Chicken and Dumplings

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hi everyone I'm back and today I'm gonna show you all how to make chicken and dumplings not just any old dumplings guys I'm gonna show you how to make genus chicken and dumplings here's what you will need you will need chicken now I'm using chicken thighs feel free to use whatever piece of the chicken that you would like to use if you want to use legs if you want to use wings the breasts whatever you want to use is just fine now I have chicken thighs now some of the thighs I have taken the skin off some of the thighs I've kept the skin on alright these are the dumplings that I like to use these are a frozen homestyle it's called Remy's I live for these dumplings guys give these dumplings a try and you will never ever slave in the kitchen to make homemade dumplings ever again as long as you try these trust me when I tell you this all right you will need two cans of cream of chicken you will need carrots I have three stalks of celery I have one large onion one large garlic clove chopped salt and pepper Maggie poyo parsley flakes onion powder garlic powder and black pepper if I didn't say so all right now over here I have a pot I'm gonna turn this pot one to medium-high the first thing that I want to do I've cleaned my chicken with salt water and vinegar today and rinsed it well first thing that I want to do is I want to put my chicken into the water we're gonna bring this water up to a boil and what we're trying to do we are going to make a beautiful chicken broth and I'm going to show you how to do that right now so you put your chicken in and you need the bones of the chicken and the skin of the chicken and the chicken meat in order to make a beautiful stock so we're gonna put these in there all right and then we're gonna season this up and we're just gonna let it boil until the chicken is done once the chicken is done you're gonna have one beautiful chicken broth so you always wash your hands the first thing that we're gonna do I'm gonna pour a little bit of this water off give me one second guys see how that water raised a little bit once I move in beautiful okay so now let's go ahead and season our broth up I'm gonna use half of this I'm not gonna use all of it all right just about half I'm gonna use half of the onion this is gonna give us a beautiful chicken broth flavor all right let me get this one large garlic clove put it in just like so all right I can remember let's come over here this way I can remember my grandmom making chicken and dumplings and now what she like to use well let me reach for these is she would used a Bisquick mix and make her dumplings I've done that before when I want to make a this is parsley that I'm putting in guys this a little bit when I want to make one of the dumplings that are real fluffy and big and round I will use Pillsbury biscuit dough this is black pepper this is onion powder this is garlic powder all right here's some Maggi polio all right and remember this is just like chicken broth only a bumped up I'm not chicken broth this is just like chicken bullion only it's a little bit more bumped up flavor so if you don't have Maggi polio you can use about four chicken Boyan cubes all right we're going to put a little bit of salt in not too much that's enough all right and then we just let this come to a boil let our chicken get nice and well done and we'll come out with this beautiful beautiful beautiful chicken broth all right once that's done I'll show you what we're gonna do next but what I was saying was when you want that big fluffy soft dumpling what I normally do is I will use the Pillsbury biscuit dough and you know how you kind of hit it on the thing and it pops open when you take one biscuit out and what you do is it's circle like this you just cut it into fours and then when you're ready to put your dumplings in you just kind of toss them in and they create one beautiful huge fluffy dumplings but we're not gonna do that today today I'm going to use these homestyle flat dumplings and these are the most tasty things you have ever tried now if you all have never seen my video for homemade chicken and noodles check that video out and you'll see that I use the the Remy's noodles and I'm telling you all I swear by these dumplings and their noodles this name-brand here has really got something going on they really got me hooked especially I don't have to slave in the kitchen and make my own dumplings so that's always a plus I'm gonna mix the spices and the chicken around just like so all right let this come to the boil and I'll be right back once this gets done and then I'll let you know our next step be right back okay everyone I'm back I just want to chime in on this beautiful chicken broth and show you what it's looking like it's chicken is starting to cook see that chicken is starting to get done and the flavors are being extracted from our vegetables and remember we have seasonings in here so we're just gonna let them keep going they've been cooking this has been cooking for about just about 25 minutes all right when this is done I'll be right back everybody okay everyone I'm back and now the chicken is done this is cooked for 45 minutes the chicken thighs are nice and well done and we have such a beautiful chicken broth look at this if you wondered if you ever have wondered how do you make a beautiful chicken broth this is how you do it and what you would do is of course you would take your chicken out like I'm getting ready to do and you would take the veggies out and then you would strain it yeah you might get some frothiness here on the top from the fat and the protein of the chicken and you just come across just like this and skim it off and get rid of what you don't want okay and just toss it into a bowl okay cuz what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take my spoon just like so and the oil you can tell the oil from the broth I'm gonna get rid of the oil just like this all right and it's gonna leave me with the beautiful broth I'm gonna keep skimming until I get this you know the foaminess off the top and the unwanted oil that I don't want I'm gonna keep skimming until I get that nice and clear I'll be left with beautiful clear chicken broth let's go ahead and take these pieces of chicken out I'm going to put my chicken right in this pan because I'm gonna let the chicken cool down and once it cools down what I need to do is I need to take the skin off and shred the chicken take the bone out and I'm gonna take two forks and so if this was two forks you just take this motion like this and you do like this across your chicken and it'll shred that chicken up for you and that's what I'm gonna do once this cools down all right but it has to cool down cuz I don't want to burn my fingertips you all right I'm so glad that I got my camera back and I'm back in this kitchen cooking I missed you all so much and honestly I'm gonna be honest with you guys I love you all so much I really do you all are like family to me I appreciate you all and you know I can't say it enough I know I've said it enough in my speeches but I appreciate you all and I appreciate you all who have watched and who has subscribed but just I just thought I should tell you guys that I feel like you all are family I have so much fun with the messages now there are some people that like to give me really bad messages and when they do that hey I don't even sweat it I just say God bless you and I mute them so that they can't comment any more and it's just fine it's crazy because you all will not believe some of the comments that I get better it's just so mean it's okay it doesn't bother me I just mutilate I don't have to deal with them anymore see this here chicken broth 101 if you never made it make you some and make sure like I said you take the time to skim that oil off just like this it's not hard at all and then you'll start seeing that you'll end up with a beautiful broth with no oil in it and yet so tasty remember we put those spices in here and those spices are really bump up the flavor of this broth now see these onions and celery that I put in earlier they will basically disintegrate into flavor layer and then those onions and celery that I have there we're gonna put those into our chicken and dumplings towards the end so that you can taste it and you'll have that texture cuz like I said these ones are gonna mush up and they'll just be flavor all right so I'm gonna continue to skim off the oil and the froth off of the top and then I'll show you how I'm going to shrimp the chicken and then I'll show you the next step be right back okay everybody so take a look at my broth now see this this is just a celery stock I had sitting but I just put it in there I'm gonna take it out I just put it in there for more flavor okay but now let's come over here and I'm gonna show you how to shred the chicken the chicken has cooled down alright if you hear noise in the background that's my son outside I have my windows open because it's so nice outside that's my son outside and he's trimming the bushes for me and so you're gonna hear a little bit of noise and I apologize for that alright here's what you're gonna do this is one of them that doesn't have the skin so I'm just gonna just you know do this way this motion take one fork and pull that way take the other fork and pull the other way and just get that right off of there okay and kind of shred it along the way as it comes off the bone okay and you know that's very simple a lot of times when I make this dish I tell it when I get to this part I tell the kids hey wash your hands come on I help me pull this meat off the bones and they do no problem there all right just like this all right get them mean off of there this is how I do it all right now I have made chicken and dumplings and chicken soup with chicken breasts also a lot of people that don't like the dark meat they prefer the white meat is just fine to use chicken breasts also and you know how chicken breast tends to get a little bit dry well you don't have to worry about that in chicken and dumplings because it doesn't dry up because it sends so much broth and you know you got that cream of chicken and everything it doesn't dry out so you don't have to worry about that so here's how we do this is the one that did not have skin on it all right [Music] see how easily that shredded up we're gonna have a lot of chicken and mines guys this one has the skin and see how easily the skin pulls off that's it no problem just like that it's always easy so simple and yet so tasty guys I'm gonna really take you home I'm gonna really take you all back to childhood with this recipe this recipe is just so flavorful so what's the word that I'm looking for so delicious and it's the kind of meal that you want for Saturday or Sunday it is Saturday today and the game will be playing and we're gonna have chicken and dumplings no wings here tonight for game day we're doing chicken and dumplings I'm gonna take a few people some of this chicken and dumplings to work tomorrow I do work tomorrow look at this see how easily it comes off I'm gonna continue I used a whole pack of chicken thigh so let's see it was two there was nine pieces of chicken and I'm gonna use every bit up have some chicken and dumplings it's gonna be so meaty I hate to have chicken and noodles or chicken and dumplings and it doesn't have enough meat in it you got to kind of scavenger around for nope not this one guys with every bite you're gonna get a piece of meat you hear me all right I'm gonna continue to do this all right I'll be back as soon as I get everything shredded up and then I'll show you our next step be right back okay everyone here's what our shredded chicken looks like just like that now over here to our broth now what I did when I have the video on pause I tasted the broth and I thought it needed a little bit more seasoning so I put it garlic powder I put onion powder black pepper and a little bit more Maggi polio in there all right so now what we want to do at this point is go ahead and put our chicken back in and the temperature of this chicken broth will go down because this chicken is you know cooled down so you want to make sure you turn this back up onto a medium medium high to bring this back up to temperature all right get that in there and get it nice and warm okay stir that around just like so in that color of this rough so beautiful and what helps to add the color it's the Meggie poyo it helps to give such a beautiful yellow color that I absolutely love so now what we're gonna do I'm turning that up to medium-high we're gonna go ahead and put our celery in our rest of the celery I might not put it all in I'm not really a fan of celery but I mean definitely I'll eat it you know I don't hate it but it gives so much flavor to chicken little soup and chicken and dumplings it's like a staple you put celery carrots and onions in your dumplings all right so let's go ahead and put about that much in all right and remember the celery and onions that we put in earlier that just disintegrated into flavor land now this here you actually be able to bite down into it all right and it'll serve as a texture in our chicken and dumplings we put the onions in just like so all right and now what we're gonna do at this point we're going to let this come back up to temperature Rahmi flat dumplings in I want to show you how to put those in I'll be right back okay so now what I want to do this is coming back up to temperature and what I want to do I put a little bit more onions in there I wanted more onions in mine and I put the rest of the celery in you want to let these onions and celery cook for about 15 minutes before you put anything else in okay because once we put these dumplings and everything's gonna happen so fast and it'll be done just in an instant all right so we'll let these cook for 15 minutes now as far as these I'm gonna put these in towards the very end because nobody nobody wants mushy carrots okay I like my carrots to have some texture now if you want it to and I'm so upset yesterday we had dinner and I had a piece with my dinner frozen peas and so I wanted to put peas in here if you want to put peas in when you put your carrots in Vic towards the very end and make sure make sure you do not use canned peas okay because they would get too soft you always want to use frozen you know frozen peas out of the bag all right so these are gonna cook for 15 minutes to get the onions and celery nice and soft and we'll put our dumplings in and I'll show you what we're gonna do with the cream of chicken be right back everybody and make sure you stay tuned stay tuned for sure because at the end of this video I'm gonna do a mutt thing and if you all don't know what a mukbang is it's where I taste a food and you all get to see me eating the food at my kitchen table and I'll talk about different subject subjects and talk about the food be right back excuse me okay everyone so what you can see you can see that the onions are nice and translucent and that's what we're looking for translucent is where the onion starts to get clear it doesn't look as white it looks clear all right what we're gonna do go ahead and grill let me get a nice and when you put them in you want to stir okay and here's what they look like flat dumplings homemade flat dumplings just like this that's the kind that I like guys I live for this kind and it's so simple you ain't got to worry about making the dough rolling the dough and cutting it and letting it dry this right here I promise you you'll love this all right so put them in and you kind of stir I'm gonna feed four of us today and I'm gonna take some to work so it gives you plenty it really does in two bags does it for me two banks is perfect and they're twelve ounces each bag all right make sure when you put them in there you stir around okay I still have this on a medium-high stir them around so they don't stick together okay I mean it's not a worry but you just want to stir it so they don't stick all right here in a few minutes we're going to put two cans of cream of chicken in to our broth because I like a creamy broth some people like the clear broth like this and it's just fine but this right here gives you that extra powerpack flavor if that makes any sense but I always do and if I don't use the chicken cream of chicken I will use cream of mushroom same difference all right and as you can see some of the dumplings are starting to float and you'll see that they'll get nice and thick a little bit thicker than what they are okay we'll let this go for a few minutes and then before we put our cream of chicken in we will add these beautiful carrots and these were just a bag of carrots I like to crinkle-cut kind because I like the way they look all right and you can find those in the freezer section all right be right back everyone here in about maybe eight minutes when the dumplings are almost done we'll put our cream of chicken in and our carrots be right back okay everyone now it's time our dumplings are nice and fluffy look at this guys and like I said feel free feel free to eat it this way without the cream of chicken but I just I can't do it guys I love my cream of chicken or cream of mushroom in this okay so I put the whole bag of carrots in there oh yeah look at those guys this right here is making my mouth water I am so excited now I don't know if I told you guys that I need it to Reese's in the broth and I did just that I put more onion and garlic and Maggi poyo I believe I told you but just in case I did it all right and now we go in with the cream of chicken okay sorry about that my phone just started to ring and it put my video on pause if you all didn't hear me I was just talking about putting this cream of chicken in alright just like this two cans two cans now this will be done in the next in ten minutes hey this is done and you're ready to eat you can make your broth ahead of time if you want it to if you're gonna have company and you plan on you know like making this for your company make you brought a head of time go ahead and boil that chicken the day before or the night you know that night before get your chicken shred it up like I said have the kids shred your chicken and do the onions and celery part and then right before they come all you have to do is throw your dumplings in your carrots and your cream of chicken and you are set you hear me all right let's give this ten minutes I will put the video on pause I'll come back and then I'll sit at the table and we'll chitchat a little bit and I'll let you all know what this tastes like I'll be right back everybody okay everyone I'm back in the chicken and dumpling is done look at this isn't this one beautiful dish it's so beautiful oh look and look at all that chicken look at all that chicken guys oh my goodness okay see this see those dumplings in there oh yeah and like I see it Hey feel free to use the Pillsbury biscuit dough the kind that circles you just cut it into four and throw it in here if you want those real big fluffy ones okay that's what I do when I want those kind but this is the kind that I want it today oh my goodness all right I'm gonna make this plate you guys are gonna meet me at my table and we'll give this a taste okay everybody let's give this a try god bless the spoon thank you for feeding me a meal every day amen I'm so excited I don't know when's the last time I had chicken and dumplings but we gonna eat some today guys and you guys are gonna make this recipe and I want you all to let me know what you think about this recipe this recipe I got the big band-aid on my arm you know of course I burnt myself and I burned my hand but hey I'm really cooking in this kitchen it's gonna happen as long as my food is good hey okay all right first thing I want to do mm-hmm I wish I had a glass bowl I had a glass bowl this size and my little one broke it when he was doing dishes okay so first thing I want to do I want to go in and taste this broth mmm it's hot mm-hmm here's the thing I'm just gonna be honest with you I'm just gonna be honest with you I could drink this broth all day long is so good I don't need nothing else but this broth it is so flavorful oh my gosh mmm one more time one more time is so good guys I promise you kind of makes me sick it makes me so excited it's so good one more time with the broth mmm you make this chicken broth for your family and your loved ones and your friends when they're sick oh it'll pick them up it'll help them to feel better I promise you mmm now let's go in with this dumpling look at this dumpling so much flavor you hear me now let me get some of that meat and the carrots guys oh my goodness mmm you know what you know when something's good when you can't wait to eat it later it's so good I can't wait to eat it later mmm mmm hmm I'm gonna do just that when I get hungry tonight oh I'm getting me some more of this that's so good and this meat is so tender mmm beautiful look at this big chunk of meat boy is this good I'm telling you you never tried this you never tried this recipe hey make you some you will enjoy it I'm gonna give you guys a bite I might make a mess on my table but I'll just have to clean it up oh come on guys I gotta let you taste this for sure I know you want a big piece of meat right there and a carrot here we go guys take this bite right there take that bite right there guys all yours look at that look at that dumpling in there [Music] the meat so tender in the dumpling yes hmm the game should be coming on hearing about I don't know what time I think it comes on at 8:00 but my dinner is done right on time so that they can enjoy chicken and dumplings and enjoy the game and sit back and relax seriously follow this recipe just like I made this follow this recipe you love me for it your family will love you for it they even remember I told you guys I'm not a fan of the celery but guess what it's so good in here mmm mmm mmm the broth def flavor is so prevalent and so delicious like I said I can't drink this guys and I have so much chicken in here that's what I love like I said you can put as put as much chicken as you want in there my grandmom she would use a whole cut-up chicken hey she put the two Wings in there she put the thighs and she put the legs and the breasts in the air and she'd make her chicken broth and like I told you she used a Bisquick mix and then she would just throw you know ball it up she just throw it in there and she had the big fluffy country mmm that's good hmm we did something funny the other day let me get it I gotta get another bite of those guys it's so tasty well not hmm this right here this is what you want when you think chicken and dumplings oh but getting back to this we did something funny the other day I work so we were all talking about what are your fears and you all can comment in the description below what your fears are and so it was so fun and it's so funny to go around talking to different people and finding out what their fears are because these are like and it might be funny to us because it is and people even think my fears are so funny but it's real but so I asked a few people and one of the ladies at my job she said I said where's your fear when she looked at me I said or even a fear that you have when you was little what was you ever like afraid of what was your biggest fear and she's like Olivia she says and I say what and she was like the big white buffalo I'm like what it was so funny and we all laughed let me get another bite of this guy's mmm so good and these carrots are perfect as long as you put these carrots in the very end they will not get smushy put you some peas in there if you want to make sure they're fresh but put them in at the very end but I told them that my fear was mice I'm sold on guys I'm like mice just does me in you hear me I cannot do mice I am so afraid just the thought of him mice makes me want to like literally pass out like seriously like I my cyst is just too much for me too much worry the handle just the thought of it if somebody went like this with their fingers and it was like it's only this big but just still doing that like I could picture the mouse body it like really freaked me out but they were laughing at me and so somebody else they said and you can see the fear when people talk about like their fears you can see the fear when they're talking about it but somebody else I said clowns clowns does me they was like if I've seen a clown right now I'll be running I was 11 so hard and somebody else said like they're afraid of being hit by lightning it's so funny I had a ball I'll have to do that again and go to other different people and ask them like what what is your fear cuz it's such a funny subject and it's fun to talk about it but I asked my husband so on the way home that day I told him what we were doing in work it's so good guys mmm so but let me get some of this brach so I asked my husband I'm like so I don't really know like what your fear is he's like you know what it is I'm like what I really know he's like roller coasters you know if Ray and I knew it I'd do it guys cuz he's so scared of roller coasters it makes me laugh but it is a fear but once you all to comment in the section below in description below what your fear is that'll be a funny topic funny messages that I can read let me give you guys one more taste and then I'm out of here because I got to work tomorrow I'm gonna try to get into bed early get me some rest look at this big piece of chicken I got chicken all up in here right let me give you this here we go guys take that bite right there right there right there all yours why this is good I'm gonna get off here guys I'm gonna make my family's plate get ready for work tomorrow I want you all to have a blessed Sunday and a good Saturday night and there's always god bless have a great night and thank you all for watching if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe if you haven't what was that gonna say guys I just lost my train of thought but it's okay if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you press that notification bell so that you can receive a notification every time I upload one of these awesome videos god bless have a great night thank you all for watching good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 656,058
Rating: 4.8370805 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 13sec (2293 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2018
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