How to make Dressing

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hi everyone I'm back and today I'm gonna show you all how to make dressing not just any old dressing guys I'm gonna show you how to make Gina Young's holiday dressing here's what you will need you will need over here I have two bags of croutons all right and this is pepperidge farm you can use any name brand that you would like just make sure you get two bags all right you will need chicken broth you will need butter and parsley flakes two cans of cream of chicken if you don't like cream of chicken hey feel free to use cream of mushroom you will need salt and pepper Maggi poyo onion powder ground sage garlic powder you will need jiffy cornbread mix you will need four stalks of celery chopped fine you will need one large onion chopped fine one large green bell pepper chopped fine and over here you will need one large garlic clove just smashed and I just have a couple slices of onion this is just one stalk of celery and just a few pieces of green bell pepper and I'll show you what we're gonna do with this we're going to do something special with this so I'll just set this aside now the first thing that I would like to do is let's go ahead and we're going to let me show you something with these turkey wings these are smoked turkey wings you can tell where I've scored them with a knife so that they'll be easy to fall apart okay will help with the cooking process all right so we're gonna put that in this pan that I have over here I have my favorite wok that I love to use for absolutely everything we're gonna make us a turkey broth guys and this turkey broth is going to be put into our dressing oh yeah I'm not just putting water in there guys I got to make me some turkey bro and that's what we're gonna do here alright so we're gonna put the smoked turkey wings in feel free to buy turkey tails turkey necks whatever meat you like use that meat it you want to put giblets in here this would be the time all right so let me pour off a little bit of this water give me one second I'll be right back okay the reason for me pouring some water off is because I need a room for this chicken broth I'm gonna put this chicken broth this whole container of chicken broth into our water and our smoked turkey wings put that in there we're gonna make one beautiful broth guys and this is how you do it trust me when I tell you this okay now with those roughly chopped vegetables which was once mash large garlic clove right there just throw it on the end and this is the butt end of the bell peppers I just kept it so we can put that in there that's all of this is flavor guys this right here is flavortown for real you hear me all right so let's put that onion in there just like so and the celery now I'm gonna season this up everyone let's come over here towards our spices we're gonna grab some Maggi poyo some onion powder garlic powder and black pepper let's bring it over here and we're gonna season up our broth all right and I'm turning this on a medium-high so we can get this to a roiling boil all right we want to bring that this up to a roiling boil so that this meat can start to get very tender and start to fall right off of this bone so now let's season it garlic powder put you nice and mounding guys don't be afraid the season only season you have to worry about a salt all right I like to say that a lot because it's true you don't have to worry about these others anything that has salt in it that's the one you have to worry about that was black pepper in garlic powder all right let's go ahead and put on some onion powder and I love onions all right and then we're gonna put some Maggi poyo put it right on in there now this right here oh my goodness now that's gonna taste good now here's what we're gonna do we're gonna mix this around a little bit and we're just gonna let it go hey and we're not gonna worry about it just let it just let it cook down make a beautiful broth you'll start to see where your meat is getting really tender and you'll be able to see the bone where the meat is actually falling off the bone and I'll show you what we're gonna do next with this but just keep this on medium high and let it go guys all right so the next thing over here at the next burner I have this pan that has a little bit of butter a little bit of oil in it and what we're gonna do let me grab my vegetables we're gonna grab our vegetables which is our celery onion and green bell pepper and we're gonna turn that on medium-high we're going to put this in here just like so all right and we're gonna saute this until the onions get nice and translucent all right and translucent is where you're let me fix my camera a little bit translucent is where the onions begin to turn a clear color all right and the celery and green pepper will turn nice and soft on ya all right so we'll let this go for a while until it gets translucent and I'll be back and I'll show you what we're gonna do next okay everyone let's peek in at our celery onions and green bell peppers and it's done it's cooked for about seven to eight minutes and this is exactly what I'm wanting see that see how our onions are nice and translucent all right I'm gonna put this on a plate and let it cool down all right Oh like okay so here's what I do during the holidays what I like to do is get night before Thanksgiving I chop up a whole bunch of onions bell peppers and celery and I get them nice and sauteed ahead of time alright because I use the onions celery and bell pepper for a couple different things and one of the things that I use this for is for my of course my dressing and then the next thing that I use it for is my giblet gravy I already have it done right okay so I have my celery onions and bell pepper just gonna set on the plate and it's done that's done and out the way so when we need it we'll have it done my whole reason for making this broth is because tonight I'm not making a Thanksgiving turkey right so the reason why I'm telling you this is because if I was making the turkey I wouldn't need the broth because you know how when you cook your turkey you get that beautiful broth down in the bottom of your turkey dish I usually take that juice and use it for my dressing right but since I don't I'm not making a turkey today I don't have that turkey juice I'm making me I'm making my own broth so this is how you would do this if you're not making a turkey all right so what we're doing is we're extracting the flavors from the smoked turkey all right and we're making our own thing here like I said because what I'll do my dressing is always the last thing that I cook because once that turkeys done then I'll take all that juice and I'll and I'll um dip it up into a dish and then I'll pour it right on top of my dressing guys and it is the best you hear me but this is next best if you're not making that turkey oh yeah cuz this right here to die for you hear me all right so now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put the video on pause I'm gonna go ahead and i'ma make got my cornbread you can make your cornbread the night before because you want your cornbread to be nice and dry and let it sit out uncovered so that it can dry out or if you don't make it the night before like I haven't done today I'm gonna cook it but I'm a cooking a little bit longer so that it can get nice and dry and then I'm gonna let it sit for awhile uncovered so there can be nice and dry all right I'll be right back when my cornbread is done and I'll show you the next step that we're gonna do okay everyone my cornbread has came out the oven and like I said what I did was um I let it cook a little longer so that it can be nice and dry for me and what I'm gonna do right now is I'm just gonna chop up squares this is my pan this is a very old pan that I absolutely love and I used this pan only for corn bread so this is my cornbread pan that I choose to use so see how I'm just gonna do squares this is gonna cool down when my broth continues to cook and we are gonna have one beautiful dressy I cannot wait to eat this dressing tonight I figure I'm gonna go ahead since I'm making dressing and I'm gonna do a video showing you all how to make homemade cranberry sauce so we're going to night we're gonna have dressing homemade cranberry sauce and I'm just gonna fry up some chicken wings that'll be our dinner for tonight I wanted to tell you guys something about the holiday oh I know what I was going to tell you so now even though I cook my turkey I always take the giblets you know the innards and I always take the turkey neck and I boil it off just like I'm doing this here and what I do with that turkey neck I take the turkey neck and I pull it apart and I chop up some of those giblets and I throw some of the turkey necks and the giblets and my gravy and some of the turkey necks and giblets in my dressing now if you don't prefer the giblets hey leave them out no problem there right but I let those turkey necks boil until they just fall right off the bone and it leaves you with the same ruff so tasty I'm gonna give this broth the taste it just my house smells like Thanksgiving right now look at this guy's in it beautiful I got to taste this hmm oh it tastes so good so let me give you an idea of what this is looking like see how we're seeing more of the bone here that's because this is getting done it's getting nice and done once it's all the way done let me show you this other one where I cut the scores in it when this is all the way done we'll pull all the meat off the bone and take that skin off okay and that's that meat that's gonna go right into our dressing look at that guys all right but it has a little while to go all right we're gonna let this cool down and then there's one ingredient that I meant to show you remembered and didn't forget to leave it out okay so we're going to need three eggs during this cooking process also okay but I have those in the refrigerator that's how I forgot to tell you but I'm glad I remembered so now here's what we're going to do let's set this aside so it can cool down I have a pan here that I've oiled and my purpose for oiling the pan is because I like for my dressing around the corners here to be nice and crispy it's kind of like a buttery taste and it gets nice and crispy right there where it bakes so that's why I like to or you can use butter or oil I use oil today what I want to do let's go ahead and start mixing up some of our dressing there's one bag ila I always like to do now there is tons that I like to do just strictly cornbread dressing or strictly bread dressing but when I when is the holidays guys I mix it both and it's the best thing you've ever tasted and what I want to do at this point is I want to go ahead and season up my croutons all right seasoned them just like you're seasoning up a big piece of meat guys that right there is onion powder all right this right here is parsley flakes for you all that know me you know I love parsley fix I don't make anything without parsley flakes and they were saying I then have parsley flakes in Aegina didn't make it and I thought it was so funny cause it's true they must know me well all right and so this is garlic powder I want a nice amount in there there you go and when you're making dressing and it's the holiday you always that was black pepper want to use your some ground sage if you don't have ground sage you can use poultry seasoning I love to use poultry seasoning for the holidays especially for dressing but like I said if you don't have one use the other ground sage put you some in there not too much but just enough to taste and if you guys say how much is too much just put a little bit on there just like so all right and I'd like to put me a little bit of Maggie polio if you guys don't have Maggie Poe y'all don't freak out cuz you don't need it I just love Mickey poyo alright just like that alright so now we're going to continue we're going to let that cornbread over there cool down let this meat continue to cook in the broth until it's nice and tender I'll be back after this video is done I'm going to show you all how to make homemade cranberry sauce alright so I'll be doing two videos for you all tonight I'll be right back ok everyone let me show you these smoked turkey wings are done now they have cooked for almost two hours but I was able to edit you know edit out all of that time by pressing Paul's and things like that so now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take all this gorgeous meat off of this bone and get rid of the skin and then I'll come back and show you how to mix up this bad boy be right back and all you really need to do when you want to take that meat off of this off of the bone we're just gonna take two forks like this and just do this motion and it'll shred right off be right back okay everyone here is my smoked turkey wings all for the boat they fell right off the bone all I needed was a fork and I just pull it and it just start you know and then I took a knife I just chopped it up a little bit let's put all of that in there now that's two turkey wings alright and remember I seasoned the croutons alright and what we'll do is we will come back and taste and keep tasting to see because if we need more seasoning we can put more seasoning in all right now also my cornbread has cooled down so what we're going to do at this point I'm gonna go ahead I'm eating a piece of that Turkey guys it is so good and I'm just gonna kind of break it up a little just like this nothing hard it's okay if the squares break up hey no problem there we've let this cool down all right and we're gonna mix it right on into our croutons our seasoning and our turkey here's where the love happens guys and it happened so quickly I cannot wait to eat this dang I dropped a piece onto the floor all right here we go I don't want to overflow this all right let me take a little bit out cuz I don't wanna I want to be able to mix it right okay so we got our cornbread croutons seasoning and Turkey I got some sunlight coming through my kitchen window do I have a good view let's see let me close my kitchen curtain a little bit so that could prevent some of that sunlight there we go all right now what I want to do where's my rubber spatula I want to go in with my two cream of chicken get that in there just like so get it all get all the goodness out of there this is such an easy fun recipe everyone loves dressing but this recipe right here blows minds you hear me I love blowing people's mind and they're in there like eating it and tasting it like oh my gosh this is so different from the others and it is it's so different because we got cornbread and we got croutons like I you know I totally twisted it up I like to twist the brain a little bit if that makes any sense but I really do all right there's that beautiful and then what I'm gonna have to do guys my hands are impeccably clean I will go in with my hands and mix it because I find that when you use a spoon you just can't get down in there with like you want to you know what I mean so sometimes you do have to use your hands your hands are a great utensil in the kiss in the kitchen all right so here's what I want to do we're gonna go ahead put our celery in I'm gonna put half in and then I'm gonna mix it right and then I'm gonna put the other half in after we get it mixed up okay so that these vegetables can be distributed evenly all right so I'm gonna re wash my hands right now but I'm gonna want to taste the seasoning all right so let's put the eggs right there I'm gonna start to go in and mix give me a second I'll be right back okay everyone let's dig in so what you want to do you want to grab from the bottom to the top and push the top to the bottom it can be done and I wish honestly I should have put this into a a big bowl and then distribute it to my pan but hey it's okay things happen and you just work it out right that's how you do it life things happen and you work it out right so we're gonna work this down in there just like so get this so simple just grab it push the top to the bottom and the bottom to the top oh yeah now this right here this is therapy oh I am so excited for this who doesn't love holiday dressing now if you want it too I've made dressing with cranberries in it I've made dressing with Bob Evans breakfast sausage and put that in there guys oh my goodness and you whoa when you taste it with sausage oh my goodness it's really taking it to another level but also like I said put you some cranberries in there if you want some color or you could put you some red bell peppers in there if you're looking for you know some color all right I'm gonna wash my hands really quickly and then I'm gonna get some rough down in here okay so give me just a second and I'm going to show you the texture that we're looking for let me wash my hands because you don't want it to be too smushy but you want it to be wet enough all right you all know what I'm talking about so I'll show you cuz if you make it too smushy and it won't really turn out the way you want it but I'm gonna show you what we're gonna do and how we're gonna achieve that over here is our beautiful broth and what I've done there's some Lissie there's still a few vegetables in here but I've tried to take out most of them see this here but if there's some onions in there it's okay because those onions will disintegrate right so we've taken out the big pieces but we're gonna go ahead come on over here put this beautiful broth down in here okay if you guys say how much Gina how much is yeah it's just kind of you just kind of eyeball it I cannot really tell you I cannot really tell you all you can do at this point is just like watch the video and see the texture that comes out after we get all of the broth in that we and get our eggs mixed in alright there's so much meat in here guys oh my goodness I cannot wait to eat this tonight with those fried chicken wings and that cranberry sauce ooh wait hmm all right yeah we're gonna go in and we're gonna put the rest of our celery onions and bell peppers I am making a mess today but it's okay guys I'm making some good food all right just like so all right let's get us some more broth Ian and I might use all of this broth we'll just see okay because what will happen once you pour that broth in it soaks up like this is a lot of bread this is a lot of cornbread and a lot of croutons and it just soaks it right up look look down in there see that but it'll be soaking up trust me mmm boy does my house smell so good from top to bottom from the basement to upstairs well look at that meat in there guys I am so ready for the holiday Thanksgiving honestly Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday I got engaged to my husband on Thanksgiving in 97 and 97 yes we got engaged Thanksgiving evening and my husband he got down on one knee and he asked me to marry him after he ate so that means that that food was daggone good you hear me and I was just like I'm 41 and so I was so young but I've always known how to cook I've been cooking since I was nine basically and I have cooking is my passion and I must have put my foot in it guys and he got down on that knee he said well you marry me and I'm thinking oh my gosh I I'm so happy my husband is the best and when we have Thanksgiving at this house guys I mean we celebrate you hear me we celebrate we party we spend time together and we just love all over each other don't Thanksgiving it's kind of like an anniversary you know even though we've got married and been together all of that time but we make sure we have such a great Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday now what I want to do before we put our eggs in now you can see how it's trying to let me see I want to show you something you can see how it's kind of getting mushy a little bit see that but it still have some texture to it that's what we're looking for oops daggone it there one another mess but see how it still has some texture but it's starting to get mushy that's that right there that's what I'm wanting what I'm gonna do I'm gonna taste it see what the seasoning tastes like before I put those eggs in alright so I'm gonna give that a taste look at that guy's taste that right there guys seriously I really got a taste of all of the vegetables I got a big chunk of meat I got some cornbread in those croutons it's so good oh my goodness I could eat it right now man I'm gonna put some more seasoning boy and that flavor that flavor it that's just parsley guys that flavor is coming from that beautiful broth that we made now in we go with a little bit of garlic powder all right I want my family to have flavor when they taste this a little bit of ground sage just a little bit not too much onion powder hmm tiny bit of Maggi poyo that's a tiny bit that's good all right now let's go ahead I want to beat up I'll go ahead and use this my Big Fork I'm gonna beat up these three a Jim we need three if that would make them one smaller than this I would probably just use one large egg and what it does it helps to find this a little bit there we go put that in just like so all right I'll show you one of my secrets where did I put that hmm I had some butter guys that I had meld it because I like to put melted butter on top of my dressing because what the melted butter does is it helps to make a beautiful golden-brown crust on top of your dressing but I don't know where the heck I put it like when I had the video I had the video on pause maybe I left it in the microwave i melted the butter and now I can't find it that's probably in the microwave leave it to me it probably still is in there and never took it out Hey and you guys say how much butter it's just about let me see about five tablespoons of melted butter I should say just enough to drizzle right on top so what I'm doing at this point is I'm getting it nice and well incorporated the egg all right just like so look at all of those chunks of meat now if you all make the dressing right and you decide to put the Bob Evans breakfast sausage in there what you want to do is you want to get that that that round roll like this and don't put it in wrong hey make sure you saute it off just like you would ground hamburger right and then you drain of course you drain the oil off okay and then when you if you want to put cranberries in it put your cranberries in a little bit of water to help excuse me to help them get nice and plumpie right kind of rehydrate them a little bit and they'll be so plump when they go in here and when you taste them that's what I like to do with raisins when I use them all right what I'm gonna do I just want to go in to crazy with the broth just pour a little bit on and then we'll pour our and look how much I've used guys see that and anything that's left of this broth I'm gonna put that broth if I have some left hey I I will put it in a ice cube dish and then freeze it up and then once it freezes I'll pop the the broth cubes out of the ice cube dish right and then put them in the freezer bag and when I need to flavor something up with chicken broth Hale throw me some of my frozen chicken broth cubes in my dish I love to do that it's a great way to have brought that hand just freeze it up like I said in your ice tray once it freezes take it out of your ice cube tray put it in the freezer bag when you need it hey pop pop as many as you need out all right this is what we want let me show you the consistency I'm gonna zoom in a little bit for ya look at that guys all right let me pick it up see that that's the consistency now every single thing in here is cooked all right so all we're one to do well I mean except for your eggs but you know these eggs aren't gonna take any time what we're gonna do let's pour let me put it how I want it and I don't want to smooth it out you know you know I don't want to do like this okay I want to keep mine this way okay I always do I don't know why but I just like to alright so you can get those crispy bits on top and then that middle will be so nice and fluffy like a pillow all right beautiful mm-hmm tastes so good you hear me take some parsley because I'm a parsley fanatic put that on there just because it's beautiful now let's hope in hopes that I can find my butter I have my oven preheated to [Applause] 300 nailed it my butter it's in a ramekin here I'm just gonna drizzle this chondros a little bit all over I'm not gonna mix it in don't mix it in it cuz it'll seep down on its own but what this will do like I said this will give you that nice Brown look that we're looking for but when you all right when you whoops sorry guys aluminum foil make sure you have some I'm gonna cover this with aluminum foil I'm gonna cook it in the oven on 350 degrees and when it comes out I will show you all right so make sure you seal it up well on the sides I'll come back I'll let you know how long it cooked but what we're gonna do and this is a trick here we're gonna cook it but the last 10 15 minutes we're gonna take that aluminum foil off so that it can get nice and brown right now we kind of wanted to steam a little bit get that egg to cooking down in there get everything nice and warm back up and then last 10 15 minutes take this bad boy off all right let it get nice and brown and I have this I'm gonna put it on the middle rack I'll be back everyone okay everyone I'm back now are dressy has cooked for 40 minutes I'm now taking the aluminum foil off and I want to show you something this is how I know that I was ready to take the aluminum foil off and get this bad boy nice and browned up if you can see let's see I want you to look down in there right there at the side right there shows me that this is nice and set see that nice and set the way I want it see how that pulls apart like that perfect that's what I'm wanting now let's put this in the oven if we're going to get it nice and brown when I take it out I'll let you know how long it took to brown this up I'll be right back and we'll give this a try be right back okay everybody I'm back now I've found the dressing it's a 15 minutes to get it nice and golden brown how I wanted it now check this out guys get a good look on this noise in the background I got my son next to me and he's frying some chicken up guys so we can have with this dressing and this cranberry sauce and I'm so excited so if you hear that it's just a chicken frying all right so now take a good look at this that's that golden brown color that you want this right here oh yeah I'm gonna take this corner right here guys look at this all right I'm going right here just like that oh I'm so excited oh my goodness this is gonna go perfect with my chicken all right let me pull this out of here just like so let's see that crust see that crust right about right there oh yeah that's what you get when you butter or oil the side of the dish like we did big chunk of that smoked turkey right there that's what you want when you think of the holiday dressing see that big chunk of that turkey in there all those seasonings all those seasonings right there you see all those C's me oh that's flavor right here let's give this a try my let it play down for about five minutes we'll give it a try and I'll be right back okay everybody I'm back I had to run downstairs and let my husband taste this and he tasted and he's like oh my gosh that is fire that is what he said okay let's give this a try and you guys gonna have the first bite let me get a nice piece of Turkey with this look at this guys take that first bite this right here is what you want for the holidays this is the type of dressing that you want this ain't no stovetop stuffing in here guys not today take their bite right here nice and crispy fluffy and moist in the inside mmm hmm and make sure you saute those vegetables because you do not want to put raw vegetables in there and then your vegetables aren't done or they have a raw taste to them so you saute them get them halfway cooked in and they're perfect when this comes out look at that onion right there you guys wanted this recipe this is my recipe this is my recipe I know you all said give me the cornbread recipe well it has cornbread in it and it has croutons mmm it's so delicious you hear me put this right on the side of that holiday turkey cranberry sauce and green beans and sweet mashed potatoes this is so good mmm those vegetables right there mm-hmm if you all enjoyed this video hey give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe and click on that notification veil so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome videos and as always god bless have a great night thank you all for watching good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 1,058,584
Rating: 4.8001847 out of 5
Id: 3y9_ReubYR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 42sec (2442 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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