Sweet Potato Pie | Like My Mama Used To Make It | Easy Recipe | Thanksgiving Series 2020 | Video #2

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y'all he had all morning to be in the kitchen and now i'm in here and my sweet potatoes just came out we're gonna make sweet potato pie i'm in here trying to do what i need to do he wants to come here and get in my way you should have been in here you've had all morning long baby i'll make you some breakfast oh y'all we're here to make sweet potato pies hey everybody thanksgiving coming y'all take a picture so you guys i bake my sweet potatoes so i'm just taking them out of the oven and i guess as soon as you get out of my way y'all we gonna make a pie i'm gonna feed you i [Music] somebody come get him come get him please i can already tell it's getting ready to be a long day in my way standing behind me with his iphone 13. what are you doing i took a picture of your menu i'm gonna write down my breakfast i'm cereal in eggs yeah okay yeah we're getting ready to do several videos because i'm preparing for thanksgiving i'm taking a picture of the people and look at his phone look look look at his phone show look where he had the iphone 3 written and i mean y'all that's ridiculous i'm gonna need him to get out my kitchen because i have a lot to do you guys i'm gonna do several videos i'm in here in my pjs um and we're getting ready to make the best out of this thanksgiving 2020 although we cannot spend it with our families like we planned you're lying with my wife i'mma spend my thanksgiving with my wife you know i meant other family members extended family you need to come home okay let me get my mix for you guys all right you guys do number one is literally literally in here in my way i'm making breakfast so we're gonna talk about these ingredients while he's doing what he's doing i'ma let y'all see my breakfast move don't nobody want to see your breakfast do you need to see i'm feeding you okay so let's talk about sweet potato pies you guys um this is a recipe that my mom made this is how my mom made her sweet potato pies okay i know so many of you do it different ways but i just want to share with you the way she did it and this is what we're used to it's very very simple uh let me grab my flavor and i almost almost forgot that okay so of course we have our sweet potatoes here that they've already been roasted and then we're going to peel those and i like to do it while they're hot and we're going to use she usually does two eggs per pot and what we i need you to quit banging on that pan okay i'm sorry i'm making breakfast yo okay what we really had to do is kind of come up with the recipe because my mom is a southern cooker she was a southern cook and she didn't have to measure she just cooked so between my brother and myself my brother that's in california we kind of came up with the recipe that tastes like mama's okay he does he is a little bit different i stick more close to exactly what mom did so two eggs per pie now this time i'm gonna do four pies i usually do about 12 pies for thanksgiving but we're doing four this time okay um and then i'm gonna add an extra egg just in case there's a little bit more batter or just makes me feel better adding an extra egg so right here we have uh nine eggs we're gonna add just like a little dash of salt just a dash it balances out that sweet okay uh vanilla flavoring pure vanilla flavoring i went and purchased me some new nutmeg some fresh nutmeg y'all better check those seasons in your drawer y'all know some of y'all had them seasons two thanksgivings ago and they spy and you need to you need to uh get you some new seasoning okay new nutmeg and then i'm gonna use two sticks of butter and i use the regular pie crust i know so many people do deep dish my mom never did deep dish by all means you certainly can but we just use the two um regular pie crusts um for our sweet potato pies okay let me also say this i know some people do flour in their sweet potato pies some people do cinnamon and ginger um we don't do any of that only thing we use is the nutmeg to flavor our sweet potato pies that's it again if you want to add other flavors flavorings or seasonings and cinnamon ginger some people do all spice whatever tickles your fancy do don't you even keep your mouth closed ain't no needing you looking over here getting ready to say nothing thank you sir would you like your eggs on a toast on a bun baby this is your breakfast you can go on with this your breakfast toast is fine baby toast okay and oh i just want everybody to know i only use two eggs for her breakfast as i was saying so whatever you like to season your pie with that's what you do now as it pertains to i forgot the sugar of course we have sugar i'm going to start with one cup sugar per pie but what you have to do you guys you just have to taste it taste it and see if it's sweet enough or if you you know need more sugar if you need more nutmeg that's just what you have to do when you're cooking so we're going to start with one cup of sugar per pot and then um we'll add our nutmeg we'll add our vanilla i'm going to just stop that's the last time i was showing guys look i just want y'all to see her eggs notice i'm fluffy and okay y'all let's get to making this pie and i'm going to start by peeling um the potatoes and i'm going to show you really quick um because y'all he's really in my way but when you roast them you see how easy the skin just comes off of your potatoes so we're going to pull the skin off of every last one of these potatoes and then we're going to get them in the mixer and i'm just going to mix the potatoes by themselves first because it pulls out all of the strings or at least the majority of the strings i do not like a stringy sweet potato pie i like my pies to look very smooth and pretty um because honestly you guys you eat with your eyes so if it don't look right to me i'm not eating it i'm very particular about my pies anyway so i don't eat really i don't eat anybody else's sweet potato pies so but so we're gonna mix it up we're gonna get those strings pulled out of the sweet potatoes and then um i like to go from there and mix it up while it's warm because it helps to melt that butter and kind of incorporate the sugar okay so uh he's getting ready to get about get out of our way so we can do what we need to do if they just give me two two minutes and you guys as we get ready to get started i'm sorry i forgot that i also use evaporated milk so we have the sweet potatoes eggs the pinch of salt nutmeg vanilla flavoring butter the pie crust and we use evaporated milk okay like i said first we're just gonna take the skin off of these potatoes and they've actually started cooling a little bit but you can see that it comes out for very easy [Music] oh i forgot to mention too i know some of you all like to do brown sugar in your pies and i've done that before too but i just really want to make this pie just like my mom used to make them and she didn't use brown sugar now my brother in california he uses brown sugar oh and some people also do lemon i've heard of that too but not over here not over here but again just wanted to share with you how we do our sweet potato pies okay and the reason i like baking them i just feel like it doesn't i don't know i feel like when you put it in water that it makes the potatoes watery and you definitely don't want a watery potato when you're trying to do sweet potato pies so i like to roast my sweet potatoes face since you're in here you can keep making yourself useful and um i'm making your breakfast i know what kind when you get through making my breakfast please don't hit my trap up i i finished your saying what you did can i show you guys the people don't want to see me they do this this is your sandwich i made for you this is her breakfast sandwich yeah okay they see it thank you baby you're so sweet you're so sweet okay so now i have all of my sweet potatoes in here [Music] and my butter has been sitting out so it's room temperature and my eggs are room temperature as well okay okay now i'm going to start by mixing up these sweet potatoes so we can get the strings pulled out of here and i'm not adding anything to it right now i'm just going to mix up the sweet potato so i can get these strings out [Music] now i want you guys to look at all these strings that is what you do not want in your sweet potato pies okay so what i'm gonna do is um i'm unplugging my mixer and i'm just putting them in some water to to get the strings off that's all i'm doing okay notice that i did unplug my mixer okay so i'm plugging it back in and then we're gonna we're gonna keep mixing okay you guys i'm gonna do this a couple more times and then i'll be ready to add my butter okay okay see how that's looking much better okay okay so now i'm getting ready to start adding my butter okay and just in case any of you were interested before i attach my hand mixer back to my mixer i really like this mixer you guys this is the dean family collection mixer and uh was made by paula deen i told you how she my auntie she just don't know it this is not sponsored i pay for this mixture myself but what i love about it is that you can um detach the hand mixer from it and you know just use it as a regular mixer or you can use it as a hand mixer okay so that's what i love about it and then i just have to attach it back hopefully you guys can see just attach it back and then it also has this scraper that goes on the inside of it and if you'll notice when my bowl is moving that this scraper moves and it keeps me from having to scrape down the sides of my bowl although i do it anyway just something i'm used to doing but i really love this mixer again it's not sponsored i purchased this mixer with my money but i wanted to share it with you because i think a couple of you may have asked about my mixer okay so now that i've gotten the strings out of my sweet potato mix i'm going to add let me lower you guys and then i'm going to add my butter so i'm adding two sticks of butter [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] y'all know he'd be working my nerves for real for real but this breakfast sandwich is good i've just added my butter and i want it to stop so i can explain exactly what i'm going to do next because i don't want to try and talk over the mixer okay so now that my butter is mixed in this is what we're going to do next i'm going to start by adding my sugar now again i said start with one cup of sugar per pie that's what you guys need to do if you're gonna do this recipe i already know we like it sweeter so i'm gonna do five cups i'm gonna start with five cups of sugar after i add my sugar i have already cracked my eggs i have nine eggs here i have this one can of evaporated milk you guys i have already you know i always talk about wiping the top of the can off cleaning it off because it's been in warehouses or stored and rodents and dirt and everything has been on top of these cans so y'all already know wipe it off so i have my evaporated milk you always want to shake it very very good okay so i'm going to add my sugar i'm going to add my eggs nine eggs i'm gonna add this whole can of evaporated milk and then i'm going to do just a little dash of salt i like a lot of vanilla so i will probably add at least you know a few tablespoons of vanilla i'm gonna put the ingredients down in the description box so again you guys kind of just you know play with it and do it to your taste but at least i will have given you a foundation okay so and then i have the nutmeg now the nutmeg you guys nutmeg can be strong so be very mindful i'm gonna start with a teaspoon of nutmeg and that's gonna be for four pies that's what i'm starting with after i get everything mixed up i'm gonna taste it and nine times out of ten i'm gonna add a little bit more nutmeg i just don't want to add too much before because you guys already know once you get it in there you can't take it out okay so just do it gradually and do it to your taste you know everybody's taste buds are different so you may not like as much nutmeg or even the other seasonings some people like the cinnamon and the ginger and the um what else everything else that you guys add in these sweet potato pies it's okay it's it's not a wrong way it is a wrong way if your pad nasty that's wrong you did it wrong but as it pertains to the things that the flavors that you like to taste there's no wrong way to do it if you like those things then you add it okay just make sure your pad don't be nasty though cause they gonna tear you at the family denis now they some of y'all probably better be glad you're doing zoom thanksgiving this year won't nobody tell your stuff nasty okay so this is what we're getting ready to do so we're gonna add the sugar we're gonna add the eggs we're gonna add the rest of the ingredients okay and then once i get it all mixed up we're gonna taste it yeah we're gonna taste it before i fill my pot shells [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so you guys we are done mixing and i want you to notice the consistency of the sweet potato pie mix it's not thick at all i hate when my feeders drip okay you see the consistency of the mix spoon kind of feel down in the bowl okay [Applause] so now i'm going to fill my pie shells and often times you guys i always end up with a little more batter than what i need my oven is preheated to 425 degrees and what i usually do is put my pies in the oven on 425 maybe about 10 minutes um what this does it's going to help my crust to go in and sit and cook so that way it won't be soggy and then i'm going to turn it down to like 325 and let them cook slower okay so let me lower you guys so you can see me feeling these acres okay give it another stir and when i tasted them taste it the batter um it tasted fine so i didn't feel like i needed to add anything else and when i put them in the oven on that have a temperature you guys you really need to kind of keep an eye on it because the pies the crust have a tendency to get really dark around the edges so you just have to kind of make sure you keep your eyes on it everybody's stoves and ovens cook differently so you just want to be mindful of that and with me and my sweet potato pies i don't like for my pie crust to be pale i know some people like a pale looking pie crust but i like my pie crust to be brown to where i can tell that it's been cooked and to me it just that just says homemade sweet potato pie so when i get done with my pies my crust will be really brown okay again if that's not your preference then you don't have to cook them that long okay let's get these in the oven again i'm going to watch them for like the first 10 minutes and then i'll turn them down and put them in on 425 watch them for about seven to ten minutes and then i'm going to turn them down to 325 and they're going to bake at least another hour hour 15 minutes okay be really careful when you're getting your pies in the oven trying to keep them as level as possible so your pad batter will not spill out all while trying to do this as quickly as possible so you won't let all the heat out the oven okay okay i wanted to show you guys really quickly you see how the crust has just started to kind of brown up a little bit that's exactly what i want okay so now that that started happening i'm getting ready to turn my temperature down to uh we're going to turn it down to 325 and then we're going to cook it for you guys remember my oven cooks a little fast so i'm going to turn it down to 320 but it's going to come on 300 but it's going to be 325 and then i'm going to let them cook for probably at least another hour or so okay all right then the pies are ready ain't that pretty oh me thanksgiving coming y'all thanksgiving coming yes see how i tell you i like my little browns you get a little that little that little brown around the edge right there yes thank you jesus [Music] that what i'm talking about [Music] now we will let these cool completely cool and that way they'll totally sit for several hours and i don't know about you guys but we always have to have a sample pie honey so one of these will not make it to thanksgiving day i promise you because we have to get a sample you guys a sweet potato pie is done when i tell you there's nothing that reminds me more of thanksgivings at home with my mom than her sweet potato pie this is wonderful and you see the crust it's not soggy um i didn't add flour and this is how we do our sweet i'm here to do my job like i told you one is not gonna make it to thanksgiving day so here come mikey you he was so grated so you guys we are going to enjoy i have more recipes coming good it feels so good y'all yo that's my mommy's pie well this is what i did the brand oh this is video number two video number two so you guys this is a little mini series of thanksgiving um dishes that i'm going to do for my family and just wanted to share them with you all as well so thank you guys so much for watching you say shake something no shake them up push the nose and shake something anyway subscribe give me a thumbs up i don't think we've ever said that you guys like the video if you like it thank you guys so much for watching we already look forward to you joining us again next time so you guys stay tuned okay i think what's coming up coming up next is some collard greens i think i think that's next so you guys come on back okay please notice the um breakfast that was cooked by an amazing person they noticed the breakfast baby it was good too okay bye you guys
Channel: BeautifulTooCreationsWithDonna
Views: 397,176
Rating: 4.86692 out of 5
Keywords: how to make sweet potato pie, easy sweet potato pie recipe, homemade sweet potato pie, easy thanksgiving recipes, sweet potato pie, sweet potato pie recipe, how to cook a sweet potato pie, thanksgiving desserts, how to bake a sweet potato pie, cooking for thanksgiving, how to keep my pie crust from getting soggy, simple sweet potato pie recipe, sweet potato casserole with pecans, oven baked sweet potato, beautifultoocreatonswithdonna, prevent soggy pie crust, Soul food
Id: id_1255Wrcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 30sec (2490 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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