Honey Garlic Glazed Chicken Thigh

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hi everybody today I'm gonna show you all how to make a honey garlic glazed chicken thigh here's what you'll need you will need chicken thighs now these chicken thighs are bone in skin one you will need garlic powder black pepper honey soy sauce salt ketchup sofrito I have seven garlic cloves chopped fine and I also have sazzle packets so now the first thing that we need to do is come over to these chicken thighs my hands aren't actively clean then we're gonna go ahead and season our chicken thighs now I've see I've washed the chicken thighs and cleaned them I use lime vinegar and cold water to clean my chicken now this says on packet is definitely optional you do not have to have the sazon packet in order to make this dish I just happen to love saz own and I literally cannot live without it so that's why I'm using it but this dish does not you don't have to have this as own packets okay alright so we're putting some garlic powder on and season um well we're gonna put us some black pepper just a little bit alright and we're gonna turn the other side where the skin is and we're gonna season it again meanwhile over in a large frying pan I have oil just enough to coat the bottom okay and I'll show you how much oil I have in there I'm just using vegetable oil today alright this honey garlic glazed thigh is such a beautiful dish is such it's a wonderful taste guys if you've never tasted it you want absolutely love this let me get my other packet here there we go if that sounds Oman there like I said satsang is definitely optional I love the color that it gives it gives a beautiful color alright a little bit of pepper meanwhile I'm gonna go ahead and turn my oil on I'm gonna turn my oil medium high okay now we're gonna use some garlic powder not a lot just a little bit okay cuz we don't want that garlic to burn in that whale but we want to get a beautiful color on here okay okay just like so yeah I'm gonna kind of rub the seasonings in just like this guys I know I have a bit of a glare from my kitchen window the sun is shining bright guys and it's about 76 degrees out here and I'm right in front of the kitchen window and it's giving me a little glare okay I'm just patting my sazon in there see that beautiful color that it gives okay just like this guys and I've had this chicken sitting out on the counter for about a half an hour I never like to cook my meat straight out of the refrigerator because they don't cook off they don't cook the way I like them so I always let my meat set out for a while before I cook them okay yeah what I'm going to do at this point come on throw that fork in the sink and wash my hands anytime you guys are doing with poultry or any other raw meats you always want to wash your hands because you never want to transfer bacteria and Salmonella into your dish that wouldn't be good so always always wash your hands after dealing with raw meats we dry them up now the other day I made chicken wings and I saved the tips so that I can make chicken broth and right now I'm taking those wings and I'm making a chicken broth because I want to put like 1/4 a cup of chicken broth in this dish towards the end of the cooking ok so I have a little pot of broth going on the on the stove okay so now what we're going to do everyone I'm going to show you the pan that I have and just how much oil I'm gonna put in it with pesticide come over this way here's my pan this is a large frying pan I'm gonna show you the oil that were using if you can see this that's about how much oil we're gonna use today okay cuz we want to fry that skin up and we want it to get nice and crispy okay so like I said I have this on a medium-high let that go for a little bit meanwhile I'm going to show you how to make our beautiful sauce okay let's come over here to our pin while that oil heats up okay and the first thing that we're gonna do and I'm gonna give you guys measurements at the description below right now I'm just gonna eyeball it because I have quite a bit of chicken to cook tonight okay so now the first thing that our we're gonna do we're going to go ahead and put our honey in just like so isn't this beautiful you cannot lose when you cook with honey right there's our honey everybody let's get all of that out of there yeah I have a large amount of chicken that I'm making so this is gonna be a different measurement than what I give you all okay there's my honey all right you're gonna need soy sauce okay that was about a half a bottle of soy sauce and so when you you you know soy sauce is salty and your honey is sweet so you're gonna have that sweet salty it's just beautiful and then you have that note of the fresh garlic okay and you have to use a lot of garlic guys because that's why it's called a honey garlic glazed wig no we're using ketchup here look that ketchup in there just like so okay and now for our sofrito back in the back in our garlic we're gonna use that after we're gonna put that in after our chicken gets done but that's gonna go in the pan with the chicken okay so now what we're gonna do let me get a spoon and we're just gonna stir this up the honey the soy sauce the ketchup stir it up nice and well great just like this get that ketchup in there and what doesn't dissolve right now while we're mixing will definitely dissolve when we bring this to a boil cuz we're going to bring this to a boil okay and then it's gonna reduce down to this nice thick beautiful sauce okay alright so our sauce is done for now it's done let me give it a taste and make sure that's the flavor that I'm wanting oh yeah mm-hmm oh that's beautiful that's exactly what I'm looking for guys okay we'll take this and set it aside on the stove but we're not turning the stove on yet okay all right my oil is not quite ready yet when my oil is ready I'll be back and we'll fry this beautiful chicken up okay everyone we're back our oil is nice and heated the way I'd like it to be and now we're going to go in skin first okay you want to pop it in skin first and then don't touch it once you put it in don't go you know like with the spatula little pork touching it just let it go so your skin can get nice and crispy okay all right just lay them in there just like so this is such a great dish guys really good dish now you can do this with pork chops you can do this with lamb chops the same exact recipe this is this is a like mistake-free all right I have two other chicken thighs that I need to fry up I think what I'll do once I take two out then I'll put the other ones in let's see I might be able to scoot them let's just see I might I might have room and it looks like I do I have the room okay let's give this a try go ahead and put that in now your oil will drop the temperature once you put this cold chicken in so just be patient because then the oil will come right back up to temperature okay don't turn the heat back up any higher okay it'll be just fine I think I'm gonna go ahead and pick this one in there just like so okay wash my hands guys and put this pan up there we go perfect okay and towards the back I have the chicken broth cooking that we're gonna use cut chicken box almost done it's only the tip pieces of the Ring there we go now we're in business guys I'm gonna turn this up just a tad bit but not don't turn it up any higher okay then once that temperature comes back up to the heat I'm gonna turn it right back down okay and now I actually tasted it on pork chops and it was delicious and all you need on the side guys is white rice and then you want to like spoon some of that sauce onto that plain white rice and oh my goodness mouth-watering guys all right let's let this go for a little bit let it get a nice brown crust on it and when I'm ready to turn it all these guys okay everyone I just want to take a peek and add our chicken and let you all know that I did turn my heat back down because always when you put your cold meat in that oil it always brings that oil temperature down so I turned it up a little but once I see that the oil came back up to temperature I turned it back down okay cuz we want this skin to have the most beautiful colour we don't want any burn marks on it okay so I just want to take a peek in at one of them oh that's beautiful not ready but it's beautiful okay so once this gets a nice brown crisp on it I'll be back okay everyone I'm ready to go in and start flipping some of these now what you want to do is start turning the ones that you put in first start turning those those over because those are going to be the ones that are done you know not done first but those are going to be the ones that are most crispy first and then the ones that you put in last don't you know of course they'll get done last here we go this is what we want see that beautiful crust perfect and you see what that said this is why I love says oh you see that beautiful color that says own gifts beautiful color every time I'm gonna keep that one turns over it's not quite ready to flip and not quite on that one this one's perfect there we go guys okay let's see what we've got perfect and it's okay it's okay if you have a few of them that are not ready see this one's not ready to turn and this one but it's okay nothing will go wrong with it because it's not ready okay [Music] [Applause] the side that doesn't have the skin look at that see that see it's getting nice and ground we want this to get the same color that we had for the skin type because we want this to cook all the way okay because after this after we brown this side is when everything else happens so fast okay now remember any time you're cooking the meat with the bone in it it'll take a little bit longer than it would if you were cooking boneless skinless thighs okay because you have that bone you need to cook it a little bit longer but don't worry about that because chicken thighs they don't get dried out that's why I love to use them anytime I get a chance to use chicken thighs I use them they're mistake-free you don't have to ever worry about them getting dry okay so we're gonna let this get nice and brown and I'll be back I know I told you guys when I came back we're gonna do something with the sofrito but I want these to get a little bit Brown I'll be back toward off some of the oil because the skin from the chicken will make actually more oil than what you put in so I pour it off some of that oil but I left a little bit in but let me show you what the bottom of these fries are looking like if I can come in really quick that's what you're wanting guys now we know that the thighs done in the inside we're gonna go ahead and put our beautiful sofrito in okay like this alright yourself now I want some flavor to go in there guys if that's a frito in there just like so and let's cook it up okay it's okay if it doesn't get under all of the chicken right now hey that's just fine because it'll spread out once we get our sauce in there and next our gin our garlic okay chopped very fine let's get that cooked up and there's just enough oil in there it's gonna cook this garlic and this sofrito and you all know you've heard me say it before that when your sofrito starts to turn and let let me zoom in a little bit for you guys I know I have that glare from the window I'm so sorry but once your sofrito starts to turn a dark hunter green you know that those vegetables in that sofrito is nice and cooked exactly how you want it so let's stir that up just like this and get that garlic nice and browned up all right now I have I turn my heat down okay and over here hold on let me get my sofrito stirred in very well and this garlic I need to move my chicken thighs around a little bit just like this oh that's a frito and their garlic oh now here's what happens guys now meanwhile let's come in over here my sauce I've turned my sauce on and I'm bringing it up to a boil okay you might take a few minutes but you want to get that boil okay and then once we once I see this come to a boil we're gonna throw it in with our chicken okay and then we'll let it reduce okay and once it reduce it'll get so thick oh my goodness guys that's a frito in there that beautiful garlic with a little bit of oil okay we're getting all that flavor look at this we're getting all of that flavor inside of the chicken mm-hmm this is what we work out yes Lord then all you need guys all you need is some plain white rice on the side yes that's all you need no I mean you could make a baked potato that's what actually when I'm making my husband tonight he's just going to have a baked potato with his but I'm having white rice okay here this is our garlic is doing wonderful sofrito is cooking up exactly the way that I want it to meanwhile my sauce is starting to bubble a little bit over here just tasting the sauce it is delicious I can't wait for you all to try it it's that salty soy sauce to dump it in its sweet honey and then you mix mix it with this fresh garlic it is like Oh mommy factor make you say ooh mommy it does so seriously right okay all right my garlic is getting nice and brown I don't want it to get too Brown and get because if you cook the garlic too long what'll happen without putting like some type of juice in with it what will happen to garlic is it'll get kind of bitter and we don't want that to happen so before that happens I'm gonna go in with some of this fresh okay it's only gonna be a little bit just enough to perfect the garlic from Bernie okay so here's our chicken broth that I made with those chicken wing pieces I'm just gonna put a little bit in that's maybe 1/4 cup not a lot not a lot at all okay and it's just gonna kind of reduce down alright let me show you my sauce guys my sauce is coming to a boil you see that nice salsas coming to a boil just like this alright next thing that we need to do is we're going to pour that sauce over top of these chicken thighs and let it reduce okay now you can imagine how that sofrito and that garlic flavor is coming up in so those chicken thighs with that little bit of chicken broth yes okay all right guys I'm getting ready to pour our sauce in okay let me let it let that boil die down just a little okay now let's go on in pour it in just like this don't pour it on top of your skin just yet okay cuz we like to try to aim for our skin to remain nice and crispy okay so let this see how I just poured it right in the middle right there now what's going to happen as that sauce is gonna reduce it's gonna start getting rich it's gonna get thick it's gonna turn into a glaze all right I'm so upset I don't have green onions today cuz you guys know me I not would put green onions all over this for color but this is okay it's okay I'll work with what I have right all right now I see the sauce starting to get thick and rich that's what we're wanting I'm gonna give this a taste test I don't want to burn my finger Oh oh my goodness you guys you guys you guys have no clue what you're missing if you all haven't subscribed you might want to subscribe today just might want to subscribe today if you know someone that likes a good meal it likes a good recipe tell them to subscribe if you enjoyed this meal today guys give me a thumbs up look how beautiful this is guys I am so pleased with this right now alright now we're gonna start look how thick oh let me get a little bit let me get a bigger spoon oh my goodness Lord God is good god is good guys I'm telling you look at this and make sure make sure you use that chicken broth eyes it was just a little bit maybe like 1/4 cup but that helped prevent our garlic from burning I have a knock at my front door guys I'll be right back ok everyone I'm back oh my goodness yes you know what if my mama was here right now I'd smack her you know what maybe even my grandma no I wouldn't smack my grandma I couldn't smack my grandma guys make you want to smack somebody guys this here this is what you're looking for when you think about a honey garlic glazed chicken thigh that's right here guys this is it okay see now see how it's reducing it's reducing and it's getting nice and thick okay this is what we want guys this is what we want and now I have this on like a just a medium now over here here's the rest of my sauce guys and guess what guess what I'm gonna do I'm gonna turn around I'm gonna put the rest of that sauce in a mason jar guys and I'm gonna have that sauce for a rainy day when I just want to pour sauce on something that's gonna be my sauce all that sauce is left over hey I'll have it left over but you know what if I don't drink all of it guys I could drink that sauce right out of a cup it's so good oh now see I'm pouring this sofrito in that chopped garlic right over top of this with the sauce okay guys what I'm going to do I'm gonna go ahead and get my plate plate this up and I'll be right back ok everyone I'm ready to plate up and as you can see one of the chicken thighs is gone yeah my husband came in here and he grabbed him one so he's happy now I'm ready to go ahead come on over here where I have white rice okay let's get us a chicken thigh and give this a taste guys I am like so excited okay which one do I want oh I want a nice one give they're all nice I guess I'm just being greedy right they're all beautiful okay guys check this out smack dab is so good guys I promise you it tastes so good [Music] where is someone's face right now when I need to smack someone cuz this is so good okay okay okay okay all right I'm getting up some sauce here guys cuz I'm getting ready to pour it oh that is so beautiful guys like you don't even know how excited I am right now you don't even know how my mouth is watering right now guys this is too much this is too much for one person to wait oh oh you know that's beautiful guys like seriously right let me zoom out just a little bit a little bit more sauce okay we're going in just one more time guys oh look at that okay no give this a try I want it to cool down a bit so I can taste it I don't want to burn it you don't like the the life out of my tongue well I tell you what give me a second about five minutes I'll be back and we'll try it okay everyone that's been five minutes let's give this a try I'm sure it's cooled down enough good picture all right guys let's go let's dig in okay oh man it cut like butter guys oh look at this guys look at that glaze that nice sticky glaze mm-hmm right away guys I taste that garlic that soy sauce that's a frito mm-hmm and now honey guys this right here this should be your go-to recipe when you have a cookout hey when it's hot outside you don't have to cook it on the grill cook it inside it tastes like you cook it on the grill mmm whoa the sauce is amazing guys this sauce is better than any barbecue sauce you can think of mmm so tasty guys all right I'm going in mmm-hmm and look at that look at that flesh you see how beautiful that is there's no pink going through there isn't that beautiful hmm I gotta go in and one more time guys mmm this right here this is number one dish you gotta put that rice on there when you eat it you guys don't know what you're missing I wish you right here right now tasting this this is finger licking good mm-hmm gotta put that white rice on the side guys cuz this has so much flavor excuse me this chicken right here has so much flavor you want it to stand up against something that you know doesn't have a lot of flavor like this plain rice mmm this here is delicious guys guys seriously this right here is award-winning mmm I love it I love it guys mm-hmm whoa I gotta go in again mmm in our crust on the top guys or our skin it's still nice and crispy because we didn't pour the sauce directly on it you know look at this guys make this recipe for your husband's your wives your mother your family your kids they will love you for it guys hmm mmm this here is delicious guys mmm I am in love I am in love guys this is the bomb the bomb calm lord have mercy one more bite guys one more bite I am so happy with this recipe guys totally happy I know I keep saying one more bite but this is so good I don't I can't I cannot stop somebody stop me mmm and as always god bless have a great night and thank you all for watching good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 4,173,926
Rating: 4.8726335 out of 5
Keywords: #Chicken #HoneyChicken #HoneyGarlicChicken #FoodNetwork #QuickMeals #Tasty #Christian #Equality
Id: 0UF72yJeG0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 4sec (1984 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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