Good Ole Southern. Banana Pudding How To Make Banana Pudding Quick and Simple

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hey everybody today I'm gonna show you all how to make very simple down-home southern banana pudding here's what you need you'll need one box of vanilla wafers you'll need whole milk fresh bananas Cool Whip and you will also need prepackaged pudding and now I have one vanilla and I have two banana creams okay and for each package we're gonna use two cups of cold milk now the first thing that we need to do let me zoom in a little bit on this bowl first thing that we need to do is we're going to go ahead and open up one of the packages of pudding and this pudding is very simple to make open up that's the vanilla then we'll put a banana cream in here I like to mix the two together it gives it a really nice flavor all right let's see I was gonna do two will go ahead and do two three in this bowl okay I was going to do the third one separate but I think we have enough room so let's go ahead we have the two banana cream puddings and one vanilla cream in one vanilla for each box we're going to measure out two cups of cold milk here's two there we go here's four and there is six I'm using whole milk today you're more than welcome to use 2% whatever kind of milk you want to use just as long as it's cold all right now let me go ahead and get my blender let's go ahead and blend this up now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna turn the video on pause because this blender will make some noise and I'll be ready okay everyone I'm almost done mixing awesome I'm all done mixing that only took it didn't take but five minutes to mix it up well mix it up well and if you use a mixer like I did make sure you put it on a low setting if you use a wire whisk I suggest whisking it for about eight minutes with the rubber spatula and we want to get the sides and make sure that you've got all of the dry mixture okay we're gonna put this in the frigerator for about 25 minutes and after 25 minutes this will set up well let me show you look how thick it's starting to get already in about 25 minutes in that refrigerator this will set up nice for you after 25 minutes I'll be back and we'll assemble this beautiful banana pudding be right back guys okay everyone while our banana pudding sets up in the refrigerator we're gonna go ahead and start to layer our vanilla wafers in our pan this is the pan that I'm gonna use today vanilla wafers just layer them just like so in the bottom and then I'll show you next what we're gonna do with our bananas it's a very simple recipe this is an old recipe southern recipe that everyone loves like who doesn't like banana pudding she doesn't like bananas who doesn't love vanilla wafers okay just like this you take your time to put them in lines like this don't just throw them in there you want it to look beautiful when we dip it up just like so all right just like this now let's set this aside that's our first layer we need to go ahead and grab bananas let's go ahead and start out with three what we're gonna do is just simply peel these and then we're going to get them cut up into slices and these slices are gonna go right on top of the vanilla wafers and that's what gives banana pudding the the outrageous flavor those fresh bananas with those vanilla wafers when you put those together oh my goodness it's like heaven okay and just cut them just like so let me zoom in a little bit on my bananas and we're just going to cut them just like so nothing hard this regular slices about here's the thickness all right next excuse me what we're gonna do we're going to incorporate our bananas on top of each wafer just like so so that when we dip out this banana pudding every bite will have a piece of banana like this is a no-stress recipe no worries everyone likes it adults love it kids love it you can't go wrong just like so okay continue to do this here in about 15 more minutes our pudding will be ready that's like this everyone okay puddings almost done and I'll be right okay everyone it's been 25 minutes and our beautiful banana vanilla pudding has set let me show you what it looks like all set up there it is right there nice and thick just how we want it okay and now back over to our vanilla wafer and sliced banana mixture here's what we're gonna do now we're going to go ahead and incorporate our vanilla banana cream pudding right on top just like so nothing hard just put dollops just like this it smells so good it smells just like bananas oh look at that okay isn't that beautiful now we're gonna go in over here grab our cool whip let me move to camera real quick awesome okay now we have Cool Whip that's our second layer don't use all of it on this one because we're going to use more okay and just kind of dalip it same manner okay I'm gonna make sure your Cool Whip is not frozen okay just like so once you get it on here just kind of smooth it out as much as you can you won't be able to smooth it out perfectly but just however you can okay just like so all right awesome now the rest of this is for the top okay so we'll keep this put in the frigerator and we're just going to layer those the exact same way that we did the bottom [Applause] and then bananas next now normally if I'm making this for my family I put this in a glass dish okay and then you can actually see the beautiful layers but since I'm making this for someone I'm making this for my cousin I wanted to do the aluminum foil to go to go baking dish that way I don't have to give my glass container away this is just what we're wanting awesome now bananas back with these beautiful bananas and make sure you don't cut your bananas too far ahead of time okay because if you do the bananas when you cut bananas too early what will happen is when bananas get air they'll get what you call oxidized and they'll start to turn a little brown so so you make sure you cut the bananas while you're making your pudding not too early and just layer it like so same way and these bananas will let off the most beautiful flavor as it sits give it a good 24 hours guys and this banana will perfume this whole dish it's just beautiful very fresh tasting not too sweet just like so okay isn't that beautiful beautiful already right we're not even dead okay now back in with this beautiful beautiful banana vanilla pudding and just dalip it just like so same same procedure and it doesn't have to be perfect on here okay because you don't want to smear it too much because you'll mess up your beautiful layers that you have in there okay just like this you know they really came up with a good thing when they invented instant pudding because I would not ever make a homemade pudding ever again years ago I used to make homemade pudding but when they came out with this what better way to make a pudding so simple and always delicious when you think about I think the name brand is jello for for the pudding look at this this right here is awesome exactly what you're needing okay now let's get our Cool Whip out no no no I'm sorry we're not gonna do Cool Whip we're getting ready to do bananas this layer right here is a little different let's get a flat banana there we go this is our last layer right such a beautiful dessert I can't wait till my cousin sinks his teeth down into this him and his family will absolutely love this banana pudding oops just like so there we go okay now for our cool with just a lap what you have left on top let it fall where it falls [Applause] just like so you only have a little bit of Cool Whip left so you just kind of dalip it here and there awesome and then on top we're gonna put these beautiful vanilla wafers but now the wafers is one of my dad's favorite cookies we always had a box of vanilla wafers in our house we always have pretzel rods and vanilla wafers here we go look at this awesome we're almost done beautiful I had just enough cool hwhip perfect just cover that banana just like so and then we're gonna layer the cookies guys give this a try give this recipe a try it's so simple get the kids in the kitchen with you let them make it it's so easy kids can make this would you look at that isn't that beautiful okay yeah here's what we're gonna do next right on top can't go wrong if you guys enjoyed this recipe give me a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe subscribe to my channel I'm always always making something fun something good something tasty something fast and easy to make in this kitchen and we have a lot of fun I usually make my childhood memory recipes then I also make new recipes that I've came up throughout the year look at this guy and look we're at the bottom of the bag I had just the perfect amount of Cool Whip just a perfect amount of bananas now I use seven bananas okay and we'll stick that on the side we have a couple extra left look at this if you have any crumbs like I do here we didn't take those crumbs and you just do this okay look at that take those crumbs right out the bottom and you sprinkle them on there okay let me zoom in a little bit isn't this beautiful just like so this is one beautiful dish almost done with the crumbs here awesome in this always god bless have a great night and thank you so much for watching
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 1,293,414
Rating: 4.8234963 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 02 2018
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