How to Make: Peach Cobbler

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[Music] hi welcome to Crisco for you too today we're going to be making peach cobbler old-fashioned tasting very delicious down-home lip-licking peach cobbler so let's get started with the ingredients that you're going to meet now I used to make my peach cobbler and I used to slave over making my pie crust in order to get the dough that goes inside of the peach cobbler and in order to get the dough that's gonna go on the top of it but I'm gonna show you an easier way that tastes just as good as that dude if you know how to mix your ingredients so let's get started with what you're going to need you're going to need two cans of peaches and these are the these are 29 oz cans of peaches and I'm just gonna go ahead and pour them in this pot because I have it sitting right here now I use the juices some people don't use the juices from their huge table from their peaches cans of peaches but I do and what I do is I pour off a little bit of the juice from one can in order to make the thickness that you're going to be making with the cornstarch so let me repeat the ingredients that's two cans of peaches this is two and a half cups of sugar nutmeg cinnamon lemon flavor vanilla flavor butter you're going to me corn starch and this is just the Pillsbury pie crust you can use any kind you want to but just make certain that it's the roll not the actual one that comes pre-made so you can bake up some say a sweet potato pie no you want the rolls so I'm gonna go ahead and this is just a little bit of the juice that I took from one of the cans and it's about a half a cup of juice that I took for one of the cans and I'm gonna mix up the cornstarch and you'll see me when I get ready to do that but right now I'm gonna go ahead and end my peaches I'm gonna add equal parts which is one teaspoon full of cinnamon and if you want a little bit more you can always add a little bit more one teaspoon of nutmeg I'm gonna get a spoon real quick your lemon flavor and you're gonna need one full teaspoon full of your vanilla flavor okay so you're gonna mix these ingredients and I'm gonna put this on the stove and I'm gonna bring it to a boil now I'm gonna go ahead and put in my sugar because my sugar is going to help to make my fichtner that I'm going to need for my peach cobbler now I'm gonna put this on my stove and I'm just gonna bring it to a boil and you'll see me when I get ready to do that and then I'm gonna finish it off in the other meanwhile I'm gonna show you how to cut up this dough and then get it ready to go into your peach cobbler as the dumplings and then we're going to put some on top now I have this one stick of butter so I'm gonna go ahead and break this one stick of butter up in there and I've been doing this I really I do it just from memory I don't really have a recipe for it but I think that I can figure out one and just post it so you'll be able to do this and I'm telling you this is a very good peach cobbler you cannot tell it from if you have slaved over the stove and if you want everybody to think that you're slaved over stove I'll give you a little secret just go ahead and pour take some flour they never have to know okay I'll meet you at the stove right okay now I'm gonna mix together before I get started I'm gonna mix my coin start now here I have 1/4 cup of water and I have my left over peach juice that I took from my peaches now this is too thick in order to mix it in with the cornstarch so what I'm going to do is I'm going to mix this in with a little bit of water just so it won't be so thick and I'm gonna use two and a half heaping really tablespoons and I'm gonna mix this and I'm gonna add in my now you don't need the only reason why I'm using this water is because I need this corn starch to mix well I don't really need water in order to make my peach cobbler that's why I'm only using 1/4 cup of the of the actual water now I'm gonna mix in those juices that I had that was that I took from the peaches and I'm gonna mix this up now this is going to be the thickening agent for my peach cobbler and this takes it does not take a long time in order for it to thicken up so when I add it to the rest of the juices it's going to thicken up in order to make the thickness for the peach cobbler now here is one of the roles of pack crust and this is the better one to use is wanna be the pad crustose in the rolls not the pad cook you can use the one that's in the shell but you just get when you use this one and it's gonna be easier to work with so I'm gonna leave this roll rolled up and I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna cut it now this is going to be my dumpling that I'm going to use inside of my peach cobbler so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna place this all through my pan now if you want to butter your pan you can but it's not necessary because you're gonna have liquids flowing from the peaches all through here now once I pour the peaches over in here then I'm gonna put some more of this Pat crust that's gonna make my dumplings I'm gonna put some more of that not only over in it but I'm gonna also layer it on top so I'm gonna use every bit of this one roll then I'm gonna take the second roll and that's what I'm going to put on top of my peach cobbler now we're gonna cook this for 40 minutes inside of a 350 degree oven and that should be enough cooking time okay so that's all that I need for that and I'm gonna meet you in the stove at the stove when we're gonna pour the peaches in and then we'll put the rest of our pie crusts in and then we'll get ready to put the top portions on what I will do don't before I go away so I'll just have it ready when I get over there is I'll just go ahead because the only thing we're gonna do with this is we're just gonna layer it across the top of our peach cobbler so we're not gonna put the second roll we're not gonna put it in the actual peaches we're gonna layer this across the top so I'm gonna take like 1-inch pieces and this is what I want to use to make me just a little crusty top on the top of my peach cobbler now if you don't like your dough to be have that really doughy uncooked taste to it which it doesn't taste like that just tastes more like a dumpling but if you want it to be more crispy then you can cook these in your oven for a little while before you actually put them into your cobbler I wouldn't cook them any more than about two minutes some of them do cook it longer because they like that crusty tight crispness that you get from having cooked it in the oven but I'd rather have man-like dumplings so I do man this way either way peach cobbler is still gonna be good so I have these all cut up to layer across the top and I have these to finish putting over inside of my peaches to make my dumpling and I'll meet you at the stove and I'm telling you this is a fantastic recipe you're going to love it meet you at the store okay now i'm at the stove and this is beginning to get ready to boil but I don't think that I have enough nutmeg and cinnamon in here and like I told you I do this really this is something that I just know it's just in my head but when I get ready to give you the measurements I'll just take them up just a little bit so I'm gonna add an additional teaspoon of the cinnamon and the Nutmeg and I can look at it you know really until just from knowing how it's supposed to look whether or not I have enough of the ingredients that I want to have over in this now this is fine but this is not thick enough okay so what I'm going to do at this point is I'm going to start to add my cornstarch and that's just half of the cornstarch now this is one of thicken as it as it cooks now I did turn my stove on I told you 150 but it should be 1:7 I'm sorry I told you 350 but it should be 375 so I'm gonna add just a little bit more of my sickening agent and I'm telling you this is really really good you will truly enjoy it okay I can feel with my spoon that is getting a little bit thicker and I'm gonna go ahead and add the balance of it now I'm gonna cut my stove off and as you can see it's sticking up real nicely I'm gonna go ahead and pour this over inside of the dough that I have here all of that in and the little pieces that you saw me over there with I'm gonna go ahead and finish putting them in now you know I do this by eyeballing so you can make your pieces as big or as small as you may want to because this is going down over inside this is not going to be actually on the outside this is going to be on the inside with your peaches and everything else that you have down there so I'm gonna go ahead and poke this down in and I'm telling you this is really good I have done this so many times and you can't tell the difference but it's the easier way to do it then I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna run some dough across the top now if you want to put a little egg wash on this you can you just take a little bit of water and mix it mix it with or beat it with a with a yellow of an egg and then just brush it on your dough pieces your top dough pieces and what it will do is it'll give us shine to it and it'll also help it to be crispier and brown up really pretty but I don't do that because it's gonna brown up anyway so then I'm just gonna go ahead and I'm gonna put this the other way and I did pull that one out just a little bit and for this one this last piece I'm gonna cut it in half put it down this out and this was real simple to do my little pieces that I have left over take one and put it there the other to stick it there ya know I don't believe in throwing away nothing take care of my edges now if you want to sprinkle yours with a little bit of sugar you can you can sprinkle it with a little bit of sugar once you put your egg wash on you brush it on here then you can just go ahead and sprinkle it with a little bit of sugar the only thing I'm going to do is the sprinkle man with a little bit of sugar and then I'm gonna go ahead and bake it off into my oven again that's 375 degrees for 40 minutes that's all that you're going to need to do and then it should be ready and I bring it back okay I'll go ahead and put that in my oven and I'll bring you back when it's completed okay now right back and it's ready there it is and look at how bubbly it actually is here I'm not gonna cut a check because we're not getting ready to eat dinner yet but if you can look look at how thick my glaze is see how thick it is and as it cools it's gonna get even that much think thicker my crust is brown and this is really good I'm telling you it's really easy to make as you can see and this is really good I think that if you try this you are truly going to enjoy that Chris is making peach cobbler and you can't tell it from me slaving over the stove making the crust so I told you what to do all you got to do is just throw some flour on your face kind of rub it in a little bit and they'll think that you've been really slaving over the stove as always thank you for watching Chris cook for you - bye [Music]
Channel: chriscook4u2
Views: 885,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peach cobbler, dessert, sweet dish, peaches, cobbler, how to make, chriscook4u2, cooking, baking
Id: PXsKvlsx5Wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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