing this in some salted butter and the meat drippings left over from the ground beef and this is for our stuffed bell peppers i'm gonna give this a stir in just a minute okay and over here we have some onion green onion celery green bell pepper red bell pepper and some garlic and we're sauteing that again in some salted butter and some meat drippings left over from the ground beef and right here here we have the cream simmering for the macaroni and cheese i gotta turn that down because that's too high and over here we have our potatoes and our eggs for the potato salad ready to go i'm working with what i have here i'm using all four burners today i won't get this done yeah so this should be coming up to somewhere shortly once come up to a simmer i'm gonna check the two and make sure everything is good and i gotta get this roast together but that's gonna be later on throat i'm going to add my ground beef wait wait hold on hold on let me think about that for a second this is better i was about to cause a whole mega disaster in my kitchen man this stuff probably would have fell all around my stove my poor little heart would have been broken i'm gonna go ahead and add my little seasonings and add some salt in that it's a little bit of tony saturday's creole seasoning chef paul for dogs portuguese magic i mean seafood magic y'all don't don't pay no attention to me i'm about to add some black pepper what charlie and black pepper yeah hey gotta put a little pep in my cooking you know what i'm saying a little onion powder garlic powder you got a little time going in there now all this is just a unspecified amount this ain't no measurements just add that in there and stir it all right and then you got to taste this to see if it's at your desired taste because if not you might have to add more seeds that's why you always got a season to teach you know what i'm saying looks like our potato salad is coming along well it's that assume i gotta check that out just a minute here's our macaroni and cheese right here got my cheese in there milk give this a quick stir sorry about that y'all i'm working with one hand stirring it's not quite melted yet but we're getting there it's nice and melt it looks good i added some um extra sharp cheddar cheese some uh shredded parmesan cheese it's gonna be special not for our potato salad let me check and see it's almost done looks like it tastes a little bit of this might need just a little bit more seasoning get myself a bit of tony's that'll help bring out the flavor a little bit more put a little onion powder a little bit more onion with my garlic i always season the taste make sure you have multiple forks and spoons on that we when you're cooking you have even though in defense you have a lot of dirty boxing spoons but at least you every time you take a bite it'll be you know from a different fork and a different spoon and not the same one i'm gonna go ahead and add a little bit of my ham seasoning here just add a little bit here about that much you know what i'm saying i don't add too much another just right enough how much that is in here enough use your judgment skills it's one thing about cooking you got to use your judgment skills to help determine how much is enough all right now let's check on our dirty rice look like i might need to add a little bit more seasoning to it but we'll see in just a second adding my ground beef um liver and gizzard mixture right on in there just dump it in there just going to make a lot of dirty rice i'm afraid which is good but it looks pretty good that looks all right i don't know it's missing a little bit of something my gut telling me to add some green bell pepper and that's what i'm gonna do i think that's what it's missing i did add something all right i'm gonna get to the dirty rice in just a second let me take a look at the potato salad oh yeah that's done take my tongs to get these eggs out of here let's add this in here [Music] i'm just gonna let that cool off until ready to make our potato salad all right now for our dirty rice before we add the seasoning i'm just gonna show you all this now see at the bottom of the pot down here there's gonna be some browning at the bottom that's good scrape along the bottom just a wooden spoon don't use metal please though and everything give it a quick stir now let's go ahead and add some seeds i'm gonna try to do this carefully soaked i'm adding some pepper in there and this thing i had i have nothing coming out a little chef paul for domes poetry magic onion powder some garlic powder and some time about that much might be adding a little bit more seasoning we're going to taste it in just a minute and see because [Music] just a little bit more a little bit more pepper of course a little onion some garlic some more time in there that's why it's always important to season to taste all right all right now adding some shrimp in here now the shrimp has been pinot peale clean and debating of course a quick stir i'm doing this a little bit at a time because i don't want to add too much i got to do it a little bit at a time because as you can see my saucepan is overflowing and i don't have a another big saucepan another big pot so i'm working with what i have i'm going to add my crab meat i don't know how much to add i'm gonna try to see a little bit at a time now just turn my fire on the stove um down a little bit cause i don't cook this overcook this because it's basically a spinach it's basically done at this point i'm gonna add my shrimp stock homemade shrimp stock from scratch all right let's add some breadcrumbs that's just a guest amount don't ask me how much all right and our stuffed bell pepper dressing is done look at that all right i'm sorry rice mixture i took my dirty price mixture and put it in this little bowl here i'll see that i remember that fat that i told you about i'm just going to add that in there just let that melt in there just add my rice now lastly we can add some chicken stock in there a little bit of flavor of course that chicken stock is cool that's why it's gelatin up like that so it's gotta thin out and our dirty rice is complete simple and easy now that the dead rice is complete i'm just going to go ahead and add that into this aluminum pan now i did spread butter along the bottom and the sides of the aluminum pan and that's about it looks good let's just spread that around and make it even and there you go all done all right here we have our beef roast steel wong and here we have a uh fat separator and that's what a beef stock is and up here i have my little mesh strainer with my seasonings in there you don't necessarily need these anymore but i'm gonna take that and make a uh see that little fat at the top i'm gonna take that and make a rub with it and make a gravy now we're going to take our uh bell pepper halves i'm just going to add them into this hot water here and what we're doing is we're just going to paul boil these for a few minutes all right our bell peppers are done just going to remove it out of that right there i'm going to place it over here all right i've added a little salted butter in this large pot here i'm just going to add my elbow macaroni in there now i'm gonna just pour the cheese sauce into the pot that's really thick because all the cheese i added a lot of cheese right here i have a deep dish glass pan i spread butter along the bottom and the sides and now i'm gonna just add my macaroni mixture into the pan and i'm gonna just spread that around and make it even and everything and now imma just go ahead and sprinkle some extra sharp cheddar cheese right on top i should have spread some parmesan cheese on top of that as well macaroni and cheese is now complete the only thing i have to do now is bake it now we're finally starting with the potato salad now i'm mashing up the uh egg yolks here with a spoon i'll make that nice and smooth make it easy to mix in with all other ingredients all right so now i'm gonna go ahead and add some mayonnaise in here creole mustard don't see how this tastes just a little bit of tony's actually just a little bit of onion powder the garlic powder just give this a quick stir all right now let's assemble the potato salad now my potatoes are a certain color because of the knife i chopped them with so add a little seasoning to this i forgot to add this in here [Music] sorry i should have used a spatula to get that out that's the egg uh egg white side to see my ass sweet rubbish yeah sweet rubbish is a must-have and my potatoes out and i'm sorry i gotta add one more for good luck give this a quick stir i'm gonna add my egg yolk mixture this quick stir and our potato salad is done imma place this in my refrigerator all right y'all here we have our bat from our um our roast we had our um this is where we got it from not the fat separator so that's had a little liquid so i'm letting um some of that liquid from this uh from the rose uh cooked out some so that way it'll leave the oil and everything add the flour it's almost there all right i'm gonna add a little flour now i'm just using my natural there we go all right looks like we need a little bit more flour it's about to get smoking get ready add my roast in there a little pan juices that's all gotta go in there that's not the good flavor right there i don't know why in the world i was about to use a spatula to base the ropes come on now what i'll cover this and i'm just gonna let this simmer until it turns into a gravy and that'll be finished look at that nice gravy look at that and our roast is done it's finished and i can't wait till i have the peas one of my favorites all right now for our seafood cornbread dressing i have about a stick of uh salted butter in here so at this time i'm going to add a little seasoning add some onion [Music] sorry they are peppa and some garlic give this a quick stir i'm gonna let this saute for a few minutes i want this to cook down so the same procedure like with the other dishes that i did girl just let it cook down all right also asked some of this crap meet back up to you normally when you add cool stuff in to dishes like this you got to let it come back up to temperature so that's why the cooking process has stopped at this point all right y'all let's add a little seasoning add a little salt i'm doing this with my left hand some tony accessories chef paul domes seafood magic some onion powder garlic powder we got some raw um some sage going in got a little time i can't find my time my drive time then took legs and walk siding all the time and i have my parsley let's give this a quick stir give it a quick stir now we're going to add our corn just give this a quick stir now we're going to add some trump stock in there give this a quick stir it's going to help me determine whether i'm going to add some shrimp stock to this yeah i got my aluminum foil pan i always learn always um grease my pans with butter whether if i'm doing dressing or macaroni or anything i always and um i that is ready to be baked yay all right y'all i forgot to do this earlier we're just taking our pieces of bread and we're just adding it into this food processor because i wanted to um i don't want to put it in the dressing hole like this i just want to break it down into smaller pieces and that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna just post this a couple of times to break it down a little bit look like i did more than just break it down a little bit all right let's add a little bit of sea in it now this is actually salted butter in here and i'm adding um some seasoning in here for uh the uh seafood dressing that's gonna be made with bread instead of cornbread green onions in here the scallions it's the green onion and just add a little bit of that in there some celery okay i have some that sour for dressing all right some bell pepper and some garlic give this a quick stir just let this saute until it's cooked down all right crappy all right now let's add a little bit of seasoning salt a little bit of tony sacherius magic onion powder garlic powder some ground thyme just a little bit and some rubbed sage we're gonna forgot to add the parsley some fresh parsley in there just let this cook for like one to two minutes now before we add the breadcrumbs i just wanna let y'all know that i snuck in a little bit of cayenne pepper and some black pepper in there and give it a little spiciness i'm going to add my bread crumbs now that bread that we added in there is gonna absorb all the flavors all right now we're gonna add our shrimp stock that was a guest amount i just use my judgment it's a little bit more shrimp sack all right here we have another luna foil pan i grease it with some butter i'm gonna just spread that around with my spoon as evenly as possible complete now imma go ahead and stuff my bell pepper house with the ground beef shrimp ham and crab meat dressing looks good looking good go ahead and stuff another bell pepper half for y'all just for the fun of it and there you go and these are all the bell peppers right here i thought i was going to need a lot more bell peppers but i kind of underestimated myself but at least i got this many i was able to put the dress put a little bit more dressing into the small bell peppers and make them expand so now to finish these off i'm gonna just sprinkle spread blow a little salted butter on top each one [Music] and also sprinkle some uh bread crumbs this is the italian version [Music] all right now we're going to go ahead and bake our stuffed bell peppers and our macaroni and cheese let's place my stuff y'all and i'm gonna bake it for about 45 minutes until i'm ready macaroni and cheese and stuffed macaroni and cheese and i'm going to put these two pans of dressing all right ladies and gentlemen now we're going to start on our corn bread dressing right now make two of them of course so i got my pot on over there too so have um some salted butter in this sauce pan here [Music] [Music] garlic let me just give this a quick stir and just let this saute all right here's the second pot here onion chopped celery green bell pepper got a little red bell pepper going in that too and lastly the chocolate give this a quick stir of a sausage hey i'm seeing him well i keep damn i set up yesterday and our turkey and chicken mixture just give this a quick stir all right this is our second uh dressing that we're working on here sausage ham seasoning now the chicken and turkey mixture we're gonna [Music] all right our dressings should be done this is one this is two all right let's add some seasoning going to sprinkle some salt the tony sacher is grilled seasoning chef paul for donald's porch magic some onion powder garlic powder some fresh parsley some dry thyme and some rub sage i'm just going to give this a quick stir all right we're in the second pot now it's going to add some seasoning i'm gonna add some salt a little bit of tony sasha rice krill seasoning chef paw padres put your magic onion powder garlic powder some ground thyme and some rub sage we're just going to stir all the ingredients together now we're just going to give this a quick stir okay now we're going to add our homemade chicken stock which we made from scratch and remember um this concentrated uh chicken stock that we um also made from scratch just gonna add a little bit of that in there it's a little concentrated in the chicken stock we just added now we're just going to give this a quick stir you might need a little bit more chicken stock needs a little bit more chicken stock i mean chicken and turkey stock y'all don't mind me my fire is turned off by the way all right y'all here we are in the second part here at my cornbread mixture i put it in a bigger pot though because the saucepan would be too small for this all right let me give this a quick stir now this is a noticeably smaller dressing this is my dressing i'm actually preparing right here so yeah i gotta oh i gotta let y'all know this when i was stirring that big pot over there man my one of my wooden spoons ended up breaking yeah so i gotta be careful with this one i'm gonna go ahead and add my little um my homemade chicken stock from scratch that's just about the whole thing to be honest thank goodness we made as much as we did and we got a little bit of that concentrated chicken stock that's gonna give it a real nice flavor i'm just gonna stir this hopefully i don't need no more chicken stock i might need a little bit more i'm just seems like it's enough so thank goodness we got a little bit more on hand i'm gonna just dump that whole thing in there call it a day i ain't gonna be using it for nothing else anyway now i'm going to add the cranberry dressing into this aluminum pan and of course i buttered the bottom and the sides of the pan and this is the seafood cornbread dressing right here and i'm sprinkling some bread crumbs on top right here and this is ready to be baked the second pot is actually my dressing right here now imma go ahead and spread that around as evenly as possible and now i'm sprinkling some breadcrumbs on top it's ready to be baked now we're going to place these into a pretty pretty 400 degree oven all right our dressings are done the second thing all right let's get started with our shrimp fried rice i'm doing something a little different this time um i'm gonna saute everything separate separately and then add it all into one we'll see how it goes all right so in the saucepan i'm going to add some uh sesame seed oil now i'm just going to spread that around i let that get hot for about one minute all right let's add some seasoning [Music] garlic now i'm going to add the shrimp right on in there i'm just going to give this a quick stir and we're just going to let this saute for a few minutes now for our seasoning add a little pinch a little bit of salt in there that we're going to add some uh brown ginger quick stir we're just going to let this salt in all right it's been about a couple of minutes squash round now what we're gonna do is we're just gonna transfer this out out of this pan and we're just gonna um put this on the side all right in a separate um large pot we're gonna add some sesame seed oil just spread that around just let that get hot for about one or two minutes now we're gonna add some eggs up add a little bit of salt and just whisk it together stir it together so now let me just add them in there i'm gonna just take my whisk and just give this a quick i'm gonna go ahead and place this in a serving of dish and i'm gonna set it on the side all right in the same large pot we're gonna add some more sesame seed oil just spread that around just let that get hot now we're adding our rice i'm just gonna give this a quick stir now at this time i'm gonna add our egg mixture now we're going to add our shrimp mix give this a quick stir and my fire is off on this i'm going to stir my turmeric off since everything is cooked now all we got to do now is add a little soy sauce for taste you can add as much as you like but matt a little bit at a time give it a stir and our shrimp fried rice is done all right here i have an aluminum pan i added some sesame seed oil onto the bottom and the sides of the pan so i'm just going to add it in and our shrimp fried rice is done yay all right let's get started we're making our sweet potatoes so in this large pot we're gonna add four cups of water all right and to that we're gonna add one cup of sugar one cup of brown sugar got some light corn syrup between one fourth and a half a cup in there so i'm gonna go ahead and add some honey about five tablespoons of melted unsalted butter and for your flavorings you're gonna add some vanilla extract that's about one tablespoon two teaspoons of cinnamon 1 8 teaspoon of nutmeg and one heaping 1 4 teaspoon of allspice that means that you can fill it up past the top if you like and a pinch of salt i'm gonna take our whisk and we're just gonna give this a quick stir i'm gonna let this come to a center now we're going to go ahead and add our sweet potatoes i'm going to give this a stir all right we're going to cover this now for me i normally let it simmer for about 45 minutes to hour it really depends sometimes i just use my regular judgment to determine when they're finished and our sweeper kills are done yes looks good all right now let's get started with our turkey here we have a nine and a half pound turkey i'm gonna be trying something a little different with it this year so still gonna roast it in the oven and everything all right let's get straight to it now before we begin i just want to let y'all know that i'm just experimenting so bear with me here all right so in this small bowl i'm gonna add some creole mustard in there i'm gonna add a little hint of crab on i remember grandpa is high in sodium so you just need a little small just a little bit about 1 8 teaspoon of that in there you'll be good to go all right and to that we're going to add some onion powder garlic powder a little bit of chopped parf time i had time i don't want everything i cook oh and we're also going to add a little bit of honey this is to cut the acidity what does it do let me just go ahead and give this a quick stir well i might need a little bit more than this all right next up uh here we have some um one we have one stick of unsalted butter melted because of course i'm going to be uh injecting my turkey type of flavor injected here now before we begin i want to let y'all know that we're going to only add a small amount of seasoning in this because if you add too much it's going to clog your flavor injector so you don't want to do that right we just want to season the butter we don't want to saturate it with seasoning to where it's like you know anyways so here i have about 1 4 teaspoon of grab ball just add that in anyways and to that we're going to add some um time again a little bit of time just a little hint it's the powdered time we got some onion powder oops some garlic powder all right that looks good and we're also going to add some cool mustard just a little bit bigger there we go what is this it look all right now if you have tony centuries you can add a little bit of that in there too but me i'm just playing around being being experimental all right time to have some surgery i'm just playing around anyways i want to show you audience to actually take your hand and go underneath the turkey skin make sure y'all wearing gloves and stuff so now what we're going to do is we're going to take this little mixture right here and we're just going to place that we're going to just rub that inside the turkey don't worry if we get on the outside that's all right i think that just rub inside the turkey all right we filled our flavor injector with the creole butter mixture we're just going to inject it a little bit into the turkey [Music] la la i'm injecting it all over the turkey look at that now we're just gonna take the rest of this uh mustard mixture i'm just going to just rub it around the turkey i'm gonna zip tie the turkey wings together all right now i'm gonna try something different too i'm gonna add a little water around the pan go ahead and place our turkey into a preheated 325 degree oven and only take about four hours for the turkey to be done until it's done and i'm tired i literally been up for 24 hours my feet hurt my legs hurt from standing up all these hours i actually been standing up since like seven o'clock yesterday so it's done tired tired um got a lot done today you know i'm saying i got my turkey in the oven um and i just the candid yams just got finished i still got to do the dinner rules and i still gotta uh decorate these two pound cakes so but you know i'm grateful that i was able to get everybody else stuff done you know so now i can be able to you know um starting to get finished with my own deal you know i'm saying so you know but i'm grateful i said i wanted to be finished um the day before thanksgiving and once i give you some sleep and come back and um we should accomplish yeah so thanksgiving day be chilling but yeah but um i was gonna do a final presentation for y'all you know to show y'all um the food and everything but i already had cleaned my kitchens with my dishes and everything organized my food and everything so that really could get cold and stuff you know so the final presentation y'all saw that when i when i um when i when y'all saw i did a lot you know videos y'all saw the final presentation everything so like you really need to see it anyways so um yeah oh man that's a lot of work especially when you're cooking stuff in scratch because you got to make like sometimes you got to make like seven different things before you get to that to the final step i don't know how i did it but i did it yes yeah so yeah yeah but anyways um enough of that um see y'all in the next one which is coming up shortly all right it's been about three hours now let's go ahead and check on our turkey all right here's the turkey just took it out of the oven after three hours and as you can see it's um it's pretty dark in color but i think what happened is is that as you can see the juices came out the butter came out all right i did a a quick temperature check and the turkey is done all right so let's get started with these dinner rolls i'm gonna add my red flour that's about three and a half cups of magnet to that i'm going to add my sugar that's about 1 4 cup about 2 teaspoons of instant yeast and about 1 4 teaspoon of soap just get this stir all right for our wet ingredients we're going to add one cup of whole milk warm whole milk temperature should be about 100 120 degrees fahrenheit and to that we're going to add two large eggs one stick of melted salted butter and this last one is just an experiment i'm gonna add some honey and then add a little honey about a tablespoon of that in there all right i'm just going to give this a quick stir i'm going to add the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients i'm going to just pour it in there [Applause] it's ready the surface of the table now we're just going to let this rest for about 10 minutes i'm just going to go ahead and press the dough down now should remove those gases caused by the yeast i'm gonna just form this into a bowl again i cut this into a half i'm gonna cut this into four so now we have eight individual pieces now you're gonna do the same thing for this and do the same thing for this one too all right here i have 16 pieces of dough ready to go as you can see the back ones have risen so that's why they're a little bigger and we're just going to form this into a roll i'll take a little towel i'm just going to cover this i'm just going to place this in a warm spot for about 45 minutes or hour all right and this is how rose look after we let them rise beautiful now let's go ahead and bake these now i'm going to go ahead and place these into a preheated 360 degree oven now i moved my oven up one rack because i'm using a dog coated pan and dove coated pans tend to ground a little bit quick at the bottom so i put it up a rack i'm just going to put that in there now i've normally let it bake for about 20 minutes maybe 20 25 minutes you know all right our dinner rolls are done i'm gonna go ahead and remove them out of the oven look at that okay here we have about three tablespoons of salted butter i'm gonna go ahead and add some honey to that and you could also make a mixture separate from here and take your flavor injector and you can inject the um the rose with this as well all right here i have a pastry brush with the uh butter honey mixture and i'm just gonna take that i'm just going to brush it on to the rose well i'm sitting up here doing this like i'm doing a youtube video i'm not supposed to be doing youtube videos instructional videos i meant to say and there we have it our rose is our rolls are complete yes yes yes looks wonderful nice and buttery right here we have our two cakes we have our lemon and our key lime pound cake just uh flip them over uh let them sit overnight in the baking pan then i flip them over so now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go ahead and prepare the icing for both of these cakes and i'm just going to put icing on top that it said and go from there all right now let's get started with making our cake icing i have some confectioners sugar that's about 1 1 four cups in there we're going to add three tablespoons of melted unsalted butter two tablespoons of warm whole milk and for our flavorings you'll need a half a teaspoon one to a half a teaspoon of vanilla extract 1 4 teaspoon of butter extract and 1 4 teaspoon 4 1 8 teaspoon of lemon extract okay and i'm going to add that just a little bit now we're just going to give this a quick stir go stir this until it's creamy and smooth all right here i have a toothpick with some lemon yellow gel base food coloring i'll just take that just gonna dab that into the icing like that i'm gonna take my whisk and just give it a quick stir now my icing looks pretty thick but that's okay we could always thin it out by using the microwave so it's really no big deal now we're going to pour the icing on top of the cake so that the icing just flow all right y'all just got finished from um pouring the lime um icing onto my key lime pound cake and there you go simple and here is the final presentation i only took a picture y'all wish i could have recorded a video but i was so busy with so many other things i just didn't have any time on that i had time for to do is to take a picture and that's it and here is the proof of everything that i cooked even you could see me holding a sweet potato pie in the yams and there y'all have it ladies and gentlemen thanksgiving 2020 it was brutal but i'm glad i got it done i want to take this time to thank all of you for watching the video if you watched in the whole video in its entirety thank you so very much i really appreciate it now if you like what you see if you like my channel hit the subscribe button hit the bell button if you want to be notified of my videos and that's it well i hope you all enjoyed the video i know it was long but when you make 21 items literally from scratch step by step it's going to be a long process okay um i do have recipes and recipe videos for literally every last item that i prepared in this video the exception of the crab meat stuffing meat with the french bread that's the only one i don't have i gotta work on a video on that in the near future and you can search for each and every last one recipes on there and you can also search for them here on youtube as well okay and matter of fact i'll also have a link to each and every last um recipe that i prepared in the comment section and in the description box i also will have a link to the 2018 thanksgiving preparation video just in case if you want to check that out as well okay and i'm so grateful to be thankful to be done with this thanksgiving here it was so brutal long i was standing up and preparing things up all day three to four hours of sleep it was i must say now i did not do a a final video presentation of all of the food that i prepared i don't know why i did but i guess it's probably because i was too tired and i just said you know what let me take a picture and get it over with you know but yeah anyways i hope you all enjoyed the video and until next time have a good one peace
Channel: Charlie Andrews
Views: 1,140,869
Rating: 4.8856888 out of 5
Keywords: Charlie's Thanksgiving 2020 Preparation video, Charlie Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Preparation step by step, How to cook an Entire Thanksgiving dinner step by step
Id: 5W9702tDum4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 19sec (6559 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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