Macaroni and Cheese | Easy Recipe | No Eggs | Thanksgiving Series 2020 | Video #5

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hey everybody welcome back to my kitchen happy thanksgiving eve you guys i'm so excited i'm so glad that you all joined me for another edition in my series of thanksgiving holiday recipes 2020 so it's another day i'm back in this kitchen again and like i said y'all we can't do thanksgiving without our macaroni and cheese so that's what we will be doing today and i will be doing mac and cheese like y'all already know like my mama used to do it real simple and easy recipe but before i get started you guys i probably should have videoed this but i didn't because i had already i've already done a video where i've done roast beef but i have been slow roasting this roast beef since 1 30 this morning and it's 12 30 and i'm just taking it out of the oven i want you guys to peep at it real quick and then we're going to get back on tabs okay i know this thing will be talking about but this is what we've been looking at i wish i look at this slow roast roast and i really wish i had thought to share it with you guys but because i had done one already a recipe on my channel i didn't do it but that one was in the instant pot so i should have you guys i apologize i will do it at another time but i want you guys to look at how tender this roast beef is let's see see if we can get in a little bit more with you guys and because i had so much to cook i just did it in a in an oven bag look at that oh we y'all that's some good eating right there and i do the roast beef in addition to the ham and the turkey because my dad loves loves loves roast beef so now i do that every thanksgiving as well okay back to this macaroni and cheese because i'm getting ready to be running my mouth i'm getting ready to go on and add my noodles i've already boiled some of them because i have so many of them to do um but you guys always add a little bit of oil to your water just a little bit and then i always salt my water okay add a little bit of salt to your water and what i like to do is taste it because i like to taste my water to make sure that i can taste the salt i don't want it over powerful but i want enough salt to whereas when i boil my noodles it's going to um you know get the salt in my noodles okay now i can taste that that water is salty again i have already boiled some of these so we use the ziti noodles my mom always use these large noodles and i'm going to do two boxes i've already done part of this one [Music] because i have to make a lot of matte cheese and again i want to go and get these this on while i'm down in my mouth okay okay so two boxes of zitty noodles by all means y'all already know you can use whatever kind of noodle that you want you like the little elbow macaroni the pasta shells the little squiggly spiral noodles whatever you want to use whatever tip was your fancy that's what you use but we always use the large zt noodles now unlike most people we don't do our macaroni and cheese with eggs no eggs very very simple we use salt salt pepper some butter and cheese and our cheese preference preferences are sharp cheddar and also mozzarella these are the two cheeses that my mom used in her macaroni and cheese and if you've looked at my other other videos i don't know if you know about now but this thanksgiving and everything that i'm cooking i i have referenced my mom a whole lot these are fun happy memories that i have my mom cooking and the things i've learned so i'm just sharing it with you guys okay but you can feel free to use whatever kind of cheeses that you like to use i have used other cheeses before but today i'm just going to do sharp and i'm going to do mozzarella and then we just use milk and i use two percent milk because that's the kind of milk that we drink you can always use milk you can use like milk whipping cream whatever you choose to do works okay now because i'm making such a large batch of macaroni and cheese i'm gonna try to do one small pan because again i'm feeding my family so my brothers are gonna come by and pick up food for their families since we can't get together this year because of the rona but anywho what's most important is that everyone is safe and well right absolutely okay so but because i'm doing such a big pan i'm trying to give you guys some measurements and i keep saying you guys um this southern cook that we just cook i don't measure a lot so i'm trying to get something together uh for you guys where's that pan i had okay so some of it will be the majority of it will be in this big pan so this little pan right here i'm gonna fix as well and i'm gonna give you some guides give you guys some measurements based on this little pan for example if you take three cups now these are the ziti noodles that we use if you were to take three cups of the dry noodles when you boil them they're gonna yield about six and a half cups okay so dry it's only three cups but when you boil them it's gonna be about six and a half maybe seven but definitely about six and a half okay so this pan that i'm gonna do here will be based on uh six and a half cups of let's just start with the dry because you're gonna start with a drop before you boil them so three cups of dry ziti noodles i don't know if that changes if you use if you use the smaller noodles or what i don't know but thanks for the big noodles so we're gonna do this pan and it will yield about six and a half cups of cooked noodles and this is the pan that i'm gonna use to try my best to give you guys some measurements okay okay so now one thing that my sister and i have started adding uh when we do macaroni and cheese and i actually got this from my baby sister she likes to add italian seasoning and i love it too so we add a little bit of italian seasoning you know hey it's pasta give it that little pasta flair if you will with the italian seasoning so we will add a little bit of this as well mama didn't do this okay she just kept it simple and you guys if you really think about it our good southern cooks you know when it comes to our moms and grandmothers and great grandmothers they were wonderful cooks and they kept it so simple sometimes you got we'd be trying to do too much we've been trying to do the most and then y'all be messing stuff up be trying to do something all extra special advances for the family reunion for thanksgiving and you're back i'm need you to keep it simple because now you don't mess up the macaroni and cheese okay so my noodles are going to boil maybe another five minutes let me set the timer because you don't want to over boil them okay you don't want to overboil them because you're going to bake them what did they say you want them a little al dente is that what they say girl you just don't want to overcook them that's what that mean okay all right so we're going to let this keep boiling and i'm going to use my little dewy here to grate my cheese i don't know how much cheese i'm getting ready to use i have seven pounds right here but i'm not going to use all of it but i have my little doohickey you guys says i have so much cheese to grate this is my little uh this is my little nutri nutra slicer i think i got it from i don't know if it was home shopping network or qvc somewhere something like that i've had it for years so i can't tell you but it has these different little blades that you can attach that will slice and stuff ain't done all right so i'm gonna use this one to grate with because it has the larger hole so that's the one i'm going to use in a few minutes and uh wait a minute it was something else i was going to say oh as pertains to the cheese i like to grate my cheese you guys when you grate your cheese my opinion my experience it makes the cheese it's creamier because what happens is when you all buy that cheese that's already in free shredded in the bag they use some type of starch or something they put on that that uh rub a rub that a raw cheese to preserve it because you've already gra it's already grated and it's been hanging up in the grocery store for a long time and if it's been in the grocery store for a long time they need to preserve it okay so i'm buying them back take this i take the time to grate my cheese it don't take long it don't take long when you're in the kitchen cooking y'all you can't be trying to rush in the kitchen now a good cook don't mind taking the time you can't be doing all that russian in the kitchen that's how you mess stuff up trying to hurry up and get done so take your time in the kitchen and then you know take your time and cook everybody feel all that love that love that you don't cook with that's all right okay so don't be in a hurry when you're in the kitchen especially not holiday meals now sometimes we all be in a hurry i know i do sometimes but meals like this i just look forward to taking my time and just doing what i need to do in here in my happy place okay so i'm gonna start braiding my cheese while these noodles continue to boil okay you guys so that's all of the cheese that i think i'm going to use it's all grated and you'll notice that i did keep the mozzarella and the sharp cheese separated and this is what i have left and like i shared before and i get i buy my cheese in the block like that and i cut it into little blocks put it in the freezer and that way i can just pull out what i want when i'm ready to use it and i do not mind grating the cheese because it literally only takes a few minutes okay so now i have put all of my noodles in in the pan and although i salted the water i want to put a little bit more salt in my noodles and also while they are warm i'm going to go on and open up this stick of butter and put it in here too so it can get all melted and this is the time i like to add any other seasonings that i may want like the italian seasoning i'm just going to sprinkle it in here totally optional black pepper and i'm just going to stir this around to get all of my noodles coated in the butter and all of the other seasonings okay and so i can give you guys some kind of measurements i'm gonna start with this little pan and it's a little butter residue left on this butter packet i'm just gonna take it and rub it in this pan [Applause] okay so i don't do we don't use a what you call it a root or cheese sauce don't do any of that i'm going to simply start by layering this um this pan here and we usually start see if i can zoom you in a little bit i'm going to start by adding a little bit of sharp cheddar on the bottom and then i'm going to add some noodles and i'm not going to like really overfill this pan okay now i'm going to add a layer of look at the mozzarella and we're going to add some more cheddar and i'm just you know kind of grabbing a handful okay and you guys i just um now i'm gonna add another layer of noodles and in this pan i'm just gonna do two layers and they're not real thick layers okay so because we like our macaroni and cheese really cheesy okay i'm go back in with another layer of mozzarella and now i'm just going to top it off with cheddar again these two layers were not very thick okay so if you do a pan like this i suggest you only do two layers and then as it pertains to the liquid i'm going to start with one cup and then we're going to see what that looks like and see what it feels like and what i usually do kind of tilt the pan to see if i can see the milk running and i'm not seeing anything so i think i'm okay to do okay so that's one cup okay i'm not seeing any milk so i'm gonna add just a little bit more we're gonna do a half a cup okay i'm just now barely seeing the milk kind of run let me zoom in to see if i can show you guys exactly what i'm looking at okay okay as it pertains to the milk what i do is i look if you look right here to see if you see where the milk is is uh as a matter of fact let's look in the corn and see if you kind of can you guys kind of see the milk you see the milk there so that's kind of like a rule of thumb for me if i can see it a little bit okay you don't want too much you see how that milk is kind of gathering there just a little bit and you guys it's really hard to explain so hopefully that made sense you all and as you bake it it has to set so you cannot dig into this as soon as it it comes out um let me add just a little bit more cheddar on the top my oven has preheated to 350 i don't necessarily like to cook this really fast as a matter of fact i'm gonna cook it on 325 because i wanted to cook kind of slow because i want the cheeses you know to melt slow and incorporate with that milk okay so we did two layers that were not really thick in this pan and layer it with the cheese and then we did a cup and a half of milk that's about the best of a foundation i can give you guys okay so then we're gonna top it off with some black pepper and know i need some parsley that's my parsley and some parsley just top it off with some parsley okay again when you bake this it has to sit you can't pull it out of the oven and dig right into it because you're gonna see the milk just kind of run up and you know may look a little runny but if you let it sit then um it should be fine okay and i will admit this is something that sometimes is just you know kind of hard to get right if you're not used to doing it and then you know that's why a lot of people use the eggs or the flowers or the root the flower or the rule cheddar sauce because you know it makes that macaroni and cheese firm up and give you know gives that consistency that you know a lot of people like and again there's no wrong way of doing of doing it unless it's nasty and unless you'll jump nasty if it's nasty then that's the wrong way but if you like the roux and the cheddar and by all means do that i just wanted to share with you how we do our macaroni and cheese and it's it's just a simple recipe and it just doesn't have to be complicated okay so so now i'm gonna just add the cheese to this other one and then we'll get both of them in the oven and you guys this one here i didn't want to take the noodles back out of this pan so i just put some cheese in there kind of did this here to to get it mixed up and i'm gonna pour some milk now so i can you know see what i'm doing before i cover it up you know put the top layer of the cheese on it just want to see what i'm looking like with my milk [Applause] a little drop left in there okay so you guys see the milk kind of down there in the corner can you see that a little bit okay let me add just a little bit more okay now we're gonna top it off with the rest of the cheese yes we love it cheesy [Music] [Music] all right let's get them in the oven and i forgot to mention that i also like to just add foil to the top of it when it first starts cooking um and because if some reason you know if it's cooking a little too fast or if i'm needing to cook it a little bit longer to kind of get that milk to absorb then the top of it won't you know it won't already have started browning so i just cover it up so that cheese can you know just kind of melt slowly without starting to brown because i can always um you know once it's set enough i can always put it under the broiler for a few minutes to get that cheese to start browning and bubbling on top if i need to but if you do that you got to watch it because that cheese will burn quick fast and in a hurry so again i have my oven set on 325 and that's just because i just want it to cook slow i have time to let it do that and i'm probably gonna let it just hang out in there for maybe about maybe about 45 minutes and then i'll check it again okay i'm just gonna take the fall off now i've actually been trying to kind of multitask and this gave me a little bit more time to kind of cook this slow so now i'm going to turn it up to like 375 and then just let them brown okay you guys now that i've taken the foil off this is what we're looking like and i want you to kind of see the consistency of it um and you know what we did with just the milk you see that see how cheesy it looks and what i don't want to do is i don't want it to get dry see that don't want it to get dry so i love the how it's starting to brown around the edge so what i'm gonna do now is just turn my oven up i'm gonna turn it up on broil let me pull that one out for just a second you guys can see what this one is looking like and i just you know really think that's one thing about um the mac and cheese you know you guys can kind of just put it in there and let it cook slow okay you see how this one is looking creamy too let me put it on a other shelf and then kind of zoom here oh i'm sorry can you excuse some light how about that didn't have my light on okay now let's take a look you see how it's creamy amen let me see where the camera is okay see how creamy that looks and you see a little bit of the milk but as it sets that will continue that will kind of firm up a little bit more so i don't want to leave it in there much longer because i don't want it to dry all the milk out so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to start with this one and i'm just going to put it under the broiler just for a couple of minutes you guys that will happen really quickly so you definitely need to keep your eye on it i'm just going to get it just a little bit brown on the top and you guys i'm telling you it does not take long we give here the sizzle this one out and put this in oh listen to that beautiful sizzle okay so and that's how that's all i wanted to do so i'm gonna cover them up now now look at that pretty macaroni and [Music] um cheese know them edges just be the best [Music] well you guys i guess we're on to the next video if you enjoyed this video please give me a thumbs up uh subscribe turn on the nosy bell that's your notification bell so you will be notified every time i upload thank you guys so much for watching we already look forward to you joining us again next time bye
Channel: BeautifulTooCreationsWithDonna
Views: 633,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make macaroni and cheese, macaroni and cheese recipe, easy recipe, soul food, no eggs, thanksgiving, sharp cheese, mozzarella cheese, ziti noodles, homemade mac and cheese, beautifultoocreationswithdonna, cheesy macaroni and cheese, southern mac and cheese, macaroni and cheese without eggs, how to fix macaroni and cheese, cooking thanksgiving dinner black family, thanksgiving recipes, how to cook macaroni and cheese, baked macaroni and cheese, baked mac n cheese
Id: 0NONhgTuGKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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